Fartblinda (2019) s01e08 Episode Script


They say being poor is hard,
but being rich is much harder.
Adam wanted life to be bigger, better
Let's hear it for Bea.
Hip hip hoorah.
Peder Rooth,
we're from the Economic Crime Authority.
You're under suspicion.
Peder Rooth and Otto Rehnskiöld were
fully aware of what was going on in Trading.
Can you back that up?
It's starting to fall apart.
It's getting really fucking expensive.
More expensive than your freedom?
Did you enjoy that?
Fucking around like that?
I just need to know what the plan is.
Did Peder Rooth send you?
-Have you heard?
Henrik Beijer killed himself.
Are there any witnesses?
I'm assuming
you've spoken to the neighbors?
You haven't found a letter or anything?
He had a family
Yes, I understand.
Yes. But I've been investigating ST Bank.
I met him and
-They're refusing to talk to me.
-They're in the middle of an investigation.
Well, then they should be talking
to someone who knows what happened.
As long as they're not treating his death
as suspicious
I met him. He was calm and composed.
He was like a completely different person
from when he'd just got fired.
He didn't seem in the least bit concerned
about the Economic Crime Authority.
But he did say that management was doing
everything they could to frame him.
I think you're getting
a bit carried away now.
He said that Otto Rehnskiöld
and Peder Rooth
knew exactly what was going on in Trading.
The whole time.
And the very same day
he throws himself off a balcony?
Yeah, sure
But what are you implying?
Where are you going now?
Has anyone seen Björn?
-Is his iPad on his desk?
He's probably in the bathroom. He's coming
with me to this thing in half an hour.
Bea. You're not a crime reporter!
-I haven't heard anything.
-You didn't see anyone in the stairwell?
I saw a girl, that's all.
But that was a few of days ago now.
-A girl?
-Yes. In her thirties.
-Had her hair tied up, cute
-Could it have been Jenny?
No, no. I know her.
This was someone else.
When was the last time you saw Henrik?
A couple of weeks ago.
I was picking up Olle.
I saw you on your way out of the building.
But I didn't know who you were then.
What were you doing there?
I tried to interview Henrik,
but it didn't go very well.
He wasquite agitated.
Do you remember
talking about the bank at all?
He went on a rant
about how unfairly he'd been treated.
About how two-faced Peder Rooth was.
And that Otto was the devil incarnate.
He said that?
He thought most people were idiots.
Except for Nico, maybe.
Was hein a relationship?
Was there a woman?
I don't know.
You don't happen to know
someone called Amanda?
I just don't understand!
What the hell happened?
What happened to Henrik?
You've read the papers, haven't you?
The day after I told you he had a recording
that could put us behind bars.
I'm just as shocked as you are, Peder.
-What did you do with the information?
What are implying?
I was planning to discuss it with Henrik,
of course.
Get him to change his mind.
But I was too late.
Have the police been in touch?
-Not about that.
-They will be, sooner or later.
But, um
We don't need to mention anything
about the recording.
It would only lead to difficult questions.
We'll have to answer those anyway.
Both of us.
The police will find the recording.
How long do you think it'll take
before the Economic Crime Authority
figures out what we've done?
Maybe Henrik was bluffing
about the recording.
Maybe he realized
he was about to lose.
You and I both know
how he felt about that.
You can keep your fucking blood money!
Blood money? What are you talking about?
I tell you about Henrik's recording,
and suddenly he jumps off his balcony?
Henke's suicide has absolutely nothing
to do with
Fucking suicide?!
Why the hell would he commit suicide?
He'd just got a job at Goldman!
Why the hell would he kill himself?!
-Henke got a job at Goldman?
-Yeah. He was going to move to the US.
I really need to talk to you, Nico.
Can we meet?
I'm going away for a while. Don't bother
looking for me, because you won't find me.
Calm down
Hi, I don't know if
maybe you recognize me. I'm Bea.
-Have you got a minute?
-I have to go. Move out of the way.
I know your friend died the other day.
I don't know anything about it!
I'm trying to find out what happened.
Listen, the thing is Amanda told me
to speak to you. I don't know why.
Amanda who?
What? The dealer?
I don't even know her.
This might sound a bit strange,
but do you have a dealer called Amanda?
No, I only know her first name.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Do you know of any other clubs?
An underground club maybe?
I really need a job.
OK. Right. And that's on Kungsholmen?
In a garage?
I don't want to get involved.
You won't be. I promise.
You'll stay totally anonymous.
No one will ever know
you've spoken to me.
We were gonna fucking move to New York!
He'd got a job there.
At Goldman Sachs.
He didn't take his own life.
I'm sure of it.
We spoke on the phone that evening.
And some guy came to the door,
saying something about a leak.
What? What leak? What guy?
I don't know his name, but
I called him loads of times after that,
but he never answered.
Do you know what they were up to?
-What do you mean?
-They were trying to frame him.
They changed his weekly reports to make
it look like he'd been lying about Trading.
-Who's they?
