El embarcadero (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Verónica! Verónica, please.
You have to go now.
His wife will be here any minute.
Vero, please.
Please. Come on, let's go.
-The geotechnician wants to see us at 1.
-That's fine by me.
Do you still want
to use curved glass?
Because the guy said you can't
put sheets next to one another.
You can with structural silicone.
Don't worry.
Our necks are on the line with the
most eccentric building in history
and here we are looking at horses.
I'm just saying.
The only thing Oscar left me is a horse,
the least I can do is come see it.
-It's this one.
Let him out.
Come on, Valiente.
What are you doing
with that horse, miss?
-Taking him for a stroll.
-Let go of his reigns, please.
-Right now.
-This is my friends horse.
He's my horse.
Well, my husband's but he passed,
so it's mine now.
Here's the paperwork.
-Climb on.
-Can I ride him?
No, he has several races coming up
and you're stressing him out.
-So, please, let go of his reigns.
-I will not!
-Just a minute!
-Once, I might have, but not anymore.
This is a transitional period for me
that you can't understand, but I do.
-So I'm taking him with me.
-But you can't ride him.
He's going to France
for a race this afternoon.
-Do you have three million?
-I bet you don't.
-Then I'm taking him. Come on, Valiente.
-He's hers.
You should have been nicer.
-I have a horse, Katia.
-You have a horse.
Climb on!
Put your helmet on.
-I'm not sure I remember how.
-You will.
-It's been a long time.
-Just make it up if not.
-Let's go, Valiente.
That's my girl!
You're looking good!
I knew you hadn't forgotten.
You look amazing!
Horseshoes to be
changed every 45 days
and he has to be trained
six days a week.
One day jump training and five track.
He'll need to see a vet once a week,
so long as he has no accidents, okay?
-I'll get him some water.
Alex, we have a meeting
with the Geo and glass guys.
-What are we going to do with the horse?
-I don't know.
It's your mom.
-What's up, Blanca?
-Are you at the office, darling?
-I'm not in Valencia, what's up?
-It's Ada.
I found her roaming along the seafront.
It seems she's dropped out of school.
-What do you mean? What happened?
-Better talk to her yourself.
Put Ada on right away please, Blanca.
It seems she wanted to go to New York
with her gym teacher.
-Excuse me?
-To live her love story.
We're at happy hour,
come as quickly as you can.
-Can you take me to Valencia, please?
-Of course.
How awesome is that!
Is that you? Yeah?
And is that me?
That's Martina and this is you.
-It's beautiful.
-And that's Dad.
Maybe he'll come down
from heaven for some cake!
What kind of cake do you want?
Shall we see who it is?
Martina, it's my birthday!
-I don't believe you.
-It is!
I have a friend I'd like you to meet.
-Who can it be, who can it be?
-I'm not sure.
-What's his name?
-Valiente, brave one.
-Good name.
-He lived somewhere ugly
and I thought he deserved
to live in a beautiful place
and this is the most beautiful place
I know. You can pet him.
I should have told you, but I'll find
No, not at all. Quite the contrary.
Thank you.
It's her first birthday
without Oscar and
I didn't know what to do
to see that smile, so thank you.
What if
We always make paella
when it's anyone's birthday.
What if we make one
and tell the whole village to come?
-I think that's a really good idea.
That's that then.
We'll make a paella.
And Valiente will be with us today.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Hey, hey, hey!
-To Sol.
-To Sol.
-To Sol.
-Are you having fun, baby?
Go and play then!
Katia, it's me.
I'm not going to make the meeting,
can we push it back to about 6 pm?
Don't worry, I can't make it either.
I'll call him. See you later.
-Hi, Katia.
-Hey, Blanca.
You know I'm not
a typical controlling mother,
but dropping out of school?
Buying tickets to New York
to run off with your gym teacher?
With her lover, dear.
Look, I wasn't running away.
There's a race.
The New York Marathon.
She dreamed of taking part.
I assume she's older than you.
-How old is she?
-It doesn't matter.
She's older. She's a married woman
with two children.
-Open it.
-What's this?
Where did you get the money?
-Don't you like it?
I don't care you're a lesbian,
but I can't let you get involved
with a married woman. I can't.
But why not? It's what you always do.
It's not the same thing.
I'm an adult, I make my own decisions.
