Familiar Wife (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

This is Cha Ju-hyuk
of KCU Bank's Gahyeon branch.
I need something urgently.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
It's him.
What the hell?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Who are you?
Mister, I want to talk to you.
Please, let's talk.
Oh, come on.
Can we please talk?
You know what's going on.
I heard it clearly on the subway that day.
The star Wolf turned into a black hole
and created a rift
that allowed us to go back in time.
That's what you said, right?
Didn't you say that?
I'm sorry.
I made her miserable
and turned her into a monster.
I thought I was suffering more.
I told her to be responsible for herself
since I was too busy with work.
She must've tried to show
that she was having a hard time.
And that she was hurting.
I thought I could love her forever.
I loved her to death.
How could I have forgotten all that?
Let me ask you one thing.
Can I…
go back to that day?
How can I go back?
What do I have to do?
You're so loud! It's killing my ears.
You annoying lunatic.
I am crazy.
Yes, even I think I'm a lunatic.
So just think of it
as saving a lunatic's life
and tell me, please.
What should I do--
There's no use going back.
No use crying over spilled milk.
You can't take back what you've done.
You were so desperate back then.
Does it hurt?
Does your heart hurt?
My gosh.
What's happening is your fate.
Be a man and just wish her happiness.
What's happening is your fate.
Be a man and just wish her happiness.
What are you doing?
-You're up.
I woke up early, so I was vacuuming.
It's good exercise.
And I made coffee.
I also made an omelet. Do you want some?
Why are you
in such a good mood this morning?
Me? No, I'm happy as usual.
No, you look really happy.
No, I'm not.
What's wrong with you?
What do you mean?
It's a new day.
Let's do our best and live responsibly.
Here we go.
I don't know what it is,
but I'm happy that you're happy.
I feel like you're back
to being my obedient husband.
I'm glad you're happy.
Go wash up. I'll make breakfast.
Wait. Let's stay like this for a moment.
Down there.
I'll be back.
-Will you be okay by yourself tomorrow?
-Don't worry. I took off work.
Mom, I'll be back!
You must miss him a lot.
It's not today. It's tomorrow.
Was there such a beauty
in this neighborhood?
You're blinding me.
My eyes.
Why is a handsome man
in front of my house?
What brings you here so early?
Because I knew you'd do this.
You can't ride a bike yet.
Put it back.
You're not fully better yet.
I'm really okay now.
But I'm not okay with it.
You can't even make it obvious
you're sick at work.
You'll make me lose it again.
Hurry up and put it back.
Wow. So this is what it's like.
It's touching.
You can be touched as you go.
Someone is waiting for us.
-I'm sorry.
-Let's go.
Good morning.
-Hello, Mr. Cha.
-Good morning.
Good morning.
One, two.
Three, two, one, two, one, one.
-Oh my.
-I'm so stiff.
What are you doing?
I'm going to start exercising again.
I used to box a bit,
but now I'm all rusty.
That's not how you do it, sir.
Like this.
You need strength behind your punch.
You must've done this a lot.
About two or three years.
When I quit, my coach begged me not to.
He called me his prodigy.
-You're quite manly.
-I know.
You looked kind of cool. Just a bit.
Hey! You scared me.
Hi! Good morning.
What's with the rough punches?
You should work out. You feel like jelly.
By the way,
how did you two come in together?
I know. Same as last week.
Seems like you're commuting
together these days.
What's going on? Did you meet up before?
Are you two dating?
What do you mean? Don't be weird.
We ran into each other outside.
What are the odds?
Terrible acting.
They can't even look at each other.
That's even more suspicious.
But I've noticed
that Hwan follows Hyang-suk after work.
Is there something going on
between you two?
What are you talking about?
No? I'm just asking.
Of course not!
You're being absurd.
There's nothing going on. What?
Why are you so repulsed?
I'm pretty popular outside of this bank.
No one asked you.
If you keep a secret from me,
I'll kill you.
Got it?
It's like this.
-I reacted so awkwardly, didn't I?
-Yes. You're a terrible actor.
I'm usually good at lying.
Thank you, Friar Lawrence.
What friar?
In Romeo and Juliet,
Friar Lawrence helps them.
You've turned me into a monk.
How do you feel? Are you okay?
