Expedition Bigfoot (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

The Final Hours

Narrator: Previously
on "expedition bigfoot"
Look at this thing.
- What's that?
- Looks like a print to me.
I mean, it looks like
it's all taking place
In this corridor
below this ridgeline.
It's the perfect
bigfoot hunting zone.
What are we looking at?
We're looking at a fully
autonomous airship.
We're down to the finish line
of our research,
And this could be
exactly what we've needed.
Hold on, russell.
I have something
that's really weird.
I have a massive
heat signature
That I'm looking at
right now.
Mireya: What is this doing
in the middle of nowhere?
- I don't know.
- Oh, my god.
What the hell happened out here?
Bigfoot, sasquatch --
In the past 50 years,
There have been more than
10,000 reported sightings
Of this elusive creature
In the continental
united states.
From the ozarks
to the mojave desert,
From the new jersey pine barrens
To the pacific northwest,
every year,
Hundreds of eyewitnesses
log their encounters.
But where or when this legendary
cryptid will be seen next
Has been a mystery until now.
For the first time in history,
A team of investigators is using
an advanced data algorithm
To analyze five decades
of bigfoot sightings
To pinpoint when and where
to encounter this elusive beast.
With the results, they now know
the time and place to search,
And the greatest bigfoot hunt
ever is on.
[ roaring ]
Oh, my god.
Narrator: Primatologist
dr. Mireya mayor
And bigfoot researcher
ronny leblanc
Are 10 miles from base camp
Attempting to find what's
causing a massive heat signature
Deep in their target zone,
but they have stumbled
Upon a 150-year-old
children's cemetery
In the middle of the forest.
What is this doing out here?
Ronny: This could explain
a lot, you know,
Has a lot of
Just give me a sec.
It's just
There is
It's just a very powerful,
Sad energy in there.
And as the mother
of six children,
That was rough.
The science part of my head
says this is pure coincidence.
I had a nightmare.
I was thinking about
my own kids.
I heard kids giggling outside
my tent,
But it's strange.
It's strange.
Ronny: This one was only
A little over a year old,
not even.
A lot of stories of bigfoot
Actually near graveyards
and cemeteries.
There is a connection when it
comes to cemeteries and bigfoot.
The native americans will talk
about one foot
In the physical world,
one foot in the spiritual world,
And there's been a lot
of sightings around cemeteries.
I feel like we're being led
to this place.
Mireya: Oh, my god.
Narrator: One mile away
Survivalist russell acord
is approaching
The massive heat signature
from the east,
But on his way, he's come across
the remnants of an old home.
Russell: I don't know if it's
bigfoot related or not,
But that place felt
just creepy and dark.
Russell for ronny and mireya.
[ static ]
Mireya, ronny,
you guys got a copy?
[ static ]
We were supposed to collide
Somewhere in the middle
of this road,
And I've not seen them,
not heard from them.
Russell for mireya and ronny.
You guys got a copy?
[ static ]
Otherwise, I'd be left
completely in the dark.
Oh, man.
This is right up ronny's
alley with the electronics
And stuff like that going bad
when you're in a hot spot,
But I've never had --
I've had that light for years.
I've never had that thing
just stop and shut off.
Let me see if I can get
ahold of bryce.
[ cellphone rings ]
Bryce: Hey, russ.
Hey, I've lost contact
with mireya and ronny.
Do you happen to have
their location on your gps?
Let me check.
It's really weird.
The gps signals seem to keep
changing their location.
Yeah. Our equipment is acting
really strange, too.
where exactly are you?
I was on my way
to the coordinates
For where the heat trace was,
And it led me to this old,
abandoned cabin,
Got to be over
100 years old.
Bryce, do you have any idea
why there'd be a cabin out here?
Not that I know of,
But let me do a little bit
of research,
See if I can't find
any record of a homestead
That might be in the area.
I'll let you know.
Mireya: We should be
really close now.
Ronny: Must be
about 50 yards away,
Getting that cold feeling again
from that cemetery.
It's just like opening
a freezer door,
Just getting hit with it.
I think it means we're going
in the right direction.
It should be
just up here.
That is awesome.
Oh, wow.
Well, we talked
about places to hide,
And this could be it.
[ keys clacking ]
Bryce: Holy
[ dialing ]
- Hey, bryce.
- Hey, russell.
I found the record of an old
mining settlement
That used to mine this area.
They were mining something
called cinnabar.
