Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

The Smell of Enchanting Blood

Dear, what's the matter?
What's this?
What's going on?
I-Is that blood?
Stop it!
You need to worry about yourself!
Please take a cloth
and press down hard on the wound!
It's all right.
Somehow, it's going to turn out fine.
The wife's wound isn't fatal!
Do it harder!
Do it harder! Tie it up with a rope!
It's going to be all right.
This man hasn't killed anyone!
Just a second ago, this man
was just walking down this street!
Are you all right?
You mustn't look.
It's dangerous here, Rei.
Let's move over there.
Where'd he go?
I can't leave this man here!
Muzan Kibutsuji!
I'm not letting you get away!
No matter where you go!
What's the matter with that child?
What do you think, Tsukihiko?
No matter where you go,
you're not getting away!
I'll follow you to the ends of Hell,
and I swear I'll slice off
your head with my blade!
I'll never forgive you no matter what!
What the hell are you doing?
Is it a drunk?
Kid, step away from that man!
I can't!
Bring some restraints please!
Shut up and step away!
Please don't do that!
No one can hold
this person down but me!
Please don't do that!
Just look at this guy's face!
Has he lost his mind?
Pull the kid off him!
Please stop!
I don't want this person to kill anyone!
Just stay out of my way, will you?
I'm begging you!
Dammit! Look, you
If you're going to keep resisting
Enchanting Blood.
Aroma of Visual Fantasy.
What's this scent?
What are all these patterns?
What's going on? I can't see anything!
Is this some kind of attack?
If it is, that means trouble!
Is the scent growing stronger?
You still use
the term "person"
to refer to even a transformed demon.
And you're trying to save him.
Allow me, then, to lend you a hand.
But why?
Your scent tells me
That's right.
I am
a demon, but I am also a doctor,
and I wish to annihilate
that man, Kibutsuji.
Aren't you coming, Daddy?
Daddy has work.
I have a business meeting to attend.
I'm also concerned
about that disturbance just now.
Don't worry.
I'm only going to speak with the police.
Now, get in.
Daddy, come home soon, okay?
All right. You be a good girl now.
Take them back to the house.
Go on.
Big Bro, let's hit one more bar!
Yacchan, are you okay?
I'm fine! I'm fine!
I'm not even drunk yet—
What the hell, you bastard?
Forgive me.
Hey, come back here!
I'm very sorry,
but I happen to be in a hurry, so
What did you say?
Hey, look at you, decked out
in those posh-looking threads!
You piss me off!
You and your pale face
You look like you're about to fall over dead!
Hey, say something, will you?
Or did you just croak?
What did you do to my kid brother?
He's dead!
Yacchan's not breathing!
You bastard!
Does my complexion
look unhealthy to you?
Is my face pale?
Do I look sickly to you?
Do I look like I'm not long
for this world?
Do I look like I'm about to die?
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
I'm a living being
who's infinitely close to perfection.
What do you think will happen
if I keep flooding you with my blood?
The human body is unable to withstand
the speed of transformation.
And its cells are destroyed.
Bring me the head of the Demon Slayer
who wears hanafuda-like earrings.
As you wish.
Your wish is our command.
Those earrings
Now, listen to me! Here's the deal
My point is this, okay?
It's not about the money!
What I can't forgive is your lack of intent
to eat my udon, all right?
I'm so sorry!
Please serve me another bowl!
So, you're gonna eat it?
You're definitely gonna eat it?
Yes, I shall!
You, too!
If you're gonna have udon,
take off that bamboo thingie first!
What is that thing anyway?
Take these chopsticks! Chopsticks!
I'd like a bowl of udon!
I'd like two bowls of udon!
Thank you very much for the meal!
That was delicious!
As long as you get it! It's all good!
Thanks for your business!
Sorry about that, Nezuko.
Leaving you behind like that
What's wrong, Nezuko?
So, you've been waiting for us?
Because I was told
to bring you to see her.
I could've tracked you by scent.
She's in a place
that's under a cloaking spell.
No way could you find it.
Isn't that woman a demon?
And an eyesore to boot.
Does he mean "ugly"?
Who in their right mind
would call her an eyesore?
Just take a good look at her features!
She was the beauty
of our hometown! Our Nezuko!
Let's go.
Sure, we'll go, but still
No way is she an eyesore!
Not on your life!
Take a look at her
where there's a bit more light!
Come on, let's go over there!
Oh, I know what it is!
It's this muzzle, right?
It might be because of this muzzle!
I'd like you to behold Nezuko
without the muzzle!
Hurry it up.
While no one's around.
There's a house
behind the dead end!
Get over here!
Listen. Make sure you don't offend
that person in any way.
Personally, I couldn't care less
what happens to you.
But I brought you here
because she insisted!
Come in.
I have returned.
