Django (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Tobacco Tin

Come on. Come on, we gotta go.
Come on.
- Come on. We gotta go.
Come on, let's go. Let's go.
Go on without me.
- Shut up. Come on, please.
- I can't walk.
- No.
- I'll hold 'em off.
- I'm not leaving you here.
- I'm already gone.
I wouldn't.
Oh, there you are.
I was worried sick about ya.
It will be a beautiful wedding.
This was yours, wasn't it?
Mm-hmm, a long time ago.
How was it?
The wedding.
Well the same as it is
for any respectable woman.
A duty.
My father arranged it.
But I I was a good wife.
Did what I was told.
And that's what you
want for me and Sarah?
Oh, no.
I want the opposite.
Your daddy forced himself on her.
When she gets here you
you'll both finally be free.
All the pain your daddy caused.
Free, huh?
Free at last.
Mom started talking a lot
about angels at the end.
She could hear 'em singin'.
I always thought that about
you, showing up when you did.
Like you're the angel of our family.
I'm not an angel.
Well, I hope you are.
For both our sakes.
Lord, please bless and keep
our sister, Dolly Ellis
loving wife to John Ellis.
Loving mother to four beautiful sons:
Andrew, Seymour, Phillip, Kevin.
She faced more than
her share of misfortune.
She buried her first born.
She suffered with her illness.
But she never lost her faith. Amen.
Come on.
Uh uh!
Hey! Stop it.
Hey! He can't take
it anymore, he's hurt.
Let him up.
Don't worry sweetheart, we're here.
What do you want from us?
Whatcha offerin'?
Sarah's not back yet.
Neither is Kevin.
What we gonna do?
I gotta feelin' something happened.
Let's find their tracks
as soon as possible.
Four eggs, right?
They have the girl. And a Negro boy.
One of the devil's sons.
The younger one.
Now they want a new
price, a new agreement.
If I may say so, ma'am, that weren't
the deal and we could just kill 'em.
Tell them I
I'll pay 30 percent more for the pair.
I'll send him up north, get him
to study and become a good boy.
One more saved from hell.
John losing his sons, one by one,
will make his sick heart bleed.
You think this is the Lady's doin'?
Uh-huh. I'm sure of it.
That's Sarah's horse.
They were hiding out here
and then they got caught.
Whoever took 'em must've
followed the stream
trying to hide their tracks.
I'm guessing three or four.
Look, there.
Well, these should
lead us straight to 'em.
We wouldn't want you starving
to death, now would we?
Hey, good lookin'.
What are you doing? Don't touch him.
Ah! Ah!
I'm gonna untie you now,
but I want you to know,
I got men keeping watch
all around with orders
to shoot anyone who comes out.
You understand?
Come on.
Drink something. Here.
Not too fast. Not too fast.
Here, you gotta eat.
John will come.
- He'll get us outta here.
- Yeah.
I know that.
What are you
Who's this?
That's my good luck charm.
Belinda, I'm here to see Mr Allen.
You heard?
He know you're coming?
We rode thirty miles.
- Hold on, one minute.
- All right.
You're here to, uh to see him?
I need to ask him something.
It's been a while.
Yeah, it has.
Who is she?
An orphan.
Hello, sweetie. What's your name?
Hasn't said a word since I found her.
Well, she's family now.
I see.
Come on.
Mr Allen?
Mr Allen?
Mr Allen, I need a favour.
There's a sliver of land on
the north side of your property.
That's good farmland,
gone fallow. I want it.
Nobody's touched that
land in twenty years.
I said no. It's not for you.
After everything, in
all due respect, sir
I deserve something.
Nothing's changed for us since the war.
I tried everything I could
before coming here to beg you
for this land.
I need somewhere for me and my family
to finally live in peace.
I loved your mother, you know.
You got a funny way of showing it.
Sending her off with her only
son to another plantation.
Every man's got two
hearts, two heads, two
Sometimes, the weaker one wins out.
I've never been a strong man, Jonathan,
and I made up for it with women,
with drink, with anger.
I ain't no priest.
I can't absolve you of your sins.
Can't absolve your own neither.
My own?
I don't need absolution.
Boy, you're my son.
It's my blood in your veins.
Come on. Let's get outta here.
Where are you going?
You still need that land.
There's a parcel of
land in the south-west.
That's what I want for you.
Come on.
Must be in those tents over there.
Shit, I know that one.
He's part of a gang, worst
sons of bitches I've ever met.
He's the leader?
No, the one with the eye patch
is. That's Leonard Bolton.
- Bolton as in the Bolton gang?
- Yeah, that's right.
That's a lot of men.
There's no way to bust in
there without making a mess.
No, we can't roll in just like that.
We're out gunned, we're out
numbered. It's not gonna happen.
All right, then what's the plan?
I'm gonna go down and
make a better offer.
There's something in the world
he wants more than anything else
and that's me.
Well, shit, Django.
Held fast from the jaws of hell.
I've known you for ten minutes
and you're the only one left alive.
White Elk,
you wily bastard,
you never knew what you're gonna get.
good kid but dumb as a chipped rock.
Peter, I've known him
for about seven years.
When I first met him,
he hid behind the door and he
hit me on the head with a shovel.
Rosario, Rosario.
