Extrapolations (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

2070: Ecocide

Oh, mercy, mercy me ♪
No ♪
Things ain't what they used to be now ♪
Where did all the blue skies go? ♪
Poison is the wind that blows
from north, south, east and west ♪
Oh, mercy, mercy me ♪
Oh, things ain't what they used to be ♪
Now, no ♪
Oil wasted on the
ocean and upon our seas ♪
Time to go, Decima.
Fish full of mercury ♪
Dad, I love this song.
Hey, Dec, who's the millennial?
Please tell me that's not real.
Is that your dad? He
looks fucking weird.
Make it go away.
Oh, things ain't
what they used to be ♪
When you do things like this, you
put us both in a very risky position.
You know that.
Alpha, mute.
You are an extraordinary young
woman, and I am trying to protect you.
I'm sorry.
And him? Really, Decima?
- But I love Tyrone Downs.
You know what he tried
to do to me? To Alpha?
Fucking simulator needs an upgrade.
What's happening?
Really? In front of my daughter?
Get me Turner.
I am recording this in anticipation
of any eventuality that would cause me
to relinquish my position as
CEO of Alpha International.
If you're seeing this, it is because
unforeseen events have occurred,
and immediate action must be taken
for the good of the enterprise.
What happened to Nick?
Arrested. International Criminal Court.
Ecocide. Same thing they
charged the BP board with.
[INHALES DEEPLY] This is for you.
Congratulations on your promotion.
You're the new CEO of Alpha.
Alpha, is Nick Bilton guilty?
[ALPHA] The case of the
International Criminal Court
versus Nicholas Bilton
has not yet begun.
[ALPHA USER 2] Alpha, when
did ecocide become a crime?
[ALPHA] Ecocide officially became
a core international crime in 2050.
- There are no evidences to date
[ALPHA] Punishment for
ecocide is imprisonment
[ALPHA USER 3] Alpha, will
this impact the Alpha drones
that deliver my groceries?
[ALPHA USER 4] Alpha, who
is the lead prosecutor
in the trial against Nick Bilton?
[ALPHA] Prosecutor Lucy
Adobo will be representing
the International Criminal Court.
He deserves to be sent to the
penal colony on Phobos, hmm?
Like the others. Twenty-five years.
The most successful hunters
have more patience than hunger.
And what Alpha did to the mines
alone He should be made to pay.
Money is just another one of his tools.
Hey, it's a tool we can
use to change things.
The law does not apply
to men like Bilton.
I stood outside the
Alpha mines for months.
I remember, Ty. I was there with you.
50,000 workers dying in the hot
sun until we shut that shit down.
Yes, you did.
This ends with him hanging upside down
from a balcony, or it never ends.
[BAILIFF] Hear ye, hear ye.
The International Criminal Courts
Tribunal on Crimes Against the Planet
is now in session.
Nikolai Biltonov, legally registered
as "Nicholas Bilton," please stand.
To the charge of
ecocide, how do you plead?
Not guilty.
These proceedings will be presided
over by three virtual judges,
programmed to create a
universal standard of justice
reflecting legal and ethical
traditions from across the globe.
Do both counsels agree to
accept these rulings as binding?
- I do.
- I do.
[BAILIFF] The court
recognizes Lucy Adobo, Esq,
representing the
International Criminal Court.
Good morning.
This case will establish a premeditated
and carefully executed conspiracy
led by Nicholas Bilton
over the past 50 years
to profiteer from and
proliferate climate change
across the planet in an act of ecocide.
[LUCY] As Mr. Bilton himself
said over 30 years ago
[NICK] Around the turn of this century,
climate change was described
- Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian.
- as a symptom of capitalism.
He rescued you and brought
you into his own home.
[NICK] I'm here to suggest that
capitalism is also the cure.
[LUCY] But rather than
hear the story from me,
no fewer than ten former employees
have agreed to testify to
the matter before the court.
I will now call the first
witness, Dr. Rebecca Shearer.
[LUCY] State your name for the court.
- Dr. Rebecca Shearer.
