Firebuds (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Marsh Mayhem/The Art of Friendship

[alarm rings]
-[both] Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand ♪
Or you need
A helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds
Are here for you ♪
Just listen
To our siren squeal ♪
Out the front door
On the town ♪
There's nothing
We won't do ♪
To all our friends
And neighbors out ♪
We're coming through
Our rescue crew
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
If someone gets
Into a fix ♪
That's when we get
Into the mix ♪
Let's roll
Let's roll Firebuds ♪
Firebuds let's roll ♪
Bo and Flash
Jayden, Piston ♪
-Violet and Axl ♪
-Yeah, that's our team ♪
We're best
Firebuds forever ♪
-Here we come ♪
-And here's our team ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbing our gear
We're hitting the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're saving the day
We're cracking the code ♪
Let's roll around the bend ♪
Or else you know
You can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll ♪
"Marsh Mayhem."
What're we doing out here, June?
What we do best, Vance.
Looking for a great story
that all our friends'll
want to watch.
In Mudflap Marsh?
With all the rain lately,
something interesting
has to be happening out here.
A-ha! How about we do
a story called
"Adorable Ducks
Dive for Dinner."
We did a duck story already.
Only three people
watched our video.
And two of 'em were us.
Okay, um. Then how about:
"Wet Weather Weakens
Wooden Walkway?"
You want folks to watch
our videos, right?
More than anything.
Then we need
a big exciting story
that everyone cares about.
And I don't think anyone cares
about soggy walkways
in the marsh.
[engine rumbles]
[gasps] What's that?
Big wheels. Glowing lights.
[gasps] Is it that monster truck
people say lives in the woods?
[gasps] Big Tread.
Please tell me
you caught him on camera.
Oh, yeah. Still recording.
Go, June, go!
[inhales, exhales]
This is June Ramirez of JuneTube
with the story of the year.
Big Tread is real.
And he's been spotted
in Mudflap Marsh.
What does he want?
Where is he headed?
What does he eat?
Only time will tell.
Keep watching JuneTube,
where we bring to you
the best of what's new.
Big Tread's real?
I thought it was
just a made-up story.
JuneTube is the best!
June, that story
was better than excellent.
It was "wexcellent."
Thanks, Mr. Wexell.
How would you like to show
a JuneTube story every week?
The whole class would watch
one of my stories
every week?
That would be amazing!
[alarm rings, children cheer]
Could I have a word,
Miss Ramirez?
Sure, Miss Coolidge.
Did you like my story?
You told it very well.
But as it turns out,
-it's not true.
-What do you mean?
The vehicle you spotted
was my friend Toro.
He's the park ranger
who patrols Mudflap Marsh.
So it wasn't Big Tread?
I'm afraid not, dear.
And we wouldn't want
your friends
thinking there's a monster
in the swamp
when there really isn't.
[sighs] I'll go tell everyone
the truth right now.
I think that would be
best, June.
We finally had a story
everyone loved.
Do we have
to tell 'em the truth?
It'll be okay, Vance.
Not if no one watches
JuneTube anymore
'cause our stories are boring.
You gotta tell us more
about Big Tread.
-Were you scared?
-Does he really eat tires?
Oh! Well, I, uh
I do have something
to tell you all about Big Tread.
-Ooh, what?
-Spill it.
Well, the truth is
The truth is
Big Tread has giant spikes
sticking out of his grill.
Oh, yeah, big spikes.
-What else?
-I'll tell you what else.
Big Tread drove
right up to me
And looked me
right in the eyes
And leapt right over us
with a mighty roar!
into the mysterious marsh.
He did?
Oh, yeah, he did.
I was there and totally saw it.
Whoa. Hey, I got an idea.
Let's all go to Mudflap Marsh
and look for Big Tread.
-I'm down for that.
-Let's do it.
From a safe distance.
What are you waiting for, Bo?
Let's go.
You go on, Flash.
I'll catch a ride
with June and Vance.
This can be our next
JuneTube story.
"Schoolmates Search Swamp
for Savage SUV!"
Hey, June,
could I talk to you a second?
