Doctor John (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

What did he say?
Dr. Kang is still unconscious.
What should we do, Chief Min?
Give me a hazmat suit.
-Give me a hazmat suit. I'll go in.
-You can't.
No one can enter the center right now.
The suspected patient was admitted
for headaches
that has been going on for a year.
If the symptoms appeared recently,
it might not be the Nipah virus.
In any case, no one can enter
until he gets cleared of the infection.
Also, there are already doctors inside.
Why do you have to go in?
The suspected patient is showing
new symptoms and they're getting worse.
In addition, one resident is unconscious.
-Give me a hazmat suit.
The director has ordered us
to follow the protocol by all means.
You can't solve anything
by going in there now.
No one can enter the center
under any circumstances. Ever!
Chief Min.
We'll follow the protocol.
Dr. Kwon is right.
You can't solve anything
by going in there.
Call Dr. Lee.
Right now.
Get off me!
What happened?
What's going on?
My kid is in there.
A patient might have Nipah virus.
What about my kid? Is she okay?
We'll find out.
My kid has juvenile diabetes.
She skipped lunch.
If she doesn't eat something soon,
she'll go into hypoglycemic shock!
I have to go in there.
Please let me in. Right now!
So-jin! So-jin!
It seems like we have
a situation in there.
Give me glucagon and a hazmat suit.
Someone must go in. No matter what.
Coming through. Sorry, please step back.
Can we go out now?
-Can we go out?
-Can we go out?
Step back. No one can go out yet.
Then why are you opening the doors?
We're not going out.
Someone is coming in.
Dr. Kang.
Dr. Kang!
Dr. Kang!
Dr. Kang! Dr. Kang!
How's the patient?
The seizures stopped.
-Check his condition.
Kang Si-young.
Are you awake?
Dr. Cha.
It's okay.
Good girl.
-I'll come back in ten minutes.
You'll be fine.
-How are things in there?
-I'm not sure.
But why are you here?
You want to go inside?
I have to go inside.
If I don't, I'll regret it forever.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Why did you come in here?
What are you doing here?
How's your vision? Can you see properly?
I asked you why you're here.
You seem a little swollen.
Do you feel dizzy or nauseous?
How about your sensory nerves?
-Can you feel this?
-Dr. Cha.
Answer me.
I'm okay.
Okay, then. I want you to slowly get up.
Why did you come in here?
I'm not here because of you.
Get up.
-Are you okay?
-Yes, I'm okay.
How's the patient? He fainted earlier.
His pulse is faster than normal,
but it's becoming stable again.
His entire body is showing symptoms.
The nerves in his respiratory
and circulatory systems are dying.
From now on,
we need to find the name of this disease
before his condition gets worse.
Of course, it should be based
on the premise that it's not Nipah virus.
Are you really gonna do this?
This virus is highly contagious
with a high fatality rate.
Plus, you're part of the high-risk group.
Think of this as a hostage situation.
Something in his body is the culprit.
It's holding us
and the other patients as hostages.
And I'm the negotiator.
-Are you having fun?
-Do you think I'm having fun?
Like you said, I should get out of here
faster than anyone,
and I want to do that,
so I need your help.
Help me catch the culprit
as fast as possible
so that everyone here can leave.
It's the chief.
-How are you? How's your head?
I'm okay.
The results will come back in a few hours.
Be careful until then.
Tell Dr. Cha
to keep the medical team in check
until we get the final results
and to call me immediately
-if there's an emergency.
-Yes, ma'am.
the patient might not have
the Nipah virus.
Dr. Cha went inside?
Isn't it common sense
to stick to the instructions
in this kind of situation?
He does not know how to follow the rules.
I know he was always like this,
but he's seriously out of control!
If Dr. Cha hadn't gone inside,
the patient would've been in danger.
Dr. Cha keeps saying he might not have
the Nipah virus.
But how is he going to prove that?
The fact is that we currently have
a suspected patient.
Don't make any rash decisions
until we get the results.