-Peder and Otto.
But he had a recording.
He was going to expose them.
A recording? What kind of recording?
Did he tell you that?
Yes, he told me.
-Do you know where he kept it?
-No, I don't.
That fucking bitch!
She's spoken to the neighbors,
with his widow, with Nico Karamanlis
-How do you know that?
-It's time you woke up, Peder.
-What did Nico say?
-No idea. But I suggest you find out.
She found some poker woman, too.
Amanda Karlsson.
Who's that?
Hell if I know!
But if I were you, I'd try and find out.
This is your mess!
I heard Henrik was going to the US.
-He'd got a new job.
And then he just jumped off his balcony?
As far as I could tell,
he was a fucking junkie,
And we all know what happens
to people like him.
I suggest you think about
what you're focusing on, Peder.
And where your focus should be.
-She's genuine.
-I don't doubt that.
But we can't publish things like this
with only an anonymous source to go on.
Speak to Neijmar if you want,
but she'll say the same.
But what if we just pose the question?
And Peder Rooth and Otto Rehnskiöld
can respond?
And then what?
If they deny fiddling the reports,
you'll have nothing to write about anyway.
All you'll have done is let them know
we're on to them.
What shall I do then?
Find something that supports her claims.
Another lead
or preferably the recording itself.
Markus quit, did you know that?
-You don't happen to know why?
No idea.
Get back to the room.
I want to send an email.
He said he'd shut down the account
if you contacted him again.
I know.
But what have I got to lose?
There. Go to "Compose"
-You're right.
-About what?
I've always found it easier to see
your weaknesses
than to see your strengths.
I shouldn't have invited half your class
to Val-d'Isère.
Why did you do that?
Because I could.
I was afraid you wouldn't be enough.
I knew straight away
that something was wrong.
It was as if an icy rod
passed through my body.
When I got to the maternity ward,
I just froze. Something was wrong.
I remember thinking
if I could have changed places with you,
I would have.
You were dealt such an unfair hand.
I should have seen you
in all your magnificence.
I'm ashamed of myself.
I want you to know,
I'm proud of you, my son.
And I understand if you want to leave
all this behind and test your wings.
Poor and without an inheritance, maybe.
But you'd be self-reliant.
But if you choose to stay,
and take over from me,
you will do it as Rehnskiöld,
and nothing else.
I expect you to take on the mantle
and take care of the inheritance,
stop whining, dry your tears,
and walk the line.
Think about it.
A shame
-What happened with the bank.
-It's not over yet.
I'll fight to the very end.
-He was wrong.
Your father.
You're not an average rodent.
Never underestimate a rat.
That would be a mistake.
This is the start of a new chapter.
Carl, I want you to know that I'm behind you,
supporting you with the resources you need,
The Rehnskiölds live on.
Yes, I understand.
I'm not asking you to share information
about an ongoing police investigation.
All I'm saying is,
if you've recovered his phone,
there's information on there
that could be very useful.
I've got a job for you, Bea.
Sven-Ivan Segerfält is buying
the remains of ST Bank.
When was this finalized?
I signed off the final details
with the receiver today.
What will happen to ST Bank as a brand?
The brand is up for sale,
if anyone wants to buy it.
I'm only buying the business itself.
Will you be taking the employees with you?
No one is under any obligation.
Apart from some of the management
who will be surplus to requirement,
everyone is welcome to come to Norbank.
How do you envisage that working out?
There was practically a civil war at ST Bank
when the advisers in Private Banking left.
That's all in the past.
It's time to look to the future.
What will happen
to the employee convertible bonds?
-The issue has been resolved.
The receiver sold off the assets
from the bankruptcy estate.
In that way covering a portion of that cost.
The rest will be covered by Norbank.
So you waited until you could take over
the bank at a knock-down price?
Not at all. Norbank is doing this
out of social responsibility
Adam would've become debt-free today.
I know.
-Welcome to Strömsnäs.
-Thank you.
-What a place!
I've got better things to do
than worry about
what Sven-Ivan Segerfält
does or doesn't do.
But I can confirm he declined the offer
to purchase the bank before
because he didn't want to pay up
for the employee convertible bonds.
Now he's doing it anyway, with a massive
discount that comes with a bankruptcy.
It's not the way I like to do business.
He's saved himself a few crowns,
but all the uncertainty
has caused the employees to suffer.
We're talking about large sums of money.
People had taken out huge loans.
I would've rather done the right thing.
Looking back,
now that your family company is gone
What was your part in all of this?
Could you have done anything differently?
Of course.
I have every reason to be self-critical.
In particular, I put more trust in certain
colleagues than I should have.
Do you mean Henrik Beijer?
This is not the right time
to be naming names.
The ECA is currently investigating
possible malpractice
in connection with dealings
ST Bank's Trading department had.
One of the crucial questions is how much
you and the rest of management knew.
It's not something I want to discuss
with the press.
But is it not true that you and Henrik Beijer
had differing opinions on this matter?
You heard what I said.
