Get Even (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Get Through It

I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
A fire drill will take place
first session tomorrow morning,
though this is not to be used
as a chance to be absent.
Congratulations again
to the lacrosse team.
League champions
third year in a row.
..the teachers and I would like to honour
the memory of Mika Cavanaugh
..with a small, respectful ceremony
in the Peace Garden tomorrow.
We will be unveiling
a school bench in Mika's name.
A few dignitaries will be attending, so behaviour, please.
Kitty, can I have a quick word?
You can take a seat.
I'm really sorry about Mika.
I know how close you were.
Obviously, I want to solve this
before anything else awful happens.
Any information you can give might help.
Like what?
Well, do you have any idea
why DGM would have targeted Mika?
Why do you think it's DGM?
Why do you think it isn't?
Well, Mika never did anything
to hurt anyone.
And you think DGM
only target the bad guys?
I used to think that, too, but
Just don't underestimate them.
I've been told Mika made a speech
at Ronny's memorial.
That's right.
It was
It was pretty great.
Except that she revealed
she knew secrets -
secrets that might have made her a target.
Did she ever talk about that with you?
Did you ever notice her with a laptop
that looked different to her usual one?
Sorry, no.
I don't know how I can help you.
I don't know anything.
I wish I did.
OK. Well, if anything comes up,
day or night
Again, I'm really sorry, Kitty.
She won't miss me cos
she won't even notice I'm not there.
She might.
Nah, Coach Evans is
always forgetting I exist.
I think it's cos
I'm the youngest in our year.
But you never skip!
Life's too short to be bored.
Also, cross-country sucks.
See you!
Right, girls, five miles, no distractions.
Last one back gets detention.
Seems fair.
Life's not fair. Run fast.
Places, please. On your marks
..get set, go!
You'll really put up with her
beating you like that?
Don't tell me you actually
feel sorry for her?
Erm, no, I just
I've got a stitch. You go on.
Are you OK?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
Whoa, it's already swelling.
People can be brutal, huh?
Man, this is a touching moment.
How did you get ahead of us?
The art of deception.
I'll teach you someday.
No, I'm OK, thanks.
Thank you. I appreciate the concern,
but I have a race to finish.
Whoa! Whoa!
Yeah, that ain't going to happen.
Thanks. I don't get it, though.
We're not friends.
Why are you helping me?
- Boredom.
- Instinct.
I just felt bad, I guess.
You guys are weird!
Kitty, you're usually
in the top five at least.
Twisted my ankle.
Well, that's on you.
Detention stands, for all of you.
Seriously, Olivia,
this is why you need me.
Right, now we've all decided to show,
essay for today -
the virtues of being a Bannerman student.
No talking, no moving, no breathing.
I'll be back to check.
Does all geekdom come naturally to you?
There's no way you've finished already.
What can I say?
I have this detention thing down.
Well, I suppose you don't have
a lot to do on the weekends,
unlike some of us.
Oh, I'm sorry. Do you have diamonds
that need fetching from the vault today?
I have friends, thank you.
You have one little rat friend.
Hardly counts.
Er, my rat friend is miles better than
the vacuous morons you hang out with.
Amber is not a vacuous moron.
Guys, come on.
It just makes things worse.
Hang on, we wouldn't even be here
if it wasn't for your three-year
beef with the walking pout.
It's not my fault she hates me.
It's not her fault, either. Not entirely.
How do you work that out?
Well, it's the school
that's messed up, not us.
This is Bannerman.
We aren't here to make friends.
We are here to win.
It's like Mean Girls, only worse.
Yeah, except only led by
a bunch of old, pruny men.
Yeah, and have you noticed that,
when we leave for the fire drill,
we don't leave alphabetically?
Boys go first.
Yeah, what is up with that?
When I spoke to Harrington
after Amberdid what she did,
his advice was that
it's a dog-eat-dog world.
That was it.
And why do you think that
I didn't tell Coach Evans about Cam?
Well, Rex flushes Theo's head
down the loo daily.
Everyone knows about it.
Justno-one does anything.
Someone should do something.
About Rex?
About all of it.
We should do something.
The clock keeps on ticking back ♪
I lie and watch the hands ♪
I don't know what happened here. ♪
Finally, a meeting.
OK. So, what do we do
about Christopher, guys?
Man, he's a good actor.
He seems so sweet.
He's, like, the last person I thought.
I mean, he doesn't not look like a killer.
He has that distant,
Norman Bates vibe about him.
Yeah, look, we should give
the information we have to the police.
Yeah? Cos that was so successful
last time we involved them.
We're not doing any of that.
We have to. We have no idea why
We're doing something for Mika.
A memorial bench isn't her.
The funeral wasn't her.
Look, we started DGM
because we wanted to do something
about the things that weren't right.
The way Mika's been treated isn't right.
And, you know, people believe
DGM didn't just kill Ronny.
They think we killed Mika, too.
They think we're monsters.
What's the plan?
How are you getting home?
Erm, walking, I guess.
I'll walk with you.
So, how's the love life?
Yeah. I mean
I know that look. Cute.
He texts a lot.
I don't hate it.
I just don't see him that much.
How come?
He volunteers at the hospice
with Christopher.
Oh. Well, that's really sweet.
Yeah, I thought so, too.
Now I wonder just how convincing
Christopher is at playing the good guy.
This is where
Mika's body was found, right?
Suddenly doesn't seem so scenic.
How are you, since?
What, since I got dramatically
ousted by the popular gang?
I mean, I wasn't
going to put it like that.
