Farang (2017) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Tage is a friend, he helped me escape.
I committed a robbery 10 years ago, it went wrong.
My best friend got hurt an I was told to kill him.
I couldn't do it so I ratted on my boss
and I've been on the run ever since.
Birdie told me there's someone looking for you.
- Kovač.
What does that mean?
- That I have to go.
Take me back to the mainland!
- Thyra.
How does one leaves this place?
- When they come to get you.
- Hi, Birdie. How are you?
I wanna meet Ben.
This is traceable.
The bag is wired.
If he shoots me before he checks the bag?
- Then we get him for possession and murder.
Your aunt's name is Pranée?
- Yes.
Can you give her this present?
Thank you.
What are you doing?
- I was just curious, it's from a friend of yours.
Get out now!
Birdie, look.
I'm not letting you go.
- I did my part, you fucked up.
We don't have Ben yet.
I can't stay here for the rest of my life, I won't make it.
- You're right, you won't.
Have it done by daybreak.
I'm sorry it went this way.
- Ruben, let's go!
Don't say a word.
- Ruben!
Not one word,
I'll see you when you're out and I'm back home.
Wrap it up, we gotta go!
Ruben! Wait
Hello, Tage here.
- It's me.
How's going?
- I need a favor.
What is it?
- If something happens to me, you gotta look after Thyra.
She made a mess back in Sweden, can you fix that?
- Of course.
Police stuff she ran from her foster parents
and doesn't wanna go back.
What you're up to?
- I'm sick and tired of running.
What about him?
You don't think he forgot, do you?
Nobody did.
- I know.
You can't go back now.
- Never mind Kovač is here.
You picked a very nice house,
best view in whole Phuket.
It's a quiet neighborhood,
you will sleep like a baby.
I'm not here to sleep.
It must have meant a lot to you, is he family?
- He's an old friend.
So, do we have a deal?
Of course, he's all yours.
You know, my friend, I usually don't interfere in other people's business
- So don't.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Kovač,
enjoy your staying in Thailand.
Will you calm down already?!
Sit down.
You're hungry?
Untie her so she can eat.
I'm sorry after 10 years in prison
you forget about good manners.
I'm Lars.
- I know who you are.
Alright then.
Maybe you also know why I'm here.
I don't know where he is.
I wouldn't tell you anyway.
I know you want to kill him.
- Is that what he told you?
Ruben has always thought pretty highly of himself.
Thyra is that your name?
You think I crossed half the world to kill your dad?
What prize would I win?
- What do you want then?
He has something that belongs to me,
80 millions.
I don't like this at all! What's your plan?
- The less you know, the better.
What if he's waiting for you? He can shoot you right there!
- He won't.
How do you know?
- I just know, alright?
Just drop it!
Pick up your daughter and start over.
I can't, not when he's out there. I gotta finish this.
- Then let me help you.
Look you've done more than enough already.
Hello? What?
What do you say?
I'll be right there.
Who found him?
The morning shift.
Your main witness killed himself.
Have you got any sensible plan to catch Ben now?
- Are you sure the camera wasn't working?
I spoke to Birdie yesterday,
didn't look like he was gonna kill himself.
Someone's behind this.
- No stranger came in or out.
Check who was in service
- Enough! Stop raving!
You too calm down.
Don't take it so personally.
Pranée think of how many will get killed or hurt
before you finally get your personal revenge.
We tried your way and we failed.
Our collaboration ends now,
is that clear?
When did you get here?
Or perhaps you've been living here?
No, I don't live here.
- Much better that way.
Ruben has a real nose for trouble.
He just costed me a couple of millions,
some people never change, that's how it is.
They screw up and someone else has to clean the shit.
But I don't wanna talk about that with you.
I don't believe you, he has no money.
You know he has never talked about you?
Isn't that strange?
We worked together, we met almost everyday.
Your name never came up.
If I had a daughter, I wouldn't shut up about her.
How did he keep contacts with you all these years?
Did he call you?
Did he send you presents from time to time?
