Hawaii Five-0 s01e08 Episode Script
Mana'o (Belief)
Thank you on behalf of our amazing Samoan fire dancers and our Tahitian hula girls.
Now it's finally time to unearth the traditional Kalua pig.
This scrumptious Hawaiian delicacy is seasoned and cooked for 12 hours under layers of banana leaves and hot stones.
The result is a wonderful flavor that can't be duplicated, except by this ancient Hawaiian technique.
Get your cameras ready.
On the count of three.
One, two, th [PEOPLE GASPING.]
Okay, Monkey, I want you to wipe that sad face off.
We are gonna find her, I promise.
You have my word.
Okay? Don't worry about it.
I'm sorry I lost her.
What are you talking about? You didn't lose her.
Let me explain some to you what happened.
Dolphin trainer Annie, she just got out of bed in the middle of the night because she was thirsty, so she went to get a glass of water.
But the problem is she couldn't find her way back to bed.
I'm starting to think she does that every time she's here, but that is fine, because good news for you and good news for her is that I am a detective, a very good detective.
So don't worry.
We're in good hands.
- That your mom? - Mm-hm.
Would you tell her we got an emergency? Okay? Hold on.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Ma'am, is this your missing person? Yeah? Give me a smile.
Okay, here you go.
Come on.
Let's go.
Excuse me.
Can I have my hug please? Come here.
Thank you.
Hey, I want you to remember something, okay? Always.
- Danno loves you.
- Love you too.
Give me a kiss.
Can't be a dolphin trainer without the dolphin.
Monkey! Hey! Hey, Amy.
- Danny, I had to see you.
- Yeah, what's the matter? It's Meka.
What? He's dead, Danny.
So yesterday, I heard that it was a cop, but, jeez, I had no idea.
You couldn't have known.
They needed dental records to identify his body.
Where's Billy? With his grandparents.
He's so confused, Danny.
He knows his father is gone, but beyond that, I don't know what to tell him.
You know, Amy, anything you need, I'm here for you.
You know that.
Meka always said you were the best partner he ever had.
Yeah, for a haole anyway.
It wasn't like that.
He liked working with you because you had fresh eyes.
Good instincts.
And he said you were always direct with him.
He trusted you with his life.
What about the investigation? Does H.
have any suspects? No, I wouldn't know.
has kept their distance.
Even the people I thought were Meka's friends.
What do you mean? That's why I'm here.
They're not telling me anything.
- Amy, that doesn't make any sense.
- None of this does.
When I called to ask about the funeral arrangements, - they told me they're still pending.
- They're pending? Pending what? I don't know.
Every time I call to follow up, they give me the runaround.
It's like something's going on.
Something they're not telling me.
My husband sacrificed his life for the job.
And the way he died I just I need to know that there's someone out there looking for the people who did that to him.
There is.
There is now.
CHIN HO: Official COD is two shots to the chest, close contact.
Everything else was postmortem.
All right, close contact.
Might have been someone he knew.
- What about the slugs? - Forty-fives.
- Ballistics has them.
No hits yet.
- I checked with the luau organizers.
They imu pit was dug and prepped the night before.
The ME's guess was the body was put there between 4 and 5 a.
So no witnesses? Somebody actually had to dig up a pig and replace it with Meka's body.
Nobody saw anything? I find that very hard to believe.
I'll tell you, killing a cop like that, putting his badge in his mouth, that's no average street crime.
That's someone sending a message.
Well, I wanna know who sent it.
Could relate to something Meka was working on.
All right, Chin, you and Kono go to Meka's house, talk to his wife.
Her name's Amy.
Her son's name is Billy.
See if Meka left any of his case work at the house.
Danny and I will follow up at H.
CHIN HO: Who's the lead detective on the case? A sergeant named Cage.
- Cage? You sure? - Yeah.
Why, you know him? Yeah, but Cage isn't Homicide.
He's a headhunter.
Internal Affairs.
Cage, I mean, you are a prince.
A cop gets murdered and burned in a pit, and you are out here practicing your swing.
How I choose to spend my lunch hour is my business.
Some people relieve stress by lifting weights, others run.
I hit tiny little white balls a very long way.
Why is Internal Affairs running a homicide investigation? More importantly, where do you get the stones big enough to mess with a fallen officer's memorial service? - Can you tell me that? - Look, Detective Williams, I understand where you're coming from.
You knew the victim.
Rest assured we're investigating Detective Hanamoa's murder - to the best of our ability.
- Good.
So you got witnesses, suspects, leads? I'm not at liberty to say.
Look, the governor has given us full authority and jurisdiction.
So whatever you do have I know all about your Five-0 task force.
And that you forced yourself onto this case.
But this is an Internal Affairs matter involving an officer suspected of corruption.
We'll handle this What did you say? What? Corruption? - What the hell is the matter with you? - Danny.
You got evidence to back that up? - Off the record? - Yeah, sure, off the record.
Last few months, alarming number of Detective Hanamoa's cases seem to fall apart at the 11th hour.
I'm talking raids getting blown, leads drying up, busts coming up empty.
Okay, stop.
I knew this guy.
All right? He was a good cop.
He was a clean cop.
Believe what you want.
I said too much already.
McGARRETT: We wanna see the case files.
CAGE: They're sealed by court order.
Okay, all right.
Then give us a name, all right? A number.
I'll settle for a haiku.
Just point us in a direction.
- Good day, gentlemen.
- Okay.
You know what? This is why everybody hates Internal Affairs.
Because you are useless.
It's not even worth it.
I'm gonna go talk to some real cops.
Detective Williams, I'm warning you, let us handle this.
Hey, you know what? Meka was his friend.
Then he should recuse himself.
When you know the victim, it clouds your judgment.
Spare your friend some pain.
The more he learns, the worse he's gonna feel.
Trust me.
AMY: I'm so grateful Danny sent help.
What kind of things are you looking for? A cell phone or a laptop.
Anything that your husband might have used for work.
He had his cell phone on him.
That's okay.
We can run his records with that.
What about a computer? Meka's laptop is in the den.
He was on it all the time for work.
- Do you mind? - No, no, go ahead.
I know this is hard, but did Meka have any enemies? Get any threats of any kind? Not that I know of.
He'd been pretty quiet the last month.
Like he gets when he locks onto a case.
But now knowing about this IA thing, I guess he was probably stressed.
He didn't wanna tell us.
Just because IA accused Meka of something doesn't make it true.
Have you dealt with them before? Unfortunately, yeah.
McGARRETT: Is this Meka's desk? Yeah.
Hey, Ahuna, what happened to all of Meka's stuff? IA cleared it out yesterday.
Cage is a vulture.
You know what Meka was working on? No clue.
Sorry, gotta go.