Regardless of the result,
Dr. Cha entered the center
and he must be punished for it.
I've been thinking this for a while.
You're really bad at drawing.
Don't take off
any of your protection equipment
until you get out of here.
You give up very quickly.
It's not like you'll leave
if I tell you to.
And you're obviously not
going to stay still either.
-It'll be a waste of energy.
You shouldn't have fallen down.
-Dr. Lee.
I want you guys to concentrate.
As you can see, the disease
-could be anywhere in his body.
-Dr. Cha.
We got a call earlier from the KCDC
about that friend who came back from India
-whom he met last week.
-How is that person doing?
A slight fever right after
he came back to Korea.
It lasted for about two days,
and he's fine right now.
But they say it could be
a slight infection
or an infection that's asymptomatic.
-We can't rule out Nipah virus.
-Of course.
But there are symptoms
that are irrelevant to Nipah virus.
We can't take a CT or an MRI here.
-How can we diagnose him?
-Try what we can.
Doctors need to become
the examination equipment.
We need to become
the examination equipment?
Can you all hear me?
A 68-year-old man.
He came to the hospital
because of headaches,
a loss of appetite,
and fatigue for about a year.
Recently started vomiting, headaches,
and chest pains.
And now, he's showing new symptoms
such as increased heart rate,
disorientation, seizures, and palpitation.
Dr. Cha thinks the patient
might not have the Nipah virus.
I want each of you to be in charge
of each system and find a disease
that could turn into systemic disease.
-Won-hee, you're in charge of the lungs.
-Si-young, you're in charge of the heart.
-Mi-rae, metabolic system.
Jun, the brain.
Dr. Lee, digestive system.
-I'll make the overall diagnosis.
Dr. Cha, could it be
a chronic lung disease?
It's associated with chest pains,
fatigue, and palpitation.
-What about his heart?
-Blood pressure normal, not obese,
non-smoker, not diabetic.
Nothing in particular
that could affect his heart.
Never had myocardial infarction,
angina, or cardiac insufficiency.
How's his X-ray?
I can see a hint
of pneumonic infiltration.
Pneumonic infiltration? Next.
The arteriovenous malformation
that occurred in his brain and spinal cord
could affect his entire body.
It also explains his headaches, seizure,
and dysaesthesia.
Is the patient's name Yu Deok-kyu?
Yes. Why do you ask?
Does he have white hair?
Are you in the security office?
How'd you know that?
-You didn't even see him.
-Do you know him?
Yes. I think so.
It's the best thing I heard so far.
-Do you know him well?
-I met only him a few times
during my volunteer medical service,
I don't know him well.
-But I do know his job.
-What is it?
He's a priest.
-He's wearing a rosary ring.
-A priest?
What was he like?
Tell me what kind of priest
or person he was.
He was an honest man
both in and outside of the church.
He did a lot of volunteer work
and good deeds.
Really gets me thinking sometimes.
I'm an atheist,
but I really do wonder sometimes.
If there really is a deity,
why does such a religious
and kind person have to suffer?
That's religion.
Does religion make people suffer?
How is his build now? Is he thin?
Yes. Why?
One more symptom.
Rapid weight loss.
He's lost at least 20kg
since half a year ago.
At that time, he was pretty well-built.
Any disease that might have caused
the weight loss?
No. He doesn't have diabetes
or thyroid diseases.
We don't know about cancer
or infection yet, though.
Before, he didn't even have
any common geriatric diseases.
Why did he suddenly start getting
all these symptoms a year ago?
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
My arm hurts so much.
Dr. Cha, Ms. Lee Da-hae
has pain in her arm.
-Please calm her down.
-Ms. Lee, are you okay?
Dr. Heo.
Pull yourself together, Dr. Heo.
Yes, Dr. Cha. I'm here.
Solve it.
You promised me you'd solve it.
The longer you wait, the harder
it'll get for both you and her.
-Dr. Cha.
-I'm listening.