There's something I don't get.
You said Big Tread
had spikes on his front grill
and came up to your face
and jumped over you.
But your video just showed him
driving away through the trees.
We couldn't even see his grill.
Right Because, uh
all that happened
before we started filming.
Then why didn't you mention it
in your story to begin with?
Well I uh
Are you making all this up?
Not on purpose.
I thought we saw Big Tread.
But then Miss Coolidge told us
it was just Toro,
the park ranger.
Then, why didn't you tell us?
I was going to.
but then I saw how much
everyone loved my story
and I just couldn't.
But they're all out there
searching now.
You gotta tell 'em the truth.
Come on, I'll go with you.
Wait! Bo, you have
to understand
Ever since
I was a little girl ♪
I dreamt of telling stories
To the whole wide world ♪
Now I finally have one
That's got friends delighted ♪
How can I take it back ♪
When they're so excited? ♪
On JuneTube
You will be in the know ♪
On JuneTube
If you just watch my show ♪
On JuneTube
You will see my point of view ♪
You'll learn the best ♪
Of what is new ♪
Come on, June! We're gonna
miss out on the Big Tread hunt.
Hold on.
I am glad
That your show is a hit ♪
But your tale isn't true
A fact you must admit ♪
You gotta tell the truth
Before they get in trouble ♪
So let's get to the marsh ♪
And tell them on the double ♪
Maybe you're right
And I should come clean ♪
Before things
Get out of control ♪
Tell 'em the truth
Yeah, I see what you mean ♪
Come on, Bo
I'm ready, let's go ♪
On JuneTube
You will be in the know ♪
On JuneTube
If you just watch my show ♪
On JuneTube
I got a new point of view ♪
You will learn the best
Of what is true ♪
We will learn the best ♪
Of what is true ♪
On JuneTube ♪
All right, I'm gonna go
tell 'em the truth.
Oh! There she is!
There's something
I need to tell you.
-We can't find him.
-Yeah, where should we look?
-Where did you spot him?
-Tell us!
-[Jayden] Spill it.
-[Violet] Tell us!
Right this way.
[sighs] Oh, June
This was where we were.
[wood crackling]
And he drove up to you
on this rickety boardwalk?
I'm surprised it didn't break
under all that weight.
[chuckles] Yeah, me too.
We just need to know
which way he went.
Was it that way?
I-It sure was.
All right. Let's roll, Firebuds!
[wood crackling]
Wait! That boardwalk looks
like it could break any second.
Aw come on, Bo.
Big Tread drove on it.
And he's huge. Right, June?
Well, I mean
What are we waiting for?
We've got
a monster truck to find!
-Aw yeah!
-Let's go!
Come on June,
we gotta film this!
-Stay here, Flash.
-But, Bo!
[wood crackling]
[all gasp]
Ah, my camera!
[engine revving]
Axl, stop it!
Last thing I need right now
is a mud bath.
We better go rescue 'em.
We can't. The boardwalk's
too weak to drive on.
We'll fall in, too.
[engine rumbles]
-Big Tread!
-He's huge!
We're doomed.
Hello! Sir? We need help
What are you doing, Bo?
That's Big Tread!
No, it's not Big Tread.
His name is Toro
and he patrols the marsh.
He can help us. Right, June?
-We're sinking.
You gotta tell 'em the truth.
That's not really Big Tread.
-What was that?
-We can't hear you.
That's not Big Tread.
It's a park ranger named Toro.
Toro Toro Toro
So you lied to us ?
I really thought it was
Big Tread at first.
But then I found out it wasn't.
And I was going
to tell you the truth,
but this was the first time
anyone's watched my stories.
Hey, I watched "Ducks Doze
in the Driveway" and loved it.
So you're the one.
But this was the first time
everybody loved my story.
So instead of telling the truth,
I just told more lies.
But Bo was right.
Even the smallest lie
can grow out of control
if you don't tell
the truth right away.
So it's okay to call
Toro for help.
[engine rumbles, Vance gasps]
Well, jeep wilikers!
Did y'all call for me?
Yes sir, Mr. Toro.
