Emperor of Ocean Park (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Chapter Eight

[JACK] Previously on
Emperor of Ocean Park
How did I end up with you as a daughter?
For me?
It's so cute.
Yeah, not as cute as you.
This is John Edwards.
[ABBY] I want to hang
out with my friends.
- Can I go?
- When I say no, I mean no.
Nobody saw us!

[ABBY] I want to hang
out with my friends.
Can I go?
[OLIVER] When I say no, I mean no.
And take that damn thing with you!
say a final few words,
Abby's father, the Honorable
Judge Oliver Garland.
[ECHOING] This is a truly difficult day.
We must remember the joy
of this beautiful woman.
[OLIVER] How did I end up
with you as a daughter?
[ABBY] Karmic punishment
for all your evildoing,
This is really good, Dad.
[OLIVER] Soon to be a college student
My little girl is a senior.
Coming here was all a ploy
to be hanging out with your friends.
[ABBY] You're a fucking asshole.
[CLAIRE] Oliver?
[ECHOING] I don't want this
to get out of control, Oliver.
You're going to hurt yourself.
[OLIVER] Surely by now,
you must have some leads, Detective.
[DETECTIVE] Sir, this is
an extremely difficult
Yes, I understand the difficulty.
Maybe I could come up
there for a face-to-face.
That won't be necessary.
We have all of our top
Yes, but local police
already told me that.
I understand this must
be frustrating for you.
First it was the local
police, then it's the sheriff,
now this
the case has been given
to the state police.
Sir, as we continue
I feel like I'm getting the runaround.

No, I understand.
Just call me, day or night.
Just call me if you hear anything.
I'll be sure to keep you abreast
if any relevant information arises.
[CLAIRE] Where are you going?
To work.
Don't you think it's a little soon?
We're hearing the arguments
on the Tuttle case today.
It's important that I render my opinion.
No one would blame
you if you stayed away
for a few more weeks.
I'm fine.
I'm worried about you.
I'm fine.

Your Honors, in the case of
Virginia versus Hahnemann,
we have clearly established precedent.
In that case, plaintiff was
able to clearly establish
that that level of
evidentiary information
was not necessary to file a claim,
provided the supporting
claims met the threshold.
And furthermore, that
that lack of information
is not grounds for an appeal.
So we humbly ask this court to dismiss
this appeal on the simple grounds
that it has no business being here.
Let us not waste the
court's valuable time
with this type of
frivolous legal maneuvering.
[LAWYER] Even if you call it precedent,
precedent can obfuscate existing laws.
And remind us, what legislation
do you believe this suit obfuscates?
North Carolina House
Statute 2487, subsection 4
clearly states that in the case of
Judge Garland?
Let's recess.

The more time that passes,
the harder it is gonna be
to find the man, the driver
that killed my daughter.
[DETECTIVE] Mr. Garland, we
are fully aware of the
What about the interviews
with her friends?
There must be something there.
Sir, I assure you,
our investigation is
incredibly thorough.
What I need is answers, damn it!

Come in.
Thank you.
[WAINWRIGHT] You okay?
Sorry about all that.
[SCOFFS] How embarrassing.
I've been under the weather lately.
I thought I could power through.
You left this at the dais.
When I lost my Elizabeth,
I took a month and a half.
Twenty-nine years of marriage.
I can't imagine what it would
be like if it were my child.
I can't let a case this important
be adjudicated without me.
It's only been two weeks, Oliver.
You need to mourn.
I need to work!
Thank you for your concern.
If you plan to stick
around, we have to do
I know.
I know.
[JOHN EDWARDS] Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
I grew up with America's dream.
I owe everything I have
to the America that I grew up in.
This is where I learned
that a job is about
more than a paycheck.
Are you coming to bed?
[JOHN] It's about
dignity, self-respect
- Later.
- Self-worth.
It's late, Oliver.
This is where I learned
that credibility is the
currency of good people.
This is where I learned
that the simple promise of America
Jesus, Claire, I can't see the TV.
Listen to me.
You're not the only
one hurting here, okay?
I am too.
Don't make me lose two people.
And so this is where
Get yourself together.
to make opportunity the birthright
of every single American, I
declare myself a candidate
for President of the United States.
God damn it.
[TAL] Hello?
Talcott, it's your father.
What's going on?
I'm trying to digitize this
video of Abby and John Edwards.
I got it hooked up to this
damn thing you showed me,
but I can't get the footage
to show up on the screen.
Abby met John Edwards, the senator?
The bear.
The bear, not the man. [CHUCKLES]
The what?
The teddy bear.
Abby named her teddy bear John Edwards
the last time that we were together.
On the vineyard?
She won it or something, I don't know.
I don't know.
Now John Edwards is
running for president.
She named that fucking bear
to provoke me, you know?
It didn't work, but
you know how she was.
Dad, are you okay?
Abby's dead, Tal.
Did you check the connection
on both the camera and the laptop?
They're fully plugged in?
You probably haven't
selected the right port,
or it's not reading the camera.
Just go to Import, then scroll down
and you should see
the camera name there.

