Darwin's Game (2020) s01e08 Episode Script


Whoa, hold on
I didn't hear anything about
facing down Wang with a bluff!
Do we even have
a chance of succeeding here?
I don't know what he's thinking,
but you can't negotiate with this guy!
If Eighth was just a clan of punks
in it for the money, then haggling might work
but Wang's not like the other members.
He's the one who must pay!
He's the one who chopped up my kid brother!
I swear I'll kill him here!
But all I've got now are hand grenades.
He'd obviously use his teleporting Sigil to dodge.
I've got to wait for a moment
when he can't teleport.
That'll be the moment
he uses his Sigil to chop me up!
So stay out of this, Kaname!
But I already told you.
Eighth's deals are all about take-and-take.
Well, as a reward, I'll make your execution
as painless as possible.
That so?
If you're gonna be like that,
then you leave me no choice.
I assumed you'd understand
the value of the key.
A cheap bluff isn't gonna work on him!
Being unable to read Kaname's mind is a pain.
The only thing my Sigil can tell me
is whether someone's lying or not.
You wanna shoot it, go ahead.
I doubt that's the key to the real treasure.
I'm surprised.
Is Wang actually interested in Kaname's spiel?
Well, you'll just have to take my word for it.
The codes definitely indicate coordinates
for Shibuya Station.
But without the diamond code,
you won't get to the real treasure.
Incidentally, the diamond code is 888001.
You can split it up into "888" and "001."
In relation to Shibuya Station,
888 obviously means the statue of Hachiko.
I found this key after checking.
So that just left the question
of what is this key for?
Then it hit me.
This is the key to a safety deposit box.
And since I figured that out, the meaning of
the remaining "001" could only be one thing.
The real treasure is in a safety deposit box
at Inaho Bank, branch 001.
He's full of crap.
But will Wang buy into it?
It sounds plausible enough,
but he's got nothing to back it up.
I can't quite figure out his angle.
Wang, maybe wastin' him isn't a good idea?
I mean, there's gotta be a fortune stashed away.
Shut up for a minute.
The rewards for this event are worth
billions of yen from just the rings alone.
The real treaure must make that
look like chump change.
Then there's the rumor that whoever clears the event
will be given a special privilege in D-Game.
I can't ignore that.
Very well, I guarantee your safety.
But this guy is a different story.
Anything more would be too greedy on your part.
And once I'm in the middle of an execution,
I just gotta see it through.
Fine by me!
We just teamed up out of convenience.
It's not like we're buddies or anything.
Ryuji, my man,
you just got tossed to the wolves!
That's what D-Game's all about!
Thank you, Kaname.
In the end, you showed me
that my Sigil isn't a worthless piece of crap.
We've got us a deal.
Alright, but
If it turns out you're screwing with me,
I'll kill you on the spot.
Kaname, just one moment!
Somehow, give me that opening!
I swear I'll kill him then!
Wang, if you think I might be lying,
you can check out this key for yourself.
Here! Take a good look!
I'm grateful, Kaname!
This is my chance to kill—
I'll tell you my philosophy.
No matter what path you follow,
the one who's still alive at the end is the winner!
This is a gamble!
There's no guarantee it'll work.
But this is the only possible
way of winning I could find!
The diamond code is 185911.
That sequence refers to the month and year in which
Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species" was published.
That number has a connection to D-Game,
but I don't see any correlation to Shibuya Station.
But the odd thing is that it isn't just
the year or full date,
but only the month and year.
Something unnatural like that
must have a purpose.
Perhaps the numbers have no meaning,
other than being a passcode.
Then the important thing is the number of digits.
And the only thing at Shibuya Station
that uses six-digit passcodes
are the coin lockers at the south exit.
This is the key to a safety deposit box? I don't—
Sorry! I threw you the wrong one!
That's the key to my scooter.
Mow down that brat right now!
We can't!
Once teleportation starts, you can't move!
This is what you get, Wang!
Face it, he outsmarted you!
Scum! I know your face now!
I'm gonna cut you up and feed you to pigs!
I've already forgotten your ugly face!
This is a notice to all participants
of the Treasure Hunt Game.
The game has just been cleared.
Wait, that means it's over, right?
I wonder which side won.
Isn't that obvious?
You did it, Kaname.
I was lucky to meet you. There's no way
I could've escaped the hotel on my own.
I-It's over!
The Shibuya Treasure Hunt Game is done!
The winner is an unknown newbie, Kaname Sudo!
Oh my, what a stunning upset.
Did any of the customers bet on him?
I won.
Well, congratulations.
I'll exchange that for you.
No, I'm good.
I'm sure receiving it with my own hands
will be much more satisfying.
It's over?
This is the treasure?
This is what we fought over?
