Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact]
[Episode 8]
Greetings, Spirit Lord.
How is it going?
I've replaced His Majesty's Mother Talisman.
What he gave to Bu Tai
is just a useless piece of paper.
I've planned for so long.
These spirit slaves
are finally in my hands.
They are under my command now.
I heard that Tushan Honghong has set off.
It's almost time she's here.
You and I will cooperate then
and give her a big gift.
I don’t want these things to dirty my hands.
Then I will
keep it for you.
In the Spirit-Master Kingdom,
there are 10 times more spirits than humans.
Now that we have the Mother Talisman,
there will only be more spirits who leave the city to find another master.
When you
gather more than half of the spirit slaves,
it'd be easy for us
to take down Spirit-Master Kingdom.
By then, we will work together from inside and outside
to stir up the storm in Spirit-Master Kingdom.
[Spirit-Master Kingdom]
The spirits are rebelling!
The spirits are killing!
Everyone saw
what happened today.
If you want to live,
we can only save ourselves.
Spirit Lord, show us a way out!
Yes, show us the way!
The spirits have spirit power to protect them
and they have longer lives.
They are stronger than the human race.
They are only forced to be slaves and humiliated
because of the Mother Talisman.
Now that I've got everyone's Mother Talisman,
you can let yourself free
and take revenge!
Turn the Spirit-Master Kingdom
into the territory of the spirits.
Trample over
the human race!
Kill the human race and destroy Spirit-Master Kingdom!
Kill the human race and destroy Spirit-Master Kingdom!
Kill the human race and destroy Spirit-Master Kingdom!
Kill the human race and destroy Spirit-Master Kingdom!
Over hundreds of years,
many spirits have died in the hands of the Spirit-Master Kingdom.
is the time for our revenge.
I didn't expect that despite rushing over,
things have already happened to Spirit-Master Kingdom.
We can't let the conflict continue to grow.
Otherwise, the situation will continue to worsen.
Wait here.
I'll be right back.
Cui Yuling, come and take a look.
This guy is very strange.
After he was poisoned last time,
he has been unconscious for days.
Is that so?
Seven-Day Sleep.
What is Seven-Day Sleep?
It's a special poison made by Nan Kingdom.
The victim won't wake up till seven days have passed.
How a poison from Nan Kingdom
appear in Tushan?
The only person who knows how to make this poison
Poison Boy from Nan Kingdom.
But Lai is an important guest invited by my sister.
How could that have anything to do with Poison Boy from Nan Kingdom?
Could it be
Lai was disguised by Poison Boy?
You harmed these spirits?
I poisoned them with Seven-Day Sleep.
You probably don't know,
but the spirits in Spirit-Master Kingdom
are controlled by the human race with Mother Talisman.
Mother Talisman?
All these years, I thought these spirits
volunteered to serve others.
I didn't expect there to be such a charm here.
I must do something.
What do you plan to do?
Tushan Honghong.
You must accept all these grand gifts
one by one.
It's too late.
What happened?
Is someone
destroying their Mother Talisman?
How dare you, spirit!
How dare you kill the spirit of Spirit-Master Kingdom in public!
This is outrageous!
you've misunderstood.
These spirits slaves suddenly died.
We were just helping them, not killing them.
Everyone saw you
killing the spirit slaves just now.
You're still denying it?
These spirit slaves were not poisoned
and were not injured by an external force.
There's only one possibility that they died such a tragic death,
that someone destroyed their Mother Talisman.
The Mother Talisman of the spirits of Spirit-Master Kingdom
is in the hands of the royal family.
Who would dare to destroy it secretly?
The bodies are here.
I didn't make a groundless conclusion.
Elder Xu,
it was indeed caused by their Mother Talisman being ruined.
In that case,
it must be because you used your spirit power
and destroyed their Mother Talisman.
Otherwise, why would this happen to so many spirit slaves
the moment you arrive?
Sounds like
you are determined to
to blame us for the death
of these spirit slaves.
Arrest these two spirits who killed the spirit slaves!
If they resist,
kill them immediately!
Lady Fairy, why didn't you dodge?
It's to test your recent cultivation.
Looks like it has been useful.
So you've noticed me long ago.
How dare you!
I treated you as a guest invited by the princess
so I gave you respect.
How dare you obstruct my job?
I dare not.
Elder Xu, you are just doing your job.
I am too.