There it is.
- I try to be a humble man.
- [TAL] Dad.
[OLIVER] But I don't
think a better-looking
[TAL] If you need anything,
feel free to call
[OLIVER] You are watching perfection.
Dinner's ready!
We have a third dinner guest?
Yes, this is John Edwards.
He'll need his own table setting,
- thank you very much.
[OLIVER] You want me
to serve John Edwards?
- [ABBY] Yeah. - [OLIVER]
I don't think so.
I mean I mean, Turnbull.
Detective Turnbull, God damn it.
[OPERATOR] And what is this regarding?
Abigail Garland, she's my daughter.
Somebody killed my daughter.
Let me talk to Detective Turnbull.
He hasn't done anything for
that sonofabitch hasn't done
nothing at all for weeks.
You're no goddamn help.
[OPERATOR] Mr. Garland,
we will not tolerate

How can I help you, Officer?
Looks like you might be the
one in need of some help, sir.
[MAL] My folks over at CPD
can make that DUI thing go away.
That's easy.
That's great.
Thank you.
Uh, but there's another matter.
It's more difficult.
We need to discuss your
recent behavior on the bench.
Behavior? What behavior?
Well, you slur your words.
Your questions and comments
are barely coherent.
Whiff of liquor on your breath.
That's not true. That's just not true.
Oliver wouldn't do that.
That you fell asleep during arguments.
If you don't pull
yourself together and soon,
this will end your career.
We were talking about pursuing
the Supreme Court. What happened?
I'm sorry, that
That was insensitive of me.
You know I loved Abby like
she was one of my own kids.
I just don't want to see you
throw it all away, Oliver.
You got to stop this
before you lose everything.

Claire, you look as beautiful
as you did the day I met you.
Oh, you're too kind, Jack.
If by kind, you mean
truthful, then that I am.
I'm so sorry.
For the two of you.
For the whole family.
I'm sorry I missed the service.
I was in the Middle East.
This War on Terror is a Super
Bowl for defense contractors.
Still on the hunt for those
weapons of mass destruction, are we?
I don't think we're gonna find 'em.
[CLAIRE] I'll let you
gentlemen catch up.
Lovely to see you, Claire.
How are you holding up?
I'm not.
It's the grief.
Eating me up inside every single day,
little by little.
That's to be expected, my friend.
It would be odd if you didn't
fall apart a little bit.
I just need this to end.
[JACK] And the police?
[OLIVER] Incompetent.
They still have no idea
who murdered my daughter.
[JACK] It wasn't an accident?
[OLIVER] They killed
her and they drove away.
They're murderers.
[JACK] How can I help?
I want justice for Abby.
Justice has many meanings.
I want revenge.
I don't work with drunks.
I stopped.
I was going through a
rough patch, and then I
Don't insult my intelligence.
If we're gonna work together
to find Abby's killer,
you have to be sober.
Revenge it is, then.

Thanks for stopping, officer.
I thought I was gonna have to call AAA.
Out of gas, or it just cut out on you?
I think I just need a jump.
I got you.

Go ahead and have a seat inside
and get ready to start it up.

Whoa. Gotta sign in, tough guy.
You know the deal.
Of course. Sorry.
Gonna need to see your ID too.
Detective Monroe.
Down from Boston.
My apologies. Every place is different.
Uh, how long can I sign out evidence?
Two hours.
But that's a different form.