Can you help my friends
get out of the marsh?
I sure can.
But I'll need another vehicle
to help me tow 'em out.
I'd totally do it.
But I don't have big
monster truck tires like you.
Lucky for you,
I've got four spares.
Just call me
Monster Firetruck Flash.
Come on, Flash.
It's rescue time.
First we all have to lock hands.
Now, Flash. Get ready
to back up full-speed on three.
One, two, three!
Thanks for the tow, Mr. Toro.
[whew] Okay, who's next?
Me, please.
I'll have to take
the longest car wash ever.
[whew] Two safe. One to go.
We're comin' for you, Vance!
Vance, start recording.
Uh, okay.
[clears throat]
My fellow classmates
Today's big story
is "Marsh Mayhem."
I lied to you about Big Tread.
And, because of that,
I got us all stuck in the muck.
You probably won't wanna watch
any more of my stories.
But if you do,
I promise that JuneTube
"will always bring you
the best of what's true."
This is June Ramirez
signing off.
Mr. Wexell, Miss Coolidge,
I totally understand
if you don't want me
to do JuneTube in class anymore.
On the contrary, Miss Ramirez.
That's precisely
the kind of story
we'd like to see
more of in class.
Yes! I can't wait
for the next JuneTube!
Ohh, I hope
it's about the ducks!
What is our next story gonna be?
I'll tell you.
"June's JuneTube Dreams
Come True."
"The Art of Friendship."
[ducks quacking]
Good morning, Firebuds!
Ooh. Looks like the Park
Beautification Project
is going beautifully!
Yep, we're repainting
the benches!
Raking the sandbox
for lost toys.
Re-touching the lines
on the race track
And I made a fence
to protect the flower beds.
-Mission accomplished.
Nice work, son.
They're protective,
pretty and precise.
And they look exactly
like real flowers!
You made flowers, too? So did I.
Come and look everyone!
-I dig it.
-Love the colors.
-They don't look like flowers.
Art can look all
different kinds of ways.
Sometimes it's just
about how you feel.
So you feel like paint blobs?
No. I feel like flowers
are joyful bursts of color.
And that's exactly
why we're all here.
To make the neighborhood
a more joyful place.
So thank you on behalf
of the Bureau of Community Support.
Uh, Jenna, we should check up
on our other volunteers.
Okay, Pete.
Keep up the good work, kids.
-Thanks, Mom.
-See ya, Dad.
I'm still not seeing
how they're flowers.
Maybe if I look
from further back
Uh-oh. That could be dangerous.
[Bang giggling]
-You okay?
Oh, I don't think so.
You're gonna be alright, Bang.
Axl and I can take you
to the hospital
and get you fixed up.
I'm sorry, Bang. I didn't mean
to knock over the paint.
It's okay, Piston.
We should go to the hospital
and make sure he's okay.
Right after
we clean up this mess.
-Is Bang all right?
-He will be.
But he has to stay in the hospital
all day for repairs.
Can we see him?
I don't think they'll let all of us
up there to visit him.
But follow me.
That's where the kids
and wee-hicles are.
Bang, are you up there?
He doesn't look too happy.
I guess he'd rather
still be in the park.
Then maybe
it would cheer him up
if we gave him something nice
to look at out here.
Just like we did in the park.
Something beautiful.
[both] Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
-I am!
-I am!
-You are?
-You are?
-Me too!
-Me too!
Uh what's happening?
Let's make some art.
To make Bang happy.
To make everyone happy.
Ooh, great idea!
But what kind of art?
Ha! Ah
-A mobile!
-A mobile!
-Yes! That's perfect!
-Yes! That's perfect!
-I know!
-I know!
Are they gonna keep doing this?
I can see it now
We'll make a giant mobile.
That spins and goes up and down
like a merry-go-round.
With cars that look
like real cars.
All painted silver.
With car-unicorns
in all different colors!
Uh, it kinda sounds like
you two have different ideas.
-It'll be fine.
-It'll be fine.
Once we start building,
Piston will see that rainbow
car-nicorns are the way to go.
Once we start building,
Axl will see that cars
that look like real cars
make more sense.