Yes. Almost embarrassingly so.
I have big tonsils,
so when I get sick, I get a fever first.
I know.
I mean, that's what I thought.
Ms. Seo.
Good luck with Jong-hoo.
He's a good guy. Competent too.
I know.
Tell me if he bothers you.
I'll give him a good beating.
Any friend of Ju-eun's
is like a sister to me.
A new boyfriend and older brother.
I'm so lucky with men this year.
I'm so happy.
Me too.
It's like I have another younger sister.
Finish up.
You did good, Ju-hyuk.
-Thank you.
Ms. Jang, here you go.
Let's see.
Breaking news. The vice president's
replacement has been decided.
Who? Is he a friend of the president,
as everyone expected?
Then wouldn't it…
Then wouldn't it be
one of the branch managers?
No. Rumor has it
that they recruited from overseas.
Really? I'm so blindsided.
Then it's not…
Then it's not someone we know.
Rumor has it that he'll conduct
a secret inspection before taking office.
Secret inspection?
A secret inspection?
We'll have to be on our toes
starting today.
Any more information?
Let me talk too, Jang Man-ok.
Then type faster.
They say your hands get stiff
when you get old.
You want a grip strengthener?
-How can you--
-Do what fast?
Are you playing cards?
Why are you two fighting again?
No, sir. It's completely--
It's an emergency.
The new vice president
is going to do a secret inspection.
An inspection?
Excuse me.
One moment.
Have you seen that guy lately?
The fair-skinned, clean-cut guy.
I think his name was Jung Hyeon-su?
Oh, that guy?
He would come here often,
but I haven't seen him lately.
Excuse me.
Hey, we have
Jung Hyeon-su's number, right?
No, it's fine.
I was just curious
because he hasn't been around.
Forget it.
Keep up the good work.
Is he not coming because of me?
He doesn't have to do that.
I need to send some money.
Please wait a moment.
Customer number 159.
We'll serve you with love
at counter three.
Customer number 160,
please come to counter four.
Ma'am, you're here.
I'll go make a copy of your ID.
Yes, of course.
You can call me anytime.
Which loan would you like?
I don't know…
You have to take a number first.
Hwan, you need to smile.
Think happy thoughts, you little punk.
I don't know. I don't really have any.
And the VP inspection--
Why are you being so loud?
Do we have to do this
just because he might come?
We should've always been nice.
If you can't think happy thoughts,
how about tidying up alone after work?
I don't know about other things,
but I can make you do that.
Hello, please come this way.
-What was your question?
-I don't know much about this.
I'll help you with that.
-He's very helpful.
-It's hot, isn't it?
-Your transfer is complete.
What brings you in today?
Hyang-suk, I need to use the bathroom.
Hello. What can we help you with today?
-A housing deposit account.
-Of course.
Please wait a moment.
What is this?
Our customers walk here.
It should be spotless.
Customer number 163,
please come to counter four.
I'm interested
in a housing deposit account.
Of course, a housing deposit account.
You can deposit
20,000 to 500,000 won per month.
Would you like me
to open a savings account for you?
Would you like some sweets while you wait?
No, thank you. I'm fine.
-Please take a look.
You must've been hot. You're sweating.
-Can we turn up the air conditioning?
Can you feel the wind?
You can use this.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
You're too kind.
You can use more.
If you can't decide,
you can think about it
and come back again.
Of course.
Please take the time to think about it
-and visit again.
Okay. You are all very kind.
Of course.
KCU Bank exists thanks to our customers.
-Customer number 164…
-I'll think about it and come back.
Okay, thank you.
-Thank you.
We've met before, haven't we?
What can I do for you?
I'd like to make a savings account
for my daughter.
I don't know if she needs
an automatic savings account.
Your daughter is single, right?
If she has a fixed income,
an automatic savings account
would be better.
She can get a preferential interest rate.
Also, I took out a loan,
but the interest rate is too high.
Is there anything I can do?
You can transfer your loans
to lower your interest rate.
Would you like me to connect you
with a loan officer?
Later. I'll think about it.
All right.
Then if you leave your number here,
I'll send you a text
if we find a service just for you.
Right? I'm sure it was him.
Same. He even brought his secretary.
We were lucky today, weren't we?