We can't keep eating this shit.
You'll have a heart attack.
What about you?
[LAUGHS] Won't be my
arteries that get me.
It'll be my enemies.
Congress just opened a
soft inquiry into my firm.
This is how it starts.
"Thank you for the meal, Oliver,"
would have been sufficient.
I said that. You were too busy
looking at the waitress's ass.
What waitress?
"What waitress?" he says.
The one that bore a
striking resemblance
- Oh, here we go.
- to Marjorie Sampson.
- Let it out. Let it out.
- You stole her from me.
I didn't steal her from you.
[JACK] You got her into bed.
You had no regard for the fact that
I was trying to sleep six feet away.
It was your fault. All the women were
in our dorm room for
you in the first place.
God damn, the things I heard,
They came for the drugs, Jack,
and you were the pharmacist.
It was the '70s. [LAUGHS]
This guy, he's ex-military?
I know him from CIA, field officer.
Got in a little trouble in Afghanistan,
ran afoul of your girlfriend,
the law, needed a friend.
Now he's mine.
There were two people in
the car that killed Abby.
Did you know that?
Neighbor who lives
near the accident site
heard two people arguing
shortly after the crash.
Possibly a man and a
woman. She's not sure.
Two people. That's something.
They also have tire tracks,
plastic debris from
a shattered headlight.
That narrows it down
to two dozen car types
and several thousand registered drivers
in the region.
That's assuming the
car is from New England.
It could be from anywhere.
A needle in a goddamn haystack.
Well, that's all I have from my
back channels at state police.
My guy will have more.
It's the entire case file.
Installed spyware that allows me
to download files remotely.
Anything new that comes
up, I'll get that too.
You're the lawyer. There's bound to be
something they're missing.
Find it. We'll take it from there.
These are all the
recordings of the people
that were with Abby that night
and some physical evidence
headlight fragments, paint chips.
Put those in Oliver's car.
There's pictures in here.
Crime scene photos. Avoid them.
And there's this son of a bitch.
Didn't like the look of him at all.
[FREDDIE] I seen her a few
times throughout the night,
but I didn't really see her leave, no.
[COP] So you didn't see if she
left with anyone that night?
[FREDDIE] No, sir.
I know she was with
that kid Marcus a lot,
but I don't know if they left together.
You hear that, right?
Now watch, watch, watch.
I'm telling you, Claire,
somebody here knows something.
At the arcade.
But I-I didn't know her before that.
I mean, I knew of her, you
know, uh, through people.
Um, I knew the Garlands.
But that was my first time meeting Abby.
[COP] So you went to the party
with her after the arcade?
I met her there.
We, uh, hung out, danced.
[COP] Did you drink?
Yeah, a little.
Uh, she wasn't wasted or anything.
She wasn't like that.
[COP] So you hung out and danced.
Is there anything else?
Were you intimate?
We kissed.
It was nice.
He's hiding something.
And he says he didn't leave with her,
but he was with her all night.
Who knows what they got into.
Maybe they had some kind of fight.
I think she had a kiss, Oliver.
What a nice thing.
He liked her. She must
have liked him too.
How wonderful.
I beg to differ.
Um, would you go back
to the young white girl,
the the blonde one?
I hardly remember a blonde white woman.
Claire, this one's like a minute long.
She says nothing.
[COP] So you saw Abigail at the arcade?
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Actually, I didn't really
know her very well.
Um, but my, uh my boyfriend did.
Or he he does.
I'm sorry, did she die?
[COP] Yes.
Was that the only time you
saw her, at the arcade?
I don't see anything.
Well, she's nervous.
She was pretty shaken up for
someone who didn't know Abby.
No one else was like that.
Are you sure you're not just picking
on one of the two white girls?
Who's her boyfriend?
I don't know. They didn't ask her.
Was she on the island with her family?
Do we know where they come from?
All the people that gave statements
filled out a form
lists their local address.
8804 Wingate.
The Trellises?

