Geek Girl (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

My friends, my community, my family.
It is with deep sadness
that I must share with you all.
My darling Nicky and I
are allowing our paths
with the journey of life to diverge.
I am going to be taking
some soul time to
manifest what comes next.
I'm just so grateful for you all.
And for Boba Match.
Because when you're with Boba Match,
you're never really alone.
[birds chirping]
Hmm, nice spin.
Take your time, Manners family,
I simply adore being late!
["Something About This Place"
by Aaron Kellim plays]
You look great, Hats.
An adorable little tangerine.
[music stops]
- [sighing]
- Oh, what?
Sorry, Wilbur, bit of a fashion
crisis shall we say?
- Richard
- Hmm?
No 16-year-old girl wants to be told
they look like a fruit!
Yes, right. She came home
last night very upset.
Didn't eat her pizza.
Even though it was Hawaiian.
Listened to Radiohead on repeat.
Not even the best album.
I'm sensing drama with a boy.
- Hmm.
- [phone chiming, buzzing]
Oh, Saint Jude herself.
Oh, my day just keeps getting
better and better.
[Jude] Wilbur, my flight's delayed
and I'm stuck in a lounge
full of screaming children!
We've got to get Yuji
to book one of our girls for Bascar
Poppy clearly makes more sense,
but who knows with Yuji?!
Oh, and make sure Harriet actually posts
some images this week!
I told her,
she's got to grow her following!
- [phone beeps]
- Girl, bye.
Imagination's come to life
right here again ♪
A new obsession ♪
- Not a word.
- Okay.
You've got a place right next to me ♪
I, I ♪♪
A Gen Z Ginger Spice sensation,
who do you think you are?
- Harriet Manners?
- Por qué?
And, by the way,
I just wanted to make an urgent detour,
actually, if we could just stop off
at school,
I need to get something from my locker.
We're running a breezy
47 minutes late, so
We agreed that I'd be able
to balance my schoolwork, right?
[mockingly] Of course!
Anything for academia!
Perhaps we should also
stop at the British library.
Amazing! I might actually prefer
the natural history museum, but
- Got it.
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, lovely. Hands and feet inside.
We're ready!
[pulsing music]
[theme music]
[crowd chattering indistinctly]
Um, so I have to do
this shoot today, right?
Um, morally but also,
legally and contractually?
Yes, darling, I'm afraid so.
But I'm with you this time,
no more random signing stuff.
All right.
I'll be two minutes.
When I said leave me alone,
I meant it. Okay?
I need space.
Yeah, but, um.
Space is, is quite a
a big concept isn't it, really?
I mean, it's quite subjective.
Cosmically speaking,
it could mean anything.
It's up for interpretation, really.
[Harriet] Okay, she's not
buying that either.
- I just want to talk to you.
- I know. And if I wanted to talk to you,
I would've picked up the phone
one of the 14 times you called.
15. Um
I don't know why I said that.
I have a shoot today,
so I won't be able to
Bunking off school again.
Yeah. Really cool, really you, Harriet.
No, no you don't understand,
they're literally making me! I have to!
Nat, please, I'm so sorry,
I know I messed up,
and I'm so, so sorry, I
Run along, Harriet.
I'm sure the fashion world
is very desperate to see you.
Please don't call me again.
Nat! Nat!
Harriet, you okay?
[Ollie] Yeah, is there anything
we can do to help?
I mean, she looked devastated.
- I know, Nat was
- Nat?
Oh no, I was talking about
Poppy Hepple-Cartwright!
Those tears looked genuine.
Oh, no, sorry it's not your fault!
You shouldn't feel bad.
Any relationship break-up is hard.
Look, I know you've got your shoot today.
So I'll fill in for you!
We'll help Nat with the costumes,
won't we guys?
Nat, wait up!
Bye, Harriet.
[sombre music]
- Yeah, bye, Harriet.
