El Mantequilla (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Jacinto Buenaventura: El Mantequilla

[officer through radio]
Watch for Detective Robles' signal.
Nobody moves until she gives the order,
is that clear?
[sirens wailing]
Let's go.
Go in, go in, go in.
Let's go, let's go. Quick.
To the kitchen, to the kitchen. Hey!
Negative, Detective Robles.
The suspect's not there.
We've got a 22B. I repeat.
The 9A isn't here. Let's go.
[flight attendant]
Good afternoon, passengers.
We ask that you stow your carry-on luggage
in the overhead compartments
or under the seat in front of you,
leaving the aisles
and emergency exits clear.
Our estimated flight time
is three hours and 50 minutes
to Tijuana International Airport.
[clicks tongue]
[footsteps approaching]
You look older, asshole.
But I've always been more handsome.
Ah, well, that's true.
[both laughing]
Ah, Jacinto, damn. [grunts]
-It's a pleasure, you bastard.
I don't know how you can live here.
-You can get used to anything.
-At least no one messes with me here.
-No, for sure.
There isn't a soul out here.
Flies wouldn't even stop here
with this damned heat.
-[laughs] Well, that was the idea, right?
-Oh, yeah.
Why did you come, Cuauh?
-I need your help.
-No. No, no. I can't.
I don't exist, remember?
I can't help you.
Look, man.
I don't know if you're up on the news.
Your case has become a shit show.
Did you know your son's looking for you?
And my daughter's right behind me.
-What son? I don't have kids.
-Oh, yeah. Right.
You and I made a deal.
Yes, and if I remember correctly,
you came out of it quite well.
You've lived like a king for 20 years.
You've been free for 20 years.
That's not too bad, right?
After everything you did, you asshole.
No. I'm sorry, friend.
I can't. You're on your own with this.
You're who they're looking for.
For all intents and purposes,
I'm just Juan García, a country guy.
And you know what, Cuauh?
It's better if you go.
I don't want you on the highway at night.
It's not safe.
you know very well that if I go down,
you're going down with me.
So, think hard about your next move.
Okay, asshole?
[engine turns on]
[knocking on door]
What's your name?
Granisio Barro.
I'm looking for work
in exchange for a taco.
They said in town
that there was work here.
Can you work the land?
Do you have strong arms and legs?
Yes. Yes, sir.
-Twenty pesos an hour. Interested?
Follow me.
It's good.
Right? Plus, it's all made here.
The meat is from a nearby ranch.
And I'm lucky because we have
a well here on the property.
[clears throat] Tomorrow, I'll show you
everything you have to do.
Have you lived here long?
You'll sleep in that shack.
It has a straw bed.
There are clothes too.
Feel free to use them if you'd like.
See you here tomorrow at dawn.
Thank you very much, Mister
García, but you can call me Juan.
Thank you very much, Mr. Juan.
Okay, see you here tomorrow at dawn.
When you're done, put out the fire.
-[coworker] Congrats, Beto!
-Bravo! You deserve it. Bravo!
[Velasco] Bravo, bravo! [laughs]
No, thanks so much for all these years.
What's more, I'm deeply proud and grateful
to have done my job
faithfully and thoroughly.
-Thanks to all of you.
-[Velasco] Bravo!
-Great, great!
-Hey, hey, hey.
Let's cut the cake already.
No drinking on an empty stomach, right?
-[Beto] Go for it.
Hey, why didn't you wait
for Robles to be here?
I'm just saying
that I think it's a bit hasty
for you to leave
on your exact retirement day.
Especially because of what happened.
I'm getting old, Captain.
My back, my wife, my agility.
Everything weighs on me.
Thanks so much for your work
and your contribution, Benavides.
[all cheering]
[chanting] Shove his face in the cake!
Shove his face in the cake!
What are you looking at, man?
You'll need this tomorrow.
[both laughing]
And he took off running that way.
[Jacinto speaks indistinctly] Cheers.
[objects clattering]
[Jacinto] Granisio!
-[metallic objects clang]
-[broom sweeping]
What are you doing here?
No, no. You can't be here. Get out.
-[phones ringing]
-[typewriters clicking]
Pablo Garduño
They're giving me
the Medal for Journalistic Merit?
Yes, but don't get too excited
because it's the same people,
the same old fogies.
[laughs] It's a joke.
-[Alonso] Look.
As long as you play for our team
and you do what you're told,
your career will take off.
But, just like we can buy you awards
and turn you into a star,
well, uh, we can also discredit you
and make sure that you never work again.
