Dom (2021) s01e08 Episode Script


This episode includes scenes of
violence and drug abuse involving minors.
If you need help with substance abuse,
reach out to a trusted person or contact
a substance abuse assistance organization,
This series is loosely inspired
by true events.
Some elements were created
for storytelling purposes.
Similarities between fictional characters
and real persons are coincidental.
Let's go, Armário.
Let's go! Get in the car.
Fuck, let's go!
Does he have any family?
I've known him for a long time.
We got closer
after his father killed himself,
leaving his mother in deep shit.
This is Figueira's share.
Give this to his mother.
We're not keeping anything.
I'm giving this to those motherfuckers.
Then we'll disappear.
Where to?
I don't know.
We'll disappear until the dust settles.
Take some time off.
That's it.
Are we taking a break too?
I think it'd be best for everyone.
Stay with me tonight.
Wait in the car.
If something goes wrong, take off.
He's alive!
Very good.
Things got a bit messy, huh?
When I heard, I thought it was you.
It broke my heart.
But you're alive!
He was just a kid. It's fucking sad.
Shit happens.
It's all in a day's work. Don't worry.
No one is taking the heat.
I heard the disposal of the body
was done with great care.
What the fuck?
I thought you were good at math.
This is a lot more than we agreed on.
What is this?
We're taking a break.
What? A break?
What are you talking about, handsome?
The crew is devastated.
We can't go on like this, you know?
I need time to regroup,
and maybe recruit some new people.
After that we'll go back
to our arrangement.
Listen carefully.
If anybody squeals and this shit gets out,
you'll be joining that kid
at the bottom of Guanabara Bay.
-Do you understand?
-No problem.
No problem.
You have a month.
Just one month.
Okay? One month.
What the fuck is going on?
Hey, put that gun down!
Put it down!
Put it down, you son of a bitch!
Put it fucking down!
Put the gun down, you little shit!
-What the fuck is this?
-Easy, easy.
Civil Police.
I'm Alberto Barradas.
Chief of the Anti-Corruption
and Anti-Money Laundering Office.
Are the negotiations over?
Is the playboy free to go?
What the fuck is this, Chief?
What the fuck is this?
The kid is our jurisdiction.
The kid is a burglar.
We arrested him,
and we're taking him to the station.
That's what's going on, Chief.
It doesn't look like that.
What's in that bag? Snacks?
It's stolen money, Chief.
It needs to be returned.
I'm confiscating it.
-Take it, Brandão.
-Hold on, Chief.
Take it easy.
Listen up, motherfucker.
I'm letting you go this time,
because it won't come to anything.
Let's get the fuck out of here!
Let's go, kid.
I'm gonna kill you.
Son of a bitch!
Being hostage to the military police
is pretty shitty, huh?
The military police are scum.
They're all corrupt.
Are you arresting me?
Of course.
What did you think we'd do?
Kill you?
Throw you in a ditch?
Leave those blue eyes for the vultures?
We can make a deal.
Look at you!
Smart kid.
I bet you already have
a proposition for me.
You already took it all.
This money, playboy
It's gonna be returned.
We can reach an agreement
that's good for everyone.
You, the dealer, me
How much?
Fifty thousand.
Pull over.
Hey, guys.
Young Dantas here said
he'd give us fifty thousand.
I don't have it on me.
You don't have it on you?
You must be confusing us
with those military police scumbags.
That's just insulting.
If you give me time, I'll get the money.
I know who your father is.
He's a real son of a bitch.
And you
you're a disgrace to your family,
you punk.
Fuck you!
Gag him and put a hood on him.
Fucking playboy.
Let's fucking go!
You know Nasser Farid?
The currency dealer?
There was a big mess at his place.
A burglary.
What are you trying to say?
You think it was Pedro?
Nothing's been confirmed.
We're trying to investigate,
but it's hard.
He didn't press charges, obviously,
and he won't.
Apparently, a corrupt group
in the Civil Police is involved.
Get to the point, Camargo.
What do you mean?
A kid died, Victor.
The description matches
that police sketch in the papers.
What are you saying?
You need to calm down, Victor.
We're trying to find out,
but you know how this works.
-Did they find the body?
There's no body,
and nobody is looking into it.
I just thought you should know.
Mrs. Marisa, hello.
Someone wants to talk to you.
Don't fall for it, Mom!
He's a son of a bitch.
Pedro, what's happening?
Pedro, talk to me! What's going on?
We're taking care of him.
Tell me what's going on.
Let me talk to my son.
Pedro, where are you?
We need 200,000 in cash.
What, 200,000? I don't understand.
Please tell me what's going on!
It's gonna cost you 200,000
for a second chance for your son.