- Bye, Harriet.
Break of dawn caught me in the light ♪
I gotta say,
all these secrets don't keep me ♪
It gets better, I promise.
When I figure that out,
I'll let you know. Come on.
I don't feel for you ♪
To anyone going through a break-up
you will get through this.
[fans clamoring]
There's a traitor in my heart ♪♪
Tree Frog has landed.
- Hi!
- Hi, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi!
Hello! Hi.
Right, we can move faster.
- That's it, quick.
- Tree Frog is on the move.
[clears throat]
They wanted a cute little nickname,
and I figured, my orange chinchilla.
And Tree Frog is far more interesting
than artist number three, so
So lovely to finally meet you,
by the way!
We've been talking about you all morning.
Oh, so you've seen Poppy's video too?
No, because you're so awesome.
I mean, the thing where you sat
on the catwalk. Really? Slay, girl!
- [man chuckles]
- Oh, thanks.
- I'll take it from here, thank you!
- Of course.
- Betty, she!
- Hello, come this way!
Thank you.
Come this way.
["Come On" by the Verve plays]
Now, these two civilians
are Harriet Manners' esteemed guests.
So please treat them like the adjacent
royalty that they are.
Phonebox on my way home ♪
I told you my answer ♪
I left you my dreams on ♪
Your answering machine, oh ♪
[Harriet] Oh, sugar cookies.
Come on ♪
Let the spirit inside you ♪
Don't wait to be found ♪
[Harriet] Double sugar cookies.
Come along with my sound ♪
Let the spirit move you ♪
Let the waves come up
They'll fuse you ♪
I've never met no one
to deny a sound ♪
[Harriet] Smile, Harriet, smile!
Too late.
And, cut! Right, reset.
I see your new squeeze
has finally arrived.
She's not my new squeeze.
That's not what I heard, Nicky-noo.
Hey, I'm a bit confused about
that super intense break-up video?
Everyone thinks I dumped you.
Well, to be fair
You can't dump someone
you were never with, Poppy. That's insane!
What do you expect me to do?
Just act like you disappeared?
To be honest, yes.
Come on, let the spirit inside you ♪♪
Isn't it funny how I was fronting
Yuji's brand when I was your girlfriend,
and now suddenly, Harriet's everywhere?
- Oh, come on. Seriously?
- How'd that conversation go, Nicholas?
Auntie Yuji, it's my birthday next week,
can you put my new girlfriend
in the perfume ad?
It's only a huge deal
any model would die for.
You know I had nothing to do with that.
Not the optics, Nicky-noo.
[phone chiming]
[indistinct chatter]
[music playing loudly in headphones]
Hello, so you need to go
[voice drowns out]
To hair and makeup. Take these off!
I was saying,
we must impress on you the need to move
thy twinkle toes over
to hair and makeup.
We're waiting to transform, darling.
[indistinct chatter]
You know us mere mortals
must trust the vision
of the medium's most respected Genii.
I will now leave you
in the capable, excellent talents
of Miss Val, here.
Darling, I'm loving
the "I've made an effort look" today.
Oh, honey, this old thing?
[Wilbur chuckles]
- Hi, Harriet, so pleased to meet you!
- Hi, hello.
Have you, er, smelt the perfume?
I think it's gorgeous!
Um, I don't really like perfume.
I find it too powerful and overwhelming.
Oh, really?
Did you know that space
is completely silent?
And that there are over
200 billion different planets out there
- just floating about?
- Mm-hmm.
Sounds pretty lonely, doesn't it?
It's an overwhelming concept,
isn't it, space?
Sort of, never stops.
We don't know if goes on forever,
just on and on and on
Um, darling, can you just
give me one minute?
[indistinct background chatter]
[whispering] Sugar cookies
I am a hundred percent team Harriet,
by the way.
Um Team Harriet?
I've never really, um,
warmed to Poppy.
She keeps calling me Barbara,
and I think it's intentional.
