Extinct (2017) s01e08 Episode Script

Death Did Us Part

Hey! Oh, geez.
You want to look before you come at someone? Shouldn't you be with your squad? Rowyn will have your hide if you ditched your post.
I came to get you.
What's wrong? - Skin Riders.
- What? - How many? - Relax.
All right? There was two, they're dead.
I got one, Thomas got the other back at Green Valley.
And you left your squad? There's somethin' else.
The Skin Riders weren't alone.
They were following reborns.
Sparks are making people again, people we know.
Who? Who is it, Nico? It's your parents, Kylie.
DUNCAN: My companion has been calling to Silas all morning, and getting no response.
Are you sure you programmed that drone right? Maybe you didn't program the drone right and that was your plan all along.
To kill Silas like you tried to kill me.
JAX: I tied you to a tree, Duncan.
If I meant to kill you I would've used a more enjoyable method.
Like programming a drone to kill me? My knowledge comes from the Ancestor.
Have you lost your faith? SILAS: Well? RED: Escape will be difficult.
The entire camp is watching us.
If Jax finds out you did the opposite of what he intended, he'll kill us both.
I freed you of the parasite, Silas.
If that costs me my life, then so be it.
Why are you being kind to me? If you knew what I've done as a Skin Rider, you wouldn't be so eager to help.
No one is so far gone that they are undeserving of kindness.
If you can cure me, why not cure the others? You are not cured.
I've merely severed the parasite's control over you, but it will try and retake you.
Rapid growth, organ seizure, you will not survive.
So I'll die here? A-Alone? Escape is difficult, not impossible.
If you've got a plan, let's hear it.
Manipulating Silas' neural pathways has caused swelling in his frontal lobe, he must be kept in an induced sleep while he recovers.
Should've thought this through, Jax.
Killing our priest won't exactly endear you to the Ancestor.
Or to our people.
When Silas wakes, tell him I went north.
Two of our brothers were killed, we'll find who's responsible.
I will relay your message.
You trust that thing? Stay here.
Post two guards outside the tent.
No one leaves.
Especially not the drone.
Let's go.
Show me their necks.
They already checked.
We're not Skin Riders.
We're looking for survivors from a settlement.
Don't talk.
Don't move.
They're clean.
That's a warm reception.
You brought Riders into my territory.
Don't expect a red carpet.
Bury the bodies, hide the Graves.
Thomas! Take Raven and signal to the other scouts.
Everyone back to Pine Lake, all tracks covered.
You used that little girl to draw us and the Skin Riders here so you could ambush them.
Raven did what had to be done.
- She's a child! - Who was smart enough, to end a threat to her people.
A threat that you brought, by the way.
We didn't know they were tailing us, or that you were here.
So you're ignorant and foolish.
And grateful.
Why did you scan us? - To check for the parasite? - Diseases.
Glad to know we have a clean bill of health.
- I'm Ezra, this is Ly - Lynn.
Yeah, I know who you are.
You're from the original Settlement? I can't say if it was the original Settlement or not.
But yeah that's how I know you.
Name's Rowyn.
We're looking for our daughter, Kylie.
Is she here? You answer my questions and then maybe I answer yours.
How many people are at the Settlement? There are four of us.
Two stayed behind.
- Names? - A man and a woman.
Abram and Feena.
Feena I like.
Abram I'll kill on sight.
Well Why would you kill Abram? Unresolved issue.
- Stay out of the mud! - Sorry.
You'll leave tracks.
It's a miracle you two have survived this long considering how careless you are.
Is Kylie here? What's your last memory of Kylie? Her death.
During the invasion.
So you have no memory of her in the Settlement? No recollection of her growing up? Nothing of the last 12 years of her life? So she is alive? She's alive.
But she's not your little girl anymore.
Technically, she was never your girl at all.
You're just copies.
Keep that in mind.
Are you taking us to her? I'm not taking you anywhere, you're following.
BUT KNOW THIS: If you come with me, you can never leave.
Why not? Because if the Riders get you they'll know your mind.
