Edens Zero (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Wind Howls on the Highway

The interstellar warship, Edens Zero.
Edens Zero…
It totally looks like
it's piloted by baddies, but whatever.
It went from pirate ship
to Demon King ship.
I have waited for this day,
Great Demon King.
Grandpa was the Demon King. I'm just…
You are the new Great Demon King.
The king of Edens Zero…
has returned.
Edens Zero has regained its original form.
it has yet to recover its true power.
True power?
You will depart the Sakura Cosmos
in search of Mother, will you not?
You knew about that?
I hear all the conversations on this ship.
That's scary.
My powers allow me to operate
and manage Edens Zero.
Consider me a part of this ship.
The Demon King created Four Shining Stars,
myself included.
Only when all four have been gathered
will Edens Zero regain its true power.
Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult
to get past Dragonfall,
the border between
the Sakura Cosmos and outer space.
A waterfall of dragons?
It's a sector of space
swarming with dragons.
I've heard that small ships
get gobbled up instantly there.
So there are tons of dragons?
I want to see that!
It must be a heck of a sight!
Just getting close is really dangerous.
Even a single dragon can destroy
a fleet of big battleships.
And there'll be
unbelievable numbers of them!
First, the Four Shining Stars
must be assembled
in order to break through Dragonfall.
The Four Shining Stars!
This is getting really exciting!
Excuse me…
What is this?
It's called a massage.
I know that.
You want to learn
to use Ether Gear, don't you?
You heard that?
I hear everything.
That really is scary.
If you soak in that bath every day,
then it may become possible.
I see!
So this massage further improves
its effects, right?
No. I am simply providing this service.
I offer oil massages, electric massages,
as well as mind-melting torture
and pleasure massages.
Which course would you like?
Definitely not the last one!
-I'd like that last one.
-You're out of your mind.
Very well.
Wow! What's this?
This feels great!
Which course would you like?
The oil massage, please.
That android is very well built.
I suspect all its memories from
when it was alive were implanted in it.
You can tell all that?
Whoever built Master Happy
has greater skills
than the Great Demon King.
It was that guy 50 years in the future.
But the current Weisz could never do it.
Did Master Weisz also build
that EMP android?
I think Pino was made by the Demon King.
Then she is a newer model than myself
and the other Four Shining Stars.
By the way, do you know
where the other three Shining Stars are?
After our duties were fulfilled,
I alone remained here on this ship
while the other three departed
on their own journeys.
They left on journeys?
I have no contact with them,
nor do I know their whereabouts.
One spoke of traveling to Blue Garden.
Blue Garden?
The Life of Edens, Sister.
What's this huge door?
Unlocking method unknown.
Just you watch.
I'll handle this with my Machina Maker.
What? It won't budge.
That is one of
this ship's highly classified secrets,
Code 3173.
Is that you, Witch?
Code 3173?
I request
that you do not enter unnecessarily.
It will not open unless
the Four Shining Stars are assembled.
This feels so nice.
What's inside?
I am not authorized to reveal.
this eavesdropping is getting creepy.
As I have said before,
I can hear all conversations on this ship.
Haven't you ever heard of privacy?
When you converse,
do you pay mind to tables or chairs?
Of course not!
This is the same as that.
Please consider me an object.
You're not an object.
You have a heart.
Very well.
The ship's performance will decrease,
but I will switch off the
listening function throughout the ship.
So we still don't know what's inside.
Lord Shiki.
Do you think I have a heart too?
You laugh, cry, and worry about stuff.
So of course you do.
I want to follow you
on your journey, Lord Shiki.
My master wanted to find Mother,
so I want to as well.
It's a little late for that.
I already counted on you coming.
Anyway, happy to have you.
Thank you, Master!
Don't call me that.
But you are my master now, Lord Shiki.
Not sure about "Lord" either.
Then what should I call you?
Whatever you like.
Then I will call you "Master."
Master Ziggy spoke those same words.
This is so awesome.
There are so many people, as always!
What a relief.
Blue Garden is still in the present era!
Wow! This is the world in 50 years!
Say, Professor,
why don't you go back to Norma?
Someone from 50 years in the past
existing in the present
could cause issues.
Don't be ridiculous.
Norma is dead.
I'm surely not going back there.
But I don't plan on
sticking with you guys either.
Adios, suckers!
I'm off to enjoy the future! Later!
Will he actually become
the Professor someday?
I really doubt it.
First, let's go to the guild.
We might find info on Sister there.
You're right.
I am unable to leave the ship.
Should you need anything, contact me using
Lady Rebecca's communication device.
So that is a hologram of Mother.
I am so moved!
Let's find her, okay?
Welcome back!
I was so terribly worried--
I was really worried.
That you'd come back with
another boring video, that is.
I'm so worried
that my views have skyrocketed,
Tell me,
what amazing video did you get this time?
Won't you hurry and upload it?
That's the latest trend for me.
I watch your videos
along with all my viewers.
They're so hilarious,
we laugh our heads off!
You enjoy ridiculing me?
Yes. Immensely!
The sense of superiority that comes
when the talented look down on
incompetent hacks is exquisite.
Go on, do that thing.
That kitty-cat dance
or whatever that lame thing is.
If I share it,
there's a chance it could go viral.
How mean…
I've been wanting to see you,
Mr. Gravity Man!
Say, why don't you be in one of my videos?
