Fish Upon the Sky (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

The characters, behaviors, places, institutions, professions, and situations in this series are fictional.
They are for entertainment purposes only.
We do not have any intention of directing or promoting any actions in the series.
Viewer discretion is highly advised.
Why does someone like you want to be my friend?
Because to me,
you’re never a loser.
Now that we’re friends,
don’t you ever leave me.
Being friends is good enough for now.
How are you related to Pattawee?
I looked the name up and it’s not you.
Why did you lie to me?
You can go, Duean.
I don’t want to annoy you.
You said it yourself.
Fine! I’ll go.
You said you’d bring someone you’re dating.
This way.
Hi, mom. Hi, dad.
You have to diagnose if the vaccine you get is right for your disease
or you just assume that it is.
I got it.
Thank you, Wan.
(Mork: Did you miss so bad that you had to call?)
(Pi: I’m calling to say see you tomorrow. I have something to talk to you about.)
(Mork: Talk to me about what?)
(Pi: You’ll hear it tomorrow.)
The Faculty of Medicine is in the lead now.
Does anybody want to take down the champion here?
Anyone? Step up here.
Come on up.
(Seriously, you wanted me to meet you here?)
(Fine then.)
We have one contestant over there.
Let’s give him a big hand!
(Bring it on. I’m coming.)
We have a hot guy joining.
This way, please.
And here we have a new challenger from Dentistry.
What is your name?
Let’s see if Pattawee can take down our champion Sutthaya.
You know the rules?
I do.
He knows how to play.
Our new contestant here will get to pick the number first.
Number 3.
He has picked number 3.
And it is…
Let’s take a guess, guys.
Let’s see!
Start your sentences with ‘You.’
Anything you can think of.
If you take longer than 3 seconds to think, you lose.
I see everyone is ready. Let’s start with our champion.
3 2 1. Go!
You are Pattawee.
You are Sutthaya.
You’re a dental student.
You were crowned the Med’s hottest guy.
You like desserts.
You like to steal my desserts.
You once forgot to bring your lab gown.
You lent me yours.
You don’t have many friends.
You have many friends.
We are friends.
I don’t think so.
That’s right.
I asked to be your friend just because you didn’t allow me to be more.
But as days go by, my desire to be friends with you becomes lower.
I want to be more than that.
MorkPi. MorkPi.
Why am I blushing?
All right, guys.
Sutthaya just violated our game rules.
Pattawee from Dentistry is our winner!
That was superb!
Hold on.
Why are you giving me this?
I don’t need it anymore.
I will win over the real Muang Nan.
Thanks for comforting me that day.
I don’t think you’re the right vaccine for my disease.
You’re the complication that happens to my body.
I’m not the complication.
I’m the right vaccine for your disease.
You’re stubborn.
I won’t make you like me anymore.
I will just make you love me instead.
Watch me!
They’re lovebirds.
Pi, wait up.
KK, come here!
What’s up?
Look! A video of Mork confessing to Pi.
(I won’t make you like me anymore.)
(I will just make you love me instead.)
Let’s reopen our fan page.
Look at this.
The video was posted 2 minutes ago and it has 100K Likes.
Are you sure about that? We gave them our word.
Don’t you want the huge number of Likes,
the happiness when there are tons of comments,
the heart icons we will get?
We have hundreds of pictures of them sleeping on each other’s lap.
But we promised them.
The number of followers will increase every day.
No. I don’t want to break the promise.
From 10 to 100 followers.
From 100 to 1K followers.
From 1K to 10K followers.
From 10K to 1M followers.
And the MorkPi V2 Fan Page has just begun!
(I won’t make you like me anymore.)
(I will just make you love me instead.)
What an ass!
I can’t focus here.
(A Guy From Nearby Faculty: You’re now famous.)
(A Guy From Nearby Faculty: Somebody just confessed to you on-air.)
Why do you think it’s nonsense?
I think you do know that he really likes you.
But you just pretend to resist and turn a blind eye to him.
Yeah? So?
If you don’t like him, why didn’t you just turn him down?
Deep down,
you like him too?
You’re right.
Why didn’t I just turn him down?
How about you open your heart for him just a little?
It’s not like he’s a bad guy or anything.
he has saved your life before.
That’s true.
He’s hot too.
He is a popular guy from Medicine.
Can’t argue with that.
You like him already, yeah?
Wait a minute!
Chill, man.
Why are you cheering for him so badly?
If he’s that great like you just said, why don’t you date him yourself?
