Exploding Kittens (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Let the Games Begin

[tools clattering]
[ominous music playing]
[Godcat screaming]
- [brakes screeching]
- [magical music playing]
[radar beeping]
[door squeaking]
[suspenseful music playing]
[dramatic sting]
[muffled mumbling]
Toothy! Toothy. Chill out.
It's me, God. Shh.
God? In a cat's body?
Wearing toddler pajamas?
Dude, if you wanted
to have another costume orgy,
I'd have brought
my Winnie the Pooh outfit, man.
Sorry for tricking you.
You know,
normally I'd never abuse tooth code,
but I need a ride.
A ride? To where?
Heaven. I'm getting my job back.
[theme music playing]
[Godcat] Long story short,
Heaven and Hell are merging.
The boards are picking a new CEO,
and I need to get up there
to throw my hat in the ring.
Oh yeah. The merger.
They're already redoing the offices.
They converted all the toilets
to be open-air experiences.
What? You know about the merger too?
Why didn't Cheryl tell me?
[sighs] This is why I didn't mention
any assistants in the Bible. Useless.
Hey, maybe I should throw my hat
in the ring to be CEO.
I got lots of good ideas. Like,
you know how people have morning breath?
- What about afternoon breath, huh?
- Uh-huh.
Or what if you could remove your tongue
and rub it on stuff to taste it?
- Let's see what else. I've got a
- [song playing on radio]
[Herb] ♪for some trouble
Outside of town ♪
Take a hoe for a soul
Who had to go down ♪
But a shovel cost ten
And you only got five ♪
Need a deal that's a steal
Don't you give me no jive ♪
Ain't no shame in whiskey for breakfast
No shame in finding a fair price ♪
Buy your wife that diamond necklace ♪
- Cubic zirconium will also suffice ♪
- Mmm.
She won't notice believe me, boys ♪
[Herb laughing]
[Marv grunting]
- [door closes]
- Abbie? You here?
- [dog whimpering]
- [Abbie grunting]
Hey, hon.
This corgi got into
the employee locker room
and ate my favorite sports bra.
What's up?
Grabbed this for dinner.
I figured Greta likes chicken,
and Travis likes things
that have been graphically murdered, so
Oh. I thought you and I could go out
for dinner.
Maybe that pub
near the comic book store you go to?
I can't. I have to work late.
Our janitor got poached by a rival store
and those vomit puddles
aren't gonna mop themselves.
How about tomorrow night?
Dice rolling symposium at the Game Café.
Wouldn't you rather go have a fun,
romantic adventure with your wife
than play Monopoly with strangers?
Okay. Well, A, I despise Monopoly.
A game where a hat can own a hotel?
That's a bridge too far.
And B, I play games with strangers
because you stopped going with me.
You stopped caring about
everything I like.
Yeah, because I'm not a twelve-year-old.
[soft music playing]
You know those strangers
you're talking about?
They don't mind
that I get Spider-Man henna.
They actually like the person I am.
- [yelps]
- Ooh.
[dog panting]
[video game music playing]
[player panting, grunting]
Yes, achievement unlocked.
Fifty grand worth of Beanie Baby NFTs.
Oh, hey, guys. What's going on?
Do we have a rumble today
with another gang I didn't know about?
[motorcycle engine revving]
Aidan? What do you want?
Shut up, you two-faced r r rat boy.
Aidan told me that you're always
making f fun of my internet connection.
It's not my fault
my area only has S Spectrum.
Aidan, that was a private convo.
Guess you're too stupid to get it.
We're kicking you off our team.
[dramatic tone]
[Travis moaning, groaning]
Even you, KingBallSack?
[grunting, crying]
[school bell ringing]
You turned our whole team against me?
I've been through enough family court
to know custody is about who acts first.
Unless both parties refuse custody,
but then the stenographer
will usually give you a ride home.
Face it, I won and you lost, jerk.
[all] Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
[boy] Kick his ass!
- [all] Fight!
- [chuckles nervously]
Um, I don't really fight.
