Death's Game (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Don't Go Looking For Death. Death Will Come Find You

Move, move, move the bed.
Let's put the covers on the floor.
Mr. Tomine?
Mr. Tomine, are you there?
Mr. Tomine?
May I speak to you for a second?
I knew this day would come.
I'm rather relieved.
I've always been afraid.
Even since Issei was a little boy.
People might think his
facial features are not Japanese
and they would gossip
that he is mixed race.
One day
They'd know that his father is foreigner?
It has nothing to do with Issei.
I was afraid that people
would talk behind my back.
Saying that I'm not his real father.
I'm just an imposter.
His real father is
When children grow up with a lot of love
they become self-confident,
and capable of overcoming difficulties.
I did everything I could.
You did far better than that.
You should be proud of yourself.
And of Issei.
How is he?
How did the competition go?
He's trying hard.
Obviously, it's not easy for him.
But he's determined.
So, you two are together, aren't you?
I see.
Please take care of him.
Your son loves you.
Very much.
I'll leave you now.
I have
Here you go.
It's yours, right?
Come on.
Fuck! Shit!
Shit, shit, shit!
What were you doing outside yesterday?
1990 was a very sunny year.
I needed to check
the geography of the plots,
see which way they face.
Taste the soil, feel its minerality.
The Mourvèdre is really strong,
don't you think?
And the Syrah,
it's so full of sun,
that there is almost no acidity.
Miss Léger, Mr. Tomine.
You have one hour left.
I need some air.
Don't you want to taste it?
No, it's okay.
Well, I declare the test officially over.
Our plane back to Tokyo
has been confirmed for tomorrow.
And, if you like, for tonight
I want to propose
to all have dinner together. No?
I would like to prepare the dinner
to thank you for having me.
So, do you know somewhere I could fish?
Yes. But
perhaps something more simple, and--
Anyway, I don't have, you know, fishing--
- Stuff.
- Stuff.
That's not a problem.
Does he really think he's gonna catch--
No way!
- I can't believe it!
- Wow.
I wasn't expecting this.
Expecting what?
He could have left with the inheritance,
but he wanted to deserve victory.
It's insane. Who does that, right?
The guy is never over the top.
He seems to know exactly who he is
and he's fine with it.
I admire him.
He's a little annoying,
but I think I like him.
And then there is you.
Don't look too excited.
The last time I fell in love,
it took me three years to get over it.
So, sorry to be
a little touchy on the subject.
And while you're discussing with your wife
about the beauty of wines,
I will be curled up under the covers.
Maybe I can keep you on the side,
as a mistress.
Listen carefully.
Never. You hear me? Never.
It's over with Juliette.
I broke up with her.
And you're telling me this now?
Come on, I couldn't speak
with all those crazy rules--
Pfft. You, you!
Here's the wine Alexandre Léger chose.
The mystery wine.
Wait. Let me guess.
After all, this is my wine.
Yes, of course.
That fucker.
No, I'm not talking about you.
I'm talking about Alexandre.
Because he chose a Châteauneuf-du-Pape.
Thirteen grape varieties.
Thirteen. It's hell
finding the right proportions.
That's right.
An incredible vintage.
Do you want to taste it?
Come on.
- Okay, why not. Thank you.
- Hmm?
Thank you.
God, it's so good.
You have the best job in the world,
Mr. Chassangre.
Philippe. Philippe.
Are you ready?
- Yes, of course.
- Well, then.
First candidate.
Second candidate.
It's not bad at all.
These kids are really talented,
aren't they?
I wish I had
a third of their talent at their age.
It's unbelievable.
You have to give them a rating.
I hate doing this.
I get it.
I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
First candidate.
Second candidate.
I hate this guy.
Do you often deal with
cases of inheritance, like this one?
Because I'm just curious.
Does this usually end well?
You know, in 48 hours,
one of them will leave
with a colossal fortune,
150 million euros.
And the other will be left
with nothing but tears.
It's incredibly harsh.
I can already tell you
that the one who gets nothing
will be broken, maybe forever.
They would not have been deemed worthy.
They would have the confirmation
they were unwanted.
It's a slow poison, but it's deadly.
And the one who gets everything
wouldn't know what to
do with all that money,
and will probably mess everything up.
What do you do when you have everything?
What more could you wish for?
There's no winner.
The whole thing is a joke,
if I may say so.
Did you talk to Alexandre about this?
I tried
But he was so excited by
all these tests he conceived.
I told him that it was cruel
for the one who gets nothing.
And he told me that
if I wanted to keep my indecent fees,
I should keep my mouth shut.
So, I kept my mouth shut.
