Family Secrets (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[machine beeping]
- [soft groan]
- [Alicja] Sis?
Wake up.
They let you in here?
[Alicja] Yeah. [chuckles]
Grandma convinced 'em.
You know her. For her family
she'd take on an army.
You look good.
And you?
Whoa. Some party, sis! [both chuckle]
- [ Kaśka] No doubt.
- Mmm hm.
[Alicja] Mmm hm.
My gosh
I'm such an idiot.
All this time I kept hoping he'd
come back and rescue me from this.
["Feel the Heat" playing]
There once was a girl
Who suffered love's madness ♪
Even though that love lives ♪
Somewhere in the forest ♪
[Jan] Is that what he told you?
Okay. Thank you.
[door opens]
You're lucky my flight got canceled.
[door closes]
[Piotr] Mom I'll be back in a bit, okay?
And then I'll run you a nice, hot bath.
Hi, Kaśka, um
This whole thing with
Jaworowicz, and uh
Well, I don't like to talk about it
'cause it's embarrassing
but just the same, uh
Well, when you turned down Paweł, uh
[ Kaśka sighs]
- Uh Why don't you sit down?
- [breathing heavily]
[ Kaśka sighs]
[Piotr] Hm, there.
So as I was saying,
when you turned down Paweł
he of course assumed that it was all over
between the two of you.
Uh, he made a mistake, getting involved
with that woman.
And it had a huge impact on his life.
It changed it.
Um you could say that everything
is different now
from the way it was before.
- Piotr
- Yeah?
If you know where he is,
please just tell me.
- Of course, yes.
- Piotr, please!
If you've written to him all these times
and if as you say, he knows about
everything and he hasn't responded
No, he hasn't.
- [Piotr] He hasn't.
- No.
[Piotr] So there, you see?
Apparently he thinks
it's all over between you two.
- All over?
- [Piotr] All over.
All over.
So that's it.
Be because everything
is over between us.
Could you please tell him when you
see him that I'm getting married? And
[sighs] I should go.
Thank you for seeing me.
This wedding is utter nonsense.
Have you thought it through at all?
Or are you really that into Kaśka?
[Jan] I don't want to give up.
[Anka] Because? Just not your style?
[Anka chuckles]
Can you give me my shirt back, please?
[Anka sighs]
- [Jan] I'm sorry.
- [Anka] Yeah? For what?
Looks like he's nowhere to be found ♪
Seems like a boy
Sure gets around ♪
Could be he's having lots of fun ♪
Maybe my search has just begun ♪
I'm driftin' ♪
The road without end ♪
I'm travelin' to find a boy ♪
For a friend ♪
You've been writing to him all this time.
I have.
It's over now though.
[Jan sighs]
[Jan groans softly]
You didn't manage to kill Paweł.
But I know you were trying to.
It's not my baby.
I don't care about that.
You're you're just like your father.
So long, Emil.
What do you mean "so long"? Dorota!
[door opens]
[Małgosia] Teresa!
- Screaming Lady Are you the mother?
- [Małgosia] Yes.
- [Marek] And I'm the father.
- Follow me, please.
Your daughter is stable now
and she's in good condition.
She's asked for a moment alone.
Aha. And all the same, I let the
hospital know we'd be coming soon.
- Thank you so much for all you've done.
- [Alicja] What's going on?
They're gonna take Kaśka to hospital.
No, not happening.
You don't get to decide that.
Of course not, my sister does.
- You're not taking her anywhere.
- Alicja!
[Alicja] That was what she said.
Let me see my granddaughter.
Mom, you heard him.
He just said that the situation is stable
and that she just needs to rest now.
Yes, of course, and we're very grateful
to the doctors here
for their skill
and managing this difficult situation.
Well, don't just stand there and chatter!
You heard the doctor, she needs some peace
and quiet, so quiet down, all of you!
Doctor, when will
she start feeling better?
When she gives birth.
Could you press my hand really hard?
I have a terrible headache.
[doctor] What? Here?
- Yes, even harder, please.
- [doctor] Is that better?
- That's enough.
- [Marek] Małgosia
No, you ruin everything for me, Marek.
- Oh, grandma!
- What a day, huh?
You said it Embarrassing.
No. It's just a very long day.
And we're all here, yeah?
Except for one person.
The father.
Who is he?
[Jolanta chuckles]
Thought so.