I mean, do I look like a Barb
When you say team Harriet,
what does that mean?
Oh, um. It means
Team Poppy, uh, Team Harriet.
I think you and Nick
are much better together.
But we're not even a couple!
[softly] But we're really not a couple.
We've never even
Right, should we get started?
- I'm just gonna take this off.
- Um
Oh, don't worry, darling,
I'll put it somewhere safe.
I'll just pop it in there. Okay, can you
take the other one off for me?
That's it.
Ding-dong, darling!
Let's get you off to hair.
[synth music]
Miss Lee!
It's B-Betty. Betty.
Infinity Models London.
Is Jude Paignton here?
N-No. Um
No, uh, she's not actually here right now.
Her flight was delayed.
She tried everything.
I tried everything.
Honestly, she is so terribly,
deeply sorry for not being here.
She sent me in her place.
Wilbur is here too.
Bring me Wilbur.
["Turn Around" by Simon Steadman plays]
Day by day, through the night ♪
All hope fading ♪
[Harriet] I'm a piece of fashion fungus.
I cannot believe that I am in a bath,
dressed like rejected foliage,
in front of
literally everyone.
Harriet, can you open your eyes, please?
Did you know that the word
"petal" comes from
the Greek word petalon,
which means thin plate?
[Harriet] Do you have to spout facts
every time you're anxious?
Now can you look at Nick?
Into his eyes,
like you're in a dream.
♪Take a breath, forgive and forget ♪
I'm starting to disappear ♪
[Harriet] The average person's eyes
will see about
24 million images in their lifetime.
I think she meant
for a little bit longer.
Um, yeah. Right.
[Harriet] And now one of Nick's
is of me looking like
a constipated plant. In a bath.
♪Holding on to a light
that won't glow ♪
Maybe, maybe we can hold hands.
♪Enemies in a beast of our making ♪
I let go ♪
Turn around, don't follow me down ♪
Could you look at each other
like you like each other?
♪Take a breath ♪
Forgive and forget ♪♪
Oh, cut!
Can we get some makeup
checks on Harriet, please?
[tub squeaks]
- Looks like they do like each other.
- [giggling]
- Wow!
- Mmm.
- This really is
- Incredible.
It is actually surprisingly exciting,
isn't it?
Mm. Well, it's a great concept.
Really clear vision.
She's green, youthful, delicate,
and yet, rooted.
Female power runs deep.
Mm, yes.
I'm getting peat with peony. I mean
- [Richard] Makes total senes.
- Impressive nose.
- Thank you.
- [clears throat]
Double-check my inbox.
Ah, Harriet's parents are just observing.
Duty of care and all that.
If you'd like to come with me? Thanks.
- Hmm?
- Oh.
Isn't this the most charming
little ferngully?
Truly the epitome
of an English landscape, no?
Just looking at her
makes me feel so inspired.
She just has that certain
je ne sais something, you know?
You want her to walk for me
at the Bascar event.
Oh, Yuji!
She'd be delighted, of course!
That was not an offer.
No, but
maybe it's the whisper
of an offer to come?
A reverse echo. No?
Let's see how today goes.
I haven't offered it, Wilbur.
[synth music]
Okay, let's cut that.
Let's take a short wellness break. For me.
Your necklace.
You noticed.
Nat and I have matching ones.
We've fallen out before,
but nothing like this.
I feel like she actually
hates me this time.
Well if she hated you,
I don't think she would be so angry.
What was the falling out about anyway?
No one. Um
[clears throat]
[Harriet] You, predominantly.
I just, I wasn't there
when she needed me.
Literally or figuratively?
But the literally part last night
was kind of the final straw.
And the lying.
And the betraying.
Wasn't incredibly helpful either.
Wait is that why you left
in the middle of our date?
Because you were late for Nat?
[relieved sigh]
Wait, not obviously?
