Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e08 Episode Script

The Mask of Doom: Part I

One, two, three, kick!
One, two, three, kick!
One, two, three, kick!
Four, five, seven, kick!
Wait a minute.
One, two, three, kick!
One, two
Three, kick.
Stop, Reed. If you do that at the
Metropolitan Museum ball tomorrow night
they'll throw us off the dance floor.
Sorry, the music sent me away.
Reed? What was that noise?
The beating of my heart,
you wild thing.
Ben, Johnny, hear something?
Breathe easy.
Grasp your foot and relax.
Think positive thoughts.
"Breathe easy. "
Yeah, sure.
- Ben!
- Huh?
What you say, Susie?
I said, did you and Johnny
hear anything up on the roof?
I didn't hear nothing.
Hey, hot rod!
Did you hear anything?
The twerp didn't hear nothing, either.
Lower exits armed.
Robots, move forward
to your missión.
Commence projection
of energy grid.
Interweave containment cage.
Breathe, relax.
Breathe Relax
Now initiate diversión.
Hey, why'd you mess up my cards?
I didn't do nothing.
Now, would you bug off?
I'm trying to relax here!
You lay off my Wayne Newton records.
I didn't touch 'em. And you
trashed my Fleer's Marvel cards.
- Did not.
- Did too.
Flame on!
Stand still and get clobbered,
you fink firefly.
Have a hot foot, hothead!
You come back here, you!
What on earth?
I told you I heard something.
Johnny and Ben must be at it again.
Please make them behave.
They listen to you.
I'll be back soon for my rumba.
Oh, Reed!
What is it?
Reed! Reed!
Complete your missión, my children.
- Reed!
- Oh!
Come back here.
Come to Papa. He can Oh!
Hey, hey! Stop that.
Now, both of you!
- Tell it to him. He started it.
- Ah, sheep dip!
He messed up
my Wayne Newton collection.
Now, wait a minute.
We're supposed to be a team.
How can we fight the enemies of mankind
if you're always fighting
each other, instead?
What the hey? This keeps us in practice.
Yeah? Who appointed you class monitor?
Look, I don't care what you do
but you're bothering Sue.
So knock it off!
Excellent! Complete the energy cage.
- Wow!
- Wow!
Looks like a bomb hit the joint.
Where's Sue? Sue!
Susan Storm is my prisoner.
- Who said that?
- It's coming from outside.
If you wish her to remain unharmed
you must follow my orders.
What? These ropes,
they're solidified strands of energy.
Well, let me unsolidify it.
Fools! It is useless to resist.
Hmm, that voice.
It's been years, but
Von Doom? Is it you?
Victor Von Doom?
Yes, Reed Richards.
You see the rumors of my death
were without substance.
Ugh! Show your face, pal
'cause I got a knuckle sandwich
with your name on it.
Spare me your histrionics.
You have no choice but to obey me.
Step into the light and join us.
- Quickly!
- A tractor beam?
Sue's life is at stake. Follow my lead.
Take it easy.
Robots, welcome my guests
and secure them at once.
Call off the artillery.
We're not going anywhere.
No, my young friend. You are!
Relax. And enjoy the ride.
You are guests of Doctor Doom.
Welcome. Your Rooms are ready.
You won't get me like that.
For The Thing,
a vibranium-steel apartment.
You might be able
to batter your way out.
In a few thousand years.
Let's see how well
the Human Torch can burn.
Under water.
Now we come to Mr. Fantastic.
How can we hold such a clever fellow?
Mr. Fantastic can make himself
whatever shape he wants.
What better than a prison
that can do the same?
How fantastic
do your friends seem now, Susan?
Fantastic enough
to defeat you in the end.
- This isn't over yet.
- Doombots! Be gone!
You shall be my guest for dinner.
And at sunrise, I will give you
a missión to perform for me.
And you will do it willingly.
Or you will all die.
Sue, Johnny, Ben.
- Can you read me?
- Yes, I hear you, darling.
I got you, too, Reed.
Ben, can you hear me?
Ben, please acknowledge.
Yeah, I hid your intercom in my gum,
You're coming through loud and chewy.
The prisons Doctor Doom
prepared for us are clever
but together, I know
we can find a way out Shh!
Someone's coming.
It's Doom's servant, Hauptmann.
Doctor Doom requests the honor
of your presence at dinner,
Mrs. Richards.
You tell him to get lost, Susie.
Silence, you brainless oaf!
It is useless to struggle.
Ach, du lieber
Must release controls.
Can't quite reach.
Sue, now!
Free Johnny.