Or he just left never to be seen again.
Your dad is not a bad man, Thyra,
but you have to know he's selfish.
He thinks only of himself.
Such a man can't have friends
can't even be a good father, I guess.
Am I wrong?
What's he ever done to deserve your loyalty?
You owe nothing to him.
In fact, he owes you.
If you told me where he is
you'd get your reward. Don't you think it's fair?
You don't need him.
Think about yourself, about your future.
You don't need him.
Then I'd be free?
- Yes, of course.
What do you think?
I'd have no reason to keep you here.
I have no idea where he is.
- It's me, we have to meet.
I'm at the Sawadee restaurant in old Phuket.
We need an agreement.
Who tells me it's worth it?
- Nobody, you have to trust me.
You didn't die after all.
- Did you think so?
Few men can keep a low profile for this long.
How much did you spend?
You've not been so pathetic to waste it all, have you?
I never touched it.
So what now?
- I give you the money and we're done.
Call Hansi and we'll go get it.
Where's Hansi?
Let me go!
If I'm not back in one hour,
Hansi has instructions to shoot her.
Give me the gun.
You go first.
The car is here.
Back to the house.
Have you been here the whole time?
- No.
Where have you been?
- I traveled the world.
Eventually I stopped here.
It's much different from Kumla, isn't it?
Prison's different too.
- Maybe you chose a fascinating place though.
I hope you had a good time.
It would be sad to know
you've been here 10 years just waiting for your death.
I guess you had your reasons.
Very cute your daughter.
Hello. Pranée.
- Very cute.
Who's speaking?
- Very fine.
This is between you and me,
Thyra's got nothing to do with it.
Please, let her go.
It's your fault if she got caught in this,
not mine.
Jom Chang. Last house, number 9.
- Is she here?
No money until I see her.
- Out!
That way.
Sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.
- Fuck!
- So what?
We both heard someone was threatening him,
he was trying to tell us something.
Are you crazy?
I think you are.
What if something happens to his daughter?
Since when he's got a daughter?
Does she live in Thailand?
Why you never told me?
- It doesn't matter! We gotta go to Jom Chang!
I'm going home.
It's a job for the Tourism Department.
Where you go I don't care.
The Tourism Department?
Do you want another body?
She's only 15!
Help me this one last time!
Pranée, do you know where you're going?
- Yes, thank you.
Do I have a choice?
Where is she?
No Thyra, no money.
- No money, no Thyra.
How can I trust you?
- You gonna have to take a chance.
Where's the money?
- Thyra first.
I bet he spent it all.
- Wait!
Where is the money?
- In Sweden I buried it in Sweden.
I got the coordinates,
send someone there to check.
The plan was to come back and start again with my family.
- You don't believe this bullshit, do you Lars?
I think it's just what some pathetic man would do.
The coordinates.
- Let me see Thyra, I need to know she's alive.
Check who was in service that night, ok?
All departments.
I know it's against procedures.
Do it as a favor to me, ok?
He said the last house, it must be around here.
We can't break in without a warrant.
Let her think we'll make it, for her own sake.
- Open the door.
Open that door.
Now you saw her.
Are you ok?
It's gonna be alright, I promise.
Listen to me it's gonna be alright.
It's gonna be alright
It must be here there it is!
We have nothing, we can only watch the house.
Just one question: what do you hope to achieve?
- It's not the right time for questions.
Let's say everything goes well
are you gonna spend your life with him?
Let's go to my house and have dinner.
Deang made the stew with green curry your favorite.
Let's just go this is not our business.
Say hello to Deang for me.
They started digging.
How did you do it?
How could you keep the secret for so long?
You don't brag about this kind of things?
Maybe you planned to betray us from the start.
Who's the mother? Is she a blonde?
A bit crazy
You should have let me go.
This would never have happened.
- Let you go? What the fuck did you think when you got in?
I hope the money is there at least for Thyra's sake.
Fuck fuck, Ruben!
Why did you do that?
You could be rich now.