Thank goodness we got the intel
from our group chat.
My face is cramping from smiling so much.
My cheeks hurt so much.
Good job, everyone.
Nice job!
Let's wrap up.
I'll tell the group chat.
He had a side part
and came with a secretary.
-You're not in tomorrow, right?
Fill up the ATM and go home.
Yes, ma'am.
She took tomorrow off
since it's her father's memorial.
-Are you done?
-She has to buy groceries later.
Today is repayment day,
so I'm working overtime.
That damn Magistrate Byeon.
How did he know?
I'll do it. Go grocery shopping with her.
-Forget it if you didn't hear.
-I heard you.
I heard you loud and clear.
Thanks, buddy.
Forget it.
Take good care of her.
Carry her groceries home.
Of course, I will.
You act so tough.
But you're a big softie inside.
How could I not love you?
You're crazy.
-I love you.
-You're disgusting.
-I love you.
-Get lost!
No, I won't.
This looks good.
Get pretty ones.
These will do.
When's the expiration?
You were too far away.
It's okay. Thank you.
Here it is.
Buy one, get one free!
-You're frugal.
Write the menu names
and "follow me" for hashtags.
-"Follow me."
-That way, we'll get more followers.
And then…
What are you doing here so late?
Hey, Ju-hyuk.
"Udon." That's all you have to say?
I'm just tired from working overtime.
Right. Hye-won's probably sleeping by now.
I'll be right back. Let me finish this.
-What is it?
-Social media.
Business was slow, so we made an account.
It's pretty effective. Take a look.
You can promote your business with this?
You're so old-fashioned.
It's more than effective.
It's a must these days.
They even find lost dogs with this.
I see.
People are so resourceful.
Why did you upload this photo?
I look like a steamed bun.
I look good in it.
You've never had a jawline anyway.
Take it down.
No, wait. Where is it?
Use this instead.
-Can you give me food first--
-How could you suggest that one?
-I look like a gnome.
-I'm hungry.
You've always been short anyway.
-How can you say that to your husband?
-I'm so hungry.
-You want to see me angry today?
-How? Show me.
How are you going to get angry?
Show me if you can.
You can't even get angry.
What makes you think you can do that?
Hey, Ju-hyuk.
-Where did he go?
Ju-hyuk, are you boiling noodles?
-Where's Ju-hyuk?
-When did he leave?
Mom, are you in the bathroom?
Good morning, everybody.
Everyone, look over here.
Drop what you're doing and look over here.
I just got a call
from the vice president's secretary.
The vice president is on his way here.
He was very impressed
with our branch yesterday.
My hunch was right!
Is he coming
to give us some money, perhaps?
Would he come empty-handed?
He's coming all the way here himself!
I saw his resume on the website.
He used to be the head
of JBS Global Management.
Vice President Kang Eun-seon.
Isn't that a woman's name?
Come on.
I have a friend named Lee Eun-seon.
He's a boxer.
The vice president is here.
Thank you, Ms. Kang.
We'll use it for the branch's operations.
Don't use it for operations.
Use it for a company dinner.
It's important to boost morale.
Yes, of course.
I'll do that.
By the way,
I don't see that employee from yesterday.
-Ms. Seo Woo-jin?
She took the day off for personal reasons.
That's too bad. I wanted to see her.
Please tell her I was impressed
by her sincere hospitality.
Tell her to keep it up.
I will.
What an amazing hunch you had, Ms. Jang.
It wasn't just me.
Mr. Cha said he was sure too.
Why is that so important right now?
Anyway, what's important
is that we got a good review.
-My goodness.
I need to talk
to Seojin Products on the phone.
Yes, sir.
The player who hit the home run
isn't even here.
Why does the bank feel so empty today?
It's not empty. Take a look at your desk.
You have a lot to do today.
This makes me want to work even less.
Let's go change the gas.
I really miss Woo-jin.
Stop making a fuss.
You just started dating.
The length isn't important.
It's the depth of the feelings.
I won't be able to see her tonight anyway.
I'm going home later.
My mom has been calling every day,
saying her back hurts
and her heart's palpitating.
She wants me to visit.
Does a girl come before your mom?
You ungrateful son.
It's better than you not visiting at all.
This won't do.
