Darkness: Those Who Kill (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Afsnit 8

We're ready now.
Sorry it took so long.
The headmaster's picking us up soon.
This is the girls' wing,
it's quiet because they have class.
Maja's waiting in the room for you.
- Maja, you've got a visitor.
- Hi.
- Maja, this is Stine.
- Hi Maja.
- Bente.
- Hi.
- This is the palace.
- You've been alone since August.
- But you've wanted a roommate?
- Yes.
- This is my bed, but we can swap?
- No, it's fine.
- Dinner's in the main building later.
- Bye.
Isn't it nice?
I'll fix your sheets.
Why didn't Dad come?
Unfortunately Dad
couldn't come today.
I'm sure it will be nice here.
Much better than school at home.
You're going to enjoy it here.
You couldn't go on like that.
And you can come home on weekends.
It'll be nice to hear
Sorry, I don't have any milk.
- Thanks for dropping by.
- Of course. But Louise
- It isn't your fault Stine escaped.
- Yes, it is.
I should have predicted she
might react like this.
- You wanted to know where Emma was.
- I wanted to show that I understood.
She lied to my face,
and I didn't see it.
I was wrong.
It will happen again.
Stine Velin is hard to read,
she's hard to get.
People like her do exist,
you'll have to learn to live with it.
You've got to be able to look an
offender like her in the eye again.
If you can't,
maybe this job's not for you.
I'll see you in the meeting
tomorrow morning.
Good morning.
We've been looking for Stine Velin
all night, still nothing.
She might turn up at her
family's place
so we have people at her parents',
her brother Mikkel's and his work.
If we see her, we arrest her.
- The family are at a summer cabin.
- Why would she go to her family now?
She only found out yesterday how
much they'd let her down.
She's irrational.
We don't know what she's capable of.
- Press conference in ten minutes. MT?
- We're looking for Stine Velin.
We're asking people to contact us,
and we have to say she's dangerous.
Emma then?
What if Kjeldsen kills her.
- We can't go out with that.
- Jan
I see the risk, but we need to find
Stine and Anders. Thanks.
I'll go through Stine's interrogation
again, I may have missed something.
I'll see if I can get more people.
We'll find her.
It's only us two left now.
Give me your hands.
I liked the letter you wrote
to your parents.
You never doubted their love for you.
That's so nice.
There you go.
Now it's time to meet my parents,
when we find where they're hiding.
Stine Velin is wanted for kidnapping
and murder. Considered dangerous.
If you think you have seen her,
please contact the police.
Yes, but we'll talk later.
I said, we'll talk later.
Olivia will find out about it
sooner or later.
Yes, Dad, if it's OK with you
I'd like to tell her myself
and spare her the details regarding
the rape and murder.
- Stine must have been forced.
- You can't force her to do anything.
What did the girls do that justified
locking them up?
I'm just trying to understand her.
It's impossible,
you should have realised that by now.
Stine's a sadist,
and she always has been.
- Don't say that.
- But it's true!
- It's a relief to say it.
- Stine had a tough childhood.
- That changed when she got older.
- Nothing changed mum!
She just became better at hiding
how messed up she was.
- Why do you think Martin left?
- He met someone else.
I talk to him. Stine was aggressive,
lied and was unfaithful.
He didn't know who she was.
He wondered if she had just played
a role when they met.
- What did you say?
- That he should get out.
Your parents said you lied.
They didn't think Mikkel
could do such a thing.
That your speech was a lie,
and they still don't believe it.
- Am I wrong?
- Why do you care?
Because I believe you Stine.
It must have been hard,
that your parents betrayed you.
Jan. Someone's saying they've seen
Stine in Kastrup harbour.
Kastrup harbour's the wrong way.
She's probably going to
Anders Kjeldsen.
- She said he was at a harbour.
- OK, let's take a look.
- Dennis Højbjerg.
- Jan Michelsen.
Yeah, that's her.
They passed me down there.
- "They?"
- She was with a boy.
- Could it have been a girl?
- Yeah, maybe.
- Could it have been her?
- Yes, but she looks different now.
- Where did they come from?
- From the shed over there.
She shot him.
Why did she do that?
Will you ring it in?
- Louise.
- It's me.
- Kjeldsen's in Kastrup harbour.
- Is Emma with him?
- Stine shot him.
- What? What about Emma?
She's alive, but Stine has her.
We can save her.
- I need water.
- Not now.
We're going down here.
Wait there,
and don't speak to anyone.
If you do, I'll shoot them.
I'll be watching you.
Come on! Jump In!
Jump in!
Do we know it's Emma?
An eyewitness saw them
leaving the harbour.
- Signs of a struggle?
- No, two shots from close range.
It's so good you're here, Louise.
Does she want Emma as a hostage?
No, it's so she has a confidant now
that she doesn't have Anders.
- She wants to get at her betrayers.
- Her parents or Mikkel.
She knows the police are protecting
them, so she'll try another way.
His wife or daughter.
We need to get them to safety.
We'll get Olivia first.
We'll get his wife after.
You'll come with me.
Take care now.
Olivia? Olivia?
Come on.
Hi, what are you doing here?
Can't I say hi to my niece?
Hi my love.
- Hi.
- What a nice school.
It's just like your dad to choose
a private school.
- Why aren't you friends?
- I don't know.
Why did you say what you
did at the party?
That was a long time ago.
We don't agree on what happened.
Do you know where he is?
I want to talk to him.
He's with Grandma and Grandpa.
The police picked them up.
- Are you going to meet them too?
- Yes.
Do you know where they went?
- No.
- Can I see your phone?
- Of course.