Apparently, it's the most
toxic mineral on earth.
Could be in here.
I mean, it definitely lends
credibility to the idea
That there are places
for it to go hide in.
You can stay
hidden under there.
This whole area became coffins
for these miners.
Exposure to this mineral,
it says, can cause paralysis,
Nerve damage
and even death.
This is the finish line.
The answer we are seeking
is inside.
The truth is in there.
Ronny, mireya, copy?
Ronny, mireya, do you copy?
Do you copy?
That is awesome.
Narrator: Ronny and mireya
have finally discovered
What's causing
the massive heat signature --
An abandoned mine.
The perfect hiding spot
for a large, elusive animal.
Ronny or mireya for russ.
Narrator: What they don't know
Is that
it may be a cinnabar mine,
One of the most toxic
minerals known to man.
Well, we talked
about places to hide,
And this could be it.
Ronny, mireya, do you copy?
Narrator: Russell is attempting
to warn his teammates
About the possible danger,
But he's been unable
to reach them.
[ creature roaring ]
[ roaring continues ]
Russell: Ronny for russ.
Russ, you won't believe
what we just found.
It looks like
an old gold-mine shaft.
It's not a gold mine.
It's cinnabar, a very
highly toxic material.
Do not go in there.
Mireya, come out.
It's toxic in there.
When we go on these night hunts,
We don't know
what we're up against.
There are dangers everywhere.
You never know
what's gonna happen.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Nobody went beyond that
threshold, did they?
Thank god.
This has to be where bigfoot
is taking refuge.
Narrator: The advanced data
algorithm that led the team
To investigate
these mountains shows
There's just 2 days remaining
to find bigfoot in the area.
With the discovery
of the abandoned mine,
A possible bigfoot hiding place,
Bryce has left
the command center
To meet back up
with the team at base camp.
So let's think about this,
What's bigfoot's main
Stay out of people's way,
stay low visibility,
And what could do
that better than a cave,
So you can traverse in and out
through these woods undetected.
I had a feeling that whatever
it is we're tracking
Is using this cave for shelter.
I mean, I can't tell you
how many stories
I've come across
in native american lore
About bigfoots and caves
or underground tunnels.
Mireya: Hey, bryce.
Cavalry has arrived.
Ronny, how are you?
Good, brother.
Nice to see you.
Bryce: I mean, when you start
to connect these dots
With all these things
we've been experiencing
And then to come to find out
that there's a cave, he's here.
I know he is, and we're
gonna find him.
So check this out, the cave
is right above the clearing.
Russell: Correct.
Narrator: The abandoned mine
Is 3 miles due north
of the clearing
Where the team has experienced
bigfoot activity,
Including eye shine
and the massive thermal anomaly
Russell captured using
infrared binoculars.
Bryce: I think we all know what
we need to do next, right?
Mireya: Yep.
I want to see
what's in this cave.
So do I.
We all do.
These mines are made up
of a rock called cinnabar.
Now, while that sounds like
a delicious morning treat,
It also poses
some potential dangers,
So I went ahead,
and I made some phone calls.
I found a team
of cave drone experts.
Narrator: A new, highly advanced
model of drone
Has been developed to fly
into and safely inspect
Otherwise inaccessible spaces
deemed too unsafe for humans.
So while we wait for help
to explore this cave,
I want the team
to scour the area.
I mean, if something is coming
in and out of these mine shafts,
There should be
some corroborative evidence
To show that.
Let's do it.
Alright. Cool.
I'll get ready.
Footprints, hair samples,
look for anything that tells us
Bigfoot is in the area.
What do you got, man?
Oh, holy
Ronny: Okay.
That's the same marble
That we had on the apple
that was on the rock.
Ronny: We gifted an apple and a
blue marble at the clearing,
Which is about 7 miles away.
I only brought one blue marble,
so how did it end up here?
That's the same one,
so that's weird.
So, yeah, what do you think
that means?
[ sighs ]
I think we just got gifted.
This is a big deal
because I feel like
There's definitely been
some exchanging
Kind of going on here,
and this is just kind of
Has me
My head is spinning right now.
This blue marble just
got me more excited.
Bigfoot is trying
to communicate with us.
What this tells me is that we're
right around the corner.
We're very close.
Narrator: The data algorithm the
team used to narrow their search
For bigfoot shows
that their window
For the highest probability
Of an encounter ends
in just 24 hours.