I'm here to welcome Tushan's chief
under the order of Spirit-Master Kingdom's princess.
So she's Tushan Honghong.
The strongest spirit.
Tushan Honghong.
I don't care where you are a chief at.
Since you've entered the territory of the Spirit-Master Kingdom,
it's under my jurisdiction.
Killing spirit slaves
is unforgivable nevertheless.
Capture her!
Tushan's chief is an important guest the Princess has invited.
Without concrete evidence,
it's inappropriate
and illegal for you to
capture her.
Elder Xu,
there are still a few spirit slaves who doesn't have their Mother Talisman destroyed.
They're just in a coma.
Why don't we bring them back?
When they wake up, the truth will be revealed.
At this point,
Elder Xu, why are you still not letting her go?
Are you going to disobey the Princess's order
in front of the disciples of Yiqi Alliance?
Keep your fox tails.
Otherwise, don't blame me for not letting you go back.
Thank you for your reminder, Elder Xu.
Take the living spirit slaves away.
How did the Princess know my schedule?
Of course she doesn't.
I was just lying
to scare that old man Xu.
I saw him taking people out of the city, so I followed him secretly.
I didn't expect to meet you–
Keep up.
Get up. Don't slack off.
Take him back.
Work properly.
Hurry up!
Elder Xu, watch your step.
Don't slack off.
You're old.
Be careful when you walk.
If you fall down,
you won't be able to get back up.
Stop pretending.
Get up and work!
Hurry up! You're asking to be beaten!
Your Highness,
we've brought Tushan Honghong and her companion.
Tushan's chief?
She came in person.
You didn't know?
Invite her in quickly.
Don’t bother, Elder Xu.
I’ve heard about your father.
My condolences, Princess.
Thank you, Chief.
How was your trip?
It was okay.
It's just that when we first arrived at the city gate,
we met a few spirit slaves who were rebelling.
Don't worry, Princess.
These things have been solved.
To avoid any accidents,
I’ve asked Guard Shi to oversee the prison.
Thank you for your kind consideration, Young Master Yuechu.
Have you ever thought about this?
The spirit slaves have always been obidient
because of the Mother Talisman.
But this time, why did they act brazenly and recklessly?
Logically, Father gave me the Mother Talisman.
They wouldn't dare to do so.
What if someone stole the Mother Talisman?
I just checked before you came.
The Mother Talisman is still there.
Are you sure
the Mother Talisman in your hand is real?
Darned spirit!
How dare you gather in public and cause chaos to the Spirit-Master Kingdom?
You deserve to die!
Shi Kuan!
You are just a spirit guard.
How dare you interfere with my interrogation?
He's guilty,
but he needs to be interrogated first.
Elder Xu,
how can you punish him without permission?
You're protecting him so much.
Are you working with this spirit slave?
I just want to remind you.
Princess wants to investigate this thoroughly,
if you really abuse him to death,
it wouldn't be good.
I don't need to discuss with you,
a spirit slave , on how to do my job.
Shi Kuan, are you really going to rebel for this spirit slave?
Elder Xu.
Her Highness summons you.
Greetings, Your Highness.
Rise, Elder Xu.
Why did you summon me?
Elder Xu.
My father was seriously ill a few whille ago.
It was thanks to you
and the close ministers and servants' care.
I'm very grateful. I want to draw up a reward
to comfort my late father.
You're welcome, Your Highness.
This is my duty.
You're doing your duty,
but the royal family can't do nothing about it.
Elder Xu, please draw up a list of
the people who have assisted and taken care
of my father for me
so that I can reward them one by one.
Thank you, Elder Xu.
If there's nothing else,
I'll take my leave.
Go ahead.
My father has always been cautious.
The point of time where the Mother Talisman was stolen
mustn't be long before he died.
The person we're looking for
should be among them.
After the late emperor passed away,
all the ministers of the Spirit-Master Kingdom didn't agree to damaging his body.
I can only get this little bit in secret.
I thought it might work in the future.
No wonder Chief always protects you.
You are quite reliable.
Red Brave Flower.
This is an extremely rare poison
that is priceless.
The poisoned would have a high fever like a medical emergency
and die in a short time.
I knew it.
you have always been cautious.
What happened today?
You not only led a group of spirits to cause commotions,
and even wanted to kill humans.
If the Mother Talisman gets burned,
you'd be dead.
