Farzi (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Crash and Burn

Did you give them a location?
I asked for a public place,
so they agreed to meet us at D-City Mall.
-Is that okay?
All good between you two?
You and Megha, man!
She used to text you every two minutes,
and you'd beam like Mona Lisa.
You're quiet these days.
Didn't I ask you
not to check her messages?
I didn't! She's not texting anyway.
So you are checking. That's how you know.
Isn't the tracker
still in her phone, Sunny?
I'm talking to you.
Is her phone being tracked?
The job's done. We don't need it.
Are you crazy?
Do you really love her that much?
You should've told me
before making this decision.
Sunny, what's going on?
You are deceiving her.
And yet, you love her.
Who are you trying to fool?
Her or yourself?
Let it be.
I'll go for lunch with Grandpa.
Wear something decent.
My client has graciously agreed
that Ms. Rekha shall take
all the antique brassware,
artwork, paintings, jewelry,
home appliances, kitchen appliances,
because she bought all of it
with her income.
She rightfully owns it.
My client would like to transfer
her apartment to Mr. Michael.
I don't want that apartment.
Please keep it with you.
You bought it with your hard-earned money.
It's your first home.
I can't keep it. It's not right.
I can't stay there.
I need to move on.
I hope you understand.
There's no gift list.
What do we do about it?
It has been mutually agreed upon.
And the joint account?
The parents have mutually agreed
to dissolve the joint account,
and the money will be transferred
to the account of Vyom Vednayagam.
In the divorce case between
Michael Vednayagam and Rekha Rao,
after considering the evidence,
the family court decrees
that Vyom Vednayagam's exclusive custody
goes to his mother, Rekha Rao.
His father, Michael Vednayagam,
will have visitation rights
twice a month, on Sundays.
Since both parents are independent now
Grandpa, you cooked so much.
How will I finish all this?
You love my food, don't you?
So, have a little more.
Oh, no, Grandpa.
My stomach will explode, Grandpa.
Do it for me.
please tell me that story again.
The last time we met,
she had sneaked in to see me.
You were barely a year and a half.
You would hold her tight.
You were such an irritating child.
She cooked the same food that day.
It tasted the same too.
She made me swear on your life
that I'd make you an artist too.
My daughter was fierce.
She would question everything.
She would challenge every rule.
She was an all-or-nothing girl.
You have taken after her.
How? You made me an artist.
So I have taken after you.
I miss you, Sunny.
And I miss your scolding, Grandpa.
How's your work going? Everything okay?
It's going well, Grandpa.
-People are appreciating my art.
-I can see that.
New home, new clothes,
imported wristwatch.
-How is Firoz?
-He's the same, Grandpa.
I hope you both
are not doing anything wrong.
Really, Grandpa? Absolutely not.
But if I miss your scolding too much,
I will. A little bit.
Hey, Uncle. How are you?
Don't forget your pills.
I'm alive. That's enough.
Did you two fight?
No, Grandpa.
We had, what's the word,
a philosophical disagreement.
I'll be back.
Poor soul. He should be married,
but he stayed single.
Anyway, with age, all men turn senile.
Except you, Grandpa. You're the best.
I don't know why, but lately
I've been having dreams
about you getting into trouble
and me catching you in the act.
I hate those dreams.
They hurt me.
And I wake up, and
try to forget those dreams.
I try all day long.
Fortunately, they're just dreams.
-Yes, Grandpa.
The mall's blueprint.
-Palash will lead in civilian clothes.
-Yes, sir.
The command team, that's us,
will operate from the CCTV room.
All levels must be manned.
The cops will be on standby outside.
Palash will drive Megha's car.
Two teams will be deployed
in unmarked cars.
If I hear the walkie rumble this time,
I'll shoot you myself.
The equipment will remain silent.
-Do I activate the phone jammers?
-Yes. Oh, no, don't!
They'll know. Keep it on standby.
-Yes, sir.
-Done, sir.
Park here at the N-2 level and wait.
I'll be on the upper level.
Stay on the phone.
Listen, Firoz.
