Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 8]
We have plenty of time.
Send the thief last night
back to the Jinwu Guards
by the end of the day.
Let's go!
My lord,
I only heard that Shang Bieli
once worked under Nan Jifeng.
I didn't know
they were sworn brothers.
That's not the point.
The point is
it took Shang Bieli so little time
to find out that we went to Heman.
That means
that batch of Zornia has arrived in the capital,
the people who sent the Zornia to the capital
already know
the lord who appeared in Heman
was me.
It was indeed fast.
I'm afraid His Majesty will soon
know it.
They spread the news
because they wanted me to be scolded by His Majesty
so that they could stop my investigation.
we must find that batch of Zornia
and root out their contact in the capital
as soon as possible.
Only in this way
can we explain to His Majesty.
Go invite Mr. Fu,
Mr. Shen,
and Mr. Wang
to a meeting at the meeting hall at 3 AM.
[Prevent Wrongful Convictions and Don't Coddle Criminals]
My lord,
everyone's here.
-My lord.
-My lord.
Mr. Wang.
Mr. Fu.
Mr. Shen.
It's been a while.
How have you been?
This batch of Zornia was first transported by ship and then over land.
It should be
in the capital by now.
Right, my lord.
Not long after they took the Zornia out of Heman,
they transferred it from the ship to a carriage.
They changed the carriage
every time they passed a checkpoint.
After arriving at the posthouse outside the capital,
they designed a cover-up
by driving three carriages
into the capital at different times.
Our men are trying to find out
which carriage they put the Zornia in.
Perhaps there's Zornia in all three carriages.
My lord,
after we locate the Zornia,
shall we seize it and arrest those men immediately?
Don't rush.
I deliberately let them take the Zornia out of Heman
to catch a big fish.
We just need to keep an eye on the bait
and see
who'll rise to it.
But the checkpoint through which the Zornia entered the capital
was controlled by the Jinwu Guards.
If they had checked it thoroughly,
the Zornia
wouldn't have entered the capital.
Now that it's in the capital,
the Jinwu Guards
should be the first to be held accountable.
At least they're guilty of negligence.
I'm afraid
the Jinwu Guards will give us a hard time
in order to shift the blame.
They've already given us a lot of hard times!
What Mr. Fu said is right.
The Jinwu Guards failed to guard the city gate
and let Zornia enter the capital.
can't get away with it.
My lord,
did Shang Bieli pick a fight here this morning
to give us a hint?
My lord,
I'm still a little worried.
It was a risky move
to let them take the Zornia out of Heman.
If anything goes wrong,
we'll be guilty
of leading others to commit a crime.
The jurisdiction given by His Majesty
has made others jealous of us.
If we get caught,
it will cause a lot of trouble.
By then,
our mistake will be more serious
than the Jinwu Guards'.
The moment I let the Zornia out of Heman,
I knew
I must
don't let this batch of Zornia
go to market.
Since I started to shapeshift,
I've been keeping records.
But I still
haven't found a pattern.
Young Sir,
when I get to the capital,
I will find you.
No matter what you look like by then,
I'll accept it.
I'll protect you.
[No. 4 Taiping Alley, Nanhua District]
Aren't you coming?
What are you waiting for?
how did you see through my disguise again?
My lord,
you're so smart.
It's not because I'm smart,
but because you didn't pay enough attention to detail.
My lord, you're sharp.
But how did you
see through my disguise this time?
Last time, you said it was from my smell.
But this time, before I came out,
I burned incense,
and I'm wearing a sachet.
It can cover my smell.
What betrayed you was not your smell
but your hand.
My hand?
What was wrong with my hand?
The way you waved your fan
seemed very stiff.
Obviously, you don't use fans very often.
although you're dressed like a playboy,
there are calluses on your hand,
which clearly shows you've practiced martial arts
for years.
Most importantly,
playboys usually
sleep late.
I was careless.
I'll be more careful next time.
Let's go.
My lord, please.
I was away for two months,
and Daimao doesn't recognize me now.