It's different now.
We're going to make a comeback
and teach those humans a lesson.
Shi Kuan,
listen to me.
A powerful female spirit
got our Mother Talisman.
She said
we are going to overthrow the Spirit-Master Kingdom
and trample over
the human race.
Look around.
These days,
there are so many spirits who rebel.
Are there any of them
who have been beaten, killed
or had their Mother Talisman burned?
This means
our Mother Talisman is no longer in the hands of the human race.
Shi Kuan.
Join us.
You were born with divine power.
Join us
to overthrow the Spirit-Master Kingdom.
and no longer be a spirit slave.
With your ability,
you'll be successful in the future.
Why are you hesitating?
Just for
the Princess of the human race?
The Princess and the late Emperor treated me well.
I can't be ungrateful.
Wake up, Shi Kuan!
Why did they treat you well?
They just want your divine power
for protection.
Once they find out
you are no longer used by them,
they would be heartless
when they turn around to deal with you.
What about the female spirit you mentioned?
How do you know
she's not using you?
are you hiding something from me?
Are you afraid that I will punish Gujin?
Will you punish him?
You wouldn't worry about this in the past.
Have I changed
in your heart?
You are no longer just a princess.
You are the Master of Spirit-Master Kingdom.
Be it the Princess or the Master,
it makes no difference between us.
What changed
is the relationship between
human race and spirit clan.
I'm a human, you're a spirit.
If a dispute happens between the two,
what will you do?
I will always be your spirit guard.
From the first sight I saw you,
I swore to protect you forever.
No matter what happens between humans and spirits,
I will never change my mind.
do you know
my father
was poisoned?
The reason why Gujin are fearless
is because someone killed Father
to steal Mother Talisman.
Please rest assured, Princess.
No matter there is a Mother Talisman or not,
will protect the princess forever.
I only have you now.
It's getting late.
Send me back.
First, they put a spy
by the Emperor's side to poison him.
Then, they switched the Mother Talisman
without anyone knowing
and encouraged the spirit slaves to rebel.
The female spirit behind this
has amazing
ambitions and plans.
Using Dark Force to deal with Tushan,
naturally, this person has evil intentions.
That's very evil.
This female spirit is saying that she will free the spirit slaves.
Yet till now,
she still hasn't removed the Mother Talisman for them.
Instead, she kept trying to get
even more spirit slaves on her side.
What does that mean?
You mean
she wants these spirit slaves to be controlled by her?
When enough spirit slaves are on her side,
she can become the new master of spirit slaves.
Then she can take the chance
to fuel the hatred between spirit slaves and humans
to realize her ulterior motive.
could this be Shi Ji
which you mentioned previously?
No matter it's her or not,
I have to meet her.
Sneak in as a spirit slave.
Sneak in as a spirit slave?
That's too dangerous.
I agree.
Brat, what do you agree with?
Do you know that with her current cultivation,
if anything goes wrong
No one can stop what
Lady Fairy wants to do.
I'll risk my life to accompany you
and be a spirit slave with you.
No need.
The spy in the palace hasn't been found yet.
We still need you here.
Spirit-Master Kingdom
follows human habits.
Without the magic tools of spirits,
will you be not used to it?
I'm not that delicate.
I lived in the wilderness in the early years.
In the wilderness?
Were you afraid?
Anyone but me should be afraid.
All right, you must be tired
after today.
Rest early.
I'll pick you up tomorrow.
Pick me up?
I'll go to the spirit gathering place with you.
No need.
Do you think
I would really let you go alone?
Let go.
Unless you agree.
You cheated!
I've taught you since you were young:
all is fair in war.
I need to rest.
How boring.
to come to pick me up earlier tomorrow.
Lady Fairy,
I look like a fox spirit now, right?
You do look like a male fox from Tushan.
You still need some spirit aura.
our identities will be switched.
shall be
keep up.
be good today.
One more!
One more!
Bravo! Bravo!
Stop playing.
If you score again,
I'll lose everything.
integrity is key in business.
Since I won the cuju game, you should give me the gift.
what do you want this time?
That one.
Get lost!
This is it?
Since when
can spirit slaves can have fun in the street?
What are you looking at?
You've been the one protecting me while I was growing up.
This time,
let me protect you.
Let go!
Wait. Just you wait!
Just you wait!
You deserve it!
