Flex x Cop (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[keyboard clacking]
"34/5 GANGHA 1-DONG"
[dark music]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse scrolling]
[mouse scrolling]
[mouse scrolling]
[Ganghyun]How did
your mom die?
[Isoo]Car accident.
I don't even remember it.
[shallow laugh]
[Isoo] Jeez.
[shallow sigh]
[keyboard clacking]
I'll be more careful.
I was in a hurry at that time.
[Isoo sighs shallowly]
By the way, I'm glad about this.
You're worried about me.
[door opens]
I felt you're caring very much about me.
[Kyungjin] We identified him.
Okay, let's go.
You made it again, bro.
You know, I flew like Spider-Man.
[Isoo] Let's go.
- [Isoo] I'll be back.
- [Kyungjin] Okay.
You stay outside.
[Isoo] When can I do this?
Just stay here.
[Isoo] Hey, I'm--
Get out of the way.
[door closes]
Kim Dohyung.
[Ganghyun] You have criminal records.
Three housebreaking charges
and two car thefts.
Why did you break into Cho Sunggu's house?
To check if there's something to steal.
You broke through the police line
[Junyoung] to rob something in the house
where detectives could come anytime?
They might not come.
[Dohyung] Life is timing, isn't it?
I can do that as well as them.
You need more experience to interrogate.
Do you have any experience?
I have no chance to experience that.
That's right.
[Junyoung] Judging from your records,
you look just like a petty thief.
all the houses and vehicles you targeted
were owned by very rich people.
It must be a coincidence.
[Ganghyun] Here's our assumption.
You are a problem solver for rich people.
And today, you were ordered
[heavy music]
to break into Cho Sunggu's house
to find something.
[Junyoung] And
it's you who killed Cho Sunggu.
You're wrong about that.
[Ganghyun] Then, it's true
that you were ordered to break in, right?
[Isoo and Kyungjin exclaim]
Who do you work for?
No one.
I went there by myself.
You went there to find the USB!
[Dohyung laughs]
Who do you work for?
[phone vibrates]
[Ganghyun] Your VIP is so impatient.
[phone thuds]
- Answer it.
- [Junyoung] Summon your VIP.
You want to be charged with murder?
[Junyoung] You said you didn't kill him.
Pick it up.
[phone vibrates]
[Isoo] Pick it up.
Pick up, pick up.
[suspenseful music]
[Isoo] Jeez, what're you doing?
[Isoo clears throat]
[in a low voice] Hello.
[interesting music]
[in a low voice] Yes.
[call ending sound]
What the hell did you do?
We made an appointment.
At the place they met before.
[Junyoung] How do we know where it is?
Hey, where's your car?
No. You know where my car is, right?
[Kyungjin] Yes.
I'll go bring his VIP here.
[Kyungjin] I'll go with him.
[murmuring] Clothes and a cap.
Hey, stand up.
Stand up, quickly.
[Junyoung] Ganghyun.
Jin Isoo, that punk
When are you going to stop him?
Just let him.
I'll report to the chief later.
I can't involve him
in an investigation anymore.
[green bugs chirping]
[tense music]
[Isoo whispering] They're here.
[Kyungjin whispering] Right.
[whispering] One, two, three.
[interesting music]
[Kyungjin gasps]
[passenger screams]
[driver] Who the hell are you?
- [Isoo] We're
- [passenger] What?
- Turn it off, punk.
- Oh, okay.
- I'm sorry.
- [Kyungjin] Sorry.
[Isoo] Hey, hey.
Here's the hot place.
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
[Kyungjin] Bro.
[Isoo] Why?
[clears throat]
[dark music]
[knocking on the car door]
[tense sound effect]
[Jongtae gasps]
[bright music]
[Isoo] Huh? What the
[Kyungjin] Why?
[Isoo] A huge VIP appeared,
- alone to boot.
- Put that away.
- [Kyungjin] Wang Jongtae.
- What?
What a rude bastard.
What the hell are you?
Who we are?
We're detectives.
[Isoo stopping Junyoung]
[Isoo] I'll do it this time.
You need me to deal with that huge VIP.
Will you take all the responsibility
if there's any problem?
[door opens]
[door closes]
[shallow sigh]
Where's your chief?
[murmuring] The chief
He's sleeping at home.