- [LUCY] And you are currently?
In New York City.
[LUCY] Can you identify Nicholas Bilton?
And is he in the courtroom today?
It's either him or a hologram
of him. Hard to tell.
I can attest that Mr. Bilton
has appeared here in person.
Such is his concern for the charade
that are the charges
brought against him.
Ecocide? [CHUCKLES]
- Consider the statute itself
- [LUCY] Oh, we have.
Ecocide is described as
unlawful or wanton acts
committed with the knowledge that
there is a substantial likelihood
of severe and either widespread or
long-term damage to the environment
being caused by those acts.
So you somehow are gonna prove that
he knew the future of the world?
Of the air we breathe, the
oceans, the temperature?
Flattering, in a way.
We move for immediate dismissal.
- [JUDGE] Overruled.
[LUCY] Dr. Shearer,
can you please explain
how you first came in
contact with Mr. Bilton?
In 2046, I was an archivist
with Menagerie2100.
I'd been with the company for
nine years when I was told that
Nick Bilton was interested in gathering
genetic IP of charismatic megafauna.
Orangutans, whales, elephants and
It became clear that the pivot
to the charismatic
megafauna was his decision.
Any idea why he made that pivot?
Mr. Bilton felt people
were more inclined
to buy tickets to see those species
once they were extinct.
- However, to preserve the megafauna
you you also need to save
everything they rely on to survive.
Can you explain the
effect of increased carbon
on species already facing extinction?
Uh, extinctions go up
when temperature goes up,
and temperature tends to mirror
carbon. So, yes, they are related.
And if scarcity creates value,
then isn't there a business model
that Menagerie2100 benefits
from increases in carbon?
Objection. We all caused carbon
to go up, not just Mr. Bilton.
- [JUDGE] Sustained.
Dr. Shearer [SIGHS]
were you paid for
your work at Menagerie2100?
Depressing work, I'm sure.
All that saying goodbye.
That explains why you receive
mood-stabilizing therapeutics from Alpha.
Ms. Shearer relies on Alpha for
her retirement and her medicine.
What if her ongoing depression
has caused her to blame
the medicines that
Alpha provides her with?
I know you want people to
think I'm crazy, Mr. Turner.
And maybe maybe I am.
Maybe that's what climate
change is doing to all of us.
Some of us are crazy
because we look at the world
and all we have lost,
and we still have hope.
I think it's unfair to
ask you to testify here,
especially after your son has
deleted you from his memory.
He lost his memory from
summer heart dementia.
For which he also was
taking Alpha therapeutics.
I bet that makes you
very angry at Mr. Bilton.
How is her son's medical
condition relevant?
It's an invasion of her privacy.
And her presence here constitutes
a violation of her Alpha loyalty oath.
No further questions.
Maybe she jumped.
Did she? They're going to investigate.
Let them.
We need to be careful here, Nick.
Homicide gets you shipped off the
planet just as fast as ecocide.
How is a woman falling through
the sky in New York City my fault?
Stop worrying about Shearer, and
tell Martha to get me out of here.
[MARTHA] I assure you that
we here at Alpha are confident
that Nick Bilton will be
exonerated of all charges.
I'm fully aware that Mr. Bilton's arrest
has eroded our stock value by 17%,
so I want to tell this esteemed group
that we will be launching a new product.
One that will directly
address the grim reality
that carbon is now at 564 parts
per million in our atmosphere.
It has the potential to be the
biggest new offering from Alpha
- since the gift of clean water.
I see many of you have questions.
However, on the advice of our lawyers,
we are not taking
questions at this meeting.
Thank you for your time.
[TURNER] Well done, Martha.
I'll let Mr. Bilton know.
I think this is a mistake.
Then I encourage you to use your time
to think about something else instead.
[NICK] Congratulations.
Alpha had its best year ever.
I'm glad you're pleased.
And, uh, subscriptions to LifePause
are heading in the right direction,
- little by little.
- Finally.
The reach of Alpha certainly
plays a role in that, so thank you.
Where did it come from? The idea?
