Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s01e08 Episode Script


- How are you?
- Good. What brings you to Buenos Aires?
I'm here for an event for my latest book.
How many have you written? Sorry, but
No, don't worry.
No offense. You never even liked
the poems I wrote you.
Oh, hello. Sorry. I'm Cynthia. I'm
a big fan of your work,
especially Drifting Seas.
Though I must admit,
Shooting Star is a close second.
Cynthia is my assistant and Daniel is
an old friend.
- Yes.
- [Cynthia gasps]
Well, nice to meet you, Cynthia, and
If you're not too busy
during your stay in Buenos Aires,
come to my book event.
- Oh, yes, I'd love to.
- We will be very, very busy,
but thanks anyway.
Oh, I have a meeting.
But it it was good seeing you.
- You, too.
- All right, then
Good luck on your book event.
- How do you know him?
- He's an ex.
I met him in college.
[playful music]
[bell rings]
I don't think this will work.
What? Our salaries are too high.
Ana's recommendation doesn't mean
the investor will agree to it.
What's with your negativity?
It's like you don't want to get paid.
I think we should test the waters first.
See how it goes.
What if she rejects us for being greedy?
It may be a start-up,
but we need to get paid.
Besides, let me remind you,
you won't have ten roommates
to help you
with rent the rest of your life.
- That's not how life works.
- Aah!
Look who's talking.
You still live with your parents.
- Actually, I'm apartment hunting
- Stop. Stop fighting, okay?
I'll check the budget again
and email it to you before the meeting.
Remember, Regina's diapers are expensive
and we need to buy feeding bottles.
[Anuar] Whew!
- Phew!
- I've got to go.
Hey, I was thinking
I could bring my stuff,
spend the night here
- and show you tricks I've learned.
- [laughs]
Uh I'm meeting some friends.
I might come home late.
We can do it tomorrow,
I'll even drive you to the salon.
I don't know, Anuar.
I don't think I'm ready
for you to come live with me.
Fine, but don't take too long.
This handsome man
won't stay this sexy forever, huh?
- [chuckles]
- Huh.
[cicadas chirping]
- [kissing]
- [girl] Wait.
I want to show you something.
- Show me anything you want.
- Look.
Aren't you scared it'll last forever?
No because this is forever.
Could you put me through
to Daniel Morales's room?
- [typing]
- [phone vibrates]
- Mom?
- You left this really weird message.
Yes. I saw you arguing
with Juan Carlos in Valle de Bravo.
- What was that about?
- Ah
Nothing important.
I was just telling him
I didn't agree with something he told me
about the business plan, but
Well, he seemed pretty upset.
Maybe he was in a bad mood.
- You didn't ask for money, did you?
- Of course not.
- You always assume I ask people for money.
- All right. Don't get upset.
No, Mariana.
What upsets me is you never trust me.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm kind of busy.
I'll call you later, okay?
- She bought it.
- [laughs] Hah!
But I'm scared she'll go snooping around.
Don't think so.
Especially not now you're with Anuar.
What's wrong?
Anuar is moving too fast,
and I'm not ready, Mom.
Why not?
I mean, it's not like you're 15.
You're both adults.
- Oh, he's just so bad in bed, Mom.
- [laughs]
Just as I remembered.
Not everything in life is about sex.
Fine, it is. You're right.
I could show you some tantric techniques
- you could teach him.
- [whimpers] No, thanks. It's fine.
I don't know why you're doing this,
but if you're trying
to have a relationship with Anuar,
you should give it your all, go all in.
[Daniel] "Rosana was a woman
who never settled.
She knew moments like this
inevitably slipped through her fingers.
And she wasn't willing
to let them fly by."
Am I Rosana?
You're all my female characters.
[laughs] Oh!
I love your smile.
It's your best feature.
Are you busy right now?
[Ana] It reminds me of the garden party
we crashed once. Remember?
[Daniel] Of course. I remember thinking
I could never hang on to you.
Oh, really?
I saw how hard it would be
keeping up with you.
You were applying for internships
while we were just freshmen at college.
Well, you weren't that far behind.
You were always
attending lectures on writing.
