Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Round Eight: Testify

CHICKEN MAN: This Muhammad Ali fight,
this here is when Atlanta
turn them ashes into gold.
I see Atlanta as a Black Mecca.
Missouri Slim?
Bankhead Funerals is a
great place to diversify.
FRANK: They call me a hoodlum.
We call you the pig.
You officially on my radar.
CHICKEN MAN: I collect
people like I collect numbers.
- HUDSON: You threw a party
- CHICKEN MAN: Black Vegas.
HUDSON: for some of the most
dangerous men in this country.
FAYE: Thugs showed up at our house.
I can't do this no more.
HUDSON: You ain't think that's
gonna come back on you somehow?
- Freeze!
- HUDSON: Bill Mason.
You're more worried about
saving all these niggers
- Oh!
- Whoa!
Jenkins took my badge.
Hey, J.D. That's the goddamn man
that was with Silky at the Clermont.
when I planned the robbery
WILLIE: The job is the job.
I need them to be retired.
- Listen to me.
WILLIE: What's that saying
about honor amongst thieves?
Atlanta PD!
- CHICKEN MAN: So what do we do now?
We stick to the plan. Cadillac.
LEOLA: Your daddy used to stay
awake nights dreamin' of givin' Frank
what he had comin'.
Put that two-faced, licorice-chewin'
motherfucker where he belong.
Yes, ma'am.
"I shall be telling this with a sigh.
Somewhere ages and ages hence,
two roads in the wood diverged, and I
I chose the one less traveled by.
And that has made all the difference."
That's Robert Frost's finest.
Y'all niggas need to read
something other than them
damn titty magazines.
Titty magazines ain't
for reading, motherfucker.
Gentlemen, now, when my father and Frank
started this council,
it was for the purpose
of unifying our collective influences
and multiplying our affluence.
Now under Frank's
leadership, we've been divided
and we are being destroyed.
I believe if we're gonna move forward
as a united council,
Frank's way of doing
things has to be the past.
'Cause we are the future.
After y'all left the hotel,
I tried to reason with old Frank.
I told him that what
Mo was saying was that
this doesn't feel much
like a partnership lately.
Uh-huh. And what the fuck Frank say?
He slandered me.
He slandered my father.
He slandered every one of y'all.
I even asked him to
show Mo a little grace,
and then he made it very clear
that Mo's days were numbered.
If Frank iced Mo
That's ground for dismissal.
That's why I love
y'all niggas from Texas,
'cause y'all ain't
one for mincing words.
I think since Frank is so in love
with this country-ass backward town,
we bury him right here.
Right in that plot of land
that he's so fuckin' fond of.
Are we decided?
I've got a song I
ain't got no melody ♪
See, I got it all figured out, Frank.
The Firm boys, they gonna
arrive later on this afternoon
and I'm thinking
we take them to that plot of land
- you're talking about developing.
- Mm-hmm.
Now, if they ain't convinced
after seeing your vision,
that you are the man with the plan,
then we bury those motherfuckers
and keep moving without 'em.
Boy! Big Caddie would
be so proud of yo' ass.
Thanks, Frank.
You know, ever since I heard
they was throwin' this fight down here,
I've been lookin' forward to
comin' down here with yo' ass.
Blow off some steam, get away from
all that New York gangster shit.
Who knew that we were
gonna step off our plane
right into some dumbass
country gangster shit.
Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Oh, I used to think
this place was cursed.
Place I had to escape from.
I did.
Did all right for myself, too, you know.
But what good is all
that Black Godfather shit
that when I come home,
still just another nigga.
You and me, we gone dead
all that shit for good.
Us, together.
Huh, just like me and
Big Caddie would have did.
Mr. Wheeler. You have a
phone call over at the bar.
An Emerson Dorsey.
Um I'll take that.
I'm sorry, I, um
I had Emerson check
in with me down here.
- If you'll excuse me.
- Go and handle your business.
What's happenin', Jack?
For starters, your boy Emerson
is lyin' in a pool of blood
down at the Dolphin
Club on Jekyll Island.
It's a damn shame.
Is that right?
CHICKEN MAN: As right as rain.
And in more terrible news for you,
I got your loot.
