Fast Layne (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

Mile 8: Helicopter Parents

Previously on Fast Layne
I've been acting really weird around you.
I guess it's because
I like you.
Did you tell her you like her?
She just wants to be friends.
And now
our new school president
Layne Reed!
There is top-secret data
on Project VIN's computer.
I want that vehicle's intel
on my desk before the end of the day!
VIN, you are in the Reed family nest.
Where everybody's safe.
Bring us the car,
and we'll give you your parents.
Where are my parents?
Yeah, where's Mom and Dad?
They're here with us.
- Oh, this is good.
- Really?
You're eating our daughter's
"Congratulations" cake?
Listen carefully.
You aren't to tell anyone about this.
The same goes
for your friend with the weird hair.
Hey! Stick it, lady, I like my hair!
You'll go to school
like it's any other day.
And at 4:00, you'll bring Project VIN
to Third and Maple.
That's kind of far. Shouldn't we go
somewhere closer like my school?
There's a nice parking lot, well-lit
lots of adult supervision.
- Third and Maple!
- Yes, ma'am.
It's decision time
Project VIN?
Or your parents?
If cars wore pants,
I'd be peeing 'em right now.
What are you going to do?
I have no idea.
Let's go! ♪
Jump in It's time to go fast ♪
Turn up the radio blast ♪
I got my foot on the gas ♪
We just want to go ♪
My life's feeling unreal ♪
Both hands are taking the wheel ♪
Rev up the engine and feel ♪
Like we're ready to roll ♪
Oh, yeah, I'm ready for it ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
OK, let's think about this.
If I give up VIN,
then they'll turn him into a weapon.
That's terrible!
Yeah! VIN's a rescue vehicle.
He's meant to help people, not hurt them.
But if I don't give up VIN,
then my parents are in danger.
That's terrible, too!
I wish there was a way
where I could save everyone.
I don't think you can.
This is the worst decision ever.
I had a similar experience once.
When I was six, I had pet worms.
Oscar and Penelope.
One day, my uncle was going fishing
and he needed one of them.
I couldn't choose,
'cause I loved them both!
I know it's a silly story.
It's not a silly story.
So, what happened?
How did you decide?
I gave him Oscar.
Really? Why Oscar?
Eh, he was already dead.
OK. Real helpful, Zora.
- Bus ceremony in five minutes.
- Bus ceremony?
It's the ribbon-cutting ceremony
for the new school bus.
My day is jammed full
of presidential duties.
You heard the scary lady.
You gotta go!
My parents have always
told me not to, but, uh
I'm running with scissors.
Bye, sis! See you, don't fall!
Poor Layne
I feel like this is all because of me.
It's not your fault, VIN.
It is, Zora.
If it wasn't for me,
none of this would be happening.
We just gotta figure out
a way to help her.
You're a scientist,
not a criminal, Dr. Kwon.
So you're gonna turn VIN
- into a weapon?
- It's what he should've been
if I wasn't kicked off the project.
I just wish you would've left
our daughter out of this.
She's a child.
We've worked very hard to keep her safe.
Ha! She doesn't need anyone
to keep her safe.
I'm starting to think you guys don't even
know your own kid.
Let's go.
I'm gonna take this.
You don't think Layne
would do anything crazy, do you?
no way.
At least, I don't think so.
This isn't just a bus.
This is a place where sixth,
seventh, and eighth graders can unite
- in a shared space
- Yeah.
Moving in a common direction,
toward a bright future.
She's gonna make a great president.
I just wish my future was as bright.
Right now, it's pretty cloudy.
With a chance of scary
Layne, the ribbon?
Oh! Right, right.
Incoming call from Zora.
- What's up. Zora?
- Layne!
I figured out how to help you
make your decision!
Whether to save your parents, or VIN.
You did? Really?
Yeah! With my origami fortune teller!
Pick a color.
Uh red.
'Kay, now pick a number.
- Fifteen.
- Smaller.
OK, here it is
"Future not clear."
There's your answer!
Zora, that's not an answer.
Ugh, man, I don't know how you hold it
all together, Layne.
I'd be losing it if it were my Dad.
Hey, Prez
I gotta go.
Come on.
Hey, Z-bear.
Do you know what happened
to the kitchen curtains?
Oh, yeah, I made a poncho out of 'em.
Can you make me one?
Hey, what's this for?
No reason, just
wouldn't want anything to happen to you,
Honey, just get up and walk.
You can text behind your back?
Honey, it's times like these
I remember why I married you.
So, we have that Earth Club meeting
after school.
Then, I have to get the mugbees
to Principal Cupcake, and
Scratch that
- Cupcakes to Principal Mugbee.
- Dude!
As your vice-president, I advise you
to get your head in the game.
Presidential pressures gettin' to you?
Oh, um, hey, Cody.
Everything's fine.
