Ghostwriter (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

A Sparkly Ghost, Part 1

Hey, Raine.
What did you say?
Did you say you like Alyssa's backpack?
You heard that, right?
Are you gonna steal it
like everything else?
You should really go see a
doctor. You have a problem.
It's called kleptomania
or "kleptoraineia".
[GIRL] Yeah. Kleptoraineia.
Kleptoraineia. Kleptoraine
Where am I?
Excuse me?
I was up late again
reading Treasure Island.
Why did Mr. Mendoza have
to give us such a long book?
Are you kidding? I loved it.
I just finished Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland,
The Jungle Book and Trinity.
I need a break.
"Hammett Middle School"?
So, we're doing
Shakespeare's The Tempest.
And I play Caliban. He's
this big, scary monster.
You must be a really good actor.
Thanks. Wait. Why'd you say that?
In real life you're, like, the
least scary person that I know.
Anyways, it's a pretty big role.
I didn't even think I'd get a part.
This play actually sounds great.
Maybe I should be a part of it.
You should. You could do
stage crew or something.
I was thinking more like
Caliban? You're Caliban, right?
Uh, yeah. Ruben works too.
I'm Alison. Costumes.
So, I made a few sketches
for your character.
I was thinking, since he's, like,
this monster stuck on an island,
that a lot of the costumes could be made
from natural things in the environment.
Like branches or seaweed or seashells.
Sure. Sounds cool.
Ignore Ruben.
He doesn't know anything about clothes.
But I do. Those drawings are great.
I'm Donna.
I love your top. Is that silk?
- Silk organza.
- Nice.
Hey. I know how to sew, and
I can also create patterns.
You see? I made these.
I did the stitching too.
Cool. We're full.
But I think stage crew's
looking for more people.
Seriously though, good
job with the pants.
She makes costumes for
a middle school play.
She's not a movie star.
Come on.
Most people see Caliban as a monster,
but really, he's just misunderstood.
Think about it. His mom is a witch.
That couldn't have been easy for him.
Hold up. You're playing a monster?
Is he supposed to be,
like, a non-scary monster?
I can be scary.
[IN NORMAL VOICE] Fine. Whatever.
Let's talk about the mystery.
We need to figure out
who this "S" person is
and why they wrote
the letter to Grandma.
Yeah. And what they fought about
and why Grandma couldn't tell anyone.
I went through Grandpa's
address book in the bookstore
and wrote down all the
names beginning with "S".
Hmm. It's not too bad.
Those are just the first names.
Here are all the last names.
It would be nice if Ghost Writer
could give us a little bit more help.
Why isn't anyone talking to me?
Wow. That was fast.
What book do you think she's from?
Let's go find out.
Are you okay?
You can see me?
But why can't anyone else?
And what kind of school is this?
I was just at my old school this
morning, and suddenly I'm here.
Excuse us.
Can we tell her that she's from a book?
No way. It's too weird.
I have an idea.
[RAINE] So, you're saying that
I was sent from another world
to help you solve the mystery of
his dead grandmother's
unfinished business.
And you think she's a ghost
that writes messages to you?
- That makes sense.
- It does?
Sure. I mean, I am pretty
good at solving mysteries.
Tell us everything.
Trust me, Raine. We need as
much information as we can get.
Let's start with how exactly
you solve these mysteries.
With sparkles.
You mean like that?
You can see that?
Yeah. I saw one when we first came in.
I thought the light was
playing a trick on me.
You can see it too, right?
So, what are these sparkles?
Basically, they're memories
left behind by other people.
It's so strange.
Other than my grandma,
I've never met anyone who
could see the sparkles,
until you.
That's the part you find strange?
Give me a break. You can talk to ghosts.
Good point.
So, can we watch it?
I don't know. Let's see.
Okay. First, everyone here
needs to touch a sparkle.
Now close your eyes.
Here goes.
One, two, three.