Welcome back.
I'm sorry that I left you
to take care of things just now.
How is the lady?
She'll be just fine.
Unfortunately, I have to keep
her husband restrained in the basement.
Isn't treating human wounds
unbearable for you?
You think demons treat humans while choking
back their own drool at the smell of blood?
Stop it. Why would you
resort to violence?
I never introduced myself, did I?
My name is Tamayo.
That boy is Yushiro.
I hope that you'll be his friend.
I don't think that's gonna happen.
It's not unbearable, you know.
I believe it's much easier for me
than for normal demons.
Because I've tweaked
my body considerably.
I've also removed Kibutsuji's curse.
Curse? T-Tweaked your body?
Come this way.
Hey, Nezuko, that's bad manners!
That's quite all right.
Please make yourselves at home.
Now then, allow me to continue.
I adjusted our bodies so that we can live
without devouring humans.
A small amount of human blood
is all we need.
You mean
You may find it distasteful,
but what I do is buy blood
under the guise of transfusions
from those unable to make ends meet.
Of course, no more
than would impair them.
I see.
So, that's why I'm not picking up that strange
scent unique to demons from these two.
But they do need human blood after all.
If blood is all they need, then Nezuko
Yushiro can get by with even less blood.
I'm the one who turned him
into a demon.
You did that?
You're right.
It's generally held that no one
but Kibutsuji can reproduce demons.
That's more or less accurate.
After more than 200 years,
I was only able to transform Yushiro
into a demon after all.
Two hundred years
You were only able to transform Yushiro
after more than 200 years?
Exactly how old are you, Miss Tamayo?
Don't ask a lady her age,
you ill-mannered scoundrel!
The next time you hit that boy,
I'll make you regret it!
Yes, ma'am!
She's beautiful even when she's angry!
There's one thing
I'd like to clear up with you.
I'm not trying to create more demons.
I only perform the procedure
on the terminally ill
or those so gravely injured
that they don't have long to live.
And in those cases,
I always ask them beforehand
if they wish to live on even as demons.
The scent she's giving off is pure
and devoid of deception.
She's someone I can trust.
Miss Tamayo,
is there a way to return a transformed
demon back to human form?
See anything?
I can see.
I can see footprints.
This is it. This is it.
Making a huge turn over there.
There are three of them.
And one's carrying some kind of big box.
How should we kill them, I wonder.
I can feel the flow of power.
Because of all the blood
he shared with me.
Of course we're going to
slay them vindictively.
There is a way to turn a demon
back into a human.
Please tell me how!
Don't you dare get so close to Lady Tamayo!
Yes, ma'am! I only threw him.
Lady Tamayo. I did not hit him.
You mustn't do either.
Yes, ma'am!
Ouch, ouch, ouch.
Please tell me how.
For any kind of wound, there's always
some kind of medicine or treatment.
At this time, I'm unable to turn
a demon back into a human,
but surely, that, too
we are dedicated to establishing
such a method of treatment.
Towards that end, I'd like to ask you
to do something for me.
To produce such an elixir,
it is necessary to study
the blood of numerous demons.
I have two favors to ask of you.
One, permission to study
your sister's blood.
Two, to retrieve
blood samples from demons
as closely related to Kibutsuji
as possible.
Nezuko's current condition
is extremely rare and unique.
I understand that she was asleep
for two straight years,
and I believe that her body underwent
changes during that time.
Normally, any demon who went that long
without consuming the flesh
or blood of a human or beast
would unquestionably go berserk.
Lady Tamayo is beautiful today, too!
I'm sure she'll be
beautiful again tomorrow!
And yet, surprisingly,
Nezuko shows none of those signs.
This miracle will be the key
to finding a solution.
The other request I have for you
is a harsh one.
By "demons closely related to Kibutsuji,"
I meant demons whose powers are more
on par with that of Kibutsuji himself.
It won't be easy to extract blood
from such demons.
Are you still willing
to go along with my requests?
If there's no other way, then I'll do it.
If it means you're going to research
all these demons' blood
and create this medicine
If that happens, that means
it won't just be Nezuko.
Lots of other people
will be saved, too, right?
That's right.
Get down!
Did you decide how to kill them?
Vindictively, of course!
I'm starting with the Taisho secret today!
Yushiro's hobby is to write
in his Lady Tamayo journal.
I hear that he churns out
seven to ten pages a day.
And now, I've found that very journal.
Let's take a peek, huh?
Let's see.
"January 10. Lady Tamayo was ethereal
and gorgeous again today.
At 17:10, she called my name.
Twice, no less!
Her voice was beautiful.
At 17:29, when Lady Tamayo,
deep in thought, slipped on the step"
Next, Episode 9,
"Temari Demon and Arrow Demon"!
Let's pretend we never saw this.
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