It's just a little taste
of the heights you can reach.
Mmm? [laughs] That's it.
[editor] Everyone, come here, please.
[Alonso] Hurry.
All right, let's give a round of applause
to our colleague Garduño,
who won the Medal for Journalistic Merit.
That's it.
No way. It can't be.
Look, guys, do the world a favor.
Take this second-rate imitation
and burn it, if you don't want problems.
This painting's too well-known.
No one's going to fall for buying it.
My wife is going to kill me.
Fucking Butter Man.
Miss Elenita, I already told you
I can't tell you where your dad is.
I'm Detective Robles.
Of course, you can tell me.
Or else I'll arrest you as an accomplice.
-Oh, you don't believe me?
I'm sure your wife is going to love
the conjugal visits in jail.
Fucking hell. [sighs]
Captain Robles is in Tijuana.
My dad is in Tijuana.
He traveled on a fake name.
I need you to issue
a tracking order against him.
There's a mole in the office.
The higher-ups told me to stay out of it.
They're protecting him.
-Elena, your father's reach is huge.
We need to capture him.
I'm sorry, Elenita Robles.
I don't think it's wise to mess with
people who are clearly trying
to prevent this investigation.
-So, stop it, please.
Aren't you tired, Captain?
Aren't you tired of doing the wrong thing?
This is our only chance to show
that no one is above the law.
Not even the most important police officer
in the country.
-[papers crinkle]
[engine turns off]
[Jacinto grunts]
[grunting continues]
Are you going to help me?
Or do I need to turn you in
for real this time?
Took you long enough, you fucking traitor.
[grunting, groaning]
[Jacinto] Relax, relax. Everything's okay.
He's just an old friend.
[groans] Emiliano?
Oh, Jacinto, you are a dumbass.
The son who, according to you,
you don't have,
and who, according to you,
isn't looking for you, is in front of you.
He's not my son, he's Margarita's son.
Did you really think I'm such a dumbass
that I wouldn't recognize you?
Your mug's on every newspaper
in the country.
What are you plotting, asshole? [chokes]
What are you doing standing there?
Take the car to the back
then come back to help me.
Go on! Move it!
[Jacinto sighs] Son of a fucking bitch.
[Robles mumbles]
You're a fucking son of a bitch.
[engine turns on]
I'm Detective Elena Robles.
I'm told this man is staying here.
-Yes, he checked in under the name
-[paper crinkles]
Ernesto Calderón.
Did he arrive by car or by taxi?
No, by car.
Do you have the license plate?
Yes. Yes, here it is.
-[Robles mumbles] Son of a bitch!
-[Jacinto sighs]
Ay, ay, ay. [groans]
Ugh, you gotta be kidding.
This isn't what it used to be. [groans]
Well, then?
what do you want?
Give me half of the loot
that belongs to my mom.
Loot? What loot?
The loot you stole, asshole.
What you stole from her.
You left us in misery.
You abandoned me!
I spent years
going from orphanage to orphanage!
-Did you know that?
Because the asshole who was supposed
to take care of me, abandoned me.
And I didn't have my mom because she was
in jail paying for your crimes, asshole.
So, what do you want?
To just complain about being abandoned?
Is that why you came?
[whispers] I came to see my father's face.
I came to look the asshole who left me
in the eye.
And, yeah, all I want is
for you to pay for what you did to us.
-What I did to you? No way.
No fucking way!
-What your mom did to me!
-Son of a fucking
Do you want to kill me?
Go on, kill me.
Do you want my version?
Are you interested?
Calm down, and I'll tell you.
[Jacinto] I had made a deal with
that dumbass Robles so he'd let us escape.
He wanted money.
I already said yes. You're a pain.
[Jacinto] I wanted our freedom.
[Young Robles] No, it's all set.
[Jacinto] So I offered him enough
to live three lifetimes
in exchange for letting us go.
But your mom didn't care about that.
She wanted to make her own deal.
And she contacted
that corrupt man, Botello.
So, she told the police
where I was going to be
the day we were going to escape.
And Robles
didn't have another option
but to play dumb and arrest me.
But Botello's not stupid,
and he realized it was better
to make deals with Robles than Margarita.
So, after they arrested me,
-they arrested Margarita too.
-Let me go!
And from there, she had nowhere to go.
[Jacinto] Nobody knew
about my original deal with Robles.
-And luckily, he upheld it.
-[officer] Let's go.
[Jacinto] Of course, in exchange
for more money, jewelry, art
and putting some poor guy in jail.
The guy was paid,
but he went to jail in my name.