And in your mind will be the location of Pine Lake, and then everyone I know and love will be dead because you led them to us.
So, come or go, I don't care.
But if you're coming, you're staying.
Kylie, wait! My parents returned from the dead and you're going to tell me to wait? We all returned from the dead.
Can we talk about this? You can't go running back into their arms.
- They're my parents.
- They looked like your parents.
Maybe they're not.
Maybe it's your parents bodies with other people's brain states, we don't know yet.
Abram said that the Sparks and the drones would never do that.
Well, Abram was wrong about a lot of things.
And if they are your parents, maybe you want to think about what you're going to say to them about us? They're going to tell you you're too young to get married.
- You don't know that.
- Yes I do, that's what parents do, they object.
Well it's none of their business.
All right.
Well, good luck convincing them of that.
My parents liked you.
Yeah, as a nice kid around the Settlement, not as a son-in-law.
Besides, they looked at me like they didn't even know me.
How could they not know you? What if they were reborn with their original brain states? We recorded brain states at the Settlement all the time.
Yeah I know, but what if? Hey, they looked younger, Kylie, ten years at least.
You need to accept the possibility that these people aren't the parents you remember.
There are no Skin Riders within a one-mile radius.
You sure? My scans are thorough.
Keep a look out.
If you see anything, come get us.
If this buried drone is smashed to pieces like Yellow says, it's not salvageable.
We don't need the parts, just the data.
Anything that can tell us more about the Settlement.
It's been in the ground awhile, Abram.
Water damage, dirt, decomposition.
We won't recover any data.
We won't know if we don't try.
If the drone's buried here, then why does it look like the grave of an adult? Maybe the settlers didn't want to draw attention to it.
Maybe, we shouldn't be digging it up.
Aren't you curious to know what's stored on the drone? Maybe it knows where the Ancestor is, or how Duncan became infected.
Or nothing at all.
They buried it, Feena.
And they showed it the same respect they showed each other.
If they thought it that valuable, maybe we will too.
There may be more Riders.
Move everyone deeper into the caves and try not to frighten the children.
I thought you said you lived at Pine Lake? Where's the lake? There isn't one.
That's the point.
If the Riders catch wind of Pine Lake, this is the last place they'll look.
They look at you and see ghosts.
Both of us are dead? We were told that I came off with Kylie.
You did.
What happened to me? Before coming here, we lived in trees to the west.
Hidden well, or so we thought.
Riders attacked in the night.
Only 19 of us escaped.
We all would have died if not for you.
How did I die? Silas killed you.
- Silas? - Yes, your brother.
We'd all still be in the Settlement if not for him.
And Kylie wouldn't be an orphan.
She's not an orphan anymore.
We'll see.
If you're one of us, you fight with us.
I'm not much of a fighter.
Then you're not the Lynn I knew.
You realize this makes us grave robbers? Looks worse than I thought.
Yellow? The core is badly damaged, but some of the data may be salvageable.
Any brain states? I won't know until I'm hardwired to the core.
Feena, I will require your assistance.
That's the best I can do.
Sloppy work but Sufficient.
Thank you.
Can you access anything? I have downloaded 78 percent of Blue's database.
The remaining 22 percent is corrupted.
What'd you learn? The Settlers recorded their brain states often.
I have their memories.
Then you can tell us what happened to the settlers.
Better if I show you.
Show us? You mean, deep recall? You will not like it, Abram.
Because I suffered when they died? Because it's your fault they died.
You'll sleep here.
It's not as comfortable as the Settlement, but it'll do.
Will the Skin Riders find us here? Let's hope not.
There aren't many of us left.
If we couldn't stop them before, I doubt we could stop them now.
We've endangered them.
There's plenty of distance between where they found us and here.
Not enough.
Rowyn's smart.
Her soldiers are disciplined, they Their soldiers are practically children.
Children who can take care of themselves.
Kylie? Kylie? You have to ask if it's me? You were six years old when we saw you last.
So you don't know me? We want to.
If you let us.
My mother cut her hair short when we came north.