We aren't planning to wake him up.
[Jongtae inhaling]
I'm not supposed
to be here like this.
[dark music]
You know Kim Dohyung
[Ganghyun] your errand boy, right?
He's in jail now.
[Jongtae] I don't know who he is.
Hey, candidate number one.
Why did you come to meet
someone you don't know
at 11:00 p.m. somewhere
without security cams?
Did you order Kim Dohyung
to search Cho Sunggu's house?
[Ganghyun] Did you order him
to kill Cho Sunggu?
We can interrogate you for 48 hours--
Your chief already knows it.
- He won't let you.
- [Ganghyun] At least,
we can make it a big issue.
What is between a mayoral candidate
and a criminal
with five previous convictions?
It'll be very attractive to the reporters.
That USB
we found it.
You found it?
[panting] That shouldn't be revealed.
You saw it? Did you?
How many of you saw it?
Tell me right now!
[Ganghyun] Cho Sunggu
blackmailed you, right?
That's why you ordered his murder?
I'm in the middle of the election.
Why would I commit such a dangerous crime?
I just
gave him some money.
You could've just killed him
He said, if he was killed,
the USB would be revealed.
[breathing shakily]
That'd be way more terrible than my death.
[Jongtae whimpering]
[Sunggu] Ganghyun!
[Isoo sighs]
[footsteps approaching]
[door opens]
[tense music]
[heavy breathing]
You punk.
I brought him
to investigate something.
[shallow sigh]
[Sunggu] Please come with me, sir.
[Jongtae sighs shallowly]
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
[Isoo] Now he looks like a real criminal.
[Ganghyun] They're like special agents.
[Kyungjin] Here's his alibi.
[door closes]
On the day of Cho's death,
Wang Jongtae was in Busan,
and Kim Dohyung was in Jeongseon Casino.
[Junyoung sighs]
They succeeded twice.
[Seonu] We made it twice.
[suspicious music]
The victims
are Hong Euna and Wang Jongtae.
And the last one
[Seonu] Just one more time.
[Ganghyun] To figure out who it is,
we need to find the USB.
[Ganghyun] Let's wrap it up for today.
From tomorrow, let's search the places
related to Cho Sunggu.
Let's go.
[engine revs]
[shallow sigh]
What's up?
You have something to tell me?
You were in charge
[writing calligraphy]
[Ganghyun] of the case
of Jin Isoo's mother?
[Hyungjun] Yes, I was.
What happened?
After a long-term depression,
[calm music]
[Hyungjun] she was found dead
in the bathtub.
[camera clicking]
She took sleeping pills.
When she was found,
a little boy was lying there.
That boy was Jin Isoo.
That's all.
[writing calligraphy]
Jin doesn't remember it.
He thinks it was a car accident.
[brush clinks]
That's possible.
[glasses rattle]
He couldn't even talk at first.
[Hyungjun] They said
he got an aphasia from shock.
Why didn't you tell me?
Don't get too close to him.
People with huge trauma like that
have cracks in their minds.
[Hyungjun] They'll break someday.
[phone vibrates]
[keyboard clacking]
[phone vibrates]
[Isoo] Got something to do today.
I'll be late.
[door opens]
Any updates?
- [Junyoung] Yes.
- [Kyungjin] Cho Sunggu
- used to go to a gym.
- His car was found in the parking lot.
Let's go. I'll look into his house again.
[tense music]
[Isoo] Ta-da.
[soft music]
I look nice today, right?
Your son is a cop.
I thought it was absurd at first,
but now
I feel that I'm living a decent life.
I feel like going to work every morning.
[shallow laugh]
Even I am surprised at myself.
I have three subordinates in my team--
[mourner] It won't take long.
I'll put this photo and leave.
[manager1] No, you can't.
[mourner sighs]
Only immediate family can open it.
[Seonu] Where's the USB?
[Sunggu] Don't worry.
It's somewhere only I can open.
[dark music]
I should get going for work.
See you again.
[Isoo] Has anyone in Cho's family
passed away?
[Ganghyun] His father passed away
a few years ago.
I think I know
where the USB is.
[mellow music]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
[Ganghyun] You suddenly found it?
[Isoo] Let's get in first.
[manager2] This way.
[key turning sound]
Please excuse us.
[tense music]
How did you find it out?
