Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Discomfort Index

How much longer do we need to walk?
Be quiet. Just come.
Why were they all there?
Did you call that scumbag, Si-woo?
What's it to you?
How dare you come here
at this hour and cause a scene?
Hey, Ha-kyung.
Don't scare me like that.
I'm scaring you? Is it okay
when you do it but scary when I do?
Don't be so mean to me.
I came here to apologize to you.
I'm sorry, Ha-kyung.
I'm sorry.
I mean it.
I'm truly sorry.
I'm a real asshole.
Didn't they call off their marriage?
They did.
Then why did he come here?
I'm not sure.
He seemed pretty wasted.
Shouldn't we check on them?
They'll take care of it.
I'll go.
I should get going too.
You live right upstairs?
Yes. Why?
I see.
To be honest…
I don't feel comfortable here.
So I think--
-You'll get used to it.
Of course. Rest up.
Okay. Good night.
What a rigid guy.
Were you in this much pain too?
What are you rambling about?
When I betrayed you,
did you also feel like
your heart was being ripped into pieces?
My heart tore into pieces
because I was humiliated,
not because I was heartbroken.
So please stop embarrassing me
and just go home. Okay?
I see.
My dear Ha-kyung was humiliated.
So that was why you were in pain.
Hey. Can you please…
Are you crazy?
What's wrong with you today?
I think I'm being punished.
I'm being punished for betraying you.
Hey, quit putting on a show.
I'm still not going
to proofread your manuscript.
Lee Si-woo…
and Yu-jin
had lived together
before she and I got married.
What should I do, Ha-kyung?
After all that I did to marry her?
I gave you the worst heartbreak ever
and became a terrible asshole.
So how could she do this to me?
How could she lie through her teeth?
Let's get the facts straight.
She didn't lie. She just didn't tell you.
And you guys are already married.
How would she feel
to see you in pain
because of her undisclosed past?
If you truly love someone,
you should be able to embrace their past.
Understood, Ki-jun?
Are you sleeping?
Are you crazy? Get off me.
Wake up.
Do you know where he lives?
No, I don't.
Why are you calling me at this hour?
I'm sorry.
I am.
What happened?
Why are you dropping him off?
Ask him if you're curious.
It's okay. Let me.
Why did you drink so much?
Wake up, Ki-jun. Okay?
Can you please wake up?
Who did he drink this much with?
I'm sorry.
I am.
Do you feel guilty?
I'm truly sorry,
I am
really sorry, Ha-kyung.
Mischievous weather
doesn't only pertain to cloudy skies,
unexpected snow or rain,
harsh winds, and typhoons.
Why are you still out here?
Did you drop him home?
I'm sorry for making you do that.
Let's go.
Were you upset too?
What do you mean?
When I told you
that I had lived with Yu-jin.
Hot weather and high humidity
strangely provoke you.
Did you also feel betrayed
like Ki-jun did?
I didn't feel betrayed.
But I wasn't too happy
to hear about it either.
Just like when I heard
about how you had written
his columns for him?
-You become cranky for no reason.
-Was it a similar feeling?
How did you know about that?
I just did.
Then why didn't you tell me?
Would it have changed anything?
You pick a fight for no apparent reason.
What is this?
Are you picking a fight with me?
Then at least say something.
We become victims of mischievous weather
when we least expect it.
Hey, you--
Goodness, it's steaming hot in here.
What happened last night?
What do you mean?
You were completely wasted,
and Si-woo, of all people,
dropped you off.
-Do you not remember?
-Let's talk about it later.
No, explain it to me now.
I have to hear it right now.
Let's just talk later, Yu-jin.
What's wrong? Is something going on?
I just need…
some time to think.
You should have just let them be.
I was going to clean up this morning.
Please clean up after yourself
right away next time.
It's not easy to get rid of the smell.
Okay. I'll do that.
Good morning…
Microwavable food, top left shelf.
Plates and cutlery, top right shelf.
Ingredients such as
bread, butter, jams, and milk
are all inside the fridge.