Because I want you to be with someone great.
You’re talking like you know him.
Bye now.
I’ll get back to my study.
When will I get to study?
(I’m in front of your house.)
(Come on down.)
What are you doing at my house?
How did you know where I live?
It isn’t something hard to find, when you’re really interested in someone.
Are you stalking me?
You’re harassing me.
Right. And I’ll harass you in your room too.
I know where your room is.
Why are you really here?
I’m bringing back your clothes.
Just put it right there and you can go.
I’m not kidding, Pi.
I am serious.
You said before that
Muang Nan was a fish upon the sky for you.
But you know what?
You are a fish upon the sky for me too.
You get that?
That’s all you wanted to say?
I’m going back to my study.
You’re blushing, aren’t you?
That's why you’re running away.
Yes, I am blushing.
Don’t go yet.
Come back and talk to me first.
(My heart!! Why are you pounding?)
(Pi, you’re so stupid!)
(Mork: I really like you, Pi.)
This is so great!
Now I don’t have someone shadowing me everywhere.
He likes me but he just doesn’t want to accept that.
Do you have any idea that what you’re doing gives people chances to harass me?
From now on, just stay away from me.
Let me live my life in peace.
Hey, where are my clothes?
Outside on the drying stand.
You hung them for me?
No. I washed them for you.
Going to the U?
Ride with me.
It’s okay. I have a car too.
Come on, Dad!
Very bad timing.
Just get in.
Duean, take me with you.
Who is this dude?
This is Mork. He loves to bug me so much.
So you’re the one muddling my brother’s life.
I’m gonna beat you up, you asshole!
Just let him go. We can go now.
Just because my brother stopped me.
What are you looking at?
We’re going to have a problem.
(The Story of a Fifth-Year Student EP.8 - Withdrawal Symptoms)
Ignoring me, aren’t you?
Fine! I won’t sit with you.
Hello. Is this seat taken?
Can I sit with you?
Someone likes you.
And I am that someone.
Come on, Jane.
We’ve been in the same class for so long. Aren’t you going to talk to me?
What an uppish person!
I will just sit here then.
Am I smelling?
I am not.
Did you just hit me?
You like me, don’t you? I can tell.
Wanna grab something to eat?
No answer.
I’m talking to you here. Are you ignoring me?
Are you avoiding me?
No, my ass!
You’re obviously avoiding me.
You were never like this.
Normally after class, you’d go ‘Duean, I’m hungry.’
‘Duean, I’m thirsty.’
‘Duean, can you wipe my ass?’
You were that guy.
I don’t want to annoy you anymore.
Did I say I was annoyed by you?
I’m always like this, loud and shouty.
You know that.
I’m hungry. I’m going to find something to eat.
This is so great!
Now I don’t have someone shadowing me everywhere.
You go and eat alone.
I’m so relieved now.
Just go!
Go on! Walk faster!
I am sorry.
Are you alright?
I am. You?
I am okay.
Are you sure you’re okay?
I am okay.
Are you coming?
Wait! I am!
I am sorry.
Are you alright?
The water.
What’s up, Narong?
So what’s going on between you and Sutthaya?
I see many girls screaming so hard for you both.
I just don’t get it.
That’s why I’m asking.
Nothing is going on between me and him.
Why are you asking?
Is that so?
What are they screaming and cheering for then?
I’m so confused.
Just two people meeting each other,
holding hands,
and eating together.
You guys are like normal friends.
I have no clue why they’re screaming over your photos on that page.
What page?
Haven’t you seen?
It’s called MorkPi V2.
Do they think it's the Kamen Rider series?
V1, V2, and so on.
(I bet that tea is very sweet.)
(Look at the way Mork looks at Pi.)
(Friends don’t look at each other this way.)
(This isn’t just a ship. They’re a real couple.)
(They’re like Romeo and Juliet.)
(A doctor and a dentist, they should just run a hospital together.)
(His parents are doctors too.)
They know about my parents now?
(His eldest brother is a doctor too. He’s doing his internship in Hat Yai.)
(His house is next to my friend’s house.)
(I’ll go there and take pictures of his bedroom for you guys.)
My bedroom?
This isn’t right.
Hello, everyone.
Today, we’re giving you an exclusive interview with Mork Sutthaya, our hottest guy from the Faculty of Medicine.
Sorry and thank you, Narong.
Are you guys ready?
We have 38K viewers right now.
Once we hit 40K, we will start the interview right away.
Let’s take a peek.
Not yet!