You're younger than she was, too.
Not much older than I am.
I-I know that I look different, but I'm the same person.
And so is your father.
And those aren't your clothes.
They belong to Isabelle and Anish, I know.
I helped make them.
We found them in the Settlement.
Did you find the virus too? Why aren't you sick? The Sparks made a cure.
When your mother was reborn, the Sparks found a way to vaccinate against it.
I was engineered with an immunity.
That's what they do.
They engineer.
They shape us into whatever they want us to be.
They make a duplicate, only it isn't a duplicate because it's been tinkered with, it's been changed.
It only looks like the original.
Look, I I came here to see if you were my parents.
I want you to be.
I'm just not sure if you are yet.
I hope you can understand that.
Let her go.
What just happened? We need to look at this from her perspective.
I am! Sh-She's alone and we're her parents.
Are we? The previous versions of us, they were more her parents than we were.
We raised her until she was six.
She probably doesn't remember that.
Look, our memories of her are not her memories of us.
What do we do then? We prove to her who we are.
How is he? Sleeping.
Solar panels? Heh, need a bit of a recharge, huh? You know, I like having a drone around.
Reminds me of the good old days.
Come on now.
You have my memories.
You know I helped with the project.
You were familiar with the drones.
You were no expert.
Oh, I knew enough to be dangerous.
I turned Yellow off easy enough.
I manipulated you.
Something you will not repeat, I assure you.
Really? TOUCH THAT DRONE and it will be your last act! - What happened to you? - Ambush.
The reborns have found the other settlers.
Why didn't you call? My Companion is injured.
- Let me see Th - THERE'S NO TIME! Take the squad of men to Crow's Creek! My men will meet you there! [PANTING.]
They're gone.
That was smart.
They'll discover it was a trick soon enough.
This way.
Where'd you learn to shoot like that? Nicholas.
We all have to learn.
Protecting the community is everyone's responsibility.
I wish that wasn't the case.
I mean, I wish you didn't feel threatened.
Yeah, well, that's life.
You look the same.
Older of course, but same features.
This is really strange for you, I know.
It's strange for me and your mom, too.
She's not my mom.
My mom died protecting this community.
Protecting me.
You're right.
She's not the same person who raised you.
She wasn't there for you in the Settlement.
But she is the same human being.
Just as you're the same Kylie that we remember.
I'm not the same Kylie you remember.
I'm not six years old anymore! I don't need the parents of my childhood.
I need the parents of who I am now! And they're already gone.
It's me, Kylie.
I'm the same man.
Same man who left us? Same man who never came back? Do you have any idea what that did to my mother? What that did to me? Look, you're someone from a different time, and so am I.
Maybe we should just accept that.
Spread out.
Look for tracks.
ABRAM: Why is it my fault the settlers died? I will show you.
Be very still.
What is this? This is the previous settlement.
No force field.
There was no need for one Not yet.
Whose memory is this? They should've been back by now.
Ezra! They can't hear or see us.
Hey! They're coming.
That's me.
Find anything? Is that Silas's? I made it for him.
Oh, hey, hey.
You should not be climbing up that ladder.
I tell her that all the time, but she doesn't listen.
Where did you get this? On Silas.
Now don't misunderstand, he's alive.
He attacked us.
Attacked you? Something's wrong.
There was a growth on his neck.
It glowed.
He spoke to us, but it was like Someone else was speaking.
Where was this? Near the old Karik warship to the south.
There's no way you're going out there this late with the temperature dropping.
I'm not leaving my brother out there alone.
Trust me, you should.
Silas was the first Skin Rider.
He went hunting and did not return.
How was he infected? The parasite creates a multicellular structure much like a fungal fruiting body that disperses spores on contact.
Silas breathed in a spore? Or ate an animal that had.
But where did this parasite come from? Why haven't humans ever dealt with it before? The parasite came with the Karik.
It's been on earth since the invasion.
It came in their ships? It came in them.
The Karik are a largely peaceful species.
The ones who attacked earth were controlled by parasites.
