Destined with You (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Your girlfriend slapped me.
She said I hit on you.
She said we held hands,
hugged, and kissed.
Why must I get slapped by her?
What the hell did you tell her?
That I'm being swayed.
You must be insane.
You weren't really swayed.
You should've explained
that it was the spell or neural coupling.
You gave me so many excuses.
Why didn't you tell Na-yeon any of those?
Because it's true.
You swayed me
and are still swaying me.
What do you want from me?
You want me to be honest? Fine.
What are you doing?
Do you really have to ask?
Did you break up
with Na-yeon?
Are you playing with me?
You're a lost cause.
What about you?
- What about me?
- Tell me honestly.
Can you say you never wavered
when you saw me?
I never did.
So you shouldn't either.
It's undesirable.
I'll drive you home.
If I get in your car in this situation,
that means I'm out of my mind.
It's a crime to take
and spread others' photos.
I'm not asking Jang Sin-yu, as the lawyer.
I'm asking Jang Sin-yu, as my boyfriend.
Why won't you say anything?
Give me an excuse or anything.
Say something.
There's no excuse to make.
What do you mean?
I was swayed.
I didn't realize it.
I didn't know I wavered.
I think such things can happen
in a long-term relationship.
I can't go to City Hall for now.
Wrap it up and call me.
I won't ask anything.
Just end it all.
Whatever the feelings were.
Why did you close your eyes?
You should've slapped him.
Are you a fool?
You got slapped and stayed still?
I won't let this pass.
What's this?
I couldn't sleep
because I was mad at you.
They say the offender sleeps well.
Why couldn't you?
You must've slept well then.
You think so?
I want to pay you back,
but I'm holding myself back.
It's a waste of water.
Is this why you called me out this early?
No need to give me that dirty look.
I called you out to tell you
about what happened between Sin-yu and me.
It seems like your boyfriend
that you love so much
didn't tell you the full story.
Meet me on the rooftop.
I'll come to your office.
I need your consultation
regarding a stray cat feeding station.
We have something else to talk about.
No, I don't.
I told Na-yeon everything
on my way to work.
About what?
Why we did what we did.
If you had told her
it was due to the spell,
she wouldn't have gotten it wrong.
Why keep it a secret from your girlfriend?
Were you too embarrassed to tell her?
Did you tell her the truth?
I told her the truth,
but don't worry.
I didn't tell her about last night.
Why didn't you tell her about last night?
It wasn't a big deal.
A kiss isn't a big deal?
It must be bothering you a lot.
But I'm rather open-minded.
I decided to get over with it.
Everyone makes
such mistakes.
I'm glad that you're nonchalant.
I thought you'd attach
too much meaning to it.
So I was very bothered.
You shouldn't be.
I didn't put any meaning to it.
Check the documents fast.
I need to go out for work. I'm in a hurry.
Someone set up
a feeding station in the park.
I know it's unauthorized,
but I want to leave it as is, if possible.
Please check if that's doable legally.
I would need it as soon as possible.
Please don't call or text,
but use the in-house email or messenger
to contact me.
I'll review it at my earliest opportunity
and contact you
using the in-house email or messenger.
Is that all?
Yes, thank you.
As if it'd make any difference
if I put meaning to it.
It changes a lot of things.
Before I called her name
She was merely a moving gesture
But when I called her name
She came to me and became a flower
I'll call your name.
Why aren't you becoming a flower?
You're already a flower.
Mr. Kwon. It's not funny at all.
I find it funny.
What are you doing?
Didn't you say you were in a hurry?
I am. I was going to leave now.
I feel much better
thanks to you, Mr. Kwon.
I'll get going now.
Okay. Good luck with your work.
This isn't important now.
I feel like Admiral Yi Sun-sin fighting
in the Battle of Hansan Island.
What strategy should I use
for the blind date?
Give me some ideas.
It's just a blind date.
Don't make a big fuss.
It might be LBDOML.
Last blind date of my life.
Speaking of which,
I asked all my friends
to find out about her.
She's a pesco-vegetarian.
A what?
A vegetarian who doesn't eat
poultry or meat.
Poultry means chicken.
It sounds bad already.
Mr. Gong.
Get a grip.
You might stay single
for the rest of your life.
I could lose chicken
for the rest of my life.
You can think about that
after the blind date goes well.
eat seafood pasta for dinner.
For the second round,
have a glass of wine.
Then the third round…
The third round--
How does
Buyongjae Fireworks Festival sound?
