Happy's Place (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Dear Jack

I know.
I wish I could get back home
to see you too.
But my sister makes
me work all the time.
Hey, can you pretend to be Bobbie
and tell me to get back to work?
Is a three legged-dog bad at hunting?
That's a yes.
Uh, sorry, I thought that was Bobbie.
Shoot, there she is!
[AS BOBBIE] Isabella,
how many times do I, Bobbie,
have to tell you
to get off that talky box?
I swear, if you ain't yacking,
you're just staring off
into space chewing ice.
- Gotta go.
Love you. Bye.
Did you hear that?
When Bobbie said "chewing ice,"
it sounded like "chewing ass."
Isn't that a coincidence?
'Cause that's what
I'm just fixin' to do.
Anyway, that was an
impression of my Uncle Bobbie.
So you want to tell me, the real Bobbie,
who we were talking to?
That was Jack, my boyfriend
Technically, he's still my boyfriend.
But in my mind, he's my ex.
I hear you.
I got one of those.
Except in my mind, he's my boyfriend.
And technically, he's my dentist.
Why don't we finish this in the office?
If we stay out here,
we might catch the crazy.
So why aren't you breaking up
with this guy, Jack?
Well, I am.
I'm doing the slow fade.
Isn't that a haircut?
It's where you break up
with someone gradually
instead of all at once,
like ripping off a Band-Aid real slow.
Which everyone knows,
that's the least painful way
of doing it.
Well, it's not as painful
as just blurting it out.
And I don't think he sees this coming.
Our relationship was fine, you know?
But you don't love him.
Not really.
Not enough to do long distance.
But I don't want to have
to look him in the eye
and tell him that.
Am I terrible?
No, not terrible, just inefficient.
Nobody likes the face-to-face.
That's why in my day,
we did the Dear John letter.
How long does your way take?
Oh, I've got another
two or three months still.
Ha! You send him one of these bad boys,
and you'll be broken up within the week.
It smells really nice.
Yeah, that's my perfume, Fantasy.
I spilled some in the drawer
where I used to keep them.
Well, these are nice,
but if I'm just writing a letter,
I could email him.
You're not just writing a letter.
This is 100% pure linen paper.
It says, "I care enough
to dump you with the very best."
Sounds like you've done this before.
Well, I hate to brag,
but I've been told that some of my exes
didn't even have to open the envelope.
They just knew
and quietly wept.
Those were good times.
So will you
Help you write the letter to Jack?
In my mind, it's already written.
Sometimes it feels
like a big ol' fight ♪
To get through the day ♪
And sleep on through the night ♪
But here you'll find a place ♪
That'll surely lift your spirits ♪
You belong at Happy's Place ♪
You guys are never gonna believe this.
This morning, I was using
"The Knoxville Shopper"
to line my broom closet when I saw
Wait, do you use any paper to do that,
or just "The Shopper"?
Girl, have we just met?
It has to be "The Shopper."
Anyway, I was
Is that because of
paper quality or content?
Not the story.
Please stop yelling.
I'm sorry.
I'm just excited
because there is a review
of Happy's Place in the paper.
- Ah!
- Cool. What does it say?
I don't know.
I waited so we could read it together.
How exciting.
Usually, when I'm written up,
the police are involved.
We know.
You've sent us the reports.
That's not something to brag about.
It is when you get to 10, yeah.
OK. Moving on. [CLEARS THROAT]
"With a slew of gastropubs
popping up in Knoxville
"featuring overpriced burgers
and watered-down drinks,
"Happy's Place is a hidden gem
that really lives up to its name."
Oh, my God.
I work at a hidden gem.
Good deal. I'm out.
Wait, wait, wait. This part's for you.
"The bar may take up the most space,
"but the heart of Happy's
is the kitchen.
"Chef Emmett serves a burger
that you cannot get
"anywhere else on the planet
because it's out of this world."
Mm. You may have
heard me say this before.
I'm out.
Fame hasn't changed him.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, OK.
What does it say about me?
Oh, here we go.
"While you're there, stop by the bar
"and get a beer from
Yep, yeah, it's OK.
The important thing is that
the tavern was recognized.
That's very mature of you, Abby.
Excuse me.
Bye, Abigail.
You read that before
you came in, didn't you?
I did, yes.
I've been feeling good this week.
Thanks again for helping me
with my breakup.
Oh, my pleasure.
[CHUCKLES] So much fun.
I mean, not fun,
because, you know, Jack's feelings.
- But wow.
I feel so close to you.
Nobody's ever asked me to help
them with their breakup before.
Well, they should, because
you're really good at it.
- Thank you.
- Isabella!
Hey, Jack.
- You're Jack?