[Resistance of the human race
6.5 km outside of the city
In the depths of the desert]
Your plum juice is here.
come and have one too.
you won't drink plum juice
with me anymore?
I don't mean that.
Why aren't you drinking then?
I'm not thirsty.
Are you thirsty or do you dare not?
I'm just a spirit slave.
I don't deserve to drink with you.
I've never seen you as a spirit slave.
From the first sight I saw you,
you have always been
I hope you can forget who I am
and just think of me as Bu Tai.
I'm sorry.
All these years,
the taste of the plum juice
stayed the same.
But I don't know why
as people grow,
they become more difficult to understand.
Did we change,
or has the distance between us changed?
You are a royal.
Now you have someone you love too.
I am
not someone who deserves your worry.
don't worry.
I won't punish Gujin,
nor will I punish those spirit slaves.
I know it's not their fault.
remember your identity.
If others see
you are involved with a spirit slave,
there will be some unnecessary rumors.
What if I say I don't care?
you're Master of the Kingdom now.
Chi Shan eats so much.
In just a few days,
I've received so many invoices from the restaurant.
Consider it a salary to them.
I need to go to Spirit-Master Kingdom to help Honghong.
Use that method to make Chi Shan and the others protect Tushan.
If anyone dares to make trouble,
they will be dealt with in no time.
That's true.
Speaking of which,
thanks to Prince Lai's Seven-Day Sleep,
this poison not only
made Chi Shan scared to cause trouble,
but also made them protect Tushan for us.
Don't mention that guy.
He is an evil spirit.
He lied to the whole Tushan pretending to be Honghong's friend.
When I see him,
I will make him pay for it!
let's set off.
Spirit-Master Kingdom is unlike Tushan.
Don't run around.
If you hold me back,
I won't protect you.
Don't worry, Yaya.
I know what to do.
These days,
I practiced hard
just to perform well.
Just wait and see.
Lady Fairy,
the gathering place that the spirit slave in the prison mentioned
should be right ahead.
Be careful.
Look, this plant is called Fire Candle.
It's a common poisonous herb in the desert.
It fuses with blood easily.
If you accidentally touch it,
though it's not fatal,
your veins and tendons would feel like they are being burned.
Only by forcing the poison out can it be relieved.
This thing is so scary?
I have to stay away from it.
When we
find out the female spirit's location,
act accordingly,
and retrieve the Mother Talisman.
Let's go.
We can finally be free.
I heard that our Mother Talisman
has been taken from the human race.
Is that true?
Where are you two from?
Why haven't I seen you before?
You have no idea.
we've been imprisoned by our master
and was never allowed to go out.
After we
heard the news,
we did everything we could go escape.
That's right.
Our master
hit us a lot.
My brother almost died
trying to protect me last time.
That's right.
Fortunately, we got our Mother Talisman back.
We don't have to be afraid anymore.
That's right.
Which amazing spirit did that?
Of course.
Spirit Lord said
when we destroy the human race,
Spirit-Master Kingdom will be our territory.
Spirit Lord?
Spirit Lord?
The two of you look obviously oblivious.
You don't even know who Spirit Lord is?
Spirit Lord's spirit power is unfathomable.
Even the most powerful magic tool can't do anything to her.
Since Spirit Lord is so powerful,
why isn't she returning the Mother Talisman to us?
Then everyone will be free.
In this way,
no one can threaten us
with the Mother Talisman.
You're right.
Why didn't you
unbind our Mother Talisman directly?
That's right.
That's right, it makes sense.
do you know where the Spirit Lord is now?
We want to go thank her.
Go straight along this road and turn right.
When you reach the end
and see a dune,
she's right there at the turn.
Thank you.
Let's go.
They found this place so soon?
Tushan Honghong,
I can't wait
to meet you.
the number of spirit slaves who left the city are still the minority.
My real identity can't be exposed yet.
I'll let you go on for a few more days.
It's empty. No one's here.
They moved so fast.
what we said in the crowd
aroused their vigilance.
Looks like we need to find them
in another way.
we can start from
that spirit slave we caught.
Spirit Lord sent me to save you.
Come with me.
you can go out of the palace to find Spirit Lord.
What about you?
I have to stay in the palace. I have other tasks.
Take care.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
This guy is quite vigilant.
We've been circling around.
Shadows move without any wind.
Looks like this is their lair.
Shadows move without any wind.
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