Karaoke should do…
You cry whenever you go to karaoke.
Will Seung-yeon
from the Tax Department like that?
Who knows?
She might like sensitive men.
Look at our hopeless team leader.
The festival's near
and he wants to talk about his blind date.
- We finished talking about the festival.
- Really?
How many fireworks do we need?
Why do you keep bringing up
this blind date topic in a meeting?
Why do you do that?
He said they weren't so bad.
I think they're very bad.
My grandpa said
real bad guys would even put
pesticide in the cat food.
I won't let that happen.
I'm a very brave
and skilled civil servant.
That doesn't matter.
Even if they kill cats,
it'll be hard to catch them.
- Why?
- Look.
Here's the blind spot of the CCTV.
You know what a blind spot is?
If you're free,
let's have a cup of hot chocolate.
On my way back home after class,
Ji-woo suddenly held my hand.
I'm not interested
in having a girlfriend now.
And honestly, she's not my type.
But since that day, I couldn't sleep.
She keeps getting on my mind.
What's important is
how long you two held hands.
How long was it?
Let's see.
About five minutes?
Hey, that means you like her.
You should've let go immediately
if you didn't like her.
That's why she keeps getting on my mind.
I was taken aback, so I couldn't let go.
But she might think I liked it.
I really don't like
tall girls like Ji-woo.
She's over 150 cm.
You're in denial now.
You started liking someone,
but you don't want to admit it.
Is this consultation really going fine?
You don't even have experience.
Aren't you taking this too lightly?
I'm not.
It annoys me to think about it too.
Why did I close my eyes?
Why didn't I push him away?
It felt so weird,
but I needed to act cool.
You're in denial too, right?
I'm not.
I'm not denying
that I don't like him when I do.
I just
don't like him.
What is going on?
What is this?
What were you doing with Hong-jo?
Sin-yu? I didn't expect you to call.
Can you track down a phone number?
They took photos without consent
and sent them to a third party.
There's a high chance
they used a burner phone.
Did you report it?
It's not bad enough to report.
Seems like a stalker.
Is it serious?
Is that stalker stalking you?
I don't think so.
They're stalking my acquaintance.
Let me ask this first.
What did Sin-yu tell you about me?
He didn't say anything about you.
Then why did you suddenly slap me?
Someone sent me pictures
of you and him together.
You guys in front of your house,
in a park, and so on.
Who sent you those pictures and why?
I don't know either.
I called the sender,
but the number didn't exist.
You better watch out.
Someone might be stalking you.
Get in.
You have nothing going on
with Sin-yu now, right?
What do you mean?
Does he still talk about spells?
Did he come to his senses now?
That's what I wanted to ask.
I don't know.
Why? Did something happen again?
You know the saying,
"Whoever cares more, loses."
I won't care about him.
You saying that makes me care even more.
Any plans for the end of this year?
I must go to a gathering
I don't want to attend.
Would you come with me?
You don't want to attend it.
So why are you inviting me?
It's a gathering for couples.
That kind of a gathering is a bit…
From now until we arrive home,
if all traffic lights stay green,
let's go together.
If any of them turns red,
let's go together.
So either way, I have to go.
That's right.
Isn't it a bit hot in here?
I'm cold.
I see.
So envious.
It's been a million years
since I last kissed.
What on earth is he doing?
Have you arrived? Where are you?
The situation is bleak.
We have an issue at the commercial shoot.
What issue?
Is there an accident?
I need to hang up now.
Mr. Jang.
Yes, Hee-ae. Yes.
Did he stand his wife up
to meet a celebrity?
Isn't this a reason for a divorce?
I'll scold him real bad.
Why are you alone?
Didn't he come with you?
I… got stood up.
What about you, Wook?
I'm here to meet my dad
and help out with the event.
Let me carry that.
It's okay.
I'm thinking of going back.
I'm the only one who came alone,
so it feels awkward.
No, you're not alone.
I made some mulled wine today.
You're very sweet.
Nobody does this for me.
I do for others
what I wish others would
do for me.
I'm someone who's full of love.
But there's nobody to receive my love.
That makes me
so upset.
I can relate.
I want to receive lots of love,
but nobody gives it to me.
That's a pity.
Gosh, it's a shooting star.
Quick, make a wish.
You should look at the star.
It's the Geminids meteor shower.
It's been ten years since that many fell.
It's so beautiful.
What is it?
Why are you all dressed up?
