El marginal (2016) s01e08 Episode Script

Capítulo 8

Help yourself.
They took this off
Borges in the search.
You know, sometimes I think
that if I'd dedicated
myself to stealing
or violence I'd have
done very well,
because I'm very eager,
very attentive,
very fussy,
I always have an eye
for details.
And I have a nose for it,
I can smell
Right away, I can smell
when something's
going to go bad,
and I'm out of there.
We had a great partnership.
We made good money
with Borges
and it was going so well.
We were having a great time,
but suddenly he sold out,
he started to plot
behind my back,
made a deal with the guards
and ordered this fuck up
of a kidnapping.
He brought this girl
to the prison,
to my prison,
and I didn't know.
But then you lent him
the house to keep the girl.
But there I confused myself.
Because the haul was so big.
It was a mountain of cash
and I was taken in.
You see? My nose failed me.
But anyway,
we have to keep working
and look for another way
to achieve
a privileged retirement.
Besides, for me,
our partnership
is very beneficial.
We're going to get
some great returns.
So make sure you take
into account
what I tell you
about your friend Borges,
so you can learn
from his experience.
GUARD: There's an inmate
here for you.
No, I'm not expecting
anyone today.
GUARD: Go in.
Oh, yes, sorry, come in.
GUARD: Goodbye.
MAN: How are you?
Okay. Lots of work to do.
Ah, we all have
our cross to bear.
You know what?
I need to ask you a favor.
Who do I have to kill?
Various people,
but that's not
what I'm thinking of.
No, listen,
does your brother
still work in homicide?
and a cousin of mine too.
You see,
didn't I tell you that
in my family half are police
and the other half, crooks?
You can't imagine what
holidays are like.
I need to find out
some information
about a child
that disappeared.
Yeah, sure, I can ask him.
It's for the lady
who does my housework.
It's a relation of hers.
The couple that looked
after the kid were killed
and we don't know what
happened to him after that.
Look, if it was in the city,
my brother would know
about it.
Yes, it was in the city, but
I have to ask for secrecy.
No one here
can find out, okay?
I'm mute.
Great. Thank you.
No, thank you.
I haven't forgotten
what you did for me.
I wouldn't have been able
to say goodbye to my mom
if you hadn't gotten them
to let me out.
Around here you're like
a flower among the stones.
MARIO: God damn it,
those motherfuckers.
I can't sleep,
I need the TV.
Son of a bitch.
Can't you try
counting sheep?
What sheep
That jack-off needs a sheep.
Dirty bastard,
what are you doing?
Tell me, what are you doing?
He's jacking off
about the judge's daughter.
MARIO: If you're going to
fight, go to the showers
and knock each other
out there.
Okay, bitches.
What did you find out?
This fag laughs.
You never jacked off
or what?
What did you find out?
I'm talking to you,
what did you find out?
The room is on the way
to the evangelist wing.
This is the room.
It's locked,
but I got a copy of the key.
There's a checkpoint here
that's already bought off.
You're sure we can cut
the power without that son
of a bitch Antin knowing?
Trust me, Marito.
Pastor Pena,
I'm going to give you
a little free sample
of your parole.
Don't screw it up.
"Free" is a manner
of speaking, right?
They'll accompany you.
They'll stick with you, but
don't expect them to help,
they'll just make sure
you return.
Another thing,
put your leg here.
That's not what we agreed.
Put your leg here.
Forgive me,
but I don't know you
well enough.
I can't trust you
Do you know how this works?
I'll clarify.
If you stray 300 feet away
from them without warning,
they're authorized
to use your head
for target practice.
And the gun and
things I asked for?
You'll get them
when you arrive.
DIOS: Have you got
everything, Bigote?
Everything's arranged
like we agreed.
DIOS: Okay, open up.
Great, dude.
We're going to screw
that son of a bitch.
DIOS: Let's screw that
son of a bitch up good.
What the fuck happened
to the monitors?
Can't you see
they don't work,
it's just static,
they won't start?
Call maintenance.
I'm calling.
Let's see
Keep going and
go around the back.
What is it?
What do you mean, nothing?
You're laughing,
that means it's something.
I'm talking to my friends.
Yes, I guessed,
but can't you share it?