I've been to my mom
for an anniversary of her death.
[Isoo] It's open?
There are videos.
Let's see Hong Euna's first.
[mouse clicking]
[solemn music]
[heavy breathing]
[Kyungjin exclaims]
[Euna yelling]
What's wrong with her?
[throwing sound]
[Isoo] Gosh, that's
They're what I bought for her.
[Euna sighs]
[Junyoung sighs]
[everyone sighs]
[Isoo] Let's stop watching.
It's too scary.
Jeez, my heart aches.
Let's watch Wang Jongtae's.
[mouse scrolling]
[mouse clicking]
[interesting music]
That's not Wang Jongtae.
[suspenseful music]
[Isoo] Damn it.
[tense music]
I'm pretty.
[Kyungjin] No, you're not.
[Isoo and Junyoung sigh]
My gosh, damn. Shit.
That candidate number one. Shit.
- My heart is aching.
- [Kyungjin] Wow.
[sighing] Okay, enough.
[Isoo exhaling]
[Kyungjin sighs]
[Ganghyun] Hong Euna
and Wang Jongtae.
Who was next?
[Junyoung] Those in the list
are huge figures in politics and business.
Hong is getting married,
and Wang is in the election.
They'd definitely give them money.
But others are too powerful to blackmail.
Someone who'd be damaged the most
when the file is released.
Someone who'd definitely pay them.
[Ganghyun sighs]
[dinging sound effect]
Hey, wait for a second.
Hold on.
[Isoo exclaims shallowly]
[door opens]
[door closes]
How can we figure out
if these people were really blackmailed?
[Korean harp music playing]
[kettle thuds]
[phone ringing]
[shallow laugh]
[shallow sigh]
[phone ringing]
Answer it.
Yes, Mother.
[phone ringing continues]
Why the hell are you calling?
Hi, Euna. I'm also glad to talk to you.
[sighing] What's up? Just say it.
I'll kill you if it's nothing.
After you were blackmailed,
did you say anything to Dr. Seo?
You must've gotten mad at her.
Of course, I went there to complain.
[staff] Hello.
[stuffs falling sound]
[heavy music]
[staff] Security!
So, Dr. Seo knew about this.
[exhaling] You're done?
Hang up, then.
Never call me again.
[Isoo] Wait.
- Just one more thing.
- [sighing] What?
What's the special treatment that you got?
The culprit is Dr. Seo.
[solemn music]
[Isoo] I told you in the first place.
She was aware of this blackmail.
Euna went there and complained about that.
Dr. Seo lied to us.
[Isoo sighs]
[Ganghyun] He blackmailed your patients.
You didn't know that?
No, not at all.
If she was aware of it--
She must've contacted Cho,
who was in charge of the security program.
As he got caught,
Cho Sunggu blackmailed her
for the last time.
So, Dr. Seo would have been
the most afraid
of the USB being revealed?
These powerful figures
wouldn't let her get away with it.
It'll be more
than just closing the hospital.
[Isoo] She must've got desperate
and killed Cho Sunggu by herself.
You mean, Dr. Seo slashed
Cho Sunggu's neck?
[Junyoung] You think that makes sense?
One of these patients was blackmailed
and ordered a professional killer
to murder him.
Seo Yukyung is a doctor
with a lot of experience
in human anatomy.
She could've killed him as a professional.
And she's the only one
who can make Choi Seonu
die from dehydration.
- What?
- The special treatment that she provides
is hypnosis therapy.
[Isoo] In fact, she's well known
for this therapy.
Patients can quit alcohol,
smoking, or gambling
or even change their personality.
You mean,
she killed Choi Seonu by hypnotizing him?
[Isoo] Right.
[Junyoung] So, she hypnotized him
not to drink water?
I don't know.
But because Choi Seonu trusted her,
she could've done it anyway.
There have been reports of murder cases
involving hypnosis abroad.
I've never heard of that.
Then, how can you explain
why he drank nothing?
[Isoo] How?
[Kyungjin clears throat]
Let's just ignore that bullshit
and think about
how to contact these people.
She's the culprit. We don't need that.
- That's enough.
- Stop it.
Even though she was aware of that,
she has plenty of reasons
to ignore it.
Jeez, you're driving me crazy.
How about Junyoung getting the therapy?
Look. He'd never be hypnotized
at any circumstances.