Are you going out?
I'm not going out. I just came back.
How could you sleep
when I wasn't even back?
Weren't you worried
about what I was doing?
You must've gone and seen the stars alone.
I wasn't alone.
I saw them together with a man.
Good job.
I said I was with a man.
Aren't you jealous?
I am.
If you sleep now, you fail as a husband.
I'll really get a divorce!
Sure, do it.
Do everything you want.
Why did you bring this?
She just passed it on to me.
Keeping it at home
makes me keep thinking about it.
But it doesn't feel right
to throw away a 300-year-old book.
Do whatever you want with it.
This must be in the owner's hands.
You're not fooling me.
There were no spells.
Just return it to Hong-jo.
I can't.
I can't meet her.
How nice.
Nothing's nice.
I feel like trash.
I hate messy things.
But I'm a mess now.
Love is always messy and foolish.
Who said it was love?
You and Hong-jo's destinies
cannot be severed, so--
Inseverable destinies?
There are no such things.
Your heart racing crazily
doesn't mean it's love.
It just means you're crazy.
If I dated someone for a long time,
I should stay loyal to her.
Being loyal alone
is the dumbest thing in the world.
Both the spell book and the box.
Deal with them as you like.
Do you really want to call it quits?
Then there's only one way.
Everything depends on your mindset.
It's excruciating!
No. You'll lose if you do this.
Even at this moment,
he's not thinking about you at all.
He might be just enjoying his date.
What should I do first?
Delete everything.
Hello, Eun-wol.
Outside? Why?
I didn't intend this.
I know. Eun-wol told me about it.
What were you doing?
Nothing much.
Looks pretty without makeup.
What did you say?
Eun-wol looks pretty without makeup.
She is beautiful indeed.
Why did you bother taking that to her?
You could've just thrown it away.
Just like you threw it away
and didn't give it to me?
She said something would happen
if you kept the box.
What does she mean?
Didn't something already happen?
I see.
From the moment we met, to the kiss.
It's been a big mess.
You know it all started
because of you, right?
That's why I'm here
to take the final responsibility.
Can I really trust you?
If I put it back to where it was,
will everything be settled?
There's no harm trying.
She says misfortune
will fall upon us if we don't.
Give me that and leave. I'll do it myself.
It has to be the exact spot
where the wooden box was found.
Do you know where it was?
Not there.
That's the wooden box's seat.
You walk like a snail
and are alert like a meerkat.
Isn't it really strange?
It's not as if we're celebrities.
Why would they take pictures of us?
Aren't you cold?
Sin-yu. You saw those pictures, right?
Yes. If it's heavy, I'll carry it.
It's okay.
What were the pictures like?
I was shocked.
We've spent a lot of time together.
What I'm saying is,
they have been following us
for a long time.
What was their intention of doing it?
I couldn't help but question.
Are they taking pictures of us even now?
There are only two of us for now.
How can you be sure?
I can see from a higher place.
You always could,
so why didn't you spot them before?
Don't worry too much.
We're not doing anything strange.
It's strange no matter how you see it.
In the 21st century,
two people are going
to a shrine to bury a spell book.
I really hope today will be the last day.
I don't want
to meet you outside of City Hall
unless it's for work.
Watch out. The leaves are slippery.
See? I told you to watch out.
You're wearing white pants.
Are you okay?
This is bad.
What should we do?
There must've been another spell book.
"Black Magic Spell"?
It seems these spells are used
to curse someone.
It feels strange.
The content is horrendous.
It doesn't matter.
We're going to bury it anyway.
Can't you remember?
I want to go back down.
Were you always easily frightened?
I would get scared even if I wasn't.
It's ominous.
I'm holding a spell book
used to kill people.
Then stop carrying it
and put it on the ground.
The wooden floor was around here.
A big room was at the back.
A door to the side.
There was a small room in it.
It should be here.
Start digging.
She said you had to bury it yourself.
I'll bury it.
You dig.
What is it?
Did you hear that just now?
I heard nothing.
That can't be.
What is it?
Don't look.
What is it?
Is there something?
No. There's nothing.
What is it? What's wrong?
I told you not to look.
This won't do.
We should just go back today.
Those clothes.
I think they're mine.
So those are your pajamas, right?
It's been long since I lost them.
I hung them on a drying rack.
Then they disappeared.
I never thought someone broke into
my house and stole them.
As a lawyer, you must know well.
Even if they curse you like this,
it's impossible to punish them by law.