- I'm Jack.
I'm out.
So you're Jack.
I'm Isabella's sister, Bobbie.
- Oh, you're Bobbie.
- Yeah.
I'll try not to chew ass,
because I know how you hate that.
I Yeah, I hate that.
Oh, right, Jack.
What are you doing here?
Didn't you get my letter?
I did.
And let me tell you, I have never been
so scared to open something in my life.
I mean, an actual letter
Who does that?
Someone classy.
You know, the first thing I thought
was you sent me a Dear John letter
because you wanted to break up.
Hmm, and why isn't that
what you think now?
Because of the perfume you put on it.
It was all so old-fashioned
and romantic.
I knew you were trying
to tell me something important.
Were there any words on that letter?
'Cause if there were, I'm sure
that'd clear it all up.
Not Not really.
They sounded like we should break up
because we live so far apart now,
but the perfume told me,
"Here's the reality,
but I want the fantasy."
I mean, come on.
The name of the perfume is Fantasy.
How did you know that?
My great-nana used to wear it.
Of course she did.
Who knew the way it smelled
would be so important?
Good thing I didn't send an email,
'cause you can't spray a scent on that.
Anyway, once I realized
how you were using juxtaposition,
everything else just fell into place.
Good thing I majored in English
so I could find your hidden meaning.
So, um, obviously, I know
what the hidden meaning is,
- because I wrote it.
- Yeah.
But what do you think it is?
That the reality of being so far apart
meant we had to break up,
so the fantasy would be that
I change our situation
so we don't have to.
Oh, no.
Tell me you didn't
Quit my job, give up my
apartment, and move to Knoxville?
I'll let my cologne give you the answer.
Do you understand what he means?
Because all I can think of is musk.
Jack's cologne is called Forever.
Because that's how long
we'll be together.
Whoever paid for his college
got ripped off.
What the heck?
You said the Dear John letter
would work.
Well, it always did for me.
But come to think of it,
none of my relationships were
as serious as yours.
Well, in one, we kind of grew apart
'cause we were nine.
It's fine.
I guess I'll just have
to break up with him
- face-to-face now.
- I can help you with that.
Yeah, sure.
Then maybe we'll end up married.
All right, time to get this over with.
Oh, you'll be fine, and so will he.
OK, thanks.
Time to go break some hearts!
Chewing ice.
Chewing ice, ice, ice, ice.
Gabby, you can kiss my ice.
Hey, Em.
What you doing?
Just doing my job.
And I'm not?
What, you think you're better than me?
I don't think I'm better than anyone.
Maybe Guy Fieri.
Yeah, I'm better than him.
Pretty full of yourself, huh?
Well, guess what.
I don't think your job is all that hard.
- Mm.
- Mm-hmm.
Order up, Steve's lunch.
Ooh, hamburger with a side of kale slaw.
Oh, oh, no.
That's gonna be so hard to make,
even in the heart of this place.
May I?
Go to town, Abby.
All right.
All right, how long has
this been on here, huh?
Some would guess a minute 20.
But looks more like
two and change to me.
OK, where do you keep your
oh, yeah, I'm not telling you.
Oh, hello.
Yes, please.
There we go.
Come with Gabby.
Yes. Oh, what's that?
You want a little more?
OK, you're a bad boy.
Ah. Uh-huh.
All right, a little bit
of Gabby's secret
OK. Oh. Oh, no, no.
There we go.
Order up.
Bite it.
I hate to say it, but this is delicious.
Emmett, you might have some competition.
Yeah, if you say so.
I'm gonna take this to the bar.
I prefer not to eat
standing up like a horse.
Well, not so important now, are you,
Mr. Knoxville Shopper?
I think I hear my delivery guy out back.
OK. Bye-bye.
Come back later.
I'll teach you how to make one
with cheese.
All right.
OK, what's your problem?
I don't see a reason to celebrate.
Um, I won.
How about that?
You made a good man
feel bad about his job.
I don't call that winning, Gabby.
But it's Emmett.
Emmett doesn't have feelings.
OK, he does.
So what?
I didn't feel good,
and I didn't want him
to feel good either.
I don't see the problem with that.
OK, I see the problem with that.
But I'm still a good person.
OK, I'm not.
I'll fix it.
Jeez, get off my back already.
Hey, Isabella, got us some cheesecake.
It was on sale.
Hope it's not expired.
Who am I kidding?
I'll eat it anyway.
Hang on, you two.
I'll go get the hose.
Bobbie, I'm so sorry.
I I didn't know
you'd be home this early.
You remember Jack.
Not as clearly as I'll remember him now.
I'm sorry for being
in your house like this
and on your couch like that.
This is awkward.