You never confuse them?
Linglong has gained weight,
and Shuijing has lost weight.
Daimao and Huanpei had a fight.
Their tails
got injured.
The rest are fine.
The pigeons
look so alike,
yet you can tell one from another.
How come you can't recognize people?
Because everyone has many faces,
and they may change it anytime.
That's right.
Most people
act in their self-interest.
They tend to change their attitude anytime.
The only forthright, sincere person
I've seen over the years
is the Poison Girl.
Her name is Yan Nanxing.
Yan Nanxing.
My lord,
haven't you ever thought about
looking for Ms. Yan?
are you going next?
I'll go to my mother
somewhere I've never been to.
If I run into trouble,
I'll go to the capital to find you.
She didn't commit a crime.
Why should I look for her?
My lord,
you know
I didn't mean that.
Now that she's gone,
aren't you worried about her?
Don't you miss her?
Have you found out
where the goods from Heman
My lord,
the goods were taken to Fanhou Street.
Fanhou Street?
The Ghost Market?
That's right.
No wonder
we didn't find any traces.
Turns out the Zornia was taken into the Ghost Market.
Which store in the market did they take it to?
We lost them.
You lost them?
Don't worry, my lord.
The Ghost Market's road network is complex.
Our men
lost them at the last moment.
The goods must be still in the market.
I've sent spies there.
If anything happens,
they'll report it immediately.
They were in such a hurry
to transport the Zornia from Heman to the capital.
This batch of Zornia won't be kept
in the Ghost Market for long
and will soon go to market.
It seems
the big fish
is about to take the bait.
Don't worry, my lord.
Our men are watching closely.
Didn't you say there were three carriages?
What about the other two?
We've checked the other two.
One was hired by them randomly,
and there was nothing wrong with it.
The woman from Heman
was sitting in the other carriage.
Our men are following her.
My lord,
the woman who transported the Zornia from Heman to the capital
found out we were after her.
She went to Twelve Music House
and are now surrounded by the Jinwu Guards.
[Twelve Music House]
Make way.
Get out of the way.
The officers are here.
Jiang Xinbai,
I didn't mean to do your job.
She came in herself.
I can't let her kill someone
under my nose.
The Inspection Office will take over now.
Please take your Jinwu Guards away.
Do you think we're
entertainers at Twelve Music House
who come and go
as you wish?
Let me go,
I'll cut her neck.
Mr. Shang,
we can talk about
our personal grudge later.
please take your Jinwu Guards away.
You don't know how to treat girls gently.
I'm afraid once you do something,
both girls
will die.
Why did you kill her?
I killed the suspect
to protect the victim.
Was that wrong?
You're not convinced?
Go impeach me.
Shang Bieli!
Jiang Xinbai,
since you came here to arrest the girl yourself,
it must be a big case.
What a pity!
She died.
You must be very upset.
Take your time.
The suspect attempted to murder a girl.
I had no choice
but to execute her on the spot.
Jinwu Guards, leave here.
Leave the rest
to the Inspection Office.
Take her body away first.
Shang Bieli was so cruel.
He killed her with a single blow.
He didn't give us a chance to ask her anything.
Another lead dried up.
When we want a lead, there will be one.
Ask the spies in Heman
to watch more closely.
If anyone suspicious
contacts someone in the capital,
let me know immediately.
Don't worry, my lord.
I've arranged everything.
Why did she go to Twelve Music House?
Did she enter by mistake,
You mean
she went to Twelve Music House
to find her partner
or contact?
Aren't Zornia traders
all desperadoes
or men of sacrifice?
Why would she lead us
to her partner?
When someone's life is in danger,
it's their instinct to seek survival.
I see.
I'll send some men
to keep a close watch on Twelve Music House
and find out who entered or left there
in the past four hours.
The only way
is to lock the Ghost Market down.
My lord,
the Ghost Market is where minorities from the border
and foreign refugees gather.
Criminal cases involving foreigners
are handled by the Court of State Ceremonials.
The Inspection Office is not in charge of that.
