Freakshow (2013) s01e08 Episode Script

Freakshow Festival

Okay, so here we go these are all sword blades.
Wow, dang! And you've never done this before? I have never done this before.
- Balance of top of that pole.
- Okay, boss.
Just a little bit over this way.
Wow, what the Now what I'm gonna do, I'm just gonna drop the thing, just to show you how fast it goes down.
Oh, God! He's doing it nut crazy! Oh! So, basically, I'm gonna throw myself underneath there.
No way! And I'm gonna end up like this.
Oh, this guy is a nut! Folks, today you will witness the strangest creatures on earth the living wonders of the world and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to the "Freakshow.
" You can't imagine how many times I've held the two-headed turtles in front of people and they back away like, "oh, my God, they're not normal!" Even with something so cute as a turtle with two heads.
You know, I don't know if you've ever thought of the word "normal," have you ever struggled with that in your life? Alli, you have? I struggle with it all the time.
I got this idea of creating the Venice Beach - Freakshow festival.
- Awesome! Yeah! The biggest event in our history and if I do it the way that I see it, the biggest event in sideshow history period.
Freak is one of the most positive words I can think of.
I think normal is a derogatory word.
There's not one person on this planet that's the same.
So to even say the word normal is a shame.
I wanna have a big parade, a march, where we all get together and we say that we are different.
We are unique.
We are one of a kind and we're not gonna be scared because somebody else wants to tell us we're not normal.
So I wanna just bring all the performers - that have ever worked here.
- Oh, my gosh! Like a family reunion! Yeah, like a Freakshow family reunion, right? So anyways, let's have a good day.
If you got any ideas, just think of the greatest stunts possible and make it happen this day.
All right! - Hey, Molotov.
- What's up, dude? - Hey.
- I'm Todd.
Todd, hey man! - Hey, everybody.
- Hey.
This is Molotov, our special guest.
He's got his wheel of death with him because I want to have a promotional event to get everybody excited - about the Freakshow festival.
- Yeah! - So, uh, you ready? - I think so.
There's only one problem.
He doesn't have an assistant.
Last person lost his arms was that problem.
So, um, so actually, Miss Brianna, you've been an assistant for a knife thrower, right? Yeah, that was the first thing that I did.
The very first thing I did in sideshow.
- Well, there ya go! - You wanna give it a whirl? Yeah, I'm a little nervous I'm not gonna lie.
But yeah, all right.
Yeah! All right, folks! Listen, the show's about to begin.
We've got a big festival going on this Saturday.
I wanna make sure every one of you gets a chance to attend.
It's called, "The Venice Beach Freakshow Festival.
" Come on, make some noise and put your hands up in the air! First, I'm gonna bring out a lovely lady that we call, "The Indestructible Woman.
" She sleeps on a bed of nail, she eats light bulbs for lunch, and in a minute, she's going to ride the wheel of death.
Give it up for Brianna Belladonna.
Oh, my goodness, there she is.
Folks, there is a man inside that's gonna put this lady on the wheel of death.
He's one of the greatest knife throwers in the world.
Here he is, Molotov! Okay, folks, because of the wind, seriously, this is the part that's not just entertainment, this is actually death-defying.
Ah-oh! I don't know, three outta four, should we do it? It'll be better when it's lit.
Okay, I think we're ready to go.
I need all of you to make sure there's no flash photography.
This is extremely dangerous.
This could literally end her life right here, - in front of us all.
- God forbid.
Folks, this is rarely done rarely done.
You are seeing one of the last men in the world that do this stunt.
- Okay.
- Ready? Ready.
- Ah - Oh, my gosh! Are you ready for the wheel of death! - Okay.
- Ready? Ready.
Ah! Oh, my God! Oh, lord, have mercy.
Give him a round of applause! Molotov and Brianna Belladonna.
The wheel of death! Wow that was absolutely incredible! Folks, I'm about to have a heart attack.
Make sure you make it down here this Saturday, don't miss it.
