Furies (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Namaste, asshole

[candles crackling]
[mysterious music playing]
[cigarette sizzling]
Four generations of Furies.
They've gone through wars,
massacres, betrayals,
but none of them had to face
something like this before.
[tense distortion]
- [gun blast]
- [loud thud]
[distortion intensifies]
[mysterious music resumes]
When Driss ran away
after the attack by Damocles.
He had a head start, an army,
and a plan to raid the mine,
which is The Olympus's hidden,
armored and highly surveilled train.
Lyna and I were running behind.
We had to make up for the time we lost.
Driss was getting
close to the front wagons.
What did he want?
Gold, paintings, Olympus's secrets.
But what he really wanted
was in the data center,
at the other end of the train,
a piece of software
connected to all police services,
that allows access to every
single smartphone out there.
[door opens]
With that piece of software,
he'll be able to find anyone, anywhere.
[music stops]
- [grunting]
- [train wheels clattering]
[Selma] Driss will be able
to find your mother.
[electronic beeping]
And if he finds Kahina, he'll kill her.
No, we're gonna get through this
whole train, and we'll stop him, Selma.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
I understand I've lost your trust,
and that your only desire
is to put a bullet in my head.
But you're also dying to know
what's left of your fortune,
how much I could save from the mine.
So, you'll have to listen
to me until the end.
And then you can decide
if I'm still your Fury
and what you'll do with me.
- [music stops]
- [train wheels clattering]
It's cold. They didn't have time to shoot.
- Driss took them by surprise?
- They had no reason to be suspicious.
No one's ever attacked
the mine before. Too risky.
[tense music playing]
[Driss] The server password.
They They change the password every day.
Breaking into the server could take hours.
You don't have that long.
[body thuds]
[Driss] Who's faster than him?
Get to work.
[dramatic music playing]
[Selma] You were counting on your men?
Well, count again.
Your hidden, bulletproof train,
your overtrained men,
nothing could protect you, except me.
In that moment, all I knew
was that my brother Driss
has lots of men in here
and they're gonna shoot to kill,
so make sure you keep shooting,
no questions asked, until we find Driss.
[Selma] We had to move fast.
We were too far behind,
lots of wagons to get through.
[computer beeps]
[computer beeps]
[typing on keyboard]
[computer beeps]
[Selma] My brother has never
been a patient person.
And he always gets what he wants.
He was gonna empty your servers
just like he was emptying your safes.
Taking everything you've got
in there, bag after bag, methodically.
[filtered breathing]
[Selma] Guys?
Cut it out, come on.
[Selma] Guys, answer me. Do you copy?
Uh, we've got sound, but no visual, boss.
- Gotta be gentle with these if you want
- Come on already!
- [machine beeping]
- [Mud Man] Well, it's working.
[The Fixer] They're emptying the mine. Mm.
[Lyna] They do that
at every station we pass.
How will you keep The Olympus calm
if they take everything?
[Selma] Good question.
Bringing you Driss
wouldn't've been enough to save our heads.
Only solid gold would be enough.
[Selma] We'll take care of Driss,
you find out where he's taking it.
Okay. What's the next station?
It's this one.
You can't be serious.
Hey, I'm not the one driving the train.
- [sighs]
- Why are you so moody today?
Are you upset at the chance
of us getting killed?
At least I'll be with you.
It's her I'm worried about, actually.
He had no reason to worry.
It was the two of us against an army.
A day like any other for the Furies.
- [Selma] Lyna, on three, let's go.
- [filtered breathing]
- [dramatic, action music playing]
- three.
[men grunting]
[filtered breathing]
[rapid gunfire]
[music stops]
[Lyna panting]
[filtered breathing]
[tense music playing]
- [echoing gun blast]
- [music stops]
[Lyna gasps and coughs]
[Selma] Try not to die,
we still have three wagons left.
Guys, we're still alive.
How are you doing?
[Lyna groans]
Have you spotted Driss's men?
They're taking the gold bars
out in duffel bags.
There's tons of people with duffel bags,
how do we know who works for Driss?
I told you I should've
brought my metal detector.