First of all, congratulations, Kaname Sudo!
A brilliant victory that defied my expectations!
Who are you?!
Knowing you,
I'm sure you've already figured that out.
I see. So you're the one
You're the host of this game!
A thousand points for Kaname Sudo!
This should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
that I'm the Game Master.
Has it?
Game Master?
Meaning, you created this goddamned game
and dragged me and my friend into it?!
I didn't exactly create it.
You could say that I built the interface.
Don't give me some bullshit excuse!
Point taken.
Well, that aside.
why don't we cut to the chase?
The chase?
That's right, so maybe you can
quell your anger and at least listen?
This is an opportunity for you.
And it may be the only time we can speak.
Damn! All right, say what you wanna say.
First, you did a great job winning the game,
so I want you to accept the fabulous prizes
without any reservations.
To start, you get 10,000 completion bonus points.
How about I take half of that and share it among
the participating players in your friend list?
You'll get the rest, plus a 237-point survival bonus
for the battle royal mode, for a total of 5,237 points.
But the points are like an extra prize.
As the winner of this difficult event,
you get a unique privilege within Darwin's Game.
Tell me what you wish for.
Of course, it's limited to something
I can actually make happen.
Things like bringing someone back to life
or becoming immortal is impossible.
Well, doesn't sound like much of a prize.
I'm not God, after all.
At most, I'm just a stand-in.
Fine, then how about I want to
quit this game right now?
I'm unable to grant that one.
It'd work against my goals.
More like, "I'll make your wish come true,
but only if it's convenient for me."
I never said I'd make "any" wish come true.
But in the past,
I have fulfilled requests as much as possible.
For one event winner, I granted access to
the gambling den that revolves around Darwin's Game.
For another winner,
I approved a point match at his place of business.
And once, I granted a contract system
for an insurance business and–
My only request is to quit!
You're stubborn.
I can't grant that wish,
but there are two ways to quit Darwin's Game.
The first is by completing Darwin's Game.
If the game is completed, the objective is achieved
and Darwin's Game itself automatically ends.
I would give anything for that conclusion.
What's the other way?
Killing me and completely destroying
Darwin's Game's system.
This sucks all around,
but if you can think of a decent privilege,
you may be able to prevent being killed
and having to kill other people.
But what kind of privilege would allow for that?
Something to make people hesitate
before joining D-Game
If it's a privilege that acts as a deterrent,
maybe the Game Master would allow it.
I'm ready to make my request.
Right, I'm all ears.
The privilege I want is—
Now that's interesting!
I'll grant you that privilege!
Oh, I almost forgot
I have one more gift for you.
Fire God of Iron.
A new type of Sigil, which is rare in itself.
But that's the name of your Sigil.
Well, I pray your wish comes true.
Good luck.
It has been two months since
the large-scale terrorist bombings in Shibuya,
but even now, the truth about
what happened remains elusive.
The area around the collapsed luxury hotel
and other locations are still sealed off.
Two months already?
I've been alone all that time.
You guys are such jerks.
Summer vacation starts tomorrow.
Where are those guys and what are they doing?
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs.
They left their parents
and each decided to build a house.
The oldest pig made a house out of straw.
The middle pig made a house out of wood.
The youngest pig made a house out of bricks.
But then a big wolf appeared.
He blew down the house of straw
and swallowed the pig whole.
Then he burned down the house of wood,
roasting the pig before gobbling him up.
Finally, the wolf went to the house of bricks
and used a hammer to break through the wall.
He minced up the pig and snarfed him down.
After that, the wolf had a full belly
and lived happily ever after.
That's not the story as I know it!
So, question. What lesson was I trying
to impart with this story?
If you're a pig, no matter how hard you work,
you'll never beat the wolf in the end?
That's a sad parable of
the survival of the fittest.
Bzzt! Zero points for Sui.
What I wanted to say with this story is
Straw is out of the question.
Wood burns far too easily.
And bricks aren't very tremor-resistant.
I rewrote the old story
to reflect Japan's living conditions.
So you made that story up, Shuka
The point is, when buying a house,
I won't compromise when it comes to safety.
You're buying a house?
We formed a clan,
so now we need a base, right?
You're a member after a fashion,
so I'll grant you one request.
W-Well, let's see
If possible, I'd like a home with a yard.
This doesn't have a yard,
but you could use the roof as a de facto one.
A building?
You can buy a building in that area?
You can do pretty much anything
if you've got the money.
Besides, I earned a bundle from that last event.
But do we need a building?
We don't have that many people.
Like I said, safety is important.
A base isn't just a hangout.
A building is about the only kind
of structure that's easily fortified,
which is why most of the major clans buy them.
The issue is where to settle down.
This one's in Minato Ward, close to here,
but it's also kind of close to Shibuya.