They were Skin Riders? Same parasite, different host.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
What? Didn't occur to you I'd use my own men as bait? [ZAPPING.]
Just because they are younger than your parents doesn't mean they aren't your parents.
Everything that is my relationship with my parents, isn't them.
Memories, moments.
They're just strangers.
Strangers who desperately want to know you.
You hate the Sparks and the drones! Why are you supporting this? Because I would give anything to have one hour with my parents, or my husband, or my son.
Even if they didn't know me.
Even if I could only watch them from far off, I would take that hour.
I'm not saying this is easy, Kylie.
I'm saying you've been given something.
And I think you should at least find out what it is before you give it up.
Your blood pressure is dropping.
Breathing's slowing.
The parasite is pressing on your organs and nerves.
Can't you do something? [WHIRRING.]
Is this a dream? A controlled state of consciousness, not unlike hypnosis.
My parents' cabin.
Where you felt most at peace, before the invasion.
You've blocked the pain? Sadly, I can only do so while I keep you in this state.
Parasite's gone, Silas.
This is a safe place.
Grape soda? [LAUGHS.]
We used to drink these all the time when we were kids.
Mom kept them in the fridge in the basement.
Where do you think I got these? [EXHALES.]
You're not the real Ezra, are you? We're playing pretend here.
I'm Ezra's brain state.
The drone is helping because this isn't a memory, but I'm 92 percent Ezra.
I'm dying.
There isn't anything to do about it.
Your body's dying, but you aren't.
Because the drone will preserve my brain state? Because I don't think we die.
Not us, not who we are.
You're getting a little metaphysical on me.
It's not metaphysics, Silas.
It's hope.
I like to think that the universe isn't so cruel that we exist, and then we're forgotten.
It's best that I'm forgotten.
What I've done as a Skin Rider Wasn't you.
Some of it was.
Someone's coming.
Hurry! This way.
Duncan's moving toward the Settlement.
To block our way.
He knows we fooled him.
Why not shoot him with a dart? Jax removed all of my defenses.
Of course he did.
He also removed my ability to project brain states, but he reinstalled that once he thought me under his control.
I don't think that trick will work twice.
I will get you inside the Settlement, Silas.
Because you pity me? Because it's not too late for you to set everything right.
Stay close.
You're a brave boy.
Thomas, isn't it? Do you remember me, Thomas? I'm willing to bet that if we asked you where your people are, you wouldn't tell us.
Even if we tortured you.
Am I right? But you see, we won't have to torture you.
By midday tomorrow, you'll tell us everything, without me even asking.
Rowyn! Thomas hasn't checked in yet.
And several of the lookouts spotted a campfire to the south.
What do we do? You're asking for our advice? We had a council in the Settlement.
We made these decisions together.
Any chance Thomas made that fire? No way, he wouldn't miss check-in either.
Especially when we're on lockdown.
Maybe the campfire's from your people.
Feena and Abram were safe where they are, and they wouldn't risk a fire anyway.
We should assume the worst as a precaution.
That it's Skin Riders? That Thomas has been taken, and infected.
How much time would that give us? Before the parasite takes him? A day, maybe less.
If you don't think you can defend these caves, you have two options.
Either leave, or stay and hope that I'm wrong about Thomas.
If we leave, we expose ourselves.
You lose your defensive position, yes.
There's no cover outside.
We can't move quickly with the children.
Which is why you want to leave immediately.
Give yourselves as much lead time as possible.
- In the dark? - You said it yourself There's not much cover in daylight.
You know this terrain better than they do.
- I assume you've scouted? - Of course we have, but you're asking us to abandon our home, the safest place we know.
And when it might not even be necessary.
If Thomas reveals this location, this isn't a safe place anymore.
Yeah, no thanks to you.
- Nico! - We can defend the caves! I'm not sure we can.
Forgive Nicholas.
He and Thomas were close.
I'd say he and Kylie are close, too.
They're engaged.
I'm probably not supposed to tell you that, but you are her parents.
Or so you tell me.