With time running out,
all four team members
Are on their way to inspect
the abandoned mine
10 miles from base camp.
Bryce: Oh, wow.
So I see the cave,
and immediately, I'm thinking,
"I don't know.
Something could be coming
In and out of here,
using it for shelter."
I'm convinced that there's
something in there,
And we're gonna find it.
So I see a cave like that,
and I immediately think
Of the ape canyon
and mount saint helens.
Narrator: One of the most
infamous legends
In sasquatch lore,
The event known as
the ambush at ape canyon,
Shocked people in 1924
when newspapers ran the story.
A group of gold miners
living in a makeshift cabin
On the eastern slope
of mount saint helens
Were attacked one night
by what they described
As mountain devils
or giant apes.
Their cabin was pelted
with large stones all night,
And in the morning, the men
escaped back to civilization
To tell their story.
To this day, the canyon remains
a tourist attraction
In the pacific northwest
And bears the name ape canyon
because of the incident.
This is certainly
reminiscent of that.
How far away is that from here?
It's not too far.
The foothills of mount
saint helens
Probably about 5 hours
north of here,
So this cave would be
the perfect hiding place.
Perhaps something is
coming in and out.
That would mean there
should be some evidence
Around here,
so I think we should split up,
See if we can't find
something else.
Narrator: Ronny and mireya
will search the area
Just south of the mine,
Looking for a path
to the clearing
That's just 3 miles below them.
Bryce and russell will explore
the site of the ridge
Directly opposite the mine.
- Bryce.
- Yeah?
Russell: Look right through
here. Look at it.
Bryce: Oh, yeah.
See how churned up this is?
That's a game trail.
You've got food,
water, shelter.
It's all right here.
Yeah. Right.
This would be
the perfect place to hide.
Russell: I feel like we're right
on the edge of it.
We're so close to getting
our answers.
And persistence, discipline
and not quitting,
That's what's going
to get us there.
Everything has pointed us
in this direction.
It's almost pushed us
to this point, and we're here.
We finally found something that
I think is gonna provide
The evidence we've been looking
for all this time.
Narrator: To the south,
Ronny and mireya are exploring
the area
Between the abandoned mine
and the clearing.
Ronny: This definitely
has a spooky vibe
Like the other places.
If we find a dead hawk,
I'm running.
Over here.
Mireya: What's that?
Look at this.
There's reports of bigfoot
pushing down trees
To scare humans away.
We just heard this --
the breaking of these trees.
They were just, like --
whatever was coming through
The woods was coming through
to let you know they were there.
This was something so powerful
it could just rip you
Apart like a piece
of paper, right?
Ronny: It'd be interesting
To see if we find
more of these around.
Let's just take
a look in here.
[ knocking ]
Do you hear that?
It's like
a knocking sound.
[ knocking continues ]
Ronny: Researchers believe
wood knocks
Is like a form of
communication between bigfoots.
Well, since we just heard
that knocking sound,
Do you want
to give it a go?
[ knocking ]
Mireya: It's very possible
That we're really
onto something here,
But from a scientific
Unless you physically
lay eyes on a bigfoot,
You can't say it's a bigfoot.
Hey, look up here
on the top here.
You see the stones up here?
You want to check it out?
Let's do it.
There's a lot of activity
through here.
Look at the soil.
Oh, this is a deep trench.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, whoa.
This is wild, man.
Mireya, ronny, this is bryce.
Do you read me?
Hey, bryce.
We're here.
So you're not going
to believe this,
But russell just found
another cave entrance.
Mireya, ronny, this is bryce.
Do you read me?
Hey, bryce.
We're here.
So you're not going
to believe this,
But russell just found
another cave entrance.
That's unbelievable.
Where are you guys?
We are on the opposite side
of that hill.
We'll head
right over then.
We'll see you here soon.
After scouring the area
a 100-year-old abandoned mine,
Bryce and russell have
discovered a second mine shaft
On the opposite side
of the ridge.
Russell: That is a huge,
huge opening.
The other opening, the other
side of that hillside.
I wouldn't be surprised at all
if this connects to that.
That's where our clearing is,
our nest.
This is the perfect way
to travel through this area.
These mine shafts
could be connected.
What better way to slip
into one and disappear?
This might be the answer.
Narrator: The team believes
this mine may function
Not just as
a refuge for bigfoot,
But also as an escape route.
If it does connect
to the other mine,
It would allow covert travel
from the corridor,
Where they believe
bigfoot has been hunting,
To the vast forest to the north.