Do you have a bathroom I can hide in?
Yeah, right there.
That was weird.
I promise that won't happen again.
Good, 'cause I like
to sit on that couch.
I thought you were
breaking up with Jack.
Well, I was.
And I was about to do it, right?
But then you stuck
your tongue in his ear.
Only after I realized
I didn't have to break up with him.
There's nothing wrong with Jack.
He's perfectly fine.
And he moved here.
So why go through the drama
of ending things?
He's staying in Knoxville?
Not, like, in our house, but yeah.
What was that look?
Well, you said that
you were only staying with Jack
because it was comfortable.
Hmm, yeah?
What's wrong with that?
Well, what happens if something better
comes along while you're busy
being comfortable?
Better like what?
Like true love.
Oh, what's so funny?
Bobbie, when you grow up
with a single mom like mine,
you realize most relationships
are a hot mess.
The fact that I found something
even halfway decent with Jack
is good enough for me.
True love,
like I'm some kind of princess
or something.
Hey, Isabella, can you
come in here for a minute?
Hey, Bobbie, uh, is this quick?
I'm supposed to meet Jack
in a few minutes.
Do you know what this is?
- Cute bobblehead?
- Wrong.
It's an obnoxious bobblehead,
one of the 50 my late husband had.
He loved them.
I hated them.
Because you hate football?
No, I love football. Just
look at this tacky thing.
Uh, not sure why
you called me in here for this.
One day, Travis and I had
a hot mess of a fight.
And I locked myself
in our bedroom to cool off.
When I came out later that day,
I found every one of these stupid things
all around the house Everywhere.
I was spitting nails
until I saw the note.
It said, "I'm too mad to talk right now,
but I didn't want you to be alone."
That's so sweet.
You've made your decision
to keep seeing Jack.
And I respect that.
But I wanted you to know
that true love is an option.
And it's real.
Hey, Is. Sorry to interrupt.
You ready to go?
Top of the morning.
Hi, Emmett.
Gabby, get in here!
Ah, wow.
What the hell is this?
Well, it looks like somebody
went to a lot of effort
to make sure that you know
that you are appreciated.
I just want to be crystal clear,
in case you're angry,
which you appear to be,
that this somebody was not me.
I did it.
No, you didn't.
Why would you say that?
I'm exhibiting bravery
to contrast with you.
Why would you do that?
To show you that I respect you.
I only tried to show you up
because I was jealous that
they said that you were
the heart of Happy's Place.
But, Emmett, you are.
Well, first of all, I appreciate
the flammable decorations
hanging over an open flame.
Point taken. Secondly?
Secondly, I wasn't plunged
into a pit of self-doubt
because you cooked a good hamburger.
And the burger was nice.
Thank you. I think the secret is
- I'm not done.
- Yep. Mm-hmm.
I am not the heart of this place.
Well, you're very kind.
But I don't think that I am either.
- You're not.
- Oh.
OK. Pain. [SCOFFS]
Steve isn't.
Neither is Takoda.
Well, Takoda might be.
No, I'm not.
Teacher's pet.
And it's not even Bobbie.
OK, well, what is
the heart of this place?
Not one of us, all of us.
We each do our jobs, yeah.
But what makes this place
special is people
can sense we care about each other.
We're family.
And because we're family,
I'm going to tell you guys
something from the bottom of my heart.
Get all this crap out of my kitchen.
I thought you were going out with Jack.
I was.
But then I broke up with him.
You broke up with him, for real?
To his face?
To his face.
To his sad, hurt puppy-dog face
that got all red and blotchy
right before he cried.
I didn't think you were
gonna break up with him.
What changed your mind?
Well, somebody gave me the idea
that true love is out there.
And I don't know, I guess I believe her.
Thanks a lot.
Wait, you're mad?
Well, yeah.
Now that I believe true love exists,
I don't want to settle
for anything less.
And And what if it
never comes around?
I'm I'm terrified.
Oh, honey, up until a few months ago,
I didn't know you'd come around,
but here you are, day in and day out,
keeping me on my toes,
delivering a ton of joy.
You mean it?
Of course I do.
You know, life has a funny way
of working things out
once you're open to it.
You did a very brave thing today.
And I know in my heart of hearts,
you're gonna be rewarded for it.
Thanks, Bobbie.
Hmm. Oh.
You're a great big sister.
Well, I've caused you a lot of drama
these last couple of days.
But I do my best.
You want to go get a drink?
Is a three-legged dog bad at hunting?
Gabby said that means yes.
We were born before the wind ♪
Also younger than the sun ♪
Ere the bonnie boat was won ♪
As we sailed into the mystic ♪
Hark now, hear the sailors cry ♪
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