DANNY: "Sorry, gotta go.
" - Know what Meka was working on? - No.
You? You know what Meka was working on? Nobody? What was Meka working on, huh? Twelve years, the guy wears a badge, and you're all looking at me like you don't know who he is? I need someone to help me out here.
- Kaleo, right? - Yeah.
- You work with Meka before? - I'm in the middle of something.
I know, you're in the middle of not answering my question.
You got issues, take it up with IA, because we got a gag order here.
And around here, we follow orders.
Understand? Yeah.
Yeah, I understand.
- What do you got? - Meka's cell records.
Found something odd.
The night before he died, he booked a flight out.
- Where to? - Singapore.
He was flying there next week.
All right, talk to Amy, see if maybe they were going on a family vacation.
I already did.
He only bought one ticket.
Amy had no idea.
Well, see you can recover his e-mails.
See who he was gonna see there, where he was staying.
- Anything.
- Got it.
- What? What are you thinking? - I'm Guy books a flight out of the country the night before he's murdered.
- It just makes me wonder.
- Makes you wonder what? That he knew it was coming.
Okay, can you please just do me a favor? - Don't go there.
- Just level with me.
- You didn't think of that for a second? - No, I didn't, all right? You want to think, think about Kaleo, getting answers from him.
- These questions give me a migraine.
- Take it easy.
Okay, I'm easy.
KALEO: Singapore? No, I never heard Meka mention it.
Why? Thought it might have something to do with an active case.
KALEO: Honestly, I don't know anything about it.
I just know that no one deserves to go out like that.
You hear why Internal Affairs is after him? People talk.
Who knows? Some guys like Ahuna think he was on the take.
Others say he got too close and it got him killed.
Too close to what? Ever hear of the Ochoa Cartel? New up-and-comers in the coke trade, turned the Texas border into a war zone.
Why? You think Ochoa's people are here? All I know for sure, when Ochoas move in on new territory, they don't just hit people.
They like to send a message.
Like roasting a pig at a luau? Tell you what, if this Ochoa thing is for real, it makes complete sense why Cage is putting this whole thing on lockdown.
I mean, a high-profile case like this could boost his career.
What's with the face? - I don't have a face.
- Yes, you do.
You have a face, okay.
I am a detective.
It's what I do.
I read people.
- All right.
- You, my friend, have a face.
I wanna ask you something, but I know it's gonna piss you off.
- Would you not be so judgmental? - I'm not.
You treat me like I can't think objectively.
- I can think objectively.
- Really? - Yes, really.
Ask away.
- Okay.
Did you and Meka ever have any issues? Any issue? No, no issues, Oprah.
It's just that Cage said something that's really been bugging me.
- About a leak in the department.
- Okay, he never said that, first of all.
Second, Cage couldn't find a leak if someone took one on his head.
Okay, maybe.
But remember Sang Min, the human trafficker that we took down? No, it doesn't ring a bell.
Yeah, I remember him.
Almost got Kono killed undercover.
Thank you, okay.
Sang Min took a photo of Kono.
He sent it to somebody in H.
who ID'd her as a cop.
- So, what are you implying? - I'm not implying anything.
I'm asking for your objective opinion as a detective.
Is it possible that person could have been Meka? - No, not possible.
- It's not possible? - Zero chance? - What are you doing? - Are you taking Cage's side here? - I'm not, Danny.
I'm just saying maybe it's worth a trip to Halawa Correctional to get Sang Min to tell us who his inside man was.
Sang Min should have told us where Hoffa was.
We grilled the guy for 72 hours.
We offered him plea bargains.
Now he's doing life, he's gonna answer the same question? Are we gonna say "pretty please"? It's not worth a trip to find out? Our job is to go after the suspect, not the victim.
Not the previously convicted, the suspect.
He deals drugs and he's dangerous.
That's what I'm gonna focus on, okay? I'm so glad you're not a hothead.
I would hate to work with someone like that.
Your detective friend Kaleo wasn't kidding.
The Ochoa Cartel doesn't fool around.
This is a car bomb that exploded on the steps of a courthouse in Juarez.
This is a cop burned in a roll of rubber tires at Oaxaca.
And these federales, they were the first to be found with their badges in their mouths.
Just like Meka.
Did you get anything off Meka's laptop from the house? The hard drive was wiped clean.
I'm running a sweep on it for deleted files.
According to the DEA, one of the family's top lieutenants, a guy by the name of Emilio Ochoa, is the one responsible for the hits.
- So if he's here - I want him.
- Question is how do we get to him? McGARRETT: Through his product.
We find Ochoa's distributor on this island.
If we're looking for a new player on the coke market, you know who we gotta see.
How's it, Chin? Good to see you.
My two favorite overdressed white boys.
How's it, brothers? - Oh, bro, this cart is the kind.
- It's the future kind.
It's what the tycoon's refer to as a franchise.
No more brick, no more mortar.
That's old-school.
We were wondering if you had a line on a different kind of distribution franchise coming into Oahu.
We're not talking about shaved ice.
More like snow.
DANNY: Okay, let me guess.
Let's have three snow cones and a couple oversized T-shirts.
How about that? Help you with your franchise.
It's not about the funds, bro.
This is dangerous territory we're treading into.
- Brother could get hurt.
- Somebody already did get hurt.
He was a friend of mine.
Understand? Hey, how about a little kokua, bro? We could sure use the name of the new connect in town.
You guys like modern art? So this is the apocalypse of Eden through the eyes of a misanthropic d - Deity or "deity"? - Whatever.
DANNY: It's appropriately named.
Grace used to do stuff like this when she was in kindergarten.
Maybe she's got a future in art.
Yeah, I was hoping she'd move past finger-painting onto bigger and better things.
Twenty-five thousand for this? No way.
This is a Clifton Bowles original.
Oh, you don't believe me? Bing it.
I will.
Who knew you were such an art connoisseur? Remember, the best front operation is one that actually does legit business.
Think I just spotted our gatekeeper.
We just gotta get her to show us the guy behind the curtain.
Looks like we need a magic card.
Hey, D.
- Check it out.
- All right.
Oh, hey, man, watch where you're going.
- You almost spilled my drink.
- Sorry, buddy.
You all right? Sorry.
WOMAN 1: There you are.
WOMAN 2: Hi.
Nice timing.
WOMAN 3: Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Like what you see? - Yeah, it's hard not to.
- This one is very conceptual.
- Are you interested in this piece? My friend and I are in the high-volume resale business.
MAN: Know where your toes are? Good.
Look what she's doing.
That's your knee.
Yeah! Oh, sorry.
Okay, where is it? Come on.
Yes! - One moment.
- Sure.
BASTILLE: Hold it right You Give it to me.
Get down.
So, uh, just a question.