Uh, I make love, not war.
[dramatic music playing]
[both grunting]
[all laughing]
[Aidan exclaims]
[cameras clicking]
[Aiden crying]
[somber music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
Ah, come on, seriously?
I swear it's just the fillings.
- [music continues]
- [Godcat panting]
Hold it right there.
God! Um Hi, we were just
I know exactly what you were just.
You sent me to Earth
to get me out of the way,
so you could negotiate a merger,
didn't you? Didn't you?
Fine. You got us.
But look, that doesn't make the reason
we sent you down any less true.
You have been phoning it in for years.
And look at what humans did
when left to their own devices.
They spent a decade trying
to line up candy on their phones.
You know what?
[breathing in deeply]
Ooh. You're right.
I saw humans going astray,
and I didn't care.
But something happened down on Earth.
At first, I was helping humans
just to get back up to Heaven.
But after a while, I started to help them
because I actually cared about them.
Like, all humans? Even the ones
who take their shoes off on airplanes?
Crazy as it seems, yeah.
You have to care about these idiots
if you're going to help them,
and I'm the only one who does.
So you should pick me as the new leader.
What? No!
He's the reason we're in this mess!
- Just hire me and then we can
- I think we should consider him.
I propose we do what gods have been doing
for control of the universe
for millions of years.
God Games!
[dramatic music playing]
- [board member] You can't be serious.
- Those haven't been done in ages.
- Think of the ratings.
- So barbaric.
Juggernaut guaranteed.
Could you, uh, give us a moment?
What the heck are you doing?
[sighs] Beelzebub,
no one in Hell respects you.
Remember that feces sprayed on the hood
of your car in the parking lot?
A guy in accounting did that.
[gasps] You told me
one of the gargoyles had IBS!
And they don't respect you
because this job was given to you.
If you don't face legitimate competition,
well, it'll just be more of the same.
It's settled.
You two will compete.
- [chair scrapes]
- [clears throat]
Don't forget the other tradition
of the God Games, your mortal advisor.
Every god contestant must work
alongside a mortal of their choice.
Okay, here we go.
Classic two-party system.
Why don't you change it up for once?
Include an orthodontic enthusiast
with fresh ideas?
Oh, for the love Fine.
We'll allow a handful
of other candidates too.
Let it be known across the universe!
God Games shall commence!
[echos] Commence!
- [dramatic music playing]
- [groaning]
[echo continues] Commence!
[echo continues] Commence!
You have one hour
to go back down to Earth,
choose your mortal advisor,
and then you'll be transported
back for the games.
[both screaming]
Ugh. Could that ride be any bumpier?
That's the first thing I'm fixing
when I'm CEO.
That and the stench up there,
like a rotting strawberry.
Yeah, a fairy died
in an AC vent a few years back
and we can't find him.
Oh, awfully convenient that
when you're about to lose your job,
you suddenly care about Earth.
You're the one who invented the plague
because you wanted to cut back
on your hours.
Well, you're the one who tricked me
into showing you how to do a job
you're wildly underqualified for.
You, madam, are the Kelly to my Regis.
It's on.
I'm gonna win this thing
and keep you from ruining my creation,
no matter what.
And now, I just need to find the smartest
and best human on Earth.
Maybe a brain surgeon
or a nuclear physicist.
Or that Papa John's guy,
you know who I mean.
He looks like Dracula got Botox,
then drowned.
Hey, whatcha working on?
To combat human-driven climate change,
I'm breeding a squirrel
that absorbs carbon.
Only tough part is getting a squirrel
to mate with a tree.
- But I have a solution.
- Gosh, you're so smart.
Plus, I love that outfit.
Where did you get it?
Okay, listen. Heaven and Hell are merging.
They're going to pick a new CEO
using an age-old God competition.
I'm going up against Godcat
and some other candidates.
We each get to have a human advisor,
and I'd like you to be mine.
Why should I help you and not Godcat?
Okay, well, I have a bachelor's degree
in trickery and deception.