I've parked at N-6 and I'm waiting.
Stay in the car till you get my signal.
Keep an eye on our stash.
-Are you ready?
-All good?
-Yes, all okay.
Call them. Send them to N-6.
Listen to me carefully.
We're watching you.
You are not alone. Do as you are told.
Don't improvise, don't panic.
This is our best shot.
-Use weapons only in emergency.
-Yes, sir.
-I want them alive.
-Yes, sir.
Sir, can I have a gun?
Have you ever used one?
Then, no.
North parking, level six.
What's your vehicle?
It's a white Fortuner, Sunny.
They are here, sir. In parking N-6.
Show me the N6 camera feed.
-Palash and Megha, get going.
Do you know which vehicle they're in?
No. But they know
we are in a white Fortuner.
Watch carefully.
Let's not miss any car.
Yeah, they are here.
Yes, a white Fortuner.
Wait for your orders.
What's going on, Sunny? Did you meet them?
Can you hear me?
Hang on,
I'll go take a look.
I'll tell them where our van is.
They'll come to check it.
Leave the keys. I'll see you at the exit.
-What's the parking number?
Level N-2.
I don't see anyone.
Did they suspect a trap?
Have patience, Megha.
This is your first assignment.
-What's the update?
-There's no movement, sir.
I think I should go and check.
-No. Bad idea.
-Why not?
They will back off.
-They won't suspect me at all.
-It's risky.
It's unsafe to get out. Let's wait.
-I agree.
-Who's the boss?
-Bad idea.
-I know what I'm doing!
It's risky, sir. Please wait.
Fuck it, I'm getting out.
Megha Megha!
Fuck! It's a trap.
Why is he stopping?
What are they doing?
Fuck, it's them!
That's our target! Get him! Silver SUV.
-Let's go!
-Megha, did you see his face?
No, sir. He was too far.
-Stay here and monitor. Update me.
All units, seal the exits.
Show me the ramp feeds. N-4.
-Hurry up!
-Reverse it!
Keep going, there's no one behind us!
Stop! Stop, you motherfucker!
-Block those assholes!
-There's a divider here.
Stop, motherfucker!
Sir, he's on N-3.
Get me the N-2 feed.
Where is he?
-They spotted this car.
-What happened?
Come. Get into that car.
-What happened?
-Get in!
They went from N-3 to N-2 and vanished.
They must be on N-2.
All units to level two.
They must be on N-2.
Level two.
-What about you?
-I'm coming. Go on.
It's a trap. They are all over the place.
I saw Megha getting off the car.
-What now?
-Let me think.
Let me think.
-Check the exit.
-Yes, sir.
Go on.
Come on, let's go.
What are you doing here?
-Turn that down.
-Turn it down.
What are you doing here?
We're from a cleaning company.
Show me the ID.
Hand me the ID.
Come on, hurry up.
And your ID, sir?
This is my ID.
-Now show me yours.
-Sorry, sir.
That's mine and his.
R&D Cleaning Services, sir.
24x7 cleaning services.
Cashless and quick.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
We're late for our next job.
Please let us go. They won't pay us.
-Will someone die if you are late?
-Leave it.
Did you see a silver SUV around here?
-A Silver SUV?
-I saw it back there.
-Get off and show me.
Do you mind?
Where did you see it?
It was parked there a few minutes ago.
It's gone now.
Are you messing with me?
No, sir.
We are just doing our work.
You may go.
Okay, sir. Thank you.
Sir, our ID.
We found the car, but it's empty.
Say that again.
We found the car, but it's empty.
They must have switched cars.
We're approaching N-2.
Watch out!
Chase them down.
What chase? In Mumbai's traffic?
Fuck, man!
They are kind of far.
-Move it, man!
Let's get off!
Chase them on foot. Run!
Follow them!
They got off the jeep.
Come on, move it!
Go, go. Move!
They are running this way!
Come on!
Move it!
Move! Make way.
Move aside! Come on!
They are almost here!
Sunny, we are fucked!
We'll get away.
The traffic is moving! Head back!
Come on, head back!