I see.
Shibuya is the home turf
of those scary Eighth guys.
We should really just wipe those bastards out.
I apologize for coming unannounced.
Um, who are you?
I am Hideaki Kanehira
of the Kanehira Insurance Union.
An insurance company?
I'm a minor, so I can't sign a contract
with you or any company.
Oh, no, I'm not here to sell you anything.
I'm here to pay insurance money
to the designated beneficiary, Suzune Hiiragi.
Insurance money?
The sum payable at the death
of your father, Ichiro Hiiragi.
I would like to offer my deepest sympathy.
Please leave!
Well, it's only natural
Pardon the intrusion.
Looks like she kicked you out.
I left the check with her.
Well, that's fine, I guess.
I was asked to make sure
she got the insurance money.
For the Kanehira Insurance Union,
trust comes first.
By the way, Miss Rein,
would you introduce me to Kaname Sudo?
It's not like I'm Kaname's manager.
I've heard he's formed a clan.
You have sharp ears.
Oh, no. I don't hold a candle to the Analyst.
I'd just like to be on good terms
with such a promising clan.
Well, I'll talk to you soon.
That guy is like a phantom, as always.
Insurance man! Please, wa—
I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
Your name is Rein?
That's cool, like the name
of someone from another country.
Yes, well
It's a pain when people read my name wrong
because of the character, though
It looks like it should be "suzu,"
but it's really read as "Rein."
Wow! The same as me!
My name also has the character for "suzu,"
but it's read as "Suzune."
Nice to meet you, Rein.
But I'm really sorry for running into you earlier.
Is your arm okay?
It's almost healed up anyway.
Just before that, a stranger came by
and dropped off a strange check.
I scrambled after him to return it, when
It's probably just a prank, but
Do you think this check is real?
He said he was with some insurance company,
but seemed really suspicious.
Why don't you take it to a bank
and have them verify it?
If it is real, it would be a waste not to deposit it.
I-It can't be
It can't be real.
After all, he said it was money to be paid
when my father dies!
Suzune, if you're determined to know the truth
about Ichiro Hiiragi, please contact me.
"Information Broker?"
You know something about my father?
Who are you, Rein?
I just buy and sell information.
Sometimes people call me the Analyst.
All right, try moving it.
Do you feel any pain or discomfort?
Does it move as expected?
This is incredible!
You should've healed Rein, too!
She's almost healed already,
so better to let nature do the rest.
I really appreciate this.
I mean, I don't have the words to thank you
Danjo and Kaede.
That's all right. I'm happy that my Sigil,
Healing Grace, can be used to help people.
He asked us to treat you as part of his request.
It's no problem at all.
By the way, can I ask you something?
What is it?
Why do you go by "Kaede" and "Danjo"?
You're both Russian, right?
Oh, you're curious about that?
We may not look like it,
but we're major Japanophiles!
So just what they look like
Anyway, you've got a big place here.
How many clan members do you have?
It's not like everyone here
is involved with D-Game.
We've only got 26 D-Game players.
The Danjo Boxing Club
was originally a normal kickboxing gym.
So why did you start playing the game?
It'll probably sound silly.
A martial artist is someone who
seriously aspires to be the strongest in the world.
If you're a martial artist,
it's something you've thought at least once.
When you're actually facing a blade,
will your skill see you through?
What if it's a gun?
Or even a tank?
To a martial artist, the Sigils of D-Game
are equivalent to a demon's temptation.
So are you able to beat a tank nowadays, Danjo?
If it's one on one.
Master Danjo!
Good to see you!
How is he coming along?
To be honest, not bad.
He's only been at it for two months
and it's just basic bodybuilding
but the kid's got great reflexes and resolve,
so if there's no pinning involved, I could see him
holding his own in a match against one of his peers.
Oh, really?
In other words, he's ready.
In any case, that means
all of your requests have been fulfilled.
Ryuji's injury has been healed
and your training has made you strong.
So may we proceed with that conversation?
I'd be happy to. Right now?
You're forming a clan and want an alliance with us.
I can sympathize with your principles and purpose.
We have no problem there.
However, in an alliance,
if there aren't merits for both sides,
it definitely will not last.
Without strength, principles and purpose
are empty and will fade away.
Fight me.
I shall measure whether you are
worthy of forming an alliance with.
M-Master, you mean to fight him yourself?!
He appeared before me as a fellow clan leader.
Therefore, it has to be me.
This is a match, but come at me
with everything you've got, Kaname.
Everything? You mean Sigils are okay?
Of course. Anything goes.
My style is "no holds barred."
Oh, so you are home!
You're a friend of Kaname Sudo, right?
Welcome. I've been waiting for you!
Next time, "Heads Up."
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