Dead Mountain (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Here it is - Otorten and there is Kholat Syakhl.
We'll put our stuff in the shed,
so it'll be easier for us to move around.
It's because of you!
You brought death here.
Gosya is right, we've been through
too much to turn around now.
We have to get to the end.
- Then it's settled!
Today we spend the night in the pass.
8th episode
We're about half way there.
We won't make it up top before the dark,
so I suggest we spend the night here.
Are you sure?
Can we go back to the shed?
I'm sure. We're already
two days behind the schedule.
Tomorrow we'd lose another half day
just to get back here.
There is not a single tree here.
Not a problem, we'll dig a
space under the tent.
The snow wall will hide us from the wind.
- Careful, Gosya! It's so windy here.
We might not get out of the tent tomorrow.
- We'll dig ourselves out, you'll see.
Snow is not rock,
we'll get out of either way.
Hurry up, it'll be dark soon.
Zina, how are you?
- I'm ok.
Hang in there, we will get warmer soon.
Guys, let's go faster.
We don't have much time.
Come and help us, photographer.
- I will, just a second.
I'll take a picture as a keepsake.
And I'll name it:
"The iron tourists from the Ural Polytechnic University
are digging into the snow slope."
- Only they're not made of iron,
but they are very frozen.
Close it!
Close, close, close!
Gosya, give it here.
- It's not so bad here, one can live.
I was planning a more peaceful night.
But we have what we have.
- It'll do.
Shall we light the stove?
- It's dangerous in this wind.
One spark and we light up like a torch.
- That's true, we can't take any chances.
we'll put the greeks under it,
and we'll cover ourselves with jackets.
I didn't think that I would be
celebrating my 38th birthday
in such an unusual place.
- Has it come yet?
Well there are still 4 hours left.
I was born at night.
Consider it has already occurred.
Happy birthday, Sasha!
Then hip-hip!
- Hooray, hooray, hooray!
Sasha, happy birthday!
- Thank you.
I must admit, I am very happy
that you came with us on this trip.
- Thank you.
Here, I'm knocking on 38 soon
But with you, it's like
I'm 20 years younger now.
Then I suggest we celebrate.
- Really?
We have almost no alcohol left.
- So what?
We can mix it with water.
- We can.
Yurka, you got a smart head.
Here's your present.
Kolya, no
I can't, it's very expensive.
- No! I Don't accept rejection.
Well alright then.
I don't accept rejection.
They had a blind exchange.
I will not part with this gift
for the rest of my life.
And I'm not taking the watch off.
- Here's to that!
Sounds like a toast. Happy Birthday!
- Hurraaaaay!
Thank you.
Are you finished yet?
Show everyone!
Friends, a moment of attention!
Let me introduce you
the first issue of bulleting page
"Evening Otorten".
Press with the latest news
from camping life.
Published by the trade union organization
"Khibin Group".
Introductory article.
We will meet the 21st gathering
with an increase in tourist birthrate.
Philosophical seminar
"Love and tourism".
Held daily in a tent,
central building,
Lectures are given by Dr.
- Professor Thibault,
and a candidate of love sciences, Dubinina.
- News from the world of technology.
A tourist sleigh is good
for traveling by train, car and horse,
but it is not recommended for transporting
cargo in the snow.
For advice, please contact the
chief designer,
Comrade Kolevatov.
- Well done! I did it for you.
News from the world of sports.
Team of radio engineers consisting of
comrades Doroshenko and Kolmogorova
set a new world record
in furnace assembly.
1 hour, 2 minutes, 27.4 seconds.
Hang it up?
- Alright.
We have to take him to the village.
To see a doctor.
Their doctors suck.
They won't help.
Stop it!
- It's all your fault.
you let the deadmen into our house.
- They had nothing to do with it.
Look what happened to your son!
If you take Unhu to the city,
the spirits will take him away.
Anyone want some smoked meat?
- No, thank you.
I'm not going to undress,
I'll just go to bed like this.
Yura, did you find the compass?
- No, and you?
No, I don't have one.
- It's all right.
We're almost there.
And we know the way back.
Sasha, did you make a wish?
What wish?
For every birthday I make up a
wish, I dream of something.
And do they come true?
- Not always.
But sometimes they do come true.
The important thing is that
the dream would be achievable.
- Yeah.
This is not a dream.
That's called a goal, Lyuda.
I think I have an achievable dream.
I want to climb Everest.
The highest point
on our planet.
Almost nine kilometers climb
and then return.
I read in the newspaper
that two foreigners
have conquered this peak. I envy them.
- Awesome!
No human foot has ever been there.
Just like us. There are no people
wandering in our wilderness either.