Yes, my lord.
If we
barge into the Ghost Market rashly,
there might be trouble in the future.
My lord,
I'll go to the Court of State Ceremonials
to apply for a document
in case we need it.
The Inspection Office
has never been to the Ghost Market for a case.
If you apply for a document rashly,
I'm afraid our secret will be leaked.
I'm going to
my grandfather's birthday banquet tonight.
If there's an emergency,
come to Western Suburb Mansion to find me.
Will anything happen?
in case.
[Western Suburb Mansion]
[Yanzhu Hall]
[Duchess of Yuejiang, Jiang Suoluo]
[Yanzhu Hall]
Xinbai, you're still so arrogant
and full of yourself.
It's Suoluo,
not a female guest.
I was thinking about something.
I didn't look carefully.
It was dark last time.
But we're in broad daylight now.
How do you explain it?
Why did you arrive so late, too?
The crown prince had a morning class today.
Her Majesty asked me to stay to have a chat.
That's why I'm late.
What about you?
Why are you late?
I had work to do at the Inspection Office.
You never
care about socializing
or this family.
Grandfather is already very happy
that you agreed to come.
He won't care
whether you're late or not.
You are not talking
because you don't want
to argue with your fake sister?
we have the same mother.
What do you mean by "fake"?
Don't say this in front of
Mother and Grandfather.
You're so considerate towards Mother.
Are you determined
to get her title?
Are you interested in the succession,
or are you curious
about whether I'll be the successor?
Since Mother can be a princess,
why can't I?
Will you support me?
If I don't,
will you give up?
Of course not.
On the contrary,
if you support me,
I'll be more worried.
Because I don't know
what you will actually do
when you claim to support me.
It's getting late.
Don't keep Mother
and Grandfather waiting.
I won't keep you waiting, too.
Nice to meet you.
My lords.
My little granddaughter is here.
Let me look at you.
Greetings, Grandfather.
Did you miss me?
[Prince of Weiding]
Let me look at you.
Where is your father?
you're here.
Here's the thing.
My father said
many big shots
would be here today,
so he'd better not come.
Your father and mother
are officially married.
Who dares to talk?
Your father
gave me
such a clever granddaughter.
I value you and your father
very much.
Ask him
to come here a few days later
to drink tea and play chess with me.
Okay, Grandfather.
find a chance to propose a toast
to your grandfather later.
Mother, you know
I don't drink.
A little.
Just a little.
We're family after all.
today is your 70th birthday.
I specially prepared
these fancy clothes.
Am I beautiful?
Of course.
My daughter
is always beautiful
and elegant.
The other day, she went to the palace to drink tea
in a gold-threaded dress.
Even Her Majesty praised her.
let me wear the gold-threaded dress
so I'll have a glorious moment, too.
You're so sweet.
I'll give it to you.
Thank you, Mother.
Mother said she'll give the dress
to me.
Lord Lu, Lord Hu,
and Lord Yuan are here.
Your Highness, we wish you
and good health.
Thank you.
Your Highness, I knew you liked calligraphy works and paintings,
I went to Qiuci
[Assistant Minister of Rites, Lu Dingzhao]
to find this Flying Fairy painting
for you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
This is Lord Lu,
who just got promoted from Assistant Imperial Censor
to Assistant Minister of Rites.
He is Lord Lu,
who handled my father's case
and sentenced him to exile.
Lord Lu,
it's a pleasure to meet you.
Your Grace, you're so kind.
You just started your political career.
If you need me
in the future,
just let me know.
You just started your political career?
I didn't have time to tell you.
Today, I've asked for His Majesty
and Her Majesty's permission to resign.
Starting next month,
I'll stop teaching
the crown prince.
His Majesty has allowed me
to transfer to the Imperial Academy
as a chancellor.
Chancellor? That's amazing. Right.
Although being the crown prince's teacher is an honor,
a chancellor at the Imperial Academy
is an official position.
I've studied hard for years.
I want to put my knowledge into use
to serve the court
and share my mother's burden.