Theft is a bigger issue than that.
They clearly trespassed too,
and there are signs of stalking.
You're right.
That doll from earlier.
They cursed both of us, right?
Pull over.
I saw something similar
in the black magic spell book.
I want to check what curse it was.
I didn't read it properly.
We verified it recently.
And we concluded that spells didn't work.
So don't get scared by a doll.
Still, I feel uneasy.
Curses don't exist.
People are the scary ones.
The person who made the curse doll,
not the curse itself.
Where are we?
You told me not to get scared.
You must be very scared.
Yes, I'm very scared
that something might happen to you.
- This, this and this. Give me these three.
- Okay.
Change your door lock password.
Don't use your birthday
or your phone number.
How can you leave the windows unlocked?
I'll lock them later.
This won't do.
Install some grilles.
It's okay. I'll handle it myself.
A man could easily push this open.
Mr. Kwon's downstairs.
If something happens, I'll scream.
Then he'll come running.
What if he's not at home like now?
Don't worry.
Actually, I am a yellow belt in taekwondo.
Isn't that the belt you get
when you sign up?
- That's a white belt.
- So?
Do you think
you can protect yourself with that?
I have the spray
and the stun gun you bought for me.
Should I stay with you?
It's okay.
Are you sure?
Is it fine for me to leave?
What now?
I shouldn't care for you personally?
Thank you for today.
If you're that grateful…
let's go on a date.
Must you make it so obvious?
I guess we must.
Taking photos and spreading them
without consent are crimes.
And I'm a victim of those crimes too.
The pajamas were yours,
but it was my name that was nailed.
Should we just wait
since we filed a report?
Having a very uncomfortable
and uneasy weekend?
I didn't want to stay at home either.
Actually, staying at home
doesn't feel safe.
You did well.
Let's go.
Thank you.
It was hard to make a reservation here.
I can tell. The food is good.
You haven't even started eating yet.
Did you get some sleep?
I couldn't sleep,
and I nodded off this afternoon.
I gave it some thought.
I think the prime suspect
is the garden owner.
Jae-gyeong's on my list of suspects too.
It's easy for him to steal your pajamas.
We came across each other quite often too.
He's not someone who would do that.
With his hair down,
he looks very cute and docile.
I look cute and docile
with my hair down too.
Like now.
Do you still eat alone?
No. My seniors take good care of me.
It's all thanks to you.
I must've looked pitiful.
They think I hit on you
and then was turned down.
They said we were in the same boat.
They even bought me drinks.
Then this one's on you.
You're not an outcast anymore,
thanks to me.
Come on.
You're the son
of a construction company owner,
have lots of land, and have an ancestor
mentioned in Joseon Dynasty Records.
Don't do this.
You know a lot about me.
I don't know much about you.
Do you have other family members?
Mom, aunt, or uncle?
My mom passed away
soon after she gave birth to me.
My dad was an only child,
so I don't have any relatives.
Have I now passed
the "friend you share snacks with" level?
You said you don't talk
about yourself to strangers.
Since white magic didn't work,
black magic won't as well, right?
Actually, it bothers me
that they nailed your name.
It's not a Death Note.
I won't die
from my name being written there.
Don't worry.
Don't run, Hong-jo. It's dangerous.
Come quickly.
Sin-yu. Aren't you coming?
I'll come when the wind stops.
Do you need help?
Yes, please.
- Be careful. You might fall.
- One, two…
You prepared a lot.
Our goal is to make this look like a date.
Look at my pathetic life.
I'm on a fake date to catch a stalker.
Regardless, the night view was nice.
By the way, I think you're amazing.
You said you had a fear of heights.
Still, you went all the way up there.
I don't have that fear.
I generally don't have any fear.
Since I was young,
everyone told me I was bold.
That's a lie.
You're so tall, but you have tiny guts.
You're scared of bugs,
dogs, and even heights.
Didn't the curse doll scare you?
You might have a nightmare and say,
"A ghost appeared in my dream."
Don't look at me like that.
How am I looking at you?
In a way that makes me confused.
Sin-yu. Why did you do that?
What do you want to do with me?
What do you want to do with me?
Why are you pushing it back to me?
It's as if you're playing with me.
You show a bit
of your feelings and hide them.
Then you feel me out.
You're such a coward.
At first, I thought it couldn't be helped
because of the Love Spell.
But spells didn't work.
Then I need to wake up.
I'm still a mess.