So do I.
How can you?
What do you know about life?
Ada, this is a beautiful gesture
and what we've had together
has been amazing.
But how can we go away together?
I can't accept this.
How do you know this woman isn't
manipulating or taking advantage of you?
How do you know
you're not a distraction?
Well, it doesn't matter anymore.
We're not together.
That's why I dropped out of school.
Mom, please.
Can you get me transferred?
Your relationship is amazing.
But I think
you're forgetting something.
Katia you need to know where she got
the money from to buy those tickets.
She's your mom, you're a minor.
She has a right to know.
And your daughter?
Doesn't she have the right to know
her life is your next book?
That's right.
She's writing a novel about Alex's life.
Not anymore.
I've already told my publisher
I won't be finishing it,
so that matter is dealt with.
However, Ada is selling photos
of her vagina on the internet.
With dedications.
-"Adavagina" dot "es".
-Dot "com".
-How are you? We haven't met, have we?
-No, we haven't met.
-Not at a parent's evening or
That's the problem with us,
single parents.
-We have to miss tutorials for work.
-Well, if you want a meeting to talk
-No, not really.
I'm going to be upfront.
I won't report you for getting involved
with a 17-year-old girl,
but my daughter sold photos
of her pussy online,
to pay for you to go to New York.
She thinks what you two had
was the love of her life.
What are your thoughts on this?
I don't know
what love story she means.
Nothing was going on between us
and the tickets are her business.
Students sometimes get confused about
their feelings for their role models.
-It happens. That's all.
-That's a lie.
You and I made love.
When she gave me the tickets,
I asked her to return them.
If this made it to the principal,
I could be in big trouble.
Also I'm married.
I have children and you know that.
-You told me you'd never felt this way.
-Ada, I'm asking you, please.
You have to let this go.
I've told you many times before,
including this morning.
Well, thanks, then,
for clarifying to us how you feel.
I know she broke your heart and the
pain will be unbearable for a while,
but you'll fall in love
so many times in your life.
Really? It's that easy?
To find someone
who takes your breath away
or keeps you up at night?
Who you can't bear to be away from
for a minute or the rest of your life?
-Is it that easy, Mom?
It's not that easy.
But if she was that special,
you'd be in New York.
Come on.
-Like some more?
Who else?
-I brought you some paella.
-Thank you.
It's really good.
I can't look after plants,
they always die.
We don't have much else
to do out here.
Farming, eel fishing,
that's about it.
Do you know if Oscar had problems?
Something so bad
it would make him kill himself.
-Or worse.
-What's worse than killing yourself?
Being murdered.
I want to help Verónica
with this and
seeing as you go up and down
the river all day and know everybody,
you might seem unworldly, but
Did you never notice
anything odd about him?
You're an observant guy.
-Do you still want to sleep with me?
No! No I guessed not.
No, really. I've moved on.
Afternoon. I need to talk
to you, ma'am.
In private.
It's important.
There's a key missing
from Oscar's things.
-A key?
-Yes. It's a small key.
One of those double-sided ones.
It was loose in the bag.
I went over the forensic
reports again,
and after checking the list of personal
items found in Oscar's car,
I realized the key is no longer in the
evidence bag I took from your house.
-What happened to it?
-That's what I'd like to know.
When did you take his things
out of the bag?
I only took out his cellphones.
I put the bags in boxes
with the rest of his things,
I haven't touched them
since you gave me them.
I found them on your coffee table.
Somebody must have taken them out
and left them there.
If it wasn't my mom,
I don't know who it was.
Well, I've sent the prints
on the bag to be checked.
To see how many people have touched
them other than you and I.
Would you like paella?
Why do you ask?
-What do you mean?
-Is this the sign we talked about?
Meaning you're ready?
-Touching your hair, the paella
-No! Sorry, no.
I assure you when I do give you
a sign, it will be very clear.
-For both of us.
Right. Sorry, I didn't mean
to pressure you, I just didn't
-Don't worry, I'm just stressed.
-Well, well. Why are you here?
We're running out of paella.
I came back
to give the house another once over.
But I really wanted to talk to you.
-With me?
-I don't think the burglars were kids.
-Why do you think that?
They didn't take anything valuable.
They turned the house upside down
looking for something specific.
Like what?