Boyfriend must be Jovan.
[JACK] You talked to them?
Talked to Jovan's father, Curly.
The son of a bitch
stuttered and stammered
for all of the ten minutes
that he could spare me.
And the girl?
She's the daughter of a congressman,
Paul Derry, Wisconsin five.
She and Jovan went to college together.
They're a couple
or they were.
Curly said that they
broke up that weekend.
She left school. Never saw her again.
Never heard from her again.
Jovan brings a girl to meet his parents,
then breaks up a day later?
Maybe something happened.
Kids break up.
The police said a witness
heard two voices arguing.
Maybe Jovan and Bethany are the two.
Maybe they killed a
girl, argued about it,
and that's why they broke up.
[ANNOUNCER] And they're off.
Start out of the gate
Can you look into it?
See if the Trellises
own the kind of cars
that we're looking for?
[ANNOUNCER] running
strong in second,
and down the back stretch they go.
And Brownfield Bomber
is still in front
You got money on this?
Brownfield Bomber
Little bit, on the six.
Look at number six flying
down the outside
Never knew you to be a gambler.
Brownfield Bomber
I'm not.
neck and neck.
Six on the outside, and yes.
The photo shows the
winner is six by a head.
I prefer to know the outcome.
Brownfield Bomber second,
Moss Phantom takes third.
What a finish, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll look into it.
Number six, Sea Breeze Storm,
takes it by a head.
The final results, number six
Give it to me.
Give you what?
Must have been the
bathroom breaks, right?
Your prostate's not that bad.
This is gonna get harder, Oliver.
The sooner you accept
that, the easier it'll get.
Trellis owns two vehicles
that have the type of
headlights we're looking for.
None of those vehicles show
any sign of accident or damage.
How do you know that?
Because I went to the three
houses they own and looked.
There's also no record of repair.
But there's another vehicle,
a wagon, that showed up
on the ferry logs that weekend,
then seems to have vanished.
So how do we find it?
Mr. Trellis opened an account
for a storage unit in Philadelphia
the morning after your daughter died.
Open up that unit,
I'm guessing you're gonna find a wagon.
I used to be up like that all the time.
Now I sleep like a baby.
[OLIVER] I never understood
why people say that.
Babies don't sleep.
You ever wake up in
the middle of the night
screaming for food?
You ever tried melanin?
Melanin? Yes.
[CHUCKLES] I have plenty of it.
Doesn't help me sleep.
In fact, it adds to the stress.
I think you're talking about melatonin.
New age health supplements
aren't exactly my thing.
So why'd you suggest it then?
Heard it was good.
So, how do you sleep
like a proverbial baby?
I forgive myself.
Every single night before I go to bed.
14B. Here it is.

What do you want to do if
we find the wagon in there?
I want their parents to have
to bury a child just like I did.

And you expect that
provision to allow you
to argue for a reduced sentence?
[LAWYER] Yes, Your Honor.
We believe our client
wasn't afforded due process.
Judge Garland, anything to add?
No questions at this time.
I prefer to hear out counsel.

[JACK] Sorry to keep you waiting.
Just wanted to make sure
I had everything in order.
Where are we?
Inside is an investigative report
I had my firm prepare.
All the evidence points to
Bethany Derry and Jovan Trellis.
There's information how
they likely covered it up
with Curly Trellis's help,
possibly Congressman Derry's as well.
Why do we need this?
I can take this to the police.
I know the best people to place it with.
They take it from there.
One in a month or two.
The other one six,
eight months after that,
so it doesn't look like a pattern.
Oliver, you need to think about it.
Because once we go down this road,
there's no turning back.
This is forever.

[JOVAN] But for real, I got a connect.
I spent 70 bucks on the whole thing.
You know what I'm saying?
That's crazy.
[JOVAN] Mr. Garland, I didn't see you.
I'll I'll catch up with you.
How you doing, sir?
I'm just fine.
I'm visiting one of my
colleagues on campus.
But more importantly,
how are you, Jovan?
How is your life?
I'm graduating next year.
So looking for a good
internship for the summer.
Something that can land a job, you know,
financial firms, mainly.
Yeah, my dad's gonna help me.
Oh, I'm sure he will.
Hey, I'm really sorry about Abby, sir.
We weren't super close, but
they ever find out who did it?
But I think we're getting close.
You be safe out here.


Is this it?
That's it.
It's gonna be $10.06.
Take care, young lady.

I'm telling you, Claire, she
was the complete opposite.
She was sad.
Maybe Jack was right.
Perhaps we should go to the
authorities with the report
and let justice take its course.
No, they they had every opportunity.
They were never gonna
tell anyone what happened.
I don't give a shit how
sad or depressed she seems.
She had months to go to the police,
and she did nothing.
So no, Oliver. No.
We do not go back to the same people
that couldn't solve
her murder to begin with
and ask them to heal our wounds.
[SOBBING] We would be fools.
They left our daughter
to die in the street.
Left her to die.
[JACK] Hello, Oliver.
I'm ready to move forward.
It's done.
[PAUL] And it's with this
same sense of optimism and joy
that I know Bethany would
want us to leave here today.
Her death is a tragedy. A
horrible tragedy, no doubt.
But her life and having her with us
was a miracle.