And unless you want my
next call to be to Frank,
I suggest you listen to
me and you listen good,
'cause I'm only gonna say it once,
you high-yella, possum-faced sumbitch.
In one hour, I want you to
meet me at Pinky Pies on 14th.
Sounds good.
No. No problem at all.
Um, I asked Emerson to check
on my mama while I was down here
and 'cause I went to see her
and I think she mighta had
the same bug that's
been fuckin' with me.
- Oh, damn.
- I'mma go upstairs
and get settled in into the room
- for a little bit.
- Oh, hell, yeah. Yeah.
And then, um, I figure I'd meet
you back down here about noon.
And then we go take care
of the rest of them boys.
I'm probably gonna give
my mama a call, too.
Right on.
Be sure to tell Mama Wheeler I said,
I'll do that.
He go for it?
Is water wet?
All right, sunshine. Showtime.
Get your game face on.
Here we go.
Chicken. Look at you.
Baby, you ain't gonna say hi?
Hey, baby, get up an' hug a brother.
Man, come on. How you doing?
- I ain't seen you in a while, man.
- The fuck you doin', man?
How you been?
See, I'm not the kind of
cat that likes surprises.
got nothin' on me, Lac.
I ain't got nothin' on me.
That was a hell of a party
the other night, wasn't it?
Till that cat jumped out,
hollering, "Surprise!"
I was like, "Hold up, motherfucker!
- This ain't my goddamn birthday."
Pardon my French, ma'am.
I was just excited over seeing a friend.
You got some balls on you,
showing your mug out here in public
after your pictures
are all in the papers.
Yeah, well, uh, some
risks are worth takin'.
I mean, you know a
lot about that, right?
Especially being since you the
one that planned the whole robbery.
I'm sorry. I don't know
what you're talkin' about.
Hey, y'all. Can I get
y'all boys anything?
I'll take some pie.
Y'all got cherry pie?
Pinky. We got any cherry pie back there?
Best cherry pie in this
whole goddamn state.
Two slices or just
No, sweetheart, your smile is
enough sugar for a lifetime.
All right. I'll get right back with you.
CHICKEN MAN: Thank you. If you
don't know what I'm talking about,
why the fuck you here, Lac?
You mentioned a casual
acquaintance of mine
named Mr. Emerson Dorsey.
Yeah, I did. He got
a bullet in his brain.
Nigga, you ain't no killer.
I am not.
Which is why I ain't the
one that did the deed.
You familiar with the name Willie Black?
I'm sorry. I don't
Have any recollection of a Willie Black.
Neither did I.
Which is why I took the liberty
of followin' Willie Black
and his team down
there to Jekyll Island.
And I got down there and
you know what they had?
They had all the loot
they stole from my party,
and they was ready to live a good life.
Well, until Emerson showed up.
See, when Emerson got there,
well, then, it turned
into The Wild Bunch.
They started shootin' and killin'
each other. Can you believe that?
So that's the yarn you plan on spinnin'?
I should gut yo' ass right now
for wastin' my motherfuckin' time.
- All right.
WAITRESS: Welcome to Pinky's.
OFFICER: How you doing?
Let's be cool.
- OFFICER: I'd like to get a table over by the window.
- Sure. Right over there.
OFFICER: Thank you.
Morning, Officers. Y'all want the paper?
OFFICER: No, thank you, sir.
We're all right.
- Here's your pie, baby.
- Thank you.
See, you don't have
the testicular fortitude
to muscle someone like me.
I'm a fox.
You a chicken.
You know how nature works, don't you?
And what the fuck is this?
I'm sorry. Do I know you?
You dainty motherfucker.
I'm Willie Black. One of yo' loose ends.
CHICKEN MAN: Look here, Lac.
We're here to make a deal with you.
Go on, look in that bag.
There's a couple more bags just
like that in that trunk out there.
They're sittin' next
to your dead lackey.
It's a million dollars
minus our expenses.
Now what I see happening
You're taking it to Frank.
You tell Frank Emerson is the one
who planned the whole goddamn robbery.
I can clear my name
and you can go do whatever
the fuck it is that you do.
That's the plan.
I will take your proposal
Under consideration.
Under consideration?
You really gonna walk away
and take your chances with Frank?
You know, I, um
I understand why you wanna put
Moten in the dirt, Lil' Richie.