Let's do this
Watch where we step.
Russell and bryce first
inspect the opening
For any evidence confirming
a massive creature
Has been moving in
and out of the mine.
As you approach it, you want
to look every inch of the way
Before you get to that surface.
For sure.
Because if there's
a good footprint,
You don't want
to miss it.
Look how this stuff has been
pressed into this mud.
Since the rain,
which was earlier today,
Something has pressed
All this stuff down
into the soil.
There's been a lot of traffic
in and out of there.
All these branches, man,
Something has been traveling
up and down this way.
- Russ.
- Over here!
Over here!
You are not going
to believe this.
Oh, wow.
Look at the entrance
to that.
Russell: Hey, without going
right up into it,
Right here, we found
all this stuff is pressed
Down into the dirt
right through here
And right through here,
especially right in this area.
I mean, doesn't this
just look flat,
Kind of, like, trodden-through?
- Yeah.
Mireya: It looks like
somebody's walkway.
This one is big,
But it just doesn't have
enough definition
Where it warrants
taking out the scanner.
Should we take
a closer look?
I don't want to step on anything
we might want to analyze here,
So I'll try and tread carefully.
Ronny: Tell me
you can't smell that.
Oh, my god.
That is the same smell
that we hear
In all of our testimonials.
- Yeah.
Bryce: I never that smelled
that before.
That skunkyThat is such
a gamy, skunky smell.
That is strong.
It is, man.
This was one of the most
significant finds
We've had out here
the whole time.
This cave is perfect habitat
for anything out here
That wanted to remain hidden.
I feel like all of the answers
that we've been desperately
Searching for lie
inside those caves.
You guys, this is huge,
really huge.
I want to go in there so bad.
Russell: How do we do that
Well, in just a few hours,
The drone team
will allow us to see inside.
Tomorrow, it's literally
the last day here,
And we're gonna be
able to go inside
And see what's been hiding
from us all this time.
Narrator: Today marks the final
day that data analysis suggests
Bigfoot will be
in the target zone.
The team is making
their way back
To what they believe could be
the entrance to the mine shaft
That could function
as bigfoot's escape route.
- Hey.
- Hey, guys. How we doing?
- Good to see you guys.
- Absolutely.
Bryce: Well, let me introduce
you to the team,
Dr. Mireya mayor.
- Hi.
This is ronny.
Narrator: A team of drone
specialists have arrived
To inspect the abandoned mines
that could contain a toxic
And possibly deadly material.
Well, I'm glad the coordinates
worked out all right.
We managed to find you.
Everything is pointing
to these mine shafts,
But because we can't explore
this cave in person,
I made some arrangements
for some drone experts
To get into that mine shaft
and put eyes on anything inside.
So how does this work?
Is this similar
to regular drones
That we can get out there?
It's very different.
The founders of our company
Used to build navigation
systems for spacecraft.
And we've applied those ideas
to this drone.
Drones, they need a sense
of direction
With a compass signal
of some sort.
They also need gps.
We use
geometric algebra.
That allows us to solve
the problem of stability
Without gps,
without a compass signal.
They are
meant to go places
Where you wouldn't normally
send a human being.
I'm excited to see
this thing work.
Narrator: This drone is able to
travel without relying on gps
Through the use
of onboard telemetry,
Which can calculate
the aircraft's exact location
Hundreds of feet
beyond a direct line of sight.
Very cool.
Well, let's see what we find.
Bryce: They're the only ones
that do this in the world.
We're extremely lucky
to have them here,
And the idea is
that they will be able
To provide us with the answers
that we're looking for.
I feel like everything has been
leading up to this.
All the signs are pointing
to these mine shafts.
It all comes down
to this moment.
Narrator: The team will be able
to monitor the progress
In real time from a dual set
of video feeds
Captured from the drone's
point of view.
I have two monitors here,
So I'll be flying
through the larger one.
That will be my low latency,
So that's for
my navigation purposes,
And this is the actual
inspection camera up here.
Let's fly this bird.
Russell: So this is
the moment of truth.
Line it up
towards the mine.
Watching this thing lift off
and advance
Towards the mouth of this cave,
I'm thinking,
"is bigfoot in there?"
Finally, we'll find the truth.
Line it up towards the mind.
Narrator: On the final day
of their investigation,
The team is stationed outside
the opening of an abandoned mine
That they believe
could be the home of bigfoot.