Move aside.
Another jam! Get them!
Don't let them escape. Quick, hurry up!
They're here again!
Turn back! Turn back!
Stop! Why are you running back and forth?
-Our jeeps are headed here!
-Get the jeep!
Cut through!
They are closing in, Sunny!
Faster! Faster!
This is as fast as it goes!
More cops!
They're are everywhere!
They'll get us, Sunny!
What do you want me to do!
Sunny, listen, let's surrender.
-Are you crazy, Firoz?
-What else then?
-Throw some cash, Firoz.
Throw some cash out, Firoz! Do you get me?
Throw some cash out.
Come on, Firoz! Hurry up!
Do it quickly!
Take this, fuckers! Take it!
It's raining money!
Throw some more! Keep throwing more out.
Keep throwing it!
The road is blocked now.
Get it cleaned up.
My car!
Hey, motherfucker!
They took my car.
We've lost them, sir.
Will they believe us
if we tell them the money's fake?
I don't think so.
It's fun to see the drama
us humans put on.
Given a chance, we're all thieves.
In a bizarre incident, counterfeiters
showered fake money on the roads
to beat the police
who were in hot pursuit.
This led to a complete chaos
on the streets,
which soon turned into a stampede.
Credible intelligence inputs claim
that this is the tip of the iceberg.
Are we in the middle
of an unprecedented fiscal crisis?
Can India beat this supernote?
And do you think that this supernote
relays all our intelligence information
to our enemy nation through a chip?
Don't take these Social Media University
forwards seriously.
This is a supernote. A perfect replica.
If the right steps are not taken,
then this note
can create a havoc for our economy.
Government agencies
are carrying out investigations.
But it's clear this is not
the work of a small-time criminal.
The technical expertise
needed to make such a note
can only be provided by a big organization
having the support of a government.
So, do you think this is backed
by an enemy country?
Is this financial terrorism?
-We're getting the CCTV footage.
If we're lucky,
we'll get a clear shot of them.
-Okay. Keep me posted.
-Yes, sir.
-I'll be in my cabin.
-Okay, sir.
-Yes, sir?
Bring in a sketch artist.
I can describe his face.
Done, sir.
-Hello, sir.
-What the fuck is this?
You haven't done your job,
but you created a big mess!
-What do you mean?
-Should I explain?
You have reduced a minister
to a fucking translator!
Sir, we've attacked the core issue.
Enough with this nonsense!
I'm shutting your unit down!
-We have to stop the money.
-Then do it!
It's raining money on the streets!
If you like, I can send you
the press to help you out.
Actually, it's a blessing in disguise.
It's the beginning of Mansoor's end.
Brother, save these fairy tales
for your kids.
Sorry, sir. I have manipulated you
many times to meet my demands.
But no more tricks. Please, listen to me.
I'm telling you the facts one by one.
Just give me one chance.
Last chance, please.
All right, go on.
How do you plan to nab Mansoor?
There is a way. We will make him famous.
Mansoor's biggest achievement
is his anonymity.
The media already has a starter.
We'll turn him into the main course.
The more famous he gets,
the harder it gets for him to hide.
After that, no country
can deny Mansoor's existence.
We have his extradition file, right? Sir?
Get the MEA involved, sir.
They have to extradite him.
I want the report within 24 hours.
I'll see what I can do.
I have a name for you, Mansoor Dalal.
Authorities believe that Mansoor Dalal
is the mastermind behind this scam.
Mansoor Dalal,
who fled from India years ago,
is now funding a terrorist organization
against India through his fake currency.
Mansoor Dalal is behind this.
But where is he?
-Is anyone there?
-Where is Mansoor?
Coward! I dare you to come forward!
-Where's Sunny?
I don't know. He is missing.
They should be here
before the cops get to them!
Don't worry, boss. I'm on it.
People stuck in a traffic jam
witnessed an interesting sight today.
Two criminals in an SUV
were running from the police
Eat something, Firoz. I got us some food.
When two convicts running from police
Nothing about us on the TV.
Or in the newspapers.
Do you think the police
didn't mention us on purpose?