And that's good.
All right, since we've straightened
that out, just tell me one thing:
what do you want?
- Oh, grandma!
- [both chuckle]
I wanted something grand.
- Mmm hm.
- Mmm hm. Yeah.
I wanted Paweł to be with me.
And I wanted it to be like that forever.
Don't waste your life waiting.
It's your time!
You just install this app and then you
register and then you have access
Okay, now I just have to find the
- [honks horn]
- [men roar]
[siren wails]
[indistinct chatter]
- [Jolanta] No!
- [doctor] Ma'am!
- [doctor] Ma'am open the door!
- [Beatrycze] No! Don't do that! Please!
[Jolanta] Okay uh
[Jolanta, through loudspeaker]
Uh hello.
- Can you hear me?
- [guests shout]
So, everything is okay here.
Sister Beatrycze and Father Andrzej
thank you very much for your patience.
[lowers voice]
Well, and they say you have black hearts.
Okay. Uh, you, young man, come here.
What's wrong with you, Marek?
That wasn't for you!
[Jolanta] Jan, I'm talking to you.
Yes, come over here!
[Spanish rap music playing]
[Jolanta] Get in.
Everyone, hang on, I'm pretty sure
this won't take much longer now.
I know we're all very tired at this point.
[Jolanta] Thank you very much.
[cheering, applause]
[Jan sniffs]
I don't love you.
I know.
I know, Kaśka.
And even though I love you
I know this won't work.
I deceived you.
Paweł wanted to talk to you and
tell you everything that had happened.
But I couldn't allow him to do that.
I'm sorry.
[Jan] Hello, I'd like to order a taxi,
at 14 Osowski Street.
[Jan] Yes.
It's Jaworowicz.
Jan Jaworowicz, yes.
Great, thank you very much. Goodbye.
[door closes]
There was an uproar at the meeting:
should the square be fenced off or not.
But why is that?
Why would they fence it off?
Do they think people will bring
their dachshunds on the tram
all the way here
just to pee in the square?
- That's absurd.
- [rattling]
[Piotr] Paweł?
Where have you been?
What happened to you?
I seem to have lost my phone.
Your phone?
Your phone's been here the whole time
and been ringing like crazy!
What happened to you?
Hm, how's grandma?
What's with you and Doctor Jaworowicz?
She came here to see you.
- Yeah?
- Yes, and they called from the university.
The director himself called
and said you're to report to him
as soon as you return.
[Piotr] Are you in trouble?
[hesitates] No
- Paweł!
- No. Hm.
[door closes]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
[phone vibrating]
- [director] I know that you're in trouble.
- [awkward chuckle]
And so I have to leave the university
even though I don't want to, yeah?
I believe it's through
no fault of your own.
I spoke to both of them.
They came here.
Professor Jaworowicz
and Doctor Jaworowicz.
Separately, of course.
They're an odd couple.
And they are none too fond of each other,
to put it mildly.
But they stick together and you can't win.
[director] You need to understand this.
Emil Jaworowicz is very well-connected.
He could hurt both you and me.
Listen, you're a great student
and I respect you,
and so I've recommended you
to the college in Katowice.
You can learn the trade there too, Paweł.
[director] Paweł this has to end.
It's sick.
And she won't quit.
[Paweł sniffs]
Thank you.
[door closes]
[door opens]
[Piotr] Sleeping.
She was anxious, but then she had
some soup and she fell asleep.
[Paweł sighs]
[Paweł] Thanks.
How are you going
to handle her when I leave?
I talked to Mrs. Łucja
and she said she'll help us.
Thank God for neighbors.
Thank God. [both chuckle]
I'm gonna get some air.
I think that's a very good idea.
Thanks. [soft chuckle]
[Piotr] Oh, Paweł,
Kaśka doesn't live there anymore though.
[Piotr] It's here somewhere. Ah, got it.
That's her new address.
She called and told me.
I thought you'd like to know that.
Looks like he's nowhere to be found ♪
[women laughing]
[Alicja] Let's call it a night.
[ Kaśka] Jan?
[ Kaśka] No, no, no, Jan, stop it.
Don't come over, come on.
Yes, of course I'm safe.
[ Kaśka laughs] Are you happy over there?
[ Kaśka] Oh, I make you happy, huh?
[ Kaśka chuckles]
Okay, have fun.
Yeah, bye!