Or writing about you.
It's getting late. I have to go.
- I have an early flight tomorrow.
- I understand.
But we can't let a moment like this
slip through our fingers.
[water running]
[phone rings]
What's going on?
Mariana saw us arguing in Valle de Bravo
and she's asking questions.
I hope you didn't tell her about us.
Of course not! Why would I?
Teresa, no one
can find out we were lovers.
I told her we were
discussing the business plan.
So if she asks, tell her the same, okay?
All right.
If she asks, that's what I'll tell her.
I want to give you something
before you leave.
I wrote a dedication.
[Ana chuckles]
the entire book is about you.
[Mariana] Shame on you.
Watch your tone, I'm your mother.
I told you, it's over.
Besides, it's not my fault
Juan Carlos is Valentina's father.
It's more like
fate slapping me in the face.
Which wouldn't have happened
if you didn't date married men.
Listen, you brat
my sex life is my business.
And I won't let you
come and judge me. Get it?
What will I do about Ana now?
I have to tell her the truth.
I can't hide this from her.
Think before you do it. Hm?
And consider the consequences,
because it's often better
to leave the past where it belongs.
In the past.
Hey. When did you get here?
Early morning.
I couldn't sleep, so I went for a jog.
[sighs] Can we talk?
So, you got caught up
in the heat of the moment.
No, it's not that. It's just
it's been a while since I felt
You know?
What about Juan Carlos?
I feel awful.
Worst is, Juan Carlos never cheated on me.
But when you've been married
for so long, well
You you don't have to explain yourself.
You know?
I think I should tell him.
Why don't you wait
until you've processed it?
Sometimes it's better
to leave the past where it belongs.
[sighs] I don't know.
All right, I'll jump in the shower.
So, what did you want to talk about?
I've been thinking,
maybe you could bring
some stuff over to my place.
I don't know, that way
we could spend more time together.
- Uh
- Don't ask questions.
Just tell me if you'd like
to try this or not.
I'll cook the best huevos rancheros
for you every morning.
[laughs] You won't regret this.
My Tere
"The nights in Buenos Aires
are magical.
Thanks for being
just the way you are Daniel?"
[Ana] Juan Carlos.
- Look
- Why do you have his book?
Did you go through my stuff?
Is that the best you can think of?
It's Cynthia's, not mine. I borrowed it.
I guess he wrote this for her too, huh?
Want to call her and ask her?
It's hers, I borrowed it.
Are you reading your ex's book?
What's wrong with that?
Oh! I don't think
the babies will like that green stuff.
Why not?
You can't judge it
until you've tasted it. Come on.
It's not bad.
- Right?
- Yes.
I can't help seeing Valentina
as my biological daughter.
I feel the same with Regi.
She's the baby I held
in that horrible delivery room.
You know what this means, don't you?
That you're eating their food.
- [both laugh]
- No.
It means the babies are officially weaned.
[babies cooing]
They're not ready yet, Mariana.
They need us both.
Besides, we don't know what could happen.
- It's important they can count on us.
- [baby cries]
Who wants some food?
[Mariana] Do I rat out Teresa?
There's nothing you can do.
Just keep your mouth shut.
Stop. Can you stop doing that please?
All right.
How am I supposed to see Ana every day
knowing her husband
cheated on her with my mother?
And what's worse,
how can I see Juan Carlos
without my head picturing them,
you know, fucking.
- It doesn't have to be that way.
- So, what do I do?
Buy a tent and move to the garden
so I don't have to see them?
Move out already.
- Where would I go, Elena?
- Rent an apartment.
With what money?
I can barely afford
Regina's stuff with my savings.
- We're meeting the investor on Monday, mm?
- Mm-hm.
So let's put our foot down
and demand a big salary.
Don't you think
it's too soon to talk about that?
Pablo isn't on board yet.
We'll look way more professional
if we come in with a big proposal
rather than having her think
we're three kids
that have no idea what they're worth.
Well, if you put it that way
[phone rings]
Hello, this is Mariana. Leave a message.
- How are you doing?
- Hi.
[Ana] Tell me.
- Is it malignant?