This has to be fast!
No talking to the police.
Or to Dantas.
I know your husband very well.
If you take too long,
you might receive an ear,
or a finger.
For God's sake
don't hurt my son!
I'll take care of it.
What is this?
I already paid what I owe.
I'm not here about your fucking business.
The burglary.
What burglary?
Cut the crap.
A kid died. Describe him.
Sit down!
Sit down!
-I didn't kill him.
-Sit down!
What did he look like?
Like any other blond playboy.
Just a brat
A filthy little thief!
He stayed behind to steal an autographed
soccer jersey from the '70s!
Where's the body?
-I don't know.
-Where's the fucking body?
At the bottom of the bay.
What about the rest of the gang?
My security guard said
the leader fled with two women
and all my fucking money.
If I find out you killed my son
I will kill you.
Let's call Dad.
He'll know what to do.
Cops are corrupt, Laura.
They're all rotten.
Your father brought this shit
into our lives.
Dad quit the force, Mom.
Quit the force, Laura?
It's forever, honey.
The guy said he knew Victor very well.
Your father is crazy.
Totally out of control.
We can't tell him,
or they'll kill Pedro.
Mom, we don't have the money.
Laura, don't tell your Dad.
I'll take care of it.
Hello, Mrs. Marisa. It's taking too long.
I need more time.
You have until tomorrow afternoon.
Where are we meeting?
We're not meeting.
I gave you the instructions.
Take the money where I told you to,
and we'll let your son go.
How can I be sure? Let me talk to him.
Are you sure it's here?
It's here, Laura.
I think it's there. Slow down.
It says "tire shop".
He said to leave the money
next to the sign.
There's no one here.
We can't just leave
We have to, Laura.
-I'll go.
-Are you crazy?
I'll go.
-Don't get out of the car.
Keep the engine running
and the door unlocked.
We have to go, Mom. We have to go.
-Do you see him?
-No, there's no one here.
Oh, my God!
It's taking too long.
Slow down, Mom. So I can see if he's here.
-Let's go.
Get in there. Come on.
Oh, my God!
Do you think
Don't look at them.
Don't look, Laura. Stop that.
Oh, my God.
It's taking too long.
Something's wrong.
Stop the car, Mom.
It's him.
-It's him! My son!
My son.
My son.
Thank God! You're alive.
He's kidnapped by the police
and I know nothing about it?
You should have told me!
We couldn't tell you, Dad!
They threatened us.
They said if you found out,
they'd send Pedro to us in pieces!
Did you pay the ransom?
That's why you sold the apartment?
They told me downstairs.
I had no choice, Victor.
They asked for 200,000!
That was our kids' only inheritance.
What was I supposed to do?
You should have told me.
What do you know about crooked police?
Nothing, Victor. I don't know anything!
I'm just a mother! That's all.
So, tell me, how are you
involved with that scum?
How come the kidnappers knew your name?
Are you crazy?
I am! I'm crazy!
This family's doom makes me crazy!
Enough, both of you. Stop it!
Nobody cries over a thug, Pedro.
Only the family.
Do you think about your sister?
She's always had your back.
Do you think about her?
Or your mother? Or me?
You don't think about anyone.
You just think about yourself, Pedro.
You wanna destroy yourself?
Snorting coke? Robbing houses?
Go ahead. Do whatever you want.
You wanna kill yourself?
Then do it alone.
Look at us, Pedro.
Look at your family.
You know what?
I'm gonna sort things out my way!
-Dad, wait!
Wait. Those guys are dangerous.
-Dad, don't go!
-Let me go.
Listen to me!
I want names, Camargo. Give me names.
You know Barradas.
He's gotten very close to Nasser recently.
-Get out!
-Take it easy, Dantas.
-Out of my way!
Easy. It's me, Hélio.
I don't want any trouble.
Look. Let's talk.
An elite officer escorting
a corrupt police chief.
Escorting, my ass.
-Listen to me.
Are you saying you don't work for him?
Look at you. Look at this car!
Making money extorting society.
Extorting society? What society?
Your son isn't society. Your son's a thug.
Son of a bitch! What did you say?
Let go of me!
Fucking militia.
I'm here to help you.
I'll be straight.
This shit you're taking on
goes all the way
to the Secretary of Public Safety
and the Governor.
You wanna kill Barradas?
Go ahead.
But you'll have to kill
half the force and the government too.
And if you forget one person, just one,
you're fucked.
He kidnapped my son, Hélio.
Think, Victor!
Your son's alive, isn't he?
Don't be the reason
your son ends up dead now.
And your whole family.
How do you know all this,
you son of a bitch? Huh?
Are you one of Nasser's buddies?
