Everything Will Be Fine (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Everything Will Be Fine

[breathing heavily]
[Ruy] Fausto
- [Julia] Hi, babe.
- What's going on?
[Julia] Did you put Andrea to sleep?
[Fausto] Yeah,
but I had to give her laughing gas.
[both chuckle]
- I guess we should go.
- [Fausto] Yeah.
Why don't you two stay for a drink?
- It's late.
- [Fausto] I'm in.
He's in, let's do it. Come on.
- We're out of beer. I'll go buy some more.
- Let's do it another time. I'm exhausted.
- No, I'll be right back.
- I'll go with you.
- Great.
- Are you serious?
- Let's go.
- Careful, Julia.
I'm leaving you with a kidnapper.
Watch it, cowboy. My husband
will get out of jail any day now.
[door slams]
[theme music playing]
What's with that guilty look, Julia?
You gonna tell me
what's going on or what?
[Julia] What?
[scoffs] Come on.
You can't deny
Ruy is looking good these days.
Being separated suits him.
[chuckling] You're kidding me. You saw us?
[Idalia] Hard not to.
[both laughing]
Augusto can be
such an asshole to me sometimes.
I honestly don't know what the hell
I'm gonna do with him home all day long.
You're always here.
You'll hardly ever see him.
I think it's time for me to move back
to my hometown.
- [Julia] Really?
- I have a new house to enjoy.
For real?
Besides, Augusto can't manage without me.
Sometimes I think
that's what marriage is all about.
Women have to learn to live with men,
and men have to learn to live with women.
If you're trying to tell me
to get back with Ruy, you're delusional.
No, no, I didn't say that.
Don't put words in my mouth.
You said it
because maybe you're thinking it.
Want some mezcal?
[Julia] Sure.
Good answer.
[both chuckling]
- [Ruy] She was huge. She gained 60 pounds.
- [Julia] Ballooned up like a puffer fish.
[overlapping dialogue]
- [phone buzzing]
- Shh!
Deputy, how are you?
We found her, actually.
Hours ago. Thank you.
Oh, really? They didn't tell you?
Uh, yes, of course.
We filed a report and everything. Yes.
[chuckling] Of course.
Of course, Deputy Secretary,
I'll give your regards.
I will, yes.
By the way, there's one more thing.
Next time, maybe you should do your job.
Just do your fucking job,
Deputy Secretary.
Just do it, for fuck's sake. Thank you.
- He'd already hung up. Don't worry.
- Oh my God!
- [all laughing]
- You dick!
He said they had had some tips
and were close to locating her.
- I mean, come on.
- Unbelievable.
As if they were gonna bring us some random
street kid and that's it, case closed.
[Fausto] Right.
So much for my good connections.
[Ruy] Connections are useless,
they don't do fuck all.
I still don't know
how she went all that way alone.
You should've seen her
on our trip to Salazar.
She took everything in,
asked lots of questions, like a big girl.
It freaks me out to think of her
all alone that whole time.
[Ruy] I wasn't much older than Andrea
when I started taking the bus
to school every day.
I took the bus
and transferred to the metro.
It is safer for boys
than it is for women and girls, Ruy.
[Ruy] That's true.
[Julia] And cars hadn't been invented yet.
Everyone rode horses.
- [all laughing]
- Now hold on.
- I'm only two presidential terms older
- [Julia] Three, I think.
- And I grew up without the Internet.
- Yeah, me too.
I rode my bicycle
around the block all day.
- [Fausto] In the suburbs.
- Shut up.
You'll probably give me shit for this,
but I've never taken a bus in my life.
[Idalia] You haven't lived.
[Ruy] Buses are cool.
Is that right?
- I'll trade my bus for your Prius.
- [Ruy laughing]
- Don't laugh, I'm serious! Let's trade.
- You can have a ride anytime.
[Fausto] Hey, thanks for making dinner.
It's delicious.
My man, we were
long overdue for this, so cheers!
- [Julia] Yes!
- To Cachito.
- Here's to Andrea.
- [Fausto] Cheers.
[Julia] Top me up.
[Fausto] Careful, it's hot.
[Idalia] All he made for years
were quesadillas.
- But look at this!
- Impressive.
Would you pass me one of those?
[Ruy] You're exaggerating,
I cook all the time.
[funky jazz playing]
If you could write something
on the doors of the national palace,
what would it be, huh?
Dude, that's a typical Ruy question.
"The Suicide Cavities."
That's what Fausto's
imaginary band is called.
- [coughing]
- [Ruy] A punk band?
Actually, it's nearly a reality.
I've been writing some songs.
And no, it's not a punk band.
Oh, well that's great, man.
Cavities, dude?
No, wait, hang on.
During the student strike,
there was this guy we called "Cavities."
Yeah, he died though.
I don't know if the word "cavity"
is solid enough.