Especially after the
way he did your pappy.
Shit, that was low.
I want to hear about this.
What he do to his pappy?
You ain't tell him, Lil' Richie?
Big Caddie was the man in his day
who ran all of Northern Jersey,
which was no small feat due to
how mobbed up Northern Jersey is.
He had to gain his love, Big Caddie,
'cause he knew his place.
They say that yo' pops was
just a little puppet for Frank
that he could stick his hand up his ass
whenever he so pleased.
Don't ever say shit about
my motherfuckin' father.
Joke. (CHUCKLES) Sorry, fellas.
WILLIE: No, it's all right.
I'm just saying that I,
I see you.
If I was in your position, I'd be
plottin' to get some get back, too.
Except I wouldn't hide behind no robbery
- like no little-ass boy.
- Hey.
I would have shot him right
in between his fuckin' eyes.
Just like I should've done yo' ass.
What's done is done,
right? Let's talk about
what we got on the table, man.
Opportunity for us to go
and make our pockets fatter.
We could put all this shit behind us.
You can go avenge your daddy.
You get to beat Frank
and I get to go home.
So Emerson's body is in your car?
In that trunk right there.
I figure that's a loose end
you wanna tie up yourself.
Then maybe there's a world where
Emerson might be found
in a lake somewhere
with a bunch of jewelry on him
and that'll be enough to
throw the scent off of you
and you can clear your name.
So you're telling me I was
never a part of the plan?
See, you are what we would
call a happy accident, Gordon.
My plan was simple.
A straight smash-and-grab.
Emerson was told to set up
the party and set up the score.
And then, your little
greedy ass got involved.
Loose ends.
No offense.
So long, Gordon.
Perhaps there's a future for
you and me to do business.
Hold it right there.
I'll take that. Mel.
What in the fuck is this?
It's the worst day of your life, nigga.
- ROMEL: So we're pretending?
- Ain't nothing to pretend.
You a cop, be a cop.
Hey, maybe I should take Paul's place.
Hey. This ain't my first rodeo, Romel.
Nah, Cadillac would
think twice about shooting
a couple white officers, but us?
Nah, you gonna have to
hang back with me, Romel.
Hey, Chicken, can we
get these lights on?
Yeah, I'm working on it now.
How'd you find this place, anyway?
My lawyer.
You know, the real Pinky
had a gambling problem.
Right now, he doing
two years for evasion.
How does this ambulance
chaser keep his job?
All his clients is locked up.
No, stop, play nice. Smalls is family.
Hey, Doris. How you doing?
This Chicken Man.
Are you and your sister,
y'all still making them pies?
Well, I'mma need you to bring me a few.
HUDSON: We can't just plant the loot
on him and hope he takes it, okay?
He could say he was
duped or coerced into it.
- Okay.
- We got to get the confession, Chicken.
We ain't got that confession,
we ain't got nothing.
I'mma get you what you need.
Come on, calm down.
Hey, Dee-Dee, how long it's
gonna take you to clean up?
Give me 20 minutes.
MAN: Think I got it now, Mr. Gordon.
I use this for my depositions.
Goddamn it, Smalls. Why it so big?
How the hell am I supposed to duct
tape this under the goddamn table?
I remembered it being smaller.
No confession, no arrest.
Doris, how'd we sound?
Too much swearing.
But we got his ass.
Looks like I'mma be seeing you
and your pressing curl in jail, nigga.
(CHUCKLES) Better get that ass ready.
- You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be appointed to you.
See, it's like I told you.
I collect people like I collect numbers.
Okay. Give me all nine.
Dee-Dee, how long it's
gonna take you to clean up?
Give me 20 minutes.
- Okay.
- Fifty cent on the four.
That hoe right there
put $5 on 2, 4 and 9.
Pinky. We got any cherry pie back there?
Best cherry pie in this
whole goddamn state.
Oh, and, uh
(CLUCKS) Motherfucker. (LAUGHS)
That's a good job,
everybody. Appreciate y'all.
Like I said, everybody gonna win.
- You hear me?
Wait till my lawyer get
done with you motherfuckers.
Y'all ain't gonna have a pot to piss in.
Y'all take this back
to the station, okay?