Help yourself to breakfast.
See you later.
Okay. Bye.
We'll go to work soon.
Do you want some ramyeon?
-Where is it?
The ramyeon is here.
In here.
And the pots
-are over here.
How did you know?
She just told us before she left.
-That's why.
I'll boil the water.
Gosh. It's scorching hot this morning.
-I'm going to shower first.
Seoul will be hot this afternoon
with a temperature of over 30°C.
It's quite humid as well.
The discomfort index is 76,7.
This is considered fairly high,
and about half of the population
can easily get cranky.
Although the temperature
hasn't changed much,
the increase in humidity
has made us more uncomfortable.
The highest temperature is 31°C in Seoul
and 30°C in Cheongju.
Just like when I heard
about how you had written
his columns for him?
Was it a similar feeling?
Why isn't it working?
Damn it.
-Look at this.
Did you eat already?
Make sure you eat before work.
Thank you.
Don't you feel hot?
Not really. Maybe it's just a feeling.
We had countless analyses
and discussions about this.
The rainy season has finally started.
You could just be tense.
Why is it suddenly so hot?
I told you.
Let me check.
Hello, this is the Chief
of the Forecast Bureau.
I think there's a problem
with the AC here.
But we're having a meeting soon.
Okay. Please hurry.
-Good morning.
Why is it so hot in here?
There's a problem
with the central cooling system.
Maintenance is looking into it right now.
Really? It just had to
break down on the hottest day.
Why isn't Director Jin here yet?
I'm not sure.
She left before we did.
Hey, Ha-kyung. What is it?
Isn't Areum Insurance
the insurance company for my car?
Oh, that? I changed it
to Sang-hun's company six months ago.
Without telling me?
Excuse me.
Call your insurance company.
That's why I'm on the phone right now.
Okay. What's the name of the company?
-I'm in a hurry.
-I get it.
Where are you? I'll go.
Forget it.
Just tell me the name
of the insurance company.
I'll call them myself.
Just tell me where you are.
The person you are trying to reach
is unavailable. Please try again…
I hope everything works out. Okay, bye.
-Director Jin got into a car accident.
Oh, dear.
Is she hurt?
No, she's not.
I'll lead the meeting today.
She got into an accident today
when we had an important briefing?
Gosh. Could this be an omen?
Don't jinx it.
Everyone's already on edge
due to the high discomfort index.
Be careful what you say today, Ms. Kim.
Yes, ma'am.
Excuse me. Where is Spokesperson Han?
Something urgent came up,
so he asked me to take over for him.
We'll begin the meeting of June 27.
Satellite Center?
Judging by the satellite imagery
and the weather chart,
there's a stationary front
on the very south side of Jeju Island.
I heard you crashed your car.
Call me when you read this.
It'll be taken care of quickly
since no one was hurt.
-Thank you.
-Please sign here.
I'll call you later.
I told you not to come,
so why are you here?
I spoke with Sang-hun on my way here.
He said he'll take care
of the collision coverage himself
and call you afterward.
Why did you change
the company without telling me?
Do you know how flustered I was?
I'm sorry.
We had agreed to share the car
once we got married.
The contract ended,
so I just helped out a friend.
Who knew we'd break up?
You're always like this.
You decide on your own,
cause a mess, and I have to deal with it.
That's why I'm here.
I'm not glad to see you,
so don't do this again.
Fine. Get in the car.
We're late for the meeting.
I'm okay.
Senior Forecaster Um
will lead the meeting.
Since I'm late, I can just take a cab.
Do you think a cab will
pick you up at an underpass?
So you're saying that in five days,
the stationary front will cause rain
to fall in Jeju
and the southern provinces?
We should continue monitoring
the ocean's atmosphere.
If the front suddenly switches directions
from north to south,
there may be a delay.
It'll be fine since the anticyclone
of the North Pacific is below it.
If anything, it might rain
a day or two early.
If you look at Jeju's sea,
the atmosphere is barely moving.