I'll reduce her pain first.
She's suffering too much.
Inject an analgesic.
Ms. Lee, you'll be injected
with an analgesic.
What's the reason?
What made you want to tell the truth?
If it's phantom limb pain,
it might not be your fault.
Her pain might not be my fault.
But if I keep hiding the truth,
it might make it harder to diagnose her.
Get ready.
-Can I go inside?
-I like your answer.
It wasn't to feel less guilty
or because you felt sorry for the patient.
You just wanted an accurate diagnosis.
Mr. Yu, are you awake?
Mr. Yu.
I'm anesthesiologist Cha Yo-han.
-Do you hear me?
Let me ask you a few things.
Have you been losing weight rapidly
over the past few months?
-Why is that?
I haven't had much of an appetite.
Your weight loss has been too rapid
to be explained by a decreased appetite.
There must be other reasons.
In fact,
I started taking sleeping pills
a few months ago.
That's when I also started vomiting
and losing weight.
But we didn't find any prescription
of sleeping pills in your charts.
Were the pills not from a hospital?
Mr. Yu.
Why did the call end?
Try calling again.
Mr. Yu.
Everything you say in here
will be kept a secret.
We have an obligation
to protect your personal information.
So please tell us.
Why have you been taking sleeping pills?
And why is there no record
of the prescription?
I didn't get a prescription.
I collected the pills
over decades.
So one thing is solved.
An overdose of sleeping pills
would have led to vomiting.
But that still doesn't explain
why he lost so much weight.
I will…
probably never get better.
You'll never be able to find
the cause either.
-Aren't you here to get better?
-I want to get better.
Mr. Yu.
You have a religion, right?
Why does the deity make people suffer?
You're only human,
so you've probably asked this question.
"Why do you make me suffer
when I'm so faithful?"
What is the answer you found?
I'm paying for my sins.
-Your sins?
killed people.
I killed countless people.
No matter how much I repent
and try to put things right,
my sins will never be forgiven.
What's that? What did you say?
Mr. Yu, are you okay?
Dr. Kang, try making a sound.
It's a nerve problem.
-Oxygen saturation and BP are dropping.
-Give him oxygen and 12g of ephedrine.
-Maximize the fluid flow.
-What happened?
-What's that sound?
-What's going on?
-No idea.
Are you okay?
Just a second.
Dr. Heo, Ms. Lee Da-hae woke up.
How are you feeling?
You think I'm crazy, right?
I keep saying I have pain
in my arm that doesn't exist.
Everyone seems to think I'm crazy.
My parents, friends…
You're not crazy.
It's not a psychological problem.
Then what is it?
We still need to run a few tests,
but the pain you feel in your arm
that has been cut off
is probably phantom limb pain.
Phantom limb pain?
It's a condition where you feel pain
in a body part that has been cut off.
What causes a condition like that?
The first possible cause is a problem
in the sensory neurotransmission
to the brain.
The second is…
What is it? Tell me.
-What's going on?
-What is he doing?
What happened?
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Stop the bleeding.
During the amputation surgery…
due to my mistake,
you awoke during surgery.
I woke up?
It's when you come around
during anesthesia and feel stimuli.
Because you'd been given
a muscle relaxant,
you wouldn't have been able to move,
but you'd have felt the pain.
Then the second reason for this
is that?
We don't know the exact reason
for phantom limb pain…
But my mistake
will have contributed.
I'm very sorry.
Go away.
Go away!
I don't want you near me!
Get lost!
-Calm down.
Did that…
really happen?
Dr. Cha, the patient's chin
is swollen under the jaw.
It's lymphadenia.
That indicates an infection or tumor.
There's no way to confirm
if there's a tumor in here.
Lymphadenia, disorientation,
and loss of hearing.
He could have an infection.
What could it be?
His medical records were clean
until a year ago.
Without any signs or key symptoms,
why is he suddenly having
all these problems?
The incubation period.
What if an illness with a long
incubation period is showing signs?