So, to answer your question,
inheritances are tragedies.
They always end badly.
Only a miracle can save them.
Come on!
- Is this the same one?
- Absolutely! There you go.
Pop, pop, pop, you're
Stop, you've spilled some.
- Listen to me.
- Come on, stop it.
Why? Are there fake chicken eggs?
It's simpler.
Chickens with feathers, not
- Are you kidding me?
- I want to taste the gnocchi.
- Do you make them yourself?
- No, I'm the king of gnocchi.
- I can't wait.
- Congratulations, Issei.
- It's so good.
- Yeah.
Issei, you really have a-- You have
many talents. Thank you very much.
Côte d'Alliance 1973.
- Hmm? Okay!
- But, it's the flour that--
And eggs from real chickens with feathers.
- It works a lot better with eggs.
- Why are there eggs?
This is--
this is exactly how I always
imagined a dinner in your country.
Everybody speaks too loud,
touches each other all the time.
I remember all
of my family meals with my parents
where we wouldn't look at each other,
wouldn't speak to each other.
Where we were together,
but without ever being together.
I feel very lucky to be here tonight.
To see happiness
during the meal is precious.
This is how it should be.
I will always remember.
Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Issei.
- To Issei!
- To Issei!
Yeah, sorry.
You know,
when I was talking to Mr. Talion,
I remembered that
Issei's parents came to the estate
30 years ago.
And you were not yet born, and
you were two years old.
And it's absolutely incredible,
but your parents
and your parents met here.
So, I did the search,
and I found some photos.
Wait a minute. I'll get them.
- That's crazy.
- Yes.
Did you know?
I didn't know that.
That's crazy.
It's for you. Look at this.
That's you. How cute.
And Issei.
Thank you.
She's beautiful.
Yes, really.
Oh, wow.
That's my mom.
I don't think we really look alike.
I mean, me and my dad.
Yes, you do.
You think so?
You, on the other hand,
you really look like your dad.
He's not my father.
He brought me up, but--
This is not my father.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know. I'm sorry.
My biological father,
he is in this picture.
What do you mean?
I meant
Camille. What did he say?
Let's talk later.
- Nothing. Everything's fine.
- Okay.
- Show me.
- Look. That's--
Do you recognize him? It's Alfred.
I'm going to talk to Issei
for a minute, okay?
- I'm coming back.
- Yeah, okay.
How long have you known?
A few days.
That's fucked up.
That's fucked up.
I wasn't desired.
What do you mean?
My grandfather wouldn't ever have accepted
a Gaijin as son-in-law.
And a half-born as a grandson.
Do you think he knew you were his son?
Alexandre, I mean.
He was hard on me.
He was hard with everyone, right?
But with me, he was different.
I felt like I was the chosen one.
I was just his bastard.
He knew we were both his children.
Maybe, that's what
this whole thing is about.
He wanted us to find out the truth
and get close.
I hope you are right.
So, what do we do?
The winds of tomorrow will blow tomorrow.
I've already told her.
I know it.
So, how do you feel about it?
I'm not sure yet.
I'm happy, but everything
seems complicated.
I have to go.
- I'm sharing a cab with Mr.
- Talion.
It was nice to meet you.
See you tomorrow.
It seems you two get along well.
Kind of.
I found your father.
He's fine.
I think you should meet him.
Tomorrow, we'll go together
after the test.
I don't want to see him.
He's a liar.
Your father misses you.
Do you want me to stay with you tonight?
I might be a bit unpleasant, though.
Well, you always were.
Here I have the results
of the test we did in France.
The principle is straightforward.
The one who scores the most points
will be named heir
of the Léger inheritance.
Any questions?
First, the academic round.
Issei Tomine, 70 points.
Camille Léger, 30.
Second round. Matching food with wine.
Issei Tomine, 35.
Camille Léger, 65.
So at the end of the two first rounds,
Mr. Tomine has a lead of ten points.
And now the third and last round.
The so-called blend.
Issei Tomine, 45 points.
Camille Léger, 55.
It's a tie.
Are you okay with this?
- Yes.
- Yes! Oh, yes! Thank God!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
- Thank you.
- It's amazing.
He knew. Alexandre knew this would happen.
He left a message for you. It's here.
If you both are watching me now,
that's because you're both talented,
beyond all my expectations.
Issei, you were by far my best student.
And you did so incredibly well, Issei.
Camille, if you're still here,
then your mom didn't succeed
to entirely distance you from me.
Blood ties don't get just cut off.
I will always remember the little girl
walking with me in the vineyards.
Even if a storm was coming.
Do you remember?