Get it filed, transferred
and book it into evidence.
How long do you want to
keep the chief in the dark?
I mean, we are sticking
our necks out on this.
I know, I know, and I
really appreciate it, okay?
I'mma go in there and give Jenkins
a call, bring him up to speed.
Just do that for me,
keep it quiet, please.
- Roger that.
- All right, boss.
Hey, you go get a witness statement
from that ambulance chaser.
- Even that's gonna help us out.
- Yes, sir.
Y'all came through.
Sure did. Thank you.
I mean it. Thank you both.
Look, you keep your mouth shut
and I'll make it worth your while.
You were just fitting me for a
fuckin' toe tag this time last week.
Don't be trying to act
concerned about me, motherfucker.
Nigga, that was not
personal. That was business.
You really be believin' the shit
that come out yo' mouth, don't you?
Well, you've been in Jersey long enough
to know what happens to rats, don't you?
So whether you like it or not,
we in this shit together, nigga.
See, 'cause everybody
wanna talk about this
"we in this together" shit
until it's "we in this together" time.
Then it's every
motherfucker for hisself.
So you thinking everybody
else did this to you?
You did this to yourself, nigga.
Go, go. Motherfucker, go!
Get me the fuck outta here!
Oh, shit.
LAMAR: Let's go, Lac.
CHICKEN MAN: Oh, fuck!
Go! Go!
FRANK: Well, so much for
keepin' this shit quiet.
Y'all take the yardbird out to the
property and I'll see you directly.
MAXINE: So what's the plan?
We need to keep our sights
set on the east side.
Fourth Ward. (CHUCKLES)
Prime real estate there, Jack.
We need to be looking at the southwest.
That's our priority.
We want that airport in our backyard.
We'll have College Park set
up by this time next year.
MAXINE: It wouldn't hurt to change
the name of the company, too.
Instead of Bankhead Funeral Homes,
I say we give it another name.
Bankhead Unlimited.
I can dig that.
FRANK: Oh, whoa, whoa! Hey! Hey!
Nigga, I just left World War III.
Yeah, your fucking
goons got Chicken Man.
But if you don't take
me to him right now,
I swear before God, I'mma put your
motherfuckin' dick in the dirt.
Why don't you ladies go
on out here on the balcony
- and check out the view?
- Okay. Go.
Now talk.
- Let's talk hypotheticals here.
- HUDSON: Okay.
Given I knew where the barnyard pet was,
why would I tell yo' used-to-be-cop ass?
Oh, you heard about that, huh?
Well, yeah, I know you are no longer
a nigga-killer with a badge.
So now, you gonna see what it's like
to be a nigga-killer without one.
Yeah. Let's see.
Oh! Hold up, motherfucker!
Oh! Oh, shit! Ow! Motherfucker!
Now listen up. You got something I want.
I got something you want.
What's that?
I know who the mastermind is
behind this whole damn thing.
I got the proof too.
Now, what you gonna do is take
me to Chicken Man right now,
and we gonna make a trade.
And if I don't?
Then we 'bout to see if you can fly.
We gonna take your car or mine?
FRANK: Now you got
your little gun on me,
but when we get there,
you gonna be way outgunned.
Well, the question
is, are you gonna have
the courage to take the chance
with me havin' my gun on you.
You ain't the first cop whose
gun I've been at the end of.
I'm sure I ain't the first
innocent nigga you gonna shoot.
Well, in this car, as far as I can tell,
there's only one murderin'
motherfucker here, and it ain't me.
FRANK: Yeah. Murderin'
motherfucker should've shot you
and Chicken Man's ass and kept trucking.
HUDSON: I'll give you the
gun. You can try it now.
- Damn! Bitch, what the fuck?
Jesus Christ!
Now y'all gonna do this schoolyard
shit the whole way there?
"Who's the man? Who's the biggest?
The toughest? Who got a gun?"
Hell, I got a fucking gun!
- You got that piece the whole time?
Yeah. Stop screamin' like two pussies.
Look, you a disgraced cop,
and you a murderin' gangster.
So the fuck what?
I used to dance on a pole and
turn $20 tricks in the back room.
Who cares?
I'm tryin' to be somethin'
bigger and better.
Ain't you?