- [woman] We're not sure yet.
Little lumps in your breasts
aren't always bad news.
You don't have to treat me
like your other patients.
I've known you for years,
we trust each other.
Mm-hm. That trust is the reason
I'm telling you we need more tests.
In pregnancy,
breasts can develop fibrocystic tissue,
and you just had a baby.
- So that might be it.
- What if it's not?
We should wait for the results, okay?
And no looking up stuff online, okay?
[man on phone]
Can we lock down the trip, people?
Yes, of course. Ana, do we have a date?
- Ana?
- Yes?
- Sorry.
- The date? For the Colombia trip.
No. Next week I'm flying to Miami.
Could we do it on Friday?
Yes. Yes, Friday's fine.
[Tere] Holy shit!
Guess what?
Camila Sodi walked out of the soap opera.
Ohh. [chuckles]
Hey, I know everything you do
smells like roses,
but it's better if I close this door.
No! No! I'm claustrophobic.
Don't close it. Besides, what?
Aren't we meant to be as open as we can,
since we're in a relationship now?
Maybe not this open.
It's a bit gross. [laughs]
[laughs mockingly]
- Sorry!
- Busybody!
I liked your app proposal
the minute I saw it.
I think it has great potential.
We want to create a community for women
so they have
a safe space to talk about maternity
And an online shop
where you can find everything you need
for your child, and so.
- Did you check the business plan?
- Yes.
That's one of the things
I'd like to get into.
I think this will be a very long meeting.
Miss, can we please get the menu?
I'm telling you, she's being weird.
Have you seen the date?
Ana was in Argentina those days.
I'm sure they met.
Do you think
Do you think they
- Do you think they're
- Lovers?
That'd be great, right?
Wouldn't you feel relieved?
- Relieved?
- Oh.
Didn't you feel guilty about Tere?
Tere's completely different.
No. Hey, Juanqui, you know I love you,
but don't fool yourself.
It's the exact same situation.
Besides, you're jumping to conclusions.
Find out what happened.
- How?
- Pay him a visit tomorrow.
- Who?
- Daniel, he's in Mexico.
Think they'll meet?
[Elena] Hey, you're being negative.
We're just not charging as much as we want
until the app is profitable, blah-blah..
Right, in, like, two or three years.
I should get going.
See you later? To see the penguin?
[Pablo] See you.
Now I'll never be able
to move out of Ana's.
There's still plan B.
Moving in together and splitting the rent.
It doesn't sound bad, but
Forget it.
Mariana, that was the plan
before Valentina was born Regina.
That was the plan
when we were a couple or whatever,
and Pablo was out of the picture.
Who cares about him?
Are you afraid he'll get jealous?
I don't want to see you fighting all day.
- Good point.
- So, what can I do?
Come to my gig.
- Drugs always help you clear your mind.
- I can't do drugs, dummy.
Bottled water at clubs
also helps clear the mind.
[Tere] I feel like a villa i n.
I keep baiting him into fights,
but he's always adorable.
He sounds like the perfect man.
I know, I hate it.
What do you hate?
Being loved just the way you are?
Oh, sweetie.
Sometimes I feel
you like making your life complicated.
- No, Mom, that's not it.
- Isn't it?
I let him move in
because Mariana won't stop
asking about Juan Carlos
Wait, wait, wait.
You always use Mariana
as an excuse for your decisions,
but what do you want, Tere?
I don't know.
Anyway, tell me. Deep Blue or Passion Red?
Passion Red, always.
- I knew it.
- [laughs]
Holy crap.
I just changed Regina's diaper.
What did you feed her?
It's the baby food.
Well, what's in it?
The smell was horrible.
Worse than Conrado's farts.
What are you doing?
- Telemarketing?
- Yes.
You really need the money, don't you?
If it's for Regina,
I could find a way to chip in.
No, no, no, that's not it.
- I mean, not exactly.
- What is it, then?
We'll have to move out of here soon,
and I need to find a job to rent a place.
Why don't you move in with me?
- Really, Pablo?
- Yes.
Do you really think
that's the right place to raise Regina?
What's wrong? Why not?
I don't know.