Always wanted to ask.
When I was a little
girl, I loved wildflowers.
I would draw them with
my grandfather's crayons.
I would venture out to look for
them on days that weren't too hot.
But once the bees were gone,
they'd taken the
wildflowers with them and
My grandfather used to tell me a story
that the flowers are just hiding.
They'll be back again someday.
Could probably get our people
to make you up some new seeds.
I took a different approach.
I thought, "What if I could stop time?"
- Hence LifePause.
- Exactly.
Thank you for sharing.
Really lovely story.
ask you another question?
[SIGHS] What would be the
most exciting good or service
that Alpha could bring to this world?
Cancer's been cured. Literacy
is a simple CRISPR hack.
[CHUCKLES] Anything?
Sky's the limit.
I guess, finding a way to grow
a brand-new, breathable
atmosphere on Mars
that allows humans to start over.
It would solve a lot of things.
What if we were able to
do that here on Earth?
Do what?
Start over.
[CHUCKLES] Are you kidding?
I think I know how
to make Newcomen work.
And I'd like you to run it.
- We called it "Newcomen."
- [LUCY] Why is that?
Well, Thomas Newcomen invented
the steam engine in 1712.
It was used originally to prevent
coal mines from flooding, ironically.
Mr. Bilton saw it as the moment
that humanity's carbon footprint started
to stomp on the natural order of things.
And what was Project Newcomen at Alpha?
[JONATHAN] It was the holy grail.
It was gonna be a machine, a technology
to take carbon out of the atmosphere.
It was scalable and affordable.
Did Newcomen ever come into existence?
It always had design problems at scale,
and we never really solved the problems
with the downstream by-product.
I'm confused. Why are we here?
Mr. Chopin just said he ran a
program, funded by Mr. Bilton,
that was meant to pull
CO2 out of the atmosphere.
Save the world from climate change.
A noble endeavor, to be
sure, but your witness failed.
Couldn't get it done. So why is
my client on trial and not him?
And why did you leave, Mr. Chopin?
Decide you wanted to go
fail at something else?
- [JUDGE] Sustained.
[STAMMERS] I'll tell you. I'll
I'll answer the question. I got fired.
Well, it sounds like Mr.
Bilton made the right move.
And who replaced you?
I understand that Newcomen
got restarted seven years ago
and that Martha Russell
was put in charge.
Ah, the woman that Mr.
Bilton just announced as CEO.
So he's on trial for
promoting someone now?
What was Mr. Bilton's
position on geoengineering?
Objection. Not relevant.
I beg to differ.
If one is concerned about
limiting carbon, as he claims,
one cannot be in favor
of a course of action
that allows the world to
keep putting it in the sky.
On multiple occasions, he
expressed his enthusiasm.
It was obviously the best way to
lower temperature in the short term,
and he said he liked
the short-term solution
because it was the best
from a PR point of view too.
So, he endorsed geoengineering.
And so did you, Mr. Chopin.
Nearly half the world did.
Then you changed your mind.
Do you want the court to review
your comments on the issue?
Some of us realized that if you
decouple carbon from temperature,
you're gonna rationalize
ongoing polluting.
Nick saw it as a way
to make limitless money
by customizing the stratosphere.
He wanted both sides of the trade.
- [TURNER] Objection. Conjecture.
- [JUDGE] Sustained.
How can he say these
things about my father?
He's lying.
- Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian.
- [JONATHAN] You did, Nick.
He's among the top ten
philanthropists in the world.
[JONATHAN] Just admit it.
You said it over and over.
It didn't matter how high
the carbon levels got
'cause one day, you were
gonna make a machine
that could suck it out of
the atmosphere. And y
You said on that day, the
more CO2 that's up there,
the more money you can
make eliminating it.
You called it a fucking
vacuum cleaner for wealth.
You failed, Johnny.
Failed at your job, failed as a father.
You gonna have me killed,
like Rebecca Shearer?
- Ms. Adobo, control your witness.
- Mr. Chopin.