If the five-kilometer-high
pressure trough fails to support it
-or if the anticyclone…
-What's going on?
Are you hurt?
Then the northward stationary front
could suddenly go southward.
If we were to measure it
at a five-kilometer distance,
it will definitely happen.
What's your take on this, Jeju Office?
We agree with the Busan Office.
Judging by the gale
at the north of the stationary front
at a 200hPa altitude,
it is definitely possible.
If we forecast it a day or two later
like Senior Forecaster Um said
and we're wrong,
who'll take the blame?
We'll receive even more public backlash
if it starts raining earlier.
Let's take a safer stance.
No, I don't think that's right.
The weather is being heavily affected
by climate change these days.
In the past several years,
we continuously failed to forecast
the end of the rainy season.
Now, people don't believe in our forecast.
If we fail to forecast
the start of the rainy season this year,
we will receive
a ton of criticism this summer.
So you want to risk it?
Can we delay the press announcement?
Is it possible?
We've pushed it back as much as possible.
After seeing
the southern stationary front,
the press and local governments
have been bombarding us with calls.
If we're too late,
the press will write whatever they want.
Don't you remember
what we had to go through last time?
Forecaster Lee?
Forecaster Lee Si-woo.
What's your take?
I'm sorry.
I didn't follow.
What were you doing?
I'm sorry, sir.
All right. What should we do?
Due to central-northern China's trough
and the formation of the gale,
it's more likely that
the stationary front will head north.
Should we say
the rainy season will start in five days?
We have no choice.
We can make that announcement.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, sir.
Okay. Good work, everyone.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Give a press briefing in the afternoon.
Right. During the briefing,
make sure you guys tell
the journalists that they shouldn't make
a hasty conclusion
about the beginning and end dates
-of the rainy season.
-Yes, sir.
Okay. Good job working in the heat.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-What about the meeting?
-Assistant Director Kim took over for me.
Good going.
Sorry about yesterday.
I was too drunk to control myself.
Was I a terrible drunk?
I'm sure you already know the answer.
I'm sorry.
-Go to the right lane.
-The blinkers.
Habits are hard to break, right?
Not really.
Ha-kyung, what should I do?
Divorce if you want.
Don't make it sound so easy.
I can't do that.
I still love Yu-jin so much.
Then stick with her.
That bastard, Lee Si-woo, is to blame.
Don't be absurd.
This is between you and her.
Why do you always
get worked up when I mention him?
Because you always pick on him.
Watch out, Ha-kyung.
I could totally see that he's a womanizer.
Focus on driving.
Look at the road.
And let me say this from
an older brother's point of view.
Kick Senior Forecaster Um and that kid
out of your house right now. Okay?
Older brother, my ass.
Whatever. They're my teammates.
I'll take care of it.
Gosh, it's steaming hot.
The computer center got their own AC,
so it's freezing in there.
So why is it so hot here?
That's because they have many machines.
I guess machines
are more important than humans.
If that's true, shouldn't we receive
special treatment too?
We also work like machines.
I agree.
Hello, sir.
The feature story might fall through?
What do you mean?
Your husband suddenly
called us this morning
and said he couldn't write it.
He could have just said no
from the get-go!
We've already finalized the format!
How could he do this?
Gosh. I'm sorry, sir.
I'll talk with him
and call you back.
I'm sorry, sir.
Do you even know
how many computers we have here?
We can't ventilate the room.
We're melting in here.
I heard you provided
the computer center with an AC.
Can you help us out too?
Okay. Please hurry.
What did they say?
They can't get us a new one.
They told us to wait another two hours.
They said that an hour ago.
Can you talk to them in person?
You're good at persuading others.
Hey, Forecaster…
Forecaster Lee seems down all day.
I bet it's because of the sweltering heat.
What are you doing?
Should I go instead?
It's okay.
I'll go.
Thank you.
Excuse me, I'm from the Chief Team.
Are they in there or not?
When will you fix…
How can I help you?
Thank you for your hard work. Goodbye.
