Dinotrux (2015) s01e08 Episode Script


Get back here! Ton-Ton, we got the rock! Go long! I'm wide open, dude! Hey! Intercepted! Garby! Pass me the rock! Nice throw.
Okay, my aim's a little off.
It's okay, Garby.
At least you didn't eat the rock this time.
Sorry about that.
We We really gotta stop playing Capture the Rock with granite.
I mean, that stuff's delicious.
A T-Trux playing games with Craneosaurs and Ankylodumps? Look at them.
I am.
I am looking.
Um How long am I Supposed to keep looking? There must be a way to get rid of them.
What is this? Excuse me, that's my scrap collection.
Let me just get it out of your way.
I got it.
My beautiful scrap! Why? Why? My Stegarbasaur transmission bolt.
Do you know how hard it is to find these? Hmm.
Yes, and I know where to get you a new one.
It was so shiny.
Wait, really? A new one? I smell a plan coming.
Wait, is that me? Nope, nope.
Definitely a plan.
There you go, spikes aligned.
How's that working for you? Perfect! Oh, yeah! Ah! My eyes! My eyes! They They sting! Oh, sorry, I tend to gas off when I relax.
Uh-uh-uh! Look at these dents.
And for what? Capture the Rock? Aren't there better ways to practice your aim? Less fun ways.
Yeah, count me out.
You have to understand, Waldo's idea of fun is cataloging bits based on weight.
You don't catalog bits based on weight, you catalog based on size.
Any tool knows that.
See how much fun? Whoa.
Who's that? Click-Clack? Yes.
Sorry, might not want to get too close, 'cause I got some bad gas.
Ugh! I can't keep track of you tools.
Hey, something doesn't feel quite right.
One of you tools messing with my transmission? Nope.
My guess? Indigestion.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Trust me, if I got gas, you don't wanna be around when the tank empties, if you know what I mean.
Ooh! Doesn't sound too good.
Yeah, I think I'm stuck.
Ace is on the case.
I'm going in.
Don't worry, Garby.
Ace can fix anything.
I can't fix him.
Okay, maybe you can worry.
Guys, he's missing his transmission pan bolt.
A Stegarbasaur transmission pan bolt is the rarest of all bolts.
Without it, Garby cannot move.
Whoa! You're saying I'm gonna be stuck in this garage forever? Okay, everybody, calm down.
You, too, Click-Clack.
Now, how rare is this bolt? And where can we find one? They can only be found in the Bitbug Oasis, in the middle of the Endless Desert.
The Endless Desert? Dude, that place is dangerous.
It's hot and it's got, like, no end.
Oh, please.
Desert's nothing.
At least it's not a mountain.
What's wrong with a mountain? Uh, nothing.
I got off topic.
So, are we going or what? Sure are.
Road trip! All right, let's do this! We got our water.
We got our bitbug-catcher? Ready.
But as Click-Clack is the only other Reptool who can Do that, he should come with us to maximize our catching ability.
Me? Come with you? To the desert? Good luck, Click-Clack.
Deep breath, Click-Clack.
Deep breath.
We're in this together, Click-Clack.
- I got your back.
- Thanks.
I just hope someone's got the rest of me.
The Dinotrux are going into the desert.
Just like you said.
I hope they enjoy their trip because they won't be coming back.
Ah! The desert, the sun, the sand, the wide open space.
I'm afraid of open spaces.
And sun.
I'd put my head in the sand, but I'm afraid of sand And putting my head in it.
Now's not the time to panic, Click-Clack.
Hey, we're at the round boulder.
That means we're halfway there.
You're remembering these landmarks for the way back home, right? Don't have to.
I have an onboard navigation system, named Revvit.
Straight at the round boulder, left at the tree With how many branches? With 41 branches.
Right at the scrap pile Which was what color? - Rusty umber.
- It looked brown to me.
And left again at the boulder shaped like an oblate spheroid.
That, fellow Trux, is what I call the Revvit Recall.
Ah Do we make our move now? Patience.
Phew! Who would've thought the Endless Desert would be so hot? And so endless? Uh That'd be me, dude.
Think you're hot? I, for one, am burning up.
Put me in the woods, I'd start a forest fire.
Actually, Ty's engine is more powerful than other Dinotrux', so he runs the hottest.
Thus, Ty experiences the heat more than the rest of us.
So, what, he can complain and I can't? That's no fair.
You can complain, too, Dozer.
Moment's gone.
Hey, it's the Bitbug Oasis.
Hold up.
It's Click-Clack.
Not again.
What's shakin' ya, Click-Clack? I saw a glint of metal behind us.
I think it was D-Structs! D-Structs? What would that tinhead want out here? Skya, check it out.
All clear from up here.
I'm still not coming out.
I changed my mind.
You guys go on ahead.
I'll take care of him.
Hey, Click-Clack.
Deep breath.
It's okay to be scared.
I get scared sometimes.
You? If I let you in on a secret, you promise not to tell anybody? - Uh-huh.
- I'm afraid of heights.
It got worse after my run-in with some Scrapadactyls.
You're afraid of heights? Shh! I don't want the others to know.
But you're so tall.
How could you, of all Trux, be afraid of heights? I can't fall from my height.
As long as my treads are on the ground, I'm okay.
Anything above that, I get the googlies.
Hey! I thought only I called them that.
What else are we both afraid of? Hmm? The water? Sharp things? Pinecones? Don't get me started on pinecones.
Click-Clack, look on the bright side.
At least you're not stuck in the garage with Garby.
Here's your basalt.
Thanks, Ace, but you know, I've gone off basalt.
You mind finding a nice hornfels? With a light dusting of mica? He just keeps making bricks.
That's nothing, Waldo.
One time, I had some bad limestone.