Selma, it's not enough, we can't do it
like this. We need a lead to follow.
[Selma] Of course Driss wouldn't
have made it easy for them.
He had his men exit through
the busiest stations in Paris, naturally.
Lost in the crowd.
That's when Lyna had an idea.
[Lyna] Simon, you put a tracker
on my cell phone.
[The Fixer] What?
I would never do something like that.
[Lyna] It wasn't a question.
[Lyna chuckles]
You're incapable of trusting, huh?
[dramatic music playing]
[Lyna] Now you've got a lead to follow.
They just had
to keep tracking her cell phone
to know where Driss's men
were stashing the cash.
[music stops]
[Lyna pants and coughs]
You're managing great.
But it's only the beginning.
- So breathe.
- [continues panting]
Relax your muscles.
What, you think now
is the time to do yoga?
It's always the time.
I learned that from my mother.
I've got a story for you.
Breathe in.
[both inhale]
Breathe out.
- [both exhale]
- [mysterious music playing]
A man was attacking The Olympus
this one time.
He committed a massacre.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
[Selma] My mother and I tracked him down
and found him.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
But I was young,
my mother didn't think I was ready.
She tells me to wait
while she takes care of the guy.
I wait.
For a while.
But suddenly I hear
my mother screaming.
I rush in,
she's on the ground, covered in blood.
I'm in shock, so I don't even notice
the guy stabbing me four times.
Once I do, I try to get him off us.
He's fast, he's strong,
he's big and he's precise.
My brain is overheating
with all the adrenalin.
I'm raging.
I hit, I hit, I hit.
But I'm hitting the air.
How did you get out of there?
Through the noise,
I heard her.
I heard my mother's voice.
You know what she told me then?
To breathe.
I took a breath.
I slowed down, I paused, I looked around
and I saw the opening.
From that moment on,
it was me who set the pace.
Breathing. That's the secret.
[tense music playing]
[man grunts]
- [man groans]
- You breathe and you choose.
- [echoing gun blast]
- [man groans]
- [bullet shell clattering]
- Namaste, asshole.
[keyboard clacking]
[computer bleeps]
[Driss] It's taking too long.
- [computer beeps]
- [tense music playing]
[computer beeps]
- [computer tings]
- We're good.
- I got it.
- [gun clicks]
[Driss] Kahina N'Soumer.
I wanna know where she is.
It's not simple. It's not a search engine
where you can just type a name
[echoing gun blast]
[music becomes ominous]
I'll figure it out.
[music stops]
[man grunts]
- There's too many. I'm out.
- Keep going, we'll improvise.
That shouldn't be there.
[door knocking]
[exhales deeply]
Driss rigged the train?
As a kid, he'd rather break a toy
than give it to someone else.
No more train, no more money,
no more secrets.
No more Olympus,
no more Fury, everything falls apart.
What do we do?
I'll handle this.
Keep going until your find your father.
You'll handle it? Really?
With your shaky hands?
You know how to do it?
I'll try, or this train could explode
in the middle of a station.
[The Fixer] Dammit!
[suspenseful music playing]
[sighs] Give me your cell phone.
We have to make sure
no one dies if you mess up.
[Mud Man] She's right, boss.
We wouldn't have made it on our own.
What we needed was the best of the best.
But we were in a bit of a tight spot so
[both grunting]
we had to make do with them.
Yeah, yeah, those two.
An assassin and a traumatized cop.
[mysterious music playing]
[echoing gun blast]
[Elie] Chief.
It's Elie, right?
You were with Keïta during the attack.
There's something I need to tell you.
What happened over there was
Living hell, I know.
- Yes, but I'm the one that
- [Thomas] No!
[thud echoes]
[melancholy music playing]
[music becomes quiet and dramatic]
[music fades]
This is the first time
one of my targets comes to me like this.
And to be honest,
that's awesome.
Oh, but don't worry,
I'll give you this so you won't suffer.
You know, last time, after we all left,
I couldn't help but wonder
if you'd have to will to resist
snitching on us to your colleagues.
Hey. It's not your fault.