You smug little prick. You're just
You're at the center of this problem
Humanity's frying, and you
look at the temperature
as an inconvenience that
you just have to tweak
to optimize your latest
investment strategy.
You're the guy who who
kicks the dog half to death,
- and then offers it a bone.
- Dr. Chopin, I must ask you
- to not address the defendant directly.
- [NICK] Let him speak.
He needs the therapy. Let
it all out, Johnny boy!
- [BAILIFF] Order. Order!
No further questions.
Dr. Chopin,
your son, Rowan, is currently in prison
for geoengineering, isn't that right?
He was convinced to participate
in a in a scheme by my ex-wife.
More likely he was confused over
your change of heart on the issue.
Rowan Chopin is not
the one on trial here.
No, he's not.
But I think it's important to
note that your son's conviction
for using Alpha delivery drones
to commit an act of
terrorism was secured
after Mr. Bilton gave secret
testimony to this court.
I'm sorry, what did you say?
I'm sure that's upsetting,
but I'm wondering if your son's
liberty has not been offered to you
- in exchange for your testimony today.
- I made no such deal!
I have no arrangement whatsoever. None.
I move to dismiss this witness
and his testimony be
deemed inadmissible.
- [JUDGE] Sustained.
[BAILIFF] The witness is dismissed.
I wanna testify.
My father is a great man.
Help me record something?
I can do that for you.
Who is Decima Bilton?
How do you know that name?
She claims to be your daughter.
to mention that name again.
She'd like to testify on your behalf.
[TURNER] She's recorded something.
It's very touching stuff.
Destroy it.
You saved an orphan from a
refugee camp in Sydney. [CHUCKLES]
[TURNER] What are you doing?
- [TURNER] Nick.
[ALPHA] Your NatureFix simulation
will begin in five seconds.
You have selected "Autumn Woodlands"
with mood-balancing enhancements.
How do you like the venison?
Real or lab?
We keep a small herd
of deer on the property.
- This is all real.
- Hmm.
And this, this is the last
pinot from the Anderson Valley.
2053. Before it burned.
The rest of the world has to get
by on fantasy and facsimile, Martha.
Most everything in my life is very real.
[MARTHA] Hmm. Does that bother you?
[NICK] Does what bother me?
That the rest of the world
has to get by on fantasy?
No, what bothers me is hypocrisy.
What bothers me is
wanting comfort and ease,
and then being outraged
by its real cost.
You burn coal for a few hundred
years to keep yourself warm.
Seems like a great idea.
Makes you feel like you defeated winter.
And one day, you wake
up nice and toasty,
only to realize you've
developed lung cancer
from inhaling the smoke
from burning all the coal.
And yet you keep burning coal.
Because the most powerful fantasy
is that there is no cost to our comfort.
Life is a transaction, Martha.
That is its most meaningful measurement.
I never thought of it that way.
Well, I'd like you to start.
- Turner.
- [TURNER] Yes?
Rebecca Shearer's autopsy
[TURNER] What about it?
" has revealed
irregularities in her medications
- as delivered by Alpha Therapeutics."
- [TURNER SIGHS] Bullshit.
Well, that's what it says right here
in the goddamn summons the
ICC just dropped on my head.
[TURNER] They've got
nothing. They're desperate.
They're going to ask for records.
What would Nick like
me to do about that?
[TURNER] As little as possible,
lest you fuck this up.
[MARTHA] An opportunity.
That's what you call it? An
opportunity to lose my job.
The truth is dangerous to some people.
No comment.
We have reason to believe he's
tampered with other witnesses.
Have you been threatened?
I took a loyalty oath.
Hence the avatars.
I am prepared to offer
you immunity, Dr. Russell.
In exchange for your testimony.
And how do I explain that to
Turner? He's chief counsel.
Obviously, you would need to keep
our arrangements confidential.
Ms. Adobo, privacy went
extinct 25 years ago.
Along with whistleblowers.
Is there a secret you're concerned
about? Something with Newcomen?
Newcomen is no different than LifePause.
Just because he didn't think of
it, doesn't mean he can't buy it.