Maybe it's the fact you live
in a dumpster with four stoner guys.
Hey, we don't party as much as we used to.
In fact, come over tomorrow
and see for yourself.
I don't know.
I don't want to live with an ex.
And I don't think
it's fair to Elena, you know?
You wouldn't be living with an ex.
You'd be living
with your daughter's dad, who's a friend.
Come on.
You and the penguin can have my room.
Come on, Mariana.
Here's an idea.
Drop by tomorrow.
If you hate it, leave.
- Okay, fine.
- Yeah!
But we're not moving in for sure.
Yes, all right.
You're moving out?
- Yes.
- No.
It's not certain yet.
So, please, don't say a word to Ana.
No matter what happens,
we'll always be a family, okay?
[loud whirring]
We have exactly six hours
to make this place spotless for a baby.
- Man.
- That's right.
I want this place so clean
that I could eat off the floor, okay?
You can do that already.
- Yes.
- Damn right you can.
You think I'm joking?
- Fuck, that's gross.
- What did you eat, dude?
[all] Hup!
[all laughing raucously]
- Aah!
- Everyone, chill out, okay?
Of course we'll help you.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Yes.
- We'll do it for Regina.
- Yes.
- Right, motherfuckers?
- Yes!
- Hell, yeah!
- That's what I'm talking about!
- Yeah, man!
[upbeat music]
Do it.
[Pablo] I know
this is painful for all of us.
But we must do it.
I promise, Pancha's death
won't be in vain.
Chava, would you like to say some words?
Panchu, I think I speak
for all of us when I say
you taught us how to love,
how to treat a lady right.
We will miss you. Thank you.
- Goodbye, Pancha.
- Goodbye, Panchita.
- All right, then.
- Yes.
- [air hisses]
- [all groan]
[Conrado] Aah!
I need you to give me your stashes.
Is that everything?
[knocking at door]
Hello, come on in.
Thank you.
It doesn't look good.
I need you to get a biopsy ASAP.
We need to rule out cancerous tissue.
[echoing] But you need to have it now.
Daniel, critics agree that you are
the one contemporary Mexican writer
who depicts sex well.
What are your thoughts?
[Daniel] I didn't know that.
It's true that certain skills
are needed to write these kinds of scenes.
And I admit I've worked hard
to understand the art of love.
[scoffs] Yeah, right, asshole.
- Ssh!
- I've discovered that in literature,
as in life,
sex is a very interesting doorway
that leads into the depths
of the characters' minds.
Especially female characters.
[Mariana] Wow! [laughs]
You live like actual human beings.
- [chuckles]
- I told you.
We're not like we used to be.
[glass smashes]
- Miguel?
- All It's all good. Don't don't worry.
- [Regina coos]
- So
[crockery smashing]
Oh, what was that?
I'll go check.
What the hell, dude?
You're kidding me!
That was my nana's china.
It's your fault, bro, for putting locks
on every door in the house.
- Surprised you didn't lock the toilet lid.
- [scoffs]
Please, no way.
- Hey, careful
- Hey
What are you doing?
I'm getting milk for the penguin.
No way! You know how to do that?
Of course, dumbass.
[Anuar] Understand what?
That this isn't working?
I'm sorry, Anuar.
You're right. I'm moving back to my place.
What? No! I mean
Wait. It's no big deal.
You just told me this isn't working out.
I mean
it's not all bad, is it?
Maybe we need more time.
You're just saying that
because I'm leaving.
Sorry, Tere, but you're playing with me.
- You mess me around. I'm over it. Sorry.
- So, you're breaking up with me?
You're the one who broke this off!
- If you don't love me anymore, tell me.
- [groans]
[sighs] Of course I love you
but I love myself more.
So this is the last time
I fall back in love with you.
Goodbye, Tere.
- [door closes]
- [sobs]
[Mariana] Ah!
- Ay, yi, yi!
- No Gualo, Gualo! That toy is a hazard.
- She loves feathers.
- But the point is sharp
What the hell, fucking troll?
- Don't curse in front of the baby.
- Do us a favor, never have kids.
- What's your problem?