The mine could contain a highly
toxic mineral called cinnabar,
So they're sending
in a specialized drone
To investigate.
Wow, it goes really deep
in there, doesn't it?
It kept going, and you could
no longer see it,
Couldn't even hear it anymore.
It went so far back in.
What an incredible
piece of equipment.
These are big caves.
There's a lot of space in there.
There's definitely adequate room
for something to live in there.
Oh, wow.
It goes back a lot further.
Bryce: That's amazing.
Russell: So I'm watching
on the screen, just thinking
That we're gonna see exactly
what we've come here to find.
Squires: Let's see how far back
we can go.
- Oh, wow.
Mireya: Oh.
What is going on?
I'm not sure.
Something was almost
shaking it.
- Is it good now, though?
- Yeah.
- What's wrong?
Squires: I'm losing signal.
That's not good.
lost it.
Your light
just turned red.
I lost it.
Bryce: What do you mean
you lost it?
It went from almost a perfect
connection to just disconnected.
Has that ever
happened before?
I have hundreds of hours
flying this drone,
And I've never seen
that happen.
It just flipped red.
Help me out here.
Let's take a look and see
if we can reconnect.
The drone
literally went down.
The entire thing shut down
and hit the ground.
That's strange.
Ronny: This thing has technology
designed for spacecraft.
It should be able to handle
something like this.
I think something else
is affecting it.
I don't know what it is.
The only thing that would affect
the flight in that way
Would either be wind
of some kind
Or a change in gravity,
which is not likely.
Once again, we're having
electronic issues.
- Yep.
- That's really strange.
In the past few days,
we've confronted difficulties
With the electronic equipment.
I don't know if it's just
the environment
Or there's something deeper,
more menacing happening.
Something is obviously messing
With the electronics
around here.
But we never reached the end,
so how do we know
That this doesn't connect
to the second?
We don't,
but that's a good idea.
Maybe we should reposition
to the second cave site
And see if we can
reconnect over there.
Sounds good.
The team will reposition
To the mouth of the other mine.
They believe
the two mines connect
And that the drone is so deep
into the tunnel it may be easier
To reacquire the drone's signal
from the other side.
We're here.
That's ominous.
Most definitely.
Narrator: The drone team will
attempt to reconnect
And fly the drone
towards their location.
Let me try to see
if I can get a signal back.
I'll let you do your thing.
Did you get it back?
It's not connecting.
Russell: Well, let's give it
one more try.
- There we go.
- Oh, there we go.
Oh, wow.
You can actually
see better.
Ronny: That means the two caves
do connect.
It could be massive
inside there.
I think I got it all back now.
- Yeah.
- Let's keep going.
We're arming.
There's another opening.
It looks like two tunnels
in there.
Holy cow.
That's wild.
The team has discovered
That not only does
the mine shaft connect
To the tunnel on the opposite
side of the ridge,
But it splits off into
a separate cave headed due west.
Curving to the right.
Narrator: The pilot is now
steering the drone west
Through the new tunnel.
If you could lean it
down a little.
Bryce: And that's a little
further away.
What is that on the floor?
That's interesting.
- Wow.
- What is that?
Does that look like
nesting materials?
Possible, sure.
Move in a little closer.
Isn't that
the weirdest thing?
Let's keep going.
Narrator: The team has
reconnected with the drone.
What is that on the floor?
240 feet into
the abandoned mine system
That's interesting.
- Wow.
- What is that?
Does that look like
nesting materials?
Absolutely amazing.
Seeing this green foliage
hundreds of feet
Into this tunnel where there's
no sunlight leads me to believe
That something is bringing
in these plants
Because they couldn't
grow there naturally.
Maybe something is bringing it
in for bedding.
Ronny: Isn't that
the weirdest thing?
Russell: Yeah.
It's wild.
Let's keep going.
The mine separates again.
Narrator: The drone has come
To yet another fork
in the mine shaft.
This new tunnel
appears to lead south.
Seeing this cave, there could be
an entire network
Of underground mine shafts
to go in and out of freely
And stay out of our view.
We're gonna find
our answers here.
I know it.
Can you fly the drone
down that tunnel?
Let me try to
I'm actually getting really
erratic behavior.
That's weird.
Whoa, what's wrong with it?
Bryce: What's happening?
Is it stuck in there?
I'm gonna bring it out.
Coming out.
Narrator: After unexplained
telemetry issues,
The team has chosen
to extract the drone
Before being able
to fully determine
The complexity
of the mine system.
