Escaype Live (2022) s01e08 Episode Script


Hi Dance Rani.
It's your baby, Lova Lova.
How can you be Lova Lova?
Yes, big girl!
If you really are Lova Lova, then
why didn't you put your real pic?
Why? Did you not like me?
I get it, you are a little confused.
Okay, I'll explain you.
Tell me who am I?
Lova Lova.
-Darkie, who am I?
It's Lova Lova.
That's a surprise for you.
I created a new account
specially for you.
Because you are my number 1 girl,
you are my bestie.
Any other question?
Don't ask.
I've come so far to meet you,
and you are just questioning me?
We don't have the time.
Let's go.
Where do we have to go?
To win.
To win the fucking
competition, right?
You are number 1. I'll make
your video and you will win.
Because to make you win,
your Lova Lova is here.
-We will make all the others
-Let's make it here.
This is a good place.
Do you remember your
performance in the dunes?
What do you call the place
where you perform?
Yeah, that's where
I got unconscious.
That's where you
became number 1, big girl.
So, the place you became number 1,
the same place we will end it.
Now you're getting me.
Now we're going there.
We don't have much time.
Let's go, let's go.
We have to celebrate together.
We don't have much time, Rani.
Let's go.
Hey, you got ready so soon?
You didn't even
sleep the whole night.
It is the last day
of the competition, mom.
There is a little tension at work.
These peas are pretty rotten.
Srini? Srini?
Who knows what does this girl
do in the bathroom for so long?
Please try to understand me.
What should I understand? Now
you want to end this relationship?
Are all these things
so easy for you, Srini?
It's not easy at all.
But I can't break
my elder brother's trust.
He will never accept
our relationship.
Srini, don't you love me?
I do.
I love you a lot.
But not more than my elder brother.
I am sorry.
I cannot do this anymore.
Please, please,
don't hang up, please.
Can we just meet and talk once?
See, I don't want to meet you.
Why don't you want to meet me?
Meet me for one last time.
Don't I deserve atleast that?
I will meet you tonight,
after mom sleeps.
Where are you, Rani?
The number you've
called is switched off.
j& Beware, gorgeous ladies.
Here I come j&
This is the first time I am seeing
the windmill so up-close.
Let's make a video here.
My clothes, my makeup,
where are they?
You do not worry about anything.
We have costume, jewellery,
makeup, chair, table, lights.
We've got everything
for my big girl.
What happened?
All okay?
You too will snatch my phone away?
Give me the phone.
Give me my phone.
-Are you mad?
-Give me my phone.
-I have to call Nandu uncle.
The number you've
called is switched off.
My phone.
Give me my phone.
Listen, calm down.
-See, see, see. See this.
-Give me my phone.
A new gift for you from my side.
Check out it's camera,
it's very cool.
I was going to surprise you
once we reached the dunes
by giving you this phone.
But I don't think
so, you like any surprises.
It already has got the
Escaype app downloaded in it. See?
Madam, the car left
from this point at 6:15 AM.
Where does this road go?
Left to Jodhpur, right to Bikaner.
Did you get the car pictures?
Send the car pictures
to police control room.
I want all the details.
Let's go.
Hey Dev, please come, sit.
Brother, dad is not well.
Since mom passed away,
this is the first time he has been
drinking since last night.
He will fall sick if
he continues like this.
Please come and make him understand.
I made a mistake, dad.
I didn't want to hurt you.
Please forgive me.
Even I don't get it.
Where did I fail?
Did I not love you,
or not care for you?
I never hit you or scold you,
scare you or even threaten you,
from my perspective,
I have raised you pretty well.
I raised you without a lady,
but raised well.
And you turned out to be like this?
If your mother was alive today,
how do you think she'd have
tolerated this shock?
Mother knew, dad.
Mom knew this.
When I was 10 years old,
I didn't even know what I was.
Getting dressed like girls,
doing makeup,
I liked all those things.
Mom used to think
I was being naive.
But eventually, even I realized
this is who I am.
After all she was a lady, like me.
But she too was
afraid of the society.
But even more than the society,
she was afraid of you.
I didn't even have the
words to explain it to you.
And this is how I have been
living ever since, dad.
Son, please stop making
these videos.
I'll talk to a psychiatrist.
They will cure you of everything.
It's not a mental sickness, dad.
The problem is with the body.
That is why I want to get it cured.
God has made you a boy.
And this is where
God made a mistake, dad.
I was put in
a male body, by mistake.
Don't blame it on God,
you will be banished to hell.