If things go bad, which one of these guys do you want? - I'll take the ugly one.
- Oh, that's good.
They're both ugly.
BASTILLE: All right, good.
Okay, get out.
Get out, get out.
- What? BASTILLE: Out, out, out.
Hey, gentlemen.
Shall we have a little chat? DANNY: Yes, we'd love that.
But maybe in private would be better.
Get out! Get out of here! Bye-bye.
Now we're having fun.
We're just having a good old time.
I don't know who you are.
I've never seen you before.
- We just came in from out of town.
And would this be the first piece you are purchasing from us? Yeah, here.
And by "piece," you mean a key, right? I mean, for those of us not into art.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about, um, at all.
In case you wanna by a piece, it's simple.
Here's how it works.
Seventy-five percent down, No problem at all.
But we would prefer to pay Ochoa directly.
He's in town, right? You guys need to get out of here right now.
Right now.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Did we say something wrong? No, I just don't like you.
- Freeze.
- Hands up.
- Put the gun down, get on your knees.
DANNY: Good? McGARRETT: No problem.
KONO: Lie down.
CHIN HO: On the ground, please.
See that? Where is Ochoa? I'm not saying a word.
Not one single word.
You wanna do it the hard way, should've just said so.
Just for the record, if I pulled something like this, you'd read me the riot act about proper police procedure.
No, I'd probably just arrest you.
When compared to this, hanging a guy off a roof and throwing a guy in a shark cage is pretty tame.
No, I disagree.
The shark cage was way worse than this.
Well, whatever.
You're wrong.
I'm just saying to be clear, next time, I get a free pass.
Okay? McGARRETT: How you feeling? Did the ride kick-start your memory at all? You're insane.
Where is Ochoa? I can't I can't.
All right.
It's fine.
Let's take him around again.
- Hell, no.
- You know what? Let's loosen these a little bit.
He'll slide more.
- Good idea.
DANNY: We got a full tank of gas.
- We could do this all night.
- Wait, wait.
No, no! There's a shipment coming in tomorrow.
Ochoa is meeting me at Waialua at the old coffee plantation.
Okay, how is Ochoa smuggling cocaine on shore without getting busted? He has a man inside H.
Tells him every single move the cops make.
- Who is it? - I have no idea.
I do not know.
He's the only one that knows.
Ochoa is the only one that knows.
I swear.
- Sure about that? - Absolutely sure.
I swear.
CHIN HO: You guys get Bastille to talk? Uh, yeah.
Danny gave him a little nudge.
All right, according to our middleman, Ochoa is bringing in a big shipment - tomorrow night.
- We'll be there when it happens.
On Meka's computer, anything about who he would see in Singapore? No.
But in his deleted Internet history, there's a cloud site he visited frequently.
- You tapped into the offsite server? - Oh, yeah.
Wire transfers.
Six-figure transactions from an Ochoa shell corporation in Mexico to an encrypted account in Singapore.
That explains why he was gonna go there next week.
- Why? I don't get it.
- Singapore is like the new Switzerland.
It's one of the few places post 9/11 that didn't change its banking confidentiality laws.
So they can actually hide the account holder's ID, - even from the authorities.
- Okay, so Meka was on a money trail.
He's going there, lean on the bank, try to find out the account holder is.
Yeah, or Meka was the account holder and he was looking to run.
Yeah, or that.
I know you like to remind me I'm not a cop - You're not.
- Whatever.
But I know enough to realize that where there's smoke "Where there's smoke"? Should we write that on the wall? "Where there's smoke"? "Your Honor, he's guilty.
Why? There's smoke.
" Busts gone bad, wire transfers, hidden accounts, a ticket to Singapore his wife didn't know anything about.
- I mean, Danny, I'm just saying.
- Meka is taking money from Ochoa.
And then he just decides to leave the country.
Why? Maybe because IA was closing in on him.
Ochoa couldn't afford Meka getting caught and talking, so he had him killed.
And this is based on what, an IA witch hunt? You know what? I'm done.
How about that? If my word is not good enough for you, then I do not know what I'm doing here.
CHIN HO: Hey, JJ, set me up.
And one more for my buddy here.
Good timing.
His old man was the same way, you know.
They got this laser focus embedded in their DNA.
That's why it's good sometimes to remind them their way isn't the only one that works.
Right now somewhere, Steve just twitched.
He'll come around.
Thank you.
Thank you.
By the way, I really admire what you're doing for Meka.
Well, it's the same thing anybody would do.
I wish that were true, bro.
Would've saved me a lot of grief.
Truth is when a bully like Cage goes on the attack, most guys back down.
They get so quiet, you'd think their mouths were glued shut.
Yeah, well, it makes me sick no one stuck up for you.
Cage comes hard, bro.
He was convinced I was on the take, so he convinced everyone else of it too.
The lengths he went to to try and expose me.
You know, he tapped my phones.
He went through my garbage.
Talked to my lieutenants, my old partner.
He kept digging and digging until he could find any weakness, anything he could exploit.
Eventually, he put a cloud of guilt so thick over my head, he turned my desk into a ghost town.
The loneliest place on earth is where no one believes you.
All right.
I got your back now, buddy, all right? And I'm in your corner So you tell me what you need.
I need to clear Meka's name.
So I think I gotta listen to McGarrett.
I gotta go see somebody.
You You look horrible, Sang Min.
Been in solitary for 30 days.
What's your excuse? Must be all the sunshine I'm getting on the outside.
So just you? Where is that little hottie surfer girl who set me up? She's busy, but she did ask me to punch you in the mouth for her.
- Still spicy, huh? - Yeah.
You done? Relax.
I can't touch her for at least another 20 years.
I need a name, Sang Min.
How's your family, detective? You have a daughter, right? You see her enough? I will come back for a social visit next week.
But right now, I need that name.
I didn't talk before.
What makes you think I'm gonna start now? Don't say Hey, hey, don't say anything.
Look at this picture.
Just nod.
Nod yes or no.
Is this him? - I'm done here.
- Hold on.
Pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone.
Was Meka Hanamoa the one feeding you inside information? Was he your mole on the inside? Was he your mole in the police department? Why so important to you? Because he was a friend of mine.
All right? And this is what happened to him.
He's got a wife and a young son.
And now they are on their own.
Now, that's gotta hit home for you.
is gonna cut his family off from all the benefits he earned.
They're gonna put them on the street, all because of what they think he did.
So I'm asking you.
Was it him? Look at the photo.
If you want me to risk my safety, detective, then I set the terms of our deal before I tell you anything.
What do you want? Thanks.
Sang Min? He give you anything? - What are you doing here? - I came to ask you a question.
If it's to the prom, I already have a date.
- But I'm flattered.
Thank you.
- That's funny.