I mean, I'm sure you're frustrated
after you got shot because
[objects clatter]
[lively music playing]
[lively hip hop music playing]
- [hospital announcement chimes]
- [music stops]
[woman on PA]
Dr. Andrews, you have a call on line one.
- [grunting]
- [lively hip hop music resumes]
[both groaning]
[cell phone vibrating]
- Hello?
- [Lyna] Orso? Where are you?
While I was defusing the bomb
and Lyna was going after her father,
they tried to direct the train
away from Paris.
- [Elie] I should've called my colleagues.
- [Orso] And told them what?
"Chief, chief, The Fury, you know?"
"That, like, urban legend?
Well, she's my girlfriend's aunt."
"I mean, my ex's."
"She's in a ghost train underneath Paris."
"The train's full of gold,
and enough explosives
to send the Mona Lisa to Mars."
And now, you're thinking,
"This idiot is right."
Am I wrong?
Okay, but we're doing this my way.
What, get slapped and apologize?
I'm sure
you'd rather kill everybody, right?
Do you know how
to direct a train down a sidetrack?
Or how to handle switch rails?
- Now you're thinking to yourself
- Okay fine, your way, man.
Thank you.
[buzzer rings]
- [phone ringing]
- [man] I'm listening.
- Open up.
- It's the police.
[buzzer buzzing]
[cell phone vibrating]
[tense music playing]
Lyna, your boyfriends are on it.
We're good.
Where are you?
[glass clinking]
[train door opens]
[Lyna] The hell's this? You didn't tell me
that there was a wing of the Louvre here.
[Selma] Yeah, well, try not
to break anything for once.
[Lyna] Like I ever break anything.
- [door opens]
- [tense music continues]
Hey. Do you have a warrant, sir?
Well, here's my warrant.
We manage
1,500 subway trains daily in all of Paris.
You can't just waltz in here.
Especially if you're a nobody.
Where's your goddamn authorization
from the prefect, stupid jerk?
- Did he call me stupid?
- Oh no, I believe he said "stupid jerk."
Let us through,
this is not gonna end well.
Click-Clack, can you come here please?
[loud, metallic creaking]
[ominous music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
[footsteps approaching]
[dramatic music playing]
Well, your way then.
[door hissing]
Be careful, guys. We'll lose at least
90% of its value if we damage it.
[guns cock]
[ominous music playing]
[Lyna pants]
[Selma] Breathe in.
Breathe out.
- [gun blast]
- [grunts]
[all grunt]
[dramatic, action music playing]
[Lyna screams]
[grunting and groaning]
[man groans]
[gun blast]
- [gasps]
- [cracking]
[sputtered gasping]
[weak groan]
[gasps quietly]
[keyboard clacking]
[clears throat]
This This train is invisible, guys.
It's just not on here, man.
[sighs] What am I supposed to do? Guess?
Do you know where to look, because
Hey, fewer questions,
more solutions, George, okay?
Okay, but Click-Clack is the engineer
specialized in preferential routing
logistics within the city, not me.
What is it?
[intriguing music playing]
I didn't kill him, I did what you said.
Granted, he's not gonna walk for a while,
but he's really
gonna be click-clacking, now.
- Know what I mean?
- Yeah.
- With the crutches. Click-clack.
- Come on.
[chuckles] No?
- Keep looking.
- [clears throat]
[tense music playing]
[man] Where is that fucking train?
[music stops]
- [rapid beeping]
- [sighing]
[Lyna, echoing] You'll handle it?
Really? With your shaky hands?
[mysterious music playing]
You're finished, Selma.
- [distortion]
- [panting]
What is that?
- Don't worry.
- [beeping]
- Do you know what you're doing?
- I hope so.
I hope so.
But you should hurry up, just in case.
[tense music playing]
[beeping continues]
[keyboard clacking]
[cell phone vibrates]
Selma is saying we need to move our asses.
She'll have our asses
on a stick if we don't do it.
She said that?
No, I said much worse.
And I sent them our position.
[intriguing music playing]
Oh, voilà.
You said the train was invisible,
can you see those GPS coordinates?
