Envidiosa (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

The Broken

[lighthearted music playing]
[Teresa slurping]
Mother, um
Can we talk to you about something
without you losing your temper?
- No.
- Come on.
Since Caro is going to be a parent,
uh we had some questions for you.
Yes. Mom, the truth is that a whole part
of our lives is so mysterious to us.
There are a lot of gaps.
If this is about your father,
I don't have more to add.
You don't have to give us answers.
We want to ask him directly.
- [Caro] Exactly.
- Don't waste your time asking him.
Take it from me, he's an asshole.
[playful music]
I'm going to the bathroom.
I didn't tell Caro you cheated on him,
and I have no intention of telling her.
She just wants to meet her father
and get some answers.
Vicky, get that idea
out of your sister's head right now.
She mentioned it four times this week.
She's obsessed, and I get it!
- She must not.
- But why?
Your dad didn't leave because I cheated.
He left because Caro's not his daughter.
She isn't?
No, no, no, no. No way, no way.
Oh, my tummy is so sore.
[playful music continues]
I can't believe it.
What are you talking about?
Who's the guy you told me about?
From the office,
who brought happiness to your life?
No, no, not that one.
It's a guy I met in Rosario.
It was just a one-night stand.
Another one?
Yes! Why do you look so horrified?
Have you never had a one-night stand?
Yes, I have.
I've had a one-night stand.
But you're Fertility Queen.
I don't understand.
Was it just bad luck
that you got pregnant in one night?
- Your sister's not bad luck.
- [sighs]
She wasn't planned, but I wanted her,
so I decided to keep her.
I didn't care who the father was.
It wasn't important to me.
It's important to her!
Her whole life,
she's been thinking her dad abandoned her,
but her dad doesn't even know
that she exists.
Neither of them are around.
It's just the three of us.
Are you gonna tell her,
or do you want me to?
We can't allow some guy to tell her,
"You're not my daughter,"
and slam the door.
Give me a few days.
I'll find some way to tell her.
This is very difficult for me.
- You alright?
- I'm feeling a little runny.
- [Teresa] Eat some cheese.
- Won't that make it worse?
Cheese will block you up.
Why are you putting
all that cheese on my toast?
- [Teresa] Let's change the subject.
- What subject?
- You're gonna give me a heart attack.
- Go ahead.
Hey there, you rascal.
You're a rascal. That's what you are.
Come here, Roto. Right here.
That's it. Yeah.
- Hey!
- Little rascal.
- Don't let my dad see this!
- The poor little guy's hungry.
Feed him around the corner if you have to.
- You'll scare the customers.
- Are you serious?
You aren't Chinese.
Thanks to COVID,
if people see us with an animal,
they think we'll eat it.
Yeah, but look. He's perfect.
- Adorable.
- No. Take him away.
When he's done eating.
- Beat it.
- I promise. I swear.
- Promise?
- Promise. Yeah.
You be good.
- I'll take care of him.
- You as well.
[phone buzzing]
- Hello.
- [Nicolás] Are you coming to the office?
I need you to give me a hand
organizing the company party.
Yes, I'm on my way.
I was busy with a family issue.
- What happened?
- Just family stuff.
Well, do you need anything?
No, nobody can help me. I'm just upset.
All right, listen, take the day off.
Just take it easy.
I'll come over and take you out
for dinner somewhere. How's that?
You for real?
I was thinking, and, to be honest,
you're right when you say that
we're always staying in at my house.
We deserve a night out, don't we?
- Well, yes, I'd love to.
- Nine o'clock at your place.
But weren't you saying
we'd go out for dinner?
I was just joking. [chuckles]
- Get yourself dolled up. I'll pick you up.
- Okay, sounds great.
See you soon.
[upbeat music playing]
[music ends]
- Yoo-hoo. Hey.
- [hairdresser] Huh?
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- I have a question.
- What is it?
This isn't going to look
like it's my sweet sixteen, will it?
I mean, I don't want to end up
with little ringlets like that.
No, because the idea is that, with this,
you'll have a natural-looking wave.
- I want something with volume, a big mane.
- Wavy.
- That's the idea, that it'll look sensual.
- A wave.
- Almost moving in slow motion.
- Like a lioness.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- A tigress.
- Yes. I have an event tonight.
- Let's do it.
- Wonderful.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
- How's that?