Bur if he's hypnotized,
it means she's truly capable of it.
[shallow sigh]
- Sounds good.
- What?
[rhythmical music]
Let's tell her to make Junyoung
do something that he'd never do.
Are you serious?
Let's try it
just to make sure.
I bet I'll never be hypnotized.
[Isoo] I'll make an appointment.
Let's see.
[green bugs chirping]
[car locking sound]
[door closes]
[door lock beeps]
[Isoo] Wow, Mr. Choi's pasta
in a long time.
It looks delicious.
[Jeonghun] Wash your hands first.
[Isoo] Oh, right.
[door opens]
[Isoo exclaims]
[Jeonghun exclaims]
If you want to open a restaurant,
I'll be your investor.
I'll travel around the world
after retirement.
I'll go with you.
I decline your offer.
[Isoo laughs shallowly]
Oh, you made an appointment?
What about the job?
A parvenu who is a real estate investor.
A parvenu.
That suits him.
Where's the file about Dr. Seo?
[fork clinks]
[Jeonghun] Here it is.
[Isoo responds]
[Isoo] Hm
She's a famous figure indeed.
[dark music]
[fork clinking]
[shallow laugh]
[interesting music]
It's so hopeless.
[Isoo] Not this.
[Kyungjin exclaims]
He doesn't look rich
with any expensive clothes.
Is it because of his face?
[Ganghyun clears throat]
[Isoo scoffs]
Jeez, he took the most expensive one.
At least he has sharp eyes.
[Isoo sighs]
[Kyungjin] How much is this?
You shouldn't touch it.
Take it off.
[Kyungjin clapping] Oh!
Hey, what's that "Oh"?
[clears throat shallowly]
What's this watch?
You got it during the military service?
Sit down.
Hey, sit down, quickly.
You have wax?
[Isoo sighs]
I heard you're famous.
You're good
[rhythmical music]
at hypnosis or something?
You know,
I have a bad habit that I want to correct.
I need to test you before we start.
You want to test me?
I've seen a lot of bastards
who lie about their capability.
You're not confident? I'll leave, then.
Let's do it.
Test me.
[finger snapping sound]
There's a man
whom I hate very much.
Make me adore him
for one day.
You're now
walking at the beach.
[dreamy music]
Wave comes in
and it goes out
[wave sound]
[seagulls chirping]
[Yukyung] Everything is quiet.
Your mind
is in peace.
Air is warm
and your feet are light.
In a distance,
he's walking
towards you.
[pause sound effect]
[winding sound effect]
[mysterious sound effect]
This is a paper published
by Seo Yukyung.
[Ganghyun] But--
How was it?
[Junyoung laughs]
[Junyoung] Do you have to ask?
The hypnosis? It's a bullshit.
I slept well there, at least.
Gosh, I should've done it.
[Ganghyun sighs]
How did you find that?
[Isoo] Wait. Hold on.
Hankook University
medical school.
The professor's name is?
[call ending sound]
[Isoo exhaling]
[Isoo] Okay.
Argh. It hurts.
Who put the pencil upside down?
[Junyoung rushing]
I'm bleeding. Damn.
[rhythmical music]
[blowing sound]
It must hurt.
- What the hell?
- [Junyoung] Just a moment.
What's wrong with him?
I think he's hypnotized.
He asked her to make him adore you.
Why did that punk ask that?
Hey, hey.
Stop right there. Wait.
need a treatment first.
Come on.
- Don't!
- [Junyoung] Come here.
- Stop. Get away.
- Come to me.
Get lost.
[Isoo groans]
- [Junyoung urgently] You okay?
- Yes.
- [Junyoung] You got hurt.
- Hey, hey.
[Isoo exclaims]
He's acting, right?
I'm fine.
Please don't do anything.
- No.
- I told you, I'm fine. Let go of me.
[Isoo] Don't shoot.
[Team 2 members chattering]
[Isoo] Gosh, it's so embarrassing.
How sweet.
[Junyoung] Don't move. You'll get hurt.
[Isoo] Hey, stop.
You owe me one beat, right?
I'll beat you now.
[Junyoung sighs]
I mean it.
[Isoo groans in pain]
[Isoo and Junyoung groan]
Damn it.
You want to be beaten by my iron fist?
How could you do this to me?