What I am going
through is hell, dad!
That is what my life has been,
constant suffocation.
But I want to be free now, dad.
I want
to be what I am.
I want to have a sex-change
operation and become a girl, dad.
What? What operation?
Are you even in your senses?
What are you saying?
I am not unique, dad.
There are many more like me.
So many people have undergone
a gender change, male to female,
and female to male.
And don't you worship
Lord Shiva, dad?
His avatar of 'Ardhnareshar'
is half man, half woman.
What does it matter,
whether I am your son or daughter,
I am still your blood!
You will still be my dad.
And you, my younger brother.
-Gender change
-Stay away from him.
He is a kid,
what will he learn?
He will learn to be brave, dad.
If you accept me, he will learn to
love you, not just fear you.
He will learn to talk
to you without trembling, dad.
He won't be forced to make videos
to share his feelings, like me.
He will be able to hug you,
freely, whenever he feels like it,
be it out of fear, pain or joy,
like I wanted to.
I wanted to hug you,
and tell you my truth, dad.
I am your daughter.
If you want to be my son,
then you can stay here,
but if you want to be my daughter,
even your shadow
won't be allowed here.
Get lost!
I will assume that
I conducted your last rites.
Hello Mr. Krishna?
My Rani has vanished,
I can't find her anywhere.
Just use your technology
and look for her, you can do it.
Please do something, quick.
What happened?
Just wait here.
Let's make one video here, please.
Okay, put your ID,
Password, and login.
-I will stop the car.
-1 min, just a minute.
We don't have a lot
of time Rani, come on.
My clothes? My makeup?
Yeah, yeah.
-Quick, quick. Fast, fast.
-Yeah, yeah.
Darkie has everything for you.
Come on, come on.
Let me show you everything.
3, 2, 1, ready.
Just come up and see.
This has your clothes,
your jewellery,
-and that has your shoes?
-Will the clothes fit me?
Super-fit, don't you worry.
This has stand,
light, speakers, I got everything.
If you are hungry, I have chips,
and then cold drinks behind that.
I got everything.
Bring the clothes,
I will just be back.
Yeah? What?
-What happened?
I am going behind that hillock,
don't come, I am telling you.
Don't you follow me.
Don't you come.
Don't come.
We don't have much time, come soon.
Oh damn!
What do you want from me?
Who the hell is this Lova Lova?
Sir, it is a fake profile.
Fake profile?
Why would someone make a
fake profile to talk to a kid?
Ravi, the girl has gone missing.
Her uncle Nandlal
called to inform us.
He suspects she might be
talking to someone on the app.
So, we checked her DMs, and
she is supposed to be
meeting this guy at 2 PM.
We are a platform,
how can we be responsible for
who is meeting whom and for what?
It is none of our bloody business.
We can't intrude
into anyone's privacy.
But yes,
this girl is our #1 talent.
And I want her back on the app.
I am just worried about my contest,
nothing else.
Sir, I think this is
connected to the contest.
Ma'am, can I?
Sir, I did a thorough check,
Dance Rani's follower's list,
her friend's list,
who visits her page
and how many times?
I found this.
Dark Angel.
I have talked to him, sir.
This guy is not normal.
Ravi, he is right.
Even yesterday,
he came live with a fake profile.
He has threatened us publicly
in front of the police.
Set up the conference room
with your tech team immediately.
If you guys are right,
then we have to be prepared.
What's up desert?
[indistinct chatter]
-Hurry up.
-Yes, sir.
I think works fine, right?
[indistinct chatter]
-Hello sir.
-Hello sir.
Yeah, yeah, fine. Great,
I like it, Rose.
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
Why did you bring me here?
Why have you tied me up?
What the hell does he want?
Help me, help.
Help me please, help me.
-Help me, help me, help me.
-Calm down, you will be fine.
Help me.
Calm down.
She doesn't listen.
What can one do?
Leave me, please.
Surprise fuckers!
It is your boy, Darkie.
no, no, it is not acting.
I know, I know,
-you must have a lot of questions.
-Let me go.
-Untie my hands.
-Let me speak, let me speak.
So, I know you must
have a lot of questions,
-what I am doing here with her
-Mom, dad must be worried sick.
By the way,
that is Dance Rani, okay?
We are fucking collabing.
And it is gonna be cool,
it is gonna be fucking cool.
And I am so fucking excited for it.
Till then,
let me talk to my Escaype friends.
You guys have banned me!
You guys banned fucking Darkie!
You mess with Darkie.
Darkie fucks you up.