- [ Kaśka] Bye, bye.
- My journey's come to an end ♪
- What kind of parents are you two?
- Mama!
You involve your kids
with all your own damn problems.
But then you don't seem
to care about their lives at all.
I thought that
you'd finally grown up enough
to be parents, but I can see I was wrong.
But Mom, she never even told me
she was pregnant. Did she tell you?
Nah. I screwed that all up.
I really stopped talking to Kaśka.
Boy, that's pathetic.
She didn't tell because she was afraid.
Do you remember when you were pregnant?
How you said to me:
"Oh, Mom, I'm not up to it.
Mom, I think I don't love Marek."
- Did you say that?
- I don't remember.
She didn't tell you
because she was counting on you
as her mother to be present.
And where were you, Mom?
When Alicja's tragedy happened
and her fiancé was dying?
Where were you then, huh?
You're right, I wasn't there.
I wasn't there because
I had gone to see aunt in Berlin,
because if I had decided
to have the surgery here,
I'd probably
Well, my chances would've been slim.
Oh, Mom
[Jolanta] But I'm here now.
For good.
It's not Jan's child.
- Oh, that's fantastic news.
- [Marek] Why's that?
Because because I'll tell you later!
The child's father is Paweł.
[Marek hesi=tates]
I have to go and do something.
Sir, I need to get inside
and speak to my daughter!
- I'm begging you! Please.
- [doctor groans] Really?
[doctor sighs]
- Ah! Where do you think you're going?
- Oh
- You're not getting in there! No way!
- [Teresa groans] Wow!
[Lucjan] Doctor, you should't be
manhandling a lady like that.
- Sorry, Ms. Teresa.
- No, he's a doctor, it's fine.
My darling dearest, my love,
my poor baby, my darling
- [Małgosia] My beloved
- [ Kaśka] Mom. Mama? Mama!
Everything's all right.
Nothing is all right.
"Unfortunately we do not
provide information on students."
"You'll have to seek
that assistance elsewhere."
[Małgosia] Did you hear what I said?
Now I have to seek help elsewhere.
Where the hell?
With me, where else?
[Teresa sighs]
- MAy I come in now?
- [receptionist] No, you can't!
Good morning. Teresa Ańska, Tax Office.
Uh, can I?
It doesn't concern your child.
Just sit back down.
It concerns a student named
Paweł Drzewiecki.
Oh, yeah. I know him.
What I mean is he's not here anymore.
'Cause he left.
- He was, uh made to transfer.
- Hm.
Miss, the Tax Office knows perfectly well
that you're no longer enrolling him.
And that's because you
transferred him to a different school.
Um yes, true.
What school?
I'll find it.
Could you tell me
I mean, just because he's
such a nice and easy-going guy
I'd like to know what he did wrong.
No surprise.
But you're better off not knowing.
Thank you.
- [student] Excuse me, how about now?
- Definitely not!
[Teresa coughs]
[indistinct announcement over loudspeaker]
[Teresa] There.
Teresa, thank you so much
for helping me with all this.
Call me when you get there.
And for God's sake, stop worrying so much.
I'm such an idiot, you know? Really!
Why didn't I try talking to him sooner?
I could've done that easily!
Just meet up and find out about him.
You're not an idiot.
- Go!
- Bye.
- [Małgosia] Hello.
- [Teresa] Oh, Małgosia!
- Here!
- Thanks.
And this too.
Oh, Jesus
- Wait! I've got more
- Teresa, stop!
I'm sorry, sir, just a second.
- Take this.
- Thank you.
[Małgosia] I really hope this works out.
I'm telling you,
I blame myself so much now
for not trying to look for you sooner.
But, first, I had a huge fight with Kaśka,
and then
And then we lost contact.
Now this wedding stuff.
With the young Jaworowicz.
You know him?
Jesus, what a terrible family they are.
Simply terrible.
Yeah, well, nothing I can do about it.
I'm not trying to be nosy but
And Paweł, I mean
I don't want to pry
about why you're no longer together
and why you haven't been in contact
And I understand it's probably
painful for you, right?
That in the end
my daughter chose another guy?
[Małgosia] But I guess I was hoping
that since you two were so close
and you had, at least as far as I know,
such a strong bond
It sure seemed like that.
So maybe you could do something now?
To try to talk her out
of this horrible idea.
I know that they're together.