- Chava
- Chava, what's in the milk?
- Cocoa, so it tastes good.
What's happening?
Chava put cocoa in the formula,
that's what's happening.
It's chocolate milk. Children love that.
- God! Are you stupid, bro? Come on.
- [Conrado] Pablo!
What the fuck was on the toilet seat?
- [Pablo] A lock.
- Fuck, dude!
- I told you I'd child-proof it.
- How do I get it off?
- [all talking]
- [Mariana] Hey, enough. Shh! Hey!
[sighs] I'm really sorry, guys.
I know you tried your best,
but I can't risk Regina's well-being.
This sucks, man.
I hope you understand, guys.
- See?
- It was your fault, dumbass. Yours.
[Chava] It's your fault, dude!
[Regina crying]
Before you leave,
one last question from the audience.
Certainly, with pleasure.
Anyone like to ask a final question?
- Please, sir.
- [sighs]
Have you ever written about infidelity?
Yes, in my second novel.
The main point
is that infidelity is a mental state
similar to madness.
Most of the time,
infidelity only exists
in the mind of the person who believes
they have been wronged.
Anyway, that's just a theory.
Thank you all so much for coming.
Let's begin the book signing.
[cheering and applause]
It would mean
postponing the trip a few days
until I get my biopsy and
they tell me whether it's cancer or not.
- I can't go to Colombia right now.
- Don't worry.
I'll tell you once we have
a new date for the trip.
Meanwhile, do what you have to do
and please keep me posted.
Thank you.
Really, thanks for understanding.
[door opens]
Juan Carlos?
I think he's not home yet.
- Hey, are you okay?
- Yeah.
Where are you going?
To Elena's gig.
Oh, can I come along?
I need some distraction.
[Daniel] Let's dig deeper into it
next year
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Excuse me for a bit.
- Go ahead.
- Will you refill my glass? Thanks.
- Yes.
What do you want, Juan Carlos?
I was thinking about what you said.
"Infidelity is a state of mind."
Do you really believe your own bullshit?
I don't know. Do you?
Following me here seems
like something a madman would do.
What happened between you and my wife?
I'm talking to you, jerk.
Do you know why
infidelity is a state of mind?
Because it lives in the mind
of the insecure husband
who thinks his wife cheated on him with
an ex whom she only met for lunch, hm?
I don't know, think about it, hm?
That's for having lunch with my wife.
- The best drug ever.
- Elena, please. Ana doesn't do drugs
Mmm It's okay, I've smoked pot.
- [knocking]
- [woman] Elena, we're up.
- Want some?
- No, thanks.
Let's go.
- [cheering]
- Put that down.
I mean, about your nose.
Sorry for
stealing Ana from you in college.
That's what inspired me
to write my first book.
It was called
The Love of Your Life Always Leaves.
But the editor changed it to
Chronicles of a Woman
Who Dreamed of Sunflowers.
[both chuckle]
So it would have a Murakami sound to it.
Is that because Ana loved sunflowers?
- Yes.
- [laughs]
You were always so corny.
You know what's silly?
Ana hated the sunflowers you gave her.
Not as much as the serenades you gave her.
She used to call you
the Arjona of the college.
She loved them, asshole.
- Thanks.
- [Daniel] No, she didn't.
[Juan Carlos yells]
- Hey, easy!
- Fuck you, man!
What's going on?
[Juan Carlos sighs]
[Elena] Why do you call me ♪
If you don't feel a thing? ♪
You give me lip, and then fall asleep ♪
You're complicated, I hate drama ♪
Leave me alone and just stay home ♪
[Mariana] Hey
[echoing] What's up?
Let's go home, okay?
Come on.
We can't go home,
it's like a prison to me.
[Mariana laughs]
I'm going to die, you know?
Relax, we're all dying someday.
Yes, but I'm dying soon, I'm dying.
I'm so lucky you're Regina's mom
and not someone else.
You're the person I trust the most.
Promise me if something happens to me,
you'll take care of the girls.
Ana, you'll be fine.
Stop saying that. You're not dying.
- Promise me.
- Okay, I promise.
You are also very important to me.
Mmm. I love you.