You still haven't told us why I'm responsible for what happened to the settlers.
It wasn't only you.
The Obelisk bears some responsibility.
You want to make a virus? Our immune systems can't handle the Skin Rider parasite.
Every person who is infected is lost.
But if we make a genetic change in the nucleus of our cells, we could starve the Skin Rider parasite.
Make us resistant to infection.
How many of our people are we going to lose before we do something? You're talking about changing DNA.
I'm not saying there isn't risk.
Well, nobody's touching my DNA.
Or mine.
This isn't my idea.
It came from the Obelisk.
But you think it's worth doing? I trust the Obelisk, and I trust the Sparks.
They'd make the virus.
I say virus and you think "bad," but we have millions of them in us already, and some of them are good! Lynn? You're the medical professional.
We've all lost someone to the parasite.
A friend, a spouse, a parent.
We're all afraid.
But what you're describing, Abram sounds like gene therapy.
Transferred genes could be overexpressed, altered DNA could cause mutations, a lot could go wrong.
The Sparks know what they're doing.
The Sparks have made mistakes.
We can't impose this on anyone.
People have to choose to do this, and understand the risks.
It has to be all of us.
Otherwise those who take the virus might infect those who don't.
Then we separate.
Those who want to take the virus and those who don't.
Leave the Settlement? Until we know if the virus works or not.
Those who take the virus should leave.
I'm not going anywhere.
The virus would likely weaken them temporarily, even if it works.
They'd need rest; They should stay.
This is stupid.
It is my fault.
I killed them all.
Nicholas is right.
You'll be slowly with children.
You're saying that like you're not coming with us.
I could hold them off here for a while.
Give you more time.
If you do that, you might not make it out.
If I do nothing, maybe none of us make it out.
I can't tell you where we're going.
- If you know - I agree.
It's best if I don't know.
I shouldn't have doubted.
That you are who you say you are.
The Ezra I knew this is what he would do.
No! - Listen to me, Lynn.
- No! This is what happened last time.
You went back, and Kylie lost you.
I lost you! - Someone has to stay.
- It doesn't have to be you.
Let the archers do this.
Kylie's an archer, most of them are kids.
They need to protect the others.
I'm not connected to these people.
- It should be me.
- I'm not leaving you.
You said it yourself, not much of a fighter.
Not much of a widow either.
He won't be alone.
I'll stay as well.
The gate's open.
RED: Duncan knows how to open it.
We have a plan.
You! You made me look like a fool! In front of the others.
I mean, a holograph of Jax now that That was sneaky.
Step aside Duncan.
So you can betray us? I'm giving you an order! - As Priest to the Ancestor.
- DO NOT! Profane the Ancestor.
Any priestly authority that you had you lost the instant you turned traitor.
- Are you certain that's what I am? - Your Companion doesn't answer.
You deceived me and you deceived the others.
The Drone and I are recovering the weapon you failed to deliver.
Is Is that your plan here then? To lie your way past me? You think me the fool? Do you have any idea!? What I went through in there!? - Step aside Duncan.
- I never understood.
Why you were Priest anyways.
Considering you have such a weak host.
Was it because you were the first one infected? Huh! Is that your only qualification as Priest? Sheer luck! Stand down Duncan.
Our brothers and sisters deserve a loyal Priest.
Someone true to the mission.
Someone like you? If you ever get out.
Go call the others.
We're going to need some help as well.
It's what you're for Abram, it was the Obelisk.
The Obelisk didn't convince those people.
I did.
You were trying to help them.
They gave it to their children.
Because of me You lied to us.
You told us the virus was a naturally occurring threat.
I assumed that was the case.
No wonder they boarded up the Obelisk.
It killed them.
Yellow might not have known.
But you did.
And you didn't tell us.
And you preach 'Creation' Yet you destroy 'Mercy' Yet you murdered children.
Why? Turn on and answer me! It wasn't murder.
The Originators believed they were helping.
Originators? Beings on the other end of the Obelisk.
They go by many names 'Makers' 'Originators' 'Lifegivers'.
