Do You Like Brahms? (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Con Fermezza: Firmly, Clearly

It's time. Shall we begin?
We'll start the master class
of Seoryeong University's
College of Music,
Instrument Department
professor candidate Lee Jung Kyung.
This part here.
Isn't the fingering a little hard?
It is.
I think that rather than
your fourth finger,
using your third finger
would be easier to do vibrato.
- Okay.
- Shall we try switching it?
Next up is fourth-year student
Kim Hae Na.
Oh, something came up with Hae Na,
so I found another student.
Here she is.
It's Franck's sonata.
If you're ready, let's begin.
Franck's sonata is a tough piece.
You played very well.
The sound is clear
and the notes precise.
You practiced very hard.
your music sounds almost hesitant.
The mood of this piece is dreamy,
as if you're walking in a dream,
but the player herself
cannot drift aimlessly
within the music.
It's your music, not anyone else's.
The music isn't dragging you about.
You are showing the music
where to go.
You must play each note
with conviction.
Shall we try playing from the start?
Play this part like this, shall we?
Ms. Lee, your time is up.
I can't go over my time.
We'll have to stop here.
I'm sorry.
Don't be. Thank you.
Just a moment.
We'll break for 10 minutes.
Thank you.
- Wait.
- Yes?
Where does it come from?
That's a tough question.
I told you that's how you must play,
but I myself am not sure how.
If you find the answer,
can you share it with me?
Yes. I will do that.
Did it go well?
I learned a lot.
I waited for you.
I'm concerned by it too.
By every single thing you say,
and every single thing you do.
I won't
make you wait too long.
So will you
wait for just
a little longer?
I'll wait.
I understand.
I feel let down, but you're adamant,
so I won't hold you back.
Thanks for your work for five years.
I learned a lot too.
Can I ask what you'll do
after you leave the foundation?
I think I'll open the Korea office
of Park Joon Young's agency.
Talks with his agent Chris
are going very positively.
You'll be my first call
when things are confirmed.
Will you help me out?
The person who complained to Chris
about Joon Young's talk concert
at Hankook Arts Middle School.
Was that you?
Kyunghoo Cultural Foundation
was reluctant to capitalize on
the great talent
that is Park Joon Young.
- Mr. Park.
- I'm saying that you are
clearly partially responsible for
Park Joon Young's failing career.
Ms. Im. You're coming back
next month
when your maternity leave
ends, right?
It's delicious.
If you think about it, Soo Kyung
seems to have guts, but she doesn't.
The girl who played Franck's sonata.
Why did Soo Kyung send a girl
like that for your master class?
My gosh. Look at your face.
Are you worried already?
Don't worry. Once you join,
we won't have such students.
Seoryeong University isn't a place
for just anyone who can hold a bow.
I learned a lot today as well.
My gosh.
You'll become
such a great professor.
Play this part like this, shall we?
Are you done?
Start again from the top.
Hey, Chris. I'm doing fine.
How are you?
So, are you saying that
we're no longer working with
Kyunghoo Foundation?
And Simon from Kyunghoo
is going to be
the head of the Korean branch?
It just doesn't feel right.
Chris. I have to go.
Talk to you later.
Okay, bye.
Young In.
I really had no idea.
I'll try talking to Chris again.
Okay. Thank you.
- Oh, hey.
- Joon Young.
Why won't you come in?
You know Ms. Lee from
"Monthly Piano", right?
- Help?
- Yes.
What advice from your professor
contributed most to your becoming
a master of competitions?
My professor
knows the essence of a competition
better than anyone.
I knew it.
You're called "The Handler"
for a reason.
You're the only professor here
who didn't study at Seoryeong.
There must've been many problems,
but starting with Joon Young,
so many of your pupils did so well
in international competitions.
Why does it matter
when music doesn't state
who the professor is
and where they graduated from?
Why isn't it stated?
It's mentioned in their profiles.
"Studied under so-and-so
from what university."
That line is what shapes
the music industry.
But now I see
it's a silly question to ask.
Joon Young's the first in your group
of pupils and connections.
It's not like we're a clique.
But there's a rumor that
you two drifted apart
since the Chopin Competition.