Look, man, I know you're pissed.
I'm just trying to figure out if it's because they told you Meka was dirty or because you found he actually was dirty and you didn't know about it.
Okay, listen to me.
This is not an ego thing.
Okay? This is about Meka.
He would not move off to Singapore and leave his wife and his kid, you understand? I know that because he was my friend.
He was my partner.
Right, but what is it you cops always say? - "Don't ignore the evidence.
" - Okay.
All right, then let me ask you a question.
Let's say IA accused me of skimming off a drug book.
And they showed you a stack of evidence that suggests that I did it.
Would you believe them? - No, I wouldn't.
- Why not? Exactly.
- Okay.
- Yeah? Okay what? Okay, we can move on, okay.
- We got a location on Ochoa? - Uh-huh.
We gotta take down the plan.
McGARRETT: We appreciate you wanting to help, Detective Kaleo.
The name of the game is stealth.
Okay? Ochoa.
He has a meeting on the books with his middleman Bastille right here.
An old coffee plantation.
We'll make sure the meeting happens as planned.
Except Bastille will have a couple new bodyguards? - Exactly.
CHIN HO: So nobody makes a move until we see the coke and the deal is in play.
We do this by the book or the charges don't stick.
Yeah, no cowboy crap, all right? We need him alive and able to speak.
- What about SWAT or air support? McGARRETT: No.
Ochoa senses any backup, he'll be in the wind.
What the hell do you think you're doing? Hey, sergeant.
It's called police work.
I got a book, explain the whole thing to you.
Word in Narcotics is you're going after Ochoa.
That true? - I'm not at liberty to say.
- Listen to me, detective.
I've been working with the DEA on a RICO case for months.
So if you're going after Ochoa, I'm coming.
Hey, in my office, you listen to me.
DEA? What are you talking about? They approached H.
about a number of blown Narco cases.
Cases specifically involving your friend Meka and Emilio Ochoa.
Then for some reason Meka got himself killed.
We think he got greedy.
You think he was gonna take down Ochoa.
I wanna know which one of us is right.
Don't you? Well, I was just starting to get used to myself.
By the way, just so we're all aware, Ochoa is gonna kill us.
Shut up, you, okay? Or you're surfing the hood again.
This time with no cords.
Preferable to your current plan.
At least I have some chance of surviving.
McGARRETT: Just be cool, okay? Your picking up a shipment isn't out of the ordinary.
- You got it? - All right, listen, Van Gogh.
All you gotta do is get Ochoa to show us the goods and then we will take care of the rest.
You understand? What are you smirking at? Nothing, just The no-tie thing, I like it.
Starting to look like you actually fit in.
Yeah, well, don't get used to it, okay? We want him to talk.
We need him alive.
Yeah, I know.
Don't quote me to me.
Emilio, you're looking sharp as usual.
What is that? Armani or Xeniya or? Whatever it is, it really looks great.
OCHOA: You got what we agreed on? BASTILLE: Yeah.
Of course.
OCHOA: Let's go, then.
Throw the bag over.
Why are you sweating? - Nervous? - No, it's 110 degrees out here.
And I've got thin blood.
And I didn't put deodorant on today.
The heat is just killing me, man.
Yeah, of course.
But business is good? - Oh, yeah.
It's booming.
OCHOA: Booming? - That's excellent.
- Yeah.
- I see you have new men.
- Oh, yeah.
Their names? Christopher and Wallace.
You know, I didn't expect to be meeting new people.
I won't do that again, I guess.
Anyway, it's great to see you and So if we're done here I don't like new people.
You know that.
I can't do this.
Freeze, H.
! KONO: There goes Ochoa.
KALEO: I got him.
What happened, huh? We needed him alive.
What happened? He drew on me.
I had no choice.
I'm sorry, Danny.
Yeah, there's not gonna be a trial.
They said they'd pay for the basic costs of the funeral, but they won't do the whole ceremony.
I know.
I know, me neither.
All right, listen, I'll come by in a couple hours, okay? - Amy.
- Yeah.
I'm not done with this.
I'm not.
I know you're not.
Neither are we, man.
We gotcha.
Coroner report is back.
Ballistics confirmed that the.
45 on Ochoa - was the same gun used to kill Meka.
- And there's something else.
Check out the circular marks around the bullet holes.
- Muzzle burns.
KONO: According to the ME, Kaleo had to be pretty close to leave marks like that.
That's not self-defense.
Looks more like an execution to me.
Why didn't Ochoa shoot if Kaleo was that close to him? Maybe Ochoa didn't feel like Kaleo was a threat because he knew him.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Or it wasn't Ochoa's.
Kaleo planted that gun on Ochoa after he killed him.
Oh, that was mean.
I don't know how the hell it happened.
Ochoa had me dead.
I just was lucky to get the first shot off.
DANNY: Lucky? You know, it takes a lot more than luck to do what you did, to pull off what you pulled off.
I mean, I'm actually impressed.
What are you talking about? Let me ask you a question, because I'm just curious.
With Ochoa dead and this case closed, does it bother you at all that IA still thinks Meka is the mole? I don't wanna believe it, but if they got evidence Evidence.
Funny thing about that.
- What's this? - Records of wire transfers from Ochoa to an account in Singapore.
You see, Meka was on his way to meet authorities there to get them to release the identity of the account holder.
So? What's that got to do with me? Everything, considering the account was yours.
Get the hell out of my face.
The case is over.
We got the guy.
You have been selling out this department for months.
Selling out these guys to anybody willing to pay the price, all right? Meka found out about it.
My friend found out about it, so you shot him.
You shot him and you threw him in a fire pit.
Then you killed Ochoa.
Then you planted the gun on him so it would look like he killed Meka.
And what you did Look at me.
What you did was impressive, because you thought you cleaned everything up.
But you made one mistake, because you're stupid.
That's him.
You killed my friend.
Sit down.
All right, Danny.
I'll give you a minute to talk to them if you want.
I've caused my wife and son enough pain.
But thank you.
For keeping your word.
I found that last night.
The ceremony today and all those people showing up, it was lovely.
It meant everything.
And Meka deserved it.
Thank you.
Come here.
You okay? CAGE: Mrs.
The Honolulu Police Department offers its deepest and sincerest apologies for your loss.
Your husband will be remembered for giving his life in the line of duty and protecting the island of Oahu.
Detective Williams.
Sergeant Cage.
Hey, buddy.
I got something for you.
Hey, your dad was a great, great man.
I want you to remember that always, okay? All right, come on.
I'm glad they came.
Excuse me one second.
- What are you guys doing here? - We came to pay our respects.
- You all right? - Yeah, thank you.
- Hey.
- Thanks.
I appreciate you being here.
I know you didn't know him.
I know you.
Thank you.