Aren't most of them from overseas?
He's never been abroad, right?
Right. He said he hadn't been on a plane
in more than 40 years.
Forty years?
Then he was abroad 40 years ago?
I'm not sure.
He could have been.
He said "war."
Right before he had trouble breathing.
Then when he said he'd killed many people,
did he mean during a war?
He took sleeping pills for a long time
because of those memories.
What if that war happened overseas?
Yu Deok-kyu.
He's 68 years old.
Then he was born in 1950.
That means the war
had to have happened after 1970.
We have to identify all overseas battles
our patient could've been in.
If we're right, he was exposed to a virus
that's causing all this.
The war took place after 1970.
An overseas war a Korean who was born
in 1950 could've participated in.
The Vietnam War.
That's right.
During my volunteer work,
we met with veterans from the Vietnam War.
-Are you doing well?
It has a long incubation period.
-If it was Vietnam, it'll be melioidosis.
-By melioidosis,
do you mean Whitmore's disease?
-Yes, Whitmore's disease.
-That bacteria lay dormant for 44 years?
In one patient,
it appeared after 63 years.
That patient had contracted it
during the Second World War.
Dr. Cha's right.
It lies dormant for a long time,
but symptoms appear all over,
making it hard to diagnose.
Most patients aren't diagnosed
until they turn septic.
It's almost non-contagious,
but the fatality rate is high,
at 40 percent.
What is it?
We need a definite diagnosis.
If we can identify an infection,
then it's definitely melioidosis.
His ears.
That could explain
the sudden hearing loss.
It's suppurative otitis media
caused by generalized infection.
There's already infection,
we need to make a definite diagnosis
and start treatment right away.
We can't do a diagnostic test here.
But we need to hurry
before it develops into sepsis.
Time is running out. Time
This afternoon, another suspected
Nipah virus patient was reported.
The patient is said to be
a 68-year-old man.
The hospital requested
a diagnostic test immediately.
According to the KCDC,
the result will be out by midnight,
which will attract much attention.
Yes. Is the result out?
-Are you okay?
-Coming through!
Yes, it's Kang Mi-rae.
You'll be fine after the tests
and the treatment.
-Please take good care of him.
Let's go.
Good work, everyone.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Thank you, Dr. Cha.
Thank you.
Dr. Kang Mi-rae.
You played the biggest role today.
The only role I played today
was being the priest's acquaintance.
Sometimes, rather than us who see
the patient with machines,
a friend who saw the life
the patient lived
is a better doctor.
Do you think…
Jun will be okay?
A penalty or lawsuit.
I'll accept anything.
And most importantly,
your phantom limb pain…
I'll do my best to cure it.
Can it be cured?
Ms. Lee.
Do you see the holes?
Put your arms in them.
I'll open the box.
You said your amputated
right arm feels paralyzed.
-It's as if it's clenched.
-You'll open up that fist now.
First, clench your left hand into a fist.
Look into the mirror and open the fist.
It's open.
How is this possible?
I opened the hand I don't have.
Now fold your fingers one by one.
Yes. Well done.
Any delay and he'd have turned septic
and would've likely died.
What would've happened
if Dr. Cha wasn't there?
Dr. Cha diagnosed him
without any machines,
just by looking over the patient?
Right now?
Reporters are at Pain Management.
They want to know what the man had
if it wasn't the Nipah virus.
Prepare for a briefing and call Dr. Cha.
-A doctor who risked his life
by entering a quarantined area
and identified a virus that
had been dormant for over 40 years.
How can we not take advantage
of this rare situation?
What are you doing?
-The patient--
-Keep quiet and come with me.
Sit down.
I said sit down.
No fever.
-I'll check your BP.
-I'll do it.
I'll do it. Lift your arm.
It's normal.
I'll check your pulse.
-I'll do it after seeing the patient.
-I'll do it, so stay still!
What's the problem?
I couldn't do anything.
You were next to an infected patient.