I dream of a good wife -
she should prepare delicious meals,
be neat and beautiful.
Please note, Yurka put culinary
skills on the first place.
This is the most important thing,
the rest is secondary.
Yes, Yurka, you are a romantic.
- He's really a romantic.
Have you heard the poems he writes?
About love!
Yura, read something.
Thank you, my friend.
I won't read mine,
but I'll say something anyway.
Come on, Come on!
I stand staring into the fire that's smoldering,
its scarlet flame quietly extinguishes
my comrades are sleeping after a hard day
why aren't you among them?
Where are you wandering the world now?
With a hammer in hand and a backpack on your back.
And in which direction did fate guide you?
Perhaps you are walking through the taiga,
where knee-height grass could be found.
Or do you walk under the relentless sun
somewhere in the Kazakhstan steppes?
Maybe you're in the middle of the polar ice
while a snowstorm covers up your tracks.
Or in the early morning you
meet the sunrise in the Pamir mountains.
You poke around on dusty paths,
hundreds of miles away from civilization.
Maybe you spend a dark
and starless night,
without thinking about me.
And you don't know how often at night
I snuggle closer to the fire,
my thoughts go out to you
and I sing this sad song.
I stand staring into the fire that's smoldering,
its scarlet flame quietly extinguishes
my comrades are sleeping after a hard day
why aren't you among them?
- Krivonischenko!
Not a bad one.
We're losing time!
- Who has the knife?
Krivonischenko, you have a knife,
cut the tent!
We need to lift the tent.
Come on!
Gosia, give me your hand! Get out!
Guys, everyone over here!
We have to dig them out! Zina!
- Come on, hurry up!
Dig, dig!
- Lyuda!
- Lyuda, can you hear me?
Rustic! What's up?
- My head got almost crushed.
Are you alive?
- Come on!
Kolya! It hurts! Where's kolya?
Where's Kolya? Kolya Thibault!
Kolya, can you hear me?
- Kolya, can you hear me?
It's bad.
Something's is broken.
We'll figure something out.
Got a pulse! Kolya is alive, Lyuda! He's alive!
- Where is he?
Rustic, we need warm clothes!
It's coming again!
Rustic! Get up!
What should we do?
- We're leaving!
We can't dig out our tent.
We go back to the shed,
where the rest of our luggage and supplies are.
Sasha, get up!
- Leave me here, don't waste your time.
No! You're coming with us, don't argue!
Get up!
- Save yourself, Igor.
Get up, I said! Can you walk?
Get up!
- Come on, pick him up carefully!
Come on, Lyuda, be careful!
We move together, don't disperse.
We watch each other.
Walk in a row.
Hold on, hold on!
Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly!
Watch out, there are rocks!
- They're everywhere.
Zina! What happened?
I sprained my leg.
- Get up, we've got to go!
Come on!
- Let me down, I can do it myself.
Come on! Careful, let's go!
What will happen now?
- It'll be all right.
We'll get to the shed soon
and we'll get warm, you'll see.
Put him down.
- Guys, we need to get warm.
Otherwise we won't make it to the shed.
Put people on The Ground. Start a fire!
The wind is too strong.
- Dig a hole, we're going for twigs.
Sasha Kolevatov, come with me!
Kolya, can you hear me?
Is he alive?
- He's breathing, but he's unconscious.
Lyuda, give me your hand!
Who has the matches?
Put it here, guys!
Zina, what fell on to us?
Was it rocks?
A layer of snow came off
and slid on the tent.
A layer, but as thick
as a concrete slab.
Strap him in!
- We're out of luck.
We shouldn't have dug
our tent so deep.
Sasha, when we get back to the others
Sasha! Sasha! Give me your hand!
There's ice down here.
Probably a stream.
What's the matter, Gosya?
The shed is in the other direction.
How come?
There was no stream on the way to the shed.
We went in the wrong direction.
Rustic, we need dry trees.
I can't take it anymore.
It hurts so much!
I'm having a hard time breathing.
- Hold on, Lyuda!
And now the guys are lighting a fire.,
we'll warm up, get to the shed.
we'll go back to the Mansi house in the morning.
There's a sleigh, deer.
We'll take you, Sasha
and Kolya to the hospital.
Everything will be fine.
We can't get to the shed.
- What?
He's on the other side of the hill.
We went the wrong way.
What do you suggest?
- There's a stream down there.
Let's get the wounded there,
they will be protected from the wind.
And then what?
- I don't know.
I don't know, but I will think of something.
- Igor!
Guys! You must go to the shed.
We won't make it.
- You'll get there.
You'll get there if you
leave Kolya and me here.
No! I'm not leaving without Kolya.