You're not going to win
against him. Nobody ever does.
[LUCY] Selma,
get me every IP acquisition Alpha
made since Jonathan Chopin was fired.
[LUCY] Would you state
your name for the court?
Arden Miller.
Who is Matafele Kabua?
[ARDEN] Matafele and I
met in Boston in 2060.
[LUCY] In what capacity?
- [ARDEN] In microfinance
- [DECIMA] Who is that?
with a focus on
female entrepreneurs.
Mr. Bilton is a great humanitarian.
Were you aware that the
bank that employed you
had a relationship with Alpha?
No, I was not.
And when you learned that they
did, what was your response?
I resigned.
Because of what happened
with Matafele Kabua?
[ARDEN] Yes.
[LUCY] And what exactly happened?
Alpha was able to use our loans to women
as an incubator to
generate new inventions.
I think I speak on behalf
of everyone in saying
I have no idea who Matafele Kabua is
or why this person here is relevant.
Can you enlighten Mr.
Turner and the court?
She was from the Marshall Islands.
When they became uninhabitable,
she moved to the United States,
where she attended the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Her degree was in atmospheric chemistry.
She had a product that
she wanted to finance.
[LUCY] And what did this product do?
She claimed that it was the first
viable carbon-removal device.
She asked for our help in
developing and patenting it.
So, a device that could make
the planet carbon-neutral?
[ARDEN] She believed it
could do more than that.
She believed that it could draw
down carbon to a target level.
And what would that level be?
That would depend on a
mutually agreed upon number
determined by scientists.
Or businessmen.
was my mother's name?
Your mother's name is unknown.
You were rescued from the
displaced person facility in Sydney.
Alpha, tell me everything
about Matafele Kabua.
Alpha has no record of this person.
- [NICK] Right.
And if it had worked, none of us
would be sitting here right now.
But obviously it didn't,
or people wouldn't constantly
be uploading themselves
- to escape this unbearable climate.
- [BAILIFF] Order.
And hundreds of millions of refugees
wouldn't be roaming the Earth
looking for higher ground.
- [BAILIFF] Order!
- Nick, please.
I apologize for my client's outburst.
But can you explain to the court
why any of this is relevant
to the charges in front of us?
Who controls the patent
to Ms. Kabua's device?
My understanding is that Alpha
holds 49% interest in the Decima.
The Decima?
She named the device after her daughter.
[ARDEN] Ms. Kabua's terms included
that the controlling interest
be part of her inheritance.
[AI SERVANT] Mr. Bilton has
made the world a better place.
And he is sure you will do the same.
- [NICK] It failed.
- [BAILIFF] Order.
- It's evident it never worked!
- Nick, please.
So then you wouldn't object to
sharing the IP with the court?
The design. Mmm?
I mean, why would sharing
a failure be problematic?
We at Alpha prefer to keep
what we own to ourselves.
A failure is just a
rough draft of a solution.
I mean, did Kabua go on and invent
anything else that saved humanity?
No, she did not.
She died nearly ten years
ago. Paramyxovirus 58.
And her daughter?
In my line of work, we look for
new ideas, not lost children.
Thank you, Ms. Miller. Thank
you so much for your time.
[TURNER] If you wanna win here, Nick,
you need to tell me where the holes are,
or we'll keep falling through them.
What Verdictware are
they running? Do you know?
What, the court?
[NICK] Is it E-Justice by Royce Majors?
I can get to Colin Royce.
I don't like the idea
of both of us going away
for hacking the
International Criminal Court.
[NICK] Well, we can't
wait any longer, Turner.
Time to save the world.
[MARTHA] "Innovation."
Seems such a slight word
for the scope of change
we are about to witness.
In 2020, the IPCC reported that,
to avoid the worst
ravages of climate change,
carbon-neutral needed
to be reached by 2050.
The world failed to meet that goal
and the next goal and the
one after that as well.
As a result, we have seen exactly
what the science warned us against.
But today, Alpha Atmospheric
Interventions announces "Newcomen,"
the first scalable device that removes
carbon dioxide from the air around you
and transforms it into
safe and useful by-products.