One, two, three, four.
Crocodiles' hind feet have four toes.
They got Ha-kyung a blind date.
The guy provided a few dates,
so we can pick whichever one we want.
Mom, are you still doing that?
He's a gynecologist.
He definitely has a promising future
and a high salary. Don't you think so?
Can you please stop?
She's busy due to
the disaster prevention season.
And if you do this without her approval,
she might never see you again.
What if something happens to me
like last time, and I pass away?
Neither you nor Ha-kyung
will know what to do.
Knowing that there is someone
who can hold my funeral
will help me die in peace.
You're not going to die!
Then? Did you think
I'd take care of you two forever?
I never said that.
Then just shut it and help me out.
You guys can sort this out!
Leave me out of this!
You don't have to get involved.
I already know what to do.
I lost my train of thought
once again thanks to her.
Gosh! I just can't focus!
What is it, Forecaster Lee?
We need to talk.
What is it? What's wrong?
I heard you had an accident.
Are you hurt?
It was a minor collision.
They towed my car.
Ki-jun could have suspected us back there.
I wish he did.
Why did you call
Senior Forecaster Um first and not me?
That was because of the meeting.
Then why did you come back with Ki-jun?
There was an insurance issue.
Are there still things
that haven't been sorted out with him?
What are they?
How long will this last?
Besides the columns,
the apologies, and the insurance,
what else is left between you two?
Why have you been like this
since yesterday?
Because he's been pissing me off
since last night!
Do you know
how worried I was?
You were in an accident,
but you weren't picking up.
I couldn't ask anyone
how badly injured you were.
I had to hide my worries.
I couldn't focus at all
during the meeting.
I was worried sick about you.
I found myself
falling head over heels for her.
But the deeper I fell, the more upset
and mad I got.
Since it was a minor accident
and nobody got hurt,
I didn't think you'd be this worried.
I'm sorry.
Stop saying that you're sorry.
Whenever you apologize,
I feel like a bad person.
There is a briefing this afternoon
regarding the rainy season.
You should get prepared.
Can we talk?
-From here, right?
I'm sorry I'm late.
Hello. Is everything taken care of?
Did you get hurt?
-My car had some damage but I'm fine.
-I see.
Are we having
a rainy season briefing later?
-Can I see a summary of today's meeting?
Let's see. Here.
Nothing big has changed
since our meeting two days ago.
There's a stationary front
over the sea near Okinawa.
Due to the formation
of the trough and the gale
in central-northern China,
we believe the rainy season
will begin in five days,
starting in Jeju
and the southern provinces.
But there's a catch.
What is it?
The anticyclone over
the Okhotsk Sea is too great,
and cold air from the north has come down.
If the anticyclone
of the North Pacific weakens,
it'll take longer
for the stationary front to rise.
And the numerical model?
It's similar to yesterday's.
What should we do?
Forecaster Lee, what do you…
Let's base the briefing
on what we agreed on this morning.
Your theory makes sense too,
but we have no immediate proof.
All right. Let's do that.
-Ms. Kim.
-Yes, ma'am.
Get the forecast material
for the changes in China's trough.
I'll be in the briefing room.
Yes, ma'am.
How did you meet my husband yesterday?
We didn't meet. He just came.
He visited you?
No. Director Jin.
He was wasted.
Why? Why did he go there?
Hurry up.
I think your husband found out.
About what?
That you and I lived together.
Did you tell him?
Why would I?
What would I get out of it?
No wonder he was
acting strange this morning.
What should I do?
Come on. You didn't do anything wrong.
Make sure he understands
that it was all in the past.
Do you think it's that easy?
Guys will never understand that.
Even if it was in the past,
their imaginations will run wild.
What should I do?
We agreed to move in together
because we wanted to.
And you told me
you weren't going to regret it.
-I had a change of heart once we broke up.
Back then, I really thought
I wasn't going to regret it.
But I regret it so much now.
Don't you?
I don't regret anything
I put my heart into.
Maybe for now.