I've received information that suggests
the management at ST Bank submitted
fraudulent Trading reports to the ECA.
What would you say to that?
I don't know what you're talking about.
-What kind of information?
-Someone told me.
There are those who claim the Earth is flat.
I believe this person to be very credible.
Listen, my dear.
I'll admit, I've been following
your so-called coverage of ST Bank
with growing wonderment.
And it is regrettable
that you have spread that rumor.
-What rumor?
-The rumor that damaged the bank.
And which more than anything hurt the staff.
You might have noticed?
It's understandable that emotions run high
in these kinds of situations,
emotions that can make
some people's imaginations run wild.
The media bears the great responsibility
to carefully decide what to publish.
-What was that all about?
The false reports.
We can't include it, you know that.
I didn't mean to.
We need to have more to go on
if you're going to make such claims.
-It just happened.
-It just happened.
Someone has blabbed.
Find out who it was.
No, I know.
I was just wondering
Yeah. Have you got the keys
to Henrik Beijer's apartment?
No, I was just wondering.
Hey. How's things?
No, I haven't got anything. I'm sorry.
Hiya, Bea. Give Bea, a beer, for God's sake.
What the hell are you doing?
You need medical help.
-This is my medicine.
-The best medicine.
This is a bit weird, but do you know anyone
with locksmith tools?
-What the hell do you need that for?
-Dangerous stuff, that.
I'm concerned that it might damage
customer trust in the bank.
-So, we just keep rolling the positions?
And hope for the market to turn around?
-In other words, exactly like before?
OK, good!
This doesn't really match up with the reports
you submitted to the ECA.
You weren't the only one, were you?
Otto Rehnskiöld was involved in falsifying
the reports, but he let you do the dirty work.
-You'll have to ask him.
-I'm asking you now.
-Yeah, ask Otto about it.
What happened to Henrik?
His death was very timely
She's got the recording.
-I've heard it myself.
He recorded a conversation we had
about Trading.
You're not on it, so you'll be fine.
I'll accept responsibility.
I appreciate that.
We'll find a solution to this.
I won't let you take the hit
without any reward.
Let's stay in touch.
She's convinced
that you're responsible for Henrik's death.
It doesn't matter what she thinks.
What the fuck did you do?!
Huh? What the hell are you doing?
He had a five-year-old son.
You can't prove anything.
A five-year-old?!
It's just empty accusations.
What do you want?
Walk backwards.
Drop the knife.
What do you want?
Give me your hand.
What do you want?
Give me your hand.
Thank you.
The other one.
The other one.
Let it ring.
Open wide.
Open your mouth.
Swallow them. And drink.
-Everything OK?
-Great. Fine, thanks.
It's fine. It'll be OK, you know.
-She's not answering?
-She must be asleep.
But I saw her go in about an hour ago.
I guess she doesn't want to talk to me.
It's fucking freezing out.
Have you got any change?
I appreciate it, buddy.
You're not sleeping out here, are you,
in this weather?
Don't worry, I'll be alright.
One thing at a time, right?
You know, it's a privilege
to be able to live in the present.
And to realize
that you can't control everything.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
-You're a wise man, Totte.
-That's what they say.
-Good night.
-Night, buddy.
By the way, did anyone else show up today?
Someone you didn't recognize?
I let in some guy.
He was going to see to a leak or something.
Call the police.
Fucking lie still.
It's OK.
Bea Farkas.
Are you going to
give evidence against Otto?
From what I've heard,
Waltin says he worked alone.
He'll claim that he was trying
to protect his boss.
Is that so?
The big boys
tend to get away with things.
And what about you?
Are you recording this?
I'll take responsibility for what I did.
What about your family?
If you admit it, you'll go to prison.
Maybe low-security, but still.
Let's just get started.
Bea, let's do this. Please.
Peder Rooth, you have agreed to give
an exclusive interview to The Daily Post.
I want the truth to come out.
I've been complicit in withholding it
for too long.
You like it here?
Want to go back to bed?
Go, get out of here now. Go!
Fuck you.
No money on the card, sir.
I know.
Do you have other cards, sir?
No other card?
OK, I have to get the manager.
-Shit, you sound terrible.
Listen, I've got great news.
We're in Sweden's top ten.
We're devouring the market.
Not only that! EQT have caught on.
They want to buy us for 90 million.
That's 14 times what we were worth!
Can you believe it?
Your shares are worth 21 million.
Text message loans are the future, Mackan.
This is just the beginning.
ST Bank's former CEO, Peder Rooth,
sentenced to 1 year in prison
-Good morning.
Let's get started! Nina?
I'm still busy covering
the housing market bubble.
-I'm looking into the FSA
and their relationship with new technology,
like their use of cloud services.
And I've got something else,
but I don't know if it's a story yet
What? Out with it!
-Have you heard of Kritan?
-Never heard of it. What's that?
Text message loans. Recently launched.
-I don't know, it smells a bit
-Smells of big money.
-OK. Go investigate it.
Let's get going! It's a new day. Come on!
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