It's personal.
But if you're laughing
and you're with me,
you can tell me why.
LUNA: You made me come here.
I'd rather be at home.
We agreed that if you
didn't go to school,
it was so we could
spend time together.
At least that's what
we agreed.
Didn't we come here
so you could play
with your sword?
I don't like you talking
like that to me.
I don't know what
you did in that hole
without a telephone.
LUNA: What, in the prison?
Yes, in the prison.
I'll be right back.
I was talking to my friend
James Rodriguez.
He was real good company.
Now you're fucked.
No. Don't even
think about it.
Where is my son?
The boy who was in
my brother's house
is my son, where is he?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
My people deal
with the details, I have
nothing to do with it.
Kidnapping a child
isn't a detail.
Who took him?
I'm telling you,
I don't know.
You killed my brother,
and his wife. Once you knew
where your daughter was,
you didn't need them.
I didn't kill anyone,
Then you tried
to kill me in the villa.
That was different.
You tried to extort money
from me.
(WHISPERS) Be quiet.
Talk. Where's my son?
Quickly, or I'll kill you.
I don't know, your son is
I don't know, listen.
I have a lot of money.
Let's make a deal.
Piece of shit.
Now your ass is on the line
you offer me cash
but when your daughter
was kidnapped
you wouldn't offer a dime?
It's not like that,
you're wrong.
You're wrong,
I put up the money.
I'm asking, please,
my daughter is here
and I don't know
if you understand
but I'm all she's got.
I'm begging you, please
don't kill me, Miguel.
I'll do you a favor
if I kill you. Talk.
I put up the money, Miguel.
I gave a million to Borges.
I gave him a million.
You didn't give
Borges anything.
You're making it up.
I'm not making it up.
I gave him a million.
Maybe he didn't want to
give it to you or share.
I left him a million
in a car.
Listen, the money
had a tracker
and it went back
to the prison.
It's there, in San Onofre.
If you let me go,
I'll get it for you.
Let's agree on the figure.
Sure we'll agree,
but first tell me
where my son is.
I don't know.
Your son was in the house
and we left him there.
I don't believe you.
MAN: I spoke to my brother.
And what did he tell you?
May I? I asked him by email.
There was no news about
the kid for several days.
They thought he could
be dead or something,
but then they found this.
It's a shot from
a security camera.
What? Is that him?
Yes, that shot was
taken two hours
after the murders.
Thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Getting this information
means a lot.
Well, I hope
the kid appreciates it.
Yes. Do they know
anything else?
Who this woman is?
Or I don't know
Do they have any
other information?
You know how things
work here.
I work for Borges and
I understand.
Forget it.
It's okay,
this is a huge help.
What I can do, if you want,
I can give you
my brother's details
so you can get in contact
and speak directly.
Okay. Perfect.
That would be perfect.
Okay, bye.
Calambre, don't break
anything, okay?
No, easy does it.
What's happening, dude?
Happy, man?
We got our shit back.
And this guy playing
like a fag.
Get the fuck outta here.
Stop the aggression,
you killjoy.
We're all happy here.
It's not our fault
that asshole psychologist
ditched you.
I don't know why
everyone's so happy.
If Antin realizes
we've got back what
he confiscated from us,
he'll just
confiscate it again.
Okay, and we'll get it all
back again.
If he wants to measure
dicks, we'll measure dicks.
The never-ending story.
I fixed it, I'm a genius.
You're a genius, two wires,
a genius, a phenomenon.
Well, obviously.
I'll leave this here
for you to sign.
Don't be like that,
I can't see you like this.
It's not that bad,
I've never seen
anything amazing on them.
It's always the same.
Let's see:
prisoners working,
prisoners eating,
prisoners washing,
prisoners looking
at prisoners.
To tell you the truth
I prefer Big Brother.
Big Brother is scripted,
and I prefer to have
everything under
my strict control.
Okay, well,
try to calm down,
because until
they approve everything,
who knows when
they'll authorize
the repair.
And how many ministers
it'll have to go through.
He trained every day
in a fencing
and shooting club
in the Nunez district.
The murderer,
whose identity
is still unknown,
killed him in cold blood
with a shot
at point blank range.
Son of a bitch,
what the fuck?