I don't want to believe
in temporary feelings either.
I really…
I really don't want to.
But when I look at you…
I can't control myself.
You know,
I'm not friends with Na-yeon.
I thought we were for a while,
but I was mistaken.
But I don't want
to steal someone else's boyfriend.
So don't do anything.
You're a City Hall lawyer.
I'm a civil servant of the same City Hall.
Let's just stay that way.
Let's not get any closer.
Stay right there.
Thank you for showing me
the great night view.
This needs to look
like a real date until the end.
Go in.
I'll check around the house
before I leave.
- Take the spray.
- No.
Keep it with you.
Be careful.
Don't worry.
I'll get going now.
Why are you so late?
You weren't
waiting for me, were you?
Where have you been?
You weren't home yesterday.
You were here last night?
To see me?
Or are you still not over Hong-jo?
Tell me where you've been first.
I was on a three-day business trip
with the mayor.
Now tell me why you're here.
I need your permission.
You can't be here
to buy flowers at this late hour.
I'll be straightforward.
The straw that was there.
What did you use it for?
Gosh, this is unbelievable.
Ms. Yoo. Look at me.
How do I look?
Naturally smudged makeup
that makes people want to kiss me.
Did you not wipe your mouth after eating?
Men might think differently.
I'm going to Mr. Jang for a consultation.
He won't fall for you.
Why not?
The woman on the first floor
is nowhere to be seen recently.
They might've broken up.
No love lasts forever.
Ms. Son. Can you pass mine to him too?
I asked him about the stray cat issue,
but he hasn't replied or picked up.
That kind of a request…
I love it.
You're thoughtful.
I'm off.
Thank you.
Why are you back already?
Mr. Jang's not there.
He's on sick leave.
- Why?
- I wouldn't know about that.
Gi-dong told me that.
I even bought new clothes.
Wear them tomorrow.
He won't know you wore
the same clothes two days in a row.
He's not gone for a day or two.
Gi-dong doesn't know when he'll be back.
Is he very ill?
I hope he gets well soon.
My heart breaks
when a handsome man falls ill.
I didn't call you.
The pamphlet's sample is here.
Let's check together.
Where's Ms. Ma?
Can we write this already?
I'm sorry.
- Hello.
- Where have you been?
The festival's soon, so we're busy.
I couldn't endure it anymore.
- So I went to hospital.
- Oh, my.
What happened?
My unbalanced washing machine
would keep sticking out.
I sprained a finger while fixing it.
It's so hard living alone.
I can't move a washing machine
nor my bed alone.
My house is a mess.
I cried because I couldn't uncork wine.
My boyfriend would've
opened it for me if I had one.
It made me feel so lonely and miserable.
Speaking of which, all of us are single.
Is this team under a curse?
It is.
Under a malicious one.
Won't the curse be lifted soon?
You're going on a blind date today.
That's right.
Stop your nonsense. Check the pamphlet.
We got in big trouble last year
because of a typo.
There's a typo here.
Instead of "festival,"
it's written "testival."
Who wrote the draft?
I did.
Are you going to work like this?
It's not her fault.
I didn't check properly at the end.
- Call them and fix this.
- Okay.
You're so prepared for the blind date,
but your work's a mess.
You got good eyes.
Yes. Maybe because she has big eyes.
- Goodness.
- Good job.
I'm sorry.
But there's one more.
Come on.
Why do you want
to set up a CCTV at my house?
Someone stole Hong-jo's clothes
from her house.
I'm worried about it happening again.
Are you suspecting me?
So you asked where I've been?
If it sounded like that,
I guess that's true.
I can't let you set up a CCTV.
If we need one, I'll set it up myself.
Stay out of it.
It looks pretty.
Thank you for your hard work.
The signboard will be done
tomorrow afternoon.
I'll call you when it's up.
I'll take pictures for my report.
It's cool.
Why are the lights off?
This shouldn't happen
during the festival, sir.
Jae-gyeong's on my list of suspects too.
We came across each other quite often too.
What's happening?
Subtitle translation by: Kim Yeeun
- Will Sin-yu be fine?
- Hong-jo.
I brought some sleeping pills.
You need to sleep soundly.
I'm concerned about the curse doll.
Do you think Sin-yu's sick
because of this curse?
"A disaster will happen for sure."
"Your soul and body will be destroyed."
You know nothing
about what will happen to you.
Let's run away.
It doesn't matter where.
Ripped and synced by
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