From where?
Arizona State.
What if I put you on the board?
You could rewrite the laws of physics
or create those carbon squirrels
by making trees hornier. Huh? Huh?
Well, you are a good candidate,
and Godcat hasn't been a very good leader,
and I did like the part
where you bribed me.
Okay, I'm in.
[Travis screaming]
What the hell was that?
[ominous music playing]
[phone beeping]
[music continues]
[song playing on phone speakers]
- [phone beeping]
- [groaning]
[ominous music playing]
Marvelous Bulkington?
I'm Agent Tatum. This is Agent Brown.
We're feds.
Feds? Like FBI agents?
Did we say FBI? No, we're
from the Food and Drug Administration.
We're federal agents too, you know.
The FBI doesn't own the word.
We have reason to believe
the organic chicken meat you sell here
is actually pigeon meat.
What? That's absurd. I was just
That's not all.
We also have reason
to believe Big Bulk is involved
in all sorts of crimes.
Money laundering, counterfeit cheesing,
hard to hear loudspeakers,
unflattering lighting!
Are those last ones even crimes?
[chuckling] Ooh.
Looks like we got a lawyer on our hands.
Well, counselor, I'll have you know
those are drummed-up charges,
which are the worst kind.
But we'll consider dropping them
if you're willing to cooperate.
Me, cooperate?
Well, Mr. Bulkington,
you're CEO, aren't you?
Then the buck stops with you.
Now, we have a warrant here
to search the premises,
and, uh Ugh! You didn't get it signed!
Oh. So now I'm in charge
of the a cappella group
and getting warrants signed?
Well, this is a bit awkward,
but you wouldn't be willing
to let us look around without a warrant,
would you? To like, uh, do us a solid?
Um No?
We'll be back in the morning.
Oh, no. Here's another handwritten receipt
from Big Bulk to Herb Bulkington.
This one is for ten thousand copies
of an album called Rhythm in Bulk.
And you better sit down for this one.
The store paid a million bucks for it.
Well, it's very listenable.
Oh man, this is bad.
The feds are coming back in the morning.
If there's anything
that incriminates Big Bulk,
we got to find it before
[knocking on door]
Hi, hon. I brought ice cream.
Whoa. What happened in here?
Um, oh, nothing you should be compelled
to acknowledge knowing about under oath.
I mean,
this is just how Dad kept his office.
Isn't that right, Percy?
I have never been in this office,
nor am I here now. Excuse me.
What was that about?
Oh, you know Percy.
Lost his arm in a trash compactor.
Lost his mind
huffing Glade plugins. [chuckles]
This isn't a great time, Abbie.
You should go.
Marv, honey, I owe you an apology.
Accepted. Okay, I should get back
When we got married,
I figured we'd be one of those fun,
exciting couples,
like Mr. and Mrs. Smith or Bones
and her boyfriend with the giant face.
And over time,
I got frustrated I wasn't accomplishing
Mission Perfect Marriage.
And now
I'm seeing how far we've drifted apart,
but I want us to drift back to each other
because I love you.
- [sighing]
- [soft music playing]
Okay. Drive safe. Bye-bye, now.
- [rustling]
- [ominous music playing]
[gasping, grunting]
I shouldn't have had
Korean tacos for lunch.
[epic music playing]
[music stops abruptly]
Oh, would you come on already?
[Travis groaning]
For the last time, I don't wanna be
in some stupid competition!
There's an online petition
to have my citizenship revoked.
Where would I go?
I don't speak Spanish at all,
and I can barely speak Cuban.
- [mystical music playing]
- [unicorns neighing]
Now you listen to me, young man.
You've got all the traits we need
to win this thing. You're good at games.
You're free for the next couple of hours.
You're currently near me. You can do this!
What do you say?
[grunting] Up you get.
[grunting continues]
- [mystical music playing]
- [unicorns neighing]
[all chanting] God Games! God Games!
God Games! God Games! God Games!
God Games! God Games! God Games!
