Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

My Closest Comrade

(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 8)
(We got a suicide jumper at No.13 Shuiyang Street.)
(We got a suicide jumper at No.13 Shuiyang Street.)
I'll brief you of the situation.
A young girl lost her job and had an argument with her parents.
She's attempting suicide now. She's in a very tense emotional state.
Our officer is trying to get her to come down.
There she is.
Will you please come down first?
Stay away! If you come closer, I'll jump.
Yang Chi, take care of the ground. I'll go up.
Instructor, let me go up instead. You stay here.
This is an order.
Jiang Yi, Jun Ping, come with me.
Yes, sir.
Lay the air cushion, set up cordon. Now!
will you please come down first?
Go away. Don't come any closer, or I will jump.
Don't move.
Listen to me.
You are still young. You have a whole life ahead of you.
-Back off! Or I will jump! -Okay! Okay!
Okay. Okay.
I will stay here, I promise.
You have to stay there too.
where you are standing is too dangerous.
Let's get out of there and talk to us.
Even if I die, no one cares.
Why would you think that?
You're still so young.
If you have any problems,
I'll solve them with you,
Come, have some water first.
You can't solve my problem.
You can always find another job.
You don't understand, none of you understand!
I've worked really hard.
Really, really hard.
My boss is a rascal, a scumbag!
He ruined everything for me.
That's even more reason for you to keep going.
if you were bullied,
I'll go to the police with you.
I'll make sure you get justice,
I won't get justice anymore. I lost the evidence.
My parents even scolded me.
They said I can't do anything right,
that I lost my job, and I'm useless.
All they ever do is rebuking me.
Ever since I was little, no matter what happens,
it's always my fault. My fault!
I'm a mistake!
Since they want me dead, I'll do as they wish!
No! No!
No. Don't jump.
Don't jump.
Don't jump.
Don't jump.
Don't jump.
trust me.
I'm sure things are not how you think they are.
They can't be.
Actually, I'm just like you.
I've never received approval
from my parents since I was little.
My dad not only scolded me,
but he also hit me.
I used to hate them so much.
But later,
I eventually realized
that our parents do love us.
It's just that they have their limitations too.
It's very likely
that they themselves were not treated well by their own parents.
They do what they do out of concern
and care for us.
But they don't know how to express love.
That's why their words come out as harsh.
It becomes verbal abuse to your ears, right?
There are no parents who don't love their children, right?
Have some water first.
You should have it.
You should have it.
you can distance yourself from people and jobs you don't like,
including your parents.
You can move out.
You can move to another city.
If you don't want to see certain people, you don't have to. It's okay.
You're still so young.
Your future holds endless possibilities,
You've been standing there
for too long.
Aren't you tired?
Let's come up for a moment, okay?
Come, come.
Do you think she will jump?
Who knows?
Maybe she's just putting an act.
Stop saying such insensitive things.
She wants to kill herself just because she had a fight with her family.
Someone like her is a waste of existence.
How could you say that?
What are you talking about?
How could you say that?
Kids like her are the worst.
She's going against her family on purpose.
She shouldn't have been born in the first place.
thank you.
I'm sorry.
Yang Chi,
I'll lower the rope. Catch Instructor.
Okay. Lower Instructor down slowly. Aim the air cushion.
Catch him!
He's landed. Safe.
-Take her to the hospital. -Got it.
Are you okay? You okay?
Who said that just now? Are you even human?
That is a life.
A life!
Who among you
has never felt lost?
Who among you has never faced difficulties?
If the person standing up there
was your family member, loved one, or child,
would you still be able
to look at it as a joke?
Could you?
are you okay?
Jun Jun
(Yancheng University)
Zhai Miao.
How are you now? Are you okay?
If it wasn't for my brother, I'd probably still be in the police station.
You've suffered.
-Then -Don't worry.
No matter what happened to me, I would never give you away.
I'm sorry.
I really didn't know that they gave me counterfeit goods.
It's okay. It's not your fault anyway.
Although I bought the goods from you, you are also a victim.
Speaking of which,
take a look at this.
(Total intake) (Penalty total)
So much!
The money used for buying the goods
and the fines.
Don't worry.
I won't ask you to pay for it.
However, we need to find a quick way to make money.
My brother paid the fines for me.
That's his hard-earned money.
I have to pay him back as soon as possible.
Okay, we will repay him together.
Let's talk.
I spoke without thinking
that day.
I said things too harshly.
I didn't give you a chance
to express
your thoughts properly.
I'm sorry.
I'm the one who should apologize.
I should have discussed this with you in the first place.