I need to hear Woo-jin's voice.
Why isn't she picking up?
What if something happened?
Why isn't she picking up?
Maybe she's busy
preparing for the memorial service.
Stop whining.
I'm not used to being like this either.
Still, pick up.
The number you have dialed…
What are you doing?
Excuse me.
-Have you seen my mom?
Excuse me.
Have you seen a middle-aged woman?
Excuse me.
Lee Eun-mi!
Is everyone done?
Let's all go home early today.
Let's wrap it up.
-Yes, sir.
-Mr. Cha.
-What is it?
Aren't we having a team dinner?
We have money from Ms. Kang.
I'm so hungry right now.
That's right. Let's have dinner.
The newly opened Japanese restaurant
is having an opening event.
I'm craving it all of a sudden.
Yes, I'm craving sushi all of a sudden.
I'm free today.
The Chinese academy is on break.
We should strike while the iron is hot.
Shall we have a team dinner tonight?
This isn't right.
The guest of honor isn't even here.
I agree.
To be honest,
the money was all thanks to Ms. Seo.
Is that so?
You're right.
I agree.
We shouldn't have
a team dinner without her.
Right, Mr. Byeon?
Right. We can't.
We should do it next time.
That's the right thing to do.
-All right!
-To Gahyeon!
-Let's get it!
-Let's get it!
-Let's get it!
-Let's get it!
It would've been nice
if Woo-jin could've come.
But the opening event ends today.
And I don't think
we'll have time next week.
You said you'd treat Woo-jin later.
-Of course.
Of course.
The branch manager
will treat her to something better.
Korean beef, right? Grade two plus.
Of course, I will.
I even prepared gift certificates
just for Woo-jin.
I'd like to make a toast
to our dear Woo-jin.
Listen up.
Woo-jin, thank you,
and I love you very much.
Thank you, and love you!
This isn't right.
Look at you, stuffing your faces.
By the way, did you see the Behind post?
The vice president
went to the Mapo branch today.
I saw that too.
A newbie caused a huge mess.
She called Ms. Kang, "Hey, lady."
I know. I feel so bad for that newbie.
I'd want to quit if I were them.
Why don't you mind your own business?
And why don't you wipe your face?
Is there something on it? Thanks.
You're so clumsy.
-Here, here.
-My gosh!
That hurts!
What's wrong
with getting something on my face?
You're picking fights
for no reason these days.
Why are you doing this to me?
What's wrong with you two? We're eating.
Hurry up and eat.
Eat up, Hyang-suk.
I'm in a good mood.
The branch review went well.
And my daughter got a scholarship.
She's smart, unlike me.
Congratulations, Mr. Cha.
Is your daughter 22 years old?
-Yes, 22.
-A college junior, right?
She's 22? She must be so pretty.
She is.
I think she's really pretty.
-Wanna see?
-Do you have a picture?
-Of course I do.
I want to see.
How is she?
She's kind of…
She looks very approachable.
-She's likable.
She's charming.
-Your daughter is very charming.
I'm sure she has a great personality.
No, she's very cranky.
But a daughter
is more fun to raise than a son.
The way she squeals is so cute.
Speak of the devil. Here she is now.
Hi, honey.
Me? I'm at a team dinner right now.
Watch where you're going.
Stop looking at your phone.
I'm sure she'd call me
if she saw a missed call.
Why isn't she calling me?
She won't pick up or read my messages.
When I went to her house yesterday,
her mom was wiping down
her husband's memorial photo all alone.
It's a huge house,
and it's just the two of them
holding the service.
I'd like to hear her voice before I leave.
Should I call her again?
If I call too many times,
will I look desperate?
Should I or not?
Don't do it. You'll look desperate.
-I do? So I shouldn't call?
Woo-jin, you're so insensitive.
Please pick up.
Please pick up.
I knew it.
You're calling Canada again, right?
Gosh, Ms. Jang.
My colleague.
Give me your phone.
Maybe she'll pick up if I use yours.
You're crazy.
Don't cause trouble, and go home.
You're going to regret it tomorrow.
Isn't my ex-wife so harsh?
It's her I divorced, not my kid.
Why can't I even say
her real name anymore?
What kind of name is Amy?
"Seung" means to win,
and "Ju" means to support. Seung-ju.