- I'm gonna look good. Yeah.
- Looks great.
- [phone dings]
[Victoria] Mm!
No, no, no.
Oh, come on
He's such a moron.
After ten years together,
he leaves me and shacks up with
some girl he's dated for five minutes?
And then he deletes all ten years
worth of our photos together.
He deleted all our photos.
So, I'm going to like all their photos.
[sarcastic] What a lovely photo.
Take that!
Rio Carnival wedding photos.
Bunch of dweebs.
Wow, look at her smile.
They've got it all.
Ha, ha, ha. Wanna give it a like?
Don't you feel better now?
Best medicine in the world.
Just like it all.
[Teresa] Your dad didn't leave
because I cheated.
He left because Caro's not his daughter.
[pensive music playing]
Héctor Mori?
Laura Mori. Let's see.
[music rising]
- Please, you take these out. Can you?
- [hairdresser] Huh?
Please take these out.
- Ten minutes left. You're nearly done.
- But I have to go.
- Uh All right, now?
- I have to leave.
You can't with these. They're the salon's.
- I'll do it.
- Wait. We'll help right now.
- Gladys! Will you help the lady?
- Let me pay now, I have to go.
She's pulling it all out.
I know I promised I wouldn't come
with my problems like this.
I remember it perfectly well.
I said, "I'm not gonna talk
only about myself and my issues."
- No, but wait.
- I remember it well, okay?
But I got addicted
to listening to all of your problems.
How you'd tell me about your drama.
So I've been feeling a little empty.
- Well, you know my dad abandoned us?
- Uh-huh.
I must've told you several times.
I can't stop thinking about it.
You told me. Yeah.
Well, I'd always assumed that
that my father didn't want to be a parent.
I'd reconciled myself with that notion.
That's to say,
- "Alright, he wasn't cut out to be a dad."
- Sure.
He didn't want to be a father,
or didn't know how, do you understand?
- Yes.
- But look, this guy is my father.
[Matías] Mm-hmm.
This is a daughter he had
like ten years after abandoning me.
I mean, the girl got married.
You understand? It's not that
he didn't want to be a father.
He didn't want to be a father to me.
[Victoria cries]
[Roto barks]
Hey, this isn't the best time now.
Alright, listen.
I know it's all very raw,
and you're still in shock.
But why not just send her a message?
Well, because I can't.
If she doesn't know the truth,
and I say to her, "Hi, how's it going?"
it'd blow her life to pieces.
"Did you know
your father has another family?"
No, I'm not saying that.
Just explain who you are, get closer.
Don't you want to meet her?
Look her in the eye,
face to face, hear her voice?
- Absolutely. I really want to.
- That's what I mean.
But all I know is that she works
at a veterinary clinic. She's a vet.
Do I turn up at the clinic like that?
For what reason?
[Roto panting]
[Victoria sighs]
We shouldn't even be here.
Why don't we just leave now?
This is ridiculous.
You know why we're here.
You came here to meet your sister, Vicky.
- Remember?
- Well, you shouldn't have listened to me.
I'm impulsive.
I don't think things through properly.
Don't pay any attention to me.
What if she figures it out?
She'll think I'm stalking her.
She'll call the police,
and I'll be arrested again.
You are stalking her, but you
aren't going to be arrested, alright?
- I want you to listen.
- What?
Look at me.
- Let's go.
- What?
- Let's leave.
- They're about to call us in there.
- Let's go. I'd rather leave now.
- Fine.
- [woman] Gutiérrez?
- But
- We'll go, and that's it.
- But discreetly. We don't leave like this.
- [woman] Gutiérrez?
- We take the dog with us.
- We'll take the dog and leave quietly.
- [woman] Gutiérrez!
- That's us! We're Gutiérrez!
- Oh Come on.
- [Laura] Hello.
- Here he is.
- Aw! He's adorable.
- Yeah.
- What's his name?
- It's Roto. That's his name.
- Roto. Roto.
- Yes, we recently adopted him.
I love that. Most people want puppies
rather than adopting an older dog.
Look at you! So cute!
We thought it was best to come
with his personality built in.
- You know? We could train it.
- Wonderful.
- Not everyone thinks like that.
- No.
Most people want a perfect little puppy,
with no problems, no defects, you know.
Sure, yes. They want a perfect life,
not a life that's all full of stress.
[chuckles politely] Yes, yes.