Come on.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Thank you on behalf of our amazing Samoan fire dancers and our Tahitian hula girls.
Now it's finally time to unearth the traditional Kalua pig.
This scrumptious Hawaiian delicacy is seasoned and cooked for 12 hours under layers of banana leaves and hot stones.
The result is a wonderful flavor that can't be duplicated, except by this ancient Hawaiian technique.
Get your cameras ready.
On the count of three.
One, two, th [PEOPLE GASPING.]
Okay, Monkey, I want you to wipe that sad face off.
We are gonna find her, I promise.
You have my word.
Okay? Don't worry about it.
I'm sorry I lost her.
What are you talking about? You didn't lose her.
Let me explain some to you what happened.
Dolphin trainer Annie, she just got out of bed in the middle of the night because she was thirsty, so she went to get a glass of water.
But the problem is she couldn't find her way back to bed.
I'm starting to think she does that every time she's here, but that is fine, because good news for you and good news for her is that I am a detective, a very good detective.
So don't worry.
We're in good hands.
- That your mom? - Mm-hm.
Would you tell her we got an emergency? Okay? Hold on.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Ma'am, is this your missing person? Yeah? Give me a smile.
Okay, here you go.
Come on.
Let's go.
Excuse me.
Can I have my hug please? Come here.
Thank you.
Hey, I want you to remember something, okay? Always.
- Danno loves you.
- Love you too.
Give me a kiss.
Can't be a dolphin trainer without the dolphin.
Monkey! Hey! Hey, Amy.
- Danny, I had to see you.
- Yeah, what's the matter? It's Meka.
What? He's dead, Danny.
So yesterday, I heard that it was a cop, but, jeez, I had no idea.
You couldn't have known.
They needed dental records to identify his body.
Where's Billy? With his grandparents.
He's so confused, Danny.
He knows his father is gone, but beyond that, I don't know what to tell him.
You know, Amy, anything you need, I'm here for you.
You know that.
Meka always said you were the best partner he ever had.
Yeah, for a haole anyway.
It wasn't like that.
He liked working with you because you had fresh eyes.
Good instincts.
And he said you were always direct with him.
He trusted you with his life.
What about the investigation? Does H.
have any suspects? No, I wouldn't know.
has kept their distance.
Even the people I thought were Meka's friends.
What do you mean? That's why I'm here.
They're not telling me anything.
- Amy, that doesn't make any sense.
- None of this does.
When I called to ask about the funeral arrangements, - they told me they're still pending.
- They're pending? Pending what? I don't know.
Every time I call to follow up, they give me the runaround.
It's like something's going on.
Something they're not telling me.
My husband sacrificed his life for the job.
And the way he died I just I need to know that there's someone out there looking for the people who did that to him.
There is.
There is now.
CHIN HO: Official COD is two shots to the chest, close contact.
Everything else was postmortem.
All right, close contact.
Might have been someone he knew.
- What about the slugs? - Forty-fives.
- Ballistics has them.
No hits yet.
- I checked with the luau organizers.
They imu pit was dug and prepped the night before.
The ME's guess was the body was put there between 4 and 5 a.
So no witnesses? Somebody actually had to dig up a pig and replace it with Meka's body.
Nobody saw anything? I find that very hard to believe.
I'll tell you, killing a cop like that, putting his badge in his mouth, that's no average street crime.
That's someone sending a message.
Well, I wanna know who sent it.
Could relate to something Meka was working on.
All right, Chin, you and Kono go to Meka's house, talk to his wife.
Her name's Amy.
Her son's name is Billy.
See if Meka left any of his case work at the house.
Danny and I will follow up at H.
CHIN HO: Who's the lead detective on the case? A sergeant named Cage.
- Cage? You sure? - Yeah.
Why, you know him? Yeah, but Cage isn't Homicide.
He's a headhunter.
Internal Affairs.
Cage, I mean, you are a prince.
A cop gets murdered and burned in a pit, and you are out here practicing your swing.
How I choose to spend my lunch hour is my business.
Some people relieve stress by lifting weights, others run.
I hit tiny little white balls a very long way.
Why is Internal Affairs running a homicide investigation? More importantly, where do you get the stones big enough to mess with a fallen officer's memorial service? - Can you tell me that? - Look, Detective Williams, I understand where you're coming from.
You knew the victim.
Rest assured we're investigating Detective Hanamoa's murder - to the best of our ability.
- Good.
So you got witnesses, suspects, leads? I'm not at liberty to say.
Look, the governor has given us full authority and jurisdiction.
So whatever you do have I know all about your Five-0 task force.
And that you forced yourself onto this case.
But this is an Internal Affairs matter involving an officer suspected of corruption.
We'll handle this What did you say? What? Corruption? - What the hell is the matter with you? - Danny.
You got evidence to back that up? - Off the record? - Yeah, sure, off the record.
Last few months, alarming number of Detective Hanamoa's cases seem to fall apart at the 11th hour.
I'm talking raids getting blown, leads drying up, busts coming up empty.
Okay, stop.
I knew this guy.
All right? He was a good cop.
He was a clean cop.
Believe what you want.
I said too much already.
McGARRETT: We wanna see the case files.
CAGE: They're sealed by court order.
Okay, all right.
Then give us a name, all right? A number.
I'll settle for a haiku.
Just point us in a direction.
- Good day, gentlemen.
- Okay.
You know what? This is why everybody hates Internal Affairs.
Because you are useless.
It's not even worth it.
I'm gonna go talk to some real cops.
Detective Williams, I'm warning you, let us handle this.
Hey, you know what? Meka was his friend.
Then he should recuse himself.
When you know the victim, it clouds your judgment.
Spare your friend some pain.
The more he learns, the worse he's gonna feel.
Trust me.
AMY: I'm so grateful Danny sent help.
What kind of things are you looking for? A cell phone or a laptop.
Anything that your husband might have used for work.
He had his cell phone on him.
That's okay.
We can run his records with that.
What about a computer? Meka's laptop is in the den.
He was on it all the time for work.
- Do you mind? - No, no, go ahead.
I know this is hard, but did Meka have any enemies? Get any threats of any kind? Not that I know of.
He'd been pretty quiet the last month.
Like he gets when he locks onto a case.
But now knowing about this IA thing, I guess he was probably stressed.
He didn't wanna tell us.
Just because IA accused Meka of something doesn't make it true.
Have you dealt with them before? Unfortunately, yeah.
McGARRETT: Is this Meka's desk? Yeah.
Hey, Ahuna, what happened to all of Meka's stuff? IA cleared it out yesterday.
Cage is a vulture.
You know what Meka was working on? No clue.
Sorry, gotta go.
DANNY: "Sorry, gotta go.
" - Know what Meka was working on? - No.
