Gokusen (2002) s01e08 Episode Script

You're his mother!

Shirokin Gakuin's Seven Mysteries.
Number three.
Over ten years ago,
a student killed himself in
the toilet on the second floor.
His spirit is said to haunt it.
When a senior heard the story,
he laughed and dismissed it
as just a rumor.
However, one day,
the senior went to the toilet on
the second floor to pee,
and then he washed
his hands in the sink.
And then,
when he glanced casually
at the mirror,
he saw
Shut up.
What are you guys doing?
Switch on the lights!
Come on, take that curtain down!
Don't just look at me!
What the heck?
It was the story's climax!
Exactly! Don't interrupt us!
Shut up! And it's self-revision
time now.
You do stuff like this straightaway
when I'm not looking.
Come on, do some revision
I shouldn't have listened.
Hey! That was dangerous.
What are you doing?
Please don't frighten me like that!
What? Look who's talking.
Why are you holding
such a large bag?
Oh. I'm going to a workshop
and staying there overnight.
Yeah, a training course
for school nurses
held by the
private schools association.
It's held once a year.
I'm so jealous! You get to go
to a hot spring, right?
But I can't drink any sake there.
Of course you can't!
I have to get ready, so, see you.
Wait for me.
Please wait for me!
What the heck? Why did you shout?
Gosh, you startled me
I thought you were ghosts.
Ghosts? What nonsense are you
talking about?
Ghosts do not exist!
Yeah, you're right.
Ghosts do not exist.
What? It's a child?
It's not a ghost.
My, my
A child?
- Don't go!
- Stop there!
- We'll go in two directions.
- Okay
- Have you seen a child?
- A child?
It's a boy who's around
seven years old.
I found him!
Found him?
Mr Washio, run after him!
Where is the boy?
What? What boy?
He just ran in here.
Where is he?
There was no one.
I think you saw a ghost.
I know I saw a boy!
Stand up, please.
Turn around
To the right!
But it's quicker this way.
Found him.
Put me down!
Put me down!
Is this your
Ms Kawashima, you are
His mommy
Ms Kawashima, I thought
you were single?
I am.
So you are a single mother?
Single mother?
What is this about?
You've never told me.
- My husband died last year.
- Husband?
He passed away?
Why did you hide it from us?
Well, nobody asked,
so I didn't say anything.
- I see
- Yeah.
You're remarkable!
Something so tragic happened,
but you are always cheerful,
and you never whine about it.
You are so young, but you are
raising this little boy alone
I am not raising him.
He lives with my late husband's
parents in Yamanashi.
Oh, I see
- So you don't live together?
- No.
Yuta, did you tell Grandpa and
Grandma that you were coming here?
Yeah, it's my school's foundation
anniversary, so it's a holiday.
I'm staying with you tonight.
Oh, but there is a problem
I have to go somewhere for work
and spend the night there.
Oh, you do?
- Mr Sawatari.
- Yes?
I am very sorry,
but today's workshop
You can't skip it. This workshop
is only held once a year.
If you cancel on the day,
they will label our school's
educational policy as problematic.
In that case, could any one of you
let him stay at your place tonight?
- Me?
- Yes.
No, not my place.
My house is too small!
- What about you, Mr Washio?
- No It's impossible.
I haven't got a futon.
No, I can't. Children are not
allowed in our apartment building.
- Mr Oyama?
- My Hamemon is afraid of children.
No, my wife hates children.
- Well
- You guys are shameful!
Why are you all so cold-blooded?
Are you telling him to
sleep on the street?
What if it rains in
the middle of the night?
What if he gets dragged into
something dangerous?
What if he gets attacked
by stray dogs?
If you think about how
a seven-year-old would feel
if he got kicked out at night
in this big city,
you wouldn't say anything
so heartless, would you?
Then why don't you let him
stay at your house? Right?
Thank you!
- You're a lifesaver!
- Wait
I was just talking to you all
about duty and humanity
Yuta, this lady is very nice,
so don't worry.
Thank you for letting me
stay with you, ma'am.
I'm glad to have you at my home,
Yuta, but
I am not that old.