I was worried sick,
but what made me feel worse
was that I was afraid,
but you seemed happy.
I know that you'll never change.
That you'll think only about your patient
until your fingers are bruised.
So I plan to change.
I'll try to understand you.
You said I can't understand you.
I can.
What is it about?
You got it.
You look great. That's good, isn't it?
Keep looking.
-What will you do?
-What do you mean?
You couldn't have brought it
just to show me.
-If you let it go with its cast--
-It'll stay at my place
-until the cast comes off.
Yes, really. Why? Don't you believe me?
You don't seem like the type
to foster a stray cat.
My gosh.
Since when did you offer
free medical services?
Since I was in medical school.
I followed the chief around.
She volunteers too?
She went to Africa many times.
So she is the kind of person
I made her out to be.
-What kind is that?
-The warrior type.
Capable and charismatic.
And a humanitarian too.
-Are you teasing me?
-Teasing you?
None of the staff like her much.
Why not? I think she's
a rare and admirable type.
-Do you really?
Like you.
You don't feel pain,
but you understand a patient's suffering.
I'll do the same.
Just like you,
I'll try to understand you.
Why did you laugh?
Sorry. I'm not laughing at you.
I can't understand a patient's suffering.
All I do is analyze and study like crazy.
I imagine as best I can
and I think about it.
You'll do the same, but…
to know and to understand are different.
I monitor myself with security cameras
and check my body like this.
The pain of having to do that
every single day without fail,
you can't understand that.
Why would you do something so hard?
Why would you do what's impossible?
You can't do it.
Don't bother.
You'll only exhaust yourself.
See you.
See you tomorrow.
Not long ago, Dr. Cha made headlines
by diagnosing
Joo Hyung-woo's myasthenia gravis.
And for the first time in history,
he identified
a CIPA patient's central sensitization.
And today, despite everyone's dissuasion,
he entered a quarantined area
without any medical devices
and identified the melioidosis bacteria
that had been dormant for 44 years.
Can you explain what melioidosis is?
I'd like to know
how it's contracted and treated.
We asked Dr. Cha Yo-han to be here,
so he can tell you.
-He can't come? Why not?
-He's in the ICU.
-What for?
-To see the melioidosis patient.
Right now?
Is he crazy? Where are his priorities?
Get him right now.
Dr. Cha needs a little more time.
Please bear with us.
Yes? Go ahead.
Isn't Cha Yo-han the anesthesiologist
who was imprisoned
for euthanizing a patient three years ago?
I thought he just had the same name,
but he's in the same field.
Is it the same person?
-How do you feel?
-It's so quiet.
The pounding sound that came from my head
is gone now,
and the confusion I felt for over 40 years
has settled too.
You'll be fine now.
The deity.
He did give us life.
And He is also the being that punishes us.
But what you said is right.
He doesn't abandon us
when we're in pain.
Dr. Cha Yo-han is the doctor
from three years ago.
-Wasn't his license revoked?
-Was he penalized?
Was he given any special favors?
How did he end up working here?
There are no irregularities
with his appointment.
Seoul Hanse Medical Center hired Dr. Cha
because of his great skills as a doctor.
There were no biases or prejudices…
I guess Cha Yo-han won't be showing up.
-Say hello.
-Nice to meet you.
Sir. This is the friend I told you about.
-Oh, I see. How are you?
-Go ahead.
-I'll wait for you.
I won't be long.
-Oh, that must be her.
Hello. Welcome. We were waiting for you.
-How was the drive here?
-I'm glad you came.
Let's go inside.
Hello. It's nice to see you all.
Let's introduce ourselves.
Hello. My ID is Oasis74.
I have stage four breast cancer
and I'm a mom of two.
The cancer spread to my bones
and it's unlikely I'll recover.
I lost all my hair
after 36 cycles of chemo,
so I'm wearing a wig.
My ID is Scissorhands.
I have stage three colon cancer.
Just today…
I was told it spread to my liver.
I threw my phone in rage.
Look at it now.