With our relationship,
I shouldn't have kept it from you.
I should be the one apologizing.
I wasn't thinking straight that day.
I thought you were only after money.
But deep down, I didn't actually think that way.
Somehow, it just led there.
And I just blurted it out.
I knew you didn't think that way
Do you know what 1,200 yuan means to me?
It means
I can better support my parents.
It means I can stop being in a long-distance relationship.
For the past five or six years,
I've been away from home most of the time.
My father just had surgery
and his health isn't good.
He has difficulty moving around.
My fiancee has been taking care of him.
For so many years,
we've been in a relationship without an official status.
She has been worrying about me too much.
I can't keep holding her back.
So this is the reality I have to face.
What about you?
What are your plans for the future?
Since joining this team,
I haven't had the energy to think about anything else.
But recently,
I don't know why,
I keep thinking about the past.
Back then
Well, it seems to have nothing to do with the present.
I don't know if the future me
will have any connection with the present.
I hope there will be.
Otherwise, I'll be like a kite
flying high,
but not knowing where the thread is.
There will be a connection.
After all, we're not machines.
Who doesn't have moments of confusion and uncertainty?
Listen to me,
my friend,
do your job well,
but it's also time to settle down.
I've been wondering
if I would be living
all alone in the future.
Coming back to an empty house
without anyone waiting for me.
There will be someone.
There will definitely be someone.
Hold on, why did the subject
of our conversation suddenly shift to me?
Suo Jun,
no matter where you go
or what decisions you make,
you will always be my closest comrade,
my closest buddy.
Don't worry.
No matter where I am,
no matter what place I'm in,
I will always be a soldier of Shili Tai.
Song Yan,
when it comes to work,
I'm not worried about you at all.
You always know what you are doing.
But when it comes to your personal life,
don't keep suppressing yourself.
Do what you truly desire.
Cherish the present.
I'm fine.
Actually, I can't wait for you to leave.
Then, I won't have to listen to your nagging anymore.
I know you don't mean that.
So, were all those talks about wanting me to stay just lies?
I was just being polite.
Don't take it seriously.
Don't worry.
There will be a new guy coming soon.
The next guy will be more obedient than you.
You should improve
your grumpy temperament now.
Don't get into an argument
with the new instructor.
Don't worry.
I always
favour a new friend.
Am I supposed to wish you a pleasant cooperation with him?
Someone sounds jealous.
(Hi, )
(Mr. Firefighter.)
(I'm the girl who jumped off a building and you saved me.)
(Thank you for saving my life.)
(Until today, )
(I felt that this world was utterly awful.)
(I couldn't find the courage to go on living, )
(but when you selflessly jumped down and held onto me, )
(I realized)
(that there is light in this world.)
(There are people who care about me, )
(who will protect me.)
(From now on, )
(when I encounter difficulties, )
(I won't resort to extreme measures anymore.)
(I will cherish the second chance at life you've given me.)
(I will live well.)
(Yuan Yuan)
-Hello. -So,
can you give me another year?
(I promise, )
(a year later, )
(I will go back)
to you,
to my parents.
(Suo Jun, )
(we're done.)
You still love your career more.
You love your job more.
(I don't want to wait for you year after year anymore.)
(Don't ever call me again.)
Captain Song,
long time no see.
What's the matter?
I lodged a complaint against you openly last time.
Are you still holding a grudge after all this time?
I'm not thinking about you.
Don't be dramatic.
(Yanbei Firefighting Detachment)
it's not easy
to gather
all of you frontline instructors
here today.
On ordinary days,
at the scene of firefighting and rescue,
people praise each and every one of you
as little tigers.
But I believe
being just tigers
is not enough.
I need you to become tigers with wings.
So, today,
I am going to give you a pair of wings.
What wings?
and technology.
Today, I have invited
a talented individual from our system,
a high-achieving student from University of Science and Technology,
Jiang Yu.
He will talk to us about technology
and theory.
Let's give him a round of applause!
Hi, everyone. I'm Jiang Yu.
This guy's got an impressive background.
What you are seeing here
is something called Super Battle Helmet.
It has a built-in computer module
and a high-temperature capture camera.
It presents information to firefighters through
a specially designed augmented reality screen.
This is a video that was released recently.
It's called the Bipedal Robot.
It can walk just like
a human.
It is equipped with a laser radar
that can detect dense smoke and flames.
In recent years, there has been
significant investment in technology within the firefighting system.
So, I believe that in the near future,
it can replace firefighters
and enter the fire scene,
reducing our casualties.
That's impractical.
What frontline firefighting units
need now are not robots
but retaining experienced personnel.