Lyuda, you'll be back.
You'll come back for us later.
Igor, listen to me,
you have to leave us.
You must lead people to the shed!
This is your only chance.
No! We're not leaving anyone behind.
We all have to survive, do you hear?
Gosya let's go to the ravine!
Come on, Lyuda! get up!
- Gosia!
Go do the ravine,
we'll stay by the fire.
There were no matches left.
We'll try to fire it up some more.
And then take it over to the ravine.
We can handle it, you hear?
Rustic, grab Thibault!
Caution! Now!
He hasn't regain consciousness?
Guys, come here!
Kolya! Kolya!
Wait! Kolya! Kolya!
Kolya! What are you saying?
I can't hear you.
- Where am I?
Where am I?
- Kolya
Kolya, it's me, Lyuda.
I'm right here with you, Kolya.
What, what
We were stuck in a tent.
You're hurt.
But we will definitely get out.
Kolya, the girls from the dormitory predicted,
that we will live happily ever after, Kolya.
Do you hear me?
Kolya, don't get up!
Don't get up! Stay down!
It's cold.
- Kolya!
Kolya, come on! Kolya!
- Kolya, don't be silent!
Kolya, don't be silent!
Get up! Let's carry him!
- No wait, Gosya
Get him up!
- He's gone
Kolya, don't be silent!
No, no, no, Kolya, you can't! Get up!
Get up, Kolya! You can't do that!
- Gosya, it's over!
Kolya, don't be silent!
How could this happen?
You fuckers, come on! Come on!
Guys! Sasha!
The fire is weak.
Everything is wet, it will not burn.
Oh, Sasha, bravo!
Throw it right there.
Sasha, where are the others?
Thibault and Zolotarov died.
How do you think people die?
We have to move the fire to the ravine.
We won't make it, it'll go out.
We need a torch.
We need to wrap it with something.
Here, take this.
- What are you going to do?
I have another one. I can make it.
Cover it!
Cover it!
- I'm trying.
From this side!
We need another torch.
- It's gone out.
It doesn't burn.
I'm burning inside.
I can't take this anymore.
And I'm completely numb from the outside.
Is this normal, Zina?
Everything will be fine.
Soon it will be morning, this blizzard will end soon.
I'm so scared.
I won't live to see the morning.
Don't be silly!
You know that the sun will rise,
and it will get warmer by 5-6 degrees.
Everything will be fine.
Nothing will be fine.
Kolya is no more and Sasha, too.
And I don't have much time left.
Calm down, Lyuda!
- Zina!
Lyuda, can you hear me?
You're strong.
You're strong! I know how strong you are.
Remember when you were shot in the leg
at last year's march?
You didn't even make a sound, you see
how strong you are. You can handle it.
Zina, I was very scared back then too.
Everything ended well then
and it will again.
You were helped then
and now we will help you.
Everything will be fine.
We must go to the ravine.
We won't get warm here.
- What are we going to do in the ravine?
At least there's no wind.
Sasha is right. We have to go.
Yurka, get up!
- I can't, guys.
I can't do it guys, I don't feel my legs.
- Sanya, help him!
Sasha, go get the boys.
Sasha! Go and get help!
Go away!
Go away as well!
Yura, please!
Go with him!
At least some of us will be saved.
I won't leave you alone.
Sasha will get the boys now.
How did we how did we end up like this?!
How did end up here, Yurka?!
Rustic, come on!
Sasha! Pull! Gosya, pull him!
Can you walk? Get up!
Get up, get up, get up!
Don't fall asleep!
Just don't fall asleep!
Do you hear me? Speak!
Do you hear me?
Sasha, what happened to the fire?
- Guys, no fire.
You have to help the boys.
They can't get here by themselves.
Zina, come with us.
Sasha will take care of the people.
Come on, get up!
- Lyuda!
Sasha, stay with Lyuda!
- Just don't fall asleep, okay?
We'll be back soon.
- I'll be right back.
- Don't leave me alone.
You are not alone.,
Sasha Kolevatov with you.
We made a covering from twigs.
It should get warmer now.
Zina! Quickly!
- Just don't fall asleep!
We'll be back soon.
Yura! Krivo!
You don't have to sleep! Get up!
Yura! Krivo! Get up!
You don't have to sleep!
Yura, get up!
You can't fall asleep! Get up!
- Stop it! They don't sleep.
What a fool I am! Idiot!
I brought you here. I suggested it.
This damn route. I did!
I made you spend the night on the slope.
- Enough!
It doesn't matter, you know?
Pull yourself together, Gosya!
Other guys are much worse
off than us. Come on!
What are you doing?
I want to write something.
For my bride.
In case they find us.