Talk about thunder down under.
You know, there's a crater somewhere they should name after me, let me tell you.
It all started when I was at the quarry, see, and I was eating the stuff like there was no tomorrow.
Hurry up and get your chassis back here, Dinotrux.
Excellent, a water supply.
Ton-Ton, fill 'er up! Okay, dude.
But first, I just gotta jump one of these sweet desert ramps.
Knock yourself out.
Sweet! Oh! Look at all these bitbugs, Click-Clack.
Is it not amazing? Yeah, fantastic.
A K-lock nutbug! Did you say "'a K-lock nutbug"'? Hey, there's another! Look at this place.
It's got everything.
Water, bitbugs, George, shade, and Wait, George? - George? - Hey, what's up, buddy? You look mighty chill for a dude in the desert.
I am at peace, friends.
Well, if you're gonna find peace, this is the place to do it.
Actually, I came here to find water and then I threw a rod.
I just happen to also be at peace.
You've been stuck here? For how long? The past and future are illusions.
There is only now.
Understand? - Uh Not really.
- You lost me.
What? About two weeks, give or take.
But, uh But I thought you were attacking Dinotrux, not rocks.
This is so I don't have to attack the Dinotrux.
Once I destroy all their landmarks They'll be sad because they love landmarks! It's brilliant.
No, they'll get lost in the desert.
They'll Ah, yeah.
Yeah, your second plan is even better.
Hurry up! I'm moving as fast as I can! There's a lot of tracks to cover up! That'll do it! There.
Try that.
Thanks, my Reptool friend.
You are a blossoming flower on my path to enlightenment.
Uh, glad I could help.
I will be over there figuring out what that meant.
What is this feeling I'm feeling? I'm not afraid, and I want to keep doing what I'm doing.
You are having fun.
That's it! It's not as familiar as cowering in terror, but I think I like it.
There it is! The Stegarbasaur transmission pan bolt bug.
Got it! All right, let's head home! Okay, the landmark has gotta be over this What do they call these again? - A dune? - Right.
A dune.
Ty, have some water.
I'm okay.
Ty? I'm not seeing that round boulder.
It should be here.
Now where'd it go? Um, the first landmark is just over that No, it is this way.
Uh We got turned around.
Rev, you got this? Uh Ah! Now I am positive.
It is this way.
Come on.
Oh, no.
It's never good when you say that.
This is a socket-head bolt normally associated with a Scraptool like Skrap-It.
Well, that's weird.
What's he doing out here? Oh There are no more landmarks, are there? Not feeling so good, Rev.
Ty, you really should have some water, you are running hot.
I think we have another problem.
Lost in the desert, out of water, what else could go wrong? I had to ask.
Is now a good time to panic? - Yes.
- Okay.
Okay, I'll say it.
We're lost.
And Ty's on the verge of overheating.
It's so great we found all this water.
Look, it's raining.
Hey, come on everyone, have a drink! Uh, Ty, do not drink This water is very, very gritty.
I like it.
We better do something fast.
Make that really fast.
Although, he does seem to be having fun.
Hey, check me out! The backstroke! He may be having fun now, but if his engine overheats, he will shut down.
Sometimes we could all use a break.
I don't want a break, I want to find a way out of here.
Do not panic.
We are Reptools and Dinotrux.
And what do we do? We Sing! We'll do a quartet.
I'll take the low end.
Now come on, everybody, what can we build to get ourselves out of this? - Wings! - I do not think that is going to work, Ty.
But we have rocks.
So we could build - Rock wings! - Ty! A deep pit! A long bridge! A giant tower of sand! Wait.
A tower.
We can build a tower.
The tallest tower possible.
Then Skya can climb it, and from that vantage point, hopefully see the way home.
Climb a tower? Is there a problem? Uh No.
No problem.
It's just that Do we have enough rocks? - I love rocks.
- We can excavate.
Maybe we could build a fire instead.
Send out a signal.
Send a signal to who? Garby? He can't move.
Hey, what's the deal, Skya? Getting a little tired here, guys.
All right, fine.
Let's just get this over with.
Try closer! You're like my brother, you know that? A tiny brother, who doesn't look like me at all, but you get me, Ribbit.
Ty, it is Revvit.
Oh, nice to meet you.
You look just like my friend Ribbit.
We did it.
Skya, you are up.
Oh, Ribbit, look at me.
Neat trick, huh? And I suggest you hurry.
I What is it? I'm I'm afraid of heights! What? Wait.
You're not kidding.
I know I gotta do this, but Click-Clack? What are you If I made it out here, then Skya can make it up there.
But you're afraid of heights, too.
Don't remind me.
You don't have to do this, Click-Clack.
Nobody needs to go up on that tower but me.
You got my back.
Now I got yours.
So, take a deep breath.
And let's do this.
Oh! It's okay, Skya, you can do it.
Whose idea was this? It sure wasn't mine, but you have to keep going! She's gonna make it, dudes! I don't see any Wait.
Wait! I see the crater! I see it! You did it, Skya! Thanks to you, Click-Clack.
We're in this together.
Finally, the crater is mine.
The dawn of a new era.
But the sun is setting.
The dusk of a new era.
I think I'll try out that ore station of theirs.
Whoo-hoo! Interference! Come on, D-Structs, Ton-Ton was gonna catch that.
Huh? Aw! You'll think of another plan.
Oh! Thanks again for getting me this bolt.
I've never felt better.
Wait, hold that thought.
- Now I've never felt better.
- Me neither.
You said it.
I must salute Click-Clack and Skya.
Were it not for their efforts, we would still be out there.
And I would've overheated.
I didn't get weird, did I? Does the name "'Ribbit"' ring a bell? - Eugh! That bad? - Oh, yeah.

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