- Good boy.
- How long have you been a vet?
How many years, give or take?
- Seven years.
- Oh, you graduated early then.
- Yes, yes.
- Very quickly.
Why'd you choose a career like this?
I suppose When I was very, very young,
my father gave me a a little dog.
When it got home,
it started to run around like crazy.
It was breaking things.
Peeing inside like any other puppy.
But my dad doesn't have much patience.
He took it to a friend's country house,
and I never saw it again.
I think that's kind of why,
because as an only child,
I was super lonely.
- And I was left with
- I went through something similar.
I had a dog named Sacramento.
He also behaved badly.
They took him to a "country house."
- Yeah.
- And he never came back.
- Yes, abandoning animals was common.
- Sure.
Back then, abandoning dogs
was an everyday thing.
- When is it normal to abandon a dog?
- I don't know if it was normal.
The truth is that my dad
isn't a very sensitive person.
He didn't take time to break the news
to me like they do with children now.
"I'm sorry, but he was behaving badly."
He just took it away.
I guess he carried on
like nothing happened at all.
[chuckles politely] Well
The truth is that Roto looks good.
He's in good condition.
He doesn't seem like a stray dog.
No, he must've been abandoned
a year or two ago, poor thing.
How can you tell?
Well, because his fur looks good,
he has good eyes.
Eh he has superficial injuries.
Most stray dogs, in general,
have old injuries.
- Right.
- Deep, they don't heal as they should.
- With time, they get worse.
- [Victoria] Of course.
It's terrible when puppies
are abandoned young.
They don't know affection firsthand,
so you might try to hold out a hand
to stroke them, and they freak out.
- They've never experienced affection.
- [sobs]
- [Matías] What's wrong? Are you alright?
- No, I didn't mean to be unsentimental.
- She gets emotional about that.
- [Laura] It's all right.
The same thing happens to me.
I get emotional too.
It's all right because he's fine.
- He is fine, yes. That's right.
- He's totally fine.
He's fine, I mean
- These dogs are desperate for affection.
- Yes.
The smallest amount of love
you can give him is more than enough.
Just to be sure,
I'm gonna do an X-ray anyway.
- I'll examine everything.
- Yes, sure.
I'll leave you for a moment.
I'll be right back.
- Sure.
- Perfect.
Alright, so this is the last address
that that we have.
It's not far away either, so
Okay, uh,
but isn't it best to phone him first?
- Well, they don't list a phone number, so
- Ah.
Wouldn't you prefer
to see him face to face?
Su-sure Or, um
Sometimes, I'm convinced I want to.
Other times, it's a terrible idea.
Why's that?
Well, the only things I remember
are childhood things, The Little Mermaid.
He said he'd take us to see it once,
but he never showed.
I remember his absence
more than his presence.
[Melina] Of course.
For that reason,
isn't it better to see him in person?
What do I say? Do I ring the bell and say,
"Surprise, I'm your daughter?"
- If you want.
- Sure.
Also, I'd imagine he must be waiting for
this moment to arrive. I'd be waiting.
- Waiting happily or unhappily?
- That I don't know.
- But it's always better to know the truth.
- Yeah.
How 'bout it?
I'll go with you.
You gotta relax, you're super intense.
- She's going to realize.
- Did you see how happy she is?
[cries] She's figured her life out.
It's because they raised her correctly.
They took care of her, unlike me,
which is why I'm intolerable, resentful.
She was their new puppy.
But your sister's happy,
so be happy for her.
Don't be mad about it.
If Dad had raised me when I was a child,
I'd have finished my degree like she did.
I wouldn't be this ball of anxiety
and problems like this.
- What are you talking about?
- I quit my degree for Danny.
She explained it perfectly.
Perfectly well.
If you're gonna talk about Danny,
I'm not up for that.
Do you think she has kids?
If my dad turns out
to be the perfect grandfather,
I'm jumping off a cliff,
I'm being serious.
Enough! You're hurting yourself
and you're hurting me.
- Let her take the X-ray, and we're out.
- Okay.
- This was a big mistake.
- All right. I have good news.
- Great.
- Hold him for a second, would you?
- Yes.
- Great.
Alright. So, here we have the X-ray,
and to be honest, he's doing well, but
I can't believe I'm spending 600,000 pesos
on a dog I don't even know.
Do you want to let him die?