What is wrong with people?
They say all sorts of things because
they're jealous of Joon Young.
Our industry is a jealous bunch.
They speak so childishly about
how you discovered Joon Young.
They say you got lucky.
My goodness.
- Shall we wrap things up, then?
- Shall we?
Oh, look at the time.
Then I'll ask one last question.
The Tchaikovsky Competition's
a few months away.
Who do you think will win?
Seung Ji Min won
the Chopin Competition.
Most piano majors
who are said to be good
are preparing for next year's
Tchaikovsky Competition.
No Korean has won
that competition yet.
The first title is always important.
So, who does Park Joon Young
think will win?
Won't it be the person who gains
the highest average score?
You're right.
I asked another silly question.
That's all for now.
Thank you for your time today.
I should thank you.
Joon Young, see you around.
You got much better at
answering questions.
Why didn't you say you're entering
the Tchaikovsky Competition?
Are you afraid you won't get far?
What is it?
What are you staring at?
It's a notice about a lecture.
You look a bit tired today.
No. I'm fine.
Is your lecture over?
I had a lesson.
You must've played really hard.
What about lunch?
If you haven't eaten yet, join me.
Sorry. I have other plans
and I have to leave right now.
Are you meeting someone?
It's just
someone I know.
I see.
Then I'll get going, then.
Enjoy your lunch.
I will. You too.
So the headquarters will
establish a Korean branch
in order to manage
your career more tightly
and efficiently.
So you'll have to cooperate with me
on something.
What is that?
Lee Jung Kyung and Han Hyeon Ho.
Stop your piano trio
with the two of them now.
Just play with them as a hobby.
There's nothing you can gain
from that team.
Why is that?
To be frank with you,
they're not on the same level
as you.
You're making me uncomfortable.
Really? But you know it's true.
Not only are they not
on the same level as you,
but Han Hyeon Ho isn't good enough
for Lee Jung Kyung either.
- Please watch your mouth.
- What I mean is, Mr. Park.
If you want to do chamber music,
play with people who are
on the same level as you.
I'll find those people for you.
You really need to
manage your career
before it hits rock bottom.
Don't you think?
- Ms. Chae.
- Yes?
How can your sound be so unstable
with the piano?
You need to maintain your tempo
and flow with the piano.
I'm sorry.
I had high expectations
since you're a student at Seoryeong,
but I'm disappointed.
I'm sorry.
Let's go together tomorrow morning.
I'll call you.
Thank you.
I came to buy some sheet music.
Me too.
I'll come another time.
You know how small this field is.
Are you going to avoid me
every time we bump into each other?
Let's just go in.
Do you have
Bolcom's Violin Concerto?
Hold on.
Here you go.
Thank you.
I'll take this.
Thank you.
I kept thinking about
what I did wrong.
What did I miss for you to leave me?
But no matter
how much I think about it,
all I've done is look at you
for 10 years.
Is that wrong?
- I'll have what she's having.
- Sure.
- Take care.
- See you tomorrow.
Did I hide anything from you?
I told you
I was having second thoughts.
I asked you to hold onto me.
But you didn't do anything.
I'm having second thoughts.
Can you hold onto me?
Jung Kyung.
I think we've been apart
for too long.
Do you really think that's why?
If we stayed close all this time,
do you think I won't be having
these terrible thoughts?
I'm sorry for leaving you alone
for so long.
It's okay.
Everything will be okay.
Dong Yun canceled the blind date?
Do you think it's because of me?
Since he's concerned about me?
I'm sorry,
but I'm really busy lately.
Can we just have a cup of tea then?
Is something wrong?
I'll tell you in person.
Forget it.
Let's stop talking about Dong Yun.
How's it going?
What do you mean?
With Park Joon Young.
I don't know. I'm busy lately too.
I have to practice with a new
accompanist for the entrance exam.
An accompanist?
Yes. My professor introduced her
to me.
Why don't you ask Park Joon Young
to play for you?
- What?
- Think about it.
Why do you need a new pianist
when you're flirting with him?
No, no way. That's a bit too
- No way.
- A bit too what?
It's a bit like
We're too far apart.
He's not the level
to accompany the likes of me.