Until now we have no news
of the attacker's identity,
who managed
to escape custody.
JUDGE: Cayetano Lunati
Did he do it?
Where were you?
Police sources say the crime
has the markings
of the drug trade
surely perpetrated
by a professional.
Look what's
happened to my cash.
God damn it, motherfucker!
And that son of a bitch
that killed him?
Stop that, stop it.
Don't you give a shit?
Can't you see
what's happening?
What a fuck up.
The judges association
Poor Lunita, what bad luck.
has lost a true bulwark
of justice and democracy.
Everyone out of here,
Move your asses,
I've got work for you.
Let's go, or do you think
living here is a joke?
Come on, let's go.
What the hell
do you want, Capece?
Shut your mouth, Borges.
Let's go.
Get to work or I'll put
my boot right up your ass.
Let's go.
No, no.
What's this
son of a bitch up to?
I've already cleared it.
Come straight
to the visitors' room,
with Pena.
With Pena, okay?
I want to speak to him.
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at,
What are you doing,
crazy bastard?
I'm going to kill you,
I'm going to kill you.
You like that, bitch?
I'm sick of you!
Holy shit.
Are you crazy, Pena?
How are you going to
get away with killing
a judge?
The news is out already?
The news is out.
How could it not be?
If I knew I wouldn't have
let you go.
That's why
I didn't tell you,
so you're not involved.
You realize that
justice is slow,
but when you mess
with it directly,
it's fast and efficient.
They won't come
looking for me.
I'm an inmate.
I have the perfect alibi.
You have the alibi,
I don't.
I tell you Borges is
causing me trouble,
and now you are too,
or worse.
There was no way
I could let that guy off.
What did that judge
do to you?
It's personal.
What happens
if Borges finds out?
He won't find out.
Who's going to tell him?
You could tell someone,
and that someone
could tell Borges.
Careful, because
if I get a sniff
that you're putting me
in the shit,
the weakest link
gets broken:
Have you seen Pena?
Get Pastor for me.
Ah, no, he's not here.
He left really early.
Where to?
I don't know, no idea.
I saw him in the middle
of the jail.
Listen, have you got
a cigarette?
So, a while ago
they came to get him
to go talk to
the social worker,
so I'm sure
he's not here either.
What does he do when
he's here with you?
What does he do?
Camp with you?
No, he ignores me.
He stays in the tent,
or he babbles away in secret
with the guys, you know?
I don't know,
he's a friend, but
recently I don't know
what he's up to.
The other day
I saw him there
talking on a cell phone.
No idea, pal.
If he's your friend,
why are you snitching?
Because it's you, dude.
Because we've known
each other so long.
I want to help.
There's lots of rules here
that he doesn't understand,
you know?
Yes, you have to help.
You have to help a lot.
Anything strange you see,
come and tell me.
Sure, you can count on me.
DIOS: Where were you?
What's up, everything okay?
I was with
the social worker.
Since when?
I've been looking
for you for a while.
What's wrong? I don't know,
an hour, whatever.
CAPECE: Come on,
move your asses
and get to work.
Let's go, eh?
They killed the judge.
Yeah. The father of the girl
we lost in the villa.
Yeah, I know who he is.
Well, he's dead.
Who was it? You?
I don't know who it was.
No, it wasn't us.
Look, tell me if it was you.
I'm telling you the truth,
it wasn't us.
I wish it had been us,
and we'd have got our cash.
I don't know who it was.
Dude, what a fuck up.
It's a fuck up,
but it's done now.
Listen, what are you
doing tonight?
I have a surprise for you.
What is it?
No, it's a surprise.
If I tell you
it won't be fun.
But you put up
with me recently
when I was a downer.
No, forget it. It's fine.
Besides, I can't tonight,
I'm beat.
What do you mean, you can't?
What's the matter with you?
You left my brother hanging
and now you refuse me,
you spend all your time
with the assholes in Sub-21.
You got a problem
with the Borges?
It's fine, relax.
So come then.
I can't.
Why? Are you going
to the cinema?
Okay then. What is it?
Tell me what it is.
A surprise, I told you.
Tell me what
you want to take
and I'll get everything.
Coke, weed,
whatever you want.
No, just something
to drink that's all.