They didn't knowingly kill.
They believed the virus would help.
Why didn't it? It wasn't fast enough.
To work, the virus had to change every cell in the body.
But our immune-system weakened it so much that Only half our cells were changed for too long a time.
At which point our immune-system began attacking The healthy, but changed cells.
The body sees itself like a disease, and destroyed itself.
Autoimmune disease.
No cure.
They had to have known these risks.
We did.
I told everyone of the risks.
The Obelisk hid nothing.
Then why did they do it? Because they didn't want to become Skin Riders and loose who they are.
That's all we have in this world Abram.
Our identity connects us to the people we love.
Losing that.
is worse than death If I failed them than what am I doing here? Why bring me back? Because I'm naïve enough to believe the Obelisk? The Originators believe in you, Abram.
Well the feeling is no longer mutual.
EZRA: Abram! - EZRA: Feena! - LYNN: Open the door! That's Ezra, and Lynn.
Why are you bringing him in here? [GRUNTING.]
Red Close the door! - [PANEL BEEPING.]
ABRAM: What happened? Why is he here? Before you kill me, hear me out.
I wish there was more we could do.
You're leaving your home because of us.
We're leaving our home because of them.
It was time for us to move on anyway.
We'll find you, and we'll bring Thomas with us.
I hope so.
Where's Kylie? She's inside.
And refusing to leave.
She can't stay.
I can't make her go.
If you can convince her, she can catch up.
Hey, are you out of your mind? You need another bow.
And I'm a better shot than you are.
And now Rowyn needs you protecting the others.
If the Skin Riders don't get by us, then the other people won't need protection.
No, I won't allow it.
- Oh, so you command me now? - Of course not! I'm trying to protect you, Kylie.
What do you think I'm doing? If I had would have known you were going to act this way, I wouldn't have stayed.
Well, if you had consulted with me before you made a decision, then maybe you would have known.
That's how marriage works.
We're not married yet.
Or ready to act like it apparently.
I'm not giving up on my parents.
So they're your parents now? They risked their lives to find me.
They don't know me, but they love me.
How can you tell? The way they look at me.
It's the way they've always looked at me.
I don't want to risk losing that again.
I'm here to help you! Like you helped Lynn? [PANTING.]
- That's not me now.
- You expect us to believe that? Ask the drone.
You need Silas, Abram.
Why? We can't destroy the Ancestor without him.
What's wrong with him? The parasite is killing him.
What do we do? Bring him inside.
It's a good lookout spot.
Have you seen anything? I would've told everybody if I had.
Have you been an archer a long time? We learned how to hunt at an early age.
How long have you and Kylie been interested in each other? A while.
That's a vague answer, Nico.
A month? A year? These are the easy questions.
Is that why you came all the way out here? Was to To interview me? To get to know you.
So far I'd say it's going poorly.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I don't mean to come off as defensive.
I can understand why you might be.
Your girlfriend's parents show up when you least expect it.
She's my fiancée.
She's not my girlfriend.
What about your parents? My mother was never reborn.
And my father, he uh He's a Skin Rider.
I'm sorry.
I take care of myself.
And Kylie does, too.
What was our relationship? You and I? Before the other me died? [LAUGHS.]
It was this.
It was you, wary of Kylie and me.
You didn't much like the idea.
Why not? Because you thought that she was too young to be with anybody.
You disagree? Well, this is a different world, Lynn.
This isn't suburbia anymore.
We either build the human race or we die out.
I love Kylie.
And I would die before I let anything happen to her.
I may not be what you had hoped for for her.
But I am something.
Nico! It's Thomas.
Thomas! Where were you? [ARROW WHISTLING.]
- It's all right.
It's going to be all right.
There's something in the tip of the arrow.
The parasite? JAX: EZRA! That's four of my brothers you've killed.
This ends now! [SCANNING.]
How is he? Red is keeping him in an induced coma.
Why? To make him comfortable.
The parasite continues to grow and strangle his brain stem.
If Silas regains consciousness, he will die.

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