- Wow, this is nice.
- What's your code?
- 1512.
- I got it from Grandpa.
- I know.
I didn't get presents this nice when
I was a kid. Lucky you.
It's really nice. Here.
I'll come visit you soon,
when I've made up with your dad.
- Go and play now. Bye.
- Bye.
Sit in the middle.
- Where are we going?
- To Dad, in a summer cottage.
Put her things here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Put your belt on.
Put the window up.
Can I trust you? Can I?
Can I?
You've got good parents.
They're there for you.
My parents are full of shit.
I'll show you.
The police are on their way
with Camilla and Olivia.
- Has something happened?
- No, but they want us all together.
Was that a shot?
- They've been shot.
- The police?
- Stine
- Give me the phone. Put it there.
Sit. Sit down.
Sit down!
- Please Stine let the girl go.
- No.
She has to hear this.
Now, Mikkel
Explain to us,
what you did to me.
Say it.
What should I say?
What do you want me to say?
- What do you want me to say?
- You should tell them
- Tell Mum and Dad what you did.
- What I did?
- You let Kjeldsen assault me.
- That was your own fault.
Really? How many women
have you killed now Stine?
Is it five? One of them was
Erika Bernn, Martin's fiancé.
- Mikkel
- Shut up!
The police told us that you
tortured her Stine.
- I guess that's also my fault.
- I was 12 when you started to stare.
You always came into my room
when I was getting changed.
You walked round the house half
naked, in front of me and my friends!
You got to touch me that day.
You provoked me!
I wanted to kill you.
- You raped me.
- Because you asked for it!
You asked for it yourself!
I've never touched her,
she's lying, Mum.
I've never touched her, I swear.
You're lying.
Are we almost there?
- Is Dad there?
- Yes.
- Is Aunt Stine there too?
- Why do you ask that?
- No reason.
- Olivia?
She came to my school.
- What did she want?
- To borrow my iPhone.
- Your iPhone? Why?
- Do you have 'Find My iPhone' on it?
I don't know, Mikkel does that stuff.
Give me your phone.
Give it to me.
- What's happening?
- Nothing.
Mikkel's phone's connected.
She knows where he is.
Get in touch with they guys up
there and ring for backup.
08-41, over.
08-41, over.
What a big brother, huh?
Mum and Dad.
Who decided I should be sent away
and that Mikkel got to stay
with the family?
Was it you, Dad?
- It was because
- Quiet.
- I had to
- Quiet, Mum!
Dad, you can go.
I mean it.
You mean nothing to me.
You can stay or go
I don't care.
No, Stine!
Camilla, Olivia, come on.
Come on, Olivia.
Walk up to the main street, now.
It's Louise Bergstein.
Two police have been shot.
- They're both dead. Is backup coming?
- Yes.
They can't drive all the way up,
she mustn't hear them coming.
- I'll get Emma.
- You'll wait, or I'm coming with you.
- I can try to talk to her.
- Louise She's armed. Wait here.
You're so good at choosing.
Now you get to choose
who's gonna die.
You or Emma.
Come on. Come on, Mum.
You have to choose.
Who shall I shoot?
Come on mum.
You can do it.
- Shall I shoot you
- No.
- Or her?
- Don't do it.
What shouldn't I do?
Should she die, Mum? Well?
Or are you worth more?
- Should I shoot you?
- Don't do it
Drop the gun Stine!
- No.
- Stine
Let Emma go.
Is it Emma you want? Did you promise
her parents you'd find her?
You can save Emma.
Come here and drop the gun
and I'll let her go.
If you take her place,
I'll let her go.
Otherwise I'll shoot her, Jan.
Emma, you can go.
I mean it.
- Where are you going?
- Stine
You can't just go Emma.
- Stine
- Shut up!
It was us two.
Come back here, Emma.
Go, Emma!
- Jan.
- Get her out.
What happened?
Shouldn't you be confined
to your bed?
I'm fine.
You're the hero of the day
in the media.
MT and Karlslund are giving you the
credit. I'd say you'll get a medal.
- How's the dad and the brother?
- The dad's awake.
The brother didn't survive.
They tried everything.
- Is Emma awake?
- I think so.
How is she?
She doesn't want to see her parents.
They're waiting down there.
- She doesn't want to see them?
- No.
- Can you go get them?
- Okay.
Hi, Emma.
My name's Louise,
I was at the cottage yesterday.
Can I come in?
This is Jan.
He was also at the
cottage yesterday.
He's police and has been
looking for you and Julie.
Hi, Emma.
Have you found Julie?
Yes, we have.
I'm glad she wasn't alone at the end.
That you were with her.
Was it you who found her?
You don't want to speak
to your parents?
I don't want them to see me.
They know what he did to me.
No matter what happened,
your parents love you.
Nothing that happened is your fault.
Your parents know that as well.
You should let them show you that.
If you can,
you should try to look at them.
You don't need to do anything
more than that.
Try to look at them, okay?
- Are you staying here?
- Yeah, they're keeping me in for now.
How's it going with Emma?
- Is she coming to terms with it?
- No.
She's never getting over this,
She can learn to live with it.
- Will you keep talking to her?
- Yes.
For as long as she wants me to.
Yeah, that was that.
I'm off home.
Get well soon.
Thanks for your help.
See you soon.
Last time, we spoke about your time
at boarding school.
Maja, your roommate.
Can you tell me about her?
Of course.
If you want.
Maja was a nice girl.
She only wore white underwear.
She always packed two bags
when she went home.
And she never showered
without slippers.
And she had a big brother.
Shall I tell you about him?
Subtitle translation by: Ryan Cook
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