But I won't be going to Warsaw
anytime soon,
so I'm sorry
but I can't help you with that.
[Małgosia] I understand.
- But do you get why I had to ask?
- I do.
That I had to see you and at least try?
I understand, it's not a problem.
- Are you going to the wedding?
- No.
I didn't get an invitation.
I'm not either.
Because I can't accept
my daughter's choice.
Tell me,
why aren't you two together still?
[Małgosia] Why did you disappear?
[woman] Hi, honey.
- [woman] Hello.
- Afternoon.
I should go.
Thank you very much
for taking the time to meet with me.
No problem.
So long.
Ah, I had a thought.
Can I tell Kaśka you said hi?
Yeah, I'll do that.
[Małgosia] Bye bye!
[woman] I thought we were going to stay
here for a bit. I just got here!
Maybe you ought to tell me
something about this Kaśka, huh?
Is she the one
that you were seeing after I left?
- What, sore subject?
- It's none of your business.
Paweł, why are you acting this way?
Is this because of her?
What did her mother want anyway?
Nothing that would be
of any interest at all to you.
What's going on?
I'm pissed off and I really
don't want to talk about it right now.
I see you're pissed off, but you could
at least tell me the reason.
[woman] Remember that
we were supposed to study together,
then my parents
invited us to a barbecue. I mean
And then after dessert,
we'll all go jump off a cliff.
What a good time.
Excuse me?
I can't do this.
You can't do what?
Which of the things that I mentioned
can't you do?
Any of them.
I'm sorry.
[breathing heavily]
I thought I could at least get him to try
and talk her out of this stupid idea.
But no!
Something happened
to break them up, but what was it?
Why are you looking at me
like that? I have no idea.
[Teresa] Hm.
One day they were inseparable
and the next day he just vanished.
But young people today, well
They just don't make lifelong commitments.
Ah, if it were that simple.
Listen to me.
Do you know something I don't?
Something you don't want to tell me?
- Jesus, Mom, give me a break, okay?
- Your sister's happiness is at stake.
If you were really worried about her,
you and Dad would've
stayed in touch with her through all this.
You've got a lotta nerve!
I have nothing to tell you.
And talking about having a lot of nerve?
That was a rotten thing to do to Kaśka,
going to meet with Paweł.
Why is that?
[Alicja] Because you bring out
the worst in people.
- Yeah?
- [Alicja] It's true. What did you go for?
[Alicja] Huh, why?
Don't torment your mother,
she's on the edge of menopause.
So don't tell Kaśka I went there.
Of course I'm going to tell her, Mom.
[Teresa] Okay, but maybe
you could leave out the part
about how he has a new girlfriend.
- No?
- Yeah.
The weasel.
Okay, fine, I won't tell her! No problem!
You drink too much, Alicja.
The glass never leaves your mouth.
[Małgosia] My daughters have secrets,
I'm telling you.
You and Marek have your secrets too.
- [Małgosia] Yes, but we're adults.
- So are they
And it's about time you accepted it.
- Well, I won't accept this wedding.
- Stop that hogwash.
She's your daughter
and you ought to support her.
I think my daughter's marrying
Jaworowicz junior just to get back at me.
Get a grip, Małgosia!
[car alarm beeps]
I hope you come to your senses.
And that you'll be
where a mother should be.
By her child's side.
I'm so sorry, Kaśka! [sobbing]
I beg your forgiveness!
You don't need
to be forgiven for anything.
I love you.
You can still have everything you want.
Go to him now. To Paweł.
I mean it.
And I can go with you if you want.
[Małgosia sniffles]
[Alicja] What for?
He has a new girlfriend and he's happy.
You don't know if he's really happy.
Go and see him.
You need to find out for yourself.
But only if you want to.
And I'll go with you, really.
I'm so sorry!
- Mama
- [Małgosia] Huh?
Can you leave now?
[Małgosia sobbing]
[sobbing continues]
Could you please tell him when you
see him that I'm getting married? And
[sighs] I should go.
Thank you for seeing me.
- Kaśka
- [door opens]
[door closes]
Paweł, I thought you'd come out,
try to talk to her!
[Paweł roaring]
- [Paweł] Fuck!
- [Piotr] Paweł!
What am I supposed to tell her?
What should I tell her?
That I'm an easy blackmail target?
That she almost lost everything
she loves because of me, huh?