And it's his sabbatical year.
- Chae Song Ah.
- What?
If he's into you, will he care about
levels or sabbaticals?
If the girl he likes
asks for his help,
he'd even play
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
Not just play the piano.
If I were him, I'd dance too.
What are you doing?
Oh, yes.
I'm sorry. I'm not free that day.
I apologize.
Yes, let's meet some other time.
Thank you. Goodbye.
My goodness
I accompanied a student once
and they think
that's what I do all the time.
It's incredulous.
Don't you even think about
playing the piano for
the girl you're seeing
or anyone else.
Accompanying a subpar student
only makes you subpar as well.
I don't mind.
You might not but she will.
Even if she plays
the best she ever did,
people will say
it was all because of you.
What? Did you not think of that?
Goodness. You should care about
class and levels
when you help people out.
You become a nuisance in no time.
Let's go back to the top.
How did your lesson go?
Well Okay, I guess.
What did you do today?
I practiced my graduate school
entrance exam piece with a pianist.
How was it?
She's a bit scary.
If he's into you,
will he care about
levels or sabbaticals?
The accompanying pianist
is always important,
but this is for an entrance exam.
My professor told me to find
an exceptionally good pianist.
I'm not entirely confident
I'll be able to
get along with this pianist.
Even if she plays the best
she ever did,
people will say
it was all because of you.
That'll be because it was
your first session together.
Don't worry too much.
Are you going home?
Yes. What about you?
I'll stay here to practice.
Kyunghoo's rehearsal room is taken.
Get home safely.
I will.
When are your lectures tomorrow?
Are you free for lunch tomorrow?
I'm not sure about
lunchtime tomorrow.
Are you not?
Then call me if you are.
Okay. I'll do that.
Why is it so hard?
Oh, hello.
Yes, how are you?
I forgot about that. I'm sorry.
In order to process your payment,
we need a copy of your ID
and bankbook.
Okay, I'll send it right away.
I'm sorry.
I'm doing fine.
Are you still busy at work?
The director?
She suddenly collapsed,
so we were all surprised.
Fortunately, her condition
has improved now.
I heard she'll be discharged
in a few days.
Then send me a copy of your ID
and bankbook via email.
Okay, thank you.
- Ms. Im!
- Hey.
- Ms. Im! How have you been?
- I've been great.
I missed you so much.
- What?
- My goodness.
Really? Song Ah and Park Joon Young
are dating?
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Are you dating Park Joon Young?
- What?
- There's a rumor going around
that you two are dating.
No wonder. It felt strange last time
when we ate together
No. I'm not dating him.
I told you.
A world-class musician won't date
an ordinary student like her.
How could she be so mean?
What is it?
What are you staring at?
It's a notice about a lecture.
Song Ah.
Joon Young.
You seemed busy today,
so I thought
I wouldn't get to see you.
Are your lectures over today?
Then do you want to have dinner?
Is it hard for
a world-class artist
and a student who sits in
the last row
of the school orchestra
to be on the same level?
Strangely, there are
so many people who mention
levels lately.
I don't care about that.
Then why did you rip it off?
The orchestra seating arrangement.
I didn't want you to be concerned.
I really
I really didn't want you to be
obsessed or hurt
by something so meaningless.
I just couldn't stand it.
The orchestra seating arrangement
is not meaningless.
It's very meaningful to me.
That's why I'm obsessed with it.
If only I could sit
in the next seat
or in the row in front of me.
I've been thinking that
for the past four years.
You don't understand, do you?
You probably won't
for the rest of your life.
That's why
I keep thinking
that maybe
I won't be able to
be with you in the end.
I keep losing confidence.
why did you tell me you'd wait?
Is that why
you kept pushing me away lately?
Then why did you say
that you liked me
and that you'd wait?
I just asked you
if we could have dinner,
but if you're going to say
that we're not on the same level
or something,
I can't be with you.
I'm really tired and sick of hearing
things like that.
I don't want to hear it
coming from your mouth either.
I'm really sorry,
but I need to go now.
Yes, hello?
Song Ah, where are you?
Are you on your way?
What? What do you mean?
Is Friday okay?