Being the perfect target
Giving up my defenses ♪
Loving ♪
"Soldado del Amor." This is my song!
[sings along] Every weird look from you
Is a dagger that stabs me ♪
Every time you reject me
A bullet impact ♪
And I know ♪
- And I know I'm losing the battle ♪
- [squeals]
Losing the battle ♪
Don't worry. I'm okay.
[siren wailing]
Don't look so worried,
it'll only be a few stitches.
[announcement on PA]
[Conrado] Come on, man. Cheer up.
- [sports on TV playing]
- Still mad at Chava?
No, bro, but screw Chava, you know.
Oh, tell Mariana
to give you another chance, dude.
Actually, she's right.
This is no place for a baby.
I'll have to find my own place.
[switches game off]
You're leaving?
Don't know, bro.
It's pointless. Mariana doesn't trust me.
She'll probably move in with Elena.
Hey, dude,
what if you join forces
with the enemy?
Thanks for agreeing to talk to me.
How's Ana doing?
[scoffs] As if you care.
I just wanted
to ask you to stop calling me.
I asked for space, you didn't care.
Sweetie, please,
let's start over, no lies this time.
Enough, Mom.
You went too far with Juan Carlos,
there are consequences.
But there's nothing between us anymore.
Only thing we have in common is a debt.
A debt?
Yes. He lent me the money
to start my business.
You took money from Juan Carlos?
Weren't you two over
since before the babies?
We were, I swear.
The thing is, he helped me out
so we wouldn't lose the apartment.
You know what?
I'm done with this bullshit.
- You're hopeless, Teresa.
- Mariana. Mari Mariana
- You're being unfair.
- Unfair?
You know what's unfair?
Having to see Ana every day
while keeping
a really dark secret from her.
That's unfair.
[Ana, echoing] I'm not drunk, I'm high.
I'll let you in on a secret.
I'm dying.
I'll make a bucket list,
like in the Morgan Freeman movie.
- Did you see it?
- Mm.
I've done the first thing on my list.
Doing drugs.
[all laugh]
What would you put on your list?
[sighs] To be honest,
the first thing on my list
would be to cheat on my husband.
I want us to be even before I die.
I already did that.
- I can scratch it off my list.
- Hey!
But it wasn't to get back at him.
To think you look so prim.
It's always the prim ones
who are the most adventurous.
[all laughing]
Tell us everything about it.
It was with my ex-boyfriend
on a business trip.
Or rather a pleasure trip!
[all laughing]
- Ana!
- Honey!
- I'm glad you're here.
- [nurse] You can't be in here.
- Do you need anything?
- He's my husband. Let him stay.
He's the one I told you I cheated on.
Look, these are my friends.
Susanita and Ani Ana? Anita.
- And Susana. No, Lupita.
- I'd like to talk to my wife.
- In private, please.
- She's in no condition.
- She's under the effects of a drug.
- She sounds fine to me.
Oh, Susi, don't be mean.
Let him stay
so I can tell him about my pleasure trip.
[nurse] Sir, there's no point right now.
It's time for her sedative.
My what?
Tell me ♪
What do you want to do? ♪
How will you end what we had? ♪
With mercy or point blank? ♪
Come and tell me ♪
If it's common for you ♪
To protect yourself
By throwing a smoke bomb ♪
When your heart explodes ♪
I believe you overcover ♪
And you want to say it's just a dream ♪
This immense feeling ♪
I believe you overbrake ♪
You miss it all ♪
How can it be ♪
That you will forsake ♪
Our own story in the water ♪
Of this sea which breaks us apart ♪
If it's gonna hurt ♪
It better hurt ♪
I rather wallow ♪
In these transatlantic rounds ♪
Tell me ♪
How do you want to erase me? ♪
Will you do it in parts, day by day ♪
Or directly in cold blood? ♪
Come and tell me ♪
If it's common for you ♪
To run away while I'm still asleep ♪
If it's your favorite part ♪
I as well ♪
Saw that our future is dark ♪
And it's not at all so far ♪
But hey ♪
You are getting ahead of yourself ♪
You surrender beforehand ♪
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