I had nothing to do
with your son's kidnapping!
I'm not even supposed to be here.
But I owe you.
You saved my life.
Now it's my turn to save you.
I've said my piece.
Guns against drugs?
I'm on the right side.
This is gonna destroy your life.
How are things going?
We're broke.
Wanna see the bills?
I know, Dad.
I sold half the wood shop.
Your mother sold the apartment.
I haven't figured anything out.
And we're still in danger.
"How are things going?"
Look at the mess you put us in.
You always told me police
and crooks are the same.
I got caught up in their fucking scheme.
You were right.
Did warning you help at all?
You really think those guys
are gonna leave you alone?
My bad, Dad.
I'm sorry.
I've fucked up the lives
of everyone close to me.
I don't know what to do,
or if I can stay clean.
Clean from what, Pedro? Drugs or crime?
I'm tired, Pedro.
We know you can't.
I'm gonna keep trying.
One day at a time.
You're the only one
who still believes in me.
This time, I'm asking you for help.
Don't give up on me.
I already have, Pedro.
Excuse me.
Good afternoon.
Would you like to try our giant cone
with extra chocolate sauce?
I'd love that.
What are you doing here?
Can you take a break?
We can go for a walk and talk.
I think so.
I heard you were kidnapped.
Are you all right?
I'm trying to be.
And you?
What do you think?
Let me see.
It's nice.
You look pretty in that uniform.
-You're kidding me.
-I'm not kidding.
You always look pretty.
No matter what.
Especially naked.
I've missed you.
I've missed you, too.
-But I don't want
-But what?
Let's make up for lost time.
Not like this, Dom.
Why not?
You almost got killed.
I don't wanna die.
I'm here now.
I'm alive.
You're here too.
I'm trying to get my life together.
You know?
Quit using cocaine.
Have a regular job.
A normal life.
You should try it too.
Let's make up for lost time.
Just a quickie.
No, Dom.
Didn't you offer me extra chocolate sauce?
Did you think I forgot?
What is it?
I need some time.
I'm with you on this.
Let's get clean together.
I'll get a job too.
We'll save some money.
Buy a house far from here.
In the mountains.
Do you like the mountains?
We'll have some kids to fill up the house.
Wanna have kids with me?
I have to get back to work.
Don't you die, you hear me?
Stay alive.
I'm Pedro.
Hi, Pedro.
I've been clean for 88 days.
Almost 90, right?
I'm afraid of failing.
And disappointing the people I love.
Those who love me.
Want some help?
No, it's just small stuff.
Are you sure about Brasília?
I can't stay here anymore.
I'm afraid, traumatized.
I want to get away from all this violence.
I know.
Pedro, I'm broke.
Your aunt's gonna help me out.
Don't cry, Mom.
I'm gonna get the money back.
I don't want money, Pedro.
I want you to come with me.
Come with me. It'll be good for you.
We've talked about it, Mom.
I can't.
You can't or don't want to?
I can't, Mom. I don't wanna move around
from one place to another.
I need to find my own space.
I'm so scared of what might happen to you.
Come with me. Please.
That's Dad.
Hi. Ready to go?
I'll go get my things. Be right back.
I wish you the best, Marisa.
Take it easy on him.
He's trying.
-Are you going to the NA meetings?
-Of course.
I've been clean for 97 days.
That's good.
These guys are nuts.
Five reais for a soda. What a rip-off.
It's highway robbery, isn't it?
I'm serious.
If he buys it for 2.50 and sells for 5,
that's a 50% profit.
If he sells 50 cans a day, he makes 125.
That's about 3,700 a month.
Just from soft drinks, that's
not including beer, umbrellas
Are you trying to sell me
strawberries again?
I never give up.
I'll borrow a surfboard.
Let's go. Take your glasses off.
Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go!
Come on! Let's do it!
I brought your stuff.
Mom moved out of the apartment.
Your apartment is great.
You like it? Look at us, Pedro.
So cute.
I'm happy you're doing well.
Mom wants me to move to Brasília with her.
And you? Where do you want to live?
Lalá, that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
I can't live with Dad anymore.
I just can't, you know?
So I was wondering
if I could crash here for a while.
I don't want you living here, Pedro.
I love you.
You know how much I love you.
But I have to take care of myself now,
you know?
I can't be dragged into a hurricane
every time you screw up.
When I think about our childhood,
I only remember yours.
You want me to stay away from you?
Don't be upset with me, Pedro.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing here?
I just came from City Hall.
-What's that?
-It's yours.
It's a permit for the stand.
This stand is now yours.
What do you mean?
Just read it. "Pedro Dantas."
This is Santiago.
-Your right-hand man. He's great.