Give me a smoke.
You're so healthy
you make me sick.
Always just a cigarette,
some water.
You know
what your problem is?
You're like one of
those drug addicts
who was locked up on a farm,
in a field with pigs,
cows and everything,
eating quince and now
you've come out a snob,
a hippy, who doesn't
want to get high.
Something like that.
You're right.
See, I knew it.
Whatever, it's cool.
Listen, you'll have a beer,
Come on, Pena. You've got
your social worker.
Let's go.
See, the girl
can't live without me.
I go to sleep,
he's watching me.
I get up and
he's still watching me.
On top of that,
all day with
the San La Muerte stuff,
the candles, the flowers.
I'm sick of it.
I'm free to do what I want.
I could say
the same about him.
I get up, he's watching me.
I go to the toilet
and he's watching.
What are you talking about?
Move him to that wing
that likes poop pushers.
It's not my fault
that he likes it in the ass.
Okay, enough fighting.
Cut it out.
You have to get along
or one of you
leaves the wing.
Who wants to go
to the courtyard?
Yes, send him
to the courtyard.
You go with those
Sub-21 guys,
Enough fighting.
Cut it out, really.
Come in, Pastor.
Just a second.
You have to learn
to be more tolerant,
or one of you will go.
I get your devotion
to San La Muerte,
but you have to be
more respectful.
I don't want you
fighting again, okay?
Take them away.
Come in, Pastor.
Come here.
I want to show you
Is that Lucas?
(SOBS) Yes.
Any idea who that person
with him could be?
Did you find anything else?
No, they just had this shot
from Arzabal station.
Near your lawyer's house.
How did you get this?
Through a cop
in the homicide division.
Do you know his name?
No, no.
The truth is, they're quite
confused by all this.
They don't have
much information,
but you have to be calm,
we'll get more soon.
Really, thanks a lot.
What's up? What's all this?
This is a part of San Onofre
you've never seen.
What's up?
You'd think you're going
into a slaughterhouse.
Come in.
Never a button,
Nolbelto, eh?
A pocket, close it,
Come on, man.
Don't be a pussy.
This is going
to be a great night.
We're going to have fun.
PASTOR: What is this?
What are we doing here?
DIOS: Go ahead.
Trust me.
I told you we're going
to have some fun.
We're friends
but we never hang out
like friends.
Just you and me?
Alone at last.
You and me.
To see what happens.
I can't, dude,
you're making me laugh.
I've got everything, see?
Asshole, you scared me.
Just like Willy Wonka.
Have a beer, drink.
Just help yourself,
whatever you want.
Have something to eat.
I'm in the zero hunger
straight to the dessert.
Do you want a line?
No, no.
Who's that?
Go on, open it.
Go on.
Hi, baby.
DIOS: Welcome, girls.
Hi, Pammy.
You're looking hot.
What's up, sweetie?
He's like my brother,
so please,
treat him with
the best possible care.
So you mean,
Pastor is your
best friend in here?
Tell me,
what do you think?
What do I think?
You kept it secret.
You didn't tell us
your friend was so cute.
Huh? What do you
mean cute? You mean,
you want to sleep
with him yourself?
We could get up
on the table.
Careful, eh?
Careful of what?
You're bad girls?
You want to fuck him
Okay, wait.
First we have to
talk a little, right?
Get to know each other.
I mean it.
Where are you from?
From Burzaco, nearby.
Where Leoncito's
family live, you know it?
Burzaco, yeah.
It's nice around there.
Was it difficult
to get in here?
What's difficult
is getting out.
Do you want some?
No, no thanks.
What's wrong
with your friend?
DIOS: He likes to pray,
imagine that.
PAMMY: Seriously?
I pray too.
Oh, really?
All day.
I have a lot of faith,
come here.
Let's dance a little.
Hi, Pastor.
Can I ask you a question?
What is it?
Why are you so secretive?
What the hell's
wrong with you?
Secretive about what?
Nothing's wrong.
This morning
you disappeared,
you told me
you were with
the social worker,
but I don't believe you.
Where the fuck were you?
I was with
the social worker, asshole.
Don't lie.
What's up?
Have you got
someone else in here?
What do you mean,
someone else?
Someone else.