We have 45K people watching now.
Let’s get started, guys.
Let’s go!
Hello, Mork.
Let’s greet 45K fans of yours.
Sawasdee krub.
Can you all see? Mork has such a warm and beautiful smile.
Don’t forget to tap the heart icon for us.
Let’s start with a hot topic.
The topic that got over 100K retweets,
with the hashtag #ICanBeYourVaccine.
And now, a bunch of people are getting in line waiting to get your vaccine.
Tell us about it.
Nothing much.
It’s really how I feel about him.
I want to take care of him
and treat him.
Why does he need treatment?
Because he doesn’t know what his heart wants.
Is it a disease or something?
It is.
It happens to someone not being honest with his heart and feelings.
Can you describe the symptoms?
Some fans here might be having the disease but don’t realize it.
Love but refuse.
He likes me but doesn’t want to accept it.
Pi, if you’re watching this, please know that there are many people envious of you right now.
Stop stirring things up.
You two as well.
I know you’re just pretending to be angry.
That’s fine.
Let’s resume.
Why so many stuff?
Pi, those are my wet wipes.
Why did you throw them away?
You stop stirring things up.
I don’t have a stony heart or any disease.
I don’t need your vaccine.
No matter how many times you ask,
No matter how many times you ask,
I don’t like you.
Stop disturbing my life.
You guys too.
I’m not okay with what you’re doing.
You know that what you're posting and commenting on isn't true.
Things are getting out of hand now. People know about my family.
They know what my parents do. They know about my brother too.
They even say they’ll come to my room and I’m not okay with that.
Pi! Wait up!
Pi! Stop!
Calm down.
You shouldn’t have said that to them.
Why can’t I?
I’m being harassed here.
I take full responsibility for that.
So that fan page is back because of you?
Do you have any idea that what you’re doing
gives people chances to harass me?
My dad’s, my mom’s, and my brother’s life too.
Do you know how I feel now?
Pi, slow down.
Well, It already happened.
I am sorry.
From now on, just stay away from me.
Let me live my life in peace.
If Muang Nan really threw this clip away,
does it mean he hates me?
But seriously,
now that I don’t get to hear your voice,
I feel kind of uneasy.
I told you not to reopen the page.
Pi is really mad now.
He is just too much.
People come to the page because they like him.
They don’t talk badly about him.
But there are some people who are actually harassing him.
They said they would go to his bedroom and take pictures.
Who would really do such a thing?
They didn’t mean that.
Well, we did follow him home once.
Though we didn’t get to see him.
So many problems!
I quit!
Your beloved Pi yelled right at my face.
He was so in denial and taking it on other people.
Because he wasn't okay with what we did.
We must understand him too, Kluea.
You can understand him all by yourself.
As for me,
Just take it easy.
It’s just stuff people say on social media.
If they really come to your house,
let me know.
I’ll beat them up for you.
You just told me to take it easy, but you seem more frustrated.
Don’t think too much.
Just quit thinking.
Are you alright?
I am. You?
I am okay.
Still can’t get it off your mind?
You’re wondering how that kid had the clip, right?
I just want to know.
Know what?
If Muang Nan really threw this clip away,
does it mean he hates me?
Let me ask you back.
Is it the only one of its kind on this planet?
(But I made it myself.)
Even if it is
and he threw it away,
that means it had no value to him.
I think the answer is very clear.
What else do you expect?
Just move on already.
Trust me.
It isn’t that easy.
Shit! Are you hurt?
You can’t achieve without pain.
(Man! Wise words come with a skateboard.)
(You must go through pain in order to move on.)
(What a sucky kid!)
(Damn! When will you get to go home?)
Hop on. I’ll take you home.
I can go home by myself.
Sure you can’t.
I was watching you there.
If you don’t fight for your spot,
you’ll never get to go home in this life.
You’re so weak.
I am weak and slow.
But that’s my business.
And the line won’t be this long in the late evening.
So you will wait for the evening to come?
It’s hot out here.
Just hop on. I’ll take you.
You will get annoyed
and leave me along the way again.
Are you sulking?
You’re mad about that day?
Your silence says it’s true.
I will not leave you today, alright.
Fine! I am confessing.
I was so glad at first that you stopped following me everywhere.
But honestly,
now that I don’t get to hear your voice,
I feel kind of uneasy.
No. It was bullshit, duh!
Can’t you just say it nicely?
Hey, hey!
It’s just my style.
You will not get irritated by me?
I’m starting to be if you still linger.