This is the best gift
I've received today.
Every girl of the Jiang family
is a heroine.
My daughter
is the first princess
in this dynasty.
My granddaughter
is the first female chancellor
in this dynasty.
This shows His Majesty's wisdom and good judgment.
He strives for gender equality
and offers a position to anyone with talent.
His open-mindedness
is a blessing to the country.
It's a blessing to the country.
It's a blessing to the country.
There's a report from the Inspection Office.
I need to deal with it at the gate.
I'll be right back.
My lord,
I just got
an important clue.
Previously, Zornia in the capital
was distributed on the 15th of every month.
The 15th?
It's today.
Is the news reliable?
Just now, our spies reported
that they saw someone suspicious in the Ghost Market
who was probably there to pick up the goods.
I'll go in and say goodbye.
Wait for me here.
Where are you going?
It seems
you're leaving early again.
But today is your grandfather's
It's inappropriate to leave early.
I let a batch of Zornia
out of Heman.
Now it has entered the capital.
So serious?
It has entered
the Ghost Market.
So, I can't let it
get out of the Ghost Market.
what I did will be unforgivable.
even if
I offend Grandfather today,
I have to leave.
The Ghost Market?
The commander-in-chief of the Jinwu Guards,
Shang Bieli, is here.
Wait for me here.
Your Highness.
Mr. Shang.
I didn't expect you
to come here today.
I thought the Jinwu Guards
were rushed off their feet.
Your Highness.
The duchess and I have known each other for years,
so I came uninvited.
Please forgive me.
That just means you're a man who follows his heart.
Please come in.
Mr. Jiang
You're a duke today.
It's rare for us to meet in private.
I have some doubts.
May I ask you a few questions?
It's rare for us to meet.
We should have a good chat.
I want to take you
to see my grandfather first.
I brought Mr. Shang here
to wish you a happy birthday.
Mr. Shang.
Your Highness,
I've prepared some gifts for you.
I wish you
happiness, good health,
and longevity.
Thank you, Mr. Shang.
This jade Ruyi scepter is from the state in the south.
It came to our country through Heman.
The quality is rare.
I hope you like it.
there's one more thing.
The Jinwu Guards
are on patrol tonight.
They are short-handed.
Mr. Shang
came here to ask for my help.
I need to go back to the Inspection Office now
and send some men to Mr. Shang.
Grandfather, please allow me to go.
-Mr. Shang.
Never mind.
My grandfather is a sensible man.
He won't blame you for taking me away.
Mr. Shang, turns out
you didn't come here
to celebrate my birthday.
Well, I…
Mr. Shang and Xinbai
are both working for the court
and the people.
Business comes first
rather than private matters.
It doesn't matter.
Go do your thing.
Then Mr. Shang and I
shall take our leave.
Your Highness.
You wanted the old prince to think
I'm rude, right?
Everyone in the capital knows
you're a lunatic.
So what
if my grandfather thinks you're rude?
Your spies have been busy these days.
They even entered the Ghost Market.
Mr. Jiang,
what are you looking for?
Is it because the Jinwu Guards are well-informed,
or is it because you're keeping an eye on me?
What a bad memory you have!
You forgot what you owe me?
So, I will pay much attention
to everything related to the Inspection Office.
My lord.
I have something urgent to do.
Let's talk next time.
Knick-knacks and small pendants.
Come take a look.
Look at the sachets.
Hello, Miss.
Nv'er hong.
Miss, do you want a steamed stuffed bun?
Here are your dishes.
Take care.
Don't miss it.
Eat and drink to warm up your stomach.
Although the restaurant is small, there's everything you want.
What do you want to eat?
Let's go.
Please sit down.
Do you want to have a meal
or get a room?
I'd like a cup of hot tea first
to relieve my fatigue.
Then, fill the table
with delicious food.
Fill the table?
Are you eating alone?
Are you looking down on me?
I'm afraid you can't finish all the food.
The dishes will be ready soon.
Miss, you have a good appetite.