Another idiot
you're the same with.
Look, I'm saying
I'm getting jealous.
What's wrong, are you dizzy?
I put a pill in your bottle.
So have a good trip,
my friend.
Who are you?
Ugly bitch.
That's weird.
What is it?
I'm getting messages
from you
from the cell phone
you gave me to talk to you.
Yeah, I changed my cell.
I miss you, beautiful.
I can't live without
your tits.
But who the hell is it?
I don't understand.
Any idea where
my confiscated stuff is?
Antin, Antin.
He had your box of things.
I didn't see
what was inside.
I didn't know
the phone was in there.
I can't believe it.
How dumb can you be?
What do you want me to do,
my love, what did I know?
Don't worry about it,
tomorrow I'll get you
another number.
I'll replace it, yes.
Listen, sweetheart.
Do you mind if
I don't eat the fish,
I don't feel like it.
(CHUCKLING) No, it's okay,
it doesn't matter.
I want to eat clam today.
(LAUGHS) You're filthy!
What the fuck did
you give me, asshole?
Why do you ask? You like it?
PASTOR: I'm fucked.
No, come here,
have a line and it'll pass.
Come here, asshole, relax.
What's up? Come here.
Are you getting
paranoid now?
Come over here.
Look around.
Pay attention, asshole.
Look at the party
you've got going here.
Tomorrow you're going
to be alone, man.
The day after, alone,
the rest of your time
you've got left in jail.
And when you get out
you'll be alone too.
You know you're going
to die alone?
So I'm telling you
Why not enjoy this paradise?
(SLAPS) How did you
manage all this?
possible with cash, baby.
Just like anywhere else.
Always someone
who owes you a favor.
This idiot was scared
we'd have a bad time.
Admit it, you were scared.
I've never been
to a place like this,
what did you expect?
They pulled an inspection
and took everything.
The TV, the PlayStation,
the games, everything.
But fat Gladys
rescued it and
we got it all back.
A genius, that Gladys.
You know
she's a friend of Gladys'.
My sister-in-law, Pastor.
Gladys is a genius.
And how long have you
been in jail?
I'm talking to you, Pastor.
Poor thing,
my little Pastor.
You know what?
Don't call me Pastor,
call me Miguel.
I'm finished with
the Pastor bullshit.
What's wrong,
my little Pastorcito?
Didn't you hear what I said?
I'm Miguel.
Okay, okay, Michael.
I'm not Pamela, I'm Maxima.
I love that name.
Every time he gets high
this bullshit about
being Miguel. (LAUGHS)
The other day, too,
they shot at him
and he was busting
their balls that
he was Miguel.
Pastor, Miguel or whatever
the hell you're called
come here and
shake that thing.
Get up, you pieces of shit.
Come on,
you sons of bitches.
Anyone not out,
I'll get you myself
and drag you out
by the scrotum, let's go.
Did you hear, Pena?
I said up, let's fucking go.
You didn't hold back
last night, eh?
Come on, let's go.
Great, damn it!
You're like a child!
Great, look at that!
You see, when they
want to they can get
their act together
and ignore
the prison bureaucracy.
"We can't, we can't",
and get things done.
Get motivated.
Look, if you mean
we're still waiting.
You have Borges to thank.
Yes, it was him!
He asked them to fix
the control panel
and they rewired everything.
He's coming to his senses,
the piece of shit.
Yes, it was a gesture to
make peace with you, right?
As a gesture of goodwill
We're going to send him
this box we confiscated.
Okay. I'm sure
he'll love it.
Although he bought
all new stuff.
What do you mean
he bought new stuff?
Didn't you see?
It's all installed. Look.
God damn it.
I can't believe it.
Who the hell
authorized it?
He's in with
the guards then?
Set up a staff meeting
right away.
I want to tell you
Do you know
this bastard Borges
is fucking a girl here?
I found it
on his cell phone.
I've got the messages
and photos they sent.
They send each other
naked pictures,
of tits, dick shots.
But, who is it?
I don't know,
they don't share
their faces.
As far as I know,
she's cheating
and doesn't want to
be seen in the photo.
The self-respect
that bitch must have
to fuck such a hideous guy.
What a sleazy bitch.
Shall I set up the meeting?