Would you like to say hello?
Hello, I…
found out about this gathering today.
-I don't have an ID.
-That's okay.
What illness do you have?
I have stage three stomach cancer.
You were at Seoul Hanse Medical Center,
weren't you?
I'm glad you're here.
One of our guests
made an arduous trip to join us.
Will you say hello?
I have…
something called olfactory neuroblastoma.
It's malignant, and in my case,
it's terminal.
In two months
or maybe…
in a month, I'll be dead.
I heard that people here talk about death
to get over the fear.
To tell you the truth, dying…
doesn't scare me.
Then is there any other kind
of assistance you want from us?
I heard one of your members
went to Switzerland not long ago.
I heard about the assisted suicide.
I came here today…
-to hear about that…
-Just a moment.
That's a touchy subject.
Where and how did you hear about…
-Can someone call 119?
-Is she okay?
-I'll call for help.
-Wake up.
I gave you more painkillers.
Sleep well tonight.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Sleep well.
Did you see the news?
Yes. Dr. Cha scored again.
We must put a stop to him.
Have you forgotten?
Even the deity
wanted to punish Yoon Seong-kyu,
and Cha Yo-han, a mere human,
saved him from suffering.
Yoon Seong-kyu should've died
suffering more
with the hope of a clinical trial.
You wouldn't know
how I got him to sign the consent form.
There was something…
I needed to hear from Yoon Seong-kyu.
Why he'd done something that dreadful
to my Jeong-in and Seung-yoo.
What those kids did wrong.
Do you remember how you asked me
to get Yoon Seong-kyu the death penalty?
"I could ask for the death penalty
or I could stab him myself,
but I won't because…
murder is illegal
and there can be no exceptions."
That still stands.
I do this work because I think it's right.
I don't do it for personal reasons.
You're a parent before a prosecutor.
Do principles come before
a criminal who killed children
and have you no personal feelings
for Cha Yo-han who gave him an easy death?
Stabbing Yoon Seong-kyu
and revoking Cha Yo-han's license
won't change the world.
The law that stops them,
the law that punishes them…
that is what changes the world.
Cha Yo-han
will stop himself.
We just need to wait
for him to meet a patient
who only has pain and death left.
I'll try to understand you.
You don't feel pain,
but you understand a patient's suffering.
Just like you,
I'll try to understand you.
You'll do the same.
You'll study and analyze
my disease as much as you can.
to know and to understand are different.
Are you okay, honey? Does it hurt?
It hurts too much.
-Gosh. It hurts.
What's wrong, Mom?
Are you not feeling well?
-I'm okay.
-Should I call a nurse?
You can't understand that.
Why would you do something so hard?
Why would you do what's impossible?
You can't do it.
Parents can't suffer
in their children's stead.
Husbands can't suffer
in their wives' stead.
Children can't suffer
in their parents' stead.
No matter how desperately
they pray for that.
It's not just you.
No human being can feel
others' pain like their own.
All they can ever do is try to understand.
To understand a person's pain
is to understand that person.
What I'm trying to understand
is not your disease.
The person who has been suffering
because of the disease,
Cha Yo-han.
That's who I'm trying to understand.
Dr. Cha.
-Don't worry too much.
-See you.
We all need that person.
Even though no one can
suffer in our stead,
we need a person who can understand
and share our suffering.
You have been that person to your patients
while you have been suffering all alone.
Do you feel sorry for me?
Like you always feel excessive empathy
with patients,
is this also a sense
of responsibility as a doctor
now that you found out about my disease?
Then why?
If it's neither pity
nor a sense of responsibility, why?
I like you.
like you.
Oh, Dr. Cha.
Reporters, this is Dr. Cha Yo-han
of our Pain Management Department.
I'll keep an eye on Cha Yo-han
and Kang Si-young.
Why aren't you saying anything
about yesterday?
Is it time now?
We'll discuss life-prolonging treatment
for Chairman Kang.
You're working late, Dr. Cha.
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