Something I've learned about Layne Reed:
when you say "everything's fine,"
it's usually not.
The truth is
my parents are in trouble.
And in order to help them, I
I have to give up VIN.
I don't know what to do.
That's horrible.
Alert. New message
- from Mom.
- It's them.
"Don't do anything. Stay in the nest."
It's what my mom calls it.
They're always trying to
keep me safe inside the Reed family nest.
Well, it sounds like they don't want you
to get involved.
Wait a minute, that's my answer!
They're gonna figure a way out of this!
So, I shouldn't give up VIN!
Thank you, Cody.
You're such a great friend.
No problemo
Look at them.
Layne needs her mom and dad.
And they need her!
It's time I put an end to this.
Project VIN.
Trying to slip a call in to the Reeds?
For the smartest car in the world,
that's pretty dumb.
I'm not calling for them,
I'm calling for you.
It's time for the Reeds to go home.
Come and get me.
Zora and moments last ♪
This is our time to have a blast ♪
We can seize the day ♪
And travel far away, yeah ♪
Good times.
I'm gonna miss those guys.
The bad guys are here!
OK, VIN, be brave. Be brave, supercar.
Wait, Mel? What're you doing here?
"Wheel Boy"?
Catchy, huh?
Since you're the coolest car ever,
you need the coolest sidekick ever.
I've been training and everything!
Check this out!
Oh, OK. Oh, that's good.
That's good uh, ugh, I have no idea
how this is helpful.
Uh-huh, all right.
Now, is it over?
It's over now?
On it! Sidekick gets the phone!
Mel, you gotta get outta here.
Yeah, what do you want?
Hello? Who's this?
Wheel Boy, who's this?
This is Colonel Hardy
on a secure government phone line.
You're the fathead who tried to take VIN!
What excuse me!
Well, guess what? He's still alive,
and you're not gettin' him.
It crashed.
Now, it's "alive,"
and some punk has our intel.
We're going to Cedarville
and finding that car.
Should I bring Sgt. Buttons?
Mm, no, she doesn't like her create.
Mel! Hide!
- The bad guys are here!
- The bad guys?
No! Not there!
I can see you!
No, no, no not in here. Mel, get out!
Hello, Project VIN.
We finally got you!
Uh, yeah, 'cause I called you
Let's get this over with
so Layne can get her parents back.
I'm comin', Mom and Dad!
So your parents don't want you
to do anything?
They just want me to focus on keeping
VIN safe.
He's gone!
VIN left us a note.
"I was built to save people
and that's what I have to do.
I'm going to miss you guys.
He gave himself up.
VIN, what're you doing here?
I'm saving you, Mom and Dad.
"Mom and Dad"?
Yeah, I really see
the family resemblance.
All right, cut 'em loose.
- You got it.
- Not gonna happen.
What? We had a deal!
I hate to agree with the car,
but we did have a deal.
- Where's your integrity?
- Tough, we have plans for them.
Who do you think's gonna
weaponize Project VIN?
But we don't know anything about weapons.
He's right, we don't
even allow squirt guns in the house.
Shut it! You work for me now.
All right, you double-crossers!
You prepare to meet Mr. Claw!
Aw, what is this thing?
- It's kinda cute
- Cute?
Huh?! How's that for "cute"?
You like that?
We did not design the CRL-4000 Servo Arm
for that.
You want the hand, Stick Boy?
Come on! Come on!
Go, VIN!
Ha! I got your pipe!
Watch out for that bench!
Wait, what are you doing?
She got past our DNA lock.
You're under my control now, Project VIN.
This wasn't the plan!
VIN is gone.
I lost my mom and dad.
I lost my entire family!
now you can pick any bed
in the house to sleep in?
I'm sorry.
Not the time for jokes.
Alert. Incoming call
It could be your parents!
From Annoying Mel.
Mel, I can't talk right now.
Something's going on
with my parents and VIN.
I'm with all three.
Uncle Rob!
- Hello?
- Layne! Sweetie!
Mom? Dad?
Where are you?
The Cedarville
Municipal Airport, but, honey,
don't do anything. Stay in the nest,
it's too dangerous!
Guys! Someone's coming!
I think they're in big trouble.
They don't want you to help.
They said, "Stay in the nest,"
or something.
I know they're just trying
to keep me safe.
But they don't have to.
I'm not the same girl I was two weeks ago.
This is true.
You've changed.
hand me my scrunchie.
Putting up her hair!
It's gettin' serious.
I gotta get to that airport.
I'm coming with you!
Let's do this!
And we don't have a car.
Riggins, it's time.
Get 'em in the car.
All right.
- Come on, let's go come on, get up!
- Uh
Hey! I got an idea.
Why doesn't everyone ride up front?
It's so much roomier! Huh?
Everyone's getting in the back!
Oh, OK!
- Backseat works!
- Let's go.
- Come on.
- Hey! Easy!