Her name is already perfect.
Do you know how much thought
my father put into that name?
All right.
I get it. So let's go inside.
-Can you walk?
My legs are cramping.
Come on.
My legs are cramping up.
-Are you okay?
-Are you okay?
Hey, Jang Man-ok.
Don't get married.
It's better to be alone and lonely.
Shut up.
I'll leave you here.
You must want to get married.
You don't even have a man.
Do you want to sleep on the street?
My legs.
Are you okay?
-Yes, I'm fine.
-My gosh.
-My legs are weak.
-You're such a pain.
My legs.
I'm sorry, Woo-jin.
I really wanted to be there today,
but Ms. Song's farewell party
happened to be today as well.
It's okay.
You couldn't come last year either.
I didn't expect you to come.
I'm sorry. Did you wait long?
The president was doing an inspection.
I had to finish some paperwork.
I thought I was going crazy.
Work again?
Then don't say
that you'll come in the first place.
You're not the only one who works.
Does it hurt a lot?
Honey, I'm home.
Didn't I tell you that Mom would be upset?
I asked you to come just this once!
Do you think I was slacking off?
My manager had appendicitis.
What was I supposed to do?
Are you a doctor or something?
You're not the only employee,
you son of a bh!
-Get out!
-This isn't right!
I can't stand the sight of you. Get out!
Damn it!
Hello, Father.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Please comfort Woo-jin and Mother
before you go.
Ms. Seo.
What's wrong? What happened?
What's wrong?
So you looked for your mom all day?
I looked everywhere I could.
To her old friend's house.
To all the places
we often went to with my dad.
But I couldn't find her.
She left her identification tag.
She can't even remember my phone number.
What if I can't find my mom?
Did you call the police?
Oh, come on.
Stop it.
-Sit down.
Your missing persons report
has been filed.
We'll call you if anything comes up.
Please go home.
When will you call?
I'm not sure.
I'll have to ask around first.
It hasn't been a day yet.
Can I just wait here?
I'm too anxious.
There's no guarantee that
they'll call right away, but go ahead.
Okay. Thank you.
You should go now. It's late.
We filed a report so they'll find her.
You haven't eaten anything all day,
have you?
You should eat something.
Just a second.
-Hey, Hye-won.
-Are you still at your team dinner?
Well, we're done,
I just got a call.
An executive from headquarters
lost his mother.
I think I need to go to the funeral
with Mr. Cha and Mr. Byeon.
Really? Where is it? Is it far?
It's outside of Seoul.
-In Sangju.
Do you have to go now?
Can't you go tomorrow?
Well, he doesn't have any relatives.
He doesn't have any siblings, either.
It's awkward
when the funeral hall is too empty.
And Mr. Cha and Mr. Byeon are going too.
I can't refuse.
Have a safe trip.
Okay, I'll call you.
It's 5,450 won.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Social media.
Business was slow, so we made an account.
It's pretty effective.
They even find lost dogs with this.
Your social media account.
Send me your ID and password.
Let me borrow it.
What? Borrow what?
Your social media ID and password.
Don't ask why. Just text them to me, okay?
Don't fall asleep.
Are you up? I fell asleep.
By the way,
shouldn't you go home?
It's okay. I talked to Hye-won.
No news yet, right?
I don't think so.
It's a tip-off.
I posted on Sang-shik's account
that we're looking for someone.
Along with your mother's photo.
Missing person.
58 years old, 160 cm tall,
a round face, and curly hair.
She looks similar to Mom.
If it's the bus terminal…
It might be her.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
We're sorry, ma'am.
What do we do?
I don't think we'll find her.
I've lost her for a few hours before,
but never for this long.
What now, Mr. Cha?
What if we really can't find her?
No, Woo-jin…
We'll find her.
I think it's another tip-off.
It looks like a soup
kitchen for the homeless.
No. Her hair is longer.
Hold on.
It's Mom.
It's her.
-Can I have some more?
You must have done
a lot of volunteer work.
-Which volunteer group are you from?
-Woo-jin Volunteer Group.
-Thank you.
The sausage looks good. Enjoy.
-Here you go.
-This is quite salty.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Oh my.
What are you doing here?
I thought I'd never see you again.