- [shudders] Yeah.
- Hm? Come on, keep working.
[keyboard clacking]
[Elie] Okay, found it?
[man] Hey, hang on, your train.
It's the bug in our system! It would
appear like that from time to time.
We couldn't figure out why.
[chuckles] I can't wait
to tell the guys about this.
- I mean, um, they don't have to know.
- [music becomes tense]
- Come on, let's get it out of Paris.
- We don't have time for that.
Wait, what's that?
That's a decommissioned station.
- Perfect, get the train down there.
- [man] Okay.
- [beeping]
- [moody music playing]
Honestly, I wouldn't have bet
on those two, but they did their part.
The train came to a stop.
[train brakes squeaking]
- [groans and pants]
- [music stops]
[chilling sting]
[Driss] All alone, late and unarmed.
You're alone too.
[Driss] Really?
[loud thud]
[electrical zapping]
[electrical zapping]
[tense music playing]
[deep breathing]
Do you know what happens
when there's a fire in a data center?
Obviously, water would damage the servers.
So to put the fire out,
you remove all the oxygen from the room.
All right.
[music intensifies]
Take a deep breath now.
Namaste, assholes.
[alarm blaring]
[automated voice over speaker]
No oxygen. No oxygen. No oxygen.
She knows how to observe.
I trained her well.
- She knew where the oxygen ducts were.
- [automated voice] No oxygen.
[Selma] She also knew
she didn't have time to hesitate.
[voice] No oxygen.
[Selma] During hypoxia,
the brain shuts down in seconds.
- [people groaning]
- Excruciating pain runs through your body.
You take another step or two,
and then the brain finally gives up
- [voice] No oxygen.
- [Selma] and you fall, dead.
[voice] No oxygen. No oxygen.
- No oxygen. No oxygen.
- [tense music playing]
- [tube hissing]
- No oxygen.
- [gasping]
- No oxygen. No oxygen.
[tense music playing]
No oxygen.
[loud whooshing]
[tense music becomes faint]
[Selma] Lyna?
- Lyna, are you okay?
- [Lyna] He left.
- I was too late.
- We can't let Driss escape.
[music trails off]
[tense music playing]
[loud, echoing gunfire]
Don't make me kill you!
[gun blast]
[tense music continues]
- [gun blast]
- [grunts]
[suspenseful music playing]
Shit! Damn it!
[music intensifies]
[door latch clicks]
[banging continues]
[music fades]
- [pounding]
- [Lyna grunts]
- [panting]
- [mysterious music playing]
- [beeping stops]
- [music fades]
[exhales deeply]
[keyboard clacking]
[alert on cell phone]
Selma managed to defuse the bomb.
[breathing deeply]
[exhales deeply]
I celebrated a little too early.
Driss left me a little surprise.
Or rather 15 strong
and heavily armed surprises.
[tense music plays and stops]
And I hate surprises.
[car horn honking]
- [panting]
- [tense, dramatic music playing]
When Driss was a little boy
and got yelled at by our mother,
his usual move was to disappear.
She could never tell where
he was going, and it drove her crazy.
My brother was gifted, it's true.
But not as much as me.
Whenever he needed to calm down,
I knew exactly where to find him.
[music stops]
[Selma] Sunbathing, huh?
[dramatic music playing]
You're indestructible.
And I just beat you.
[chuckles faintly]
[music becomes tense]
Okay, guys
[guns cocking]
Allow me to explain.
There are two ways this can go down.
There's the hard way
[tense music continues]
Well, there's just one way, actually.
I don't think
you know how to count, buddy.
There's one of you and a bunch of us.
[guns cocking]
You're right.
You know, math always gives me headaches.
I prefer poetry.
- So, gentlemen, on that note
- ["Better Half" by Lonher playing]
let's hear Jimmy sing.
[people grunting]
- [screaming and grunting]
- [rapid gunfire continues]
[woman rapping]
Jimmy hasn't lost his voice, huh?
- See that? I found a new grease for it.
- Yeah.
It sounds smoother to my ears. You know?
- Come on.
- Excuse me, gentlemen.