What did you, what did you think I
Did you think
I just was so physically repulsed
by your face that I made up some
random excuse to get away from the date?
It crossed my mind briefly, yeah.
Wow! So insecure!
["Change My Mind" by NewDad plays]
Slip into the same old habits ♪
And I can sense
the madness creeping ♪
This is what I want.
♪Maybe it never left ♪
This is what Yuji wants.
Eating away at my flesh ♪
'Cause I never tried to get better ♪
[whispering] action!
Never tried to forget her ♪
Your eyes, they look like mine ♪
So I can see you feel confined ♪
I guess I never really tried ♪
[whispering] You know what would've
made it even better, though?
No, what?
A pair of cool parent extras.
♪Feel confined ♪
I guess I never really tried ♪
Never tried to change your mind ♪
♪To be more open ♪
To not close the door
and walk down to the shore ♪
Let it sweep it all away ♪♪
That's it.
Yuji by Yuji Lee.
So, did she book the Bascar event, then?
["Losing All Sensation"
by Huxley Ware plays]
And cut! We've got it, let's move on!
Nick, um, we're over here next.
When you're ready, this way.
You both look beautiful.
Tell me what do you say ♪
One, take one.
♪Day after day ♪
Tell me how should I feel ♪
I ripped my heart out
trying to make you happy ♪
But then you took it away ♪
To a place where nothing's real ♪
I'm losing all sensation ♪♪
Hello, Harriet.
Mmm, it's almost right.
Um, we'll keep her here and bring her
onto set when the water settles. Okay?
Okay! Um, I don't have anything
better to do, so I'll just be
I'll be right here. Okay.
Harri! Babes!
You look amazing.
Oh, um, thanks.
You're so brilliant.
Such a talent.
[clears throat]
So, um
This is usually the part
where you say something nice about me?
Oh, um, of course!
I mean, of course you're amazing,
I'm just the girl with geek
on her backpack.
You know, you're, you're, you're
You're Poppy Hepple-Cartwright.
Thank you so much!
Sorry, why do you have geek
on your bag?
Is that like a
fashion statement thing?
Um, yeah. N-Not, exactly.
It's more of an unofficial name
at school. Geek Girl.
[clears throat]
Haters gonna hate, Harri.
Yeah, that, that is quite literally
what haters do.
[clears throat]
Um, Poppy?
I-I I was just wondering, um
You and Nick, um,
y-you weren't actually
together, were you?
Babes, no!
As if.
That was all curated by me.
I know, right?
I'm my own best image architect.
["Forever Yours" by Nick Nolan plays]
And here we go again ♪
As you fall ♪
[whispering] No, no, Rich!
You most definitely can't!
No, I most definitely can,
get the camera, get the camera!
[indistinct whispering]
♪Have I said enough ♪
I go on repeating ♪
All that I live for ♪
[Annabell laughing]
Forever yours ♪♪
Why are there two middle-aged
tourists in my bathtub?
Your guess is as good as mine.
I'll handle it.
Water two, take one.
Can we have Rayne on set, please?
[Harriet] No way. The magic of film!
- Hi, I'm Harriet.
- Rayne.
[Harriet] Oh, Rayne.
Did you know that 75 percent
of the human brain,
and trees, are made up of water?
Okay, so you're little water nymphs,
and you're dancing on the waves.
[dreamy music]
[Harriet] This is Karma for getting out
of all those P.E. lessons, isn't it?
Could you move, Harriet?
Just do your own thing.
Something a little bit
more contemporary?
["This Feeling" by Puressence plays]
Well I get this feeling ♪
I get this feeling ♪
Jumbled around, around, around ♪
Inside my mind ♪♪
And that's great, Harriet!
That's amazing.
Okay so we can cut there, everyone,
and that's a wrap on Rayne.
Uh, it was great working
with you, Harriet. See you around?
Uh, I'm sorry, um
[Harriet] I did not just do that!