Come on! Let's get
art supplies, Violet.
And building supplies, Jayden.
I don't think
it's gonna be fine, Bo.
I'm sure they'll work it out.
Come on.
Let's find something we can use
for the mobile's frame.
All right, let's roll.
And done.
Okay, I'll open up
the frame a bit
so you can hang your cars.
-What do you think?
-They look great.
-Love it.
Something's not quite right.
I agree. Something's off.
Uh, Piston,
would you mind if I make
a few small changes
to your beautiful car?
Not if you don't mind me
tweaking yours a bit.
There! Hey!
Where's my car-nicorn horn?!
You put glitter on it?
Glitter never comes off!
You made mine into yours.
I have an idea.
How about we keep
all your cars the way they are?
Yeah, it'll be cool to have
two types of cars on the mobile.
We'll help hang 'em up.
Now that's some art right there.
I don't know Flash.
The cars are just so different.
I agree. There should only be
one type of car on the mobile.
-My car.
-My car.
Violet, which car
do you think looks better?
Uh Yours?
If I had to choose.
Alright then we'll go with mine.
Hold on there.
Jayden, which car
do you like better?
Gotta go with my dude, P.
So my cars should stay
and yours should go.
[both groaning]
Bo, do something.
I hate it when friends
don't get along.
Arguing isn't going
to get the mobile done.
And it's not going
to cheer them up.
You're right, Bo.
So I think you should decide
which cars should go
on the mobile.
Great idea.
Whose do you like better, Bo?
Well, I like them both.
All right, you decide, Flash.
Me? Do I have to?
Pretty sparkly car-nicorns
Real-looking silver cars
Well, car-nicorns are fun
But Piston's cars
look so real
[both gasp]
Look what you did!
[Flash yells]
Hang on, Flash!
We'll get ya down!
Hi, Flash!
[kids giggle]
[Flash yelling]
Hi again, Flash!
What is all this racket?
There's a flying
fire truck outside.
A flying fire truck?
Oh, dear,
you must be overheating.
We better take your temperature.
We gotta save Flash!
My J-Hook has
a built-in scissor tool
that can cut the cable.
But then he'll just go flying.
We need to lower him first.
But how are we supposed
to slow him down
when he's spinning that fast?
I have an idea.
Instead of using the J-Hook
to cut the cable,
we can use it
to grab hold of Flash
and stop him from spinning.
Then we'll lower him down.
Excellent plan, Bo.
It's just their two
great plans put together!
All right.
Here we go
He's moving too fast!
The J-Hook can't grab onto him.
Give me the hook.
I'll get it on him.
All right then.
Axl, gimme some speed.
Bounce-launch on three.
One, two, three!
Sweet move, Violet.
We gotta help Jayden
slow it down.
[all groaning]
Okay, it stopped.
[metal twanging]
Buds, I think
the cable's gonna snap!
Uh-oh, we don't have
time to pull him down.
We need something soft
to break his fall.
Ah, we can use
my extra feathers.
But feathers won't stay
in one place.
We can pile
my scrap metal together.
But metal's too hard
for him to land on.
I've got it! What if we put
our ideas together?
Like Jayden and Violet did!
We can surround my feathers
with your scrap metal
To keep them in one place!
Yes! Let's do it!
Huh. You're not running
warm at all.
Hi again, Flash!
He's okay!
[whew] Thanks
for the soft landing, Buds.
Flash, I'm so glad you're okay.
Hmm, note to self
build a giant pillow
for emergency landings.
I'm sorry I got so stuck
on doing the mobile my way.
Me too. We shouldn't have argued
and put everyone in the middle.
And you way up in the air.
It's cool. At least you worked
together to save me.
We did, didn't we?
Maybe you could try that
with the mobile.
Well, I guess they don't
all need to be car-nicorns.
A little glitter might be nice.
If tastefully applied.
Get ready!
Thanks, Firebuds!
Good as new.
-[kids cheering]
-Awesome! Yeah!
-Great job!
-Great job!
-You too!
-You too!
-It's beautiful.
-It's beautiful.
[closing theme playing]
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