[RUBEN] Wow. This is incredible.
[CHEVON] Wait.
Does this mean we're all
just sitting in the cafeteria
with our eyes closed?
[RAINE] Unfortunately, yes.
[RUBEN] This isn't much
of a memory. Who's he?
[DONNA] That's David. He's
in my math class. Really nice.
Ms. Gutiérrez gave him an
award for most attentive.
[CHEVON] Is he sticking
his gum under the table?
Looks like he has a wild side.
[CURTIS] What's happening?
[RAINE] So, each memory has an ending.
And then it starts over again.
It's still under there.
Cool. Gross. But cool.
And you've always been able to do this?
It's kind of like my special power.
You just go around watching
other people's memories?
Of course not. I have morals.
And I know what's right
and what's wrong.
But sometimes it's necessary
for solving real mysteries.
Like at my school, there's this
kid named Emily who went missing,
and I've been trying to find her.
Well, looks like we met
you at the right time.
Can you see me?
This is as fun as it looks by the way.
Here it is.
"The Disappearance of Emily H".
- How'd you find it so fast?
- Easy.
I searched for "Raine",
"memories", "sparkles", "Emily".
And it came right up.
We all need to read it tonight.
Meantime, let's see if she can
help us with her superpowers.
Hey, Raine.
Come here.
Okay. So, this is my grandma.
Do you think we can find
sparkles with her memories?
Probably. Especially if
she worked here for so long.
Oh, look. Here's one.
No. Don't.
Watching memories is
way harder than it looks.
And it took me a long time to
learn how to do it on my own.
So, for now just let me
handle the sparkles, okay?
[CHEVON] Uh okay.
[RUBEN] What's that guy in the
back reading? Can you zoom in?
[CURTIS] "Chopper Digest".
He looks like a biker. No surprise.
[DONNA] That was a big surprise.
That was awesome.
You have the best superpower ever.
I don't know. Now that I'm
invisible, it's pretty cool too.
But there are so many
sparkles in the bookstore.
It's gonna take us
forever to find Grandma's.
Maybe we need to go somewhere
more specific to her.
Fast learner. Let's go.
All right. So, Grandpa
saved Grandma's jewelry
and it's still in the closet.
Let's make this quick.
I don't want him to see us
going through her stuff.
[RUBEN] I think that's my grandma.
It's crazy.
[CHEVON] She looks so young.
[DONNA] Maybe zoom in on the calendar.
August 31st, 1972.
Do you think it means something?
She looked so sad. Who was
she visiting in the hospital?
I don't know. But it could
be "S" from the letter.
So, "S" took a secret to the grave,
made Grandma promise not to tell
which is why she was so emotional.
- It fits.
- Slow down.
It's just a theory.
We don't know that the person
in the bed was even "S".
Besides, Ruben's grandma
was probably emotional
because someone she
knew was in the hospital.
Wait a second.
That was my mom's coat. Remember?
When we were trying to find Spinoza.
Grandma must have given it to her.
Your mom's lucky.
Coat still looks great.
[RUBEN] Not here.
She must be wearing it right now.
Well, if there's a sparkle on it,
then that could be a real clue.
Great. Okay.
Well, at least we have a lead.
But it's getting late, so
let's pick this up tomorrow.
Where do I go?
You can stay with us. Take Curtis's bed.
Where am I gonna sleep?
I don't know. The floor.
Don't be rude. It's gonna be so fun.
Hey, Ruben. You have a pop
quiz in science this afternoon.
It covers the last three chapters.
Good to know.
So, I couldn't read the book last night
because I was with Raine the whole time.
I felt weird reading a book about
her in front of her, you know?
So, what happens?
Well, it's basically about how
Raine gets caught up in a mystery
about a missing character named Emily
who used to live in Raine's house.
And she uses sparkles to
try and solve a mystery.
She's also getting bullied by
this girl named Jennifer who,
as Raine smartly put together,
has to do with the
disappearance of Emily.