So, my first ever kiss was an accident
with a total stranger!
Poppy, can you just hold on here.
Sure, Barbara.
No problem.
Well done, Harriet, if you just follow me.
[upbeat rock music]
[phone camera clicks]
You were born for fashion, Rich!
[indistinct chatter]
Mind your step.
Just over here, please.
Yep, I'm on my way.
[clears throat]
Do you know anything
about semipermeable membranes?
So you have to think of the kidney
as almost like a security guard.
- This one?
- Uh, yeah, so,
it lets in some molecules,
but not all of them.
The membrane proteins
And then if you look at this over here
There you are! So, totally not my fault,
but there's been a teeny tiny massive
problem with your Paris flights, yeah?
If I was you, I'd fast walk myself
to the airport, pronto.
Yeah, Romance, no time for that, you know!
They're ready for you, butter bee.
Earth to space alien! Come on!
[distant indistinct chatter]
Oh Poppy, no!
- Oh
- What's wrong?
I don't want you to worry about anything.
[whispering] I thought you were beauty,
Poppy, you're a beast!
["How Can I Help You"
by Self Esteem plays]
How can I help you
feel better about you ♪
How can I help you ♪
Do I really deserve you ♪
Always hoped you could
set out to prove ♪
'Cause that's what I do
That's what I'm put here to do ♪
Isn't it, isn't it you
Wasn't it you, though ♪
Want me eternally youthful
Never grow old ♪
I'll always be
I'll always be up for it ♪
Politely sit, but I don't know ♪
Do I? I don't know
And that's how you live with it ♪
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know, I don't know ♪
I don't know, I don't know ♪
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know ♪
My current lover
tells me to turn over ♪
Doesn't look into my eyes
and I think that's cool though ♪
'Cause then he won't see
how much empathy I have inside ♪
And I've got another
We don't know each other ♪
But that's no brother, as you have
your babies I'm going crazy ♪
Feeling secondary,
eh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh ♪
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know, I don't know ♪
And cut!
♪I don't know, I don't know
I don't know ♪
I don't know, I don't know
I don't know ♪
It's a wrap!
Well done!
As I'm falling at your door ♪
- It's a wrap!
- That was fantastic.
♪What I'll do forever more ♪
Over rewarded
Surrounded by over rewarded ♪
And easily praised
'Cause aren't you a good boy ♪
Got your perfect life
while nothing ever stood in your way ♪
I am a god, I am a king ♪
I never wrote a single thing
Now I'm the enemy ♪
'Cause you all made a queen of me ♪♪
[phone chiming]
My name's Harriet,
and you may or may not
have seen a photo posted of me
by Poppy Heppel-Cartwright.
And I'm here to say that it's not real.
Well, I mean it is technically,
physically real,
but she twisted the truth.
And I'm sick and tired of having
to be constantly defending myself!
I'm here at a, a perfume
campaign shoot, look.
A perfume campaign shoot.
Not, not getting a new boyfriend,
as was suggested.
Some more evidence.
And Nat, if you're watching this
I'm so incredibly sorry.
I would never hurt you intentionally,
you're my best friend.
["I Shoulda Known" by Will Parnell plays]
What you running from, me? ♪
What you want,
is this what you wanted ♪
Phillipe, can you explain to me
why Diet Prada
have just posted intricate details
of my debut perfume campaign?
I'm sorry, what?
Oh no
[phone chiming]
[Harriet's voice on video]
And I'm here to say that it's not real.
At least Anna liked it?
[several phones chiming]
[Wilbur] Yuji, please!
Clearly it was a mistake!
Harriet didn't mean to
[knocking on door]
[door opens]
A moment a momentillo, please.
Harriet, quick Q.
You didn't by any chance happen to,
oh, I don't know,
leak a highly confidential
perfume campaign on your social media,
did you?
Oh, Harriet.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no
What have you done?
[theme music]
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