Dive Club (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

RMS Republic

[John] Alright. Oh, man,
this is gonna be awesome.
Sure is.
-Alright, I'll catch up with you in a sec.
-[John] Hi.
Sure I can't convince you to come?
Your bag's already packed.
-There's still time to change your mind.
-I'm good.
Come on, the guides told me
there's a giant flower up there
that only blooms every 50 years.
This is once-in-a-lifetime.
You know, you joining me
on work assignments
was supposed to give you
real-world experience.
That's what we agreed on, remember?
I am experiencing the world
through the eyes of four sailors
navigating the Caribbean.
Books are a doorway
into the world, kiddo,
and one day
you'll have to step through it.
Back in a few hours.
Alright, it's gonna be incredible!
[woman] Come on, let's go!
"The missing crown jewels
were lost during the revolution
and have not been seen since."
Is the 6:00 a.m. start and this boat
really necessary?
You know, the deep state isn't listening.
Loose lips sink ships.
Here, keep reading.
"Rumours about the location
of the jewels vary.
Some say that they were smuggled
out of the country,
others say the jewels
were plucked from their settings
and sold on the black market.
Others believe they were hidden
by those loyal to the royal family."
Great, we finally find something priceless
and then we lose it.
We didn't lose it, it was stolen.
Who would have stolen it?
Probably the same person
that planted Lauren's jacket in the water.
Well, it's hardly a coincidence.
What? Am I the only person
willing to say it?
What's a coincidence?
Hmm, that a priceless jewel was stolen
the same week a famous treasure hunter
came to town.
And so the Sultan
stood on his marble throne,
his dogs snapping their jaws,
their hot saliva dripping onto my cheek,
his grip on the chain the only thing
between me and the most certain death.
He whispers to me,
"Mr Komarov, are you ready to die?"
So what did you do?
[grunts] I look him in his eye.
"I'm ready for that final adventure
but today is not that day."
[clears throat]
[man] What happened next?
Well, little did he know,
I had spent winter
working with Tibetan sheepherders
and I had those hounds under my thumb
the moment our eyes locked.
[woman] Of course you did.
I was back across the border
with the rare golden albatross
before the sun rose.
You around for the Salvation Day Festival?
Of course. I wouldn't miss it.
Not even for the golden albatross?
Not even if it had rubies for eyes.
Dobroye utro.
This is what you came here for, isn't it?
This is what Lauren found.
You're looking for
the Russian crown jewels,
and you think they're in Cape Mercy.
Well, we're going to need
more cookies.
[theme music]
[jaunty string music]
And so it is important to understand
that the Romanovs were chased
out of Russia by an angry kingdom.
No-one survived, none, but one.
It is rumoured that the youngest daughter,
Princess Anastasia,
just barely made it out with her life.
I believe she made it to Cape Mercy
on that Russian wreck
and I believe she brought
the Russian crown jewels with her.
There are four missing jewels.
The midnight brooch,
the meridien necklace
the nightingale bracelet
and the most valuable of all,
the royal sapphire crown.
The midnight brooch,
that was on Lauren's wetsuit.
And that you wear on your jacket, Maddie.
That's why you thought I was Lauren.
It is important to understand
these jewels have untold value,
and untold value attracts untold evil.
We must be careful.
The search for these treasures
has taken me all around the world,
chasing whispers and stories
through the wilds of Madagascar
and the fjords of Norway,
and finally to Cape Mercy.
It would be an honour
to see the midnight brooch
and possibly hold it in my hands.
If you please.
You lost it?!
Um, we didn't lose it, it was stolen.
Well, I did not think you would leave it
lying around pinned to a
[clicks fingers]
[speaks Russian]
It wasn't always pinned to a jacket.
Yeah, sometimes we left it
in a large bowl.
I saw it. I saw it on the jacket.
That's OK, they don't know.
I don't make a big fuss. No problem.
We talk in private.
Nine years of research!
And then Lauren found it
with a high school education
and one dive, so
calm down.
And a little communication
wouldn't go astray.
Yeah, yeah, communication, Leonid.
[Maddie clears her throat]
OK, Leo, do you think that the rest
of the jewels are also in Cape Mercy too?
Well, I think it likely.
-On the shipwreck.
Or lost under the waves
with the sharks and the fishes.
[jaunty piano music]
So, I believe the Russian wreck
is 'The Standart',
the royal yacht
used by the Romanov family.
I spoke to my good friend
Pavel Tolstoy,
currently investigating your coin
across his network of contacts.
He also sent me these satellite images
of your wreck.
It appears that the wreck is upright,
with damage on the starboard side
where the engine was ruptured by the reef.
We enter there,
travelling through the central corridor
and into the princess's state room.
The royal jewels were kept
in a small chest like this.
So this is the chest we're looking for?
would you mind if
if we just
-Oh, you would like to talk in private?
-Mmm, yeah. Yeah.