[perilous music playing]
Rudolph, with your nose so bright,
won't you eat my fists tonight?
For your sake, I hope they have
a good funeral home in Flavortown.
Welcome to God Games!
The ultimate test of the qualifications
of a deity in mind and spirit.
Now let the games begin.
- [buzzer blaring]
- [people cheering]
[dramatic music continues]
[music continues]
[ax swishing]
Whoa-ho! Good advising, Travis. Well done.
- [roaring]
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- [yelps]
Strange, without any calculating,
I just felt this urge to save you.
- [screaming]
- [roaring]
[stomach grumbling]
[sword swishing]
[crowd chanting] God Games! God Games!
God Games! God Games! God Games!
[bell ringing]
["You're the Best"
by Joe "Bean" Esposito playing]
And a man's gotta learn to take it ♪
Try to believe
Though the going gets rough ♪
That you gotta hang tough to make it ♪
Not like this. Not again!
- [screams]
- [bell dings]
Never doubt that you're the one
And you can have your dreams ♪
You're the best around ♪
Great British Bake-Off?
Humans love it.
Guess it's like a cozy blanket
when your planet is full
of wildfires and monkeypox
You're the best around ♪
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down ♪
[crowd cheering]
Fight 'til the end ♪
[bell dings]
On the strength
That you have inside you ♪
Ah, gotta be proud
Standing out in the crowd ♪
When the odds and the game defy you ♪
Try your best to win them all
And one day time will tell ♪
[crowd booing]
When you're the one
That's standing there ♪
[both yell]
[bell dings]
You're the best ♪
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down ♪
You're the best around ♪
Donkey sauce!
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down ♪
[bell ringing]
[mumbling, groaning]
Mmm, mmm, mmm.
[Aslandeus] That's it, folks.
We're down to our last two competitors
who'll compete in the finale
for all the marbles.
We are going to take a short intermission,
so go refill your sixteen-dollar beers.
You won't wanna miss this.
[crowd] Yeah!
You're the best around ♪
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down ♪
[stomach rumbling]
[burping, gulping]
- [ominous music playing]
- [grunting]
[bushes rustling]
Who's there?
- [screaming]
- [body thuds]
[sinister music playing]
God, what a year it's been.
One minute you pass out with a DiGiorno
in the oven and burn down Heaven,
and the next you're competing
to be CEO again.
How have you made it this far
in the competition?
First and foremost,
my faith in me. I am good,
and I don't give myself anything more
than I can handle in one day.
I'm also currently on steroids
to treat the worms I got
from lick-washing my genitals. [laughs]
That's great.
And Beelzebub, big year for Hell too.
You launched a new non-alcoholic vodka.
Your company, Spirit Airlines,
started packing children
into overhead bins.
Then you're sent to Earth in a cat's body.
I have to ask, who dressed you tonight?
Are you serious?
That's the question you're asking me?
Okay, I think we got it. Thanks.
[male voice] Yeah!
[crowd cheering]
[sighing] Good job.
You too.
Look, whatever happens out there,
if I win,
there'll always be a place for you
in the company.
- Do you know anything about running HR?
- Don't be an idiot.
You can't have me around
if you're running things
and vice versa.
So this is
Yes, this is it
like it it.
Okay. Let's focus.
I've cross-referenced every competition
in the God Games archives.
Typically, the final event involves
a team challenge with your advisor.
Famously, Hercules was teamed
with a pterodactyl
who chewed his legs off.
- Now, I think we should
- [retching]
Why do you keep vomiting?
I don't know.
I've been feeling off for a while.
I keep throwing up,
my nipples are sore and discolored.
I'm bloated. I missed my period.
Must be a virus going around.
Um Or you're pregnant?
Geez. How bad was that Incubus
at describing the birds
and the bees to you?
[chuckling] Pregnant? That is insane.
I can't be pregnant. I haven't even
Oh no.
["Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol playing]
If I lay here ♪
If I just lay here ♪
Oh God.
[mysterious tone]
[closing theme music playing]
[music ends]
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