Once you fall in love with someone new,
you won't be able to tell them the truth.
I already told her.
Si-woo, are you seeing someone right now?
So be brave and tell him.
If he truly loves you,
he should love the person you were
in the past as well.
Forecaster Lee.
Yes, sir.
Where have you been?
What's with you today?
You couldn't focus during the meeting.
Don't work halfheartedly.
I'm sorry, sir.
It's because of the heat.
No one can stand this heat.
Ms. Kim, can you give me that?
This is the forecast material
for the trough changes.
Take this to the briefing room.
Come to your senses and get up to date.
Yes, sir.
Could he be sick?
Gosh, it's too hot today.
Do I know her?
Your girlfriend.
You're not dating a colleague, are you?
That's roughly all the information
about the start of the rainy season.
Director Jin from Chief Team Two
will answer further questions.
Hello, I'm Director Jin
from Chief Team Two.
Any questions?
I'm Reporter Cho Eun-ji from JBC.
We were informed that
the seasonal rain front
would last longer than usual this year.
Why is this?
That's because we predict
North Pacific's anticyclone
would reach China and stay there.
Then when will this rainy season end?
We expect it to last
two to three days more.
I'd like to clarify some terms for you.
It's difficult to predict when it will end
because we've been experiencing
unusual weather during the summer
due to climate change.
So instead of giving you
the exact start and end dates
of the rainy season,
we'll give short-range
and weekly forecasts regarding the rain.
Director Jin, here.
Next question, please.
I saw you two coming in together.
What's going on?
Never mind.
"Never mind"? What do you mean?
I'm not the type who minds about the past.
What did you say?
I'm also not the type to torment my lover
with the past she had before dating me.
And I'm definitely not a pathetic loser
who barges into his ex-girlfriend's house.
Rumor has it that
she lived with someone from the KMA.
Did she end up marrying that guy?
She lived with someone from the KMA?
-How could she do that?
-She lived with someone from the KMA?
She lived with someone?
This is all your fault!
Can't you see?
What is he doing?
Just be honest.
Don't pretend to be
a gentleman and torment her.
Be a man, will you?
What did you say?
-Stop fighting!
-What did you say?
-Damn it!
Stop it, Lee Si-woo!
-Come on!
-Stop them!
-Stop it!
-Come on!
Stop filming.
What the hell did you say?
Hey! You want a piece of me?
-Record this. Hurry.
-Don't film.
-Let go!
Let me go! I said let go!
I'm going to kill you today!
-You little…
-Come here!
Let me go!
You're dead meat! You!
Good going.
Okay? Well done.
This is unbelievable.
I thought you were just a couple of nerds,
but you knew how to fight.
So tell me. Why did you fight?
Are you not going to tell me
why you beat up each other?
Assistant Director Park.
Yes, sir?
Get their written apologies
and take disciplinary action.
Yes, sir.
My goodness.
What in the world is going on?
It's just too hot today.
Even the AC is broken.
That's still no reason to fight.
In front of the reporters at that.
Breaking news!
Deputy Director Han's wife.
Reporter Chae Yu-jin?
Who do you think her ex-boyfriend was?
No way. It can't be.
That's right.
-It was Forecaster Lee.
Then what is this?
Are you saying
her husband and her ex-boyfriend
had a fight over her?
But why? She's married.
Maybe she's still seeing Forecaster Lee.
I doubt it.
Si-woo is not the type who's indecisive.
He's not the type
to cling on to his ex-girlfriend.
I'm sure something else upset him.
-So what could it be?
-Exactly. What could it be?
I don't know the details.
But if anything,
Ki-jun probably did him wrong.
I know Ki-jun quite well.
And he's a loser.
So how about we just turn
a blind eye to today's incident?
I'm sure it was a tough day
for Forecaster Lee as well.
You're right.
It's no fun to gossip
about someone's past.
I completely agree with you.
Me too.
Hey, the AC is back on.
You fixed this for us by going down there.
Well, I didn't fix anything.
It must be so hot.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.