That it was all because of
Doctor Jaworowicz. Is that what I say?
That all this time
she molested and preyed on me?
Nobody's going to believe that!
[door closes]
[Jan] We'd picked a wedding date,
turned out it had been taken.
Then Kaśka had some exams and
was looking for a goddamn wedding dress.
Plus, we didn't want to hurry.
Uh huh. Exactly, she had to,
had to think about it.
[chuckles] If she loves me. Yes.
No Okay.
I've gotta go,
I'll see you at the wedding.
[Paweł] Can we talk?
[Jan sighs] Are you sure?
[Jan] Office is empty at this hour.
Christ, man,
I thought we'd never meet again.
I did a forensic medical exam
and went to the police.
But your old man covered everything up.
To your health and my happiness.
- [thud]
- [glass smashing]
I don't know what you're planning,
but it's over!
[Paweł] Do you understand?
- Do you get that?
- [glass smashes]
Hey, we were gonna talk.
I've changed my mind.
I'm going to see Kaśka.
You son of a bitch,
took you a while to find the courage!
- [thuds]
- [groaning]
[Paweł groaning]
- [thud]
- [grunts]
You know Kaśka is pregnant?
[Jan] Question is: whose is it?
- [thump]
- [Jan roars]
[Jan coughing]
[phone ringing]
[phone vibrating and ringing]
Get over here.
To sing you
"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"?
I think she'd really like
She'd like for you to be here.
[Jan] I mean it. Get over here.
[church bell chimes]
Are you praying?
It wouldn't help you.
[Emil scoffs]
What are we waiting for?
People to leave.
No wedding then?
Guess not.
Then why'd we go through
with all of this, son?
We had hoped we could make it work.
Excuse me, I was hoping.
[Emil sighs]
I didn't want it to be this way.
But I can't change it.
I can't take back what happened.
I'm sorry.
You think that's enough?
[ominous music playing]
I found him in the ditch.
I was following Mom.
I saw the state she was in.
And, so, then you took him?
I was sure you were involved with Kaśka.
And Mom's head-over-heels for Drzewiecki.
You needed a reality check.
Wouldn't you have done it too?
And Kaśka knows?
Not everything.
Paweł, are you going to the wedding?
What can I do? What?
[Piotr] Oh! You're dressed
but you're just sitting there.
Sure, this is a good
time to just sit around.
Give me a break, Dad. It's all over.
Yeah, no question.
- She chose another guy, understand?
- And you're just gonna take that shit?
What am I supposed to do?
Just show up like an idiot?
Move your ass and go.
[clears throat]
[Piotr] Paweł! Your jacket!
[Małgosia] Where are you going?
Let me through, I need to talk to her now.
Nothing good has ever come
of your conversations with Kaśka.
Listen. Jan is to blame, I'm to blame,
you're to blame,
we all have blame to share, okay.
But she shouldn't have to pay the price
for that. She deserves the truth.
What's the truth?
Let me through.
[ambulance door opens]
[door closes]
Kaśka, we've deceived you.
[machine continues beeping]
Dorota fell in love with Paweł.
I knew about it and Jan did too.
Jan saw what happened to Paweł.
Paweł Paweł Paweł was in an accident.
I mean, uh Dorota hit him with her car,
because she was so in love with him.
[Emil's voice fades into background]
But Paweł never had feelings for her.
[Emil continues talking indistinctly]
Thank you for taking care of me
when I needed it.
- [Alicja] Everything okay?
- [Marek] Kaśka?
[Małgosia] Kaśka?
- [Teresa] Yes!
- [Marek] Kaśka?
[Małgosia] Kaśka!
[indistinct chatter from guests]
I told you this would happen.
[Agnieszka] Bunny!
Do you remember? Never stop dreaming!
- [Alicja squeals]
- [Robert] Yeah!
- [smooching]
- [applause]
It's the wedding that won't stop!
[dramatic music playing]
[music builds]
Kaśka! Kaśka! Kaśka!
Kaśka! Kaśka
- Kaśka!
- [van swooshes]
[music stops]
["I Don't Feel like Dancing" playing]
- [truck swooshes]
- [ Kaśka shrieks]
[brakes screech]
- [truck stops]
- Sorry! I'm sorry!
- [horn honking]
- [clamoring]
[heavy breathing]
[end credits music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Maja Konkolewska
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