Around 7:30 p.m.?
Oh, right
Dong Yun, I'm really sorry, but
Director Nah has been discharged
from the hospital.
Yes, Joon Young.
Hello, Director Nah.
I heard you were discharged.
Did Ms. Cha tell you?
How do you feel?
I feel fine.
I'm glad.
I'm so glad.
You should get some rest.
Okay. Thank you for calling.
What is it?
Dong Yun.
I've had a very long day.
I'm sorry, but can we talk
next time?
Song Ah.
I like you.
like you.
We first met in our club room.
Then we became friends.
I just thought we were friends
that got along well. But
then I started to
think of you all the time.
This is a really corny thing to say,
but I was afraid that
if I told you how I felt,
we couldn't be friends anymore.
Will you say something?
What's wrong, Song Ah?
Doesn't Joon Young
still look the same?
I'll take that.
I wanted to come to
your neighborhood to treat you.
It's fine. Its been a while
and I wanted to come by.
It's been a while
since I came here too.
When Director Nah's away,
we meet the important visitors here.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Do you think you could help us
while you take your last semester?
Joon Young.
Why are you here?
Because I was told
you hadn't yet come to practice.
Let's talk.
What more do you want to say?
Play with me.
I said I won't.
I don't want to.
I was wrong.
What did you do wrong?
Do you even know what you did?
How can you come to me and do this?
I shouldn't have done
what I did to you in New York.
Do you know why I did that?
Because I was going crazy
with jealousy.
You were up on stage.
Why should I be a spectator?
You were in the light and
That's why I did it.
Aren't I childish?
But I really want to teach
at Seoryeong University.
People say that I have
clipped wings.
I'm the fallen genius.
I'm sick of hearing
things like that.
I want to work at Seoryeong
because then they'll acknowledge me.
Joon Young.
I wonder every day.
If I hadn't told you to enter
the Chopin Competition,
how would things be now?
If so,
wouldn't we be on
equal standing right now?
Would that have changed anything?
Would I be a little less unhappy?
So help me. I beg of you.
Song Ah. How have you been?
Are you at home?
No, I'm at Kyunghoo.
Kyunghoo? Why are you there?
I dropped by to
have lunch with Ms. Cha.
I just left anyway.
Song Ah, can you wait for me there?
- Why?
- I have something to say.
Wait for me for a little while.
I said I'd wait for him,
but then I got anxious
and I think I ruined everything.
I had no idea I'm so impatient.
That's not true.
Musicians practice diligently
for hours every day for many years.
I believe in the power of time.
That means
you are patient and can wait.
Trust yourself.
And Joon Young
Give him some time.
Joon Young always
puts himself second.
So he doesn't say what he thinks.
He can be frustrating at times,
but once he starts caring for you,
he's not the one to give up first.
You can
trust me on that.
You're still here.
Why did you want to see me?
I have something to say.
I think
I have to play for Jung Kyung.
She really wants to teach at
Seoryeong University.
She wants it desperately, so
her recital is important.
A lot of things happened
between me and her,
but this time I want to
help her as a friend.
I'd like you to understand that.
I didn't imagine
this is what you'd say.
What could you have to say to me?
My heart raced
like a roller coaster
while I waited.
But you have to play
for Jung Kyung's recital?
Did you ask me to wait
to tell me that?
I just thought you'd misunderstand,
- so I wanted to
- Misunderstand?
Misunderstand what?
A situation like this.
I'm trying hard to go to you,
but you keep pushing me away,
so I came to explain everything
from the beginning.
Okay. I understand.
I heard what you had to say.
Are you finished?
I like you.
I like you.
I like you.
I like you.
I came to tell you this.
I was going to play a Brahms piece,
but since you don't play Brahms,
I changed it.
It doesn't matter.
I'm seeing Song Ah.
You two are always together.
No wonder there's a false rumor
going around that you're dating.
- It's not a false rumor.
- What?
Song Ah and I are really dating.
I hope you're different
around Song Ah.
Since you don't say anything
whenever you're suffering.
Don't get distracted and just
play the piano as I say.
I don't want the people I like
to suffer or get hurt because of me.
I just want them to think that
I'm always doing fine.
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