I was worried it was just you guys
here, so I asked Sawada to come.
So make sure that you do not
let him know what our family is.
Yes, Missy
Guys, don't frown and make
yourselves look scary.
Listen, the catchphrase is "Smile".
So, smile.
Yes, Missy
Well, whatever.
And pay attention to
the way you talk.
Don't say anything that shows
that you are yakuza, okay?
Yes, Missy
Will they be all right?
Guys, go and play with Yuta.
Ms Kawashima?
Has Yuta been causing any trouble?
No, not at all.
I would like to thank your family,
too, would you let me talk to them?
What? Well
My whole family is shy, so
Perhaps you'd like to talk to Yuta?
Sorry, I'll call you later. Bye.
What are you doing?
- We shouldn't be doing this?
- Of course you shouldn't!
Really? We thought maybe
he could learn some kanji.
Of course he can't!
Well, do you have playing cards?
- We have something similar.
- Good. Let's play that.
Those are definitely
not playing cards!
- What?
- Don't ask me what.
Perhaps we could sing songs?
Good idea
Minoru, sing a song.
Please, stop him.
We give thanks to
all the lives here.
Bon appetit.
Bon appetit
What's the matter?
Little boy, don't be shy.
Eat as much as you want.
I hate fish.
Don't be so picky about your food!
I'm sorry.
It's awful.
What did you say?
I don't want to eat.
Sit down!
Someone cooked this food for you,
you should be grateful.
You have to eat what people give you
with a grateful heart!
- Yankumi.
- What?
- Let's have dinner, okay?
- Okay.
It's yummy!
Is it?
Good! Keep eating.
Good! You're a good boy, Yuta!
(Bathroom occupied)
That felt so good.
What? All three of them
fell asleep here.
You played this, huh?
Yuta kept asking Tetsu and Minoru
to play sumo wrestling with him,
so they're exhausted.
It's exhausting to take care
of a child.
It was even more exhausting when you
came to our family 16 years ago.
You were self-centered
and stubborn
Wait Grandpa! Don't say stuff
like that in front of Sawada!
Why not?
This little girl's words kept making
the adults run about in confusion.
But since you've come to our family,
the house has always been filled
with laughter.
Kumiko, it was you who taught us
that the more troubles we have,
the happier we can be.
Well, I have no idea whether you are
happy or not, of course.
Hey, look at him.
He looks adorable
when he's asleep.
Little boy, come and visit us again.
I will! This is for you.
Wow, it's his gratitude for a meal
and a room, huh?
Gratitude for a meal and a room?
To sum it up, it means
saying thank you.
Okay, let's go!
Take care.
Take care.
Little boy, take care!
See you
See you
Miss Yamaguchi!
Good morning
Good morning!
This is
Could he be your
What? No, he isn't.
He's Ms Kawashima's son.
His name is Yuta.
What a relief! He is not your son.
Good morning.
Oh, you are a good boy.
Let's walk together.
I used to come to this park often
with Mommy
and practice doing kick overs
on the horizontal bar.
Wow, did you?
But I still can't do it.
Don't worry, you'll do it one day.
- Right, Miss Yamaguchi?
- What?
Walking here like this,
maybe passers-by think that
we are a family.
We look like a family
from every angle.
Why is it you here?
Good morning. It's me.
Ms Kawashima?
I am leaving now, so I think
I'll arrive there by lunchtime.
What? Lunchtime?
What should I do?
How can you teach your class if
you're looking after a child?
This is not a primary school,
you know?
He is crying, Mr Sawatari!
Oh, my
This is horrible.
I feel sorry for him.
But I didn't do anything!
You reprimanded a helpless child
and made him cry.
That's child abuse!
Child abuse?
Oh, my
Fine, Miss Yamaguchi!
Just be responsible
and teach properly.
Thank you!
This is for you.
I don't want it.
It's for a meal and a room.
Mr Sawatari, why don't you take it?
Thank you.
- Okay, Yuta, let's go!
- Okay.
I would have preferred
salted mullet roe.
So, he will be staying in 3D
until Ms Kawashima gets back.
Thank you for having me.
Listen, guys.
Children imitate everything
that grown-ups do.
