Frikjent (2015) s01e08 Episode Script


I have always felt that you have been carrying anything.
Why has Erik changed his testimony? You never doubted my guilt? -It's a lot to ask, I konw.
-Are you trying to buy me off?! None of our money will be invested in the hotel.
Make up your mind! -Where did you find the pictures? -At Erik's.
He's in intensive care Your brother.
Remember? You continued to hit him after he passed out.
-I don't understand.
-You almost killed him.
It was him that took the photo of Karine.
He lied Erik was just a little kid.
He was home asleep when Karine was murdered.
It was confirmed by your mother.
You were lucky.
You could've been a murdereragain.
How are you? He destroyed your life too.
Your wife left you for working so much.
So you let him just go! He is not entered.
-It doesn't affect Karine's case.
-It proves that he's violent.
Yes, and we should use it.
Now I'm waiting for the DNA analysis.
-That must be enough evidence.
-Maybe, if it's his DNA.
-It's clear that it's his! -It's not damning.
What are you saying? My God, nothing's guilty! -It takes many pieces to build a case.
Piece by piece.
-What does Erik say? -We are questioning him when he's better.
-Do it, then? -I'll do it.
Okay Do you think he killed her? I don't know.
I don't know what to believe.
He was younger than you are now.
-He had an alibi.
-You too.
-Yet people think it was you.
-They believe it.
-It wasn't you.
-Doesn't matter.
And the photos? I don't know I attached too much importance to them.
I don't know anymore.
So you're just going to give up? -Pack your things.
-Where are we going? -Home? -Yes.
-Dad -Go pack now.
-What's this? -It's important to combine our synergies.
-Do you even believe that yourself? -What's the alternative? Hi.
Thanks for last time.
It was nice.
-Have you considered coming on board? -I spoke with my juinor.
-Steinar junior? It's probably a good idea.
-Well, he's a bit skeptical.
We need a ciritical voice.
It's perhaps a little too fast.
They've launched many similar projects - more than I knew about.
And they've gone bust, all of them.
-We had a deal.
-It was mostly to get you started.
-We bought a hotel! -You bought a hotel, William.
Where's your humanity?! Your own brother! Mom, we're leaving now.
-You shouldn't have come back.
-Tell us about the photos.
-What's that? -The nude photos Erik took.
-Did you know? -She forced him.
It wasn't his fault.
She wrapped him around her little finger - you too.
-Why didn't you tell me? -It had nothing to do with it.
You lied? You said he came home.
You said he came home at midnight and went to bed.
Was it tru? Erik was home all night when Karine was murdered? I just couldn't.
What would you have done? You wouldn't think something like that about your brother.
Now, he doesn't have an alibi.
I got a job offer.
Fran Santec in Singapore.
They know we're a team, why didn't they ask all of us? -Don't take it.
-No? It doesn't affect Solar Tech.
-It's step toward relocation.
-You promised.
-Aksel? -I'll fix it.
I broke up with Kjetil.
And? He's an idot.
They're idiots, all of them.
Your grandmother too? You think my father did it.
You weren't even born then.
Everyone said he did it: granny, dad It's always been said.
-But it's nothing to do with us.
-It wasn't him.
I mean it.
Did you chicken out? It's fine.
We can still go.
The car is packed.
Trust me.
It won't happen.
Nothing ever happens with you! Me? It's you who's afraid, not me.
You want to go back to your psychopath? Are you much better? -You like ita little rough.
-Back offErik, back off! How stupid can you be? Run home then.
Back for more beatings.
Hey! I just wanted to hear how it is with Erik.
Is he home? -No.
-Maybe you can give him these flowers.
-Oh Erik's not home, but he was discharged this morning.
I'm not made up.
He has said that I offered to help him with the firm? It is difficult to start a business.
I would love to help.
I'm not concerned with his business.
He's a little proud.
I don't know.
You and Erik has had to endure a lot.
Maybe I have guilt in any of that.
I regret this.
Really! You know, I had enough of my own.
YesIt was worse for you.
-He lives there.
-Does he? This was where they used to play.
The boys were very much at home with us.
-I didn't want them to inconvenience you.
-No, there was never any problem.
I know that you were in trouble during that period.
With the father of the boys and all.
I think you were strong.
Tell him that he's welcome to get in touch.
It's true, she brought flowers for you.
From Eva.
Funny, she's much nicer when you get to know her a bit.
Look, it's got a card too.
What does it say? Need the money? Don't be so proud.
-It's not bad to get a little help.
-Don't nag, okay.
-Go upstairs -I'll go up.
Why did you do it? -What happened? -Do you think it was me? -You've lied for 20 years.
You and mom.
-I can't take it -You weren't there that night.
-I can't take this.
I was here! I was here when you came home! You were unconscious, and covered in blood.
You were completely bloodied, Aksel.
I had to shower in the bathtub.
You cried and asked me to help you.
You asked for my help, Aksel! And so, you held me tight You held me really tight! So I said nothing.
I convinced myself it never happened.