I met him when he got off
the boat in New Orleans
with his fine-ass sister.
Oh, she was a wild card.
She liked being smacked
up, spat on, choked.
One night, things got a
little bit rough, she was gone.
I blamed it on a local drunk.
You gulped that lie
right down, didn't you?
I guess it's 'cause I was all you had.
We got our revenge on that
drunk though, didn't we?
Wake up, shit bird.
Wake up.
Hey there!
Who's talking?
It's an old friend of yours!
You don't sound like a friend.
Oh, Rosario!
That's right!
It's been a while, Bolton.
If you came to make amends,
well you should know I'm all out.
Kevin, they're here.
Well, I'm not here for that.
I'm here for the hostages you got.
All you have to do is
let 'em go and I'm yours.
- You on your own?
- I am.
Well, you should probably know,
you've got five guns on you.
And I'm ready to take out half of them.
What's in it for you?
Well, let's say I owe someone a favour.
A favour worth dying for, huh?
My life's none of your goddamn business.
But your death is. Am I right?
Me for them.
Why would he do that?
You've got ten seconds.
What happens in ten seconds?
I'll shoot.
- We can kill him anyway.
- Just hold on.
- Let him shoot.
- Nine.
Stop counting.
- Eight.
- Leo, what's the point?
I said stop counting!
- three
- All right, all right. It's a deal.
Leo, why?
I just wanna have some fun first.
Go get 'em.
I can't hear you.
I said go get 'em!
That's it.
Two for the price of one, huh?
They walk this way, past
that rock. I'll come forward.
Once they're out of
sight, I'll drop my gun.
Are you sure you don't wanna
check, uh, they're all right?
I told you. They'll be
all right past that rock.
Are you sure?
Well this one looks like
he's in a lot of pain.
- Just let 'em go.
- Now, come forward.
Go on!
Come on. Come on.
It's gonna be all right.
Drop your gun.
They're not gone yet.
I said, drop your gun.
As I said, they're not gone yet.
Come on!
Drop your goddamn gun.
He didn't make it. Should we go in?
No. He said to wait. We wait.
My left eye has been
looking forward to this.
All right?
- Someone else?
- We'll bury them.
Where's my gun?
Why can't we just leave?
What's the matter with you?
Leave them for the birds?
You got no mercy.
Hey, hey, hey!
- What do we got here?
- We're gonna send him to hell.
Hey, he's just a kid.
What about in five years,
huh? What about in ten years?
He'll grow up to be just like
the one that killed Peter.
- He's just a kid.
- These animals
- Put the gun down and let's go.
- are just like the ones
- Put the gun down.
- that killed your daughter
That's a kid. hat's a
child, do you see that?
Imagine how scared your
kid was, screaming
They had no mercy for your children
- Shut up.
- Or your wife.
I'm gonna make you suffer
for everything you spared
that kid for, and then some.
He didn't tell you, right?
If I knew a man would of
killed my sister like that,
I wouldn't follow him
around like a puppy.
What did you say?
All I'm saying is, your
sister must've been Ah!
Don't you dare speak of her.
I was just telling you what I know, man.
What the fuck you know about my sister?
I know what he told me.
They liked each other
and they had some fun.
Apparently, she liked it
rough, is what he said.
And he gave it to her
rough, until he killed her.
- Ask him.
- Shut the fuck up.
He told me when he thought you
were dead. He was confessing.
- Enough.
- That's what he did.
I said, enough.
Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a
I won't let him spoil
the memory of your sister
with his horseshit for
one more fucking second.
What's the hurry? Don't you
wanna have fun with him anymore?
He doesn't want you to
know the truth, that's it.
I don't even know what
he's talking about.
Yeah, that's what happened.
Y You killed an innocent old
man and you believed it was him.
Shut up.
Is that true?
He's a liar.
Old man Richard had
nothing to do with that?
Goddamn liar.
That's right, he had
nothing to do with it.
Come on, tell him!
Look at me, Leo. You murdered
my sister, my own blood?
It was an accident.
That's a strange accident.
He choked her to death!
Don't lie to me.
You lied to yourself.
You knew that old man
couldn't hurt anyone.
But you couldn't bear to lose your
only friend in the whole country.
So you did what you had to do, you
believed what you had to believe.
Doesn't matter.
But you're gonna forgive me, huh?
Forgive me, come on.
Oh! Ahh!
I'm gonna hold you tight,
just like I did your sister.
We have to be careful.
There's more men.
Get down!
I think we're safe.
Nothing, ma'am.
I always have to do
everything by myself.
- Welcome back.
- Welcome back, Sarah.
Welcome back, Sarah
Welcome back, Sarah.
Good to see you again.
What's so funny?
That bastard got me again.
I asked him for farmland.
A place where we can live our
lives without being bothered.
And I just get this
useless piece of dirt.
It's easy to defend.
It's a hole.
The soil ain't even good.
The soil's not so
bad, John. It can work.
I outta ride back there and
choke him to death myself.
I like it.
Did you say something?
I said, I like it.
What is your name?
Sarah Candice Wright.
Well, um Miss Sarah,
you like this place, huh?
I look at it and I find it special.
Special doesn't grow our food.
Maybe not yet, but
I look out there and all I see is home.
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