It feels a little obscure. I don't know.
Or maybe it's the pairing with "suicide."
I'm not so sure.
Uh, I dunno, man,
I'm not really feeling it.
[Julia] Stop being so pretentious, Ruy.
Mmm I
would paint a kick-ass wall mural
of a UFO abducting
the Aztec Tlatoani ruler.
[Ruy laughing] And you think I'm a hippie?
No, no, no. This is what I'd write:
"Here lives the man who came from Heaven
to purify us with his moral strength."
But every word would be
in quotation marks.
[Julia and Ruy laughing]
That's nice, right?
[all laughing]
[Julia] "That's nice"? What's nice, baby?
I don't know.
[Cumbia music playing]
Wait, hold on.
I need to see my daughter.
[both breathing heavily]
What's on your mind?
What's on yours?
You go first.
I will? No, you.
Oh, no, you. [chuckling]
I think the two of you
had a good time together.
[sarcastically] Uh-huh!
More fun than you'd like to admit.
Same can be said for you, my love.
"My love"?
Don't get your hopes up, dude.
I haven't forgotten
how you tried to sue me for custody.
- Oh, Julia, let's not
- But now
with Fausto's connections,
we're gonna sue you.
You seemed pretty satisfied last night.
Dude, you should start a cult.
Like Osho. Seriously.
You could sign people up,
and get them to give you their money
You'd be laughing.
Wait, why Osho?
She's potentially the next Charles Manson.
Go all NXIVM, dude.
Tattoo your name on our groins.
I love it, I love it.
All joking aside, though,
they did try to recruit me.
Seriously? I mean, yeah,
you're the right profile.
I can totally see you in the Salinas cult.
Anyway, if Julia was our leader, I'd join.
Wouldn't you, dude?
Oh, I totally would, but we
wouldn't be the only recruits.
Two's not enough.
No, she'd have at least eight guys.
Maybe more.
Don't give me any ideas,
I'd keep you on short leashes.
The neighbors wouldn't like it.
At least we'd have perfect teeth
thanks to our personal dentist
available to us 24/7.
[Julia and Fausto chuckle]
Who's there?
[Andrea] You woke up so early.
Come here.
That's it.
You can have this.
Thank you.
[reporter] 700,000 doses
of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine arrived
in Mexico City's
international airport this week.
The shipment from the United States
will trigger the commencement
of the largest vaccination campaign
in Mexico's history.
Mexico is the first nation
in Latin America
and among the first ten countries globally
to receive the vaccine.
The shipment is being safeguarded
by the military
pending distribution across the country.
It is to be offered free of charge
to all citizens,
first to health care professionals,
and subsequently to senior citizens.
[cat meowing]
Hello, Güero.
You're still hanging around?
[Güero purring]
Everything will be fine, don't you worry.
You're coming home with me. Wait here.
[Ruy] Hey, sleepy-head.
Hello? Time to get up.
- [Andrea groans]
- It's getting late.
No, Daddy.
What would happen if Santa Claus got sick?
Would he come anyway?
Well, of course he would.
Santa Claus can't get covid.
Besides, everything will be back
to normal by then. So don't worry.
Get up. What do you want from Santa?
Two Lupita Ajolota dolls.
Why do you want two?
[Andrea] One for me, and one for Caro.
Ah! Are you sure that's what she wants?
No, but I want us to play together.
She won't play with you anymore?
[music blaring from laptop]
[Julia] Do you mind turning that down?
- No problem. Sorry.
- [volume decreases]
Did the client write back
with another brilliant idea?
He wants to add a few
"design elements" to the logo.
Where do you even find these guys, Julia?
[Xico] I'm going out at the risk
of getting infected. Want anything?
A latte, please.
[phone buzzing]
[Fausto] Hey, babe.
How's your day going? Bye now.
Darling, I miss you.
As usual, I'm swamped.
Well, go have lunch now
and change it when you get back.
So we're gonna break for lunch now.
You can finish the set up later.
Those need to be further apart.
They're way too close.
All right, see you later.
- What's up?
- Hey.
- How's it going?
- Are you coming back?
- No, no, no.
- Oh.
I just came to see Laura.
Everything okay?
I called you a couple of times.
Oh, yeah. I blocked your number.
Right, I get it. Listen, um,
I I just wanted to apologize, honestly.
I get what an asshole I was.
Good for you, congratulations.
- Seriously, I don't know why I said that.
- [man] Rebe, I'm shutting down.
The thing is, I want you to know
that I know I fucked up,
and that I know what I did was wrong.
Cool, I hope you mean it.
That you finally get what you did wrong.
[Ruy] Everything is changing,
and at the same time, paradoxically,
things are the same.
From how we shop
to how we engage with one another.
We've searched and found,
to some extent, a new normal.
- This one needs a bag of flour.
- [Ruy] One that suits us
No, that goes in here.