She told you. Keys don't absorb,
he can't poop them out.
- He has a key in his fucking stomach!
- Are you listening? At all?
- Yes.
- I'm not saying don't operate.
I'm annoyed about paying that much money
on a dog that isn't my dog.
- A dog you used to meet your sister.
- That makes me sound like a sociopath.
Let's settle it.
How about we just pay half each?
- Sound good?
- That works.
- You need a card?
- Yes.
- Don't look at the photo.
- Sure.
Well, he's starting to get sleepy
now that the anesthesia is taking effect.
We'll get started
if that's alright with you.
- [Matías] Great.
- Sound good?
Have you been married for a while?
Because I saw the ring there.
- Uh, two years.
- [Victoria] Oh.
We'd already been together
for seven years. You?
- Us?
- Uh
Oh, we're getting married in three months.
It's exciting!
[Laura] That's great.
Have you known each other long?
- Oh!
- [Victoria] One year.
One year, just one year, but he
He just wants to dive into it, you know?
- That was always the goal.
- I'm very traditional.
Look at her,
why wouldn't I want to get married?
- Of course.
- And I said "yes" in the end.
I had to say yes, because
I've been proposed to a thousand times
- Don't be jealous.
- No, it's fine.
Guys kept asking, "Will you marry me?"
And I'd say "no."
I'm not single at this age
because nobody asked me.
But because I wanted to stay single.
I was waiting
The right guy, then you said yes.
- Yes.
- Look at him.
Look at you.
- So beautiful.
- Do you have children?
Okay, well, anyway,
you can finish chatting some other time
Let's talk about the dog for a second.
Is he staying here tonight? Tomorrow?
No, he's an out-patient.
You can take him home today.
- Okay.
- Where are we taking him?
- To your place, obviously.
- Yeah, where else would he go?
Yes, of course, to our house.
- Exactly.
- Take care of him there.
Be careful, since he'll still be a little
out of it due to the anesthesia, so
- Tonight we'll be very careful.
- Yes.
- Maybe a little tomorrow morning as well.
- Tomorrow, right, well
I'm never listening to you again.
I'm done listening to your stupid ideas.
You're the one who wanted to do this.
Yes, that's right.
But I didn't want to adopt a dog,
spend money on an operation
and take care of it.
For the first time in centuries,
I have plans.
It's amazing.
Now I can't go because of a freaking dog!
No, you don't have to cancel your plans.
Don't worry. I'll look after the dog.
Just do whatever you have to do.
[lighthearted music playing]
- Hello?
- Did you like all of my photos with Bruna?
Did you delete all our photos
from social media?
I archived them,
but did you like them or not?
Yes, that was me.
Amazing photos of you two!
Gorgeous. Much nicer than ours, evidently.
I didn't delete them because of you.
I deleted them for me.
I think it's ridiculous
to just delete someone
you were with for ten years.
It's horrible. Like it never happened?
We were never soulmates, we didn't travel
Like our past doesn't exist or something?
Is that why you deleted the photos?
I didn't delete them for you or Bruna.
I deleted them for me.
Wasn't it you who told me I had
an opportunity to be a new Danny?
Well, I'm trying to do that.
Like, you go out with guys, alright, okay.
You're on dating apps,
you're getting pulled over,
and I don't say anything.
Nobody says anything to you.
Yeah, well who would?
No one's gonna say anything.
Nobody can say anything.
It's fine. It just made me really mad.
- Say sorry to the girl.
- No, not sorry to Bruna.
I need you to understand me.
No one gets me. I want to live as well.
So live, Daniel.
Why not?
You've got a good point.
Let's start from scratch.
It was a long time,
so this will be good for both of us.
[doorbell ringing]
Anyways, I have to leave now.
Uh, good luck to you in your new life.
Get out there and
give it everything, Danny.
No! Uh
[awkward music playing]
[horn honks]
- Hello.
- Hey there.
- You look lovely.
- Oh, thank you.
- What did you do?
- Oh, these?
- Mm.
- Waves.
Don't you like them? I can go tie it up
and look the same as always. I'll fix it.
- No, I love it like that.
- Oh.
- You ready?
- Where are you taking me?
To Quilmes.
Is that a new restaurant? A bar? Is it?
We'll find out.
- In Quilmes-Quilmes?
- Yes, yes.
- We're 50 kilometers from Quilmes.