Bear in mind that you should
set an example for Yuta.
Okay, Yuta. You'll be sitting
at the back of the room.
Next to Sawada.
When did you two become friends?
- It's our secret, right?
- Yeah!
Okay, let's begin our lesson.
This is pretty good.
It's like a school.
It is a school.
Thank you!
Good morning!
Good morning
How are you?
I'm fine, thank you. And you?
Wow, you're so smart!
What are you doing?
Hey! Yuta!
Red light! Green light!
One, two, three!
Red light! Green light!
One, two, three!
- Welcome back!
- I'm back.
Have you been a good boy?
Yes! The guys here
were playing with me.
Were they? Thanks, guys.
Don't mention it. We had to.
Glad to hear that.
- Did you have fun?
- Yes!
You had fun, didn't you?
What games did you play?
Excuse me.
Ms Kikuno Kawashima
works here, doesn't she?
Yes, she does, but excuse me,
who are you?
I haven't introduced myself.
I am her father-in-law.
- Father-in-law?
- Yes.
Yuta, can you do a kick over
on a horizontal bar now?
Don't be so unhappy,
you will be able to soon enough.
- Yeah.
- We'll teach you how
Ms Kawashima.
Yuta's grandparents are in
the teachers' room.
They said that you took Yuta
with you without their knowledge,
and they are very angry.
It seems that Yuta did not tell them
that he was coming here.
Did you come without
telling Grandpa and Grandma?
Did you?
I am sorry.
Why did you do something
like that as you pleased?
I hate it when you lie.
You don't have to scold him
like that.
Yeah, Yuta came here to
see his mommy, right?
You have to understand him.
Yeah, you should
Yuta, come on.
You are going home with
Grandpa and Grandma.
You're letting him go now?
You haven't seen each other
in a long time, right?
Exactly, at least let him stay
with you today.
Let's go.
What's wrong with her?
She's horrible.
listen to what your grandparents say
and be a good boy.
Answer me.
Sorry for causing you worry.
Please take care of Yuta.
Sorry for making a fuss.
It's okay.
Take care.
When can we meet again?
When you can do a kick over
on a horizontal bar.
Okay. Let's go, Yuta.
Thank you for taking care of Yuta.
I feel sorry for the boy.
Do you know how he felt
when he came to see you
and how he felt when he went back?
Do you understand?
Yes, I do.
Then why did you let him go
so easily?
Aren't you being cold-hearted?
You let us down, Kawashima.
And you call yourself
a mother?
Why don't you live with him?
Don't say it so casually.
Is it so difficult?
That's none of your business!
Isn't it normal for a mother
to live with her son?
What do you guys know?
We don't.
Why did you leave your son
on his own?
We don't understand at all!
- We don't know
- Why?
The boy
The boy is not my own son!
Yuta is the son of
my late husband and his ex-wife.
I'd been living with him since
he was a year old until last year,
so he thinks that I am
his real mother,
but the boy and I are strangers!
When my husband died,
his parents said that they would
take custody of Yuta.
They said he would be happier
that way.
Yeah, of course he would.
After all, I am not his real mother.
He is much happier like this
rather than staying with me.
If he is,
then why did Yuta come to see you
and not tell his grandparents?
This is bad, Ms Kawashima!
Yuta has gone missing.
He's gone missing?
This is bad, guys!
I heard that Yuta's gone missing.
You're joking!
He doesn't want to go back.
He must miss Kawashima so much,
that he
Let's go look for him.
Hey! Wait a second!
- Stop running
- You're in our way.
Wait Hey!
Where are you all going? Come back!
Mr Sawatari, is this okay?
The guys in 3D never pay attention
in lessons anyway,
let them go and look for the boy.
- Let's divide into two groups.
- Okay! You guys go that way.
We'll go this way.
- Kashiwagi!
- Yes?
- Yuta has gone missing.
- What?
- Is anyone looking for him?
- I've arranged it.
We'll go look for him too.
Ms Kawashima, you go that way
with Miss Fujiyama.
- Yuta?
- This is not him at all.
Watch where you're going!
It hurts
Good lord! Where has
that silly Yuta gone?