You? You know what Meka was working on? Nobody? What was Meka working on, huh? Twelve years, the guy wears a badge, and you're all looking at me like you don't know who he is? I need someone to help me out here.
- Kaleo, right? - Yeah.
- You work with Meka before? - I'm in the middle of something.
I know, you're in the middle of not answering my question.
You got issues, take it up with IA, because we got a gag order here.
And around here, we follow orders.
Understand? Yeah.
Yeah, I understand.
- What do you got? - Meka's cell records.
Found something odd.
The night before he died, he booked a flight out.
- Where to? - Singapore.
He was flying there next week.
All right, talk to Amy, see if maybe they were going on a family vacation.
I already did.
He only bought one ticket.
Amy had no idea.
Well, see you can recover his e-mails.
See who he was gonna see there, where he was staying.
- Anything.
- Got it.
- What? What are you thinking? - I'm Guy books a flight out of the country the night before he's murdered.
- It just makes me wonder.
- Makes you wonder what? That he knew it was coming.
Okay, can you please just do me a favor? - Don't go there.
- Just level with me.
- You didn't think of that for a second? - No, I didn't, all right? You want to think, think about Kaleo, getting answers from him.
- These questions give me a migraine.
- Take it easy.
Okay, I'm easy.
KALEO: Singapore? No, I never heard Meka mention it.
Why? Thought it might have something to do with an active case.
KALEO: Honestly, I don't know anything about it.
I just know that no one deserves to go out like that.
You hear why Internal Affairs is after him? People talk.
Who knows? Some guys like Ahuna think he was on the take.
Others say he got too close and it got him killed.
Too close to what? Ever hear of the Ochoa Cartel? New up-and-comers in the coke trade, turned the Texas border into a war zone.
Why? You think Ochoa's people are here? All I know for sure, when Ochoas move in on new territory, they don't just hit people.
They like to send a message.
Like roasting a pig at a luau? Tell you what, if this Ochoa thing is for real, it makes complete sense why Cage is putting this whole thing on lockdown.
I mean, a high-profile case like this could boost his career.
What's with the face? - I don't have a face.
- Yes, you do.
You have a face, okay.
I am a detective.
It's what I do.
I read people.
- All right.
- You, my friend, have a face.
I wanna ask you something, but I know it's gonna piss you off.
- Would you not be so judgmental? - I'm not.
You treat me like I can't think objectively.
- I can think objectively.
- Really? - Yes, really.
Ask away.
- Okay.
Did you and Meka ever have any issues? Any issue? No, no issues, Oprah.
It's just that Cage said something that's really been bugging me.
- About a leak in the department.
- Okay, he never said that, first of all.
Second, Cage couldn't find a leak if someone took one on his head.
Okay, maybe.
But remember Sang Min, the human trafficker that we took down? No, it doesn't ring a bell.
Yeah, I remember him.
Almost got Kono killed undercover.
Thank you, okay.
Sang Min took a photo of Kono.
He sent it to somebody in H.
who ID'd her as a cop.
- So, what are you implying? - I'm not implying anything.
I'm asking for your objective opinion as a detective.
Is it possible that person could have been Meka? - No, not possible.
- It's not possible? - Zero chance? - What are you doing? - Are you taking Cage's side here? - I'm not, Danny.
I'm just saying maybe it's worth a trip to Halawa Correctional to get Sang Min to tell us who his inside man was.
Sang Min should have told us where Hoffa was.
We grilled the guy for 72 hours.
We offered him plea bargains.
Now he's doing life, he's gonna answer the same question? Are we gonna say "pretty please"? It's not worth a trip to find out? Our job is to go after the suspect, not the victim.
Not the previously convicted, the suspect.
He deals drugs and he's dangerous.
That's what I'm gonna focus on, okay? I'm so glad you're not a hothead.
I would hate to work with someone like that.
Your detective friend Kaleo wasn't kidding.
The Ochoa Cartel doesn't fool around.
This is a car bomb that exploded on the steps of a courthouse in Juarez.
This is a cop burned in a roll of rubber tires at Oaxaca.
And these federales, they were the first to be found with their badges in their mouths.
Just like Meka.
Did you get anything off Meka's laptop from the house? The hard drive was wiped clean.
I'm running a sweep on it for deleted files.
According to the DEA, one of the family's top lieutenants, a guy by the name of Emilio Ochoa, is the one responsible for the hits.
- So if he's here - I want him.
- Question is how do we get to him? McGARRETT: Through his product.
We find Ochoa's distributor on this island.
If we're looking for a new player on the coke market, you know who we gotta see.
How's it, Chin? Good to see you.
My two favorite overdressed white boys.
How's it, brothers? - Oh, bro, this cart is the kind.
- It's the future kind.
It's what the tycoon's refer to as a franchise.
No more brick, no more mortar.
That's old-school.
We were wondering if you had a line on a different kind of distribution franchise coming into Oahu.
We're not talking about shaved ice.
More like snow.
DANNY: Okay, let me guess.
Let's have three snow cones and a couple oversized T-shirts.
How about that? Help you with your franchise.
It's not about the funds, bro.
This is dangerous territory we're treading into.
- Brother could get hurt.
- Somebody already did get hurt.
He was a friend of mine.
Understand? Hey, how about a little kokua, bro? We could sure use the name of the new connect in town.
You guys like modern art? So this is the apocalypse of Eden through the eyes of a misanthropic d - Deity or "deity"? - Whatever.
DANNY: It's appropriately named.
Grace used to do stuff like this when she was in kindergarten.
Maybe she's got a future in art.
Yeah, I was hoping she'd move past finger-painting onto bigger and better things.
Twenty-five thousand for this? No way.
This is a Clifton Bowles original.
Oh, you don't believe me? Bing it.
I will.
Who knew you were such an art connoisseur? Remember, the best front operation is one that actually does legit business.
Think I just spotted our gatekeeper.
We just gotta get her to show us the guy behind the curtain.
Looks like we need a magic card.
Hey, D.
- Check it out.
- All right.
Oh, hey, man, watch where you're going.
- You almost spilled my drink.
- Sorry, buddy.
You all right? Sorry.
WOMAN 1: There you are.
WOMAN 2: Hi.
Nice timing.
WOMAN 3: Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Like what you see? - Yeah, it's hard not to.
- This one is very conceptual.
- Are you interested in this piece? My friend and I are in the high-volume resale business.
MAN: Know where your toes are? Good.
Look what she's doing.
That's your knee.
Yeah! Oh, sorry.
Okay, where is it? Come on.
Yes! - One moment.
- Sure.
BASTILLE: Hold it right You Give it to me.
Get down.
So, uh, just a question.
If things go bad, which one of these guys do you want? - I'll take the ugly one.