And, look, the only way
this shit is gonna work,
the only way this fuckin' city works
is if you two motherfuckers
can work y'all bullshit out.
Little-ass boys.
So what's your expectations here?
I already told you.
You give me Chicken Man, I
tell you everything I know.
Black as you is, you know,
it's a whole lot of blue
still shining through.
I can smell you cooking
something up, pig.
HUDSON: Easy. Easy, easy, easy.
You must be out of yo' damn mind, pig.
Cadillac, Lamar,
I want you to stand down
'fore y'all accidentally
shoot my ass. You too.
No, no, no, no. This
pig tried to set me up.
FRANK: And we gonna
straighten all that out, Lac.
But right now, I need y'all to put
those fuckin' guns
away and just be cool.
All right, Detective.
Go ahead. Tell your truth.
Whole truth, nothing but.
HUDSON: We got a deal.
I give you the mastermind,
you give me Chicken Man.
Go ahead and testify.
only lied to you one time
in my entire life.
And that was earlier today.
I was on the phone with Chicken.
He was telling me that
it was Emerson Dorsey
that set up the robbery.
- Your lieutenant Emerson Dorsey?
Hey, hey, look, it came
under Cadillac orders.
They lured me to a
greasy spoon with Chicken,
- and this pig tried to set me up.
- Hear me?
A hit dog'll holla. Look at him squirm.
- Listen to me, Frank.
- We had him dead to rights.
Emerson. They fucked us both.
He tasked Emerson to
get rid of the robbers.
The whole thing went
sideways when they found out.
- I'm telling you the truth right now.
- HUDSON: That's your man right there.
- Cadillac, you're lyin'!
Listen, Detective.
I'm sick of this bullshit, all
right? Just give me the gun.
Ain't no fuckin' way.
Oh, Lamar.
If he doesn't give me this gun
by the time I count three,
empty your gun in Chicken
Man's fuckin' head!
- No, no!
- Hang on! Hang on. Wait a minute.
- One!
- Frank! Shit, now!
- Frank! Frank! Frank!
- Two!
Shit! All right, look, look, man.
Here. Here's the gun.
Keep your goddamn word,
man, for once in your life.
Jury's still out on that.
You! My office.
Let Viv and Hudson go first.
This ain't a negotiation!
This a fucking execution!
Either you or the
detective, or both yo' asses.
Get yo' ass up.
- CHICKEN MAN: All right. You got it.
- Come on.
Come on, Frank.
- Come on, man.
- You fuckin' with me.
And I don't let nobody fuck with me.
Come on, Frank. That
ain't my intention, man.
I meant to leave yo' ass in a hole
with that Cuban pendejo
after you tried to run
your little game on me.
But then you opened that
slick-ass chatterbox of yours
and somehow, you spoke my thoughts.
You articulated my vision, my dream.
Some kind of way,
you was all up in my fuckin' head
and that
That fucks with me.
Now, I thought,
maybe if I put a bullet
in this nigga's brain,
then, you know, I'll get over it.
Then somehow, I wasn't so sure.
Cadillac planned this robbery
and put all this shit in motion.
That's what I been trying to tell you.
- Uh Nah!
- Just
Now, I knew this morning
Cadillac's slick ass called the Firm
and set up a meetin'
so we could talk about my land plan.
I knew that's when he
was gonna make his move.
FRANK: That nigga don't
care nothin' about this land.
And he don't give a fuck 'bout Atlanta.
All they want to do is gangster shit.
Now, ain't nothing changed.
My plan is still the plan.
So now I got to deal
with Cadillac's family,
who run all of northern New Jersey.
And if I kill that motherfucker,
then I'm gonna have
100 perm-wearing niggas
lookin' for my ass.
And I ain't got time for no goddamn war.
And I thank you and
your little police buddy.
You got this nigga dead to rights.
If you do this shit right,
you can put him away for a long time.
Yeah, this manicured
motherfucker right here
is the one that set you all up.
Will one of you fine brothers
please put an apple in that pig's mouth
so he can stop interrupting
our conversation?
But I still got to do
what's right for my bidness.
So what's that mean for me?
What is it
you told me
'Lanta niggas say?
"We got somethin' to say."
So what do you have to say
when I pull the trigger
and put your lights out
and you standing at the Pearly Gates?