Well, it seems Oscar frequently
moved large sums of money.
I'm talking thousands,
millions of euros.
-Know anything about it?
-No. He wasn't doing that.
-Oscar was involved in something shady.
-He was not!
All he did was tax returns
for the locals.
-Tax returns?
-Yes and you already knew that.
-How is that shady?
-He worked with Andrés.
He went to Lula every week.
-With Andrés?
-Andrés has 21 clubs.
-Not true.
-Six of them are brothels.
-I think Oscar was laundering money.
-No. No way.
No, that's not true.
-I would have known.
-Or you wouldn't have.
Look Get out of my house.
Thank you.
-When did you last see Oscar?
-Three days ago.
Six hours before you called to say
you'd found him in his car.
Did you notice anything
strange about him?
Was he behaving strangely
or did he seem depressed?
We were out having dinner
and he ate half a melon.
I don't know.
Is that enough of a reason
to want to kill yourself?
Was he drunk?
He was seen drinking at the cabin.
At about eight in the evening.
Did you have an argument?
Well, yes, but we made up later.
Was everything okay
between the two of you?
It was just an argument
like all couples have, that's all.
About what, Vero?
What the hell are you asking?
If I gave him enough of a reason
to get in his car and kill himself?
We didn't argue that day.
We'd already made up by then, dammit.
It makes absolutely
no sense what he did.
No sense at all. No!
-I'm angry with him.
-I know.
Take it easy.
I don't want him to be dead.
-I don't want him to be dead.
-Listen to me, Vero.
-I don't want him to be.
-Listen to me.
You must be strong.
And you are strong. Think of Sol.
We can take the bike for a spin
whenever you want.
That way we can put pedal to the metal
and scream our lungs out all over town.
Okay. Okay.
-Come here.
-Thank you.
Don't be stupid! Come here.
-If you need anything, call me okay?
-Any time of the day or night.
-Love you.
-Love you too.
Are you alright?
It's strange seeing you this way,
you're always alright.
As though you were immune
to pain or something.
Didn't you know anything
about Oscar working for Andrés?
Nothing about the money?
Why do you think he lied?
-Can you bring ice?
I want to see Andrés.
-He isn't here.
-I'm not moving until I speak to him.
-What's up with you, girl?
-My partner came here every week
and I want Andrés to explain
what the fuck he was doing.
What do you think, sweetie?
Don't put yourself
through this, honey.
You're not the first jealous wife here.
I can imagine
with all these married men.
How's it going, Tino?
Say hi to Neus for me.
-I want to speak with Andrés.
-That does it Santi!
I won't make it for six,
eight would be better.
-Don't worry.
-And the glass guy tomorrow. I
Put me down!
Don't come back here.
Unless it's with your resume.
What happened?
Where are you going? Oh, my God.
Hey! You want to see my fucking resume?
-Well, here it is.
-What are you doing, you crazy bitch?
Stop. Stupid whore.
Let me go!
I don't believe this.
-Are you crazy?
-I needed to know.
He was working with Andrés,
Conrado told you that already.
-I'm sorry!
-But why did he hide it from me?
-I don't get it.
-What did you expect, huh?
You saw him lie to his wife every day,
did you think he wouldn't lie to you?
I'm sorry.
-How's Verónica?
She's a mess, she had no idea about
Oscar, you shouldn't have told her.
You both lived with him.
It's my duty to inform both of you.
Especially when there's a risk
the burglars could be back.
I'm calling because they've finished
the print check on the bag.
There are more sets
of prints than I expected.
-Yours, mine and two others.
-Those bags haven't left my apartment.
They can only be from my Mom,
or maybe Katia or Ada at most.
One of them matches the person
who broke into Verónica's house.
But there's margin for error
with these things, right?
Double check it, please.
It doesn't make sense.
There's no way anyone I know would
want to break into Verónica's place.
Look, Mrs. Leyva.
This is a delicate matter.
-I just received a report
-I'll call you back.
Where are you? Where are you?
What is it?
Are you alright?
Are you?
I thought that
I thought that you wanted to die.
Just like Oscar.
Please, don't do that again.
Well, I don't want to die,
but if you keep hugging me,
we'll both go under.
-Let's go get Sol. Okay?
Mr. Pacheco.
Thank you for coming.