Thanks for the ride, Mr. Castillo!
Any parent that drops you
off at the airport
and doesn't ask questions is a keeper.
Look, there's Mel!
Hey, are you OK?
- "Wheel Boy"?
- Get down!
They're loading up VIN.
We're ready to transport him to your lab.
We just need directions.
Directions? Use a GPS.
That's how people track you.
I don't do apps.
I have a plan.
I love it when you say that.
First we get VIN, then we get my parents.
That's your plan?
Check it out.
VIN's lights.
He knows we're here!
Get ready.
Let's go!
Come on! Come on!
Where's Mel?
Mel Wait, it's red.
Mel! Stay right there!
It's green!
Come on!
Come on!
Hurry, guys! Get in!
Layne! What're you doin' here?
I'm not gonna let anything
happen to my little bro.
Oh, yeah!
Cue tire squeal!
- Hey!
- See ya, suckers!
Yeah! What he said!
Time to get my parents back.
I don't think
it's gonna be that easy.
Guys, look!
Get in!
Mom, Dad
Hold on.
- Whoa!
- Layne?
She left the nest!
Kwon, look!
Who's got the car?
It's Layne, you idiot!
Get us up!
- Watch out for the barrels!
- Right! Left!
What's she doing?
That's my car!
Zora, they're getting away.
- Find me something.
- Uh, monster truck tires those were fun.
Boosters an old fave.
Smoke deterrent
What about that one?
It's a grappling hook!
That could work!
But we got one shot at this.
- One.
- Zora
OK. You aim, tell me when.
What a shot!
Ugh! We're hooked!
- Well, unhook us!
- Ugh!
Ugh! I feel like a big fish!
- Come on, Riggins!
- I got it! I got it! I got it!
- Riggins! Riggins! Riggins!
- I got it! I got it!
We're getting dragged!
- VIN, reverse!
- Reversing!
Where'd she learn to maneuver
VIN like that?
- I don't know!
- I'm on it!
Do something!
Thirty years in the army.
Never seen anything like this.
Something's wrong.
We're goin' down!
Come on, come on!
She's doing it! It's our daughter!
Oh, man, it's heavy!
- Layne, it's coming right at us!
- Mel Guys!
Hold on!
We gotta disconnect!
Zora! Now!
you did it!
We all did it.
VIN, how you doin'?
Uh, I'm good.
Just little tired.
We gotta get out of here, fast!
Call a doctor.
Take her away.
- Dad!
- Are you OK?
- Are you?
- Oh, man.
That was wild!
- You saved us, it was spectacular and
- Robert!
Really dangerous.
This whole time,
we've been working so hard
to keep you safe, and
we didn't realize
just how capable you are.
It's almost as though you don't
need us anymore.
I'll always need you guys.
You're growing up so fast, Layne.
Outta there.
Dr. Reed, Dr. Reed.
I'm particularly impressed
with Project VIN.
Wait, me?
How quickly can you get him field ready?
- Field ready?
- Yes.
I'd like to put him to work immediately.
Oh well, I
Colonel Hardy?
I don't know if we've been
formally introduced, but I'm Layne Reed.
- Hello.
- Rob and Cheryl's daughter.
- Yes.
- You know
we've always been
making decisions for VIN.
I think it's time he made one of his own.
Well, that's a little
unprecedented, but, uh
so is a talking car.
Project VIN, what'd you say?
Yes, I'll come work for you.
When I'm ready.
I think I still got a few things
left to learn from my family.
Well, then
I guess I'll be in touch.
Have your A.I. call my A.I.
"We're in the shed, sweetie."
What is all this?
It's all for you, Madame President!
- It was Zora's idea.
- We never got a chance to celebrate!
Oh, and if you ever need me
to babysit again, just let me know.
All Layne does is stay
in her room and study.
That kid is easy-peasy.
I hereby appoint you my official sidekick.
I'm gonna go tell all my friends!
Wait, you can't! I'm a secret car!
Thanks for your help today.
I couldn't have done it without you.
- I'm glad we're friends.
- Me, too.
how's the whole "friend" thing going?
To be honest, Zora
it's torture.
Layne, this is the best party
I've ever been to.
It's also the first party
I've ever been to.
Congrats, sis.
On everything.
You know
I never thought a talking car
would change my life.
And I never thought a talking girl
could change mine.
VIN, we gotta build you lips
so you can eat frosting.
Then you guys can try
some of my motor oil!
I'm just joking.
Is it me, or am I getting funnier?
You know, think it's time
we gave your boot the boot.
Seriously?! I can come and go
whenever I want?
Yeah, I mean, no one's after you,
so what's the point
of having you all locked up?
For now everything's kinda normal.
You know, I usually like things weird.
But normal feels good.
Uh, Layne?
You're gonna wanna see this.
"Security Alert"?
Layne? Someone's trying
to hack into me.
So much for normal.
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