So, what did you say
to Brian then?
To wait for me to get out.
Yeah, but he wants
to work now, Mario.
I can't just go stealing
with any idiot.
I warn you,
he's hanging out
with Torta Rodriguez.
With that son of a bitch?
No, tell him if
he goes it alone,
I'll come find him
and cut his legs off.
I already told him
I told him,
but you know how he is.
He's tough.
He won't pay
attention to me.
He'd better.
Bring him next week.
I want to talk to him.
Man, poor Diosito.
Who'd expect a psychologist
to leave you like that?
I got him another one.
It's not the same, Mario.
You don't understand.
What do you know
whether it's the same
or not?
Since when have you
given therapy?
Are you a psychologist now?
No, and I wouldn't need
therapy either.
But he's not like that,
you know.
Diosito is different,
he has a sensitivity.
I don't know, he's a saint.
I don't understand how
you could let this happen.
Come on, Gladys.
He's a big boy now.
Whatever. It's no good.
They should take
his license, or
beat the shit out of him.
I don't like it!
Why are you
busting my balls, babe?
You came to calm me down
and you're stressing me out.
I won't ask for
this place again
to be together,
stop busting my balls.
Okay, I'm done.
You want it on the side?
Okay, move your cell phone.
Come here, come over here.
Come here, Mommy.
You like it like this, huh?
A little spooning, Daddy.
Yes, baby, yes.
Throw it properly, man.
Come on.
Take it, dude.
INMATE: Okay, stop.
What's up, buddy?
You're beat. You've got
no energy for anything.
DIOS: Listen up.
Get out of here,
we'll finish up.
Take off, kid.
I didn't even go to
the patio last night.
How are we doing?
Like shit.
What the hell did you
give me last night?
You feel like shit now,
but don't tell me
it wasn't worth it.
Man, what are you doing?
This is everyone's.
Stop it, dude. What's up?
Come with me, Pena.
Yes, now, let's go, move it.
INMATE: Capece, man.
What's up, Capece, dude?
They give us shit, right.
You look terrible.
Yeah, I slept badly.
Yes, it shows.
Because of that,
you mean, no,
it's not what you think.
Whatever, you don't have
to explain anything to me.
Yeah, no, of course not.
Did the homicide cop
contact you again?
You know, you've got me
confused, Pastor.
Just when I start
to understand you,
something happens.
What is it?
They identified
the baby's father,
and it's not you.
You were desperate because
your son had disappeared,
and today
you turn up hungover.
No, no.
I'm not judging,
but I don't understand.
It's not what you think.
I was dragged
into a situation
I couldn't get out of.
You think this is
because I'm one of
those guys inside here?
You don't have
to explain anything.
I do have to explain
Can I talk to you a moment?
Yes, of course.
Wait here for me a second.
How are you.
Did you find out
anything else?
No, tomorrow I have
the first ultrasound.
I haven't been feeling well,
but I suppose that's normal.
Yes, I suppose so.
And here, do you know
any more about here?
I thought you were
asking about me.
No, yes, as well.
I'm asking about everything.
Yeah, sure.
I'm asking about you too.
Of course, but I wanted
to know if you noticed
any change in Antin,
anything strange.
If he asked you anything.
He just wanted to know
if we'd spoken.
What are you doing tonight?
I don't know, I mean,
we could see each other.
Shall I come by the house?
No, honestly, no.
Why don't you
loosen up a bit?
We're going to
have a kid together.
I'm saying I can stay late,
wait for you to fall asleep,
stay with you,
and leave after.
Thanks, Gaston, but no.
Go on.
I have to go back to work.
go back to work, bye.
I'll send you a message
to see if you change
your mind.
Is that your boyfriend?
My boyfriend,
what do you mean?
I saw how he looked at you,
how you looked at him.
If he's your boyfriend,
it's okay.
You're a little confused,
Hi, Emma, it's Ariel.
How are you? Are you busy?
Ah, how are you?
I'm working,
but tell me,
did you find out anything?
I just sent you an email
with a photo of
Miguel Palacios.
Just to warn you.
Great, I'll check it out
now then.
Show it to your maid,
and if she knows him
let me know.
She might have information
that can help you.
Excuse me a second
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