I got it to the entrance.
I don't want to risk going any
deeper in there after that.
Russell: It was heartbreaking
Knowing that we still don't know
how deep that cave was, no idea.
Bryce: I wish we would have been
able to find more evidence
Using those drones,
possibly get eyes on something.
I think it was pretty
unfortunate what happened
Inside that cave,
but it was surprising to learn
How many tubes
there are around this area.
It's a possible labyrinth,
so it just gives more credence
To the fact that something large
and ominous
Would be able to move around
this mountainous area
Without being detected.
What is that?
Are those hairs?
- That looks like hair.
- That looks like hair.
- We got some hairs.
- That looks like hair.
Squires: Those are
actual hairs there.
Ronny: Why don't we grab
a sample of that?
Yeah. I've got my backpack
with tweezers and stuff.
Nobody touch that.
Let me go grab it.
Could that be cougar hair?
- I don't know.
- That's pretty small.
When the drone was flying
Throughout those mine shafts,
It actually got hairs
attached to it on the rotors.
I really want to try
and analyze those.
There's huge clumps
right here,
And that's what
I'm going for first.
Look at that.
So I wonder if the hair
could be something
That was drug in there
and consumed?
Or it could be whatever
is living there.
It's a very light color.
It's like a whitish-tan.
They're not all
white, guys.
There's some reddish-brown
in there.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, wow.
- Got it.
- Alright.
Look at that, you guys.
That's long.
Russell: The last three weeks,
we gathered a lot of evidence.
We've had thermal imaging.
We've had sounds.
We've had nests,
But here,
on the last day,
That hair that had gotten
caught in the propellers
Could actually provide
the answers we're looking for.
If we can prove beyond a shadow
of a doubt
That there was something
in that mine shaft
That is not in the database,
we have so much other evidence.
That's all I need.
Mireya: It's always tough when
an expedition comes to an end,
But measuring the success of
an expedition is even tougher.
You don't always find exactly
What it is
that you're looking for,
But if you learn something
during your research
That will ultimately lead you
to finding what it is
That you're looking for,
then that's success.
Also, we still have
hair samples to analyze.
We have footage to analyze.
In some ways, this is not
the end of the expedition,
And I want to be shown more.
I want to see more.
I want to come out here,
and I want to find this thing,
And I hope I get that chance.
[ keys clacking ]
So I am back in l.A.,
And although
it's been a few months
Since we've left central oregon,
the evidence keeps piling in.
I have the test results
from the hairs
That we found
in the mine shaft.
Six of those hairs came back
as being deer or elk,
Which is, you know,
no surprise there,
But under the microscope,
Two of the hairs
share the characteristics
Of what many believe
are hairs from bigfoot.
I had them both sent out
for testing,
And I just got back the results,
And they both came back
as belonging to human.
That may sound disappointing,
but it's actually not.
First of all,
both of these hairs
Were found in a place
that humans do not go,
At the end of
a poisonous mine shaft.
Second of all,
many anthropologists,
Including dr. Jeffrey meldrum,
Thinks that we just haven't
sequenced enough dna
To find those rare markers
That differentiate
between bigfoots and humans.
So in other words, bigfoots and
humans may be so close
That you can't tell
the difference between our dna,
But that's not the only update
I have for you.
We set up the camera which runs
24 hours a day from the time
We set it up until the time
we left the location.
That's quite a lot of footage
to go through,
But after scanning
through it again and again,
I found something that, quite
honestly, left me speechless.
What I found was passing
between these trees
Is what appears to be
a large, humanoid figure.
Look, I'll play it again.
You can clearly see
that it's walking.
Maybe that's a hunter.
We were there for 21 days
and didn't see a single person
Other than the people that
were involved in our expedition.
Plus, it certainly wasn't
hunting season
When we were there,
And when you put together
the composite picture
Of all the evidence that
we found on this investigation,
There's only one thing in my
mind of what that could be.
Now, I'm not definitively saying
that that's a bigfoot,
But it's just indicative
of how close we came
On this expedition.
That footage was taken
just a few minutes' walk
From where we were at the time,
And that's the difference,
That's the difference
just a few minutes
Can make of leaving empty-handed
And coming home
with groundbreaking evidence
That would change
the world forever.
All I can say is that
I know our algorithm works.
I know that because of the piles
of evidence
That our team
collected in the field,
And that tells me
that we are not done.
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