[Selma] You've lost your men,
the gold It's over.
And now what?
[tense, mysterious music playing]
I killed him.
It wasn't a simple task, but I did.
- Here we are again.
- [Selma] He fought back, he resisted.
- I gave him what he deserved.
- Will you make the same mistake?
One bullet in the eye,
one bullet in the hand.
And that was it.
I thought you'd put up a fight.
One last act of bravery.
Everyone's always been
wrong about the two of us.
You've always been the dreamer.
Me, I'm pragmatic.
I know when to fight
and when to enjoy the Paris sky.
Lyna shot me.
It's not like her.
What did you tell her?
That it was either your life
or her mother's.
[Driss scoffs]
[dramatic music playing]
You have a way of making us forget
how good you are at lying.
Someone has to do the dirty work.
You do it too well not to like it.
You've been lying
to everyone for 25 years.
[music intensifies]
Twenty-five years
since you made a monster of me.
You were the one
who tracked down Kahina's family.
You were the one behind that massacre.
[echoing, rapid gunfire]
A cop infiltrating the underworld,
marrying your brother
A big screw up by The Fury.
So you had to hide your mistake.
You took everything
from me, Selma. My life, my freedom.
Even the truth.
[moody, dramatic music playing]
I was the only one left
for you to eliminate.
You're my little brother.
My weakness.
[car horn honking]
[Driss] My daughter has good aim.
She's a killer, like you and me.
Most people don't feel happy
when they learn they have this talent.
There's no need for her to know that now.
I don't want her to live
with my blood on her hands.
You have to do
what you've never been able to do.
Do it, come on.
It only takes a second.
It's taken me 20 years.
[music intensifies]
[gun cocks]
[echoing gun blast]
[Lyna pants]
[melancholy music playing]
[thud echoes]
[Driss] I want you to come with me.
[siren blaring]
[Selma] Come on.
We did what we had to.
What did he say to you before
- You'll keep lying?
- You can believe me or not, I don't care.
What matters is
that your mother's safe now.
- I'm gonna find her.
- On your own?
Without me or my resources?
You won't make it.
You're a nobody now.
The Godfathers put a contract
on our heads.
[rapid gunfire]
[bullet shells clattering]
The Fury is doomed.
We're not going to run away.
I can change their minds.
A life on the run isn't a life.
On the other hand, if you have things
to get in order, goodbyes to say
or dirty laundry to take care of,
which is the case, now's the moment.
[music fades]
[indistinct radio chatter]
- A bit much, no?
- Yeah, I agree. [clears throat]
Hey, asshole,
You guys were already
broken up when it happened.
[melancholy music playing]
I'm sorry I didn't come see you.
I've been mad at you and Papa.
But I love you so much.
[Lyna sighing]
You're leaving?
First your mother, now me,
seems like you're saying goodbye.
What's going on this time?
I should've talked to you
from the beginning.
You didn't wanna talk,
I didn't wanna listen.
I thought I knew better
than you, and that you
wouldn't be able to manage on your own.
We did the best we could, right?
I know.
[Lyna shudders]
You love me, but we can't keep doing this.
I thought the second time would be easier.
[exhales deeply]
[inhales deeply]
- [church bell tolling]
- [melancholy music fades]
- [candles crackling]
- [mysterious music playing]
I also said my goodbyes
before coming here.
I know you too well.
Driss made your true nature nice
and clear when he attacked you.
You are greedy savages,
driven by animalistic instincts.
As soon as you felt threatened,
you all betrayed and cheated.
You have put in danger
the delicate balance
that we took so many years to build.
What are you doing?
But make no mistake.
Without The Fury, you will not survive.
You will end up ruined,
killing one another
for the crumbs of your empire.
But you can rejoice.
The Fury is here.
And thanks to her, The Olympus is too.
[music becomes ominous]
- [echoing thud]
- [lasers humming]
[Lyna gasps]
[guns cocking]
[music becomes tense and dramatic]
[man] The Olympus has a new master.
Think carefully before answering.
Who do you work for?
[music builds, fades]
[mysterious, melodic music playing]
[music fades]
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