You guys have fucked up
with the wrong fucking person.
-See, see, see.
-Help me, help me.
Mom, dad
So let me tell you
what you need to do?
Guys, listen to me very carefully.
You guys have fucking 10 minutes,
my account should be
un-banned within 10 minutes.
And if that doesn't happen
Come on. Come on.
If that doesn't happen,
something else will.
And whatever happens, will be live.
Your time starts now.
Is he crazy?
Ravi, this guy looks really
serious, what are we going to do?
We should save the kid, ma'am.
Sir? Sir, we need to save this girl.
I hope none but us
has seen this video.
No Ravi,
we simulated the whole thing.
Using the AI's auto-regressive
language model,
all these hearts, comments,
it is all computer-generated.
None but us has seen this video,
and he will never know that.
And if there is
any technical glitch?
He will know.
We are continuously monitoring
it to prevent any technical glitch.
Simulate his profile too,
within 10 minutes.
-I got to make a few calls.
Are we informing the police?
Yes, we are,
but after the contest ends.
But we can keep him
busy in the contest,
and share his live
location with the police.
And save the kid's life,
I know that.
But Jia,
why are you not getting it?
If this video leaks out,
we will be banned.
Did you find out about the rat?
-But we are close.
If this fucking video leaks out,
we will close.
But we have nothing
to do with this.
Do you think they care?
-But Ravi, I mean
I can't let this app shutdown.
Shutdown the internet,
starting now till the contest ends.
None will upload
or download anything.
Only our app will be on,
and anything else,
internal, external, shut it.
And no mobiles.
For the next 4 hours,
ban the use of all mobiles.
No incoming or outgoing.
No matter who it is,
employee, client, guest, whoever.
In fact, take all the mobiles,
yours included, and shut them
all in the bloody locker rooms.
Tell everyone it is for security
reasons, none will object.
They will happily do it.
Everyone can use it after 9 PM.
In the next 4 hours, Escaype
goes into complete lock-down.
What did you delete after typing?
Tell me.
I told dad the whole truth.
Are you on the Ghats?
What are you doing?
Nothing, just sitting idly.
Are you fine?
What are you doing?
Just, a potential groom
is coming to see me,
else I
That is fine,
you handle that, then we will call.
What are you going to do?
Ms. Meena,
don't you have a video to make?
Today is the last day of
the competition, come on, get up.
How can I make it here?
I don't even have the clothes.
What do you mean,
how can you make it there?
People find salvation at Ghats,
won't you find ladies' clothes?
Come on, Ms Meena,
apply some brain, hustle, and win!
Isn't it?
And listen, all the best.
I will send lots of diamonds, okay?
And I will be watching.
j& O, dignity of mine j&
j& O dignity of mine,
preserve it, o my Lord! j&
j& O, this dignity of mine j&
j& O dignity of mine, preserve it,
o my Lord! Of the entire Sindh,
j& Of Sehwan, the noble all-mighty! j&
j& Dama Dam, o you joyous Saint!
You are the one with the power j&
j& Dama Dam, o you joyous Saint!
The Lord comes before all j&
j& O, dignity of mine j&
Superb! Great.
welcome, welcome everybody.
It is your boy, Darkie.
And being back makes me so happy.
Where is my dark kingdom? Come on,
dude. My favourites, come in.
Come on, everyone.
-Shreya16, Tommy fucking boy
-Just keep him occupied.
Let him imagine
he is winning.
And I have a surprise for you.
That's Dance Rani for you guys.
If something happens to this girl,
-then who will be responsible?
-My favourite,
and to support me, we have here.
Jia, I hope that
nothing happens to her.
But try and understand
I don't think you
are understanding Ravi,
is our competition more
important than this kid's life?
Why can't we keep him engaged,
give police the co-ordinates
and send them there?
Ravi Gupta, I know we have
a better reason for letting a child
go through this while he stands
and he watches it live.
I have a better reason.
A minister told me, one more
mistake, and they will ban us.
Do you understand the
significance of being banned?
You, him, me,
we all will be out of our jobs.
And when we are jobless, who
will hire someone from a company
which has been a failure?
You might get another job,
but at my level, nope!
Like you, I too have a family.
And come what may,
I won't let them down.
They are more important
to me than this child.
Let's just end the
contest peacefully.
-Post that,
we will do our best
to save this girl.
You have my word.
I am unique.
-Sorry. I can't allow you.
-Ma'am, please try to understand.
Please understand.