Sit down.
[Jacinto] I had to escape.
But I always knew that the day would come
when Margarita would try to get back
what she loves most in life,
and that isn't you or me.
It's her most prized possessions
from our robberies.
A stupid and ugly Dodé painting
and a necklace
that belonged to Empress Carlota.
[huffs] Don't kid yourself,
she's a goddamned bitch,
-an ambition-hungry traitor
-Shut up, asshole.
and a manipulator.
Give me one good fucking reason
to believe you.
One, mmm?
You know what?
Let's ask Robles so you can see. Let's go.
-[door opens]
[Robles] Bitch. Let me go, asshole.
Let me go.
Son of a bitch, you're going to pay
Son of a bitch. [mumbling]
-[Jacinto] Will you calm down now?
-Yes, yes, yes.
[groans, grunts]
Good. [groans]
Now that we're more calm,
tell Emiliano what deal you and I made
before Margarita screwed it up.
[Robles] Before the pursuit,
I was going to keep part of the loot
in exchange for letting you escape.
Can you be more specific?
The deal was to let who escape?
You, your fucking wife,
and this fucking brat.
[Jacinto] Then what happened?
That dumb bitch, Margarita,
went to the police and accused you,
thinking that would free her,
that she'd end up with the loot,
with the money, with everything.
All she achieved
was that I had no option
but to arrest you both.
She was tried and found guilty.
And you
You gave me what you had saved
to let you disappear.
But you have a lot more,
millions more hidden somewhere.
Don't act stupid.
Give me what belongs to my mom
and we'll leave it there.
Your mom's so lucky
to have you to defend her,
but don't believe anything she tells you.
She doesn't need anyone
to defend her or get revenge for her.
She doesn't want
to be implicated in anything.
Why should I believe you?
Why the fuck would I believe an asshole
who abandoned his family?
-His young son
-No, no. Look, look. I'm not your father.
Margarita was already pregnant
when I met her.
And I guess you know
who the fuck my father is, right?
He's some random guy I met in a bar.
Mom, what the fuck?
[phone rings]
Hotel Tijuana, good afternoon.
Detective, it's for you.
Detective Robles speaking.
Alert all units. I'm on my way.
[sirens wailing]
Enough, dear. I know you have questions,
but not now. Keep a clear head.
A clear head? What the fuck?
Aren't you dying?
-We're all dying.
-We're all dying.
-Margarita, you look gorgeous.
-Don't get me wrong.
Don't be cheesy.
I'm not here to rekindle our love.
You tell me where the money
and everything else is.
Put that thing down, Mom.
What the hell do you mean?
"Everything else?"
You dad robbed us.
Oh, no way, Margarita.
Stop misleading the poor kid.
Your mom used you to find me.
-She needed you to get to me.
-[Emiliano] Shut up, asshole.
It's true, right?
Well, yes, it's true. I'm not so sick.
So sick?
For several goddamned years,
you made me believe you had Alzheimer's.
Your cough Just two weeks to live, huh?
Well, yes, I exaggerated,
but I had to light a fire under you, dear,
because you're a slowpoke.
I wasn't going to wait to be senile
to get revenge on this dumbass.
You used your son,
and I almost got killed along the way.
How much of this shit is real?
-What I just told you.
-All of it, except the illness.
-But, well, that's no big deal, right?
-[Robles] No.
The only real thing here is
that you three are sick sons of bitches.
-[Jacinto] Shut up.
-[Margarita] You shut up.
Put that thing down, Jacinto. Wait.
-Hey, stop aiming at each other.
-Give me the money, and I'll go.
Never. You'll end up with nothing
because you're scum.
Put the fucking weapons down.
-Give me the money.
-Go to hell.
-What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?
-Next one's in your balls.
-What the hell, Mom?
Tie your dad up. Tie him up.
-Don't you dare, asshole.
-Don't aim at me.
-It'd be better if you cooperate, Jacinto.
-Make me.
Oh, you fucking bitch.
Now tie him up.
-Hell no, hell no.
-Tie him up.
-You'd shoot me, Mom?
-Yes, tie him up!
-Don't be a crybaby, asshole.
[Margarita] Let's look for the money.
It has to be around here.
-Nothing's here.
-He's telling the truth, Mom.
I already looked everywhere,
and he doesn't have shit.
-[Jacinto] Shut up.
-I'm saying you're right.
-[Robles] Look.
If you want money, let me go,
and I'll give you the money I have.
I don't just want my money.
I want my necklace and my painting.
Tell me where you have them.