Could he have
You made us all so worried.
You're injured?
I was hit by a bicycle.
Let's go to the hospital.
But I want to be able to do
a kick over on a horizontal bar.
Because Mommy said that I could
see her if I could.
Stop it.
Stop doing this, Yuta.
You've done enough, okay?
Let's go to the hospital.
Are you okay, Yuta?
(East Ikebukuro Memorial Hospital)
How is Yuta?
The nurse is treating his wounds.
Is he seriously injured?
Don't worry, they're just scratches
and some bruises.
What's the matter?
Yuta is waiting for you.
Where is Ms Kawashima?
She is at the entrance, but
She asked you to
take care of things.
What? What the heck?
That is ridiculous!
Ms Kawashima!
Wait a second!
You found him, so it's fine now.
Do you know where I found Yuta?
In a park. He was practicing doing
kick overs on a horizontal bar.
He said because if he could do one,
he could see his mommy.
This is my fault.
I shouldn't have promised him that.
I should not see him again.
It'd be better to sever
my ties with him.
This is for his own sake.
If one day, he finds out that
I am not his real mother,
the boy's heart will be hurt
even worse.
But Yuta knows.
He knows you are not
his biological mother.
Is your mommy the same person
who gave birth to you?
My mommy is not the person
who gave birth to me.
Yuta knows everything,
but he still calls you Mommy.
Sorry for causing you
so much trouble.
Thank you all so much.
We are going now.
- Goodbye.
- Excuse me.
I think we should wait for
Ms Kawashima.
No, I think we should just go home.
Whether you're related by blood
or not doesn't matter.
You were living
in the same place,
eating the same food
and breathing the same air.
You cried and laughed together.
Isn't it what family is?
I am not good enough
to be his mother.
Do you still not get it?
Does being a biological mother
matter so much?
You changed Yuta's diapers,
didn't you?
You took care of him all night
when he had a fever, didn't you?
What is that if it's not
what mothers do?
He appreciates it.
He thinks of you as his mother.
He does feel your love for him.
Yuta's mother is
right in front of me.
Isn't it the reason that Yuta
came here on his own?
Why don't you go and hold his hand?
Thank you very much
Thanks. Let's go, Yuta.
- Mommy!
- Yuta!
- Mommy!
- Yuta!
Does it hurt?
It's fine, because I wanted
to see you.
I want to stay with you.
Do you
Do you really want to stay with me?
I can't buy you video games
and toys like Grandpa does,
and I have to work all day,
so you have to stay at home alone
until I come home.
I don't want toys.
I won't complain about my food.
I can stay home alone, too.
I can stand all of that.
But, you know
I am not your real
But you are my mommy!
Dad, Mom.
I know it's self-centered of me.
Would you let me take care of Yuta?
If Yuta wants to stay with you
this much,
then we have to let him.
If you two are happy,
then perhaps it's better that way.
Please take good care of Yuta.
Thank you so much
You found Yuta? Thank you!
Glad to hear that!
What a relief!
Good grief
My goodness! A false alarm.
Is that so?
The little boy lives with
his mother now?
People can be family even though
they are not related by blood.
Yeah, that's true.
- Grandpa.
- Yeah?
I am very happy.
To be a member of this family.
Thank you.
You don't say thank you
to your family.
I see.
I am very happy too.
Yuta, tell us at once if you
need help in your new school.
Take good care of your mom!
Yankumi, can I come and visit you
at your home again?
He seems to have enjoyed it a lot.
Yes, they taught me
some interesting words!
Something like, "Howdy"!
What? Howdy?
We did some role playing and
we pretended to be yakuza.
I will go to this school
when I grow up!
We'll be waiting for you!
Come here again
But Kuma, you won't be here
when he gets here.
Kuma might be here.
He's here
He is, isn't he?
He's here
He's here
Go, go, Shirokin!
- Revenge?
- They expelled him from school.
- I'll ruin you.
- We won't let you go.
I just can't forgive that teacher!
You have to build your own future.
Stop complaining about
something that is over!
A, E, I, U, E, O, A, O
- Shirokin
- Sorry about him.
I'm cryingbecause I'm a girl!
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