[Ruy] One that connects us
and makes us feel less isolated.
We're getting to know each other again
in unexpected ways.
Nothing is quite the same.
We turn to each other
to figure out how to
make sense of all of this.
[Julia] Shh. Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.
Did you fall asleep?
Stay still. Go back to sleep.
[Fausto groaning]
[muffled moaning]
What are you doing up?
Did you have another nightmare?
[Andrea] Mm-hmm.
Caro was dancing and singing,
but she wouldn't let me
dance and sing with her.
[Ruy] Oh, you had a musical nightmare?
That's kind of cool.
[Andrea] Mm-hmm.
But it wasn't real. It was just a dream.
Okay, lie down now.
Go back to sleep.
Only if you sleep with me.
No, but I'll stay until you fall asleep.
[Andrea] Okay.
[Ruy sighs and chuckles]
[Andrea] Fausto is my dentist.
[Ruy] Mm-hmm.
[Ruy] The entire world has changed
in the last few months.
More than any of us could've imagined.
At least, more than I could.
[Fausto and Julia laughing]
[Ruy] It isn't about
whether change is good or bad.
Change simply is.
It exists.
[both panting]
[Ruy] Even change is changing.
I'm more and more convinced
that we ourselves must welcome it.
A radical change
that comes from within.
Let's not forget that sometimes,
all these changes we make
help us keep everything as it was.
- Everything will be all right.
- [Julia] Turn that off, come eat.
- [Ruy] Idalia, your plate is served!
- [Idalia] Coming!
[Ruy] Will it be honey, jam,
or hazelnut spread?
- All three!
- [Julia] No, not all of them, honey.
I don't want you to get
childhood diabetes.
You can pick one.
[Julia] Hazelnut for the wee one!
Let Cacho do your hair today,
so your dad doesn't make a mess of it.
Why? I thought I was
pretty good with hair.
- [coughing]
- [Julia] No, your braids are
[choking] Calm down, I'm fine.
It just went down the wrong pipe.
You scared us.
Don't worry, we'll take over
your dental practice.
- Ready for today, my love?
- Yes.
- Okay, I've gotta go. I'll see you there?
- Yeah, bye.
- See you tonight.
- Good luck.
Don't forget to brush your teeth.
- [all laughing]
- [Fausto] I'm on my way to do that now!
Put your mask on, honey.
Don't take it off anymore,
just keep it on.
[children chattering indistinctly]
What did you get in geography?
How are you, Caro?
- Rude.
- No kidding.
Never mind her.
[Miss Moni] Villegas-Pérez family.
[Ruy] Yep.
- [Ruy] Here we go.
- [Julia] It'll be fine.
[Ruy] After you.
[Miss Moni] Congratulations, Andrea.
Your geography test went really well.
Don't forget to take home her assignments.
- Oh, we also wanted to ask
- My toys.
[Miss Moni] Oh, right!
Which ones are yours?
All of them.
All of them?
Okay, you may take them home with you.
But once we're back in school
and not online anymore,
you can't bring them to school
or rent them out to your friends.
Mom and Dad,
we'll need your help with that.
- No problem. We're on it. Sure.
- Totally, absolutely.
I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met.
No, I'm Fausto. Nice to meet you.
- [Miss Moni] Yes, you too.
- Thank you.
What's your relationship to Andrea?
- He's my boyfriend.
- He's my dentist.
Hey sweetie, would you like a quesadilla?
Don't be so sad.
The kids at school give me weird looks.
Don't worry about it, honey.
It'll be fine.
Go on, have a seat.
- Hello, Mrs. Luz. How are you?
- Hello. Fine, thanks.
[Julia] One potato quesadilla
and one squash blossom, please.
- [Mrs. Luz] Of course.
- [Julia] Thanks very much.
How have you been through all of this?
[ukulele playing]
[in Spanish] We all have a mother ♪
We all have a father ♪
And we all also have
Someone who cares about us ♪
We're a little bit different ♪
We're kind of crazy ♪
We follow our instincts ♪
But we're good people ♪
Love is to blame ♪
Not boredom ♪
Our decision was honest ♪
It was reasoned and genuine ♪
Marriage is an old mandate ♪
We should let it die ♪
Love should decide how we want to live ♪
Let's love each other now ♪
Without attachments in the way ♪
Those who get married ♪
Say that marriage is deceased ♪
They say marriage is dying ♪
I say light a candle ♪
Let the church mourn it ♪
No one else is bereaved ♪
I know for sure that marriage is dead ♪
And I feel a surge of life ♪
If love takes many shapes ♪
Then marriage is a jail ♪
I like online classes better.
Your eyes will fall out of your head.
That's not true.
First one home is a chicken!
- [Ruy] I got you!
- No fair! I'm carrying the cake!
[Julia laughing]
[Andrea] I won!
[reading slowly] "Family
[song continues]
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