Do you know how scared I was?
What's wrong with you?
You're embarrassing me.
-I have my own life--
My goodness!
-Goodness. Mr. Cha.
We didn't know you were here.
We were so worried.
What's with all the fuss today?
I'm so relieved.
I'm glad you're okay.
It's because of you.
I was volunteering here.
I can't believe it.
Is it funny, Mom?
Is your mom asleep?
When my dad was alive,
they would volunteer together.
I guess she was reminded of that.
But still, I can't believe
she was volunteering at a soup kitchen.
My mom…
She's so random.
Like mother, like daughter.
She was so natural
that they thought she had come
from another volunteer group.
Go inside. She'll be awake soon.
She took her medicine,
so she'll sleep for a while.
Anyway, you should go.
I'll walk you to your car.
-It's okay.
-Come on.
Wait for me.
Why are you so fast? I'm so out of breath.
Get off me.
Oh, come on.
We can't even link arms together?
My goodness.
I'm almost home.
I don't want to go.
I don't want to let you go either.
Then should we just get married?
Why don't you propose to me?
Then should I propose to you here?
If it weren't for you,
I would've lost my mind.
I was so scared earlier.
I didn't do anything.
What do you mean?
Thanks to that tip, I found Mom,
and you gave me a ride.
just knowing that someone was by my side
was very reassuring.
I'm being totally for real.
I do the memorial service
because I have to,
but my mom does it
because she really feels his absence.
She loved him so much.
My mom is so pure.
the number zero?
In multiplication,
zero has the absolute power
to turn everything into zero.
But zero has no power in addition.
Because zero loves addition.
How did you know that?
That's the reason why
zero is my favorite number.
Someone told me once.
And now I understand
what she meant.
After someone disappeared…
After she left me…
I asked myself
why I didn't treat her better.
And why
I didn't realize how precious she was.
I regret it.
I'm sorry.
And I miss her.
Are you making a confession
all of a sudden?
Is it a heart-wrenching
love story of yours?
I'm really sorry.
I wanted to say that…
to her.
But it's too late now.
I won't be able to see her anymore.
I hope
she gets the message.
Not every message reaches its recipient.
I'm just going to hope…
that she'll be happy.
Mr. Cha.
You know,
I'm not good at just hoping.
If I like something, I say so.
If I don't, I say so.
I have to say
everything that's on my mind.
This time,
I'm going to try not to.
I've been selfish for 30 years.
This time, it'll be different.
I'll be mature.
Like you said,
this time,
I'll just hope.
This time.
Thank you so much for today.
I'll see you on Monday.
Drive safely.
Look who's finally here.
It's been a while, Mr. Cha.
You weren't hosting the funeral.
You took forever.
How could you not even give me a call?
The branch manager
asked me to stay a bit longer.
Your branch manager is weird.
If he wants to stay, he should.
Why make his subordinates suffer?
I don't like him.
I know.
I'll go wash up. I haven't showered yet.
You went like that?
That tie is a bit inappropriate.
You should've bought one.
There was nowhere to buy one.
But I took it off at the funeral.
I'll wash up.
Dad wants to go golfing again
this weekend.
Leave your schedule open.
He took them off here again.
What's up with her?
Mr. Cha, why did you leave?
You should've stayed for lunch.
Who are you?
Who are you?
This is my son-in-law's phone number.
I'm his wife.
Who are you?
Why is he your "son-in-law"?
What was that?
Mr. Cha, why did you leave?
You should've stayed for lunch.
What is this?
It's outside of Seoul. In Sangju.
Can we find my mom if we file a report?
We'll have to try.
Let's file a report…
She has to.
She has to be there.
She'll be there.
I have good instincts, Ms. Seo.
We'll find your mom, so don't worry.
How comfortable.
Did you finish the flowers…
-What's this?
-"What's this?"
That's what I want to ask. What's this?
Answer me. What is this?
This is so out of the blue and malicious.
People can say anything they want
under anonymity.
What are you trying to do?
This became a serious issue at work.
-Can she sit down--
-Let go. I'm fine.
Let's go.
Mr. Cha!
She cheats too?
Stop the car.
I'm too annoyed to go with you.
As far away from here as possible.
I saw it.
I'm sorry, and thank you.
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