[rhythmical music]
[recording starting sound]
I was worried about you.
Damn, the hypnosis.
I'll get lost. Okay?
Don't follow me.
- Never.
- [Junyoung] Isoo.
Isoo, where are you going?
[scoffing] No way.
[Kyungjin exclaims]
I didn't know he could be that sweet.
He's been hiding it.
[recording ending sound]
It's possible to manipulate people
using hypnosis.
Now, what do we do?
Choi Seonu's murder is hard to be proved.
We should prove it
with Cho Sunggu's case.
Whether she did it by herself
or ordered someone,
we should find the evidence.
[dark music]
Seo Yukyung?
I remember her.
Among all of my students,
she was the best.
Everyone is born
with their own talent.
Dr. Seo's talent
is to read people's mind.
[professor] So, I told her
not to major in psychiatry.
A delusion of being able to see
everything in the human mind,
that self-conceit
could tear down
both the doctor and the patient.
Did she
cause any trouble?
Using hypnosis,
she seems to have killed people.
Do you think that's possible?
Hypnosis is not officially-admitted yet,
but it's truly effective.
[dark music]
[professor] I also
sometimes use it to treat my patients.
If she could control
the consciousness of a patient,
it's possible for her to kill the patient.
[Isoo sighs shallowly]
I saw that award
in Dr. Seo's room.
[professor] Oh.
[tense music]
She won this award three years ago.
[zoom-in sound effect]
May I
[zoom-in sound effect]
[professor] Be careful.
That's very sharp.
Can I ask you a favor?
[phone alarm sound]
[message alarm]
[Isoo] "Big news! Come out now!"
[Hyungjun] I'm hungry.
- You want a drink--
- I'll step outside for a minute.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[shallow sigh]
[green bugs chirping]
[soft music playing]
Pork cutlet? All of a sudden?
You said
you didn't have dinner yet, right?
[Isoo responds]
Thank you.
[dish clinks]
Thank you.
Just try some.
I asked people in this town.
They said this is
the town's favorite place.
How is it?
It's good.
[Isoo] I only go to special places.
I'm a gourmet.
This is good.
I heard other menus are also good.
What is it?
I heard sake dong is also good.
I mean, you have something to tell me.
What's up?
How did you know that?
I met Dr. Seo's academic adviser.
To figure out more about her.
It's impossible to prove
that Dr. Seo made Choi Seonu die, right?
[sighing] We can't even put her
on trial with that.
I made a new plan.
I'm getting anxious again
now that you're making that face.
Just listen.
Listen to me while eating.
What's your plan?
[meat cutting sound]
[fountain water sound]
[dish clinks]
Thank you.
I wanted to talk with you
somewhere out of the hospital.
I reserved here
because I heard you love flowers.
[Yukyung] Yes.
I like flowers.
[Isoo laughs shallowly]
Try it. They make very good food.
Why did you
major in psychiatry?
I wanted to save people.
People who can't tell anyone
about their disease.
That's great.
Looking into other people's mind
would not be easy, right?
It's not easy.
I see.
What do you do in your spare time?
[Isoo] You like travel?
Of course.
I don't have much time for that, though.
Do you like the ocean?
I have a seaside villa
on a soft sandy beach.
[dreamy music]
When I walk along the beach alone,
I feel relaxed.
[beeping sound effect]
[Isoo] Wave comes in
and goes out
Staring at it
It's been a long time.
How did you
[professor] There's nothing
to worry about.
It's not your fault.
Your mind is in peace
Your body is light
Your eyelids are heavy
[dreamy sound effect]
[tense sound effect]
[Kyungjin] Hey.
You, punk.
[handcuffs rattling]
It's okay. Come in.
Watch your back.
What the hell?
[Junyoung] What on earth
did I do yesterday?
You don't remember anything?
[sighing] No.
I don't remember.
[Junyoung] What did I do?
I'll show you.
Just delete it.
[Junyoung in screen] Don't move.
[Isoo in screen] Stop.
[Junyoung] What the hell?
[Isoo sighs in screen]
[Kyungjin] It's you.
You blew his hand gently.
Delete it right now.
No, I'll watch it when I'm down.
[Junyoung] Hey, delete it!
[Kyungjin groans in pain]
[Kyungjin groans in pain]
[Junyoung] Delete it!