Lyuda, lift your leg!
What's it?
We need to warm you up.
Whose is this, Zina?
Whose is it?
Yura Doroshenko.
Zina, what about Yurka Krivonischenko?
Him too?
- I'll get some more.
Wait for me.
How could this happen to us?
This shouldn't have happened.
Sasha, help me get to Kolya.
Maybe he can still breathe.
Maybe he is still breathing.
Maybe he is still breathing.
Maybe he's still breathing.
Maybe he's breathing. My Kolya!
My Kolya!
How much time do we have?
- I don't know.
We need to know so we
know what we can do?
An hour or two, no more.
Will the sun come up before that?
Kolya, Kolenka
- Lyuda!
Sasha, you are alive?
- How are you?
Sasha, help me out.
I don't want to be in this pit.
- Stop!
Captain, stop!
Shots fired?
Are you alive?
You need to move to the covering.
Lyuda, you have to go to the covering.
How could this happen? The whole war
you survived without a wound.
How could this have happened?..
Let's go!
We have to go back to the tent.
This is our only chance.
We'll dig up what we can.
And wait for the morning.
- It's all covered up with snow.
We don't even know where he is now.
- 2030 steps.
I counted them as we descended.
It is about 1.5 kilometers.
How much? One and a half kilometers?
I can not. I won't make it.
It's up the hill, there's wind.
You can do it, you can do it. Everything is possible.
Okay, there's another option, me
I'll go alone.
And I'll bring everything you need.
No, Rustic! You can't do that. It's dangerous.
I can do it.
I'm strong enough.
Go down to the ravine and wait for me.
If I'm not back in half an hour,
follow the tracks.
We can do it, you hear?
Everything will be fine.
Everything will be fine.
Get up! Get up!
I can not.
- Get up, you can't sleep!
You can't! Get up!
We have to go!
We have to go!
Has it been half an hour?
It's hard to say,
I don't understand anything anymore.
Look at me! You go and don't stop!
2030 steps. You walk without stopping.
You walk without stopping,
forward towards the tent.
It doesn't matter if I follow you.
The main thing is to go up
towards the the tent.
Do you understand me?
Promise you won't stop.
- Then let's go!
Gosya, keep up!
Gosya, let's go!
Gosya! Gosya! Gosya!
We have to go up, let's go!
- Zina, go!
No! Get up, Gosya, please!
- I love you.
- I love you. I've always loved you.
I was just afraid to tell you.
Go on, you can do it.
- No! I'm not going anywhere without you!
I'm not going anywhere without you.
There's Rustic there, he dug up our tent.
He set the stove on fire,
he's done it, get up.
Get up! Get up!
I'll be right back, Gosya.
I'll come back for you.
We'll be right back, just stay here.
I'll be right back
I'll come back, just wait.
Wait for us, please!
February 2, 1959,
a group of 9 tourists
led by Igor Dyatlov,
perished in full.
Investigation, led by L. N. Ivanov,
declared that incident was an accident
caused by "elemental force".
In memory of the lost group, a
nearby passageway is called
Has anyone seen my wrappings?
- Zina, take a look at my backpack.
Here it is.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Does anyone have 15 kopecks?
Not for me, Slavka needs to make a phone call.
Of course, of course.
Salt! We forgot the salt.
Three kilos. Guys, who will take it?
I'll take it. I still
have tons of space.
Guys, look, there's a hole here.
We will look at the starry sky.
So what if it's a hole, we will fix it later.
- And who's going to fix it?
I will, Kolya,
I'll fix it personally.
Believe, believe.
Did you take the scales?
- Comrade warden, I have it.
What a mess you have here.
It's not a mess, it's a creative disorder.
- Yura, have you seen Gosya?
He'll be here soon.
I tuned it for our song.
Let's sing!
Go ahead!
- Let's sing all get together.
What about Gosya?
- They said he'd be here soon.
In the fields, forests and the rocky roads
- Stop! I'll try again.
In the fields, forests and the rocky roads,
Far from Sverdlovsk or maybe even near
Take a look, buddy,
tourists set off with a song
iron tourists from UPI.
- Gosya came, guys!
Gosya, come join us!
Take a look, buddy,
tourists set off with a song,
iron tourists from the UPI.
We are going for the third day,
from the cold we knock our teeth,
Our stomachs are so empty
that we're about to howl
don't worry, buddy,
we'll be back with mom soon.
we'll go with you to UPI's dining room.
- Listen to Zina!
Don't worry, buddy,
we'll be back with mom soon.
we'll go with you to UPI's dining room.
Hand me the jar!
Can I open it?
- No, you can't.
This is compote.
- It's meatballs.
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