- No, really? 50 kilometers? It's
- Thirty-six kilometers.
- Thirty-six. That's what I mean.
[Victoria] Burgers and beer?
We could have gone
somewhere closer to home for that.
Yes, but this gastro-market
is really popular,
and I like eating in the open air.
No, it's nice, it's nice.
Quite a drive, though. But nice.
- Yeah.
- Nice.
Um Let's see here.
Hamburgers with onion rings
and blue cheese.
Well, looks good.
- I'll take whatever you're having.
- Really?
- Yes, I don't care.
- All right.
I'm going to order two hamburgers
with onion rings and blue cheese.
Something to drink?
What d'you have?
For beer, we have a blond,
a red, a stout, and IPA.
- IPA?
- Yes, yes.
That's good. They have four types of beer.
Pretty big selection for a gastro-market.
- You're gonna like it. You'll see.
- No, it's nice. It's alright.
I wanna hear what happened today.
Yes, yes. What I told you today, sure.
I have this issue.
My sister is pregnant,
and she wants to talk to my father.
He left us when we were very young.
But then, I started to, like,
dig, or investigate a little,
and I discovered
that he actually has another family.
A whole other family.
A family that he didn't abandon.
So it's Anyway, I'll tell you later.
- No, I wanna hear about it.
- Let's not. It's too depressing.
You aren't interested.
- Did I upset you by sending a message?
- No, don't worry about it.
- I feel like I'm spoiling the meal.
- No, that's what I'm here for.
The thing is, I'm in a group chat
with some school friends,
and we're organizing a vacation.
- You're traveling?
- Yes, yes.
- A motorbike trip to Patagonia.
- Wow.
Since we don't have any big
responsibilities or commitments.
Are you all single?
No. No, some are married, yeah.
- Yes.
- Ah.
I need a jacket
that's going to keep me really warm.
Any suggestions?
Also, I want it to look cool.
No, I'm sorry. I can't think of any.
I wasn't thinking about jackets.
So, my sister is having a girl!
I know it slipped out.
I didn't know it was a girl until then.
I can't believe it.
Do you have any nieces or nephews?
Here we are. Let me see, here's one.
Looks good.
- Yes.
- Perfect.
[server] And the other.
- [Nicolás] Thank you.
- Thank you.
- [server] Enjoy, guys.
- [sarcastic] We're really gonna enjoy it.
I think we should do this
every day, everywhere.
Yeah, all day
- Every day.
- Today was great, wasn't it?
Would you get me a glass of water?
I'm dying of thirst.
[Victoria sighs]
- We have great chemistry, don't we?
- I just Yes. It's amazing.
Oh, hold on
[Victoria moans]
[Nicolás grunts]
I'm going to the bedroom.
This sofa is so uncomfortable.
[Nicolás exhales]
[Victoria] You coming? Mm.
[somber music playing]
- You don't have any sheets.
- Huh?
How did you sleep last night?
The cleaner came last night.
Maybe she took them.
But you knew I was coming.
Forgive me, I'm sorry.
We can sleep on the sofa.
No, don't get mad. I'll sleep at my place.
- You're right. I'll go with you.
- No, I want to sleep by myself.
What's wrong?
We were having an amazing time.
We went for dinner, we had drinks,
we shared stories. We celebrated!
You took me to a disgusting joint
in who-knows-where
where nobody would see us.
You didn't pay any attention to me,
then you're screwing me
and banging my head on that thing.
And you don't even have sheets.
I don't know where my panties are.
I lost them.
No, forgive me. It's true.
You're right, yes.
My head is somewhere else, I'm sorry.
- No, it doesn't matter, I'm sorry.
- No
It doesn't matter
if you're with another woman.
- Another wo
- Or maybe I don't interest you that much.
I don't know.
Honestly, I just want to go right now.
I want to go.
[emotional music playing]
[door opens]
[door opens]
- Vicky! No, wait.
- No.
- Listen to me, please hold on!
- I don't wanna talk right now.
- We didn't finish talking, please.
- I can't. I don't want to.
What's wrong?
When did you start to feel this way?
You told me you wanted
something more casual.
Yes, I said that. That's right.
I said that because
I'm this grateful little puppy dog.
I'm so desperate for someone to choose me
that I'm happy if they invite me on a date
in the middle of nowhere
or take me to a bed without any sheets.