You both got this far,
and I congratulate you.
it seems obvious
that there can be only one winner.
The truth is that the empire
that I constructed,
the invaluable wine collection that I've
put together simply cannot be broken.
I want you both
to think about that mother,
who, faced with King Solomon,
refused to cut her child in two.
That mother is me.
There will be a final test.
A kind of sudden death, if you like.
I called it the Drops of God test.
The one who finds out
what the Drops of God are
will become the guardian of the temple.
My cellar is yours.
Explore it at will.
Good luck.
What the fuck is this?
I had no idea. I'm sorry.
The guardian of the temple. Solomon.
When I think that we both worked so hard
to get this far, fucking hell.
Dead or not, he can go fuck himself!
I absolutely understand your despair.
This is not despair.
This is anger, okay?
The Drops of God?
What are we supposed to do about it?
The guy proclaims himself to be God
and the one who finds the wine
is the "chosen one"? For fuck's sake!
Fuck this.
I quit.
Mr. Tomine.
I think there is something
you should know.
It's fine, Issei, really.
You deserve it. It's fine with me.
I just want to go home.
If you quit, I'll quit.
You don't have to do this.
Yes, I do.
Did you tell Talion? What did he say?
If we both quit, everything goes to Luca.
- What?
- He was your father's best friend, right?
No, fuck that.
Luca Inglese will have nothing. Nothing!
Where are you going?
To find those fucking Drops of God.
Motherfucking piece of shit.
This is bullshit!
Motherfucking piece of shit. Shit!
That's a lot of drops.
What do you think he means,
the Drops of God?
His favorite wine.
The most rated. The most personal.
I really have no idea.
What kind of father
does that to his own children?
You tell me. You know him better than me.
No, I don't.
He never even invited me here.
Shall we drink?
Oh, yeah. Let's drink.
Our father
would be so proud of us right now.
I don't care.
This could very well be the Drop of God.
any one of
the 87,000 bottles in this cellar.
Three down.
86,987 to go.
You got the math wrong.
No, I didn't.
You said 86,987.
It's 86,997.
Not 87.
That's what I said.
No, you said
Shit, I can't remember.
I need to go to bathroom.
- This way?
- Upstairs.
Don't be scared, Camille.
- But--
- But what?
Come on. Count up to five.
Miss Léger?
Are we ready?
First of all, Mr. Tomine, to the question,
"What are the Drops of God?",
you replied, "Chambertin Grand Cru
Domaine Armand Rousseau 1996."
I'm sorry. That is not the correct answer.
Miss Léger's answer now.
To the question,
"What are the Drops of God?",
you answered, "The rain."
The rain is the correct answer.
Congratulations, Miss Léger.
I'm sorry, Mr. Talion,
but could you leave us, please?
No problem. This house is yours now.
One. Two. Three.
I cheated.
Four. Five.
Wine is the earth
humans and the sky.
Without the rain, no grapevines.
No wine
no life.
This all comes down to the divine order.
Alexandre cheated.
The Drops of God, he wanted me to find it.
It's a memory I have from my childhood.
He gave you an advantage.
It's normal.
You're his daughter.
We're both his children, Issei.
We'll take him to court.
We'll prove
that we're half brother and sister.
They'll have to split the whole thing
between us.
What do you think?
I want to let you know that I could
claim half of Alexandre's inheritance.
All I need to do is
tell the world that I'm his son.
But I won't do that.
It's not for you or
your grandfather's reputation.
I just don't care at all.
I won't make it public
because I don't think I'm his son.
I have only one father.
Excuse me.
Lot 56. From Camille Léger's collection.
A burgundy, Côte de Nuit.
Richebourg, Grand Cru.
Domaine Henri Jayer, 1988.
We start the bidding at 17,000.
17,500. 18,000.
18,500. 19,000. 19,500.
€25,000. We have a bid for €25,000
by that gentleman over there.
Anybody want to top that?
I'm going to close the bid.
Sold for €25,000.
Lot 57.
Still from Camille Léger's collection.
A Côte Rotie, Les Grandes Fontaines, 1989.
- Hey, Lorenzo.
- Hey, girl.
So, what do you think?
Yes, I'll do it. But on one condition.
I'm listening.
I want Miyabi with me.
Congratulations. You two
are the new editors of the Léger Guide.
Oh, my God!
- This will surely die.
- Why?
You couldn't even take care of a cactus.
I didn't really like it.
So, why did you get it?
It was a gift.
From my grandma.
Excuse me. Are you Mr. Issei Tomine?
I have a delivery for you.
Please follow me.
Please sign here.
Thank you.
And this is for you.
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