It's Ravi sir's order.
j& The night's not done,
neither are we j&
j& Be what it may, let it be j&
j& The night's not done,
neither are we j&
j& Be what it may, let it be j&
j& Don't you think,
just look at me, j&
j& Look at me, darling, with love! j&
j& don't you think,
just look at me j&
j& Look at me, darling, with love! j&
j& The night's not done,
neither are we j&
j& Be what it may, let it be j&
Mr. Rangaswamy.
In my office.
5 minutes, I will be there.
Life is beautiful, ma'am.
I know what is going to happen in
your cabin after 5 minutes from now.
I also know in the
next five minutes,
anything could happen
to a young girl.
But we are behaving
as if nothing happened.
Am I responsible for that?
You are the one who lined up her
face off with Fetish Girl.
So that Dance Rani
could be Number 1.
And what haven't you
done for her victory?
It is my job, Mr. Rangaswami.
We can't just let someone
win like that.
Escaype is a brand.
You won't understand.
Correct Ma'am. I won't understand.
It would be better for
the brand building of Escaype
if an ordinary young
girl wins this contest.
So, everyone will watch it and say,
if a young girl won, why can't I?
The more people will dream,
the more subscribers we will get.
It would bring in more money.
Isn't it?
But amidst all this,
what about that young girl?
Solely for your business
of entertainment,
what all has that girl been through?
Her childhood has gone,
her innocence has gone.
Who cares?
And even if that girl
dies tomorrow, who will care?
I am really sorry
to tell you this Ma'am.
But you are responsible.
For what has happened to that child
and what is happening to that child.
And Ma'am if something
happens to that young girl,
I would never be
able to forgive myself.
Because I too am a part of this.
We have to save this child.
Ma'am, my uncle is in police.
I could make a call to him,
he would call Delhi police.
We could save that child, ma'am.
Locker room is sealed.
It can't be opened.
Ma'am, it's just
one phone call. Please?
We can't tell Ravi that you're
going to make a phone call.
-He will get suspicious.
Ma'am, there is some technical
glitch in the locker room.
They are neither letting
us access the phone there,
nor can we make
a call at the reception.
Okay, just give me two minutes.
Let's just go.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't get me wrong sir.
Everything is under control,
Mr. Woo. Be rest assured.
Great Mr. Gupta. Till you're there,
we don't need to worry.
Of course sir,
that's why you hired me.
You're right, just like you,
we can hire someone else also.
If anything goes wrong,
so, meet our targets. Okay?
Yes sir.
I am sorry Jia, I had to.
That's okay.
At least with you, it is clear if
my actions or words
offended you or made you happy.
But these
What you see is definitely
not what you get.
These fucking bastards.
Ravi, some people need to make
urgent phone calls to their family.
I couldn't fulfil
the promise I made to them.
First that Aamcha boy.
Now, this.
Hey! Nice!
-Oh wow!
She is on fire.
See the diamonds, wow!
She is amazing.
Ravi, some people need
to make urgent phone calls.
Look, it is just 2 more hours.
Make her win.
Ravi, but we have to
tell them something, right?
Why are we not letting
them make calls?
Say security problems, whatever.
You figure it out.
Somebody's mother
is in the hospital.
That's not my problem.
If we don't let them make calls,
then it will definitely
be your problem.
My problem?
Keep it up guys. Two hours to go.
One call per person
from the reception phone.
For security reasons,
all calls will be recorded.
I will take just two minutes.
-Wait two minutes.
-Let me call first.
Call please.
Yeah, only one call per person.
Your I-card please?
This is not done,
we were already here.
How can he cut the line?
Ma'am just after him.
-Your bail paper
-Give me here.
Yeah Krishna, go ahead?
Listen to me.
Right. Okay.
Write everything.
No Kannada. Only English or Hindi.
Why do you want me
to write everything?
Uncle, we have to take Mother
to the hospital. It's her dialysis.
But I saw her today
morning at the temple.
What are you saying? Any problem?
Yes. My laptop password is
IPC 1860.
What? IPC 1860?
-Yes. Correct.
-Keep going.
I'm making note of it.
And please ask mother
to not be stressed.
Her favourite contestant,
Dance Rani from Rajasthan.
-Dance Rani.
-She is doing too good.
-She is not putting up her videos.
Why are you doing time-pass, bro?
She is her favourite contestant.
Hope she wins it.
And uncle, take my red Isuzu car.
-Red Isuzu?
-Delhi one 6677.
6677. Dude, you got me all confused.
Okay, Uncle,
you've got very less time.
You've got to take
care of everything.
Please take immediate action.
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