That's what's wrong.
What kind of dog?
- Don't act like you care.
- Like a little chow chow?
- I don't want to talk to you anymore.
- Why? Does our relationship upset you?
We can change our arrangement if you like.
Into what? Tell me. Like how?
I don't know.
If you'd like things to be more formal,
I'll make that happen.
[hopeful music playing]
- More formal, like how?
- Oh. Mm
Like exclusive? Or what?
we'd be a couple?
Sure, we'd be a couple.
- Well, I'd like that.
- You wanna be my girlfriend?
- Yes.
- [both chuckle]
Yes, I'd like that very much.
- So are we a couple then?
- Yes. [chuckles]
Yes. Yes, we are.
I wasn't expecting
[hopeful music continues]
[phone buzzing]
- Vicky, your phone is ringing.
- It isn't mine.
It is. Listen to it.
It's vibrating in your bag.
No, no, no.
Oh, yes, yes.
- Yes.
- Oh, I guess I
I was distracted, by
I have to answer it.
- [Matías] I need you to come get Roto.
- [Victoria] What's wrong?
Mei's father says it's giving
the restaurant a bad image. He's right.
The dog's barking right now,
and it's really, really bad.
Well, take him out the back.
We can't. The kitchen's there,
people are gonna come in.
They'll hear a dog barking in the kitchen.
It'll be a disaster. Will you come now?
- Uh, does it have to be right this moment?
- Yes, right now.
I'm sorry about your big plans,
but we're having a shitty time here.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
I'm coming over now.
- I have to leave.
- I heard, I heard. Don't worry.
- I have to, but I'll go in five minutes.
- Yeah.
- Huh?
- Five.
- Five minutes from now. From now.
- [Nicolás chuckles]
- What happened?
- No, nothing, nothing.
A terrible fiasco, everyone is arguing,
everyone left, they lost customers.
- There is a family crisis.
- Want me to take Roto?
- Yes, please, take him.
- Yes, of course, yes.
- It's all right.
- Terrible idea to bring the dog.
- All of today's ideas were terrible.
- No, it's fine.
- I'll take him, no problem.
- Please, take him.
- [Victoria kisses]
- Did it go well?
Yes, it went well.
- That's good.
- Okay.
Nice dress.
- Right.
- Yes.
- Yes, I'll take him. See you.
- Yes, please.
- See ya.
- See ya.
Uh excuse me. I'll take him now.
How 'bout I call later? No?
No It's okay, it's okay. Here we go.
That's it, it's over now.
It's alright, it's alright.
It's alright, it's alright.
[keys jangling]
- [man] Vicky.
- [door beeps]
Forgive me, I didn't want to frighten you.
But I rang the bell,
and you didn't answer, so I waited.
Why're you at my place, Dad?
I spoke with Laura.
She saw you at the clinic and then online.
I had a conversation with her.
Must have been quite a surprise, huh?
Laura is a very sensitive girl.
Finding out about all this family stuff,
it really hurt her.
[sarcastic] Really? Is Laura sensitive?
You really know her well.
How about me? What am I like?
And what about Caro?
Please, leave your sister out of this.
- Did you talk to your mother?
- Don't even mention my mother.
Please, Vicky, don't.
I was very young. I was very hurt. It was
You think you can show up here,
after all this time apart,
not knowing how I'd react,
if it would ruin everything?
No, I'm so sorry, Vicky.
I take responsibility
for the hurt I caused you.
I can't alter the past,
but I can take responsibility.
- But you're not, are you?!
- I'm sorry.
You're not, Dad!
You think responsibility is waiting
30 years and ten minutes,
after a lifetime wondering
what was so bad or ugly about myself
- that my dad didn't want me?
- It isn't like that.
Always wanting to be the best student,
the best sister, the best girlfriend.
- [voice breaks] It's not like that.
- Why her and not me, though? [cries]
- No, it's my fault.
- What did I do?
It's my fault and nothing more.
I don't even want your answer.
- Please forgive me.
- I don't want to know.
I don't want to talk to you.
Please, forgive me, Victoria.
I'm not choosing you now.
Now I don't want you in my life.
Now, I'm leaving.
Leaving you at my front door.
I'm taking my dog because
he isn't feeling well and he's scared.
He needs me right now!
["Huracán" by Luca Bocci playing]
[gate closes]
["Huracán" continues playing]
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