Have some soup.
Young man,
I like the food here.
I'll stay here for a few more days
for the food.
Get me a room
for two days.
I'll arrange it now.
Since this restaurant
is located in the capital
and packed with customers,
you must have seen a lot.
You look smart
and nice.
May I
ask you something?
Is now a good time?
You want to ask me something?
Now is not a good time.
What a pity!
Now is not a good time?
It is a good time.
Just ask.
I'll tell you
everything I know.
Here's the thing.
The Ghost Market?
Is it haunted?
The Ghost Market is located in Fanhou District.
There are many refugees from outside the capital.
All sorts of people gather there.
It's not regulated by the law of the capital.
Young man, you know a lot.
Tell me more.
As the saying goes,
both thieves and officials
have their own way of doing things.
Many shady trades
take place in the Ghost Market,
including the trading of information.
If you want to ask for information,
the best place in the capital
is the Ghost Market.
Who should I go to?
What's the man's name?
It's on the tip of my tongue.
I can't remember. His name is
It's on the tip of my tongue. I can't remember
What's his name?
I prepared it for you long ago.
[Mr. Cao, pawnshop owner] [No branches]
Mr. Cao.
[Mr. Cao]
Mr. Cao.
[Liu Ruoqian]
I've settled the accounts
from this month to date.
Please take a look.
I trust your ability
to do accounts.
You are the only slave who got admitted
to the Imperial Academy in this dynasty.
That even makes me
look good.
Mr. Cao, I'm flattered.
But some items in the account book
don't match the actual goods.
Please take a look.
is the account for yesterday.
It should be tea.
This is the account for the day before yesterday.
The day before yesterday? That's a batch of china.
Mr. Cao.
I'm going to study in a few days.
I'm not coming here anymore.
Thank you
for your care over the past year.
you're going to
study at the Imperial Academy.
Of course it's inappropriate for you to come to the Ghost Market anymore.
Take the money.
About the things
you've heard or seen here
these days
Don't worry, Mr. Cao.
I'll take what I should take,
and I won't say
what I shouldn't say.
[Ghost Market]
[Fanhou Street]
Five. Six.
(T/N: They're playing a finger-guessing game)
What a beautiful girl!
Let go of me.
Drink with me.
I'll drink with you.
Come on. You drink first.
Drink it up.
Okay, I'll drink it up.
I'll drink it up first.
Bottoms up.
Amazing. Such a good dancer.
Nice spins.
There's a motley crew in the Ghost Market.
Don't make a scene.
I want to catch them red-handed.
Got it.
My lord.
How's it going?
They are very cautious.
They never let
any person
come to the Ghost Market twice.
Before you came,
three new faces
entered the Ghost Market tonight.
They are all being watched.
One is the girl dancing over there.
is a new grocery deliveryman.
The third one is a young girl.
She came here
two hours ago.
She's still wandering around.
We don't know what she's up to.
Their contact code today is
"There's a full moon tonight."
Besides the contact code,
the receiver and the holder
each have a special token,
which will be combined into one piece to confirm their identity.
If any new faces
come here after me,
keep an eye on them as well.
Okay. Enjoy your tea.
My lord,
the woman is paying her full attention
to the dancer.
If she's here to pick up the goods,
she should be looking for her contact.
Not only isn't she looking for her contact,
but she might be
betting on how many spins the dancer can do.
You can even guess that?
I didn't guess.
Look at the drummer
next to her.
You're amazing!
Let's go down and have a look.
My lord,
we've been followed all the way here.
Shall we
Shake her off.
Why did Jiang Xinbai come to the Ghost Market?
Let me see
what you're up to.
Do you like this?
I haven't found
any pawnshops.
No branches.
Is it so hard to find?
[Twelve Music House]
Stop it.
I don't want to listen to any music
or watch any dances today.
Mr. Shang.
Mr. Jiang has entered the Ghost Market.
Let's wait.
Only after Jiang Xinbai sets a "fire"
can we go there to put it out
catch the "arsonist."
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