Judge Garland.
I thought that was you.
Hey, thank you so much for coming.
I I'm at a loss for words.
I heard the news.
I wanted to show my support.
My wife sends her condolences.
That means a lot to me,
given what your family has gone through.
Hearing of your daughter's passing
was a very complicated moment for us.
I had to be here.
I'm pretty sure you're gonna be laughing
and joking all the same
with the angels up in heaven.
- [ATTENDEE] Right.
We love you, Jovan.

Would anybody else
from the bereaved side
like to say any words?
Yes, I would.

First, I'd like to give honor to God
and to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
through which all is possible.
[CROWD] Amen.
All is possible.
I've been thinking
about that a lot lately.
When we're children, all is possible.
[CROWD] Yes.
[OLIVER] That's why my
grandmother used to say
that children ain't but
a whisper away from God.
[CROWD] Amen.
When my daughter Abby was small,
she used to think she could drive a car
or cook the family dinner.
She even thought that she could fly.
Because why not?
All things are possible.
She even rubbed some of that off on me.
We could end poverty, she would say.
Racism, global warming,
even this war on terror.
I wasn't so sure I
believed her all the time,
but she made me think,
as your kids do, don't they?
They challenge you to see
the world like they do,
like you used to when
you were like them.
- She was full of hope.
[OLIVER] Of innocence.
[PERSON] Take your time. Take your time.
- [PERSON] Take your time.
- [PERSON] Take your time.
She was full of light
[PERSON] Yes, sir.
and love.
And I miss her every day.
I know that pain of losing a child.
And I know, Curly and Kay,
that you feel the same
way about your son Jovan.
See, the sad truth of
living in this world
is that the innocence
of youth often runs
into the cold, hard reality of evil.
But don't you worry,
because God has got you.
- [PERSON] Yes!
That evil has no match for God.
Romans 12:19, "It is mine to avenge,
I will repay, says the Lord."
I know you are sad, but I
don't want you to be sad.
I know you're angry,
but you need not be angry.
[PERSON] Come on.
I know you have vengeance in your heart,
but vengeance has
already been meted out.
See, with God on your
side, your anger
[PERSON] Say it.
your sadness, your vengeance
has already been taken care of.
[PERSON] Say it again!
[OLIVER] The bereaved
family, Curly and Kay,
I want you to sleep well tonight,
knowing that as hard
and difficult and tragic
as all this surely is,
that all is exactly
as it's supposed to be.
[CROWD] Amen.
[OLIVER] And it's in God's hands now.
[CROWD] Amen!
Excelsior, Excelsior.
May all God's people say Amen.
[CROWD] Amen!
I want to make it neat
but keep her room the way it is.
Not too clean, though.
Wouldn't feel like her.

[MAL] Every law review in the country
has been praising your recent
gun ammunition dissent,
calling it a blueprint for the movement.
You've been on fire lately, judge.
Thank you again, Mal.
The last few months
hell, nearly a year have
been very trying for me.
But lately, it's just been great.
I appreciate all your help
with the DUI and all that.
I got a call this morning
from the Federalist Society.
Seems you're on the short
list for the Supreme Court.
- You're kidding.
- [MAL] No.
In fact, word on the street says
they're not the only
ones pushing your name.
[OLIVER CHUCKLES] I gotta run, Mal.
Let's talk about this soon.
Mr. Ziegler, I'd offer you a drink,
but there's nothing here
to offer, as you well know.
I won't be long.
How are you?
I feel better than I've
felt in a very long time.
I really can't thank you enough.
That's part of why I'm here.
I could use your help.
I've got this friend, Simon Atterman.
He's CEO of a tech
company called MKD Global.
He's in some legal trouble.
I'm happy to talk to him.
It's been a while since
I've given counsel to anyone.
Not that kind of help.
He's got an intellectual property case
pending against his company.
The appeal is working its
way through the courts.
If he loses, it threatens
not only his business,
but thousands of jobs
across two continents.
MKD Global versus Manolo.
That case is on our docket next month.
Yes, it is.
And how can I help?
Brilliant jurist like you
I'm sure you already know the answer.

Lovely to see you, Claire.

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