Say something.
You shouldn't have removed the tracker.
At least we would have known
that they were setting a trap for us.
You're always drooling over girls
and getting into trouble for that.
Didn't I tell you?
Something wasn't right.
I told you I didn't want to do this.
You blackmailed me emotionally.
Am I complaining?
Uncle was right.
He said, "Stop while you can,
or you'll be sorry."
Think about it.
Where are we today?
This system screwed us our entire life,
and we ripped it apart.
We're in trouble, but we'll pull through.
I don't wanna go back
to a life in that gutter.
That police officer saw us, Sunny.
Megha and her team
will sniff us out.
And Mansoor won't spare us either.
We're screwed from both sides.
This is our end. Mark my words!
Have you lost your mind?
I'm telling you, we'll be fine.
You are telling me this?
I've always done what you told me.
You told me to stop, I stopped.
You told me to jump, I jumped.
But this time we're finished.
What's gotten into you?
Listen to me, Firoz.
Mansoor needs us.
Our note revived his business.
Why would he kill us?
We can revive his business once again.
And the police?
Not being in the news
doesn't mean they don't know about us.
How do we find out if the cops
know us by now?
Where have you been?
-Can I come inside?
-Yeah, sure.
I called you and messaged you.
No response.
Actually, I was traveling
and I lost my phone.
I've ordered a new SIM card.
I'll get it soon.
I was thinking about you.
I thought I'll just try my luck.
There's always an issue with your phone.
Can I get some water? Thanks.
By the way, I'll be traveling again.
Will be back soon.
When exactly will you be back?
I don't know,
but I'll call you as soon as I return.
Yeah. Sure.
The other day, you were telling me
about counterfeiting and fake notes.
Yeah Crazy shit.
Really crazy.
You wanna just chill?
I would love to, but I'm busy today.
Sunny? Where the hell are you?
It was a trap, Jamal.
They were waiting for us.
Thankfully, they don't know who we are.
Boss is really upset about the loss.
Did we have an option?
We can print it again.
But what if we got caught?
Where are you now?
Sunny, I know the situation is hot, okay?
But don't worry.
Boss will sort it out.
He has your back.
He will never let his guys down.
He asked me to send you guys
to the safe house.
Why don't you call me in an hour?
I'll tell you what to do
and where to meet.
We're all with you. Don't you worry, okay?
Go on.
Tell me.
Finally, I see a frown on your face.
A tense face suits you.
Fine. Get to the point.
Spare me the attitude.
The Indians are waiting for you.
The pressure for extradition is mounting.
They've been at it for years now.
Tell me something new.
But now your name
is in the "most wanted" list.
The high command
wants you to pack your bags.
They need me.
Only till you're useful.
No one is indispensable.
Either the needs change,
or the people change.
You know what?
Better move the cash somewhere safe.
And get out of here.
We won't be able to protect you.
I will stay in touch.
Boss, the Artist called.
They got away.
And no one knows their identity.
-Where are they?
-He's smart. He didn't tell me.
-What did you say?
-That we'll send them to a safe house.
He was a good artist.
He drew a great note.
What good was it? He wasted his talent
by trying to be smart.
The police will zero in on him
before he knows it.
-Our operation is huge, Jamal.
And he knows too much.
Everything is at risk now.
Do you understand?
Yes, boss. But, I mean Are you sure?
It hurts, man.
It hurts me, too, to make such a decision.
He is a cute kid.
-But a decision has to be made.
-Yes, boss.
Then go after him.
Finish them off.
Jitu, you have to leave for India today.
I gave you every detail of his face.
This is not even close.
This is the best angle we have
from the CCTV footage.
Sir, our team is using an algorithm
that can improve the image.
Will we identify their faces?
There's a 50-50 chance of accuracy, sir.
-You talk like an astrologer.
-No, sir.
"Maybe." "Likely." "Possibly."
I saw them, man!
I saw the Artist and his friend.
-But I need one picture at least.
-Okay, sir.
Jitu, when did you arrive?
I had to. It's an urgent matter.