-Hi, Pedro.
-What's up? My pleasure.
-What's up?
-I'm here to help you out.
-Whatever you need.
-It's yours.
Thanks, Dad!
Thank you, Dad.
If you sell 50 beers a day,
without doing anything stupid,
you'll be fine.
You got it. Partners.
No, we're not partners.
This is your business.
Thanks, Dad.
You're welcome.
There's just one small problem.
What is it?
See that building?
What about it?
I've robbed it.
Fucking shit, Pedro.
We'll have to move the stand.
We're moving the stand.
Two beers for number three.
I got it.
-Want some?
-No, thanks.
You sure? Come on.
I'm working.
That's okay, bro. Thanks!
Hi, can I have a coconut?
-Enjoy the beach.
She's into you.
See you tomorrow.
-Have a nice evening.
-Take care.
Blond boy!
Hey, Santiago.
Put this away, please.
Going after the blonde, huh?
Come on, bro. What are you talking about?
-You are.
-Mind your own business.
It's cool, kid!
Hey, crazy girl.
What's up?
What are you doing here?
Enjoying the beach. Sit down.
-Long time, no see.
-Come here.
-Want something to drink?
That's my stand.
-Yeah, that's me.
I work here every day.
Sit down, Dom.
I've missed those blue eyes.
I had so many flashbacks
just now when I saw you.
-It's been a long time.
Have you seen the gang?
There's no gang without you, Dom.
What about Jasmin?
We don't talk anymore.
I don't eat cheeseburgers.
And how are you doing?
Me? I'm great.
So, you own a stand now?
Can you get rich with that?
I can stay clean.
Come on, Dom.
What about the adrenaline?
-Heart pounding
-I've been surfing.
Are you serious?
Come on.
Selling coconuts on the beach?
Come on!
How long can you fool yourself?
Wait! On the beach? It's sandy.
Is that a problem?
Is it?
Let's get in the water. Come on.
Let's go, Dom.
-Hi, Santiago.
-Hi, Mr. Victor.
Where's Pedro?
He left.
He ran into a friend.
A really hot blond girl.
-Blond girl?
You should've seen her.
He never came back.
-Has it been a while?
-Yeah, quite a while.
I'll help you close up.
That's okay. No need.
I'll help you. It's late.
Good evening.
That young lady has been waiting
for Pedro for over an hour.
Thank you.
Hey! I'm Pedro's father. What do you want?
I need to talk to him.
Then you can go. He's not here.
No, I'll wait.
What do you want with my son?
I know Pedro's clean and working hard.
I want him to be okay, too.
I just need to talk to him.
You're Jasmin, right?
-You're too late.
Pedro's gone. He vanished.
Your friend took him.
Why don't you all just leave my son alone?
I wanted to say this to Pedro.
But I guess that won't happen.
What is it?
I'm pregnant.
Let him know, whenever he shows up.
Ice cold.
Are you feeling it?
Have a drink.
You're being boring!
Look at me, Pedro.
Let me show you something.
-Want some?
-I'm fine.
Stop being so boring!
You're so lame.
-Let's get out of here.
-No way!
The guy who kidnapped me
is here. Barradas.
Let's go.
You go. I'll take care of him.
-No, Vivi!
-Let me go!
-Let's go.
-No. Trust me.
-Come with me.
-I can handle it.
-Trust me.
-Fuck, Vivi!
Son of a bitch.
Put your hands up!
You're fucked, you piece of shit!
-You're going to jail.
-Don't do it!
Police! Get out of my way!
Police! Get out of the way!
-Police! Move!
-Stop! Stop it!
Let her go.
She has nothing to do with this.
-Shut up or I'll kill you!
Let me leave or I'll kill her.
Put your gun down.
This is between us.
-Let me go!
-Shut up!
-Let's talk.
-We're not fucking talking!
-This is between us.
-I'll kill her!
-Hands up!
-I'll blow her brains out!
Put the fucking gun down!
Get out of my way!
Get the car.
Stop the car! Stop!
Stop the car!
You scared me.
I almost believed you in there.
Give me that.
-Give me some.
You want blow?
That's it!
The gang is back!
Our crazy leader is back!
So is Evil Barbie!
Drive faster!
Good morning, Mr. Victor.
I'll get the stand ready.
You're early today.
What about Pedro? Is he back?
He's not coming back.
Put everything away.
A child can make you a hero
with three little words,
"Love you, Dad."
But love alone wasn't enough.
No one escapes their destiny.
It's like swimming in the ocean.
You can't go against the current.
The harder you try, the faster you sink.
The current was taking Pedro
further and further away.
And the worst was yet to come.
And there was nothing
I could do to stop it.
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