"The Venice Beach Freakshow Festival.
" We're having a parade Saturday at Venice Beach.
We're having everyone bring their friends, their family.
We're trying to get rid of the idea of normal.
We're all different, we're all unique and we're just celebrating that.
The idea of the event is to say no to normal.
That is an awesome movement because what's normal? Who's normal what's normal? This year, earlier I had let my hair grow and had dreadlocks.
But I had to get it cut because I teach - in a catholic boys school.
- Well you see, that's exactly what we're talking about.
You just be who you are.
Would you like to rock a "no to normal" sticker? Do you mind if I put it on your jacket? Awesome.
- Say no to normal.
- Say no to normal.
We're celebrating our differences.
We think we're all beautiful no matter who or what we are.
Beverly hills needs more freaks.
Yeah! - Hey! - Hey! - How are you doin'? - Good! - Good to see you.
- Hey, how are you? I'm well how you doin'? - What are you makin'? - It's a new stunt.
I'm almost scared of this thing.
No, I am scared of this thing.
Are you? I've already talked myself into it, so I'm doing it.
- It's too late now.
- Yeah, it's too late.
I've gotta go through with it now.
All right, let's get this thing together.
Here's all the blades that go onto it.
Damn, why'd you make 'em so pointy? You made 'em so damn sharp on the end.
We're gonna put the screw side through there.
This is incredible.
Wait what the hell are you gonna do with this? I'm gonna call this the five sword drop.
I'm trying to figure out what the heck it's gonna drop on or What I gotta do is balance this thing.
Like this, all right.
Now imagine me with an eight foot fiberglass pole, right? And it's balanced just like that on the end.
Straight above my head, like right over the top of my head.
And then I'm gonna throw the pole out, lay down.
Wait that's going in between your le This is coming down just like that.
And I'll be down and it'll be within about a foot is what I'm assuming.
Are you out of your mind? No, I didn't want to work nine to five.
You're really not giving yourself much room.
That's the best part about it.
The risk in doing a new stunt is much higher for the simple fact that it's a new stunt.
The first time it will be done will be at the Freakshow.
I like the element of danger! - Hey, mom! - Are you calling me? Yeah.
This is my good friend Todd and his wife Danielle.
Hey, nice to meet you after all these years.
I'm wanting to know how you put up with it? How do you put up with all the stunts that he does? You know, he has been this way his whole life.
One thing after another from the time he was a little kid.
I've just gotten used to it when he calls and says "I'm in the hospital," I say, "what happened this time?" You know luckily none for awhile.
- Yeah yeah.
- Been doin' better.
Yeah, we're gonna keep it that way.
- Just don't look behind ya.
- He is improving.
Hey, Danielle.
Can I have the camera real fast? What kind is this one again? This is this is a musk turtle, they eat off the bottom.
I just gotta get 'em outta here to see if they're all right? I have largest collection of two-headed animals in history and they'll never be another person that ever tops it.
I don't care how long this planet exists.
When I first saw a two-headed animal alive, it made me realize they're like mythological creatures but they're real.
Are you ready for some new babies? Oh, yeah.
He was telling me he was gonna buy a two-headed snake for like $35,000.
I thought he was outta his [Deleted.]
I've never seen a turtle so little.
You know what I wanna name 'em? - What? - Teeny and Tiny.
Teeny and Tiny, the teeniest little two-headed turtle in town.
Wow, Treeman made it okay, everybody.
It is almost time for this march, no more normal.
Today is the day we say no to normal.
It is dead because today, we have the grandest congregation of people and performers here in the last hundred years.
I'm serious.
George, Penguin, Jesse and Jim.
It's so glad to have you back.
I'm really glad that ya'll took the time to be here.
Billy, it's excellent dude that you came back out.
Ian, thank you for coming down, son.
It's a pleasure to have you here.
Matt, finally, we gotcha back out.
It's so good to have you.
Freak is chic! Say no to normal.
No more normal! Say no to normal no more normal! So let's go do it let's just party.