You think I'd help someone
who bullies Rebecca?
Oh, my!
"Bully" is such a strong word.
I'm merely giving her advice.
Talentless trash should
get the heck out of the B-Cuber business.
Just saying.
I've got a shoot for
a sponsored product ad after this.
Please reconsider my request, Gravity Boy.
That little…
I wish she'd buzz off.
I'm all right, Clarisse.
No, it's something else.
The Guild Master wants to talk to you.
To me?
Who's that?
It's the top person in the guild.
I wonder why.
What a pain in the neck.
How do I make a video
that makes boring toys look fun?
Don't be like that.
The pay's way too low, anyway.
Target identified.
Who are you?
A fan? What a pain.
Would you please
quit bothering me during my private time?
I will now execute the mission.
What could the Guild Master want from me?
Maybe we're in trouble for going to Norma.
I didn't know
it was on the travel ban list.
-I wish I could meet the Guild Master.
-Even I've never met the Guild Master.
You think we could be friends?
Your heart rate is increasing, Rebecca.
You bet it is. I'm so nervous.
I really don't want to go.
I'll go with you.
You're not going.
But this is good timing.
The Guild Master
might know something about Sister.
Let's get going, Happy.
Aye, sir!
How come Happy gets to go?
He is seen as non-problematic.
But I'm so bored now!
I know!
Let's go exploring!
Good idea!
There are these weird dogs on this planet.
They say, "puuun."
Can you really call those dogs?
Look at this!
There are all kinds of drinks!
This is a vending machine.
That robot's cleaning the street!
That is a cleaning bot.
There's water floating in the sky!
This planet is abundant
in water Ether, after all.
You know more about this place than I do,
even though you've never been here.
Oh, but there are things
that I do not know.
I would like to see the dogs
that go "puuun."
Sure! I think the restaurant
is around here somewhere.
Master, is it possible that you are lost?
No! I'm not lost!
I guess we have no choice.
Let's use my navigation system.
Wait a second! It's right around here!
Yuck. That's quite the glare.
Fans like you are so frightening.
Hey, punk.
How dare you get in Ms. Labilia's way!
Who is this guy? He's big trouble!
Number three! Number four!
Number five!
I'll shoot!
What do you want?
Is it money? Or…
My job is to take you back with me.
Your job? What's that supposed to mean?
Come quietly.
No! Stop!
Help me!
She doesn't like that.
Your arm!
Gravity Boy!
It's "Shiki."
Is this guy a machine?
Sixty percent of his body
is made up of machines.
Identified as a cyborg.
Can you help me?
-Frankly, I couldn't care less about you.
-You're mean!
But it's not my style to ignore this.
Grandpa always told me
to help people when they ask for it.
That's the first step toward
connecting hearts.
I've connected with you too, Master!
You plan on interfering with my job?
Is it your job to harass women?
My job is to take people away with me.
Even if they don't want to?
The target's feelings are irrelevant.
You'll never connect any hearts that way.
I have no need for hearts.
I will eliminate all obstacles.
That's Ether Gear!
Oh, my god! What's this?
Could this turn into a super rad vid?
I won't let some heartless jerk beat me.
You have Ether Gear too?
I want a whole lot more.
Give me lots of pretty girls.
Master Illega,
we should be getting
a large delivery of women shortly.
Please be patient for a little longer.
I hope they're B-Cubers.
We've begun a massive hunt
for B-Cubers on Blue Garden.
Sister's soldiers
are assisting in the operation.
The most beautiful B-Cubers will be yours.
I hope they come soon.
I want to expand my collection.
Master, I recommend caution.
His strength is currently unknown.
Awesome! This video will be amazing!
Gravity Ether Gear?
Is that wind?
Skymech Ninjutsu Attack.
Windstorm Slash!
Ninjas are awesome!
Magimech Attack!
Gravity Center!
What the heck? Call the cops!
The road's been split!
Did that kid just stop the car?
Don't drag innocent bystanders into this!
And why did you help others
while we were in mid-battle?
No, I have not secured the target yet.
Roger. I will return to base.
Looks like you've been spared, pal.
What? You're running away?
If you wish to challenge me,
find me on Guilst.
We'll settle this someday
when the wind calls.
Hey! Wait!
You're the best!
I may as well thank you.
Thank you!
The views of this
will be through the roof!
For a girl who was about
to be kidnapped, she's pretty tough.
Master, we should depart
before the police arrive.
-See you later!
I can already imagine
the mortified look on Rebecca's face!
He appears to be a warrior from Guilst.
-There's one thing I want to shout.
-Go ahead.
Ninjas are awesome!
Rebecca hasn't come back
since visiting the Guild Master.
She sure is taking her sweet time.
Why is she goofing around?
You already assume that
she is goofing around?
Happy! What took you so…
What's wrong? What happened to you?
We were attacked by a weird guy
in the Guild Master's room.
The next thing I knew,
Rebecca and the Guild Master were gone.
What should we do?
News flash!
Multiple kidnappings of video creators
in Blue Garden's city of Eternal
have been reported.
It's believed
to be the work of a crime syndicate,
but we have no information
on their identities.
All video creators,
be extremely careful when going out.
Allow me to repeat.
Find me on Guilst.
That guy…
Could they have taken Rebecca too?
Master, calm down!
The table!
Our next destination is Guilst.
We're going back to Edens Zero!
Yes, Master!
Edens Zero…
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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