What you got to say to God?
I don't know, Frank.
You do believe in God, right?
With all my soul.
Then testify.
- Come on, Frank.
- Testify!
I would say, uh
I'm a piece of shit.
I'm just a motormouth nigga
that's too scared to do
whatever it was that you
intended for me to do.
I'm a liar.
A cheater, an adulterer.
I'm tellin' you somethin',
man, I ain't never
I ain't never robbed nobody.
That don't mean that I ain't took.
'Cause I done took time from my wife.
I took time from my family.
I stole Vivian heart and
I sold it for a dollar.
I just wanted to be somethin', man.
I just wanted to build somethin'.
I was sure that I was good
at somethin', but I can't,
I can't do it 'cause I ain't shit.
(VOICE BREAKING) 'Cause I ain't shit.
So I will ask for forgiveness.
I'd just say, "Forgive me, Lord.
Forgive me."
Amen then.
You're forgiven.
I don't play numbers.
I play chess. I'm the king.
Lac is the rook.
- And you the pawn.
- A pawn?
FRANK: I need your pawn ass to play dead
so he'll make his move.
Tex, Bunk, Mush.
Fuck y'all doin' here?
- Is it done?
- I did what needed to be done.
The fuck's so funny?
You are, Frank. (LAUGHS)
And you are also out.
I'm out?
voted you out last night.
Because somebody's gotta answer
for what happened to Mo Slim.
And for bringing us
to this damn money pit.
So that's your play, Cadillac?
You turnin' the Firm against me?
No, baby. You fucked
your shit up with the Firm
when you brought us down
to this backward country piece of shit.
So now you have the
choice of either going
gentle into that good night.
Or this shit can get ugly.
Number three, are you with us?
Say hello.
Put it down.
It's a good day to die.
How many holes we got dug back there?
- Is it big enough for three motherfuckers?
- Goddamn right.
Then let's get busy. Startin'
with that damn pig right there.
- Get him, Tex.
- Hold on. Wait a minute.
Y'all don't want to
hear what I have to say?
- Y'all don't want the truth?
- Now put a bullet in his fucking mouth.
I got proof. I can show you.
I mean, who's running this
fuckin' show anyway, man?
- You shut the fuck up! Shoot that motherfucker!
- Yo, hold up!
- Caddie! Caddie!
- He's a goddamn lying pig!
Caddie, let the motherfucker talk!
That's Emerson Dorsey right there
with McKinley Rogers.
He's one of the robbers.
They served in 'Nam together.
That shit ain't got
nothing to do with me.
Caddie farmed out the job to Emerson.
He went and got a cat
named Willie Black.
Stickup kid out of Jersey.
Hired a local crew to throw
the suspicion off of him.
that same bullshit
they tried to extort
me with earlier today.
I told y'all that Emerson
went fucking rogue.
- At your direction.
- That's bullshit.
He put this whole thing in
motion. I got it on tape.
BUNKER: A fuckin' confession?
Huh, Cadillac?
The fuck are you talking about?
I ain't never crossed you.
You gonna believe this
goddamn pig over me?
He probably working
with Frank right now.
That fuckin' snake that
killed our friend Mo Slim!
He's responsible for my daddy's death.
The only problem yo' daddy had
was yo' bitch-ass mama.
But he was smart enough not
to let her get him killed.
I see you ain't that smart.
- This is for my daddy.
- COLT: Go, go, go!
- Atlanta PD. Everybody, freeze!
- Everybody move in!
Don't do it! I ain't as slow as I look!
He gonna kill us all.
You know that, right?
Listen, listen. Just
Just get me there, okay?
Get me close.
And I'mma take care of everything else.
Ain't nobody got to die.
Told you the pig has something cooking.
Everybody who ain't in the
Atlanta Police Department
better let them guns go.
This shit ain't over, Frank.
Not by a long shot.
HUDSON: All right.
- What the fuck?
- CHICKEN MAN: You thought I was dead?
You dumber than you look.
Your high-yella
motherfuckin' ass is busted.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You know, I never got
a chance to thank Faye.
Can you do that for me?
I mean, that's if she'll have me.
Only one way to find out.
You know she got guns.
You sure you're gonna be
all right with Mr. Moten?