-Have some before you continue.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Gosh, that's nice.
It's so refreshing.
Oh, dear.
What's going on?
Ma'am, I'll be going now.
Ms. Lee.
You could have just wired
the tutor fee as usual.
I've already wired the tutor fee.
This is just a small gift.
Thank you.
By the way, are you having
family problems these days?
No. Why do you ask?
My kid tells me that you have trouble
focusing during your lessons.
You know that kids these days
are more aware now, right?
I trust that you'll do well.
Okay. I'll be more careful.
Goodbye. Thank you.
-Where are you?
I'm at work of course.
Where exactly?
In the night-duty room.
Aren't you uncomfortable?
I'm too busy to even feel uncomfortable.
We had to announce the rainy season,
so it's been hectic all day.
I'm finally resting now.
You must be tired.
I'm okay.
Okay. Bye.
How is Bo-mi…
What did he say?
He's already at home, right?
I told you he left earlier.
I should get going then.
Goodbye. Have a safe way home.
Bear with it.
Gosh, were you always a baby?
So what? Do you not like me?
How did you manage to fight?
He threw a punch first.
Should I have done nothing then?
Stop being angry.
Both the columns
and the insurance were my fault.
This may sound odd.
But since he and I
have known each other for ten long years,
there are things
that I just can't easily cut off.
For example, the morning incident.
He didn't even tell me
that he had bought his friend's insurance.
Imagine how flustered I was.
The other driver demanded
that I call my insurance company.
The reason why
I didn't explain this to you
was because I didn't want you to know
how pathetic my past relationship was.
That's why.
If that's the case,
why are you telling me now?
Being embarrassed
in front of you is temporary.
But I'd regret it forever
if you misunderstood me.
I'll make sure
this doesn't happen ever again.
Of course, bits of my past with Ki-jun
might suddenly surface out of nowhere.
But I promise I'll be honest with you.
I won't hide anything.
You have my word.
This is getting out of hand.
Why? Are you still mad?
I keep falling for you.
It's getting out of hand.
What if I love you so much
that I want others to know?
That would be terrible
since our relationship would be over.
We're in a public place.
But it's not our office.
What if someone we know sees us?
If you're so worried about that,
you shouldn't have sat next to me
with that beautiful smile,
"Ha-kyung"? Did you just--
What's wrong with you?
No way.
What are you doing there?
You have something to say.
Don't you?
I'm tired. Maybe next time.
Yes, we did live together.
Si-woo and I lived together for a while.
So what?
It was before I met you,
so why is it so bad?
Living with your boyfriend isn't a sin.
Living together?
Of course, it's not a sin.
I know it's neither immoral nor illegal.
I know that very well.
But I'm in so much pain, Yu-jin.
"Let's forget I heard it. Ignore it."
I keep telling myself that.
But I can't stop thinking about it.
I can't accept the fact that you lived
with another man, Yu-jin.
And I despise that it was Lee Si-woo.
It was before you and I dated.
It's all in the past.
Who said it's only in the past?
What are you saying? I've moved on.
Do you know…
Damn it.
Do you know who he's dating right now?
Mischievous weather
doesn't only pertain to cloudy skies,
unexpected snow or rain,
harsh winds, and typhoons.
Who is he dating?
Jin Ha-kyung.
My ex-girlfriend.
My ex-fiancée, Jin Ha-kyung.
Director Jin from Chief Team Two!
We become victims of mischievous weather
when we least expect it.
At times like these,
a rain shower
would be wonderful and refreshing.
There's no rain. I knew it.
-Are you dating Lee Si-woo?
Aren't you just jealous
because they're going out?
Jealous? Of Si-woo?
Why don't we just come out?
We have to play innocent.
I'm sure Si-woo approached Ha-kyung
to get back at me.
How is it coming along?
Isn't making hasty conclusions
your specialty?
Why don't you two have a debate about it?
You should stop seeing her.
Ha-kyung doesn't sincerely date anyone
if they're not a marriage prospect.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-hyun Yang
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