Gogol (2019) s01e08 Episode Script

A Terrible Vengeance

The bodies of young women
have been found near Dikanka village.
A horseman was always seen
not far from the crime scene.
Four feast days, four murders.
There were 13 girls in my vision.
4 are already dead.
9 more may die.
And the last victim will be
Lisa Danishevskaya.
Those who died at the farm
shall be buried tomorrow.
They died because of Mr. Investigator.
If we bury him at the same time as them,
all hell will break loose Civil unrest.
Stop this lynching at once.
Get out of here, you morons!
I am completely convinced that
Count Danishevsky is the horseman.
Saddle up, gentlemen.
Just you remember, little sister,
you'll never beat me.
At least I'm not an old maid,
with no takers!
You little snake!
Hey, you rascals!
You should be seeing father off!
We're coming!
Sorry, Pa, we got delayed.
Waving your swords about again?
- It's almost sinful!
- But you taught us!
Grown-up girls,
behaving like reckless young boys.
Maria, I have
some good news for you.
I've finally found you a fiancé.
There he is - your destiny.
Moisei Shilo, from Chernihiv.
His wife died just last year.
Do me a favor,
don't refuse him.
Pa, I won't!
He's as old as Grandpa's chain mail!
Stop this nonsense.
He's brave, wealthy, his own master.
He'll make a good husband.
- We'll have a wedding when we return!
- But Pa
Don't be defiant!
Or you'll die an old maid.
My Cossack brothers,
a gang of barbaric Poles
are destroying our Ukrainian farms.
Their leader
is a lost soul -
a thief and a murderer.
Casimir of Masovia.
They say that
he is a warlock too!
But I say
that's a load of Polish nonsense!
The lord hetman sent me an order
to capture Casimir alive.
And then
to publicly execute the criminal
for all of his evil-doings!
We'll give his Poles
such a good thrashing,
that they won't come near us again,
poking around their noses or their
their elbows!
Right then, Cossacks!
Let's go have a good time!
But Lisa
I don't understand.
Howhow is this possible?
I had to do it. To survive.
There we go.
Devised by
I won't marry that old fool.
I'd rather kill myself.
Stop talking nonsense.
Nothing wrong with him.
Easy for you to say.
You won't have to sleep with him.
You wouldn't marry an old man.
Something tells me
I'll never get married.
Why's that?
Because I don't love anyone,
- don't know how.
- Little snake!
So I must marry one I don't love,
but you don't have to?
Oh, look
Ostap, what happened?
The Poles crushed us.
Wiped us out.
- What do you mean?
- Where's father?
Lord Danila
and your fiancé, Moisei,
tried to take on that
damned Casimir of Masovia.
Only, it looks like
he really is a warlock.
No bullet could take him down,
no sword, nor arrow.
He smashed Moisei
and his horse into pieces,
then cut off
Lord Danila's head
and put it up on a spike.
Then the Poles
took the fortress on the shore.
They'll be here any day now.
Flee, before it's too late.
Did you hear what he said?
Gather your things!
You need to leave.
We're not going anywhere.
Good Lord!
What do you mean?
Remember you told us
an old witch lives in the forest?
Yes, if she hasn't died already.
Where can we find her?
We're begging you!
Just help us!
Is there a way
to conquer the warlock?
The warlock cannot die.
His dark power is strong.
But there is one way
to subdue him.
If you can lock this enchanted ring
around the warlock's neck,
he will lose his power at once.
And while this ring
is around his neck, he is mortal.
You have in mind a foul,
ungodly thing.
Vengeance is for sinners.
It won't bring you happiness,
but it may bring you
all kinds of trouble.
The Lord will punish you
with the power of the trinity!
Turn back
before it's too late.
So, gentlemen, the ring subdues
all kinds of warlocks and witches.
It's the only one of its kind.
I'd lost all hope of finding it,
when suddenly,
I happened to come across it
in an antique shop in Kherson.
The half-wit had no idea
what it was.
I bargained with him
and got this chest and ring
at literally half price.
But, Mr. Gogol, why the face?
Do you pity her?
Believe me,
if she turned into the horseman,
she wouldn't have pity on anyone.
Take a look, gentlemen,
it seems the young horsewoman
has woken up.
Although, she may not be
so young after all.
Please excuse my audacity,
most charming Mrs. Danishevskaya,
but - how old are you,
little one?
Let me guess
somewhere around 180 years old?
Am I right?
180 years?
How is that possible?
"There is more
in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than is dreamt of in your philosophy."
It's Hamlet.
Haven't you read it?
It's definitely cozier here
than in that drafty cavern.
You could catch a cold there,
start sneezing.
Do witches sneeze?