Now I don't anymore.
I can't take it.
Go away.
Leave us alone.
Are you ready? -Erik, then? -Forget about it.
It'll be alright.
-Do we really have to go? -Yes.
We don't belong here.
Besides, your school starts soon.
Please listen to me.
I know you're against this, but I have 25 employees to pay.
William asked for a spreadsheet, but I can't pay out salaries from Hansteen Holding.
No, you can't.
-Must you do that now? -Yes.
I know I've screwed up, but Steinar promised us.
I thoguht maybe we could ask Eva for help.
-The bank listens to her.
-Go to Eva, then! It is you and your ego messed up.
You wish everytihng was different.
I should be fine, people should have better taste and read better books.
It's not here.
You know what I thought about when I sat inside and everything was black? That first time on Trolltind.
When we stood at the top.
You know what you said to me then? -"Whole wood" -Yes.
-You didn't know what it meant.
When you called and asked if I could come and help to I wanted to show you.
-You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
-No Oh yes! Is it true? When can it be finished, then? So fast? It's fantastic.
Thank you, Finn.
OK Bye.
-"Onyes!" -Stop! -The DNA results willl arrive in 2 weeks.
-What if the answer is not what you think.
-If you're wrong.
-What if it's you who's wrong? Anyway, Aksel's going home.
-How do you know that? -You got what you wanted.
But he can not do now.
That he may not.
No, but what are you saying ?! -It's surely enough to stop him? -Not unless he's charged.
No it is good.
But if he is indicted.
Can we get him back here then? We've got no extradiction treaty with Malaysia.
No, but Finn You know, this is incomprehensible for someone single person.
What should I do? What? You're crazy! Don't leave me, please.
It's clear that Erik's lying.
He just seemed so sincere.
-Don't do it? -Yes, of course.
But he's telling the truth, then I'm the liar.
Or? -They will relocate.
we will.
-You're joking.
I've handed everything over to Degang and there's nothing more to say.
-You're known all along? -Yes It was a gamble, I thought it would work.
I vouched for you! -You can still take the job.
It's not just my project.
We're a team.
Don't you get it? I shouldn't have said anything, but If you and the team split up, you can start a new business.
PWG only owns what you've created so far.
They don't own what's in your head.
You are Solar Tech, Tonje.
-It's your knowledge that PWG wants.
-I'll be sued.
Maybe, but it's your only chance.
And you? If we do something like that, we need you.
It's not possible.
I'll be fine.
Won't you try to sleep a little? You What is it? You can relax now.
He's gone.
-Who're you talking about? -Tim.
We're together.
I don't care what you think, because you only think about your dead sister.
-Don't say that -Stop it! -You're only 16 -You know nothing about me! -That's not true.
-Nothing Goget out! Aksel I have come to ask you to stay.
We get the answer to the DNA sample within two weeks.
It is not so much to ask.
-Unless you have something to hid.
-I don't have time to stop.
I liked your stubbornness as a boy.
Like when you were learning to ride a bike It was almost the storm - both you and the bike blew away.
When did you become coward like this? Wasn't that why you came back? In order to sort out everything.
Aksel Please.
It may not even take two weeks.
Please Aksel Can't you stay for that short time? Are you so afraid of the answer to the DNA sample that you need to escape? -Get in the car.
-AkselYou're a coward, you're running again.
Don't you think that it's what you do? Aksel! You can not escape again! Now you can get the answers.
What are you doing here? Did you know about it? The DNA sample? Yes.
It's an old sample they will re-analyze again.
We're leaving in order to escape punishment? I hope I'm never like you.
I didn't mean to take it out on you.
It's me that's way off.
I'll try to pull myself together.
Don't worry.
It's good that you're doing what you believe in.
Good night and sleep tight.
You've always taken too much responsiblity.
Do you remember dad at all? I remember thinking I would never talk to him again.
Then he came with gifts and funny stories I knew it was only imaginary.
But it was fine.
Because you laughed and Mom laughed.
Then I thought that's how it should be.
You know when Mom went into the hospital I woke up when they fought.
He was completely He was totally crazyBlack in his eyes.
He threw her around and screamed he would kill her.
And she said she fell down the stairs.
And then sounds Then it was completely silent.
Suddenly, he turned to me.
He wanted me to do something.
"Don't just stand there staring, do something!" Do you remember the picture of the ambulance in the phone book? When it came, Dad said "If you'd put away your toy car, it would never have happened.
" He blamed you.
How old were you? Four, five years old? That's That's the lowest I've Don't lie for me anymore.
It's true they're almost identical? Yes, when it comes to appearance.
One never knew where you were with her.
One moment, she thinks you're the coolest and the next you're not worth the a shit What happens now? I don't know.
Are you absolutely sure? Yes.
It's been eating you up, Erik.
Are you the only one looking for revenge after all he's done? -No, it's not that.
-What is it then? I've lied already.
-Why should I believe you now? -Because I proof.
The T-shirt he was wearing I know where it is.

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