-No worries. OK.
[Leonid clears his throat]
[seagull calls]
It's fine.
I'm only the most famous adventurer
in all the world,
but they need time to think it over.
Eta tak razdrazhayet!
What do we think?
Whoever planted Lauren's jacket
must want everyone to believe
she disappeared in the storm.
That same person broke into the clubhouse,
stole the brooch.
Why go through all the effort to make
Lauren's death look like an accident
and then blatantly ransack the place?
-They didn't even try and hide it.
-Maybe they wanted us to know.
They obviously mean business.
We have to assume
they want the jewels too.
Well, then,
we have to get to the wreck first.
Let's do it.
I am tired of being told
that the world is the way it is
and that we just have to put up with it.
No more! I am done!
No more.
No more.
We know that you didn't know Lauren,
and this is really dangerous.
There's no shame in being scared.
-She's right.
I'm terrified.
But I'll do it anyway.
We're in.
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna ♪
Hold on to this electric feeling ♪
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna ♪
Hold on to this electric feeling ♪
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna ♪
Hold on to this electric feeling ♪
-I'm just
-Take your time.
There's nothing, nothing I can do ♪
To keep my heart away from you ♪
I can't help it ♪
I can't tell you how much I try to ♪
Get you off my mind to help me ♪
[Camille continues singing]
[gentle knocking]
[gentle piano music]
[Izzie laughs]
[Harry chuckles]
-So what are you doing?
-Stocking up.
Yeah, Hayden bailed on me, so
the marina's in dire need of everything.
-I don't want to rush things.
-I know.
But I want to see you again.
Look, I was thinking that maybe,
you know, you'd like
Yes, Izzie?
Um, take a bike ride
-You know
-Yeah, OK.
see how he's going.
-Yeah, thanks. Yeah.
-Yeah. See ya.
[theme music]
[boat engine roars]
[oxygen hisses]
So how do shark deterrent bands
work exactly?
Sharks have a seventh sense.
Scientists can't really explain it,
but sharks can sense electricity
the same way that we can sense smell
and change in temperature.
That band sends out an electronic pulse
that they don't like.
[sighs] Let's hope it works.
Izzie, you'll wear a hole
through the floor.
Don't worry, we got you, OK?
You're one of us now.
100 years ago, a brave young woman
stowed the treasures of her family
on this ship.
A few weeks ago,
another brave young woman
became steward of that treasure.
Today we will remain calm and clear-headed
to honour them both.
[eerie music]
[music intensifies]
[eerie music]
[metal groans]
[suspenseful music]
[whimsical music]
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
[music intensifies]
[quiet music]
[heavy breathing]
[Maddie] Is he OK? Get his hood off, Anna!
[Izzie] What happened down there?
[Maddie] I don't know. He was knocked out
when we found him.
-[Izzie] Leonid. Leonid!
-What do we do?
Maddie, call for help.
I think it's a head injury.
-Who was that?
-I don't know. They were already inside.
Must've been after
the same thing we were.
Hey, Leonid. Leonid, can you hear me?
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
This is Maddie Pollard
aboard the 'Valentina'.
We have a serious head injury
and require an ambulance.
Heading back to Cape Mercy marina now.
[Anna] Can you hear me?
[man over radio] Copy that, 'Valentina'.
We'll have medics standing by.
[Izzie] His pulse is slow.
We need to get him back.
OK, try taking some deep breaths.
You're gonna be OK.
[Stevie] Um, guys
-Oh, wow.
[whimsical music]
The meridien necklace.
Stevie, bright star, you found it.
Leonid, you were right,
it's Princess Anastasia's ship.
Remember, you must
-Leonid! Leonid!
No, no, no, stay with us.
He's gonna be OK.
-Anna, what has happened?
-Is everyone OK?
-Who's in the ambulance?
[Renee] What's going on here?
Oh, my stars. Is that Leonid Komarov?
The treasure hunter.
What's he doing in Cape Mercy?
[whispers] Don't say anything.
What on earth have you girls been up to?
His vitals are good,
but there appears to be cranial swelling.
We're gonna have to do some further scans.
Is anyone coming?
-I'll go.
-Where are you taking him?
Cape Mercy Clinic.
[scoffs] He'd be better off at a vet.
I'll go.
Call Dr. Montgomery,
have him meet us there
and we'll have him transferred
to our house.
[engine starts]
We just had one memorial.
Do you want to have another one?
You know you're not meant to dive there.
[all argue]
Izzie, what happened?
-Dad, he's a professional diver. We just--
-I don't care who he is.
Renee, is this what you let your children
get up to,
running off with strangers
to dive forbidden sites?
No, it is not.
In fact, I'm instituting an immediate halt
on all Dive Club activities indefinitely.
Consider yourselves landlocked.
[thunder rumbles]
[sombre music]
[thunder rumbles]
[thunder cracks]
[plaintive music]
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