Today, we begin a new journey.
One that allows us to create a climate
that provides what is
best for our planet,
its people and our businesses.
A planet where children can
walk among wildflowers
instead of merely drawing them.
[NICK] So, ready?
Dessert, I suppose.
I, uh, would like to
introduce you to some people.
Friends. Shy friends.
So I'll, uh, need you
to put this on first.
I don't understand.
be 417. That's not gonna work.
[INDUSTRIALIST 1] Gentlemen,
we have to reach an agreement.
It's not gonna work that
way. It can't be 510.
[NICK] 350. Did I hear 350?
- [INDUSTRIALIST 1] It can't be 350.
[INDUSTRIALIST 3] 480's too high.
- [NICK] 550 is way too high.
[NICK] 470 is a good number!
[INDUSTRIALIST 4] Do you understand
what we've been discussing?
Yes. [STAMMERS] I believe I do.
And do you understand the
agreement we've reached?
[MARTHA] Newcomen, I
assume. Uh, the drawdown.
Bravo. I told you she
was brilliant. [CHUCKLES]
the agreed-upon number?
[NICK] 470 parts per million.
It's higher than I would've thought.
I I'd like to see the science.
Loyalty, dear Martha.
You don't want to go down
the same path as Jonathan.
I think you'll find 470
a very rewarding number.
We're not done yet.
We'll now take questions from both
our invited guests and the press.
Let's start with you, Mr. Palmer.
[PALMER] It's a great day
for the world, to be sure.
I'm wondering if Martha and
Mr. Bilton have discussed
a target number for the drawdown.
[TURNER] Great question.
Uh, Mr. Bilton has been sequestered
in the Hague, so there are
Sounds like a party out there.
I wonder how these people would feel
if they knew that this party
could have started years ago, eh?
That Bilton and the banks
traded their wealth for what?
A few more dollars, faster
planes, bigger houses.
[TYRONE] But they don't
really know what's going on,
or they choose not to.
And they won't until you
figure out a way to tell them.
[SIGHS] I realize that recent events
surrounding Alpha's latest offering
appear to exonerate Mr. Bilton,
but the question remains.
Is the solution to carbon,
which conveniently appeared today
for our benefit or for his?
Are we responsible only for what we do,
or should we also be held accountable
for what we elected not
to do when we knew better?
I ask you to keep asking this
question, regardless of the verdict.
For you will be the
ones to live with it.
Mr. Bilton would prefer
to speak for himself.
Four million years were
required for Homo sapiens
to go from crawling on all
fours to standing upright.
So how could our bodies adapt
to the changes in the climate
that have occurred in the 250 years
since the Industrial Revolution?
They couldn't.
So if our bodies couldn't change,
it fell to our minds
to develop technology
that would allow us to survive,
maybe even thrive.
Carbon has gone from 280
to 564 parts per million,
due in a large part to human activity.
Today, thanks to the Newcomen,
I can announce I will be lowering
that number to 470 parts per million.
Now, some, including the prosecutor
here, would have you believe
that I have gamed the system,
profiteered from your circumstances.
That I am some Satan
forcing you to live lives
you would never have chosen.
To seek comforts you
didn't actually want or
or suppress information
that you truly needed.
But Nick Bilton did not create
your God-given appetites.
He merely noticed them and
turned them into businesses.
The rules I have played by are
the rules set by your leaders.
The ones you elected. The
ones sworn to protect you.
They did not.
they traded away your children's
future for just one more term,
one more donation.
And now, those leaders
are not the ones on trial.
I am.
So allow me to point out the obvious.
If I am guilty here today,
then I am only guilty of winning
a game started generations ago.
And if I am guilty here today,
then so are your parents,
and their parents,
and all the way back to the first
tree felled to make way for man.
Some are guilty
of furnishing the generations
with what they wanted.
The rest of you are guilty for
wanting it in the first place.
Will the defendant please stand?
To the charge of ecocide
against Nikolai Biltonov,
the International Criminal Court
will now announce its final decision.