Let's have a good time.
We're gonna start getting everybody organized now.
Hey, Danielle? Yeah? You're gonna be right behind these two ladies, right here.
Okay, does everybody in the parade have a no more normal sticker? You need one right over here, darling.
Does everybody have one? And Larry, let's get the banner up front here.
Kids, get in the parade let's go! - Is everybody ready? - Yeah! Let's get this going! No more normal no more normal.
Say no to normal.
No more normal.
Say no to normal.
No more normal.
Make some noise! It's the Venice Beach Freakshow Parade, here it is.
Say no to normal.
Say no to normal no more normal.
Say no to normal no more normal.
Say no to normal no more normal.
I have dreamed about the Venice Beach Freakshow festival for years.
And for one day, everyone gets to be a freak.
It's just a beautiful moment.
A moment, uh, that feels like the old days.
Here comes normal.
His last breath, here he goes.
Folks, let's have a moment of silence for normal.
Today, we are celebrating the death of normal and our freedom from all these ideas that have held us back.
So I want you all to understand and look up there.
If you look up at that blue sky, remember this, that is not a blue sky, that's the beginning of outer space.
And when you look up there, if you look up there, looking down here, you'd realize one thing, we're all freaks on planet earth.
I hope that we all can live free from this idea of normal.
No more normal.
Let your freak flags fly can I get a hallelujah? Hallelujah! - Can I get an amen? - Amen! Come on let's make some noise! Hallelujah! Give it up for Brianna Belladonna, the Indestructible Woman.
One, two, three.
One, two, three! Okay, boys and girls, kids of all ages, the tallest man in America and the littlest lady in L.
, the amazing Ali and George Bell.
Okay, next up, I'm gonna bring out a beautiful young woman.
She is so gorgeous and I'm not just sayin' that 'cause she's my daughter.
Wait till ya meet her here she is, Asia Ray! All right, well here she goes down the hatch without a scratch! Wow give her a round of applause! Yeah! Next up on the list, is an amazing young man.
Right here in front of you all, he is gonna risk his life.
That is the spot right there where he will either live or die.
Folks, give a big venice beach round of applause for the man they call, Murrugun "The Mystic.
" Five sharpened swords! Now folks this is absolutely real.
There's no protection for him.
Nothing on, nothing nowhere.
He's gonna lift that up on a pole.
One blade's gonna go left of his legs, the other to the right of his legs.
One right between his legs.
I'm getting nervous are y'all ready? Yeah! Okay, everyone quiet.
- Oh! - Oh, my God! Everyone quiet.
Oh, my God! Give him a round of applause! Hallelujah! There's Murrugun, "The Mystic!" Wow! It cut the thread of my pants! - Did it really? - Yeah.
- Oh, my God! - Missed me by that much.
Okay, folks, we're gonna do some more amazing stunts inside.
Just step right over this way, folks if ya would on this side over here.
Whoa! Watch how far he can go down.
Look at this.
Give him a round of applause.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Asia will now take a seat upon the chair.
Now please pay attention.
We'll put the torch into the gas.
You'll be able to see a spark of electricity jump from her finger to the torch, setting it alight.
All right.
Now she'll ignite the torch using her tongue.
Give it up for the electric lady! All right, well I'm gonna show you folks one more stunt.
It uses this meat hook right here.
Yeah! Today is the greatest day in Freakshow history.
Not just our history but all of Freakshow history.
Yeah! Morgue yeah! But it's just the beginning.
The beginning of the era of wonder.
Ten years ago, my Freakshow dreams were born.
And today, I saw it come true with my own eyes.
No more normal say no to normal! Together with my family and my Freakshow family, we've worked so hard to create a place of wonder where anything is possible and nothing is normal.
I will never stop searching for the strangest creatures on earth the most amazing people on the planet the unusual, the bizarre.
When I find it, you'll see it, here at the Freakshow.
Count of three one, two and three! Freakshow! You took him down!
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