- Oh, that's good.
They're both ugly.
BASTILLE: All right, good.
Okay, get out.
Get out, get out.
- What? BASTILLE: Out, out, out.
Hey, gentlemen.
Shall we have a little chat? DANNY: Yes, we'd love that.
But maybe in private would be better.
Get out! Get out of here! Bye-bye.
Now we're having fun.
We're just having a good old time.
I don't know who you are.
I've never seen you before.
- We just came in from out of town.
And would this be the first piece you are purchasing from us? Yeah, here.
And by "piece," you mean a key, right? I mean, for those of us not into art.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about, um, at all.
In case you wanna by a piece, it's simple.
Here's how it works.
Seventy-five percent down, No problem at all.
But we would prefer to pay Ochoa directly.
He's in town, right? You guys need to get out of here right now.
Right now.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Did we say something wrong? No, I just don't like you.
- Freeze.
- Hands up.
- Put the gun down, get on your knees.
DANNY: Good? McGARRETT: No problem.
KONO: Lie down.
CHIN HO: On the ground, please.
See that? Where is Ochoa? I'm not saying a word.
Not one single word.
You wanna do it the hard way, should've just said so.
Just for the record, if I pulled something like this, you'd read me the riot act about proper police procedure.
No, I'd probably just arrest you.
When compared to this, hanging a guy off a roof and throwing a guy in a shark cage is pretty tame.
No, I disagree.
The shark cage was way worse than this.
Well, whatever.
You're wrong.
I'm just saying to be clear, next time, I get a free pass.
Okay? McGARRETT: How you feeling? Did the ride kick-start your memory at all? You're insane.
Where is Ochoa? I can't I can't.
All right.
It's fine.
Let's take him around again.
- Hell, no.
- You know what? Let's loosen these a little bit.
He'll slide more.
- Good idea.
DANNY: We got a full tank of gas.
- We could do this all night.
- Wait, wait.
No, no! There's a shipment coming in tomorrow.
Ochoa is meeting me at Waialua at the old coffee plantation.
Okay, how is Ochoa smuggling cocaine on shore without getting busted? He has a man inside H.
Tells him every single move the cops make.
- Who is it? - I have no idea.
I do not know.
He's the only one that knows.
Ochoa is the only one that knows.
I swear.
- Sure about that? - Absolutely sure.
I swear.
CHIN HO: You guys get Bastille to talk? Uh, yeah.
Danny gave him a little nudge.
All right, according to our middleman, Ochoa is bringing in a big shipment - tomorrow night.
- We'll be there when it happens.
On Meka's computer, anything about who he would see in Singapore? No.
But in his deleted Internet history, there's a cloud site he visited frequently.
- You tapped into the offsite server? - Oh, yeah.
Wire transfers.
Six-figure transactions from an Ochoa shell corporation in Mexico to an encrypted account in Singapore.
That explains why he was gonna go there next week.
- Why? I don't get it.
- Singapore is like the new Switzerland.
It's one of the few places post 9/11 that didn't change its banking confidentiality laws.
So they can actually hide the account holder's ID, - even from the authorities.
- Okay, so Meka was on a money trail.
He's going there, lean on the bank, try to find out the account holder is.
Yeah, or Meka was the account holder and he was looking to run.
Yeah, or that.
I know you like to remind me I'm not a cop - You're not.
- Whatever.
But I know enough to realize that where there's smoke "Where there's smoke"? Should we write that on the wall? "Where there's smoke"? "Your Honor, he's guilty.
Why? There's smoke.
" Busts gone bad, wire transfers, hidden accounts, a ticket to Singapore his wife didn't know anything about.
- I mean, Danny, I'm just saying.
- Meka is taking money from Ochoa.
And then he just decides to leave the country.
Why? Maybe because IA was closing in on him.
Ochoa couldn't afford Meka getting caught and talking, so he had him killed.
And this is based on what, an IA witch hunt? You know what? I'm done.
How about that? If my word is not good enough for you, then I do not know what I'm doing here.
CHIN HO: Hey, JJ, set me up.
And one more for my buddy here.
Good timing.
His old man was the same way, you know.
They got this laser focus embedded in their DNA.
That's why it's good sometimes to remind them their way isn't the only one that works.
Right now somewhere, Steve just twitched.
He'll come around.
Thank you.
Thank you.
By the way, I really admire what you're doing for Meka.
Well, it's the same thing anybody would do.
I wish that were true, bro.
Would've saved me a lot of grief.
Truth is when a bully like Cage goes on the attack, most guys back down.
They get so quiet, you'd think their mouths were glued shut.
Yeah, well, it makes me sick no one stuck up for you.
Cage comes hard, bro.
He was convinced I was on the take, so he convinced everyone else of it too.
The lengths he went to to try and expose me.
You know, he tapped my phones.
He went through my garbage.
Talked to my lieutenants, my old partner.
He kept digging and digging until he could find any weakness, anything he could exploit.
Eventually, he put a cloud of guilt so thick over my head, he turned my desk into a ghost town.
The loneliest place on earth is where no one believes you.
All right.
I got your back now, buddy, all right? And I'm in your corner So you tell me what you need.
I need to clear Meka's name.
So I think I gotta listen to McGarrett.
I gotta go see somebody.
You You look horrible, Sang Min.
Been in solitary for 30 days.
What's your excuse? Must be all the sunshine I'm getting on the outside.
So just you? Where is that little hottie surfer girl who set me up? She's busy, but she did ask me to punch you in the mouth for her.
- Still spicy, huh? - Yeah.
You done? Relax.
I can't touch her for at least another 20 years.
I need a name, Sang Min.
How's your family, detective? You have a daughter, right? You see her enough? I will come back for a social visit next week.
But right now, I need that name.
I didn't talk before.
What makes you think I'm gonna start now? Don't say Hey, hey, don't say anything.
Look at this picture.
Just nod.
Nod yes or no.
Is this him? - I'm done here.
- Hold on.
Pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone.
Pick up the phone.
Was Meka Hanamoa the one feeding you inside information? Was he your mole on the inside? Was he your mole in the police department? Why so important to you? Because he was a friend of mine.
All right? And this is what happened to him.
He's got a wife and a young son.
And now they are on their own.
Now, that's gotta hit home for you.
is gonna cut his family off from all the benefits he earned.
They're gonna put them on the street, all because of what they think he did.
So I'm asking you.
Was it him? Look at the photo.
If you want me to risk my safety, detective, then I set the terms of our deal before I tell you anything.
What do you want? Thanks.
Sang Min? He give you anything? - What are you doing here? - I came to ask you a question.
If it's to the prom, I already have a date.
- But I'm flattered.
Thank you.
- That's funny.
Look, man, I know you're pissed.