Because I know you have them,
you fucking son of a bitch.
Where are they?
-Where, asshole?
-[Robles screams, groans]
[stutters] In the car. Fucking hell.
-Where's the car?
These assholes have it over in the stable.
[sirens wailing in distance]
[sirens continue]
[whispering] Emiliano. Let's go.
I'm turning myself in.
-[Margarita] What?
-[Jacinto] What?
[sirens continue]
I'm turning myself in
so they can put all of you in jail.
You're all the fucking same,
a bunch of corrupt liars.
Look, son. They'll put you in jail.
Oh, shit, Mom. Now you care about that?
You have no idea
what it's like to be in jail.
Emiliano, we've done this for ten years.
We're so close, please.
For ten years, you've lied to me,
misled me, and manipulated me
so I'd do this fucking shit
I didn't even want to.
Shh, shut up.
Jacinto, talk to your son.
He's not my son.
He's going to turn us in.
Come out with your hands up!
We've got you surrounded!
Help! They've got me hostage!
-They've got me hos
-Shut up, asshole!
[Robles groans]
[Jacinto] Emiliano, wait, wait, wait.
I know
that I'm not the dad you wanted.
In fact, I'm not even your dad
but I did love you.
I love you.
And I've seen what you've done
these last few weeks.
And let me tell you
that you're an artist.
Don't turn yourself in, son.
Don't waste your talent.
I know we've misled you,
but you've misled us too.
And these days we've spent together,
for me, they've been
the happiest days of my life.
And well, yes, we're a strange family
and we're dysfunctional,
but we're family.
We could start over.
Now let me
be your dad.
You have five seconds to come out.
-[agent] Everybody in!
-[agent 2] Let's go, quick!
[agent] Quick, go in!
-Go in! Let's go, let's go!
[chattering continues]
[agent 3] To the left!
Okay, untie him.
-I already did.
-Hurry up.
-Just lift it.
-They're getting away!
They're getting away!
They're [grunts]
[mumbles] Damn it!
[muffled screaming]
[grunting, panting]
[mumbles] My daughter.
-[Elena] Guard.
-They're getting away. That way.
They're going that way.
Son, help me.
-Hurry up.
-Get in the car.
[Jacinto grunts]
[Margarita] Go on, go on.
Let's go.
Let's go.
[engine turns on]
[tires squeal]
[Elena] Fucking shit.
[sirens wailing]
[tires squeal]
[panting continues]
Those criminals wanted to sully my name.
It was part of their plan to blame me.
But I was carrying out
a secret investigation
that revealed that Butter Man,
the true Butter Man, was at large.
Given the dangerous nature of the mission,
it was a covert operation.
Unfortunately, those thugs
were more than I'd thought.
It was the whole family.
They held me hostage,
they tortured me.
Fortunately, the police arrived,
under orders from Officer Elena Robles,
my daughter.
That concludes the briefing.
Thank you for your attention.
[journalist] And the stolen goods, sir?
What can you say about that?
-[journalists chatter]
-[Camacho] Folks, please!
Right now,
the captain won't be taking any questions.
And after his valiant effort
to bring justice back to our country,
and risking his life in the process,
we should let him rest.
We'll take a few pictures, please.
That's all.
-[journalist] Can we have another picture?
[chattering continues]
Elena Robles
Mexico's first female detective.
May you be the example
of morality and integrity
for all girls in this country.
They overdid it with that fucking circus.
I know, right? Fucking corrupt police.
They're thieves.
[Jacinto] Well, honestly,
I missed this.
-[sighs] I'm going to the bathroom.
-Me too.
[person through TV] Thank you so much
for your honorable service to our nation.
It's an honor to count on people like you
to serve our country.
[person 2 through TV] And as a follow-up,
this afternoon the government issued
an arrest warrant
against these three criminals.
REWARD $20,000.000 MXN
-[Margarita] Let's go.
-[person 2] A reward is offered
for information that leads to the capture
of Emiliano Escamilla, Margarita Escamilla
and Jacinto Buenaventura.
[Margarita] Hit it.
[engine turns on]
-[Jacinto hoots, laughs]
-[Margarita] Hey, slow down!
Thank you.
Thanks for rescuing me from that ranch.
-Honestly, I was really bored.
-Come on.
I didn't realize just how bored I was.
Whoo! But could we stop by a pharmacy?
Thanks to your damned mom,
my leg really hurts.
Shut up. You're a crybaby.
-You've always been a crybaby.
-Don't start, Margarita.
-Any little thing, "Ow, it hurts."
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