No, no, gentlemen.
Take the dead outside.
One never knows,
they may start to stink.
Send someone to the village right away
to summon our people.
And I will need a carriage
to send the detainee to St. Petersburg.
You want to take the criminal away?
Dare I remind you, I am to carry out
an interrogation and compile a report.
I hereby release you
from the obligation.
I'll interrogate her myself.
- Then I wish to be present.
- As do I.
And I wish that you
would carry out my instructions!
Remove the bodies.
Mr. Binkh, Mr. Gogol,
as the youngest among us,
hurry to the village for assistance!
- But Mr. Guro
- I already said
So how do we get to
this evil Casimir?
he is a terrible womanizer.
So a charming captive
will seduce him.
That's a clever plan.
Who'll be the captive?
Who goes there?
A captive for Lord Casimir.
If I may be so bold, I have brought
a young captive for your entertainment.
A very nice captive.
Well done.
You will be rewarded.
I already have been.
How are you?
We need to go.
If you don't mind,
I'll help myself?
It's such hard work, you know?
I haven't had
a bite to eat since yesterday.
You certainly led us on
a wild goose chase, Mrs. Horsewoman.
I'm ashamed to say, we thought
your husband was the murderer.
Danishevsky was never my husband.
He was my servant.
30 years ago,
I started to look for a person
who would be able
to make a special potion -
a sort of medicine -
which would help me
to remain in human form for longer,
when my time came
to turn into the black horseman.
Danishevsky was just the person,
from an ancient line
of mortal Polish warlocks.
When we first met,
he was just a boy.
He fell in love with me,
but I couldn't return his love.
And so, he begged for my permission
to stay by my side
and serve me
to the end of his days.
Well, to his credit
he kept his word.
Can we stop for a while,
little sister?
Let's stop for the night
at those cliffs.
I reckon the Poles
won't attack us any more,
when they find out Casimir is gone.
Back at the farm
we'll hand him over,
they can take him
to the hetman.
And this evil spirit
will get his deserves.
What do you think they'll do to him?
Breaking wheel, I reckon.
Then he'll be quartered.
He can die like a dog.
we need to hurry.
It will get dark soon.
Good night, gorgeous.
Be quiet.
Wait, just a few words.
I have no words for you.
You killed my father.
Because he wanted to kill me.
It's war.
You're godless.
Don't smooth-talk me.
I have lived for 200 years now,
and grown weary of all these
wars and power battles.
It is repentance and love that will
bring about my salvation.
Given the chance,
I would leave it all.
I would put on sackcloth and ashes
and pray in a cave to the Lord
for his forgiveness.
And for your love.
Then I guess
a different fate awaits you.
My fate is in your hands.
Since I set eyes on you,
I can see only you.
My lips are still tingling
from when I kissed you.
I am sinful, it's true.
I have had many women.
But none has caused me to repent
before God, to gain her love.
Please do me a favor
kiss me.
I want that feeling again,
before I enter eternal suffering.
Go get some sleep.
I'll keep a watch on him.
Don't you find
Mr. Guro's conduct offensive?
We did the work
in this investigation.
And so we deserve
to be present at the interrogation.
Mr. Gogol,
don't you want to know?
What's your point?
There ought to be
a back door somewhere.
My sweetheart!
Come over here.
May the Lord bless and keep you.
Set me free,
and see how my soul is grateful to you.
I shall love you forever.
Free me,
and only death shall part us.
Take this ring off me.
Don't do it, Maria.
He's clouded your senses,
you silly girl.
Indeed, little sister,
it seems you are
more clever than I am.
But at least I am able to love.
And I fight better!
Come to your senses!
When have I wronged you?!
Lisa, don't blacken your soul.
Don't send me to the underworld.
- Beware divine retribution!
- I am your retribution!
You shall be cursed forever more!
I condemn you to eternal suffering.
Now you cannot die!
But every 30 years,
you must sacrifice 12 girls,
and one who has been resurrected.
You will have until
the night of Celestial Svarog.
And if you don't, you shall die!
Hell shall open wide
before your eyes,
and you'll burn
in the lake of Gehenna forever.
Farewell, dark witch!
Twelve plus one.
I have studied
the accounts of the murders
which took place
in these parts previously.
And I could not understand
your system.
But, eventually,
one fine day, I understood!
Hear me out
and don't interrupt, agreed?
We don't really want
those horns again.
60 years ago,
you killed a dozen girls here,
and your 13th victim
was the fat old wife of a priest.
30 years ago,
you again killed 12 girls
and the 13th victim
was a young Cossack.
And so I decided to find out,
who these mysterious, thirteen,
victims were?
And guess what?
I figured it out!