I been in the passenger
seat for a long time.
It's time for me to start driving now.
Hey, boss, what about these guys?
Well, as much as I would
like to take Mr. Moten
and his colleagues downtown,
we have no evidence
linking them to the robberies
or the subsequent murders.
But if Mr. Moten is smart,
he will take his ass back to New York
or I'mma be on it like white on rice.
Oh, damn!
Are you threatenin' me again?
I think I am.
My nigga.
You defied my authority as the
city's top law enforcement officer
by conducting a private
investigation under my nose.
That's correct.
And you involve other
officers in your malfeasance,
jeopardizing their careers.
- Yes, sir.
And you got the unmitigated gall
to call the press who now
are camped out on my doorstep
demanding a statement.
Sounds about right.
I think they getting
kind of impatient, too.
What do you expect me to do about that?
Your job.
Go take credit for this.
All right.
I believe you just hustled me, Huddie.
- Oh, Chief.
- Mm-hmm?
- There's one more thing I'm gonna need.
You can't arrest me.
You ain't even a cop.
Oh, on the contrary,
uh, I got reinstated.
New department, Internal Affairs.
And, uh, your ignorant ass
is being arrested for assault.
The rat squad.
What the hell is going on? Huh?
You're out of your fuckin' mind.
Your career is gonna
end up in the toilet.
Speaking of toilets, take
this piece of shit out of here.
Yeah, I'll be seeing you real soon, boy.
Yeah. Bye, Bill.
arrested two non-locals,
Mr. Richard "Cadillac"
Wheeler and Lamar Brown,
as the prime suspects in the robbery
at the post-fight party
and the subsequent murders
of young Atlantans believed
to be connected to the robbery.
Now I have always believed
that Mr. Gordon Williams,
A.K.A. the Chicken Man to be innocent,
and we at the Atlanta Police Department
are confident that these
arrests will absolve Mr. Williams
in the eyes of the
law and the community.
Just, uh, just give me a minute, okay?
FAYE: Gordon?
What you need?
Man, you know, I've been
I've been playing in my head
what I was gonna say
to you when I saw you.
I had a speech and everything.
But now that I stand
here at these steps,
I realize it don't matter what I say,
'cause I can't take away
the pain of that bullshit.
Look, Faye, um
I stepped out on you.
I stepped out on you. I broke
I broke our vows, and I
brought danger to our kids.
I did that.
I know one day I'mma have
to stand in line, and
face judgment for all that,
don't matter if I talk
till I'm blue in the face,
ain't gonna change much.
I guess to answer your question,
I'm just here 'cause I
wanted to see your face.
Well, you're seeing me.
- Look, Faye, I thought I could be both.
- Gordon
No, Faye, please, please.
Look, just hear me out.
Just Just hear me out, okay?
I thought I could be both, Faye.
I thought that I could
be Chicken for the streets
and I could be Gordon for you.
I was wrong.
I also realize that
I don't deserve this.
I'm not worthy.
I'mma go on and let you
get back to it and, um
I'mma be on my way.
You hungry?
I'm famished.
Come on and get your plate.
CHICKEN MAN: We all been lost before.
I ain't no different.
See, I wandered
I wandered through
the wilderness of sin.
But with the help of those who loved
and those who didn't,
well, I found my way home.
Did you hear what I said, church?
I said, I was able to find my way home.
See, back in my worldly days,
I used to say that I collected people
like I collected numbers.
But I don't say that no more, church.
No, I don't say that saying the same.
Now I say I collect people for the Lord.
Church, did you hear me?
I said,
I collect people for the Lord!
Amen! I said amen.
- ALL: Amen.
- Amen!
ALL: Amen.
- Said I'm climbing ♪
- I'm climbing ♪
- Higher mountains ♪
- Higher mountains ♪
- Trying to get home ♪
- Trying to get home ♪
My road's ♪
Been rocky ♪
- Trying to get home ♪
- Trying to get home ♪
Oh, my road's ♪
Been a little bit rocky ♪
Going home ♪
Going up the mountain ♪
Said my road been a little bit rocky ♪
- Trying to get home ♪
- Trying to get home ♪
I'm goin' up the rough
side of the mountain ♪
Trying to get home ♪
Trying to get home, now.
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