My evenings are freer now.
Read a book the other day. Like,
an actual, real-life, paper-page book.
How was that?
It wasdifferent, but good.
Felt like a proper scholar.
Oh, is that your prom?
Yeah, kind of.
My friends surprised me with
a mini prom cos I was leaving.
You know, I was as sociable there
as you are here.
At least I don't have
to pretend any more.
Right, then, no more pretending.
-What's your deal?
-What's my deal?
Well, it's basically just me and my mum,
and she works, like,
every second she's awake.
Where's your dad?
He died, actually.
It was a while ago now.
What are your parents like?
They're great. Too great sometimes.
How can parents be too great?
Oh, they just worry all the time.
It can be a little
They think me being alone
all the time is tragic,
but sometimes,
I just need space, you know?
Yeah, I get that.
This girl might be happier,
butshe's not as smart.
You know, I could talk like this
all night.
In that case, want to go back
to my place, get some pizza, talk?
Yeah. Yeah, I really do.
I designed this tattoo when I was nine.
It's got this lit picture of this guy
with "thug life" written all over him.
Butyou're not a thug.
Yeah, but this guy is.
Shane decided
he wanted to walk with us.
Yeah, I used to skateboard,
but when you're in a relationship,
you've got to be open to change.
OK, then.
Do you want to hold hands?
I don't really think
she's a holding-hands kind of girl.
Hey, don't speak for me.
I'm not really
a holding-hands kind of girl.
See, I only do it because
I know what you're going to say.
OK, what am I going to say next?
"Stop being annoying, John."
You're way off.
I was actually going to say,
"Stop being irritating, John."
A dead bird.
You look nervous.
Course I am.
It's a good plan. Have faith.
Any second now.
Seriously? Now we've got
to do something for Mika, too.
When are these memorials
going to end?
When people stop killing people.
I think it's kind of nice to do something
for Mika. She was sweet.
Look at you in bed
You're hardly breathin' ♪
I knew it was gonna end this way ♪
I said it all the time
But you said that you were fine ♪
With this bench,
we pay tribute to Mika Cavanaugh.
I try my best to make you
check it out, huh? I cried ♪
Thisis for Mika.
All the stubborn things you do ♪
I must have gotten that from you ♪
Now there's nothing they can do
And why you? ♪
I wish that there was
something I'd done more of ♪
This is for Mika.
Knocked you out
and dragged you there myself ♪
What's going on?
I got that text from the school earlier
about the change of plans
for the memorial?
That wasn't from me.
This is for Mika.
This is for Mika.
This is for Mika.
This is for Mika.
-This is for Mika.
-This is for Mika.
But you're not here ♪
This is for my sister, Mika.
With all my tears ♪
It feels like monsoon every day ♪
This is for my best friend Mika.
Monsoon ♪
Monsoon ♪
Monsoon ♪
Monsoon ♪
Monsoon ♪
Monsoon. ♪
So, apparently,
we're hugging and eeking now.
All right, Deringer, get involved.
Come and join in. You did good.
Sorry, I think I'll have to pass.
What's up?
What, you don't think it went well?
No, it was
It was perfect.
So, join the squeaking and eeking.
It was a perfect way to end DGM.
Wait, what?
I thought we were clearing our name.
-Yeah, and catching a murderer.
-You'll have to do it without me.
Hang on, this whole thing was
your idea. That day in detention
That was a million years ago.
I thought we could change things,
butwe can't.
Bannerman is so much bigger than us.
OK, and what about all the dirtbags
destroying people's lives?
Yeah, and us trying
to do something good for once?
Yeah, we can change things, Kitty.
We are changing things.
We have all the info on Christopher
Yeah, I lost Mika.
Nothing matters compared to that.
I can't do it any more. I'm sorry.
Misra's looking for the laptop.
I know nothing happened before,
but she seems honest.
If it was me, I'd give it to her.
Thought you'd gone already.
I had to discuss some things.
Come on, I'll drive us back.
Does that mean you're home for dinner?
Probably not.
Why did you take part
in thatwhatever it was?
You know why - we got a text.
But to associate yourself
with that group
I thought it was pretty great.
Well, you're wrong.
So, give me some moral guidance.
If I'm wrong and I make bad decisions,
give me some kind of road map
to point me in the right direction.
Yeah, total silence.
That's what I thought.
What do you? Get back in!
I can't help but feel
you staring down ♪
I know what you say without a sound ♪
Everything I can't say out loud ♪
Just seems to find its own way out ♪
I thought time would heal our past ♪
But my stone-cold heart is stuck
in the neck of this hourglass ♪
Used to have a lot of picnics up here.
I know.
I've been trying to call you.
I know that, too.
I will share this with you
if you talk to me.
Always say please and thank you.
Moral guidance -
thought I'd start with the basics.
You always did pick the best flavours.
We need you to open your locker.
What? Why?
-Did you give the laptop to Misra?
That is not mine, I swear.
I don't know what's going on.
You're coming with us, Christopher.
That's what's going on.
But DGM never hurt Mika.
No, you've made a mistake.
If you were here yesterday, you'd know.
I heard all about it. This is not
some kid's birthday party.
You can't just fly a balloon
and expect it all to be OK.
Christopher Beeman, we are arresting you
on suspicion of the murder
of Ronny Kent and Mika Cavanaugh.
You do not have to say anything,
but it may harm your defence
if you do not mention, when questioned,
something which you later
rely on in court.
Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red, you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the red, dead sea ♪
Promise it to me ♪
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people with
big bellies banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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