The priest's wife was a local wonder.
She once choked on a cherry stone
at a wedding.
She began to wheeze, turned blue
and then dropped to the floor, dead!
They were certain she was dead.
But suddenly,
some fellow came running over,
grabbed and shook her so hard,
the stone came out
and she came back to life!
So they called her
"the resurrected one". But not for long.
A month later, she went to pick
mushrooms and berries in the forest,
where you slaughtered her.
In the gorge, actually.
You know better than I.
Do correct me
if I get something wrong.
A similar situation with the Cossack,
lying around on a haystack
when he was struck by lightning.
Struck and killed.
30 minutes, and he's not taken a breath.
Then in some remarkable way,
he comes back to life again.
But he too could not
bask in this miracle for long,
for in only two days, they found him
lying murdered on the same haystack.
I compared these two cases,
and thought to myself,
what if this third time,
the horseman will need
another resurrected person?
Which is why
I brought Mr. Gogol here with me.
I heard his story.
He was dead at birth,
but then somehow, brought back to life.
So, I decided to catch the horseman
using "live bait" so to speak.
As in
using Gogol.
Only, for some strange reason,
you just wouldn't take the bait!
You resurrected that poor water nymph,
just to kill her again.
Why make it all so complicated?
Initially, it was to be Gogol.
But I told Danishevsky
to find me another victim.
I wouldn't have been able to kill him.
Well I never
That is to say, I beg your pardon
you fell in love?!
I'm amazed.
- I must admit
- Enough!
Do what you want with me.
Take me to St. Petersburg.
Let them condemn and execute me.
With this ring around my neck,
it won't be difficult to hang me.
Why such a hurry
to leave this world?
I have no desire to hand you over
to the so-called justice system.
I have
quite different plans for you.
We didn't find her in the village,
there's no chance of finding her
in this darkness!
You shouldn't have come!
The doctor's more sober than you.
Be quiet.
It's somewhere there.
Just don't hiccup!
what have you done
little one?
You see, I am here in Dikanka
under orders of the secret police
and I am also here on behalf of
Count Benckendorff's secret society.
It is a gathering of
the most influential people in Russia,
with its own aims and purposes.
For the good of the fatherland,
of course.
And what would your
almighty society want me for?
We are interested
in the secret to eternal life.
And we sincerely hope that you will
share this secret with us.
And if I refuse to help you?
Well then, I'm afraid,
something awful might happen
to your beloved young writer.
He might drown somewhere
or die in a fire.
You know, however I prefer.
I believed you.
And you turned out
to be a bastard.
Firstly, it is impolite to eavesdrop.
Secondly, why are you not
carrying out my orders?
We are no longer obliged to do so,
as you are hiding a criminal
from justice. You are under arrest.
Papa, forgive me for being a witch!
Will you stop loving me now?
Little one!
Forgive me.
I love you just the way you are.
That's sobered me up!
Papa, my doll says that
Mr. Gogol and Mr. Binkh are in danger.
We must hurry.
Easy there,
don't get so excited, Mr. Binkh.
Honestly, you're quite excitable.
Will you concede
there are things you don't know?
Undoubtedly your diligence
will be rewarded,
just as I promised.
I have on me an order
for your appointment
as Chief of Police of St. Petersburg,
signed by Count Benckendorff.
So it's up to the Tsar,
which is easy.
Mr. Binkh,
you wanted to serve the fatherland,
so here's your chance.
Power and authority are yours.
Do some good!
So as they say,
let's get down to business!
You could arrest me,
make a scene.
The best you can hope for is exile.
And the worst - the gallows.
So, it would seem
you don't have a choice.
Put the pistol down.
You are right.
I've no choice.
What have you done?!
Well, you said
we should get down to business!
I won't exile you.
I'll put you in a lunatic asylum,
among the insane!
- The ring
- Lisa!
take it off.
I can't breathe.
I'll have you run the gauntlet,
as 200 whips will lacerate your skin!
I'll leave you to rot in a dungeon!
You pathetic idiot!
Mr. Gogol, listen to me.
I beg you not to interrupt.
I have never loved anyone.
I thought I was heartless,
that I'd never love.
But when I met you,
I felt it for the first time
I was supposed to sacrifice you.
But I didn't.
But you sacrificed others.
You killed many people
- innocents
- I didn't choose this life.
It's my curse.
Surely you understand?
For you too are cursed,
you are a dark one.
We are on the same side.
Yes, we are both cursed,
we are not on the same side.
I beg you to forgive me.
Give me a chance to make amends.
We'll go far away from here.
We still have
almost 30 years ahead of us.
And then I will die.
Because I no longer want
to kill anyone.