I'm just trying to figure out if it's because they told you Meka was dirty or because you found he actually was dirty and you didn't know about it.
Okay, listen to me.
This is not an ego thing.
Okay? This is about Meka.
He would not move off to Singapore and leave his wife and his kid, you understand? I know that because he was my friend.
He was my partner.
Right, but what is it you cops always say? - "Don't ignore the evidence.
" - Okay.
All right, then let me ask you a question.
Let's say IA accused me of skimming off a drug book.
And they showed you a stack of evidence that suggests that I did it.
Would you believe them? - No, I wouldn't.
- Why not? Exactly.
- Okay.
- Yeah? Okay what? Okay, we can move on, okay.
- We got a location on Ochoa? - Uh-huh.
We gotta take down the plan.
McGARRETT: We appreciate you wanting to help, Detective Kaleo.
The name of the game is stealth.
Okay? Ochoa.
He has a meeting on the books with his middleman Bastille right here.
An old coffee plantation.
We'll make sure the meeting happens as planned.
Except Bastille will have a couple new bodyguards? - Exactly.
CHIN HO: So nobody makes a move until we see the coke and the deal is in play.
We do this by the book or the charges don't stick.
Yeah, no cowboy crap, all right? We need him alive and able to speak.
- What about SWAT or air support? McGARRETT: No.
Ochoa senses any backup, he'll be in the wind.
What the hell do you think you're doing? Hey, sergeant.
It's called police work.
I got a book, explain the whole thing to you.
Word in Narcotics is you're going after Ochoa.
That true? - I'm not at liberty to say.
- Listen to me, detective.
I've been working with the DEA on a RICO case for months.
So if you're going after Ochoa, I'm coming.
Hey, in my office, you listen to me.
DEA? What are you talking about? They approached H.
about a number of blown Narco cases.
Cases specifically involving your friend Meka and Emilio Ochoa.
Then for some reason Meka got himself killed.
We think he got greedy.
You think he was gonna take down Ochoa.
I wanna know which one of us is right.
Don't you? Well, I was just starting to get used to myself.
By the way, just so we're all aware, Ochoa is gonna kill us.
Shut up, you, okay? Or you're surfing the hood again.
This time with no cords.
Preferable to your current plan.
At least I have some chance of surviving.
McGARRETT: Just be cool, okay? Your picking up a shipment isn't out of the ordinary.
- You got it? - All right, listen, Van Gogh.
All you gotta do is get Ochoa to show us the goods and then we will take care of the rest.
You understand? What are you smirking at? Nothing, just The no-tie thing, I like it.
Starting to look like you actually fit in.
Yeah, well, don't get used to it, okay? We want him to talk.
We need him alive.
Yeah, I know.
Don't quote me to me.
Emilio, you're looking sharp as usual.
What is that? Armani or Xeniya or? Whatever it is, it really looks great.
OCHOA: You got what we agreed on? BASTILLE: Yeah.
Of course.
OCHOA: Let's go, then.
Throw the bag over.
Why are you sweating? - Nervous? - No, it's 110 degrees out here.
And I've got thin blood.
And I didn't put deodorant on today.
The heat is just killing me, man.
Yeah, of course.
But business is good? - Oh, yeah.
It's booming.
OCHOA: Booming? - That's excellent.
- Yeah.
- I see you have new men.
- Oh, yeah.
Their names? Christopher and Wallace.
You know, I didn't expect to be meeting new people.
I won't do that again, I guess.
Anyway, it's great to see you and So if we're done here I don't like new people.
You know that.
I can't do this.
Freeze, H.
! KONO: There goes Ochoa.
KALEO: I got him.
What happened, huh? We needed him alive.
What happened? He drew on me.
I had no choice.
I'm sorry, Danny.
Yeah, there's not gonna be a trial.
They said they'd pay for the basic costs of the funeral, but they won't do the whole ceremony.
I know.
I know, me neither.
All right, listen, I'll come by in a couple hours, okay? - Amy.
- Yeah.
I'm not done with this.
I'm not.
I know you're not.
Neither are we, man.
We gotcha.
Coroner report is back.
Ballistics confirmed that the.
45 on Ochoa - was the same gun used to kill Meka.
- And there's something else.
Check out the circular marks around the bullet holes.
- Muzzle burns.
KONO: According to the ME, Kaleo had to be pretty close to leave marks like that.
That's not self-defense.
Looks more like an execution to me.
Why didn't Ochoa shoot if Kaleo was that close to him? Maybe Ochoa didn't feel like Kaleo was a threat because he knew him.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Or it wasn't Ochoa's.
Kaleo planted that gun on Ochoa after he killed him.
Oh, that was mean.
I don't know how the hell it happened.
Ochoa had me dead.
I just was lucky to get the first shot off.
DANNY: Lucky? You know, it takes a lot more than luck to do what you did, to pull off what you pulled off.
I mean, I'm actually impressed.
What are you talking about? Let me ask you a question, because I'm just curious.
With Ochoa dead and this case closed, does it bother you at all that IA still thinks Meka is the mole? I don't wanna believe it, but if they got evidence Evidence.
Funny thing about that.
- What's this? - Records of wire transfers from Ochoa to an account in Singapore.
You see, Meka was on his way to meet authorities there to get them to release the identity of the account holder.
So? What's that got to do with me? Everything, considering the account was yours.
Get the hell out of my face.
The case is over.
We got the guy.
You have been selling out this department for months.
Selling out these guys to anybody willing to pay the price, all right? Meka found out about it.
My friend found out about it, so you shot him.
You shot him and you threw him in a fire pit.
Then you killed Ochoa.
Then you planted the gun on him so it would look like he killed Meka.
And what you did Look at me.
What you did was impressive, because you thought you cleaned everything up.
But you made one mistake, because you're stupid.
That's him.
You killed my friend.
Sit down.
All right, Danny.
I'll give you a minute to talk to them if you want.
I've caused my wife and son enough pain.
But thank you.
For keeping your word.
I found that last night.
The ceremony today and all those people showing up, it was lovely.
It meant everything.
And Meka deserved it.
Thank you.
Come here.
You okay? CAGE: Mrs.
The Honolulu Police Department offers its deepest and sincerest apologies for your loss.
Your husband will be remembered for giving his life in the line of duty and protecting the island of Oahu.
Detective Williams.
Sergeant Cage.
Hey, buddy.
I got something for you.
Hey, your dad was a great, great man.
I want you to remember that always, okay? All right, come on.
I'm glad they came.
Excuse me one second.
- What are you guys doing here? - We came to pay our respects.
- You all right? - Yeah, thank you.
- Hey.
- Thanks.
I appreciate you being here.
I know you didn't know him.
I know you.
Thank you.
Come on.
Hi, nice to meet you.