[tense music]
[winding a spring]
[orgel music playing]
[Yukyung] When I heard
that Hong Euna was blackmailed,
[heavy music]
I called Cho Sunggu.
[Sunggu] Your patients' footage
that you took secretly
is all here with me.
I'll pay as much as you want.
Meet me up.
- I'll go see you at the hospital.
- No.
I'll go to see you.
[rattling sound echoing]
[door lock beeps]
[Yukyung] How could you do this
as a security company staff?
Both my president and I need money.
You mean, Choi Seonu?
It'll be all over if you pay me.
Where's the footage?
I kept it somewhere safe.
- Don't worry about that.
- Okay, I'll send you the money.
[sharp sound effect]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[tense music]
[sharp sound effect]
[Yukyung] And
I called Choi Seonu.
[Yukyung] I had treated him
using hypnosis several times,
so it was easy to hypnotize him.
[heavy music]
"Cho Sunggu was murdered."
"You'll be the next target."
[door lock beeps]
[Yukyung] "Run away now."
"Hide yourself in the safest place."
"Never go outside."
"They are waiting for you outside"
"to kill you."
He was stuck
[Seonu breathing shakily]
without taking medicines,
so his fear grew more and more.
"Never eat anything."
"They poisoned"
"all the food and drinks."
[Seonu grunts]
[water bottle thuds]
[tense sound effect]
[tense music]
What the hell did you do to me?
We did what you did to your patients.
[Ganghyun] You've just confessed
[rhythmical music]
But you don't have any proof.
You really don't remember.
You just said
where the knife is.
[Yukyung] Jin Isoo.
- How dare you--
- Yes.
I dare to arrest you.
- [Isoo] Kyungjin.
- Yes.
Escort her
to the cozy jail.
[rhythmical music]
Here's the warrant.
[Isoo talking]
Oh, here it is.
[suspenseful music]
It's here.
[shallow exclamation]
[mirror thuds]
[Isoo grunts]
[tense music]
[safe button sound]
[unlocking sound]
[Isoo] It's here.
She kept it because it was
the Doctor of the Year award?
Many criminals keep their murder weapons.
They're anxious
no matter where they throw it away.
Let's go.
[shallow sigh]
[dark music]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[Ganghyun] Hey, Jin.
What's up?
Let's go.
[Ganghyun] You've cleaned it
with alcohol thoroughly,
but unfortunately,
[Ganghyun] we found Cho's bloodstain.
A warrant of arrest was issued.
Now you'll be sent to the prison.
Ms. Lee.
Do not trust
Jin Isoo.
[eerie music]
He's a time bomb.
[green bugs chirping]
[car locking sound]
[Giseok] I've waited for long.
You still have something
to write about me?
I heard something huge came
to Gangha Police Station.
A USB with secret footage
of powerful figures
in politics and business?
You got it wrong.
Your mole isn't that capable.
I'm writing an article about your mom.
If you give me another topic to write,
I won't release that article.
Do the citizens have the right
to know about my mom?
It's a juicy gossip in this time.
Juicy gossip?
Now I understand
why people despise reporters so much.
What you're doing is absolute trash.
You might regret it later.
Is it a blackmail?
I can also make you regret.
[Isoo sighs]
[picking up the phone]
[green bugs chirping]
[car unlocking sound]
[Seungju] Isoo.
[Isoo] Seungju.
Are you going somewhere?
What's up all of a sudden?
I have something to tell you.
- Let's get in.
- Oh, wait.
I should get going.
What's up?
[sighing] Well
I heard Wang Jongtae
was in the police station.
What happened?
Was he involved in a crime?
No, it's not that.
[Seungju] The approval rate is so close.
That could play an important role for us.
- He was there as a witness.
- That's what I'm asking.
[Seungju] Witness for what?
I can't tell you that.
[mellow music]
It won't be useful for the election.
Sorry. I should go.
I'll call you later.
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
This is why I'm concerned
[keyboard clacking]
that Jin's behaviors as a cop
might be dangerous for citizens.
Please reconsider your decision
to let him work
as a police officer.
Senior Inspector
Lee Ganghyun.
You're still working?
What a workaholic.
Hey, come to the rooftop.
You know,
the information inside it
is too dangerous.
Two people already approached me.