Hurry, sis, get me free
and I'll melt Reed loose.
Alarm! Prisoners escaping!
Oh, you got that right,
Mr. Wiener Schnitzel!
Put me down!
It's no use. I'm free but I
can't get the rest of us out.
- What should I do?
- Have dinner with Doom.
- What?
- I know it's a lot to ask.
But my guess is he needs to wait
out the blizzard
before he can send us on his missión.
The longer we keep him
talking, the more time we have
to figure a way out of here
so we can save you.
Save all of us.
I'll do my best, sweetheart
but I won't breathe easy
until I know you're safe.
Well, Hauptmann, I wondered
what was Holding you up.
Very funny. Har-dee-har-har.
He tricked me, Excellency.
It was not my fault.
It is of no consequence.
I think our guests
will behave themselves.
At least while Mrs. Richards
is at my table.
Won't you join me, my dear?
Perhaps Mrs. Richards would like
to freshen up before dinner.
Hauptmann, see to it.
If you try to escape again,
your wife will pay the penalty.
I bid you good evening.
The clock is ticking. Johnny. Ben.
We've got to get loose before
the snow storm blows over.
Or none of us may survive.
Sue Richards is beautiful.
But will her loyalty to her
husband withstand this trial?
I wonder what she truly thinks of me.
I am powerful and once
I was also handsome.
What do externals matter?
It is the man within who counts.
My life here is rather isolated.
I am pleased you accepted my invitation.
I had no choice.
But I wouldn't have missed it
for the worid.
I find you fascinating.
You do?
Hauptmann, clean up!
I have made an unfortunate mess.
As you were saying.
You find me fascinating?
It's the man behind the mask
that intrigues me.
I want to know more about you
All about you.
Now you have succeeded in
fascinating me, Mrs. Richards.
To your health, my charming Susan.
Ah! An excellent vintage.
And my story begins many years ago
in a gypsy camp, not far from
the vineyards below this castle.
My father, Rudolph,
was a most important man.
A respected healer.
There was nothing miraculous
about his cures.
Ancient knowledge
passed down from generations.
On many occasions
he saved children who lay ill
with dreaded fevers
the gratitude in their eyes
the only reward he sought.
But the simple people of the village
believed he was a miracle worker.
A sorcerer.
While some revered him
others saw him as a target
a golden goose
whose feathers they could pluck.
They saw their opportunity.
They were sure my father had no chance.
With arrogant confidence
the villains' cruelty
was without bounds.
But they did not know what type
of man they chose that night.
My father's scientific skills
had powerful manifestations.
The robot spider served him well.
As did a blinding flash
from his illuminated buckle.
The superstitious fools!
But this is too sad a story
for such a cold evening.
I should be silent
and allow you to enjoy the meal.
Oh, no, no, no, please.
I want you to tell me everything.
Yes Everything.
Doom's robots, I've just deduced
that they've been programmed
to understand English.
They're listening, so we'll
have to use another language.
Yeah, that'll be a cinch for you,
As far as I can tell you,
you ain't ever talked English.
Johnny, listen.
Are-ay ou-yay earing-way
the atch-way
I- Ay ave-gay ou-yay
or-fay our-yay irthday-bay?
Pig Latin! I-ay ean-may
ig-pay Atin-lay.
Sheesh! Now I can't understand
neither one of them.
Our-yay atch-way,
ush-pay the imer-tay.
I mean, ow-way!
- What is it?
- A catalytic ignition system.
I can understand
the pig Latin better.
A cutting torch that works underwater.
Use your torch
to cut your way out of the tank.
Flame on!
His temperature's going up!
Way up!
The robots didn't sound the alarm.
Hurry, we've got to find Sue!
Hey, welcome to the funhouse.
The fun isn't gonna last long.
Those aren't mirrors!
They're laser furnaces!
Get back!
I'm glad they ain't mirrors.
'Cause I sure don't need
seven years' bad luck.
A diabolical maze.
I expected no less from Doctor Doom.
One of these passageways
must lead to the main castle.
Yeah. One for the money,
two for the show
we gotta save Susie,
now, which way do we go?
I'm well aware of the situation, Ben.
We can't take action
without thinking first.
So, think! The wind
is messing up my hairdo.
That's it! That icy wind
is from the storm outside.
It's strongest from the left.
From the brief glimpse I caught
of the castle's juxtaposition
with the mountain face, I deduce
Yeah, yeah.
You said left, we're going left.
If we wait around
for you to stop yapping
we'll be on Medicare
before we get outta here.
So far, this looks pretty good.
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