Yo. I did not see the end
coming. I couldn't believe
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Spoiler alert.
Actually, we shouldn't
mention anything to Raine.
We can't spoil the
ending for her either.
She has to be able to solve the
mystery on her own. It's her story.
Sounds like a plan.
"'The anchorage is on the south,
behind an islet, I fancy?'
asked the captain.
'Yes, sir; Skeleton
Island, they called it.'"
Very nice, Krista. Love the emotion.
Curtis. Why don't you
take it from there?
Oh, um
Wouldn't Long John Silver's peg
leg be infected all the time?
I mean, how advanced could
doctors be on a pirate ship?
Interesting question, but
best saved for another time.
Go ahead.
Oh, um, can I go to the bathroom?
Why don't you read the passage first?
Please. I really have to go.
Class is over shortly. You can wait.
I really don't think I can.
Why can't you read to the class?
I mean, you are the teacher.
Fine, Curtis. You can
go to the bathroom.
Then you can go see
the school counselor.
You really wish you were
on costumes, don't you?
Just go ask her again.
I told you we shouldn't
talk too much in public.
It'll make me look ridiculous.
Oh, look. Ruben's talking to your buddy.
Oh, nothing. It's just that, um
this is really a lot of measurements.
Your costume is really complicated.
And it needs to be
perfect, so stand still.
Seventeen for head circumference.
Hey, Alie. Are we still going to
Threads tomorrow after school?
Maybe they'll have a dress
we can use for inspiration
for Miranda in Act II?
I doubt they have anything for Miranda.
But they always have stuff for Alison.
[GROANS] I do not see what
Donna likes about this girl.
What's "Threads"?
It's a fair question.
It's a boutique that only
sells local designers.
One day Accents by Alison
will be in the window.
That's the name of her
company? It's cheesy.
That's the name of your
company? It's great.
I really did have to go to the bathroom,
but I probably should've just waited.
It was stupid and rude. I'm sorry.
I think this might be bigger
than a bathroom pass situation.
It's not like you to act up in class.
And I've been looking at your grades.
You've been having trouble
keeping up in school lately.
Even cost you your spot
on the basketball team.
School got really hard this year.
What's been going on?
It's just been a tough time, I guess,
with basketball and my
parents splitting up.
I didn't know your parents separated.
Yeah, but it's for the best.
We talked about it all,
as a family, you know?
And I'm pretty okay
with the whole thing.
Still, it's hard.
This is a big life change.
And it might be affecting
you more than you think.
I thought I was okay.
But I don't know.
Hey. What's up with you and English?
I thought you were gonna get suspended.
They let me off the hook
because my parents got divorced.
Apparently that's the reason
why I've been "acting out".
Oh. Wow.
I guess I never stopped to think
what you were going through.
It must be really hard
for you and Donna.
Okay. So, my mom's downstairs. So,
her coat's gotta be in the closet.
And look.
Double bingo.
Okay. You know what to do.
Yes, this is Teressa Reyna. Who's this?
Excuse me?
No. I had no idea. It's been years.
Yes, yes. Of course. I understand. It
I will get there as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling.
[CHEVON] Whoever was on the phone
did not give Grandma good news.
[RUBEN] Yeah. She looks really upset.
Ernie, I'm headed out. I'm off to Fee's.
We're spending the day together.
We're gonna take a drive to the country.
[ERNIE] Okay. Have fun.
[DONNA] So, she's going
to meet someone named Fee.
What's the big deal?
[CURTIS] Hey. Check out the newspaper.
[RUBEN] Bobby Fischer.
Who's Bobby Fischer?
Grandpa told me about him once.
He was like the greatest
chess player ever.
And he beat Boris Spassky at
the World Chess Championship
on August 31st, 1972.
Wait. Wasn't that the
The same day that Grandma
was at the hospital.
Then that means
The person on the phone
must've been telling Grandma
someone was in the hospital.