[inhaling] Did I look that easy to them?
We have plenty of evidence
other than this.
How about destroying it forever?
I'll tell them I lost it.
You could use it
to disgrace Wang Jongtae.
I'm a police officer.
[Isoo] I don't do such a bad thing.
You could have a crush on me.
Watch out.
Submit a written apology
for the evidence loss.
Yes, ma'am.
Thank you
for not kicking me out.
[mellow music]
You could've done that in many ways.
[Isoo] I couldn't find my position
no matter where I went.
I thought I didn't belong anywhere.
Now I really want to do it well.
[dog barking in distance]
[Isoo] Mr. Wang.
Mr. Wang.
[Isoo panting]
[Jongtae] What?
[Isoo laughs shallowly]
Jin Isoo.
You're here to blackmail me?
Why is a great man like you
being so nervous?
[clears throat]
[Jongtae] So
What's up?
We found the USB,
[Isoo] but it's damaged.
There was nothing in it.
[interesting music]
[Isoo laughs shallowly]
So, don't worry about it.
Feel at ease and get a good sleep.
[Isoo] Okay?
You got it?
[whispering] Good night.
I respect your taste.
Good luck.
[dog barking in distance]
[automatic door sensor beeps]
[Seungju] There's something
about Wang Jongtae,
but Isoo won't talk about it.
[Seungju] Yes, Father.
Do you think
I can beat him
only with a dirty trick like that?
[Myeongchul sighs shallowly]
You're disappointing me.
[green bugs chirping]
[phone vibrates]
[dark music]
[phone vibrates]
[phone thuds]
People come to me
and ask me to save them
from their miserable life.
But after I cure them
and give them a new life,
they ignore me.
They think I have something on them,
and I'll explode it like a bomb
at any time.
So they keep avoiding me.
Is it their instinct?
Maybe they're all aware
that I can explode the bomb again
some time in the future.
[phone ringing]
[attorney] Mr. Jin Isoo.
Who's calling?
[attorney] I'm Dr. Seo's attorney.
Dr. Seo
wants to talk to you.
[attorney] Would you meet her?
[engine revs]
[Isoo exclaims and claps]
[Isoo] You look nice in that outfit.
[shallow laugh]
Why are you laughing?
You missed me?
For the last time,
I'd like to offer you hypnotherapy.
I have nothing to be treated.
[shallow laugh]
[Yukyung] Your dream
about an exhibition hall
with the white wall.
[dark music]
In the big hall,
[Yukyung] there is only one picture.
The woman in the picture
is sunken in the water.
How do you know that?
I created that dream.
I don't know what your plan is,
but that's enough.
[Yukyung] It was too huge and shocking
for a little boy.
So I
switched your memory into that picture.
What are you talking about?
[Yukyung] I mean, I could show you
how your mom died.
You want to see it?
[Yukyung] Now,
let's go
into the exhibition hall.
[dreamy music]
[footsteps echoing]
I see
a picture.
Now, find the door.
[Yukyung] You should get out.
[Isoo] I can't find
any door.
[Yukyung] Not on the wall.
Look at the floor.
[zoom-in sound effect]
Open the door.
[tense music]
[heavy sound effect]
[door creaks]
[Yukyung] Now
down the stairs.
[footsteps echoing]
[heart beating sound]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[zoom-in sound effect]
[clear sound effect]
[music getting faster]
[beeping sound effect]
[breathing shakily]
[heavy breathing]
[tense sound effect]
[closing theme]
[Isoo] You fooled me?
[rhythmical music]
I'm asking you!
I protected you.
[Isoo] You made her die.
What's up?
[Sanghee] Three people have died
in our hotel as of yesterday.
[Changun] An actor died.
Han Yura.
[Namsu] This kind of case
[tinkling] reveals terrible secrets.
[Ganghyun] The suspect is the CEO.
[Ganghyun] He was found covered
with blood at the site.
[Younghwan] Help me.
Someone will come pick me up.
[staff] Namsu and Yura
- had a fight.
- [Namsu] Hey.
[Jiwon] DNA didn't match.
[Sanghee] You didn't get the culprit?
[Kyungjin] Isoo isn't coming.
[Ganghyun] He might not come forever.
[Isoo] I don't want to do anything.
[eerie music]
[light turned off]
[door creaks]
[door slams]
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