Please. I've actually been waiting
for your call for some time now.
How long was Mr. León involved
in money laundering?
Pretty much since he was fired.
It started off as a temporary thing,
but you know
It's so easy to get in
but so hard to get out.
Did you know about
the break-in at Verónica's?
The towel, please.
I didn't know. I have nothing to do
with the person you're talking about.
You know, the weird thing is they
also broke into Mrs. Leyva's place.
They stole a small key that was among
the personal property of the deceased.
From what I gather,
it opens a safety deposit box.
And why are you telling me this?
Because who stole the key
also broke into Vero's.
Probably looking for the same thing.
I don't know anything!
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Be very careful about what you say,
Mr. Pacheco,
or I'll hit you so hard
your grandkids'll still feel it.
Let's start over. I ask, you answer.
Where was Oscar
the two days before his death?
I don't know. I know he had
a big argument with Verónica.
I tried to call him but he wouldn't
pick up, then he killed himself.
Pull back your sleeves.
Look I know you stole the key.
I also know your friend died leaving
1.2 million in an unknown location
and that everyone, you included,
is looking for it.
Pull back your fucking sleeves.
They cooked me.
Three guys I've never seen before
came, put me in a metal drum
and started heating
the water with blowtorches.
-And I thought that they will kill me.
-What do you expect?
You can't take money from a bunch
of bastards and get away Scot-free.
So they got angry
and you couldn't even go to the cops.
-Where's the fucking money.
-I don't have it.
Oscar had it when he died.
That's why I stole the key.
It doesn't open anything.
Not a safety-deposit box
or even a drawer. Nothing!
I don't know what it's for, dammit.
How about we make a deal?
You tell me all you know and
I'll help you like I wasn't a cop.
We've recalculated for
a big increase in reinforcement
of the central core concrete.
I haven't spoken to the glass tech,
but Alex says
the curved panes
can be joined with silicone.
Great. I'm excited
about the project. Well done.
Thank you.
And how are you?
Yeah, great.
Well, today I found out
my daughter is a lesbian
and she's had her heart broken, so
Poor thing. I'm sorry to hear that.
I said not to worry, that she'll
fall in love a thousand times
and she asks me if it's that easy
to find someone special.
-And what did you say?
I said yes
That there are tons
of wonderful people in the world.
Less at our age,
but they're out there.
You have company.
Well, have a great night.
I'm going to work a little longer.
-Hey, are you going already?
-Thank you for everything.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
-We've tidied up.
And I put Sol to bed, she was exhausted.
Well, I'm pretty exhausted too.
Me too.
Okay. Get some rest then.
-Thank you, Vicent.
-You're welcome.
I lived in this house
with my grandma since I was 15.
When my parents died.
They were like chalk and cheese.
Like night and day.
I was just a kid but I could feel
the tension between them.
I also saw how much my mom suffered.
-Why did she suffer?
-Because she wanted him all to herself.
She was jealous and possessive.
And because my dad
couldn't bear feeling trapped.
He'd go out,
refuse to tell her where he'd been
and lie to her when he came home.
He lied to my mom a lot.
She knew he'd been with other women.
In the end,
my mom started losing it.
Until the time came,
when she no longer knew
what was real and what not.
One day my mom was waiting for my dad
who'd been gone for several days.
That day she was different.
Her eyes were on fire.
When my father got back,
she stood up
and shot him twice.
In the end, all of those lies
and this ridiculous idea
that someone can belong to you
killed them both.
That's why I never lied to Oscar.
I never judged him.
The only agreement
that there was between us,
was just that:
not to lie to each other.
Not to lie to each other.
I'm sorry.
-Would you mind staying with me tonight?
-Of course not.
Call me when you get this message.
You need to be really careful.
The people looking
for that money are dangerous
and may be behind Oscar's death.
You put your hand under
the pillow like Oscar did.
I still think about him.
Thank you so much, Martina.
For all you're doing for me.
Everyone hides
a part of themselves that they hate.
An abyss between what we are
and what we show to the world.
Between the ordinary and the wild.
Where changing sides is difficult.
Them, the wife and the lover,
had become dependent on each other
to unite those two parts.
There was attraction
When you feel all of that,
you give in.
And the only choice is
to jump.
My name is Alejandra.
I'm Oscar's wife.
What are you doing here?
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