I don't think there is a conflict
between training experienced people and improving technology.
Advancing technology
can help solve problems more quickly and efficiently.
Advanced technology
is great,
and I agree with that.
The foreign advanced technologies you mentioned are not wrong,
but you should also understand
the practical situation at the grassroots level.
I know that reform is not an overnight process,
but as long as it starts,
there will be hope.
I believe technology can solve
many disputes unrelated to technology.
Say in a fire scene,
there's a little girl in the room on the left,
and her mother is in the room on the right.
Can your technology tell me
which one to save?
This depends on the situation at the scene
and requires prediction and analysis.
I don't need prediction and analysis.
I'll save both.
As long as I strengthen my training
and enhance my personal skills,
maybe I can save them both.
Improving technological level is certainly important,
but we must not overlook people's abilities.
only follow commands
and complete expected tasks,
but human
will can create miracles.
Well said!
Captain Song.
I'd like to add you friend on WeChat.
There is something I'd like to discuss with you.
I'm stationed in Shili Tai Station.
If you really want to ask me something, you can find me there.
Captain Song
Here's a reminder.
-Steer clear of him. -Why?
He's notorious for being argumentative.
He's not a guy to mess with.
But I find him interesting.
Good luck.
Come in.
Catching you is like catching a monkey most of the times.
Everyone has already left, why are you still here?
Captain Gao,
I'd like to talk to you about Suo Jun.
What about him?
It's about his transfer application.
Just approve it.
You don't have to worry about me.
I have no objections here.
Look, why do we work so hard?
Isn't it to ensure the safety of thousands of households?
You see, we firefighters have to protect our own families too.
Suo Jun's fiancee and parents
are relying on him.
About this application,
don't let it stuck here.
Just approve it.
What transfer application are you talking about?
Suo Jun's application.
-Didn't he give it to you? -He never gave it to me at all.
Please stop taking photos.
Hurry up, please stand back.
It's so dangerous.
The firefighters rescued another one.
(Requesting backup!)
(Requesting backup!)
Instructor Instructor is still inside!
-Thanks. -Drive slowly.
Don't worry. He's saved.
his arm can't be used anymore.
You're awake.
Why are you wearing a sad face?
Did Captain Gao scold you again?
You are worried about me.
I'm fine,
I didn't break any arms or legs.
I'll recuperate and recover.
You will be fine.
Don't wear a sad face anymore.
Smile a little.
I'll go get you the doctor.
You know,
if I get transferred,
I will get paid 1200 yuan more there.
-I can -You are after the money?
Do you still remember the vow we made when we formed our team?
You have forgotten all about it.
You have abandoned your responsibilities and mission.
You are
a deserter!
We both made a vow.
Do you remember?
We will turn Shili Tai Station into the best fire station in the country.
What transfer application are you talking about?
He never gave it to me at all.
(Bed 25, Suo Jun)
(Name: Chen Min) (Dietary: Keep it bland)
The patient is in a state of mild coma, showing signs of awakening.
Please observe closely.
This is Chen Min?
Chen Min looked so beautiful before the accident.
She was beautiful.
What is she going to do after this?
Who knows?
She's severely injured.
The burn area covers 16% of her body.
All her fingers are stuck together.
She will need another surgery.
She was such a beautiful girl.
It's such a pity.
Did we get the girl out?
That's good.
That's good.
I went to the detachment.
You didn't submit the application.
It's all my fault.
How is this your fault?
It was my own decision.
I wanted to
stay with you for another year.
But now it looks like
I don't have another choice.
It's all my fault.
I shouldn't have gone to the meeting.
I should've gone on the mission myself. I shouldn't have let you go.
And this wouldn't have happened to you.
It's all my fault.
Song Yan.
Song Yan,
it has nothing to do with you.
It was my own decision.
I have my own personal reason.
I was thinking
that when I had children,
I could tell them proudly
that I was the instructor of the best fire station,
and I led the best firefighters.
Present the flag!
Forward march!
Mark time!
I hereby announce
that Suo Jun, the instructor
of Shili Tai Fire and Rescue Station,
will proudly retire
from the national comprehensive fire and rescue team
and transfer to the local housing and construction department.
Thank you for your eight years of dedication
to the construction of our fire brigade,
safeguarding the lives and property of the people in Yanbei,
and contributing actively
to the fire safety in our jurisdiction.
even though you are leaving this team,
this will always be your home.
I hope you will
visit often in the future.
May you always stay true
to your original aspiration
and never forget your mission on your future path.
-Suo Jun! -Yes, ma'am!
-Step forward! -Yes, ma'am!
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