Let's go.
Are we going to the safe house?
Yes. Of course.
Come on, step out.
What's going on?
Sunny, look, you know everything about us.
About us, about our business,
about our network.
How we print money, where we keep it,
you know everything.
Someday the police might figure it out,
and that is a huge risk.
And we can't take that risk.
Does boss know about this?
Yes. He's not happy with this.
He thinks you're a great artist.
But the thing is,
you have been compromised.
And, son, this has become
a cat-and-mouse game.
We can neither protect you,
nor abandon you.
This is the best option for all.
-Come on.
-What are you doing?
It's just business. Move.
We did business together!
You won't get artists like us.
I know that. But it's not my call.
Nobody saw us.
-And we won't tell anyone!
-Back off!
Tell him! I don't wanna die.
Sunny, tell him!
Let me talk to him. Jamal, let him go.
You want me.
Go, Firoz. Just go!
Really? Then, I was the one
who cut the deal.
I threw the money!
-Shoot me. You leave!
-Are you nuts? Get out!
Sunny, I won't leave you here.
-I won't.
-Have you lost it?
-I won't abandon you!
Stop right there!
Hey, you mangy mutt! Put the gun down.
Put it down, or heads will roll here.
Come on, boys, put down your guns!
You, tell them.
Put it down. Lower it.
You too, boys! We're too many.
Put it down. Quickly.
My phone.
Do you take us for fools?
Our live location is on.
Let's go, Sunny.
Come on.
The number you're calling is busy.
Yasir Uncle,
leave the city
with Grandpa and the others!
I'll explain later! Call me!
Fuck! You got us into such a mess!
Lie low a few days.
I'll get you out of the city.
Grow a spine, man. Why do you worry?
Keep this.
We don't need it.
This is for your protection.
I'll be back soon. Stay here.
Put this on, Firoz.
Uncle, where were you?
I've been calling you.
Did you get my message?
Is Grandpa okay?
What happened?
Uncle? What happened?
Promise you'll call me from Mama's phone.
Be a good boy.
Your mom is the best.
Listen to everything she says.
Shall we?
But I'll come and take you home,
and we'll have fun.
This time, the solid fun. Really.
Say bye to Daddy.
Love you.
Bye, Arjun.
Vyom, bye!
Bye, Daddy!
Hurry up. Don't waste time!
Did you pack your stuff?
Here is the train ticket,
cash, and a burner phone.
Don't come back for a few days, okay?
Let this matter settle, then we'll see.
Dimple and I will handle everything here.
I'll go and meet Yasir Uncle.
I'll call you if there's anything. Okay.
Let's go, Sunny.
Come on, I'll drop you guys.
Sunny, come on.
Go to the station with Anees.
I'll see you there.
Wait a minute.
Where are you going?
Tell me.
Listen, Sunny,
wherever you are going,
I'll go with you.
Listen to me.
Go with Anees.
I'll meet you at the station.
Firoz, it's time.
I'll wait for you at the station.
Sir, anything?
Yes. It's still processing.
It'll take some time.
Is everything set there?
How long will it take?
We must move the cash by morning.
All right. I gotta go.
Let's talk it out
Open it.
-Open it.
Where is Jitu?
He's unavailable.
What's that in your hands?
Listen, I didn't know
Grandpa was inside the press.
I fucked up, man.
But a fuckup is a fuckup.
Sunny, listen. What are you doing?
It's between us.
Why would I drag Grandpa into this?
I wanted to teach you a lesson.
Man, I fucked up.
Listen to me. I didn't know.
Let's talk.
This isn't unusual in our business.
Sunny, just listen.
Okay, Sunny? Don't take it personally.
You made it personal.
Hey, Sunny! You are making a mistake!
I'm a dangerous man, fucker!
You don't know me!
You also don't know me, Mansoor.
Actually, even I don't know myself.
Hey! You don't know what you're doing.
You're dead, you hear me?
I'm coming for you, asshole!
Enjoy the view.
Passengers, please pay attention.
Train number six-three-eight
Creative Supervisor: Subbaiah KG
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