That's where she went. Not to see Fee.
Then that means she lied to Grandpa.
Maybe the person in the
hospital was "S" after all.
I still don't know why we're here.
Did you wanna buy something?
Are you kidding?
Does this look like my style?
Or budget?
Yeah. Everything here is a fortune.
I just make my own versions with
things I buy in thrift stores.
Oh, my gosh. I love this.
That's why you brought me here.
You wanna be on costumes, right?
They love this store. They'll
be impressed you're here.
I love that.
Go bump into them.
I don't know, Raine.
That would look great on me.
She's alone. Here's your chance.
Okay. I'm gonna do it.
Be cool, Donna.
Wait. Saying "be cool" to
yourself means you're not cool.
What do I do?
Just be yourself. You got this.
I'll be right here beside you.
Hey. Alison, right?
Oh, hey. Donna from the play, right?
Say something.
Those would look great on you.
I'm not so sure I can
pull off high-waisted.
Of course you can.
Plus they're making a comeback.
They're supposed to be the
biggest trend this spring.
It is cute.
Especially if you wear
it with layered necklaces.
Okay. You sold me. Do you
work here or something?
I guess I just have an
eye for those things.
You know, we may actually
have a spot for you
on the costume department after all.
Be cool. Be cool.
- Cool. That sounds cool.
- Don't say cool again.
So, see you at rehearsal.
I'd like to introduce the newest
member of the costume department.
- Wow.
- Yay.
It was all Raine.
Are you kidding? You're
the one who convinced her
to buy those ugly pants.
Look at Grandpa.
He's the best.
Still can't believe Grandma lied to him.
I'm sure she had a good reason.
The question is: What was it?
And does it have
anything to do with "S"?
Whoa. What was that?
A clue from Ghost Writer.
"Follow". Follow what?
Money. Follow the money.
It It just opened.
Well, we'll just close it.
All right. Follow the money. What money?
We need to find another sparkle.
I agree. But where do we look?
What about the other clothes
Grandma was wearing in the memory?
Maybe we can find
another sparkle on them.
Great idea. And I remember
everything she had on.
An ivory high-waisted flare pant,
a blue and white cotton
capped-sleeve shirt,
a small gold handbag and a
silver watch on her left hand.
The handbag. It holds
money. Follow the money.
There's, like, a million
boxes in the attic.
He's having a hard time
getting rid of her stuff.
I get it.
She let me borrow this scarf once.
We got her that sweater for Christmas.
Man, this is hard.
All you, Raine.
No, I'm sorry. I just don't
feel comfortable doing it.
But, Fee.
[DONNA] Fee. That's who Grandma
said she was having lunch with.
Please. If Ernie calls,
and he probably won't,
just tell him that I'm with you.
He already thinks we're together.
Why can't you tell me
where you're going?
I just can't.
I promised I wouldn't tell.
I'm sorry. Please just trust me.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Everything is fine.
This has nothing to do with Ernie.
It's just something I have to do alone.
Thank you.
Wow. Grandma was a good liar.
I don't believe it.
I thought she was a sweet
lady who baked cookies
and sent me cards on my birthday.
Not someone who lied to her husband
and forced her friends to keep secrets.
Whatever she was lying
about, it must've been big.
Fee. I've seen that lady before.
Ah. From the bookstore's grand opening.
You still hang out with
any of these people?
Oh, it's been almost half
a century now. Let's see.
Hmm. There's, uh, Maria.
She's a professor out
in Colorado, I think.
I don't know what happened
to Ramon and Elena.
Wow. Sofia Moore.
There's someone I haven't
spoken to in ages.
Well, you looked great.
I like the sideburns.
Yeah. Maybe I should grow them again.
I don't get it. That's not
Fee? It looks just like her.
Fee. Sofia. Fee's a nickname.
And Sofia starts with "S".
Well, then the question
is, how do we find her?
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