Ok, let her go now.
Don't you dare bullshit me!
- It's there they got the wrong spot.
It's the exact spot you told me!
- Then it's gotta be there!
Go get the girl.
- No no!
I said go get the girl!
- Thyra! Thyra!
I'll do what you want! Keep me!
- For what?
Give me 2 hours, I'll get the money
Give me a chance.
- You're out of chances!
I'll do all I can, trust me
- I trusted you last time.
You know I can't run, you have my daughter!
For all I know, you'd leave her here.
We both know you're a selfish piece of shit.
And I assure you your daughter knows too.
The only good thing you've done for her
was leaving her.
That's why she's not like you.
You're a son of a bitch you didn't need to kill him.
Kill who?
- Armin, who do you think? He'd never betrayed us.
What the fuck are you saying?
- He'd have done his time without talking.
What the fuck are you talking about?!
What the fuck are you talking about?!
What the
- What's going on? Lars
What happened?
- Stay down, for fuck's sake!
Are you ok?
Talk to him, he's the police, ok?
- Ok.
Take this. - What
- Take this!
- We need your help, they gonna kill my dad! Please hurry!
Drop the gun!
- You drop it or I'll shoot him.
Shoot him - Give me the gun!
- Come on, shoot him!
I can't.
- Don't care about me, just kill him!
Come on, shoot him! - Give me the gun.
- Shoot him
Do it! Shoot him! - Last warning!
- Do it! Shoot him!
On the floor!
- Sorry
Shove it away good girl.
Sit down.
Rickard! Stop!
Stop it!
Let him go!
Please, don't!
Hurry up, kill him!
What are you waiting for?
Here you dropped it.
- I was just wondering where I left it.
It takes one year of my salary
to pay the monthly rent for this house.
You know who owns this place?
- Ben Ariyawongwiwat.
That man is a cancer,
he'll destroy the whole island.
Who am I taking back?
- That Farang.
Take him to the hospital and keep an eye on him.
- Alright.
You're gonna go after that Ben, aren't you?
What do you think?
- that you're a good cop.
- Yes and also a good man.
And you re pretty annoying and sly.
Hello the place is crawling with cops.
They know it's your house.
- So what?
It's not a crime to own a house.
What tenants do is not my responsibility.
They released that Farang and his daughter.
Forget about him, he's just a miserable Farang.
I have to go now.
I didn't see you back here
- I heard everything, I'm having your record checked.
Am I not clear?
They had someone helping them from the inside.
I'll check your phone records too.
Take this asshole's gun.
To Fabian.
To Mariette.
For me?
- A Christmas present a little late, but
Beautiful! I love it!
Better late than never even after 10 years.
What now?
- We get out of here.
I can't stand this island anymore.
Say about that money
Does it exist?
- Yes, somewhere.
- Someone took it.
Any idea who?
Take him to the cell.
I need to know something.
You should have listened to your daughter.
You should have killed me when you had the chance.
Who killed Armin?
- Please
You you shot Armin.
You ratted on me and left with the money.
What is it?
It wasn't you?
Wake up, Armin!
- What are you doing?
I can't call anyone!
They'd kill me, do you understand?
- Help me!
What have you done?
Tell me!
I need to leave.
It's just for now.
I'll be back soon.
Sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.
Göteborg police.
- I'm looking for Tage Forss.
One moment, please.
Are you still there?
- Yes.
Did you say "Forss"?
- Yes, he changed his number, I need the new one.
Tage is no longer here,
he resigned 10 years ago.
I'll go get the tickets.
I'm gonna miss Thailand.
I'm not gonna miss that Thai of yours.
I know
I wish you the best of luck and that you'll find happiness.
- I hope you will too.
Are you coming?
You don't have to say anything, just go.
Here, your favorite.
So your Farang is leaving for good.
Will you stop helping foreigners now?
I just started.
You didn't answer my question.
- What?
Do you know who took the money?
I hope you're not letting him go.
- You sound too much like me.
Is it good or bad?
I couldn't say.
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