A minimum of two red lights will
be required for a verdict of guilty.
[BAILIFF] Mr. Bilton has been
ruled not guilty of the charge.
[TURNER WHISPERS] Congratulations.
[ALPHA USER 5] Alpha, will Nick
Bilton win the Nobel Peace Prize?
[ALPHA] It's too early to say.
Nominations are due later this year.
[ALPHA USER 6] Why is the Newcomen
only taking carbon to 470 ppm?
[ALPHA] The amount of carbon parts
per million has been set by
[ALPHA USER 7] Is Newcomen the most
beneficial invention of the century?
[ALPHA USER 8] Alpha, when will
things start to get better?
[ALPHA] Alpha would encourage you to
find what is good about right now.
What's your name?
Where did you come from?
I'm Mr. Bilton's new daughter.
You are? I didn't know
Mr. Bilton had a daughter.
I think I'm supposed to be a secret.
Do you have any friends here?
Just the AIs. They play with me.
Do you have any human children?
No, I don't. But I could be your friend.
If you ever need a friend,
you can call me using that.
I'm Martha.
I know it's been a long time.
I hope you remember me.
From what I can remember,
losing can be very painful.
What are you doing here?
I'd like to make a peace offering.
To me? Or to the world, huh?
To you, Lucy.
And what might that be?
Tyrone Downs was your, uh,
lover, if I'm not mistaken.
Remarkably effective chap.
Nearly shut down our mines.
I enjoyed a number of his songs too.
I wonder how that would
have made him feel.
Yeah. We'll never know.
But his death must've been,
uh, devastating for you.
And I thought you might
like to know who ordered it.
Rest assured,
you will have my full support in
bringing the guilty party to justice.
Are you saying that one
man with a microphone
is more powerful than
our entire company?
This sort of thing spreads
if you don't hit it hard.
Just make him go away.
So tired, Ty. And so sad.
Okay, so what's next?
If you could make someone pay
for hurting someone
you loved in the past,
or if you could maybe stop someone else
from hurting others in the future,
which one would you choose?
The past is always the past.
The most successful hunters
have more patience than hunger.
- Alpha
stop loop.
Close Tyrone Candle App.
[LUCY] I know what you did.
How did you get in here?
Oh, it's easy when you
have an arrest warrant
for conspiracy to commit murder.
Even easier when the man
you killed was my partner.
[INHALES SHARPLY] Let me guess.
He neglected to mention that
Alpha planted that story.
"Music icon gunned down by
schizophrenic outside hotel."
I believed it.
I know Bilton only gave you
to me on a silver platter
because he has something to hide.
Yes. Yes, he does.
You want to tell me what it is?
You have nothing to lose.
[MARTHA] Her name is Decima.
Can we, uh, ask the breeders
to release some new pheasants?
[GRUNTS] I'd like to
do some shooting later.
I said I'd like to do some shooting.
Alpha! Can we get
tech support down here?
Alpha, tech support!
Alpha, stop.
[DECIMA] It's been programmed
to ignore you, Dad.
Where are you, my darling? Hmm?
What are you doing, Decima?
This is not something
these people need to see.
You could have fixed it
years ago, but you didn't.
You and your friends.
470 is just a way for
the rich to get richer.
How can you possibly justify that?
That's the right number
for the rest of us.
- Decima!
- I'm not a daughter to you!
I'm a piece of IP.
Based on the new evidence presented
here today by Decima Kabua,
we move to reopen the
case against Nick Bilton.
[DECIMA] Is that where he is?
On that one?
There are a few prisons in
orbit. Not sure which one that is.
When he gets out, he'll be almost 90.
Maximum penalty for collusion.
Do you think carbon will be down
to 350 parts per million by then?
Mmm, hasn't been that
low since the 1980s.
But it could be again, right?
I don't know. Maybe.
You know, the problem
has never been technology.
The problem is us. Always has been.
We did this to the planet.
To each other.
I think we're gonna fix it now.
I wonder.
Attention, all inmates,
please return to your cells.
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