As for 30 years,
you're getting ahead of yourself.
What do you want, old woman?
Oh, you little snake.
I'm not all that old.
Only five years older than you,
little sister.
Is there anything
your heart desires, Maria?
To go back to the world of the living
and seek revenge.
Then so it shall be.
What's this?
What's going on?
You will go back,
and if you succeed in taking revenge,
you can stay
in the world of the living,
to serve me on Earth.
This form is to ensure
you don't enjoy life on Earth.
Your youth will return to you
when the time comes to take revenge.
Well, hello little sister.
I have waited such a long time
for this day.
You robbed me of my only love.
I have waited all this time
for you to finally fall in love.
Almost two whole centuries
have passed,
and only this young man has succeeded
in melting your icy heart.
Thank you.
You have done me a valuable service.
So now watch as he dies.
They've been dead
for four hours already.
What about my master?
From here, I'll go on alone.
- Don't step foot in there.
- You won't go on your own, my girl!
Little one!
Mr. Gogol!
Mr. Gogol
Lisa, turn back
into the horseman again,
and use your power against her,
or else she'll
she'll kill you.
That's not what I need my power for.
Forgive me for everything.
I love
Stop, witch!
Do not lay a finger on Mr. Gogol.
You stay out of this.
Go play with your dolls.
Excellent work, Mr. Gogol.
I didn't succeed in seizing
the younger witch,
so I'll have to settle
for the older one.
Ah, but Mr. Investigator,
no need for foolishness, now.
I have one bullet left
and no desire to waste it on you.
Get a hold of yourself,
Mr. Gogol, and listen.
I find you a most pleasing fellow.
I would like to recommend you
for membership of our secret society.
Think about it.
You could join the ranks of the most
powerful people in the country!
And your books
By the way, I am sure
a brilliant future awaits you.
And with our help, you could become
the most published author
of our times.
Pushkin will simply die of envy!
Make up your mind!
I don't want to have
anything in common
with someone like you.
Well, that's rather what I expected.
is an inherent characteristic of youth.
So go ahead!
Keep on living your sorry existence.
Scurry off with all your quirks,
your fears, and dreams,
let's part on good terms.
But one piece of advice.
From one friend to another, Mr. Gogol.
May God forbid that you should
ever get in my way.
Well, sir,
praise the Lord ye angels.
It's all over now.
Can we go back
to St. Petersburg?
Papa, could you make me
a new doll?
this investigation
and the happenings here
are highly confidential.
You are all now
guardians of a state secret.
Just imagine
the consequences of disclosing it.
may the dead not be forgotten,
and may the wounded
make a speedy recovery.
Mr. Gogol,
I imagine you will remember these
curious evenings on a farm near
Dikanka for a while yet.
See you in St. Petersburg!
1788 - 1829
Mr. Binkh was an honorable man.
Sadly, the concept of honor
has been rather lost lately.
Mr. Binkh always fought against evil
in all of its different forms.
He never compromised with it.
Honorable people come and go
yet evil remains unconquered.
It lives and grows.
Therefore, all that we can do
is simply hope
for God's judgement.
He will repay all people
according to their deeds.
I believe that He indeed will.
For what is the point of living
if you do not have faith?
Mr. Gogol!
I will
I will never forget you.
Thank you.
Vakula, take care of Vasilina.
God bless you.
I'll go and gather your things.
Farewell, Mr. Gogol.
Why farewell?
God willing,
we shall meet again, Doctor Bomgart.
Lately, I have become quite convinced
that God does not exist.
Though at times, I so want to believe
that he actually does.
This is for you.
To remember me by,
every so often.
Sir, seeing you like this
is killing me.
That's two weeks of drinking.
Couldn't you have gone to a ball,
had some food?
Won't you do something at last?
Leave me alone, Yakim.
Let me at least clear up a bit.
Yakim, just leave.
Oh, sir
you should take care of yourself.
Short stories
Thank you.
Could I have
a few words from the author?
Of course.
To whom?
Pushkin, is that you?
Of course! Who else?
You bitch!
Allow me introduce my friend
and companion in arms,
Mikhail Lermontov.
A young, and most promising poet.
- Hello
- Mr. Gogol,
I read your book not too long ago.
It was so amazing that I have still
not quite recovered my senses.
But I'm here on a different matter.
Does the name Mr. Guro
mean anything to you?
Perhaps you know something
of Count Benckendorff's secret society,
and his friends?
Unfortunately I do
Our fraternity
is fighting against him.
Would you be willing to join us?
A fraternity?
I'll explain it all over dinner,
and a case of Veuve Clicquot.
Let's go and eat, Mr. Gogol.
I'm absolutely ravenous.
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