Hey, Meen!!
I’m just joking.
Take it.
Stop pouting.
Put it on.
Do it quickly.
You’re not going to leave me again, are you?
I’m not. I promise.
Come on. Let’s go.
Let’s go.
(The story of a fifth-year student ep.8 is over.)
You know what?
By doing nothing, you allow people to keep on harassing me.
From now on,
just stay away from me.
Let me live my life in peace.
Was I being too harsh on him?
It’s hot.
What a nice service!
So many people in the morning classes.
It takes forever to get in the elevator.
You should take the stairs to the 20th floor.
It’s okay.
I’m willing to get squeezed in the elevator.
(Damn! It’s you again.)
Aren’t you coming?
No. I want to do a little exercise.
(I’m wide awake now.)
(Is he following me?)
(I need to get out of this place. I see him everywhere.)
(Why didn’t he talk to me at all?)
(Normally, he’d say this and that.)
(But you told him to stay away, Pi.)
(No wonder.)
(That’s right.)
(But he’s never been like this.)
(Maybe he didn’t see me there.)
(Stop thinking, Pi!)
(Just go back to studying.)
(That bathroom was small. There’s no way he didn’t see me.)
What a dull day!
I can't focus on my study.
What are you doing?
Are you busy?
Okay. I won’t bother your time then.
I am…
Seriously, how am I inferior to him?
Why did Muang Nan go with him, not me?
Do you really want to know why?
You have a few problems.
One, your glasses are too thick.
Two, your braces make you sound unclear when you talk.
Three, you’re not confident. You’re always round-shouldered.
Seventeen, you’re nerdy. You don’t have many friends.
Am I that bad?
You said I had a few problems.
A few, my ass! You went on to 120 problems.
How many will you call ‘a lot’ then? 700?
I’m not talking to you anymore.
There is one good thing about you though.
You have a kind heart.
And this one good quality you have…
made me fall for you.
Who is this girl?
Why is she with Mork?
Let’s go study, just the two of us.
I can go.
I’ve missed you.
Guess who it is.
Have you missed me?
No kidding, I’ve missed you too!
You just love to tease!
What do you have here?
They look yummy.
What should we eat first?
You choose.
Or we can eat them all.
Who is this girl?
Why is she with Mork?
They’re even feeding each other food.
This can’t be right.
I will take photos of them just in case.
My new fandom is about to happen.
Prik, I’ll create a new fandom.
I don’t need you anymore since you’re such a saint!
This is going to be fun!
Clinical crowns are teeth visible above the gingiva.
Their length is unstable and changeable.
Mork has changed too.
He is acting like he doesn't care.
Stop thinking about him!
Pi, have you seen that page?
What page now?
MorkPi page has already been deleted.
I deleted that page myself.
But someone set up a new page just to attack you.
What we had before was just a ship ♪
But this one is so real ♪
Come closer and I’ll tell you everything ♪
MorkBam is real, I promise you that ♪
They are just so cute ♪
They have known each other since high school ♪
One was a sports player and one was a cheerleader ♪
They both look gorgeous ♪
MorkBam is real, follow me and you’ll see ♪
Wow! Perfect!
What is this?!
Excuse me, are these seats taken?
I think they’re available.
Mork, come here.
We can sit over here.
You’re here?
You know him, babe?
The guy I told you about, Sugar.
The one that doesn't want anything to do with you, right?
We shouldn't bother him then.
Let’s study somewhere else, just the two of us.
(Why can’t she talk like a normal human being?)
(She lacks Calcium, I guess.)
(No! It has nothing to do with Calcium.)
- (Yuck! What an annoying voice!)
- I can go.
(Who on earth talks like that?)
Babe, I’m right here. Just look at me.
Stop playing.
What is it?
Are you afraid he’d get mad?
You played too much, Bam.
He won’t be.
We must create a situation to provoke him.
The plot ‘Bam, the ex-girlfriend’ must work out well.
We are going to make him jealous.
You don’t have to do anything, Mork.
Just stand there and let me touch you here and there a little.
That’s all and things will turn out great.
Where has he gone, by the way?
I will just go and check.
I want this one.
Show me your cute gesture first.
That ‘Am I cute?’ thing.
Just admit you’re jealous.
I am not.
You are.
I said I am not.
Do you know a page called ‘A Guy From Nearby Faculty’?
Don’t tell me you’re an admin.
When you like someone,
tell that person honestly.
At first, I wanted to be your friend.
I want to be a boyfriend now.
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